Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 09, 1896, Image 2

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    liHimHIIMPIIMIlt'''l"i WIII'MM lMll W
Daily Capital Journal? J
itof ten
T1H'11N1A,Y. .IAN. It. I8MI.
Tlio Hnlcin Btntcmunri Is tinfnlr to
CoriBrdsninnn Hchiinnii of tlill fl
trlct. ft iy Hint having fnlfcd to
wcurc tlic rtinlrtnntiHtitfii of tlio riv
ers nrul linrbors coimiill tec, lie mlirlit
in well bo tlic Inst mnn on tlio com
mittee ns , to Imvo wriircd tltn
second nlnco, in ho did. The
Htntesiiinn crru very greatly In Bnyliijr
this, nntl our solf-ostccmcd content-
nornrv ouirlit to know bettor, Tlic
writer dw not iimlontaml tlml tlio
present editor Ii.'ivc any pcrHowil In
terest in bcllttlliiK Mr. Hermann. Jl
Is assumed Unit tlic owners of the
Statesman Zdlctatc Its policy and are
no'v dictating Its opposition to .Mr.
Hermann. Wliatever Jimt KroiintlH
t here may bc'for Hint opixHttlon will
have due wclglit. hut unjust crit
icism will not have much weight with
fair-minded men. Uiijimt opposition
to Mr, Hermann will very much In
jure the chances of any Miirinti county
candidate securing the nomination
In case Mr. Hermann cannot get it.
IT tlio .Statesman wlslicn to organize
t'lulinlancc of the district against
Marlon county it need only keep up
Its present course. It will accomplish
I Is-object.
To consider Its' criticism of Mr.
Hermann from n parliamentary stand
jMilut; let us see; thcro are 17 mem
bers of tlio committee on which Mr'
Hermann has second place. The
ohairman and first moiiitcr represent
the comnilfclco In conference. The
first two places then are representa
tive of tlio conference membership of
tlio majority party and tlio llrst place
on the minority party of the house on
the conference committee that finally
makes up the appropriation bill.
Chairman Hooker, o "New York,
Mr. Hermann of Oregon, and Ocncral
ditchings of M Iks., )dem) will lie the
bouse conferees when the river and
hnrlior bill comes hack to tho homo
with the sonata amendments. Tho
lko priu'lh'o prevails in the senate.
Thoro miller the re-orgaiilzatlou of
tho Committees Senators Fryo of
Maine, .lonos of Nuvmhi, Quay of
ronusvlvaiila, and Vot (dem.) of
Missouri, will form tlio senate con
ferees. Hormaiiii, It will Iw soon, will
bo tho only repiosoutatlvo on tho rlv
cm and liiirhorv committee from tho
entlro Pacific coast, as California was
loft out by Speaker Heed.
Oil tho senate committee however
thcro are four senators from t lie Pa
elite ceast: If tho entire Paclllecoast
wascoiillncd to ono member on the
house committee of seventeen, It was
fortunate that Oregon was selected at
all, and will Iw reprecented In the con
ference, In the face of a most deter
mined effort to secure the place outhc
part of tin. Cullforiilmis. With four
committeemen In tho somite to swell
tho river and harlMir hill for Oregon,
Washington, California aiid Nevada,
It will be seem that tho senate will
load many Uimh onto the river and
harlior bill which the house will lw
Ulspowd io oppose. Heed has an
nounced that tho liver mill harltor bill
must lw kept down. When tho hill
goes into eonforuiuv It is fortunate
forOiegou that Mr. Hermann will lw
thoro to guard m Intorosts In that
critical Juncture. - If Mr. Hermann
were last on the committee, ho would
not lie on tho conference, mud Oregon
has no inmulwr or the senate who will
IwoiitheeoiifuroucoMmd how could
OMgon export to h as well t roatcd,
n when there will Iw an experienced
man from Oregon among the confer
rocs? More than over bafotv, It Is import
tint to Oregon and valuable tothe pco
ploof this Mate to have an Oregon
member on tho house conference, to
protect tlio geiiorous amendments
which tho senate will place In tho bill
for Oregon. To Ik) the last man on
tho committee, which tho Statesman
think Mr. Jluriiiauu might ni well bo,
Mould leave Oregon in n very luxl
plight indeed. Mr. Ilurmaun H ox-
aetly int he right ilno to look after
Oregon appropriations, mid we trust
'do up a mollilHUjF tlittf MitniM n I
dlirttriM Hie fitort nml rlUi'df iwe.
