Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 14, 1896, Image 1

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" frtjn i.i
r L. 'J.
No. II
i i
- "nlWl'"rwJ "TF"
All Ladies' and Gentlemen's
Winter Weight Woolen Underwear
Reduced to close out these lines at
Come and buy now while you can get
them at extremely low prices
3C No Trouble to Show You Through and Give Prices, TC
Hardware, Tinware, Barbed Wire
Blacksmith Supplies, Stoves and Machinery at
Examine our large and complete stock. Always prompt and
courteous treatment.
Can save vou monev on Underwear, .
m hosiery, boys' clothing, table linen, r
overalls, gloves, tinware. Keep your
eve on THE FAIR,
of the Willamette University.
Modern m thodi. lUptodate. Fame m In the eastern and European Conwrvatones
None but ihc best is cood enough fcr beginners an well as for more advanced pupils,
W. C. HAWLEV. President
K. A. HERITAGE. Vocal Director
EMIL L. WINKLER, Innrumental Director.
But that cuts no ice with the $15,000 stock of
men's and boy's clotliing and furnishing goods
that must be sold
" " " " s" ms
All-wool, doublebreasted, wide velvet collar, extra long, made
intoshes, that are being sold everywhere
for $8 and 510, we offer for
s s s 4f s
We have cheaper, but ask no more than $10 for suits that
you pay from $10 to $20 for at other places.
Our stock of boys' clothing is most complete, and no rea'
sanable offer will be refused,
Oome in and see for yourself at the same old place
f f M"
257 Commercial Street.
S S- t'
Agent Mortgagee.
Oregon PoliticansrAre On the
Anxious Seat.
Some Opinions On the Matter Pro
and Con.
Talk or tin extra sj'Ioii of tile leg
islature continues to 1111 the nlr. A
great fluttering was caused by the
disclosure of Senator Bancroft's mis
sion In 'I'm: Jouhnal.
His visit to Salem was significant
of a proal deal more than Ills personal
view, The senator is known as the
flilus 'achates" of the old Portland
ring, that feels the ground slipping
from under Its feet and fears to fnce
tho people again on Its record of last
winter. Jt knows If it remains in re
tirement on that record until tho peo
ple call It forth, It will never emerge
from retirement.
A bevy of state politicians assem
bled at Hotel Willamette laBt night,
In which were found Governor Lord
and other state olllclals. From what
Portland men said there Is n quarrel
among tho lenders there. Jo. Simon
was said to be in favor of a spcclnl
session, not of his own accord, but be
cause his backers arc squeezing him
hard. Senator Denny was present
but had nothing to say. The life of
the Republican party was discussed,
aimqnoinqn.pf prominence declared
It was not a party question, but a ques
tion of life and death with the people
themselves. The governor said to
thoso present that if ho could get pos
itive assurances of reforms he might
call them together. Hut It was a.
qu.'stlon If any roform was possible
Is rcllected by Walter Lyon In today's
"Talk of an extra session of tho leg
islature has been rife here today. The
breczo was started by Senator Han
croft, of Portland. During his short
stay, tho senator has been advocating
the desirability of an extra session.
Ho called upon Governor Lord and
oppressed his views but made no
formal request, Tho governor Inti
mated tonight that he is not seriously
considering an extra session. Ho said
however, that tho railroad commis
sion might be abolished and some
school and other extra appropriations
might bo repealed for rcllof of tho
taxpayers, but no definite object
hud been presented, nor would ho call
an extra session without the nssur
unco that something would be ac
complished. Senator Patterson Is
reticent, but admits that tho state,
county anil municipal governmental
expenses must como to a hard-times
bisls. Senator Gesner does not con
sider an extra session advisable. Ex
Speaker Moorcs thinks nothing could
be accomplished by an extra seslon.
In connection with tho extra session
talk, distrust generally in the last
legislature Is expressed."
