Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 03, 1896, Image 1

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'r nbm sis ssWs" b . tjess am
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Mt 4 t m .
x ' T-
At .
, f r If "" miiw -
A .," fl
. f
fi&ttilliW 9ii
Allowed Until Tuesday to Re-
. . ...
V port 'OllblllSr
LhmimI"" fig" Bf '-"" ' W'("SBMem3PHad s&
Irey bloci; -- sAtjsm
ft Jr
4W' Jfu- -
Road Machinery an J Agricultural implements,
Latest Improved GooJs and Lowest Trices.
' Corner State and Liberty streets, : : : : SALEM, OK
'&r '
Work Before the Venezuela
Uommission. '
Fnfirn Now Greenback Issue i
1 ' j Seventeen iYear(s.f i j JiA nrny be rpquirdu
j'- l F k' , - M ' Iworkofthecnmnils
. -1
NOiI-Ioliday Goods to sell at cost,
11 o1r1 mir. whioli shows that the
prices are just rig; tit for trie times.
Now we nave evrytning eise to
sell actlie same JOW PRICKS.
27-9 Commercial St.
Washington, Jnn.3. The presence
of ninny holiday visitors at the na
tonal capllol was shown today by
wcll-llllcd scnato cnllury. SrorrlH,
Itopuhllrnli, clialrnmn of the llnaticc
commlhcc, moved that when tho fn
atc adjourned, ft Ikj until Tuesday
next. He said: "I hope that by
Tuesday, when the senate re-assembles,
the llnance committee will be
imwiv tn rnnnrt, nn lnt,h the tariff and
fhond bills passed by tho houc. Tho
motion for adjournment until 'J tics
tlay was agreed to. Squire offered a
resolution for negotiation forthwith
of a convention between tho United
States and Great Britain for the pur
pose of marking boundary between
Alaska and North. America, and ap
propriating $75,000 for expenses.
Monthly Debt Statement.'
"Wasiunoton, Jan. 3. Tho monthly
statement of the public debt, Issued
yesterday, shows that December 31,
1895, tho public debt, less cash In the
treasury, amounted to 037,U08I20a, or
a decrease for the month of $1,170,310.
The debt Is recapitulated as follews:
I ntercst-bearl ng debt . . . . $ 747,301 ,000
Debt bcarinir no interest 370,288,002
Aggregate debt 1,125,325,405
This aggregate is exclusive of $308,
023,073 In certificates and treasury
note olTset by an equal amount of
cash in tho treasury. Tho cash In tho
treasury Is classillcd as follows, cents
Gold . $113,100,707
Silver 501,300,554
Taper 157,507,090
Holds.....' 15,352,088
port for the Iioum bill. ' The d Iff
onces arc not rridlUhl n H "till ho
llo vrd hvtlicfijMffirlty tbnl inrr I"
.... I..c,,r,m,ittfitll)4' rlllTVllItV' In t
ivnv iif inplifTTiT ffli nttrooment
i. an..i..u nf thp htir ttrovldliift
l 111; rn(illlll ' -- --
free coinage. Tiff ' Ueptibltdhtft
.!.-., ..rtW. It, ntifnivnep -fOP
several hours, dfirtittAj?" Mio jTrrttlelf
. ..m .1... it. .V.. f. Mlu IHMIT MU '
'pari oi mi" ii""- iv '," " ""
.The republlcrihs- arc arftpnwi iu m
more atlcutl6h tftthHinranrf tttfft
to the iKindblll. They consider th(
latter measure ha' been' virtuauj
.nt it iiiMrliniidtf'iiHthn majority
agalnstlhom, but' to consider It If
...joiiiin (tint ii f ii fi it i) in tuny nc
modified n&ti get through.
The Venezuela Commtaakm.
AV'iaiiTVn'PuV. .f-lll X TIlO St'
(lei)artment wllllmd s'i nAHt
. M . - fc i . . 1
1l AIMI Rt)
ehmmlsslon In procur
f.nBtirnltiiii fnr il on n fill it'll
States waishlp, If that isdeslrtftl. njifl
in supplying any rcconis in i. pnTfr
slim which may be callotl fr.' UaWlt
flll not allow Itself to 1k plucnrjln
.the lMisltlon of taking sides as in
'iiierltK of 1ho contro'ery bil
Gieat Urltatn and Venftzuulii. It
not undertake to present the Vv
zuola case, nor will It 6vrn nut?a tjtv
It Is
On' Again in the
City of Peace..
' TVl
Men Find TheirPlaces Being
Rapidly. Filled.
