Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 08, 1896, Image 1

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NrTfWTf jCTF-l
- -rfl- fjttj, '"Wlflf
FW "
VOL, 'h
'-y wiifwy '
Kraussb Bros.
Road Machinery and Agricultural Implements.
Latest Improved Goods and Lowest Prices.
NW Corner State and Liberty streets, : : : : SALEM, OR.
NOjHoliday Goods to sell at cost,
all sold out, wtiicti shows that ttie
prices are just right for the times.
Now we have evrything else to
sell at thie'SaVrie LOW PRICES.
The Fajr
274 Commercial St.
of the Willamette University.
Modern methods. Up to date.
None but the best is good enough
But that cuts no ice with the $15,000 stock of
men's and boy's clothing and furnishing goods
that must be sold'
" sf
Allwool, double-breasted, wide velvet collar, extra long, mack
intoshes, that are being sold everywhere -'
for $8 and $10, we offer for
v- sp w a.
We have cheaper, but ask no more than $10 for suits that
you pay from $10 to $20 for at other places.
Our stock of boys' clothing is most complete, and no rcax
sonable offer will be refused.
Oome in and see for yourself at the same old place.
257 Commercial Street.
Iff m
y ,
Same as in the eastern and European Conservatories
for beginners as well as for more advanced pupils,
W. C. HAWLEV. President
RA. HERITAGE. Vocal Director
EMIL L. WINKLER, Instrumental Director.
f "
Agent Mortgagee
Ho Narrowly Escaped tho En
raged Boors,
Two and a Half Millions Demanded
of England.
London, Jan. ".It wiih reported
this nftcrnoon that Jameson had been
sentenced by the Judges of "Pretoria to
be shot Saturday Inst. A dispatch
from Krucgcrsdorp, Transvaal, dated
January 3rd., says; 'Jameson nar
rowly escaped being shot In the mar
ket place by Incensed Boers, and was
saved by the commandant, who
threatened to shoot the first tnnn who
raised his rifle."
London, Jan. 8. Long dispatches
from Cape Town, to tho Times, de
scribe tho Intense feeling there at the
failure of the Johanncsburgcrs to suc
cor Dr. Jameson, but the National
Union delegates Bay that a disobe
dience of Governor Sir Helculcs Robl
son'8 orders would have frustrated
his belated mission of mediation, and
nil the old animosities of the Mnjuda
times would lmvo been revived. Tho
people are angry and at cross-purposes
but are unanimous in their enthusi
asm for Dr. Jameson. The Times dis
patch from Johannesburg says that
Colonel Rhodes told the crowd the
whole truth, declaring that It was the
bitterest moment of his life. The
committee never imagined that Dr.
Jameson was In such desperate straits,
having received hopeful messages,
The Times this morning makes the
following announcements;
"Orders hnvo been sent to Ports
mouth, Davenport and Chatham for
the Immediate commissioning of six
ships to form a flying squadron, the
objcct.of which Is obviously to havo a
squadron ready for any required
emergency. It will lo composed of
two first-clnss battle-ships, and two
first-class and two second-class cruis
ers. The possibility of the commiss
ioning of such a squadron at a
moment's notice shows thnt our re
sources are better than whs supposed,
and is proof that our naval organiza
tion has greatly improved of late
years. It has also been decided to
dispatch a naval force to Delagoa bay,
but it is unknown whether it will be
composed of vessels from the Capo or
from tho East Indies."
Tho archbishop of Canterbury bus
issued a special collection for use In
tho churches during tho grave crisis.
The Daily Telegraph announces that
it has been decided to intercept the
troops to and from India In order to
send strong reinforcements of infantry
and cavalry to the Cape. This paper
also states Chat troops in addition will
bo sent from England, and that a first
class cruiser has been ordered to-Delagoa
The correspondent of the Standard
at Aldershot believes that there is a
question of calling out the army
reserves, and a portion of tho militia.
