Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 09, 1896, Image 1

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''VRWlj ' " ''
mmmmMMdAim&t r -a ,1 MI , j
Sells Only the '
Shoes made by the Brown Shoe Co., of St. Louis, Mo. We have
found tliem relliiblo in every particular. For lit and wear they
can't be beat. We sell them at a very close profit, which, with
the satisfaction they give, ncounts for our very large shoo trade.
We carry only reliable good in all other lines as well ns shoes.
Clothing, underwear, hosiery, hats, shirts and notions -in groat
variety. Our motto is reliable Roods, lowest prices.
Road Machlnery3andIAgricultural Implements,
Latest Improved Goods find Lowest Prices.
NV Corner State and Liberty streets, : : : : SALEM, OR
NOjHoliday Goods to sell at cost,
all sold out, wlnicti shows that tlie
prices are just right for tlie times.
Now we have evrything else to
sell atth.e same LOW PR1CJKS.
The Fair
Commercial fet.
of the Willamette Oniversiiy.
Modern methods, JUp to date. Same as in the eastern and European Conservatories
None but the best is good cnouch fur beginners as well as for more advanced pupils.
W. C. HAWLEV. President
R. A HtRITAGE. Vocal Director
EMIL L. WINKLER, Instrumental Director.
But that cuts no ice with the $15,000 stock of
men's and boy's clothing and furnishing goods
that must be sold
A" AS 0f Wf 0S
Allwool, doublcbreasted, wide velvet collar, extra long, maclv
intoshes, that are being sold everywhere
for $8 and $10, we offer for
Mf f i" &
We have cheaper, but ask no more than $10 for suits that
you pay from $10 to $20 for at other places,
Our stock of boys' clothing is most complete, and no rcas
sanable offer will be refused,
Oome in and see for, yourself at the same old place,
257 Commercial Street.
" yfS (
a yg
Agent Mortgagee,
Spanish Troops Being-Concentrated
for Action.
Insurgents Looking for Mone Mu
nitions of War,
Havana , .Ian. t). The Insurgents,
according to advices from the front-
today, arc still moving toward province
l'lnar del Mo, and keeping near
the coast. It Isbellevcd they nroawait
Ing tho arrival of an expedition with
a supply of ammunition, arms etc.
The Spanish troops commanded by
General I?rat,arc reported as contin
uing in pursuit of the insurgents
under Generals Maceo, Zayas, Moro
and one of the Nugez brothers. Sev
eral .skirmishes have occurred in
which the Insurgents sustained only
a slight loss.
New York, Jan. It. A dispatch to
tho World from Havana says:
An Impoataut conllict seems to bo
impending. TheoverpoweringSpanish
columns everywhere In the vicinity of
the small bands of Insurgents that
have been hurrying over the country
north of the railways have been called
In. Gomez evidently Is consolidating
his forces.
The Insurgents are in two largo
bodies. One under Maceo is near
Ccoba del Agua, on the boundary lino
between Havana and Plnar del Jtlo
provinces. Tho other, under Gomez,
is west and south of Guanaja. over
tho border In PJnur del Rio.
There appears to bo no probability
that Gomez has Intentions on tho
Vuclta Abajo tobacco district.
Havana is perfectly quiet. Thoi
volunteers have not been called out,
although a general order Issued gives
full details of what Is to be done In
case of necessity.
New York, .Tan. 9. A special to
tho Herald from Tampa, Pin., says:
A private telegram received hero
from Havana says tho whole force of
insurgents is in sight of the capital.
Tho message says that an apprehen
sion exists of an attack on the city,
and that overy effort Is lnjing mado to
protect tho suburban approaches,
especially tho water-works and electric
light station. Sympathy with the
Insurgents, It Is roported, Is known to
exist in Havana outside of otlicial
circles, and there Is said to bo fear of
an uprising In conjunction with tho
insurgent advance.
Tho Cubans believe that tho end of
tho revolution is rapidly approaching,
and say Campos Is defeated without
an attack on Havana.
Consul-General Soils discredits all
nows from Havana, and says ho Is sat
isfied thaCtho report of tho Insurgents
being at tho gates of tho city Is a can
ard. He scouts tho idea of an attack
on tho capital In tho face of Campos'
force of 100,000 men, including tho
volunteer force under arms.
