ipfimfp t mpwffg vm$p?$ iwvw i?CtiK353::S5rRS3;' sssAf' W Jjt V i r, il sx HE CAMTAL JMligL UIAILY .NJ WKKlLV.1 Y HOKBR BROTHH. La MfSif MMCUlitlC UOmmRWl CTTwn ytT for China. SATURDAY, JA 4, 189C. 6m wc stand on the Cleveland gold jft Msndnrd and prospcr?- Livc vrltliln your means If you have to take a 1 cent Dally to do It. - Senator Shcnnan continues to be considerable of a Republican bfmct-l!l4t. The Statesman hhould not ruin Judge Hubbard's chances by support ing him. VE? 3 l!Al(vy SCOTT ,.. . i JL ' ' ' . "" . HOWLS. 7 '' 13 wlio is annoyed byitbe lv of .ftteolloTi ?hown bcr In rt,bi bortfloiigbtto take her rue from tbc xc.i me?, iuev ujcumuu cnouuu. , Oregonian, Jn. 3. Tbefceslonsof the teachers' lnsti nit. n. Pnrtlnnd. held under tbc dl- Japanese women never dljo-t heir lSySffWbK tlono t,lc sUltc -I-tondent. TilX Tl. mifi''rw''''lll'',(Pllc,b'c.n,11,,,n ,.,,Ja,i"" surest? another subject forrcmark. gUTICKETS TO ALL POINTS EAST Wi.ll. wnll. well! Who would nave thought the woman lived who could resist the temptation to talk about her servant? It seems too good to be true. It must be an advertising dodge to cause the tide of emigration to flow toward the shores of Julian. And If His, Itundoubtcdlr will have thrill nnripr the Information ready to despoil half tup shelves for abuses has grown up'around this ofllce the woman .wuocw. xi, ... superlntcnpent of public In-, Will it ever be necessary for us to adopt, such measures. Surely not. It rt ruction. It Is very costly, and adds J-jdifllcuittp believe that the general- nothing whatever to the efficiency of( Ity of the army of wage-tarnlngwom- the schools. It makes an elaborate en who are employed as saleswomen am, CXIX.nsiVe machine that draws lower the dignity of their calling by a ,. 4 , ,.. ,,. the desired effect, for there is no man wlllful-neglect and disregard of shop- u,,u l . ',...- u.u innHriinnMlntohlsrars r Tn,P H. .inmPtlinM occurs that tlon, and Is a burden upon taxpayer, IJUU TIIIU !! - - ba, t m wv ..-.-.--- Carlisle expects no surplus revenue until JW.-whon he knows the Repub licans will lx? In power. The telegraphic reports show about even quantities of perfect tranquility and Armenian nmssacres In Turkey The greenback which was good enough to pay the Midlers In, Is not good enough to satisfy tbc moedrn ftRgncler. Carlisle and Cleveland seem bent on etroying the greenbacks. It would be safe to bet 10 lo 1 the greenbacks destroy them. England and Armenia -Salisbury goes In massacres beginan end of the sentimental politics of Gladstone and Roseberry. distressing tales of the depravity of the servants, until he has been temp ted to fall in buslnes so that his wife would be compelled to- do the work herself. The women themselves have been made the target for countless arrows of sarcasm and ridicule, and sneers of anger and disgust. Added to that, by continuing tbeir fretting, they have made therm-elves utterly mlwrable. Tho much discussed per vant question lias been and is one of tlio most efficac ous processes for bleaching the hair that can be fouud but It's not satisfactory to the women, for It turnsthelr trewes white instead of yellow. It Is almost im possible to be in the presence of two women for fifteen minutes without one asking the other, "Have you a good girl?" and If jierchance the" answer Is "yes," immediately there conies a sigh from the questioner, and the declaration "Well.l haven't. YqJ Just don't know what a trial she Is," and then follows a Jnngthy tirade set- ting forth the misdeeds and Miort comings of the one under rilscusslop, until a second listener, If a inqn wishes himself or tbe woman a long way off; and If the listener be a woman she's Just wild to relate her I experience, and convinces her taster- Tho great powers spend a billion on I in-troublc that her troubles are as sntup. Hre rude. Hut don t vou think Jtnd tcacners aiiKc. 