"In several quarters of tho state
there Is discussion of tho propriety of
an extra session of the legislature, to
take measures for retrenchment In
state, county and city affairs; and we
learn, Incidentally, that the attention
of the governor has been called to tho
Importance of such extra session, and
that ho Is giving the subject his con
sideratlon. By the constltutlon,overy
extra session Is limited to twenty
days, and the whole expense would
hardly exceed $10,000. The saving
'.it might effect would many times ex
ceed this sum. Nor would the having
be all. Such extra besslon would give
The a S. Gov't Report
show Royal Baking Pw4
Kc mut. mil ikf$ s
opportunity to do many Important
vitiligo, iilu iiyiii niu i:wiiii.mii;ii.iuu in
a senatorial election. Again, tho re
forms proposed might be mad? to take
effect on tho'llrst of July next; where
as, if we wAitt till tho next regular
session, they will probably bo post
poned for tVa years more if indeed
there-shouliTbo any success hi getting
the acts through tho legislature at a
session wljoso proceedings were
hampered by the election of a senator.
On the wholc'f the Oregonlan Is ills.
tlllnnu f.win Iwtbtv .tn ! It . , l...n t '
posed to tliluk favorably of tho pro
posal to call; on extra session. Re
trenchment In various ways could be
provided. fogi to take elTcct at. the
middle of t?j present year, and to
this there wffild be no proper ground
of objcctionfplnci' there Is a general
change In local oillces In most places
at that time!''
Leaves England for a Tour of
the World,
Moans This Great British
Naval Parade.
.Poutsmouth, Jan. 14; The llrst
class battleship Revenge, tho flagship
of the flying squadron, carrying 732
olllcers and men, rear admiral Alfred
T. Dale In command; the first-class
battleship Royal Oak, 712 olllcers and
men; the first-class cruiser Gibraltar,
'514 olllcers and men, and the torpedo-
catchers, Handy, Harlan and Havoc,
each carrying CO men, were commis
sioned this morning' Reserves are
under orders to bo ready to lcavo the
harbor as soon as possible and will
wait the arrival of tho other portion
of tho flying squadron from Chatham
and Davenport consisting of the first
class cruiser, Thcsus; the second-class
cruiser Charybdls and Hermolne; nnd
thrco first-lass tropedo catchors,carry-
Ing over 2000 officers and men. The
officers and men huvo all prepared for
a long absence from England, and In
some quarters It Is believed a tour of
the world Is contemplated.
Brown to be Tried.
San Francisco, Jan. Tho Hay as
sociation of Congregational ministers
having Jurisdiction over all tho
churches of that denomination In
this vicinity, have decided to investi
gate tho charges against Row C. O.
Urown, pastor of tho First Congrega
tional church of this city, for alleged
Immorality with Miss Mattlo Over
man. Tho association held Its quar
terly meeting today, and after a long
session behind closed doors decided
that sonic cognizance must bo taken
of the scandal with which tho name
of Dr. Brown is associated. Th.co
ministers were named a committee of
investigation, as follews: Rev. W. D.
Williams, Row W. 0. Pond, and Rev.
II. II. Wlkoff. They aro pastors of
Congregational churches In San Fran
cisco. Steamer Collides.
Boston, Jan. 14. Tho Gloucester
fishing schooner Fortuna sunk in a
colllson with the Boston fruit com
pany's steamer Barnstable, off High
land light last night. Nino of the
Fortuna'a crew wero drowned, vrhilo
fourteen wero saved.
Qermany Don't Apologize
Berlin, Jan. 14. The North Ger
man Gazette declares that no commu
nication on the Transvaal question,
of an apologetic character has been
sent to London from any authorit
ative source in Germany.
Children Cry for
Pftohtr'9 Cattorla.
Morgan, of Alabama, Roasts
Who Is Rapidly Going Into
Wasiiinuton, Jan. 14. The vice
president yesterday laid before tho
senate a letter from tho secretary of
tho treasury, In reply to a resolution
of Inquiry presented by Peffer, as to
whether $100,000,000 in gold had at
any time been set apart from the
other funds. The secretary states
that this has never been dono, there
being no provision of law authoriz
ing It.
Mitchell of Oregon has passed a bill
allowing settlers on forfeited railroad
grants to hold land by fencing and
Improving it, and making actual resi
dence unncssary.