St. Louis, Jan. 0. Tho Globe-Democrat
in this city publishes a letter
from navana under date of January
1, as follews:
HonoroP. Laney, a sugar-planter,
whoso place is near Narajas, arrived
here today after an unusual experi
ence of five days with tho insurgents.
Gomez' army approached hisplaceand
was about to burn his cane; he pro
tested and started to look for Brigadier-General
Zayas, with whom ho
was acquainted. He was made prls-
oner anu uikoii ueiuru amccu, uu
turned him over to Gomez. The rebel
commander received him as a guest,
but for many reasons would not let
him go,
, A .-- ..... -.r ...i.
Gomez questioned him nnd was
questioned by hi ni. During the five
days of Lnney'sRtny with tho lnsur-1
gents Gomez' army swung In a big '
circle, first nlong the lino of tho rail
road, passing I'cdestro, Torrlente,
Clnudio, and coming around south of
Murga. They crossed over to tho
cast, crossing a railroad north of i
Aqueda, and recrossed it on the west
ern arm near Callmet. This Is where
tho big light occurred, but Mr. Luncy
gives n very different account of It
than that published. According to
olllclal reports tho insurgents lost 100
or moro men, wlillo the 1oms of tho
Spanish were put down as 18 killed
and 04 wounded.
"f saw one of Mnceo's men fall
(lend, ami there wen othcrcnsunllleV
says Mr. Laney, "hut no more I ban
.eight men were killed. I saw 17 dead
Spaniards on the Held after the tight,
when the Spaniards retreated.
"Tho battle started Just as Gomez'
men wore hanging a negro, nUo of tho
command. Ho had assaulted a uegress
and was condemned by .court-martial.
Thoy were hanging him back or the
buildings of a sugar plantation when
a volley was Ilred and one of tho
execution squad was killed. The rebels
dropped Into tho 'grass
and began
to answer the tire with great effect,
while the cavalry came around and
charged tho Spaniards, who had
formed In two squares. The llrst
square was having a pretty hard time
wltli the Infantry, which, crawling In
the cane, poured shots Into It. 1
heard Gomez order a machete charge
of tho other square, and under that
charge tho square melted away, the
soldiers finding shelter and protection
in the cane.
"After tho battle, jvltcn tho Insur
gents had mustered up quite a num
ber of Mausers, thoy camo back to
the buildings where their wounded
were. Later, ns tho column moved
away, tho Spaniards opened lire with
cannon, but did little damage. Gen
eral Nnvarro camo up with more
forces in tho rear and fired. The In
surgents did not lire after leaving tho
plantation. Later on the march tho
rebel column was tired on by a train-
load of troops. Another man was
killed, and there was a third engage
ment. This did llttlo damage. Prom
Callmet tho march was northward.
The troops crossed tho railroad Just
west of Barucoa, and rccrosscd It at
Corralltos. Thence they marched to
Navazas, where 1 was released near
home. There are, I should estimate,
about 8000 men with Gomez and
Maceo. I understand there are a
couple of thousand more to the north
under Lacre."
There was a story that Gomez was
going toavengo tho execution of Caba
cllloAccbo a certain prisoner ho had,
and of this Mr. Laney said:
"Nothing could bo wider from the
truth. Prisoners arc ncaly always re
leased at once,"
"Now Mr. Laney, there, are accord
ing to your account, 10,000 or 11!,000
Insurgents In Matanzas. Wo know
there are 30,000 or 40,000 Spanish sol
diers in the province. Now how can
such armies, if they are in earnest,
maneuver around in tho way you de
scribe and not have a battle ? Is it
that tho Insurgents hldo so well ?"
"Tho Insurgent column Is over a
league long. How can you hldo such
an army ?" and that Is all tho answer
ho made.
Earthquake in Persia.
Teheran, Persia, Jan. a. Two
earthquakes occurred In tho district
of Khalkany, the first on the night of
January 2. Tho largo village of Jan
Jabad was destroyed, several others
partially destroyed, and 300 persons
killed. The second earthquake oc
curred January 5 and was very severe.
It was felt overan area of ten miles.
The town of Gol was destroyed and
thousand of houses demolished. In
addition great damage was douo in
many villages. Tho loss of life was
very great. There wcro COO persons
killed In Gol nlono aud a large num
ber of cattlo and sheep perished.
The U. S. Qov't Reports
ahw Royal Baking Powfrr
H mil 9tk9n,
Russia, Germany and France
Are United.