Tho Duke of Connaught and the staff
officers, the correspondents say, are
busy at headquarters, and are in con
stant communication with the war
A special from Berlin Bays that Dr.
Leyds has received a dispatch stating
that tho Transvaal demands from
England an Indemnity of 500,000 for
Dr. Jameson's invasion.
RENDER. London, Jan. 8. In a dispatch to
tho secretary of state for the colonies,
Sir Joseph Chamberlain, from Sir
The U. S. Gov't Reports
akvw Rrl Bmklmg Pw4$e
Hit f lyirfT it U ittftfff
Hercules ItobliiHoii, dated KMerday, '
and just tnndo pulillc Itoblnsoii says:
The ritiltlnndcM of Jolmunesbiiru;
havo surrendered unconditionally,
and given up arms to representatives
of Preflldont Krtieger.
In addition the latter ha Intimated
the Intention ofiliandlng over to Dr.
Jnmevin and other prisoner cap) tired
by the IIocm to (lie British high run
mlssloncrou the borders of Natal.
Sir Hercules Robinson, In the dis
patch adds: "You inny therefore bo
natiBilcd tho crisis In over, unit all
danger of further hostilities ended."
London, .Inn. S.f dispatch re
ceived from Cape Town this evening,
nays it Is reported ntl'retorla that the
Transvaal government demands the
banishment of Cecjl Rhodes, ox
premlcr of Caic Colony, and Dr.
Jameson, from Africa and, that an
enormous lino Is atai demanded from
tho British chartered tompauy. It Is
supposed hero that tills may refer to
52,500,000 Indemnity wiilch, according
to a dispatch from Berlin, the Trans
vaal government will demand of Great
Havana, Jan. 8. The details of an
engagement havo Just,cen received
here, showing that-General Navarro,
between Gurnja and Cuba de Agun,
overtook n nnmerous Insurgent force
undcrZayns and other lenders, During
a three hours' fight the Spanish artil
lery, was called Into play. Tho In
surgents were routed with a loss of
23 killed and 43 wounded left on the
field. The insurgents aro said to havo
carried away many more wounded.
General Navarro pursued the in
surgents, overtook tjiclr rear guard nt
Calba de Agua and in a skirmish four
Insurgents were killed and three
taken prisoners.
On tho government side it is an
nounced that only four officers and
thirty privates were wounded In both
engagements. A dispatch from
Matanzas says 400 insurgents recently
tried to compel tho garrison of tho
Itabo Cardenas district to surrender.
Upon refusal of tho troops to surren
der tho fort was attacked but tho in
surgents were repulsed wltha loss of
six killed.
Madrid, Jan. 8. Present rumors
aro In circulation here thnt Captain
General Campos will bo succeeded by
General Polavicrn or general Wolloy
In command of tho Spanish forces In
New York. Jan. 8. A dls patch to
tho World from navana says:
'Cable dispatches froih Now York
report widely exaggerated stories of
the condition of affairs here. Tho
fact is, the city is so quiet as to glvo
rise to surprise on tho part of the old
experienced residents. There has
been no anticipation founded on sub
stantial reasons that the rebels will
change their policy and attempt to
occupy a town which could probably
not be taken without a battle. Among
the Cuban sympathizers, of course,
there Is much Individual excitement,
which finds no collective expression.
Tho Spaniards, especially tho mer
chants and tradespeople, who nro
suffering from prostration of trado,
foci extremely anxious on account of
their business."
Dut the Bank Was Insured Against
Toledo, Jan. 8. A special to tho
Blade from Fayette, O., says tho Fay
ette bank was entered last night by
burglars and $43,750 In cash and $4000
In bonds were taken.
The bank was insured aguinst bur
glary In tho Fidelity and Casunllty
company of New York.
In the Senate.
"Washington, Jan. 8. Tho Repub
llcan caucus, after a stormy scbslou,
agreed to Instruct the finance com
mittee that the tariff bill be reported
without an amendment, and passed
in that form.
Tho Subject Is Broached In
To Be Admitted to the Union by a
Wahhinuton, Jan. 8. The subject
of the annexation of the Hawaiian
Inlands was broached In tho homo of
representatives today by Spalding,
representative from Michigan. In
the resolution Is provision that the
Sandwich Islands be erected Into a
new state to be called Hawaii, with a
republican form of government to be
adopted by the people. It provides
that all property pertaining to tho pub
lic defense be ceded to the United
Slates, but that the state retain all
other property and tho United States
be liable for none of Its debts. Tho
resolution proposes as an alternative 1
that Hawaii may bo admitted as r.
state by treaties between tho two gov
ernments, with ono representative in
congress, and proposes to appropriate
$100,000 for making the treaties. Tho
resolution was referred to the com
mittee on foreign affairs.
A Number of New Pupils Other
of Interest.
- L. K. "Wlson returned from Port
land Monday morning where ho spent
the holidays with his parents.
Miss Bcsslo Shopard recited tin ex
cellent selection very nicely In chapel
Moodny mornlug.
At tho close of tho session of tho
Phllodorlnn society mcct'lng, tho
young men proceeded to organlzo a
mock house of representatives which
resulted in tho election of F, C. Brown
ns speaker; Chlof JustlccI. P. Calllson
administered the oath of office and C.
J. Atwood, president of tho U. S.
delivered his address. Very llttlo
business was transacted last wcek'but
tho meeting for next Friday evening
promises to be quite intorcstlg,
Messrs. Floyd Reynolds, Harry Han
sen, II. L. McIIallle and Miss Laura
Whlteman were chapel visitors Mon
day morning.
Otto and Autouo Motschan of tho
State Agroulturnl Collego of Corvallln
wcro chapol visitors Monday morning,
returning to their school on tho
11 o'clock local that day.
Tho Y. M. O. A. International con
vention will meet In Eugcuo January
10 to 12 Inclusive. Wlllametne will
havo a delegation in attendance.
James Shlvcsrcadan essay In chapel
Tuesday morning on tho present slto
of London.
Miss Gcrtrudo Stahlcy tud number
of others visited chapel Tuesday
It. B. Wllklns, of Albany and It. L.
Loch, of Brooks nro the latest pupils
to register with President Hnwley.
Beware Of Ointments for Catarrh
contain Mercury,
at mercury will surely destroy the sense of
smell and completely derange the whole sys
tem when emetine it through the mucous
surfaces' Such articles should never I used
except on prescriptions reputable physician,
rs the damage they will do is ten fold to the
apod you can derive from them. Hull's
Catarrh Cure, manufadtured by F. J, Cheney
& Co , Toledo. O , contain no mercury, and
is taken internally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucus surfaces of the system. In
buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get
tho genuine. It is taken internally, and made
In Toledo Ohio, by F. J. Cheny &Co. Tcs.
timonlal free.
nrSolh by Druggists, price 75 cents a bot
A Card.
On retiring from practice of den
tistry in Salem I wish to express many
thanks to my friends and clientele for
tho very liberal patronago enjoyed.
For future dental operations I nm
pleased to refer them to my worthy
friend, Dr. 0. II. Mack, who will con
tinue practice at the samo office
(Old "White Corner). Dr. Mack hav
ing been associated with mo, I know
him to bo extremely well skilled in
any and every brunch of dental prac
tice and a very nice and worthy gen
tleman, I bespeak for him a very
liberal patronage.
J. M. Keenk, D. D, S.
Salem, Dec 28, 1805. I 3 lot
Mnny mmeullhw Hava linen Pre
1 tfihtrtl.
1 W.wiiwroN, .Inn. B.-Oiw of f tic
' iiipnilx'nif l ho ffiicli11 iHTftlrai'oiifitilU
tee of tint home, when nnkuil wlidlhcr
the recent micccwm of tlla Insurgents
In Culm would liiiihin the recognition
by this government of tlutlr rights us
belligerent, Mild:
"The stale department Is now pro
paring In answer to a resolution of
tho home, copies of all the correspon
dence which hits taken plnce nlxiut
the nOxMllfMi. This will Include
loiters from the NpanUli minister.