dum In roiiffd. UptMiut' con tin
nmrWnr Ouon MuMf Im ft Hum If
lie were chairman. That lie Is not
chairman litml his fault, but the fault
of Oregon In not Inn lug as ninny wiles
on the pir-.ilelie.v ns Net York has. . ,
If m want, a sure ftllef tot mM In the twkk, ld, tHtt)ot
imat, nsa an
DRAR IN MlMD Not one of the lioit of counterfeit nnd Imita
tions Is good a the genuine,
A rller hi Hi" Willamette CoN
lcglan suggest that Oregon Is but
little represented In the literature of
our country and "can point; out no
one who has galnod a national reputa
tion cither In pron1 or jHKjuy.' At
most Oregon can claim Samuel L.
Simpson as the author or "The
Ileaiitlful Ulue Willamette," a classic
of the school readers and found In
many collections of verse. It Is more
than likely Oregon can claim to Iw
the home of Mori Marie and Joaquin
Miller finite as well as California.
The offering of a MOO prize to si lin
unites imo one to produce a merit
orious literary work, as Is suggosted,
would not barton the ripening of any
literary fruit on the tree of letters.
The study of Kngllsh literature as
such . Ill alone produce men and
women or literary tastes and ability.
At present the subject Is little more
than trilled with In our schools and
colleges. The subject Is worthy or
more attention and aside from Pres
idents Hawley, of the Willamette,
and Chapman, or Kugeiie, Oregon can
scarcely boast of a jwrFon capable of
even lecturing on the subject.
WftfilNOTdN, .Inti. .-The anil
sliver Democrats of the senate held a
meeting or conference yesterday, whllo
tho Republican senators were In cau
cus. The object of rilio conference
The llftcen hold-over senators are
divided as follews: Republicans
Ilrowiiell,Calbrcalh, Carter, Dawson,
flesner, (lowau, llohson, Johnson,
McCiung, Patterson, Price, Simon, 12.
Populist-Holt, King, 2.
Democrat Smith, of Clatsop, 1.
Of tho flrteeu to 1st elected In 18IMI,
four will Ik; from Multnomah county,
three to succeed retiring Hepublleaiis,
seven to succeed retiring Democrats,
and one to succeed Vandcrburg, Popu
list. Or t lie seven Democratic sen
ators who retire, live will probably be
Hepublleaiis. There will lie twenty
four Republicans ixmlblo In the next
leglslatuie, and six opponents.
There are to lo elected in 1800 four
senators from Multnomah coiiuty,aiid
one each from follewliii: senator a
districts: Columbia Washington and
Tlllamook,Coos-Curry untWosophlne,
Crook Klamath and Lake, Douglas,
(Milium Sherman, and Wasco, Lane
Polk, and Sherman, and Wasco,
Umatilla, and Union, Union, and
Wallowa, Washington.
"Tho Democrat agrees with the
Salem Jouicnai. that tho state hoard
or c(iiallzat Ion Is a humbug ami should
Iw altollshed. They are a daisy crowd.
They even charged 910 inlay for Sun.
days, and yet they mixed things up
where thcro was no occasion ror It.
Aliolluli tho Institution." Albany
Democrat. Tho trouble Is there aro
Republicansand Democrats who agree
forlxiodlotokeep these humbugs fpr
"O. D. Hutton, an employe or the
iVIlwny Iron Works Is a candidate for
chief Kngliieer of the Salem lire do-
part meat, with chances in his favor
of getting tho place." Albany Dem.
oorut. Mr. Hutton Is a resident or
Salum and was elected.
