JOURNAL, ASSbciATID PRESS DAILY, --rrt V--- i -&ZZ WIi. tf. SALEM, OJRKGION, WEDNESDAY, JASTUABY 15, 181)6. .NO. 14 ' Here it is, mama ! ' Krausse Bros. are leaders in their line, and are making some big reduction, arid odds and ends and single pair lots we will follow the crowd and call in at 275 Commercial street. X No Trouble to Show You Through and Give Prices. 2 Hardware, Tinware, Barbed Wire Blacksmith Supplies, Stoves and -Machinery at GRAY Examine our large and complete stock. Always prompt aitd courteous treatment. 4 THE FAIR v Can save you moneypn Underwear 'Vliosieiy, Hboysr clothing, table linen, e overalls, gloves, tinware. Keep your eve on THE FAIR. 274 COMMERCIAL ST JC V COLLEGE OF M051C of the Willamette University. -UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT - Modern method. 'Up to date. Same as In the eastern and Lurnpetn Conseryatosies None but the best is nood enough for beginners m well as for more advanced pupils. b W. C. HA.WLEY. President H. A HERITAGE Vocal Director EMIL L. WINKLER, Instrumental Director. OWLS HOOT St But that cuts no ice with the $15,000 stock of men'tf and boy's clothing and furnishing goods that must-be sold f " f " All-wool, double-breasted, wide velvet collar, extra long, mack intoshes, that are being sold everywhere for $8 and $10, we offer for $6,00 ,; ; We liave cheaper, but ask no more than $10 for suits that you pay from $10 to $20 for at other places. Our stock of boys' clothing is most complete, and no rca sanable offer will be refused. Oome in and see for yourself at the same old place " sit? s- " G, y, JOHNSON & SON, 257 Commercial Street. o W. ?. ALLIN, 1 The Shoe Store they all talk about where you can get just what you want and do not have to pay the two prices, either, as BROS r '. ) STORE! s ry? lVN " " Agent Mortgagee) POLITICAL HAPPENS. The -Supreme Court Judges Will Promulgate; ORDERS TOR LAWYERSi Bank"hnd"lronWorksFailures !RnVnrfiH. f Are Reported. S... Coi.i'MiiOfl, .Iiiii. 15. J. II. Foraker was today fonnnljyelectcd United States senator for Ohio, to sueccod Calvin Bricc. IOWA DEMOOUATfi. Dis Moinks, Iowa, Jan. 15. The Democratic legislative joint caucus today nominated W. L Babb for United States senator. Senator Allison lias no opposition in Die Re publican party. ATT0HNKY8 TO IMIEI'ARB OHDKKS. Washington, Jan. IB. Tho lienr-, lng regarding the receiverships of the Northern Pacllio railroad, which be gan yesterday before Supremo J ustlqcB Field, Harlan, Browcr and Drown, sitting In chambers, was continued today. The Justices asked several at torneys to 'prepare such orders as they might wished to have promulgated, to be submitted to them at a future meeting, which the Justices would hold for consultation. F1KBT PRESIDENTIAL DELEGATES. Philadelphia, Jan. 15. Conven tions were hold by Republicans In five congressional districts In thlsclty today. At each two delegates to the national convention at St. Louis were chosen. Of ten delegates, four men are chosen on nntl-ndmlnlstrn-Hon, or Quay's ticket. The other six arc announced as "comblno"delcgatcs. In this district the Quay followers bolted and held a separate meeting, electing State Senator Elwood nnd Henry Clay, dclegntcs. The case will probably have to be settled In the courts. In thclirstand llfth districts reso lutions twero unanimously adopted, Instructing the delegates to vote for Thomas D. Rocd. NO MARYLAND SENATOR. Annapolis, Jan. 15. First Joint ballot for senator resulted: Republicans-George L. Welling, 28; Charles T. Wcstcott, 10; A. L.Dryden, 8; Philip Goldsborough, 17; James L. Mllllken, 8; Sidney E. Mudd.l; Robert B. Dixon, 1. Democrats Jno. Wattcr Smith, 21; nenry Page, 0. No election. a city hank fails C.i. Minneapolis, Jan. 15 -Tht-Vity bank, n state banking Institution, sus pended payment this morning, pend ing examination. Capital WOO.OOO; deposits, at last statement, December 31, 1895, wcro $523,001. It Is claimed depositors will bo paid in full. IRON WORKS FAIL. CniOAao, Jan. 15. A bill was filed in the superior court today by Charles Pope, John B. Wilson and Freeman Preach, stockholders, asking that a receiver bo appointed for tlio Calumet Iron and Steel company. The plant at South Chicago Is one of the largest in the country. It has a capital stock of $2,200,000. The complaint asserts that the company has a bonded In debtedness of $400,000, a 'floating in debtedness of $280,000, $54,000 being back taxes. The plant is In posses sion of a new corporation under lease, which the court is csked to set aside as fraudulent. Forty-Eight Hours Storm. Portland, Jan. 