11 is an organ- it Is Just as often the cayj that the k system of tyranny, through It, shopper is tho transgressor by being ,ts ..ngttutc.s aIKi jn other ways, unnecessarily particular, orunendur- mcthodg m thoge ably troublesome? .... . ,, ,,, , It does seem that a woman who which In other lines would be charac- would stoop to such subterfuge as Is terlzcd as extortion or blackmail. It suggested above, would be one of those makes bills of almot every kind at who would make her shopping expedl- the expense of tWe state, yells really SK2nl?i,' ShSTS -'ess: for such sunerintedency as as to be obliged to wait upon her, public school affairs might require The main portion of the girls, who from the state could be had. as form- oceupy such a position, are of respect- criy( through the governor's office; able parentage, fairly educated, and and even now the details are attended kind. There Is really no necessity for This supcrflous office of state super adopting any such meaiurcs for secur- intendent makes costs that aggregate lng their attention, If a woman main- cvery year very large sums, and It tains her own dfgnlty and courteous ncver hag had a rf for economy bearing. And say, wouldn't you feel ' ... , , . 'cheap,,' when making such a remark but as spent with free hands, as Is recommended, when every detail , Mr. McElroy, now the distinguished of your appearance would be a direct professor of ethics In the state jtinl contradiction? 't quite easy to! vcrelty, "organized" this office, and reoognlie 1 those of a theatrical Iprofes-1 the prcscnt ,ncubcnt nppcar, t0 l(e slop by their faring, and Jf in no trcadInK closcv ,n .lhc footsteps of uiiitr wav. uv men uirt. j-iic uiwi THE BEST 4,. y via Tl BUFFET m m PIPE TOBACCQ C H. LANE, IfflAMll 21 1 Commercial np"Suitt $15 upwards. tt , Salem Or. Pants upwanJs.Ep preserving their defenses In Europe but cannot defend the Armenians from plunder and massacre. Judge Hubbard was getting along swimmingly until the Statesman turned around and supported him. Now his friends will have to rustic In France tho postofflce savings banks according to the last annual re port had 2,280,001 depositors, and total deposits of 090,000,000 francs, or about 1175,000,000. Tho government, spent, last year, 433,178,420. When tlicy are talking about higher tariffs and Issues of bonds, it never occurs to anyone that all official salaries could be reduced I but there is, and If you are the Tight 10 to 23 per cent, and still officials rt of a woman you will realize It as nothing In comparison with what arje' endures. She usually manages o gain the opportunity, too, and when she has improved it, Vo. 1 really fecjs Jealous, hurt and grieved because she does not have so hard a time "manag ing" a servant. Isn't tbat a dis gusting phrase? The Idea of trying to 'manage" a servant, as though she was an animal. It doesn't pay to tiy ones ability In that direction. If the work is performed In a satisfactory manner, be duly grateful. If not State your wishes In a decided, yet kind manner, and if they are not heeded, find someone who will .heed them. Don't wrangle with your help. It does not pay to exchange unkinjl words, Jt immediately destroys the respect of each for hc other, and once destroyed it cannot be regained. lou may thjnk there Is no Biich thing as llx&vxGT ivn a Skrvant, pf them look exceptionally well on tho stage verythlng is as It should be, and the footlights Idealize their ap pearance. Rut daylight shows the true shading. The velvet Is cotton, the pretty linings and facings arc soiled, the shoes are minus a few but tons, the clothing generally dowdy, and the fsces well, you lay at once, "too much powder." Why, you don't want to attempt to pass yourself off for one of them, his illustrious predecessor. The things mentioned herein are but Incidents and examples. All de partments find It easy and agreeable to spend money. No wonder the taxes are "burdensome. State op Ohio, City op Toledo, I Lucas County f Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he