Think or tho uurortunatoChrlstinas
baby that has to take a San Kninolsco
paper a year--Illustrated crimes, and
lottery and all. Fortunately the child
cannot, rend.
tA4J . i l
I no mayor bays our st roots, alloys
and sidewalks aw in a shameful -con.
dltlon. Tho mayor tolls the truth.
whoever Is to blame.
-' . 1
Tho HrltUh want to lot those Hoors
of South Africa alone, They are a
cross Uitwcon Dutch and natives and
as lighters have no equals,
Now let tho Owgon battleship com.
mltteo call a mass meeting In ouch
city and ruin" that fund for silver
service for our now warship.
- .
Tlio people aw mow Interested in
knowing whatu public oillolal Is going
to take ror his services than In whtt
particular follo&ioja the Qrtlce,
was to count how imili.. men could Ik
mustered against the free coinage
amendment of the senate llnance com
mittee to the Ixmd 1)111.
It was found that there were four
teen sure votes on the Democratic
side against (lie silver proK)sltlonand
the Democrats were assured there
were 2(1 Republicans who could Im
counted against t he. lonos amendment.
Tills would make forty In all. Four
votes would 1m; necessary to make a
majority of tin senate.
Tlio Democratic and llopiibllcan
anti-silver men are now making an
effort to see It those four votes can Ihj
obtained. Among the Republicans
who are not counted In the silver list
nnd upon whom an effort may be
made, are "eiiatois Mcllride. or Ore
gon, ihiii. or Nasiiiugioii, and Cor
don iiud llacou, of (ioorglu, and Mar
tin, or Yliglnla.
II is not known with whal hope the
anll-sllver men are working, hut they
say Hie tote will be ver. close, arid per
haps five coinage may Iw defeated.
The Democrats counted against the
bill are: Iliice, Caffery, Faulkner,
(tlbsoii, Gorman, Cray, Hill. Lindsay,
Mills, Mitchell, Murphy. Palmer,
Smith and Vilas.
The treasury lost 4:iO,(HK) In gold
bars, which leaves tlio true amount of
the reserve W,8(l2,20l. Nothimr Is
known at the treasury department so
far as can lo learned, of any concerted
movement by tho banks to protect tho
reserve by making gold deposits, and
up to tho hour or closing tho state
ment published yesterday tlmt Sum
mers & Forshay, bullion dealers ot
Xew York, had deposited fc'00,000 had
not Ik'oii confirmed by Assistant Treas
urer Jordan', lu ract tho only consld
emhlc deposit during the last several
weeks was made yesterday, by tho
Mercantile National bank, which ex-
cuaiigco "ouu.ooo in gold ror currency.
So far as can be learned tho situa
tion shows no signs or Improvement
and no surprise would 1h relt hew ir
heavy shipments or gold should be
made on each of the fast going Euro
pean steamers for some time to come.
The treasury deficit for the present
fiscal year to date reached .0,0.il,4:w.
The sub-committee of the house ap
proprlatlon committee, having chargo
of tlio iM'iislon bill, has decided to
Increase the amount for the uextllscal
year from 4I28,000,WX to iM.'iO.OOO.OOO,
the amount asked ror by Commissioner
Loohren In his estimates. Some or
the most lullueutlal repressutatlvos
thought that congress .should not put
lUolron wconl as allowing less money
thought was needed.
The feature of the Republican sena
torial caucus held today was the dis
cussion of the advisability or amend,
lug the house tariff bill bv addliu.n
free coinage amendment tolt. In tho
somite this discussion was confined to
the fwo coinage wing of the party.
Tho result of tho meetliiL-wimthn
I l llla 4t,tll Him Ml vl art till 1 1 ( tit fit..
tempting to secure a pledge or support
was tinder consideration that the sil
ver quest Ion came up. Jt was sprurjg
by the, question ns to whal the silver
Hepublleaiis would do In case a free
silver amendment shorn! Iw offered on
the tariff bill In the senate.