15. The snow storm which began early this morning is still raging. The snow has now ( reached a depth of four Inches. The street car traffic is greatly hindered, there being a complete stoppage on some suburban lines. Weather bureau predicts storm will continue for forty elgbs hours. VALLEY LOCAL NEWS. NORTH HOWELL. Rt L. Steele will start soon for Yn- quliia where- he rocs to visit a son. .Tolin Johnson and wife spent tho holidays at Portland visiting among friends and with Mrs. Johnson's par cntHjvho live there. Mli Susan Plenard who has been staying at E, W. Bnughman's for somolltmc, will go to her homo near Gcrvflis soon. A"dwclltng is being erected on tho Vatulileavo place. We have not learned who tho occupants will be. Epwprth League has again decided to hol'tl Its meetings at 3:30 p. m. in stead 6f at 0 o'clock, as has been tho case- omnte. Profetsor Myers gave his pupils a spclllpH school last Friday evening niiuilljipu whloljft A nWi as largely attended nber of the nconlc of this place ntend thellterary society which meets life Central Howell on Saturday eveuln The si plaint the residence of Geo. Weeks as largely attended by the young- oplo who enjoyed themselves and conversation until mid- lu glllllQ night. The grunge at tills place met last Saturda3nd Installed onlcers. Tho usual dinner wns spread and enjoyed by the members nnd Invited guests. JH(lgj,Bi3o and others were speakers '. AUMSVILLK. There V?j8 a creamery meeting held at AumsYlllo Monday afternoon and It wnVcfcbfacd there would boa cream ory built ntld would bo ready to bo oporatcd bjUhc 1st of March. Chas. F.,lleln lUiu D. E. Swank are tho principal sjfock holders, There Is going to bo a hard times social at tills place Friday evening. The Indies and gentlemen are to dress in hard tlmcssults. There will bo a prlzo glvcnlo the lady and also to the gcntlcnan who has tho most pov erty sufl of Iclotlies on. Mush and milk mid doughnuts will comprise tho supper, h There wasa social danco given at Mr. Traver's ljomo Tuesday evening. The protracted meetings that wpfo to bo commenced Saturday rilght were postponed until next week on account of tho ill health of Rev. Knnu Our ilrst copy of tho Marlon County Record printed at Aumsvlllo was a bright, nowsy paper, and was highly appreciated by all. O ur school Is In line progress. Prof. Goen as principal, and Miss Aldorson as assistant arc giving entire satis faction. SYNDICATE DEFEATED, The New York Band Speculators Knocked Out. Bonds If Issued Will Bo Sold to tho People. New York, Jan. lf. Members or tho government bond syndicate re ceived In tho mall this morning u circular letter from J.P. Morgan & Co., releasing them from their com mittment to furnish tholr pro rata of $100,000,000 in gold, and a second $100, 000,000 If desirable, taking payment in the four por cent government bonds. Tho reasons given for tho disso lution of tho syndicate are that the syndicate contract called for a bid for "all or nono," and therefore Morgan was unwilling to mnko a bid under the present circumstances as ho might seem to press for consideration by tho secretary of the treasury the throw ing out of smaller bids made in good faith under tho publlocall. Morgan Is satisfied that thore is no quostlon as to tho success of the loans. Sunk In a Pog. Dover, Jan. 15. The England steamship Cosbar, of Barcelona, has been sunk In colllson with the German shin Nerus and 13 of her crew wcro cjrowned. Insane. Two commitments were made to the asylum today, as follews: Mrs. Athena Andreans, aged CO years, MMind attack, of Clifton Oregon. Daniel Davenean, aged 10 years, of Astoria. The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powdw If) THE T RANSVAAL Tho British Government Will Protect Americans, IS DUE TO THE KAISER. How He Is Closing Up the Venezu elan Question. London, Jan. 15 Mr. Wlltz nnd other friends of John Hays Hammond the American mining engineer, a incmper of tho reform committee of Johannesburg, under arrest there on a charge of high treason, called upon the United States embassy today. Wlltz had a long Interview with Unl the States Ambaudor liayard. Tt Is understood dial Wlltz declined the United States was Inadequately rep resented In the Transvaal and urged another appointment. Secretary Olncy's Instructions re garding the request to bo mado to the government of Great Britain topro- vide for tho protection of Americans in the Transvaal, was communicated yesterday to tho secretary of state for the colonics, Joseph Chamberlain, who Immediately said: '"We shall bo very glad to use our good olllees In be