it the senior partner of the firm of F.J. Cheney & Co, doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State nforeid, and that said firm ILZ'S Mill? W LZ A MIES KE, Props. Dtalars in all kinds of fresh and salt meats fJi"Freh sausafH a sjirniliy, 171 COMMERCIAL .ST GEO. FtiNDltrCU'S MEAT MARKET, 32! Commercial -t .. il- J'.!.i I Successor 10 C. M -ck Co J Uest meats in the c.ty, P1.1 n,,. d livry ai lowest prices Service anil Scenery Unequalled Tfirouffh Palace and Tourist Sleojcra Dlninfi and Buffet Library Cam Trains leave Portland and Seattle daily for the East. Tickets, reservations and baggage checked to all points. For comfort in travel take the Great Northern. BOZORTH BROS., Agents. R. C. STEVENS. G. W. V. A., Seattle, Wash. A. 11. C. DES'NISTON. C. P. & T. A.. Portland, Ch. The Willamette Hotel. LEADING HOTEL -o- OF THE CITY. Reduced rate. Management liberal. Electric cars leave hotel (or all public buildings and points of interest. Special rates will b given to permanent patrons. A. I. WAGNER, -EXCELSIOR - STABLE- B. C, HANSEN, MANAGER. Stable back of State Insurance block. Only good horses used. Satisfaction guaranteed. Through moneyi urely. jwouldn'tyou rather miss your will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL- UAKb lor cacb and every cae f Catarrh tbat cannot be cured by the use of Hall't Catarrh Cure. Fkanr J. ClIFXEY Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, bis 6th day of December, A. U 1&6, 1--1 A.W. Cleasos, tAt. Notary Public would live well. England has Investments In this country of 3,103,&00,000. At six per cent there Is an Interest bill each year to jay of 1101,010,000 In gold. Wc produced gold for the mint last yea of $43,000,000. It will take a balance of trade In our faorof 1148, 000,000 to keep wjuarcwltli England. Seventeen years ago Armenia wa4 about to get protection from Russia btnt tho treaty of Rcrlln Englandise- ewed the Island of Cyprus (and guar anteed Turkey should glvo good gov erament to Armenia. "Peace with Honor" prcservcd,but a Christian race .exterminated. Oh, for a touch of 1 Monroe doctrine. Lane county politics is growing Irtdhot quite early, Hon, C. II. j Raker's friends want him elected sen ator to succeed Hon. R. P. Alley. The Dolph contingent of politicians arc Irtish! ng Hon. S. h. Moorhcad, of Junction City, tho only Dolnh man vfrom Lane county In tho laL leglsla iture. "Moorhcad Is said to have Jun. 6olld and tho railroad Influence. isyor Prlendlv. of Eugene, is alto spoken of as a candidate. The frkndsof Senator Mitchell in Lane gifounty Mill try to unite on a delega tion favorable to him if that I nhatihe people of Lane county want Buouiu laKe no chances. It is ild tho devil takes no chances and i selecting representatives tho peo- cannot bo 1c wle than the arch- tiny of mankind. gtttey TU D'tuvoy EiYd lis Lift k. G. Callloutte. Draceui, lieatrnvUlc, ys; To Dr, King' Nw Ducomj J mi Ilk Wu taken urLih ijt r:.in tited all the bhriieLini far milrt tm., IcfftumllMd S rirm on ajU Sold MW must- I$r.Unc f I store f tmjtfimi I K MtJ boat lW tiiKiaii&MJZtt , -Kitm mm after using three bxiki was III! soon a you nre reminded of It. If you hired help dignifies labor by per forming it in a correct, conscicnsclou manner, and at the tame time main tains tho proper position in tbc house hold, your respect is commanded, and given. And if you respect your ser vant you are a bit careful not to make unnecessary work, or to remind them unnecessarily of tua tact that they are servants. Don't call them Skju vants where they will hear you. li is quite unnecessary and altogether unkind, for they don't like to be urn pleasantly reminded of tho fact that, they occupy a subordinate position! You wouldn't like it yourself, would you? Then remember the "golden rule," and don't follow the precepts of Pat, who, when asked why he beat hit pig so unmercifully, replied: "Och, sure, an' It's to show mo thorlty." You perhaps do uot fully realize how much influence a little kindness may exert upon the recipient of your favor. With most people unklndness has tho effect of embittering them toward all humanity, while a few. kindly-spoken words will warm and cheer the hearts, and too, considkh the riucTic-Ai. ride. No one Is apt to be to an extra exertion to please an, unapprcclatlve person. You wouldn't yourself. Let anyone feel that their kindness meets with gratitude, and they will jueet your kindness with gratitude by renewing their efforts to please. The continually fault-finding master or mistress doesn't enjoy the favor of those employed. Marion. ear, and await the convenience or pleasure of the woman behind the counter? You think the theatrical people ha rshjy .sjwkenof? TVhy, no, not in the least. They may not havo time to tidy themselves up, and we all realize that their work is very trying T no i..c, h..n., ...i. .... Hall's Catarrh Cure is talcen internally and Let US Just be content toawalt our ' 1CU J!rectir onthebloodand musouHSuFfacei. turn, and When it arrives, conduct of the system. Send for testimonials, free ourselves in a manner to command L. ... F.J.Cheney k Co. .Toledo, o respectful attention, and wc will re.,'s,0,db'rD"'cci.7Sc. celve It. A Card. UNFAIR, 1 " retiring from practice of den- , tlstry in Salem I wish to express many .Miss Ella Ewlmr. of Price. Mn.. It thanks to my friends and clientele for .. J ' . "aiuiuue ciKMbiuct .ana iv,p incites we very liberal patronage enjoyed. 1&$&pj r it drcmM oirt,ons J aw day In one of the churches of Price, nIeased to refer them tp my worthy and attracts more attentlou than the Wend, Dr. C. H. Mack, who will con minister, tlnue practice at the same onlce ji s-eems iiko taxing an unralr ad- (Old White Corner). Dr. Mnck hav- vantage of the pyh)lc q sepd, so Jargo jng been associated with me, J know a person to collect the nickels and hfm to be extremely well skilled In dimes. One would feel almost com- any and every branch of dental prac- pelled to double the amount he had tlcc and a very nice and worthy gen- originally Jntcndcd to contribute, tleman. I bespeak for him a very till vr ilnuV,i !.. .Ia- uu "u uuuui, ihc rtxcipis are largely iiDerai patronage, 0 LOAK . 1 Push On fjim Ian 1 cur, . . rates on e Ij . coni'le'el with ui I l HAMII.I l S !OJK Dank building. MONEY TO LOAN On city or farm property. Over Dojh's Bank. T. K. FORD MONEY TO LOAN. S tot"e EAST! EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- Shasta Route. OF THE swelled by reason of the woman's striking presence, for surely none would have the temerjty 10 refuse to add his mite by reuialning wholly un responsive to the gentle reminder. J. M. Kkeke, I). D. S. Salem, Dec 28, 1605. 1 3 lOt UNIVERSITY NOTES. Taylor Burchain, an old student of Willamette but joow attending the Leland Stanford university, was a wjlcoaie visitor Thursday. Orr Royal, Ralph Rlggs and Miss Lucia Cochrane visited chapel Thurs day morning. Win. Jones returned to school Thursday after a month's absence at the farm home near Hrooks. Win, Aschenbrenner, who has been seriously ill foroevcral weeks with malarial fever, is slowlv tmnmvint. Baths! Baths! Baths! ' " Go to the porcelain baths, six baths for 41. Children's haircuttlng, under 12 years of age,15 cents. 1-4-lm J. c. Mili ?. Pmn. BBLbLbLbL! hl HE WOMAN who takes the surest way to gain a beautiful color and a wholesome akin will not take the cosmetics, painu and powder which soon injure the skin. Sal. low or wrinkled face, dull eyes and hollow ,A , ., , " "tether with low feints, follow the derangements, irree. nlaritiej and weaknesses peculiar to the e. AH women require a tonic and nervine at tome period of their lives. Whether auf. ferinr from uervousnes. diuineaa, faint best. ilinlim.ni r,r n.nn..i .... and hopes soon to be able to re-enter fflu, inflammation of the lining mem- school. SS,m?l1!rBJ''don nMVon- or Keneral aebihty, Dr. rierce'a Favorite Prcacription 1,11,0 "emage nas so far re- HZiTT. ,., """ ln irouwe ana cor .Mt u hiswoith lti!lttli awsjp Mfc' JhTwUl'atSl-ref K 4 The ShaVtrs k aui a tt kU, Tkelf Disttre CordUl U aia 0 U lit most uc cfssful rtmdy fcf stunuca truh'rs tut introdeced. It Jtamedlattlj ' telle? e all palo and dutrtss after tatiar, builds sp tkt 'Mm an! maVts the weak uW. Taaact U, dxds prepeil drrt4 are Utter tkaa W.cHt,l iodic, the Cardial fr oajrcoBtalM 1004 jOxtady 4JttJ, Ut la adlctturteluher foods. Food tktt U bm dijptUddot wore karm than roi. PtorJa who us the Cordial tames the dleoUon f wbai Iwadthtr eat aad la thU war cet tie benefit of it aad grow stianr. Uia BtttCb laUmllnr tafanoiL.. - .v7 .v l.,?. -.ssf- j?yriSffii.! m ' SJii 1 mmt -m- - ..wkw.v wuw Uf coveml from his recent sickness as to 'lSSti w r iv ej: arouna. ""7 yeara in an case of " female com. MthsesJilanclieflelleand Ida Martin: HVsvL I23..wn' Ur5d. or lpie. jf Clarence Bishop and Howard & fe&ea."c.Sdt."fe5S were cliapel visitors Friday. " ' permanent cure Dr. Pierce's mi,, r.nw, tvs.it . . "vorite Prescription fiu just such case. MISS Laura tthltenian, Of Buena " ,ulate and atrenpbeu the special Vista, formerly a Student. nfnH mi. Pnc?'OB.buildupandinvieorateatheen. f . -. - mr Ilr Irtnmlr .(. - ' lamette, visited the school Friday, '""" Tlio Joint Y. W. and Y. M. C. A. WSEASE OP WOMB. meeting will be conducted Sunday ?J?c,8-w,l0sor afternoon at 3 o'clock as usual. Miss SiuS rtSDC?v,a3 auuei iicnrv will lead th MricAa ZZZ1 L.,5!" ! rr School reopened Thurwlar morning SLHAKI? "JJJ L'r after ths liolldays with a verr irond S?1 & 9 eru attendaniVL ,n. '' ... iS""t1?.' " wttiJeioe vv, 4V, H)VM. uiaut miniiE niio ur iimn ? ani pniu U too hlghi ii school until MatuU s 1. :- M2?y ? - ww a-vuja iiiiMiiian rr BBFsaa living at n holidays at distance, who spent the laffS&W&2 home, will nn wt,IM. KaayoaedoabuiliU. " '- V- hVU4U IU tnt tooj aay oae tloaMi lata, rir b4 ad- VIA TriE Uion Pacfic System. Thiou'-1'nllnian I'al.tce Sleepers. Tourist Sleeper, m. I lie Inclining Chairs daily lietween PORTS. A XD to CHICAGO Oar train are bcMed br steam and can igVed by I'inUch lijht. Time to Chicaco. 3 t-2 days Time to New York. l-J days. Which is many hours quicker than com petito'g. For rates, time tables and full information apply to . .. . a-"- I nave ;ooo to loin m one sum or inv Ir l !ajs I trwi iiaJ Iks !.. m.. T' I -. l iiHwuviwi ifwi 1 i.-v icM 111111 stixj 1 u lain in 1 -. -. . . . Salem dering the next 30 days. Addrosi JiJUba 4- HARKER? with particulars ARent8f s,lem, Or. mi, 1:..... i" "' HAVS m '. ... , R- W- BAXTER, C. B. WINN. -v ... , .-ort.anu, ur. General ARent., Dist. Pass. Agent, it 1 nirri Nirat 1'ahiah.i - . "JJ -WHVl.il MlilSMUs SALhM WATER CO. 0fic: WIUmetle Hetel BuUdinr. For wattr service apply at office. Hills payable monihly in advance. .Mate nil complaints at tne othee. Open spicket to prevent freezing, posi. lively prohibited. Care hhoulil bo taken if in danger of freezing to havu stop and waste gate closed see section 3 rules and reg ulation No deduction in bills will be a. lowed for absence or for any cause whatever unless uater is cut of from premises. Southern Pacific Co. California Express TrainRun dally between South I I North Portland and San Francisco. 8:50 p.m. ll:oo p.m. Io:4S a. m Tr7 Iv. ar. Portland ai Salem Ir San Fran. Iv, i :toam. op.m. 00a. m. Above trains stop at East Portland, Oregon City, U'o-dbura. Salem, Turner, Manon, Jefferson, Albany. Albany Junction, Irving, Eugene, Creswell, Drain, and all stations from Roscburg to Ashland, inclusive. roseburc mail daily. South 8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 5:20 p.m. Iv. Portland nr. Iv. Salem lv. nr. Roseb'R lv. Korth 4:40 p.m. 20 p.m. 80 a.m. SALEM PASSENGEK. South I North 4.-00 p.ra. 0:15 p.m. lv. Portland nr. ar. Salem lv. 10:05 a.m. 8HX) a.m. W. A. CUSICK President. J. H. Albert. iCashler. Capital iona Transact a general banking business. Capital Transfer Co. HARRV TOWN, PROP. Express. Unrtriire and all l.nH. r n.u done promptly. Leae orders at Pation's MW- u-3-tf 0. R. &, N. CO. E. M'NEILL, RECEIVER. TO THE EAST GIVES THE -CHOICE OF Two Transcontinental Routes. VIA g GteBt Northern Ry. AN DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS and second-class sleeping cars attached to all trains. WEST SIDE DIVISION, Between Portland and Corvallis, dally (ex cept Sunday. 1 7:30 a.m.! Lv. iai5pm.f Ar. Portland, Corral I is. M jb',20 p i-rIH3. 35 P. m. m. . At Albany and Corvallis connect with trams of Oregon Central & Eastern Railroad. Express train dally except Sunday. 4:45 p. m I L 7Hj P. a. f v. I'onland Ar. Ar.McMinrlHeLr 8:25 a m, 6:50 a. m THROUGH TICKETrS to aU point in the Eastern Statei, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates. W'W-SINNER, Agent, Salem. ' E. P, ROGERS, Aaau G. JT. & P. A.. R. KOEHLER, Manager. PorUMd'c- Hoi 111 ORTHKRH PACIFIC R.R. DEPOT EXPRESS. Meets all mail and passenger trains Bag. ga;e and expiest to all pans or the city, Prompt service, Telephone Nu 7a Jrtits KAUKK. . B. WAITK Pi I VTlNH CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS ANU Legal Blank Publishers, Push's New Brick 'over the bank Coro'l street Msawilsox aew pupils are cXDWtcd to register APphlct.eulninravastnumberof With th prwldent before Von. tUilala with reDrodne,BfIf ii-- f.-. r ." . those CtMw ?Q 1 sJl'iHl 'A wveral navlnsr soslenlSed thirin tentlon. Mis Ella Winn, cf yn. SMiarraa n rea free : or. Dr. w" "j. t " r "Li. I l.amjfuSv I LV.I W !.... 1 " .v.., vh a. Ji r-Ss&iswi.iKW" ea -- -T swv M.v TWSt-m- rm 1 i Ti I, .. . '""i w Jauuroe, T'iM ".. vr. rterce' Uree Treatise Uthla.t pupil to enter the school SSSmSSS? ffl'l!SBVM',"w3 r but w hnt t K. -m . I......' rR.Tm, an1 colored plates mailed tv SZ. 0Jlff.Tt ,0 In sumpi. Ad HARD TIMES PRICES! The times are hard nA I r,-. .. .... lh- pubhc hard fiaes pricn. " E'C New factor sboes.plain , M Wth toes and calks , Handmade steel shoh ":: I g Union Pacific Ry, Low rates to all cities east. Ocean steam ers leave Portland svary five days. For full details call on or address r . r t G' M l"OWERS, FootofTradest. Local Agent. Miss Ballon JPENKl) CITAJVMNG s IN- Schoo too r. . "J(tck" Ilarh-ins, Cbemeketa street. ' SALT.. Will receive children fm.., .. 1 C 1 . "ij ! lUlfUO ?? a"!rnnn10 begtnnew. All desired branches for the older pupil tanght, Includ. ng drawing, modeling, music plain and ar ttstic Leedle work All work done on the fn dividual plan in which each child Is ad tanced according to its own capacity For ermsand particular! 1 apply t0 jjia O.Bal. lou. Twentieth and Chemeketa sts. 1 v ki 1 l j v 1 a.- 1. -?'es SaSr ".j.n!f..n. fh.u of Estate office, up MairsiMjt siSee buiu! -. am 1 v s ' V.OMUINAAION OIL CURE CO r cancer aad atlsaabga We"cu urk iheswtssaj,oatar.Ji assdw hsW !- ?AXf6, German Lessons Given by a qualified teacher, a native or Germany. Classes for children on Sat trday at Channing Hall. Mrs. Rapser. 454 Marion St, BANJO LESSONS. RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars, Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars r L,Mis?,. F"so, -. . .iwnw, Winnipeg, Helena and Butte. THROUGH TICKETS To Chicago, Washington. Philadelphia, New ork, Boston, and all Points East and Sauth .uEL.'SZ'SUr """ ,p' THOMAS, WATT &.C0. AGENTS, A. D. Charlton, Asst. Gen'l. Pa AgU, Jlornson ., corner Third Portland, Or. TO MA ICE A now Fort tGeachBern "ti0Mhlt ,er" Pic,J lc cner' W, A. RAIHJEV, 4f 4 Marira at. ,L?0r t $, iBed can be made by our new Swteaauc Plan of Speculation. mV.; T '"" mw aa-iy cm small lnv Ch?cagoJrmarP"0nWho"ve wy from lan.i Jc? . " to,iowtigata our new and or. h1wJ?elh.i, Pwt 'E of plan and SKSS? re'??.c.e$ fa"'l. Our Booklet eJ, Jl and I.Iint'" how ke money ?!l c?the B5Ie of the market r$ iSLSi?nBMl" Mnt FREE. GILMORE k Co., Baken and Broker Open Boardof Trade Bldg., Chicago, H 10 30.3m d&w