If thos letters should prove to Ikj
bragging declarations that tho
Spanish forces would put tho rebel
lion down lit it wcok or two, It will
havo tho effect of demonstrating to
the house that the rebellion Is now
certainly beyond the control of tit
home government. Tho Spanish
minister has admitted that his
government now has on tho islnnd
100,000 1 1 oops, and yet tho insurgents
are within a few miles of Havana,
the capital city of tho Island.
"The difficulty wo havo to contend
with In moving for tho recognition of
'the patriots as belligerents Is that
they lmvo no organized army and no
fixed scat of government. Their plan
has been not to havo an army, for If
their forces wcro concentrated the
Spanish regulars would undoubtedly
overwhelm them. Recognition by
this government would only havo a
moral effect, whereas It now looks ns
If tho Insurgents wero working out
their own salvation without assist
ance from tho outsldo world.
"If thoy contlnuo their successful
guerrilla warfare until next Anrll.
when yellow fever takes tho field, It
win 00 tmpossioio to suodtto tnem ny
any force which Spain commands.
nilin ..I. .11 lAitilnwi rV tl.A i fr .1 , I n .
jliju vivit luuuutn in tiiu Juvuiubiijii.
unfortunately for us, do not aim at
independence. Thoy say thoy do not
care 10 go turougii tmrty or torty
years similar to tho carllerexncrlenccs
of Mexico, henco tltoy aro nil for tin-
noxatton to tho united utatcs. 1
doubt much whether our ncoplo nro
prepared nt tho present tfmo to ns-
sumo mo government or uttoa. wiin
Its population fresh from Spanish
rule, and generally unfitted for Amer
ican ciiizcnsmp.
"Howovor that may lie, It Is evident
that affairs on tho Island nro ap
proaching a crisis and we must be
prepared to protoct American lnter.
csts, wltatovcr our attltudo may bo
toward tho Insurgents. For this rea
son, if for no other, I am Inclined to
doubt tlio truth of tho story, that the
administration lias been preparing to
use our Nortli Atlantlo squadron to
mako n demoultratlon In Turkish
mueiu. uu nru name 10 need our
war snips 10 protect our interests on
tko Island of Cuba.
"If tho Insurgonts tako possession
of any or tho largo cities or should
assuino to control the civil govern
ment of tho Island, disturbances
would follow.
Oysters at Doty's.
County Commissioners Court.
Tho Mnrlon county commissioners
court met at 0 a. m. for tho regular
January session. County Judgo Hub
bard, J. "W. "Watson of Turner and
Fraud Anderson of Howell present,
deputy county dork JolnivB. Giese,
recorder of proceedings. Thero Is u
largo volume of routine business, be
sides bovoral luter-county bridge bills
and contracts to settle.
Friers at DoIy'h.
Patented Aiiroad. Joseph B.
Brown, of this city, today received a
patent from the Dominion of Canada
for Ids Improved food cooker and
clothes washer, dated December 28,
1805. Mr. Brown got a patent In tho
United States last December and Is
making a great success of his Inven
tion under tho royalty plan. Ho pro
poses to sell his patent In Canada If ho
can do so.
Fish of all kinds nt Doty's.
Catarrh In the Head.