hair or the United States." Shortly arterward a brief formal note wns re ceived by Bayard, In which Chambor luln, In most kindly terms, repeated the ithsurauce that Great Britain would do whatever was possible to protect Americans In tho Transvaal. It Is learned that oluclal communi cations have been sent to the United States embassy today Indicating a much better Htate of alTalrs regarding Venezuela. The Belgian government, in .addi tion to tho United States government, has risked Great Britain to watch tho Interests of Its citizens In the Trans vaal. In cousevuenco of theso repre sentations, Colonial Secretary Cham berlain has wired tho governor nt Capo Colony, Sir Hercules Robinson, expressing apprehensions that tho numerous aricsts made will dlsorgau Izotho Rand Industrie, Inquiring what the pslsoncrs are accused, whether ball will bo allowed and what are tho ponnltlcB for tho mis deeds with which they are accused, WHAT WILLIAM IIA8 DONK. London, Jan. 15. Tho Globe says It thinks the pacific complexion of tho Venezuela situation Is duo to Emperor William, adding: "Tho moment tho German sword rattled, Brother Jonathan ceased to linger his revolver. Secretary Olney's appeal regarding tho Transvaal, coming from tho author of the en largement of the Monroe doctrine, Is an olive branch, Nor has reciprocity In friendship been lacking on our side." An editorial In the Times repeats that the only part In tho Venezuelan controversy, upon which England can concede nothing Is the retention of tho bona fide settled districts under British sovereignty. SirGcorgo Baden-Powell, who was tho British member of tho Behrlng sea Joint commission, writes to tho Times suggesting that Great Britain follow the successful Behrlng sea precedent and Invite Venezuela to appoint two representatives to meet two British representatives and form a joint commission. Sir John Lubbock presided at a meeting In London yesterday, which passed resolutions In favor of a per mancnt arbitration court, Tho meet Ing appointed a committee on the proposed movement, including tho Bishop of Durham, Canon Wllbcrforce Cardinal Vaughn, Dean Farrar, Lady Henry Somerset and others. Civil Suit. Tho civil suit of Kelt- lluger vs. Chas. Smith, was taken i under advisement by Judge Edcs. WITHOUT prejudice. TheOrcgoiilanpubllsheslonglettcrs Col. Alley IuhToI given up hls'from "l""l'cCorbcttdenyingtlmt home In Lane county, though ho has ho ,uul 'liart or l,,tc1 l" "" no doubt determined on a rotnovnl I 0 'x'1 " paaa by Jo. Slmoti from Florence, tho fcinale-mayor town. Col. Alley Is a lighter and a stayer and cannot be eliminated from politics. Tho way ho led tho roll-call In the last, legislature in the ant I Dolph campaign endeared tho oUll0' "(ll"l railroad that uses man to the people of this district not a little and they would hatotolcsoi hltn. There Is some talk or Col. Alley locating at Baker City. Wc hope ho can get hold of a paper In one or the larger towns or Western Oregon. In the principal Salem market dressed hogs arc hoisted up out of tho farmer's wagons and then mounted on a single-track railroad when they disappear In the meat market and arc hidden out of sight. "That's the way," said an old farmer, watching tho porkers as they wcro elevated nnd slid away, "we elevate a man Into public prominence. Ho gets a pass over the railroad and that's tho last wo hear or seo of him as a reformer." The optimist has a hard tlmo now-a-days trying to maka farmers look chcorful. Ono or these was congratu lating a Waldo hills farmer on his abundant crops. But there wub no good market, tho farmor replied. But you have plenty to cat, said the optimist. That's true said tho far mer. "Wo mod to eat what wc couldn't sell, but now wo have to eat the whole cheese." Tho optimist took a slldo towards the other end of town and has not been seen since on tho market place. Tho Eugcno State Journal, Janunry 11, entered on Its 33d volume, and Is tho oldest Republican nowspapcrln Oregon. It is edited with ns much freshness, ability and vigor as any of tho youngor papers of tho state. Mr. Klncald has been prosperous without selling out his principles or his party to any mercenary clement. For one third of a century Its editor has con scientiously hammered away In tho interest of good government and for tho development or Oregon. Ho has rormed no alliances with tho corpora tions or tho capitalists, as against tho public, but alike enjoys tho respect or all. Wo aro glad to seo such a man In his mature years filling an Important olllco, llko secretary or state. It Is said ex-Senator