' AU6ti' proceeded to say that the
Democratic senators were divided on
finance, on the tariff and on the In
come tax. "Seventeen senators now
sitting on tho Democratic side ought
to bo sitting on the other side," said
Hill Jocularly responded that the
Nebraska senator "scattered worso
than an old shotgun." Ho pointed
out that if theso gentleman (Allen and
Butler) wanted an Income tax thoy
ought to proceed to haveono; let them
Introduce a bill. He closed with a
glowing trlbuto to tho "grand old
democratic party."
At 2 o'clock the personal contro
versy closed, and Morgan took tho
floor on tho sliver bond bill. He re
ferred to the Intrigues before national
conventions and "the wind shaken
platforms" of theso bodies. In his
Judgment tho emergency tariff oud
bond bills wero constructed merely as
a part of tho platform to bo laid be
fore a national convention next sum
mer, and not with any purpose to en
act them as laws. Ho criticised tho
financial courso of Sherman, while the
latter sat across tho aisle, giving close
attention to tho remarks. Ho refer
red to Sherman as the "Napoleon of
finance," but this Napoleon was rap
Idly Hearing his Waterloo and his ex
lie to St. Helena.
Ho enumerated In detail the finan
cial burdens which the legislation
urged by tho Ohio senator, had Im
posed on the people.
"The senator from Ohio Is the au
thor of live new measures of finance,
that have given the people and tho
government more trouble In handling
tho little remnant of MtM.OOO.OOO of
greenbacks than It did to pay $12,000,
000,000 of annual expenditures for tho
support of the government, and moro
than $3,000,000,000 of principal and
interest of tho national debt.
"These measures qro tno demonetiz
ing of silver In 1873; tho sequestration
of tho gold reserve In the treasury in'
1878; the power given the secretary of
tho treasury in 1890 to preserve tho
parity between the metals; the power
to sell bonds at private sale, and tho
power to enablo private persons by
contract tx dispense with tho legal
tender laws In their transactions."
Morgan spoko of tho admission of
tho rich Jews Baron Rothschild and
and Lord Bcaconsfleld to tho nobility
of England. It was tho tendency tho
world over toward feudalism. That
system existed today as much us In
years gone by, concentrating all power
and wealth In tho hands of tho feudal
gold barons.
Tho senator urged a declaration of
congress In lino with a resolution
offerred by Stanley Matthews, that
tho bonds should bo paid In the money
with which they were bought. Ho
suggested also that a 10 per cent re
bate on customs duties to countries
coining gold and silver on equal terms
would make Now York, instead of
Loudon, tho clearing-house of the
Morgan sjwko for two hours, and
then, at 4 o'clock, senate adjourned.
Miners In the Snow.
Portland, Jan.14. Two men named
Kaiser and ICclly,from Dundee, Yam
hill coouty, have Just come out of the
mountains twcnty-llvo miles southeast
of Wllholt springs, near tho Red Rock
country, after a thrilling oxperlonco
In their efforts to get out of tho snow.
Thoy had been In tho mines, but tho
snow threatened to Iktouio so deep as
to shut off their exit, so they started
out. An old miner know as "Deafy"
started with them but thoy lost him
In n storm and they believe he has
perished. After html strugglo through
deep snow they reached a settlement
In safety. "Deafy" has relatives In
Salem, who haye been not Hied.
Harris Kstcs Is the name of tho
man supposed to bo lost, and his
mother lives In North Salem, i). A.
White, for whom he has located n
claim, thinks there Is no danger, as
Estes Is a man of great experience as
well us vitality, and thinks ho will
come out all right. Eu.
Insurgents Aro Destroying
Property Everywhere.
Big Battle at Benjucal Now In
Havana, Jan. 14. At noon today
continued artillery llrlng was heard
south of Rluooii, not far from Bcjucal.
Tho town was attacked by tho In
surgents yesterday, but thoy wore
forced to retreat after a battle last
ing, It Is claimed tlvo hours, but, It Is
admitted, the Insurgents plundered
tho stores In tho outlying streots of
Bojtical, burning houses, and des
troyed tho railroad depot. Previously
thoy had burned tho town of Salud,
and partly destroyed Qulvlcan. They
burned freight trains, oud destroyed
everything as they pushed northwnrd
toward Havana. This forco of Insur
gents Is tho one supposed to bo com
manded by Gomez, although It has
been insisted that he Is still In tno
province of Plnar del Rio, and was In
conflict with the Spanish troops com
manded by General Lluarcz. It Is
believed that an Important engage
ment Is takrng place.