Senator Mitchell, or Oregon, was the
first to respond to this inquiry. He
said be would join the silver fowes In
an effort to secure the adoption or a
tree coinage substitute for the house
bond bill, but that with the silver
question disposed of In -that connec
tion he would advise the sliver Re
publicans to refrain from participat
ing In any effort which might le
made to amend the tariff hill by add-
jlngn free coinage provision.
Senator Carter followed in tlio
same line of argument, advising united
action on tho part of the silver He
publicans In opposition to such an
amendment in the event of the prev
ious passago of a silver substitute for
the IhiikI bill.
Ho said that hetlioughtthclractlon
onthclHUid bill would loa sulllleeiit
Indication to the country of their at
titude. Hcdid not say that he would
oppose such an amendment bv ills
vote in case of the failure to secure
concerted anil unanimous action by
Ids sliver colleagues, but lie urged
them to strenuously agree to this line
or action,
rtogoim udorfipleled- -goo Flne Fo'.vli on
ExIiKjAW A Fine PfoUMiit nn-l foH
M Fitfl.
On nexf Saturday, the Mill of Jnuti
nry. Hip fnitilf fyiiicii of Marlon eoiuifv
will hold their big exhibition.
McMlroy's bond will imradt'liclwetn
12 ami i o'clock, nnd Hie doors of
Armory Hull will boojKincd promptly
all o'clock to (ho public.
Tlicfniluilsslwi Will bd 10 cents ttnill
except dllHdfdti ofglil years imtl tinder,
Who will Ik ndfnfl ted free. The exhi
bit Ion will bo very fine HioIk'sI ever
held In Salem, and the admittance
only Iwlng 10 cents, overyliody In
Salem and the surrounding country
shculd attend.
They will Ik highly entertained
with the finest and largest ismltry
exhibit ever seen In Salem. Music,
speaking and fin galore! The enter-1
tertaiiitnoiit for tlic evening will
commence promptly at H o'clock, and
will bo as follews:
Shoit address or welcome - K. Horer.
Crowing match Ojkhi to the world.
Entries so far -the three newspaper
editors ot Salem.
The following excellent musical
program will Ixj rendered:
March. "HoticymiKm" Wlcgand
Overt ore. "Strut htnore" Rennet I
Intermczzo,"Lou''s Dream After
....the Hall" Czlbulka
Russian Mazurka, "La Czarine. .Oanrie
nan tone solo, "I'eerless".... Southwell
Mr. C. G. Gray.
Cai)iice."Maglc Chimes" Herman
Idyll, "The Mill in the Forest". .
Walti, "Wang" Morse
.March, "king Cotton" Sousa
W. E. McKlroy Conductor
Come everybody, sec the fowls and
LJ m If Tm M II
u fi ii n tj i
iim&mjitJMisi I
kMVffi'iMWiJi Mm yt
ii-" T r Ev
.. :VH'
Shasta Houte.
Southern Pacific Lo,
in Rxt)reMrrfln-i!un dull bet,,.
iiininnuBiKi aan i
( Slifurn
S 5) p. m,
llsoo p. m..
I n.(5 a. m.
Stilt Ptan
7 oti
lv, (
The Spanish Victorious.
Havana, Jan. 0. It was announced
that the sound of cannonading and
rillc tiring was heard yesterday In tlio
nclghborlKXKl or Guanaja, a town of
1,000 Inhabitants, In the province of
Plnardel Wo, 43 miles south of this
city. Details of the engagement, Just
received, show that General Navarro,
between Guanaja and Celba do Aguu,
overtook a numerous Insurgent force
under Zayas and other leaders. Dur
ing three hours' lighting the Spanish
nrtlllcry was called Into play, and the
Insurgents were routed with a loss'of
-'.'I killed and i.'l wounded left on the
Held. Tho Insurgents are said to'havo
carried away many more wounded.
General Navarro pursed the insurg
ents and overtook their rear guard at
Calba do Aguu, and lu n skirmish four
mow insurgents were killed and three
taken prisoners. On the government
side It Is announced that only four
oltlcors and .TO privateers were wounded
In both engagements.