Dolph Is quite unbending, nnd growing Jovial and disposed to bo "ono or tho boys," or late. Tho country politicians who visit Portland meet him about tho hotels nnd clubs. Ho shakes hands with all kinds and conditions or men. At a club dinner tho other night ho was even heard to tell a runny story that was a shade oh color, which quite took tho breath away from some of his hearers, Old frosty with tho stiver lcard and Icclwrg manners has disappeared, and Dolph Is developing into a sunny, genial, handshaking, hall fellow, well-mot. Well, It's time. A man is never too late to learn, It Is told by a man who knows, or ought to know, that tho Eugene Reg ister is owned by the Camplell brothers, who run tho Guard. Somo will ask: how much money have the Campbells got, to be able to own and run two dally newspapers In ono town? They pay no Income tax, but are as saucoy and Independent nscan bo In tho conduct or tho Guard, which Is Democratic, while tho Register Is Renubllcan. They will bo as bad and unprincipled newspaper monopolists as Harvey Scott, ir thoy don't look out. Highest of all to Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov''. Report RoYal iS5e3 ABMLUTOE Mlllil .In I .r.firv In i lin lnat ... ...... ..w. & ilH 1U.1V 111.11.111111', with which the Morrison street bridge and Stark street ferry wire bought, But Mr. Corbett admits that ho owns 100,000 stock In the that bridge, and furthermore that tho City andSubnrban Railroad com pany owned tho bridge, which was sold to the city ror 9150,00 nnd a leng tlmo franchise granted the railway company, while tho Stark street ferry was obligingly sold on for old Junk, Or course, he now condemns poor Jo. Long for passing the bridge bond bill. But poor Jo. Long was only an attor ney undor Simon for tho O. R. & K and doing his dirty vuirkln the house. It should l)e remembered In all tills kettle of fish, that about tho time this bridge bill was up Mr. Corbett gave his big dinner at the Portland. The funny thing about It all is that Har vey Scott, H. W. Corlwtt and Jo. Simon Imagine theynrohonc9lcr than other men and saints of roHtlcnl purity. THE DOND HABIT. Let's have a law authorizing bonds for pormanent roads by tho next legis lature. If, later, It Is deemed ex pedient ror the state to contribute a share or tho cost or such roade, In order to help tho poorer and n.oro sparsely settled districts, this may bo provided ror by succeeding legisla tures. Tho country ought to swear olf on the bond habit before tho year Is much older. The second paragraph Is a good roply to tho first. Both aro from tl.o Salem Statcsmnn a few days apart. Wo don't want good roads bacly enough to bond the counties, or t! e stato or tho nation. Good roads pry ror thomsolvcs every year. Thoyccn not be loft for future genentlonH to pay for. EXTRA SESSION TALK. Some Good Men aro in Favor of Calling the Legislature. Orcgonlan, Tun. 15, Tho extra-session talk has elicited many uncomplimentary rcmarksabout tho legislature as now constituted. Ono man said teday: "I would not havo any confidence In the present legislature cutting down expenses In any way If cycry member would sign a written guarantee." Another busi ness man, well known among poli ticians, said: "Certainly wo need such relief as could bo given by tin oxtra session of tho legislature, but what can wo expect. Look at tho equalization board that has Just adjourned. Tho members or that board aro about as good as tho mem bers of tho legislature, and thoy havo not only Just bled tho state ror 310 per day each ror 30 days, and mileage, but they hnd tho brazen oirrontry to employ clerks nnd vote them 910 per day each, and a page M per day. Tho clerks employed cannot earn over $3, nnd tho em ployment or a page was simply n donation. Anil even tho reporter lushed to give tho nctunl expenses or that board. Secrotary Coalldgo really received $1 10. I Iwllevo Coolldgo is In session yet." Representative Craig, rrom tho Waldo Hills, docs not feel it Incum bent upon him to defend tho last session of tho legislature, nnd believes much good might bo done by an extra session. Before a cull is made, ho suggests that correspondence bo opened with tho members and a call mado only upon pledges rrom each member. Mr. Craig was ono of tho irost faithful and conscientious monibcrt of the legislature and thoro is no doubt but that 11 majority of tho lower houso would keep any pledges thoy mado, oven at an extra session. Mr. Craig has somo respect for tho representative principle and n feeling of responsibility to tho people. Ed. J. Baking Powder VI J, 1 "3: