Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 11, 1896, Image 1

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VOL. 2.
-, -
JtfO. f)
Sells Only the
Shoes made by the Brown Shoe Co., dt 8t. L'ouls, Mo. Wo have
found them reliable in every particular. For fit anil wear they
can't be beat. "We sell them at a very close profit, which, with
the satisfaction they give, ncouuts for our very large shoe trade.
We carry only rcllablo goods in all other lines as well as shoes.
Clothing, underwear, hosiery, hat, shirts and notions -in great
variety. Our motto is reliable goods,, lowest.prlces. ,
Road Machinery and Ag icultural Implements.
latest Improved Goods and Invost Prices.
NV Com er Slate rd Liberty streets. : : : : SALEM, OR
, Can save you money on Underwear, .
m hosiery, boys clothing, table linen?-?
overalls, gloves, tinware, Keep your
eye on THE FAIR,
of the Willamette University.
Modern methods. Up to date. Same as in the eastern and European Conservatories
None but the best is good enough for beginners ax well as for more advanced pupils,
W. C. HAWLEY. President
R. A HhRITAGE Vocal Director
EMIL L. WINKLER, Instrumental Director.
But that cuts no ice with the $15,000 stock of
men's and boy's clothing and furnishing goods
that must be sold'
AlWool, double-breasted, wide velvet collar, extra !ong, mack
intoshes, that are being sold everywhere
for $8 and $10, we offer for
-" v"
We have cheaper, but ask no more than $10 for su'ts tha
you pay from $10 to $20 for at other places.
Our stock of boys' clothing is most complete, and no rea
sonable offer will be refused,
Oome in and see for yourself at the same old place.
" " w "
257 Commercial Street,
MsV ft"
y" "
Agent MortgagC'i
Irt the Transvaal Tried for
England, France" and Russia
Great Britain Will Settle With tho
Johannsiiurq, Jan. 11. A feeling
of great uneasiness, accompanied by
depression, prevails here. It Is under
stood the Ultlanders reform commit
tco Is to bo tried for high treason be
fore court of Pretoria. Several mem
bers of the committee escaped. One
was allowed to depart after deposit
ing $100,000 of surety of his appearance
when called upon. The government
Is greatly Incensed at tardy and In
complete surrender by the ultlanders
of their arms. Only about 2000 rifles
have been given up whereas 20,000 are
said to have been issued. It Is under
stood tho Transvaal demands Include
annexation to the Boer republic of
Mntongaland, lately added to tho
colony of Natal, annulling of the con
vention of 1884 and institution (f and
enforcement of n pass port system
throughout tho country. Tho situa
tion is thus regarded as being graver
than ever.
London, Jan. 11. A dispatch to
tho Pall Mall Gazette from Capo
Town, published this afternoon, says
President Krugcr has extended tho
time for disarmament of tho Ultland
ers at Johannesburg until 8 o'clock
tonight, as only three out of BO Maxim
guns have been given up.
London, Jan. 11. All the ministers
of tho queen were present at a cabinet
meeting today, and Joseph Chamber
lain was enthusiastically greeted with
tho cry of "Bravo, Chamberlain!"
from tho crowds awaiting develop
The "Westminister Gazette this
afternoon says It learns that, as a re
sult of tho Emperor William's action
toward Great Britain, in the matter
of tho Transvaal, Marquis of Salis
bury will announce at a cabinet meet
ing today tho reapproachment be
tween Great Britain, Franco and
The Westminister Gazette adds that
the cabinet will also bo informed of
the effort which it is hoped may yet
bo crowned with success, to end the
Venezuelan dispute by agreement
with tho Venezuelans direct. A semi
offlclal note will be published today
stating that the British government
has decided to submit to parliament
full information regarding Armenia,
the Transvaal and Venezuela. Con
sequently the United States Venezue
lan commission will shortly lmvo
access to all the material points of
the British case.
Gape Town; Jan. 11. There Is a
strong feeling of resentment among
tho Dutch us well as tho British here
at the so called meddling of Germany
In South African affairs. Intense ex
citement prevails and It is rumored
! that Great Britian has sent an ultl-
j malum to the government of the
5 Transvaal.
1 London, Jan. H.jrrTlio cabinet
meeting lasted three hours
colonial oflJcQwys it is true that
the situational Transvaal is more
strained than ijjmvns. The first naval
rcservo men lwve been ordered to
hold thcmMlveTlu readiness for ser
vice. Tho se
naval reserve, com
posed of men
onglng to the mcr-
chantllo tuarij
lias been notified
t some of them will
that the servlcci
shortly bo requfo
London, Jan. Al. A Hpccial from
Rome says thM 10,000 Abyssinian
were killed or wollndcd in an attack
upon Maklle nnVJjinuary 8.
The demand. of the bankers to ret Ire
the greenback, alljpr certificates and
treasury notcsii not based upon
sound polltlcalwnomy. To legln
with, tho law wwvhcre- specifically
asserts that this paper money shall bo
redeemed In goWily. The law says
It must be rcdeemW In gold or sliver,
or silver only. Cleveland and Carllslo
propose to Issue gold bonds to buy gold
and destroy this ioo,000,000 or 000,.
000,000 of paper money, and let the
national banks Imuo their notes as
tho only paper money the people will
have. Tlte banksv would get their
bond Interest of 3 per cent of the gov
ernment nntl from 0 to 10 per cent
interest of tho people on their circu
lation, or about 10 or 12 per cent on
the banknotes that tho people would
U82. On $T00,000,000 for 20 years tho
interest spoil go would absorb exactly
1,000,000,000 interest. Is that correct ,or
is It not?
Wo say this is not sound political
economy. No wonder the bankers
and the Orcgonlnn cry out against
Joint Shormau when he shows that
both gold and silver,' not gold alone,
arc the basis of our currency system.
True political economy suggests that
a government furnish its pcoplo as
largo a volume of non-Interest bearing
currency as posslble.Mr. Carllslo and
tho bankers say thafTslIver bullion In
tho treasury has depreciated $100,000,
000 since 1801. But they never tell
tho peoplo that the currency which it
is now proposed to take up and Issue
Interest-bearing gold bonds has saved
tho pcoplo 2,000,000,000 of Inter
est In tlte last 30 years. They never
place that on the credit side of the
nation's ledger. They simply want to
enlarge tho suction power of tho
gold Interest sponge.
The Machinery Nearly All In A New
Route Proposed.
L. G, Iticsoner, who has been en
gaged for nearly a month hauling ma
chinery from Gatcsvllle to tho Quartz
vllle mines for tho Lawler syndicate
returned homo yesterday. Ho reports
that 30 4-horso teams have been at work
hauling machinery into tho mines.
About 100 tons were to bo hauled, all
of which Is completed except fifteen
tons, which Is near tho mines, and
will 1ms all hauled in In about two
weeks. About 28 tons of provisions
still remain to be taken up from
Tho force of miners have been re
duced, as there Is about 300 tons of
ore ahead, which will make a three
months' run for tho machinery when
set up. The best ore is Just being
reached, and great results are looked
for In the spring.
T. N. Humphrey, of Foster, arrived
in tho city last evening, and reports
some points about tho mines that may
ultimately change the business aspect
of tho surrounding country. Ho says
tie most life In their little town
comes from the mines, und that they
have the best route to tho diggings.
The people of Foster are agitating tho
matter of building a good road to tho
mines In tho near future vlu the
prescat trail up tho middle fork of
the Santlam. They claim that a bet
ter grade can bo obtained on this
route than that on the north sldo of
tho mountain, which Is now being
used. This move would change tho
channel of trado from the mines to
Faster and Lebanon, from tho O. O.
& E. It. It. pohits. The Foster pco
plo have subscribed 400 days' work for
this road, but they will ilnd It a big
undertakin g.
After a Trust.
Chicago, Jan. 11. Attorney-General
Maloney has begun quo warranto
proceedings against tuo National
linseed oil company on the grounds
that It Is a trust. The coin tmny has
a monopoly of the linseed oil business
In the united mates.
Deadlock in Kentucky Legislature
Populists Will Help the Republicans
to Elect.
FitANKtXHtT, Ky., Jan. 11. Repre
sentative Isaac Wilson, of Nelson
county, died this morning.
Ills death breaks the tie In the leg
islature. The Republicans now have
08 votes; tjtc Democrats, 07, and tho
Populists two. The Populists will
vote for tho Republican nominee for
United States senate. In all proba
bility Dr. Godfrey Hunter will bo
nominated by the Republicans this
afternoon. Hunter Is now a member
of congress.
In the Good Old Way by the Mayor
of New York.
Nnw York, Jan. 11. An evening
paper says Mrs. Alva E. Vandcrbllt,
the divorced wife of William K.
A'atulcrbllt, was married to Oliver
Nimtrd Petry Belmont by Mayor
Strong, this morning.
Newo Gathered at Old Wlltanette the
past Week.
I. H. Van Winkle, manager of tho
Willamette foot ball team, read an
essay In chapel Thursday morning,
choosing for his subject, "Just a Word
in Conclusion." Mr. Van Wlnklo
briefly spoke of the achlevmcntsof
Willamette foot ball team the past
C. C. Mlchener of New York, Inter
national secretary of tho Y. M. 0. A.
visited chapel Thursday morning and
gave an interesting address along tho
lino of college training. Mr. Mlchener
is an enthusiastic worker and an
entertaining speaker. Affairs both
political and social will remain the
Speaking of athlotics 'Mr. Mlch
ener said: "College athletics
have Improved the purity
of many college men. Although tho
llfo of n student is not entirely given
up to literary or scientific studies, yet
It abounds In Christianity. Statistics
show that a little over one-half of the
college students were Christians."
Continuing tho speaker said: "Tho
practice of studyng on tho Sabbath
day undermines the spiritual mind of
many students. Have known many
business men, who stand at head of
their profession, who never studied on
tho Sabbath day. Besides It. Is
manly to bo a Christian."
At a brief session of tho Y. M. C.
A. Friday morning tho following were
named as delegates to the Y. M. C. A.
convention, being held in Eugene:
President W. C, Hawley, Prof. F. S.
Dunn, F. E. Brown, I. II. Vnn
Winkle, H. Heritage, Carl Ehret, Win.
Jones and Chester Hodges. They
went to Eugene on tho 11 o'clock
local Friday morning.
At tho conclusion of tho Phllodor
Ian session last evening tho work of
completing tho organization of the
house of representatives was accom
plished and the ofllcers nre as follows;
C. J. Atwood, president of U. S.;
I. P. Calllson, chief Justice; Hal 1Mb
bard, speaker; John McCourt, chief
clerk; Luko Lynn, reading clerk;
Mark Brownell,page. The greater part
of the session was taken up In
the work of organization, although
a few bills passed to a pecoud reading.
Tho houeo will hold a session every
Friday evening throughout tho school
year. It Is expected Salem's many
needs and tho long neglected Willam
ette river will recelvo Immediate at
tention at tho hands of tho young
The Stukers have made a ditoorery which
tt deitfned to accomplish much t,ao&. Reali
zing that three fourths of all our luflcrings
arite from stomach troubles, that the country
is literally filled with people who cannot cat
and dleejt food, without subsequently suffer
inc pain and distress, and that many are
starving, waiting to mere skeletons, because
their food does them no good, ther have
devoted much study aud thought to the sub
iect, and the result is this discovery , of their
A little book can be obtained from your
druggist that will point out the way of reliei
at once. An investigation will cott nothing
and will result in much good.
Chlidrsn all hale to take Castor Oil, but
not Laxol which it palatable.
The Fish. Contrary to report, the
asylum board has awarded tho con-
twint fsM .talk nrwl IVttlF ef tllft lllrt.
11UW IU1 linn, uiiu i'ui-J w. v..ux,v.u
j, street market, was the lucky man,
Local News of Social and Frnternal
MlssZula Hunt was happily sur
prised last evening at her homo, cor
ner of Center and Twelfth streets, by
about thirty of her friends. The eve
ning was most pleasantly whilcd
away in games and other amusements
after which a delicious lunch was
enjoyed. A most enjoyable time
was had by tho young folks who did
not depart for their homes until early
Saturday morning,
Those present wcro Misses Zulu,
Maud and Mattle Htint,LlnnleRund
lott, AllicCrossati, Grtico Long, Ida
Ruudlett, Lucia Cochran, Bertha
Kay, Gertrudo Stahley, Carrie Camp
bell, Jessie Smith, and Mamie Rtind
lett; Messrs. John Van Wagner,
Ralph Ring, Gates Cochran, Krcd
Bowersox, John Cochran, Ralph Wat
son,.!. G. CalllK)ti, Cyldo Brandenburg,
George M. Realty, Samuel Hundlett,
Henry Anrys, Clias. GUlluglmm, Jay
McCornack, Bert .Adams, Win. Fles
tcrandGuy Hunt.
old tolk'bwiust ci.uh.
At the homo of Mr. aud Mrs. .1, D.
Sutherland, corner of Winter and
Ferry stlects, tho "Old Folks" gath
ered again last Monday night to In
dulge In their -usual pastime. The
result of tho games wits that Mrs.
Walto and Mr. Brcymanptoved them
selves deserving of the first prizes,
and Mrs.Rlchnrdson and Mr. Hodgktn
the "boobies." They were present:
Phil Metschan, Sr., and Misses Anna
and Amelia Metschan, Mr. and Mrs,
Eugene Broymen, Mr. and Mis. R. B.
Fcmlug, Judge Murphy, Judge and
Mrs. C. E. Wolverton. Mr. and Mis.
W. II. Leeds, Mr. and Mrs. F. -F.
Hodgkln, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Dui.
nlway, Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Richard
son, Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Cross, and
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Walte.
Mr. and Mrs W. II. Leeds will en
tertain tho club at their home on
East Court street next M outlay night.
The entertainment given at Unity
church last night, was one of tho best
presented this winter. Th6 program
was well gotten up, consisting of some
very entertaining numbers, chief
among which was the deatlt, scene
from Anthony and Cleopatra and the
trial scene from the "Merohant of
Venice". Miss Adda Davenport's
character solo, "Last hours of Jean
pf Arc," was magnificently rendered,
adding another to her many successes.
Much regret was expressed because of
the Inability of Miss Josle Brown to
sing last night, as sho Is a favorite.
Tho entire program was well
rendered, all acquitting themselves
admirably in their individual roles.
At tho conclusion of tho chtortatn
meat a social dance was hold In Chan
nlug hall until 11:30, a large number
of young pcoplo participating.
A number of Salcmlles were treated
to another cnjoyablo trip on the new
steamer "Ruth" last night, a select
number accepting invitations to ac
company the Independence pcoplo on
their return trip. They left hero
at 7:30 o'clock with about BO Salem
couples aboard. Parson's orchestra
was present, aud played a number of
splendid selections on tho trip, and at
Independence dancing was Indulged
In for about three hours, tho party
reaching Salem about 1 o'clock this
Grand match game of Indoor base
ball at,tho Y. M. C. A. tonight. Tho
game will bo proceeded by a short
gymnasium exhibition. Admission
10 cents. Memlers free.
A marriage license wits Issued today
to Joshua Morloyand Sarah L. Binder,
Al. Phelps, witness.
Miss Mary Cundllf has returned to
Attorney and Mrs. Geo. G, Bing
ham, ure at Portland,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davey lmvo
returned from a visit at Kelso, Wash
ington. Miss Esther Robertson, an employe
of the Insane asylum, Is at Stayton
for n short visit.
Mrs. W. J. Forlws and son, J. W.
Forbes, of Mornlngslde, aro visiting
relatives at Oregon City.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
t-r. . I
Program Completed 500 Fine Fowls on
Exhibition A Fine Program and Lots
of Fun.
The roosters are crowing!
The peacocks ate screaming.
Nairn's dogs are barking.
There Is the best show of poultry
and pet stock at the armory ever seen
nt Salem.
The managers deserve great credit
and there has been a grand crowd all
afternoon. Tonight the people
will be highly entertained
with tho finest and largest poultry
exhibit over seen In Salem. Music
speaking and fun galore! Tho enter
terlalnment for the evening will
commence promptly at s o'clock, and
will Ikj as follews:
Short address of welcome --E. Horer.
Crowing match-Open to tho world.
Entries so far-the three newspaper
editors of Salem.
Tho following excellent musical
program will Ikj rendered:
March, "Honeymoon" Wleg.tnd
O vet turo, "St rat iiiuoro" Bennett
lntermc7zo,"Lovo's Drentn After
....the Ball" (feluulkn
Russian Mazurka,"LaC.arliie..Ganne
Baritone solo.'Teerlcss''..., Southwell
Mr.C. . Gray.
Caprice. "Magic Chimes" Herman
Idyll, "The Mill In the Forest"..
Waltz, "Wang" Morso
M,1U',CX."JC,I,K Cotton" Sotisa
W. E. MeElroy Conductor
Come everybody, see the fowls and
A Huckensteln, white leghorn.
Yv. Latourett. china pheasant and
Houdan cross.
Geo. Day, gamo bantams.
Paul KUiigcr.bluo Andaluslans.
Frank Smith, Japanese game ban
tams. Bert Rhodes, black breasted red
E. G. andC. R. Bean, white pokln
ducks, blue fan, red Jack and bltto
J. S. Macomber, pea comb barred
plymouth rocks, single comb brown
leghorns, silver wyandottc.
Frank West, game bantams.
John Kegnor, gamo bantams.
Joseph Cooley, single comb brown
W. II. Savage, barred plymouth
rocks and brown leghorns.
T. II. Blundoll, white wyandotto,
golden wyandotto, barred plymouth
rocks, white ditto, black mlnorca,
both rose and single comb red caps,
buff leghorns.
Ralph Matson, white crested blank
Bert Long, owls, fans, carrlor and
pouter pigeons.
Orr Royal, red carrier, and black
roller pigeons, golden scalbrlght ban
tams, black breasted red gumo ban
tams, barred Plymouth rock, black
F. Litchfield, black leghorns, silver
spangled hamburgs, pouter carrier,
vimo inn, irumpcicrs grouers pig
cons. Burt Long, red Jacobin.
Mrs. John Mlnto, barred plymouth
E. Ilofer, buff cochins.
F. R. Bowersox, siuglo comb white
leghorns, wild quail and wild mallard.
Ira Hamilton, game bantams and
Plymouth Rock.
0. T. Doty, China pheasant.
C. Regner, black Spanish.
Mott Plcrco, Indian games.
J. O. Card, brown leghorn,
Oscar Neal, Irish gray game.
II. II. Ryan, black mlnorca.
A. N. Bush, sliver spangled ham
burg. Geo. II. Turner, silver spangled
hamburg, brown leghorn, blue audit
luslan, Plymouth Rock, black laug
shau, white leghorn, pair peafowls,
pair Belgium hares.
J. 1). Nairn, colltd shepherd dogs.
J. W. Brown, brown leghorn, white
leghorn, black leghorn, Indian games.
J. H. Fletcher, six black leghorns.
F. B. West, golden seabrjght ban
tam. P. II. Raymond, rotten ducks.
Mis. Moody, long-tailed phoenix
R. ('. Halloy, white plymouth rock.
C. II. Lane, partldgo cochins.
C. Bishop. Red barb plgc,ous,
Willie Hunt, china pheasants.
R. R. Ryan, plymouth rocks, part
ridge leghorns.
.lalf Stormcr, china pheasant.
Frank Welch, light brahmas.
Tho smallest hen In tho world is ex
hibited In a canary cago not much
bigger than a canary.
Like Hot Cakes.
1 have Just received a line line of
Imported worsted that I will mako
up at hard tlmo prices. They aro tho
first grado goals and you will do well
to Inspect them as they will go
like hot cakes.
Chab. II. Lane,
1-7 t Tho Tailor.
No Change Thero wero no changes
made In tho boundcry lines of elec
tion precincts at tho January besslon
of tho county court, and henco thero
will be no changes this year.
i 11 nirrr-imm!'