A dispatch from Matanzas says 100
insurgents recently tried to compel
tho garrison at ltabo, In the Cardenas
district, to surrender. Upon tlio re
fusal of the troops to surrender the
fort was attacked, but tho Insurgents
were repulsed with a loss of six killed.
After tho engagement between the
insurgents and General Navarro's col
umn the troops commanded by Gen
oral Snare. Nalde. overtook tho In
surgents, who were in retreat, and,
opening tiro upon them with small
arms and artillery, Indicted a heavy
loss of killed and wounded. Insur
gents have lost 2tl3 men.
W wl. ........... ... .
wliwk the ram. ik.Kl S.i 'Li Ji0 &!!. SKSPngRft hav
. ,, -.jv ... w. ,,..., uiynuij; u,0 next aturdaE
Kuopi ion or .senator (iuay's resolution,
oxpiusslng the miiso or the senate
caucus to 1 that tho llnance commit,
tee should wporl tho blllas It oamo
from the house, with a few vorbal
changes, which will not alter the
moaning of the moasuw In any esson
Hal featuw.
Children Cry for
pihftr'a Cantorla.
ri.Ter Cure J. '
utfer ticrvoutniKi,
tuontal worry.muokj
Pln ttitt ncnalt j- q(
lr esrM, YU-.
tlnu, roolaltu your
,.ujinMM. .JUlltd (waled) fr.
The Oregonian Liar.
Tho following .appropriations wore
mado by the legislature last Febru
ary for lighting tho state buildings at
Salem for two years, viz:
School for dear mutes 2,300
School ror the blind , . 2 200
Wato reform school 4 700
Asyliim cottages a300
State penitentiary 4:150
England and Germany.
Londo.v, Jan. I). Tlio gravity of the
Hit leal crisis hero Is Increasing In
stead or dlmiiiislilng.
The attitude or Knih?mr William
towards Great Ilritlan in tlic m:it:ei
of Dr. Jameson's rreebooting expedi
tion Into Hie Transvaal, uimui clo-ei
study seems .to have been delioer.iti
and long and carefully planned.
The Transvaal Incident. It would
appear, was only a pretext soizd upon
by the einporor in order to enter the
field as an active opponent of Great
Brltlan's policy or aggrandizement lu
Africa and her little misunderstand
ing with KlngPreiiipbe, of Ashantee,
and hersupportor the warfare agalnst-
Abysslnia arc believed to have been
the Irritating features which finally
induced ills majesty of Germany to
to show bis hand.
Nkw Youk, Jan. 0.-A dispatch to
the Journal from Herlln says:
It cannot iw said that the Incessant
Jingoism of tlic British press and tile
hostile demonstrations In England
against tho kaiser have produced an
equally warlike spirit hi Gcrmauy
On the contrary, 11 conservative and
dlgnlllcd attitude has been assumed
by tho Gorman papers and the public.
A Ulg demonstration is anticipated
In the relchstag borore the end of the
week, as It Is said that Chancellor von
Hohenlobc will announce the kaiser's
position In the Transvaal matter hi
no uncertain tone.
Orover Cleveland doesn't know
where he is at, and the people dont
know where to find him.
Deal.m In all kinds of fresh and salt meats.
TFre.li samara a specialty,
32I Commercial st Cottle block
Succesor to C. M Deck & Co.
best nitfats In llio city, Prompt delivery at
lowt prices.
W Above trains Mop at Rant Cortland, Ore'atn
W t'ily, Wonlburu, Salern, Turner. M.11C
eiieroti, rtiiMny. AMMny lunctlon.
Rtlccnc, Creswell. Drain, ami all
1 irmn ioieuuru i') xsionno. inclusive
"South 1 "!" ,"Norlh
'::io a.m.-!. Portland ar. ino p.m
11:00a.m. lv. Salem lv. 2:20pm
f:20 p.m. I ar. Iloseb'g lv. 8;.'!o ,t','
ii:l,' p.m.
lv. J'ortlaudnr.
ar. Salem lv.
h:o:, a.niT
and eccond -class sleeping cars attached to all
IIctHcen Portland and Corvallis, daily (ex
cept Sunday. 1
Portland! Ar J0:2o p.m.