War Spirit Hovors Over London
and All Europe,
London, .Ihji. (. A hpecial dispatch
from Berlin tills afternoon says that
Russian co-operation with Germany
In tho Transvaal matter has lccn
assured, and Prance will act with
This apparently tends to contlrni
the report of an antl-llrltlsh alliance,
aud that tho action of Emperor Wil
liam towards the Boer republic was a
thoroughly-weighted step.
Portugese, neutral.
LifliiON, Jan. 8. -Portugal, It Is an
nounced, will remain neutral In the
dispute between Great Brltnln and
Germany regarding tho Transvaal,
and not permit the Germans or Brit
ish to land troops at Dclagoa bay, or
traverse Portugese tcrrlt6ry In South
London, Jan. I). The gravity of tho
political crisis hero 1b Increasing, In
stead of diminishing. Tho attitude of
Emperor William toward Grcnt
Britain in the matter of Dr. Jame
son's frcebootlng expedition into the
Transvaal upon closer study seems to
have been deliberated long and care
fully planned. Tho Transvaal Inci
dent, It would appear, was only tho
pretext seized upon by tho emperor In
older to enter tho Held ns an active
opponent of Great Britain's policy of
aggrandizement In Africa. Her little
misunderstanding with KiugPrempch
of Aslmntce,and hersupportof Italy's
warfare against Abyssinia, are be
lieved to have been the irritating
features which llnally Induced his
majesty to show Ills hand. Of course,
this Is only a sample of tho rumors In
circulation here, but It shows tho
drift of tho wind, and has served to
incense the British to a degrco not
witnessed since the war with Bussla
was threatened somo years ago.
London, Jan. U. The chances of
war between Great Britain aud Ger
many aro looked upon today as re
mote, there being a decided tono of
back-down In the utterances of tho
German press towards Great Britain.
Tho receipt of a dispatch from
Pretoria announcing the extreme de
mands of tho south African republic
for tho surrender of all British rights
and suzerainty, etc., over tho Trans
vaal, and Del Agoa bay, however, has
again changed tho complexion of
ntfairs. In tho mcantliuo tliero Is
little or no abatement as to Gorman
feeling here. At a meeting of tho
London radical federation today a
resolution was passed demanding the
Immediate removal of Pmporor Wil
liam from the British army and navy
Washington, Jan. 0. In tho house
today Livingston, dcm., of Georgia, 1
offered the following resolutien:
"That the president bo requested
forthwith to ascertain whether Great
Britain is advancing her outposts on
tho territory in dispute between her
colony, British Gulna, and the repub
lic of Venezuela, and In case sho Is, to
demand an immediate withdrawal."
Tho resolution wnu referred to tho
committee on foreign affairs.
London, Jan. 0. The Colonial onice
tills evening published a denial of tlie
report which reached here from
Caracas, Venezuela, near New York,
that British troops, with Cannor from
Demarora, had arrived at Cuynnlo
station at the extreme limit or the
British, the claim on tho disputed
territory and tlie scene of the Ameri
can Inoident,
Lane County Populists.
Eugene, Or., Jan. 0. Tlie populist
county central committee hcldnmcot
Ing at the court house yesterday, but
failed to do any Important work. In
fact, beyond appointing a committee
to apiwar heroic tlie county court to
ask for one Judge of election In eacll
precinct from the populist party,
nothing was done. There Is an effort
on tho part of somo Democrats to
effect a fusion with the populists, and
a portion of tho latter have been
brought over do that Idea. On this
question tlie committee got Into a
row, which virtually broke up tho
meet lug.
Amis took the liMd for the fusion
Ists, and Spaugli. the acknowledged
lender of the party, t,ok tho opposite
position. A resolution was Introduced
approving the Omaha platfor.n and
Incidentally leaning toward fusion,
but the meeting could not ajrea upon
anything, and a motion to adjourn
was carried.
A noticeable thing was 'I he activity
of tlie democrats, who seemed to have
a great deal to look after. They aie
mnklnga desperate strugglo for fusion,
thinking It their only show to get
anything at all. No time was set for
the county convention.
Two Electric Cars Hurled Through
a Bridge.
Killed and More Injured
Tinker's Crook,
Cleveland, Jan. 0. On the Akron,
Bedford & Cleveland electric railway,
near Bedford this morning, a heavy
motor car and another car plunged
through n brldgo over Tinker's, creok,
hurling a largo number of passengers
75 feet Into a chasm beneath. Two
men were instantly killed, nnd a
number seriously injured.