Is due to Impure blood and cannot be cured
with local application. Hood's Sartapnrllla
has cured hundreds of cases of catarrh be
cause it purifies the blood and in this way re
moves tho emise of the disease. It also builds
up the system and prevents attacks of pneu.
monla, diphtheria and typhoid fever,
Hood's Pills become the favorites catharlc
wilb every one who tries them. 25 celts'
Clams, at Doty's.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
Hi Pi Hi Hi
Quarrels of So-Calloci Fed
eral Rccelvors,
U. S, Supremo Judges to Become
Pass Issuers,
Mimvaukkk.WN., Jan. S.-TI10 end
of tho Northern Pacific Railroad com
panysquabblo Is fast approaching. It
Is iiHccrtnlned tin authority that a set
tlement has been reached satisfactory
to all Tho basis of settlement cannot
bo learned at present, but It Is certain
that It presents precedents quite out
side tho usual practice in reefelver
shlps, for one of tho "minor" details
is said to bo the placing or tho recol ver
shlplnchargoorUnltedStatessupremo court, under control and direction of
five Justices, who aro to preside-over, tho
Jurisdictions through which tho lino
extends. These Justices nre: Chlof
Justice Melville W. Fuller, John vM.
Harlan of tho seventh district, David
J. Brewer or the eighth district,
Stephen J. Field of tho ninth district,
Ituftts W. Pcckham of tho second dis
"Micky" Fuilcrton Dies of Heart DUcaw
While En RouttfIom'ey''1'
This morning "Micky11 Fullerton,
ns ho Is familiarly known by tho old
residents of Oregon, died of heart
dlscaso whllo on his way to his homo
in Roseburg. Ilisdcnth occurred on
tho Roseburg local, n short dlstnnco
south of Turner. Ho was about 80
years of ago, a pioneer of Oregon, nnd
tho fnther or Judgo Fullerton or tho
second judicial district.
Ofkioers Installed. At tho pub
lic Installation of officers of Central
Lodge No. 18, K. of P., at the A. O. U.
W. linll Tuesday night tho following
officers wcro Installed, C. A. Knox,
district deputy grand chancellor offi effi
ciating: A. M. Hanson, C. 0., vlco
Dr. Contrlss, retiring C. C; Clins.
Gabrlclsoii, V. C; V. I. Lohmnn, pre
Into; L. It. Stlnson, iv. of R. nnd S.;
S. A. McFndden, M. or F.; A. K.
Linn, M. or E.; Frank Wrlghtnmn, M.
or A.; S. T. Richardson, M. or W,;
C. B. UpdegrnfT, I, G.j A. II. Gnrdner,
O. G. "With Mrs. Jennto Linn ns in
stalling officer, nnd Mrs. Contrlss and
Mrs. Culver as aids, tho offices of the
order of Hathbono Sisters placed In
office tho follewing: Mrs. Suslo Par
menter, 1 C; Mrs. Lillian Olmstcad,
M. B. 0. Mrs. Clara StouslolT, E. S.;
Mrs. Wlprtit, E. J.; Miss Lizzie Har
rlld, M.; Mrs. Lottlo Dickey, M. or R.
nnd C.l Mrs. Nettlo McFndden, M. of
F.j Mrs. Foncs, P. of T.; Mre.Maggld
Nell. O. G.
A New Feature.
Look in on our bargain counters
which wo havo Just established. Wo
have all Bpeclal bargains on thorn.
You know all our goods are bargains,
but wo havo soino lines we want to
closo out, and wo place them on the
bargain counter. Wo havo placed on
It, ladles' and gents' wool and wool
mixed underwear, childrens' corset
waists, ladles' and childrens' hoso.
mens' pants, ladles', childrens' and
mens' shoes, a Job lot of drewi braids.
These are special bargains.
8-2d-lw New York Lacicet.
Did You Ever.
Try Electric Hitters as a remedy for your
trouble? II not, get a bottle now and get
relief. ThU medicine has been found to be
peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure ol
all Female Complaints exert a wonderful
direct influence In giving strength and lone to
the organs. If you have loss of Appetite,
Constipation, Headacho, Fainting Spells, or
are Nervous, Sloepless, Excitable, Melan
choly or troubled with Dizzy Spell, Electric
Hitlers is tnomeuicineyou necu. ueaiin amt
Strength are guaranteed by Its use. Fifty
' cents and l,oo at Fred A, Legg.s Drug Store
-Latest U. S. Gov't Report