Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 13, 1896, Image 1

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    " wy T&wn"'
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VOL. 8.
-.-.. i- .. ., . ir- A- .try. ... " . -r .'i . - ,mr. r .. t m t
NO. 12
ivt rin
$!$ ... ,.
' Here if is, mama ! '
The Shoe Store they
all talk about, where
May Be an Extra Session of
the Legislature
you want and do not
have to pay the two
prices, either, as
And to Reduce State and County
are leaders in their line, and are making
some big reductions, and odds and ends and
single pair lots we will follow the crowd
and call in at 275 Commercial street,
i i n
no M
Road Machinery and Agricultural Implements.
Latest Improved GooJn anil Iwest Prices,
BNW Corner Stale nnd Liberty street, : : : : SALEM. CR
fr caw trrn -mreir r-e T IciJXXra
R hosiery, boys' clothing, table linen, M
overalls, gloves, tinware, Keep your
eve on THE FAIR,
of the Willamette University.
Modern methods. JUptodate. Same as in the eastern and European Conservatories
f one but the best is good enough for beginners an well as for more advanced pupils,
w. u. UAWL.&Y. iTeswent
R. A HfclUTAGE Vocal Director
EMIL L. WINKLER, Instrumental Director,
But that cuts no ice with the $15,000 stock of
men's and boy's clothing and furnishing goods
that must be sold S " "'
Vl s " S 1"
slWool, doublobreasted, wide velvet collar, extra longi mack
mtoshes, that are being sold everywhere
for $8 and $10, we offer for ;
" A" f M
WWWWiiu v
We have cheaper, but ask no more than $10 for suits that
lyou pay from $10 to $20 for at other places.
l Our stock of boys' clothing is most complete, and . no rea
fonable otter will be refused,
Oome in and see for yourself at the same old place..
1 ir r i.
S S- M-
a w, johnson t ion
257 Commercial Street,
is, y-f , ,
Agent Mortgagee,
Senator Bancroft, of Portland, ar
rived hi the city Saturday with Sena
tor .rattcrson and Governor Lord.
His mssslon was to talk up an extra
session of the legislature.
From conversations he had with
leading Republicans In this city It is
evident that the Portland politicians
arc getting scared and want to reduce
appropriations nnd pass salary re
form bills to cut down state, and
county ofllclals, as was promised In
the last state and county platforms,
nnd to enable the state nnd county
boards to levy lower rates of taxes.
The ground that was lost by tho bad
record of tho last legislature thov
think could be recoycred In a short
extra session where tho main meas
ures of heroic reform only would be
Scnntor Bancroft Is the trusted rep
representative of .tho -old Portland
machine. Ho was it member of the
ipproprlatlon commlttc last winter,
md wanted them to cut off the nor
mal schools, orphans' homes and
lomes for fallen women. But on
other subjects of retrenchment like
tho railroad commission, state boards,
and commissions generally tho senate
generally was indifferent. Thc-scnate
also run wild and unchecked on olcrk
hlps, special Joint committees and
ipproprlntlons for the senators thorn
wives. Senator Bancroft returned to
Portland this morning.
RAW tuk ortrt
Sonntor Bancroft called on tho gov
)rnor and urged a special session. Ho
thought It would cost but a fewthous-
tnd dollars anil would cut oil over a
uindrcd thousand dollars expenses,
tnd effect a reduction of two mills In
tho state tax levy. Governor Moody's
jxtra session cost about $15,000. Sen
itor Bancroft proposes at tho extra
session to repeal big appropriations,
nit smaller ones, ilx the salaries of
itnto and county olhoials on n lower
wale, and cut tho Portland city of
Iccsdowna great deal. Ho figures
Amt In tho whole stnto a reduction of
i million dollars for tno noxt two
years could bo effected. Senator Daw
son, of Linn county, was In the city
and it Is reported had a conference
.vlth Bancroft.
Senator Patterson nor Govornor
Lord made tho visiting senators any
promises to favor a special session.
is opposed to, and rcluctnnt about
calling an extra session of tho legisla
ture, but admits that a number of
largo tax payers ljavo spoken to him
in favor of a session to emphasize tho
needs of greriter economy In the state
government. Bancroft made qui to
an impression on the governor, ns ho
has known him for n long time and Is
on tho wnrmest terms of friendship
with him. lie Is one of the Califor
nia Bancroft family and a man of abil
ity. Intho now stato constitutions
governors aro authorized to strike out
any Itom that they sees fit to veto.
Tho governor recommended economy
and retrenchment in tho appropria
tions in his message as follews:
"Bills for tho appropriation of tho
public moneys ought to be submitted
to you early In the session so as to
afford opportunity for the members to
carefully examine and pass upon
thorn, and not be left to tho hurried
consideration that marks tho closing
scenes. The custom or including in
ono bill appropriations of tho public
moneys for every conceivable purpose,
general and special is thoroughly
vicious, and ought not to be counten
anced. There are certain fixed charges
and liabilities for the support of tho
state government for which specific
appropriations might bo crabolded In
one bill, but in all other cases the bill
ought not to Include appropriations
for more than one object. In other
words, no bill appropriating public
revenue, except as stated, should con
tain an appropriation for more than
one object. By adopting this method,
every appropriation must stand or fall
'TfieV. S. Oov't Reports
Bhow Royal Bmklag PewOtf
'..., I... n ...!. II .I1, l.
iifiuii no umi inuiup, uiuiu win do
afforded the executive an opportunity
to Interpose any objection that he
may have to the appropriation with
out delaying the passage of appro
priations that arc unobjectionable or
meritorious, and thus p it in practice
that wise principle in :orporntcd in
the constitutions of 'some states,
which allows the executive to veto
single items or nppriatimis In a gener
al appropriation bill." "A
In reply to the question Jf holding a
special session said there was a de
mand for n reduction In public expen
ditures all around to tho same scale,
to which people were reduced in their
private affairs. If Micro was any way
in which a special sesslor could bring
about such rcductions,hc bcllovcd the
people would Justify calling one. He
thought members would n t differently
since hearing from Ihelr onstltuents,
and that Salem wouldj lose some
appropriations. ;
SPKAKRIt moors.
was spcn and said ho dtfl-liot see how
the' legislature could guntyntOQ to tho
people that It would not pass any new
appropriations. If a majority of tho
members would give a plejlge to. that
elfect a special session might accom
plish some good. The question he"re
to begin reduction is the difficulty;
the salaries of county and state ofliecrs
could bo llxcd for the next two years.
Mr. Moorcs had heard nothing of the
move. )
was seen to get his views. Ho said:
"The principal advantage pf a special
session would bo to call uttcntlon to
tho condition of things in the country
and to Impress upon all ttic demand
for n reduction. Thosamenien would
assemble who were hero last winter,
and not much could ba expected of
them." f
Democrat State Convention.
Mr. Pavld W. Sears, chairman, and
Napoleon Davis, secretary, of tho
democratic state central committee,
have Issued tho following call for the
next democratic stato conventien:
"Tho democratic state central com
mittee, at its meeting held at Port
land, Or., January 7, 1800, determined
ki..i. n. w jbijicscuullioii ill' xnu iiuiiiu-
cratlc stato convention, to be held at
the city of Portland on Thursday,
April 0, 1800, at 10 o'clock a. in.,
should bo as follews: One delegate at
largo from each county, and one dele
gate for each 100 votes and each frac
tion of 50 votes or over cast for Hon.
A. S. Bennett for supremo Judge at tho
last regular election, which appor
tionment would bo as follews:
Baker 8
Benton, , 8
Clackamas 8
Clatsop 7
Columbia '!
Coos. . . 5
Crook (I
Curry :i
Douglas ". 12
Gilliam fi
Grant ...'. fi
Harney . 4
Jackson !-! 8
Josephine -I
Klamath : 3
Lake .' 3
Lane 112
Lincoln '.-. 3
Linn 13
Malheur , . . v 4. . . . . 4
Marion 15
Morrow 4
Multnomah . f. 30
Polk ? 0
Sherman 3
Tillamook 3
Umatilla 10
Union 10
Wallowa . . .Tj. u 3
Wasco X 10
Washington 0
Yamhill. .!.'. 10
Island of Hawaii Wants to Set
Up for Herself,
Queen Lll Backed by England
Wants to Be Restored,
San Francisco Jan. 13. Special
correspondence of the AssoclatcdPrcss
1 from Honolulu by steamer Australia,
dated Jan. (1th, states that the-Island
of Hnvall Is meditating secession
from tho Hawaiian government and
the formation of Its own government;
When the legislature meets next
mouth the secession movement will
be brought up. If Hawaii should de
cide to form their own government
nothing butoutsldo interference could
Tho Dole government would be
powerless, ns Hawaii Is more thickly
populated thnn any other island or- the
group. Friends of tho ex-queen aro
anxious for war botweon Englnnd and
the United States, believing that In
tho event of such hostilities England
would seize tho Ilawilan Islands and
restore Queen Lllloukalanl.
After Turkey.
Washington, Jan. 13. Today being
tho second Monday of tho month,
was, under tho rules, scl aside for the
consideration of business relating to
tho District of. Columbia. Before
Chairman BabcoOk' claimed tho day,
MQrse, Republican", of Muwnchcsotts,
Introduced'a resolution requesting the
committee on foreign affairs to report
In denunciation of the Armenian
atrocities, and If It Is found that tho
United States as a nallon Is powerless
to, act to invoko tho allied powers to
wipe tho TurkUh government off tho
faco of tho earth.
Utah Appointments.
Washington, .Inn. 13. Tho presi
dent today sent tho following nomi
nations to the senate: Justlco John
A. Marshall, to be United States dis
trict Judge of Utah; John W.Judd, at
torr.ayof the United States district
Utah; NatM. Brlgham, marshal of
tho United States district of Utah.
Silver Discussion Started in
the Senate.
Soveral of Them Arc Under
' for Treason,
tho British
in tho
A Peaceful Settlement With Vene
zuela Through Brazil.
London, ,hu. 13. A dispatch to
tho Pall Mall Gazette from Cane
i"iiiliP(l todav. snvK tno
Three Painters Fall,
riui.ADKi.iMHA, Jan. 43. A scaffold
on which threo painters were working,
fell this afternoon. William Ander
son and Edwin d Petroskl, were In
stantly killed. Henry Peterson was
fatally Injured.
Terrible Homicide.
Chicago, Jan. 13. Peter Hougaard,
believed to have locn insane, killed
himself, his wife nnd five children
last night.
Insank. J. D.Kuykendall, 11 young
man recently employed at the asylum
as a painter, was Saturday subjected
to tin examination as to his montal
condition beforo W. C. Hubbard,
f county Judge, District attornoy A. O.
Gondii and Dr. Bradshaw. Tho in
vestigation proved tho necessity of re
committing him and the requisite
papers were duly Issued. The patient
Is only 20 years of ago and Is a brother
of Dr. Kuykcndnll, of Eugenes
Total 23
"The stato convention will, nom
inate one candidate for the olllcc of
supremo Judge, one candidate for
congress from each congressional
dlst riot and candidates for such other
state and district onlccrs as may bo
required under the, law; will selcst
eight delegates and' eight alternates
to tho national Democrat convention
and nominate four candidates fdr
presidential electors. tf
"All persons interested in a united
and vigorous effort to reduce ex
travagant public expenditures in every
department of city, county and stato
government aro earnestly invited to
co-opercte with tho Democrat party.
"It Is apparent to every fair-minded
citizen that the great demand of tho
times is imiqedluto nnd radical reduc
tion of such public- expenditures, tho
election of practical men of affairs to
public olllco and to the cud that this
reform shall bo effective and efficient
a legislature must be chosen that will
repeal obnoxious laws uu1 that will
not repeat tho extravagant appropria
tions of the. last tVo legislatures of
latest advices irom J 're ton a suuv
that ball has been refused tho ring
leaders In the recent disturbance at
Johnanncsburg, and other peoplo ar
rested In the same connection have
been liberated, each on $5,000 ball.
Tho dispatch adds that It Is ex
pected thatcovero measures will be
taken against the leaders Ih tho up
rising. Advices from Johnanncsburg
say the Ultlandors aro expecting tho
Boers to make a house to house search
for arms, and Its stated that tho
Germans have been holding meetings
and passing icsolutlons telling
Emperor William to mind Ills own
business. Dr. Jameson and nonten
ants, as far as known, arc still at
Havana, Jan. 13. Charles Salomon,
a correspondent of a Now York nows
paper, who arrived on tho steamer
Seneca, was detained by the police,
Charged, It Is bcllovcd, with having
a compiomlslng letter In his posses
London, Jan.O 15. The West
minister Gazette this afternoon,
touching upon the mis
understanding between Gieat Brtlan
and the United States says it hcch a
distant break In the clouds and hopes
u settlement satisfactory to Great
Britain nnd the United States will bo
effected with Vcnezeuln direct
and Intimates that tho Brazilian
minister is closely Identified with the
latest proposed solution of this controversy.
Governor Inaugurated.
Columhus, O., Jan 13. Governor
S. Buslincl!
was Inaugurated
To Wed. A Jllcenso was Issued to
G. E. Webb and Amy Klnscr, O. II.
Brewer, witness.
Hood's is Wonderful.
No less wonderful are the cures ac
complished by Hood's Karsaparllln,
even after other preparations and
physicians' prescriptions have failed.
The reason, however. Is simple,
When tho blood Is enriched nnd puri
fied, disease disappears and good
health returns, and Hood's Sarwipa
rlllii Is the one true blood purifier.
Hood'H pills aro prompt nndetllclont
and do not purge, pain or gripe,
2o cents,
want a good iiincn ,--on -return
tn vnur u- "' mi c,m KcL ,l 8I"C,,V
Ip-Jii down stalrsora hearty dinner
up stairs for a very few cents at Ken-
worthy & George's.
' 1. 1 ' ' -
Gkt A Sack Ov Flouii when you
aro down town. That' what sho told
you, and tho best and cheapest, place
to get all kinds of groceries from 11
fresh stock Is at MeCall Bros.
No Chanou Thoro were no changes
made In tho bottudcry lines of elec
tion precincts at tho January hcsslon
of the county court, and heuco there
will bo no changes this year.
Like Hot Cakes.
I have Just received n flue Hue of
Imported worsted that I will mako
up nt hard time prices. They uro the
first grade goods and you will do well
to Inspect them ns they will go
like hot enkes.
Chas. II. Lani:,
1-7 Ct Tho Tailor.
Your Boy Won't Live Long.
So Mr. Oilman Browu.of 31 Mill St.,
South Gardner, Mass., was told by the
doctors. His sou had Lung trouble,
following Typhoid Mnlnrlu, nnd ho
spent threo hundred nnd sovonty-flve
dollars with doctors, who finally gave
him up, saying: "Your boy won't live
a mouth," Ilo tried Dr. King's New
Discovery and a few bottles restored
him to health and enabled him to go
to work a perfectly well man. He
says ho owes his picsout good health
to tho use of Dr. Klng'n Now Dis
covery, and knows it to bo the best in
tho world for Lung trouble. Trial
iHittles freo at Fred A. Logg'rt drug
Beware Of Ointments for Catarrh
contain Mercury,
as mercury will nurcly destroy tlio sense of
mell and completely derange the whole sy
lem when entering It through the imicou.