Corvallln. Lvjit.ysp. tn,
7:30 a in J Lv,
12:15 P m.f Ar.
OlRe: VllamttiteHottlBuildla".
1'inuiii service apply at olTice. Hills
jiii .-. il.- in j r 1 1 1 1 1 y in advance. Make all
c m, l.i nt. .11 ili ulhce.
Di't'ii icket 10 prevent frcc2ii)(t posl.
iiul) inihil)i:cd. Care hlinuld hu taken
if in daiier nf Trreiing to have stop and
iv.-ute )4.uu cl ied sec section 3 rules and reg
ulation iVi iioiJucooii in bills will uc al.
lowed for absence or for any cause whatever
unlets water is cut of from premises.
At AllMiiy and Cotvallls connect with
trams or Oregon Central ,fc Eastern Railroad.
Express train daily except Sunday.
.:45 p. in I Lv. Portland Ar.
7H5 p. m. Ar. McMinville I
r. I 8:25 a,
yj 6:30 a.
to all points in the Eastern Slates, Canada
and Europe can be obtained at lowest ratei
from WAV. SINNER, Agent, Salem.
E. P, ROGERS, Asst. O. V. & P. A.,
Portland, Or,
K. KOEI1LER, ManaKcr.
NV. A. Cosick J. II. Albert.
President. Cashier.
Capital National Bank,
Transact a general banking business.
Capital Transfer Co,
Express, bugcaRe and all kinds cr work
done promptly. I-eave outers nt PattonV
storo 12-3. tf
loo 00 for every $10 invested can be made by
our new Systematic Plau of Speculation.
$10 00 and more made da'lyon small inves.
ments, by many persons who live away from
All we ask is to investigate our new and or.
ignal methods. Past workings of plan and
highest references furnished. Our booklet
"Points and Hints." how to make money
even when on the wrong side of the market
and other information sent FREE.
GILMORE & Co., Hanker and brokers
Open Hoardof Trade Uldg., Chicago, II ,
10 30-3111 d&w
Full DetailsGladly Given.
A Railroad Official's Experience.
This expenditure Is at thorntnr
18,300 a year. It Is suulelent. fnr n
city or 50,000 people, and thero are
many cities or 60,000 people that ex
pend less for public limiting. Tho ex
penso at our state capital was In
creased frnm Meno a year to S18.300 n
year at a time when tho contract at
owu nan yet nearly tour years to run.
This Is merely n "specimen brick."
o wonder tho state bastn in,.rc
iwinx rote." -oregonian, January 8.
Substitute for tho above that' tho
Orejronlanjranjrln tho legislature of
ISM, fastened a contract on the state
' !"" lHijuicui 01 inn nimvA
outrageous bills for ten years and you
have tho truth.-EDrrou JounvAr.
Meets all mail and passenger trains.. l)ag.
gage and express to all parts of the city.
Prompt service, Telephone Nu 70.
INSURANCE. J. N. Ferguson, agent' for
Western Assurance of Toronto, Phoenix of
London, New Zealand Insurance company
and the Jima Life and Accident, has
moved his office in with the Globe Real
Estate office, up itairs In post office build
i"C. i-2.im
Miss Ballou's School
Will receive children from 1 vears nrm-.-ir.i
Special attention to beginners. All desired
branches for theolder puplU taught, includ
ing drawing, modeling, music plain and ar
tistic needle work. All work done on the in.
dividual plan In which each child is ad
vanced according to its own capacity. For
terms and particulars apply to Mis O. Hal.
lou. Twentieth and Chemeketa sts.
cancer and all malignant diseases. We cure
cancer, old ulcers, niles. tumor, fittnin
sciatic rheumatism.catarrh and minor disease. I
nc nave a commnatton oil which is working
wonder. Address, II. Heckman,
Box 169. Traveling Agent, Eugene, Or.