Pendleton Postofficc Robbed.
PKNULETON.Jan. 14. Sheriff Housor
has arrested F. S. Wood, suspected of
commltlngabold robbery ofthopost
ofllcc last evening. Wood camo hero
lees than a week ago claiming ho was
an attorney from Wolser, Idaho, who
had been unfortunuto and lost money
and needed assistance to get to
Astoria, where ho had money duo
him. The olllccrfl searched his room,
found somo new clothing thought to
have been stolen. Wood loft us the
room was Iwlng searched, ran down
the back stairs of tho hotel and
escaped over the fence, but was soon
In custody. Ho is the only man found
to answer tho description of tho rol
bor given by Postmaster Johnson.
Tills morning the postmaster says tho
amount taken by the roblwr Is over
Elevator Collapses.
Minneapolis, Jan. 14 Tho 100,
000 bushel elevator of the Minnesota
Linseed Oil Company, at Tenth street
collapsed this morning.
Somo 80,000 bushclH of flax seed
stored In tho elevator were poured out
onto the ground.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Suprome Judges As Railroad
Foraker Chosen in Ohio-NoCholct
in Maryland.
Wahiiinqton. Jan. 14. --Associate
Justice Field, Hrtrlem, Ilrown ami
Brewer, of the supreme court, today
In chambers, gave a hearing to attor
neys Interested In having the receiv
erships of the Northern Pacific rail
road consolidated.
CoLUMtius, O., Jan. 14. J. B. For
aker, tcday, In the sennte, received
20 votes for United States senator;
Brlcc'O; George Agroot (Pop. , 1. In
the house the voto stoed: Foraker,
87; BrlCc, 21; John II. Thomas, 1; Mr.
Gage, 1; Judge Blandon, of Cleveland,
1. All of them, except Foraker, aro
Democrats. Foraker received the full
Republican vote. Tho two houses will
Toto In Joint session tomorrow.
Annai'olih, Jan. 14. The first bal
lot for United States senator waans
follews: House Wellington, 22;
Wcstacott, lQjGoldsborough, 11; Milll
ken, 7; Drydcn, 7; Mudd, 1; Tcrbet, 1;
Smith, (dem.) 12; Henry, (dcin.) 8.
Senate Smith, (dem.) 0; Honry,(dem),
0; Wellington, .1; Goldsborough, 3;
Wcstacott, 2; Drydcn, 2; Robert B.
Dlxson, 1.
The Portland politicians show signs
of roiKjntance In their efforts to have
the governor call an extra session of
tho legislature. Their anxiety to
Improvo their political standing
causes them to cast about and con
sider their spiritual welfare.
Tho stato Is now out of funds and
all but vory small warrants aro being
stamped. The printing fund Is ex
hausted, as It was moro than half
used up last year. A great many of
the Items of the appropriation fund
now to bo levied for aro already paid
out of tho treasury. Thoso who got
most of these grabsarc talking loudest
about a special session.
. Who are the men on the mourner's
bench ? The Portland senators whe
promised tho people reforms and thca
forgot their promises.
They now seek a chance to Improve
their futuro welfare They all want
to como back to Salem and play re
formers. Tho governor should never
give them tho chance.
A Strike and Fighting.
Olkvkland, Jan. 14. A special
from Crown Point, Intl., says 400 meu
employed by Armour & Co. cutting
Ice, struck today. Several big light
occurred. Several men wero fatally
Injured. Sheriff Hays has sworn in
25 deputies, nrmced with Winchesters
to go to the lake, and has Instructed
the men to shoot to kill If necessary.
Tho Pacific Christian Advocate says,
that a son of John Brown lives in Ha
lorn, where ho has a llttlo butcher
shop In tho eastern part of the city.
Ho i8 60 years old, and camo to Ore
gon In 18C0. Ho was with his fathur
in Kansas in 1855.
The citizens of Silver Lake, In Lake
connty, iproposo, by means of a sys
tem of canals and ditches, to take tho
waters of Silver Lake on tho desert,
and thonco to Chrlsman lako, Fort
Rock and Hole In tho Ground.