surfaces Such articles should never be used
except on prescriptions reputable physician,
rs the damage they will do is ten fold to th
good )ou can derive from them. I lull V
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J, Cheney
& Co , Toledo. 0 , contain no mercury, and
is taken internally, acting directly upon the
bloci and mucous surface of the system. In
buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sur you gi-t
tho genuine. It is taken internally, and made
In Toledo Ohio, by F. J. Cheny &Co, Tes
timonials Irer.
CFSolh by Druggists, price 75 cents a bot-i
tie. I
Washington, Jiin. 13. A contro
versy between Mr. Hill nnd the North
Carolina senators occupied the sennte
till 2 o'clock, when tho freo silver
measure was advocated by Mo'rgaiu of
Washington, Jan. 13. Secretary
Olney today said proper steps had boon
taken for tho protection of all Ameri
can citizens In the Transvaal. Thoso
under arrest could not bo tried for
treason. Tho most Miat can bo done
ds to fine or imprison them. In nddl
tlon to John Hays nammondf tho
mining engineer, thoro aro under
nrrest, P. J. King, Cnpt. Main, Chas.
Butler, J. 8. Curtis.
Washington, Jan, 13. Tho law
yers of tho Northern Pacific railroad
caso bnvo mado an engagement with
Justices Harlan, Fiold and BrowQr, of
thosupremocourt, for a presentation
of facts in thoso cases tomorrow.
They will ask to havo tho road cither
placed undor one receiver, or under
0110 Bet of receivers, who will, havo
charge of tho road as an entirety, In
stead of tho present plan of numerous
Independent receivers.
GOOD iw..
OIltCI.K. "
Every reader of Tun Journal
should look up tho list of premiums
given absolutely freo with this paper.
The Wkkicia Jouhnai. at $1 a year is
tho cheapest paper on the Paclllo
coast, yet with it wo give yearly subscriptions-
to any of tho following
valuable publications, each known to
tho world ns n standard In its Held;
Tho Toledo Blade,
Tho Queen of Fashions, '
Tho Farm News,
Tho Child Garden. M .
These valuable publications art
each worth ido year, yo6Vo glvo
you your choice, ono year frcd, for a
$1.50 subscription to Tim Jouiinal,
clther'tlic Daily for six nonths or
tho Wkkicly for eighteen months,
See tho list, and don't neglect to profit
by It.
Don't lw deceived into paying for
so-called premiums ofTored with high
priced papers at a slight advance.
Itcmcinbor Tim Journal la tho
cheapest newspaper on tho Paclllo
coast, and it gives you high grade
premiums without additional charge
Administrator's Notice.
Notice i given to all whomtt may concere
that the undersigned has by the order of th
lion. County Court of the State of Oregon fo
f mail
Iv ol
on Did 30th dayoi December I095, P
potntrd administrator of the cstati. of V. w.
Ilrooks, late ofsnfd county dedeascd, and
that all persons having claims apnlnit said
state are required U present the, same with
the proper vouches to the undersigned at
residence onState St. near penitentiary within
'tx months from the date hereof,
Dated at Salem Oregon Dec. 31. 1895
1.5-5 w Administrator.
Catarrh in the Head,
Is due to Impure blood and cannot be cured
with local application, Hood's Sarsaparllla
has currd hundreds of cases of catarrh be
cause it pud'"'" ll!cblood nnd lalfcL ' re
move tho cuusu oflhe dUease, It also builds
up tho system and prevent attacks of pneu.
monta, dsnhtherla and typhoid fever.
Hood's fills become the favorites cathartic
with every one who tries them, aets,
Mr. Cleveland, glvo us all a
to buy your bonds.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. -Latest U S, Gov't Report
i i