A SciontlHo American
A Arjonoy for
j TS"" ."d"
Tl YB& w m mr
ArJ lBp
TRADv uiairi
. . vuriniaitn, tO.
""NN coy m BaoiDWiiTwiw voir.
oldest bureau for Mcurtng patent la America.
MTT Ptnt Ukan out by uiu brouBht lS?oS
i pouug or a nouee tten freo orch&rce In l&a
J.fl-f... "M
Irf it drealatlan of anr aclentlflo papr In the
ZVJ "P'ojMlWIr llluratl. No imelllifnt
..;.r..;. v,;""i.'"i't:vv?iv;i .
' " ." it".w.ii, ft"V J
k'orit Oltv.
German Lessons
Given by a qualified teacher, a native
ot Germany. Classes for children on
Satarday nt Channing Hall.
Mrs. Rapsey. 454 Marion St
Given on reasonable terms hy an experienced
,Mch''. W. A. RAVSEV,
44 Marlon $t.
nected with railroad conatructlon In
Nebraska, wrltesr "My herttrouble4
nd pained me tor 19 years. Shortness of
Droatn was the constant and most common
any followed any sovereexertlon. Falntness.
iw8dutcU my. bwMt' plpiutkn
that otten staggered mo as If I would fall.
were frequent AtUcks. Again, everything
would turn black If I arose from a stoop
posturo quickly. Sleon!i.i,ii.),.i.u .?.'. I
Dr, MUeS' Ptratlnff unrest were
WaiH- P,. nuerous and I could
ncart Llire sot no rest day or night.
j .
, J v, , : .
" l"lonou
' ucrrtiwa
' 'rl Ui.
" hir
- 'iiu-ml
Commercial Street, Corner State
Tho Capital Printing Company has te
moved to that location. Call on us.
On farm land security. SDteial
rates on large loans. Loans
consideicd without delay
B.U tot tal,J,!iAMILT0N &"K
VtX .V:,i5',M4l,iJ,.' r A"
in wvi'j-
-i?9 nr
M'l. Uaka r-aiilw
P-uel-l for afeA.fm I
ej ti-tij whk hir . ,
t(btr. XtUAdJMMM f.
faoMA MM.i lmttt.itl.L . ?
O I k
-" T
rbls yenr the city counoll should do
mmmto7MW. 'ST UM'" """ "M '"
I consulted leadlnenhv.
slclans and tried adver
tised remedies. They
Dr. Miles' dtaSS , cZ
Vill t0U Dr' Newman
uu and I am now a well man. I hot
try ur. Miles' remodio. ifi. in.,..
MS1'' l WUl Sl I full
details of mj-experience." Edw. Kdmo.xm;
thV. iZ ZJZXTV. va u a on Buaraat.
, -.... o.nWu0. money wfuAded.
rrtiT . .".www ihumi . itar
rwvuunllinuiii, "",.',
aK arawftav aapHalaMl o .
rm nka7.-k.-taM
Tl irl11aaarT
On city or farm property.
Over Bmh's Bank.
fracitnnJ'f.,5.000 ! lon n one sum or any
SaiJoo To loan ii
-.-... Muinjt; iiih nr lra rlino
.. . -., JWUa.W9a
with particulars.
9Mveu.,J-"- "AWLEY,
I "iiv aiicci,
Portland, Or.
, Bo4fot
or. WEaiAns'
sta3tbaCvialed XX miles west or Wapata
r r .'- mhl11 C0UMy and lX mil" south
hrlav0. 1 W"eat 'and, loaere-fmeadovvand
vrfli da,":mosl of the balance well set in
rrvl- ..111 r b".J. OWH SOU, Jlt
rock, easily put In cultivation, witlCspring or
Creel I m tverr An ar.e win .iiif. .-..
. v -v.Vd. .,,11 adl 111 LliiLl
f - J Tw v.v
40 acres or more at prices from
"iu, accowmg to location
$280 up.
and improve.
S!. J? "y ,ern,s For fur,htfr Particular
enquire of Wm. H.EUAN.
1 4 ,m Gervais, Or.