Later reports show that there wcro'
no passengers on tho motor and only
tho crew, consisting of throe men,
went down In tho wreck.
Not Duck Hunting.
Seattle, .Inn. u. C. II, Baker, re
ceiver of tho Merchant's National
bank of this city, returned from
Washington, city today and tells an
Interesting story of President Clove
land's lastduck-hniitlug trip, aud the
reiiHou ho mado It. The story was
'told to Mr. Baker byono high In
government circles, and Is as follows;
"I called on tho president Just be
foro he Issued ills Venezuelan mes
sage, and In regard to that, there
Is a llttlo Incident that Is not
generally known. Mr. Cleveland's
trip was not a duck-hunting expedi
tion at all. The story Is this:
"Lord Salisbury's reply to Secretary
of State Oluoy was to bo mado public,
but Lord Salisbury had agreed not to
make It public until It was received
by tho president of this country.
"Now, Mr. Cleveland absented him
self on his duckhuiitlng trip so that
when Lord Salisbury's reply arrived
ho would not l In Washington to
otllclally receive It. In the meantime
ho did receive It on lion id the yacht
Violet, and on board that yacht got
up his famous message, aud It went
before tho world as an answer to Lord
Salisbury's toplyat tho same tlmo that
reply became a public document.
Receiver Appointed.
Helena, Mont., Jan. 0. Judgo Gil
bert, of Portland, in the United States
district court today appointed An
drew P. Burleigh sole receiver for the
Northern Pacific road In Ills circuit,
Clams, at Doty's.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't JRepert
Defined by a Resolution in
Shall By War, Treaty or Otherwise
Acquire Territory,
Washington, .ran. . In the
somite today Baker, of Kansas, offered
a resolution enumerating tho exten
sion of tho Monroe doctrine. The
resolution sjys: The United States
will regard It as an unfriendly at for
any foreign power, without our con
sent, by war t reaty, purchase or other
wise, to extend Its territorial limits
In the western hemisphere on either
or tho American continents, or to any
Islands adjacent thereto, which this
country deems necessary for Its self
preservation, and tho United States
reserves the right to lie sole Judgo of
tho necessity for tho maintenance of
their national entitles.
No Court Trials to Bo Hold at Ta
coma, Wash?
Because tho County Has Exceeded
tho Debt Limit,
TACOMA,.Tan. (. The state supremo
court Issued today a restraining order
to prevent tho county Judge, auditor,
clerk and sheriff or Pierce county
from calling a Jury to try the crimi
nal cases awaiting trial. Tho reason
given Is that tho county being beyond
Its legal debt limit, cannot create
now obligations.
This may result In a general Jail de
livery, as tho state law says prisoners
must lie tried within (10 duyB after
filing Information against them.
The Battleship Oregon.
San Prancihco, Jan. l). Tlio bat
tleshlp Oregon will soon bo "ready for
sea. Tho last of tho armor-nlatcs for
tho turrets have lieon shipped from
the Bethlehem works In the East for
tho Union Iron works, and, according
to the contract, tho vessel Is to bo
completed within ninety days after
tho receipt of the plates. Tho armor
for tho .sponsons and barbettes has
long been put In position, and nearly
all of tho oight-luch aud tho smaller
guns have heeu mounted.
Tho four 13-lnch guns that aro to bo
protected by tho turrets cannot bo
mounted until the armor-plates aro in
place. One of the turrets wns finished
a fow days ago, but tho big weapons
will not bo placed In until both tur
rets are ready; In all, fnurguus will bo
mounted at once. Nearly all that re
mains to bo douo to tho big ship Is to
complete tho one turret, nnd it will
only require a few days after tho armor-plates
arrive to do tho work.
Tho engines and other machinery of
the vessel have lieen tested and found
to bo perfect, and tho big battle-ship
can now bo ready for service In a fow
Catarrh In tho Head.
It due to impure blood and cannot be currd
with local application. Ilood'i Sarsaparil!a
hat cured hundred! of cases of catauh l -cause
it purifies the blood and in this way re
moves tho cause of the disease. It also bul ds
up the system and prevents attacks of pneu
monia, uspnmena anu lypnoiu icvcr. t
, Hood's I'illt become the favorites cahari
wltli every one who tries them, 35 cetts1
iHrwwte!!J'i tfaxs ;y tww