;ls Graspjng a, Rnijr.rtail Lino to Old
TPm ivmxiuur
,. t
V t
of the Willamette Oniuersity,
Modern methods Un to date. Same as In the eastern and European Comervatories
INone but the bet is good enounh fur beginners as well as for more advanced pupils,
K.'A IH-KITAUE Vocal Director
EMIL L WINKLER, Iiutrumental Director.
Are not in it but goods are
The stock is here and muts, goat, all Hazards
For almost anything buys the goods,
Is being sacrificed at prices below all reason
Total cash $787,578,147
Against this there are' demand
liabilities amounting to $000,551,247,
leaving a cash balance In the treas
ury of $178,027,200.
Tho monthly comparative state
ment of receipts and expenditures of
tho United States shows that during
December the receipts aggregated
$30,288,037 as follews:
Customs $12,100,102
Internal revenue 12,750,771
Miscellaneous 1,308,003
Expenditures 25,814,315
Surplus 474,020
Tho llgures for the llrst half of tho
present fiscal year ended December Ji,
show a deficit of $15,304,707, as against
a deficit of $17,504,405, during the first
half of last year. For tho last six
months tho receipts for customs
show an Increase over the correspond
ing period of last year of $i2,377,uw
There was during tho samo months
a loss in returns from internal revenue
Of about $5,270,000.
Tho treasury records show that tho
amount of United States notes re
deemed sinco 1870 Is $315'0G8,353, with
several dally reports still wanting.
As tho total amount of United States
notes, or greenbacks, issued was $310,
781.010. It follows that thcentlre Issue,
less about $100,000, has been redeemed
and a very largo proportion of It again
paid about by tho treasury during the
last seventeen years.
The monthly statement of tho di
rector of tho mint shows tho coinage
executed at the mints of tho United
States during December to have been
as follews:
Gold $8,007,145
Silver , 75,502
Minor coins,. ; 107,8J0
Total $8,280,573
Today's treasury statement makes
tho following shewing:
Available cash balance. . . .$178,027,200
Gold reserve 03,202,208
The treasury today lost $00,000 In
gold and $23,000 In bars in oxchango
for legal tenders, making tho true
amount of tho gold reserve $02,508,234.
a . j . i ....I......, tuliljili I... .to
u onsci any uviuunii- itn umho
K-nwlcMinTlrltUli flHltlMll Inn. Til IP
fore, the various suggrsfloiH wlFlf
have licen made to tho dejiartiuentf by
Individuals in thlscountryas to wljew
Evidence can be secured have licer
nored. Such matter is regardfJd
nroncr for the consideration of
commission, but not for the state
nartment. It Is pointed out tint
this attitude tho department I
ifictly consistent with Uii'ouw lr
Washington, .Ian. 2.-The
today passed a bill repealing the
which required the oath of loyal
a nrcrcuulslt to securing a ponsit,
service In the Mexican war. Ellcln'
motion for consideration of tho fbond
bill was not passed. Ills rcbolTitlon
fur niilillc. nrivertlsoiiiont for DOUtlt
passed the scnato by 48 to 5 na$.
Nays: Urlec Caffrcy, Chilton, Murphy
and 11111. I
From the beginning of the ncgoola
tlonswlth Great Urltatn, touchlnp
tho Venezuela boundary, the Tnllcd
States government has expressly ro
f mined from committing Itself, to a
recognition of tho Justice tit vfVoiuj
zucla's claim, and has limited Itself to
tho contention that this was a proper
matter for settlement by arbitration.
Moreover, tho attltudo which the de
partment has assumed towards the
commission itself Is regarded as a suf
llclent negative to the assumption In
Europe that tho United Statosgovern
incnt proposes constituting itself the
Tho British authorities will not
formally recognize tho commission,
but tho British side of thoeaso will
be secured by application of Ambassa
dor Bayard to the London forolgn
In speaking of the Venezuelan ques
tion, an authority upon International
affairs pointed out that tho presont
hostilities in the Transvaal furnished,
n direct and most opportune South
American disputo.
I'muujr.fivitu. .Inn. ."). MlWT con
ductor and inutotwen ompl'oywl by
thi" Union Traction crwipnny arc
obeying th." order to strike I .-uel ajji
mass utcvUict ahortly before 2 o'clock
tilt mutyiimt mid declined tn (nko out
itlie cKW' flft5v. "' 1lc sewml
rtlVHftiuV $w t ird up but an dttler
Issued by'fcttng Chairman Thriuijln,
of the employes company, stating that
the strike w.is not olllclal, directing
I he men hi ivUirn to work and glvo
tho eoiiipnrty tluiS l (adjust. Its (infer
ences, hnd'ifcffncl of causing a
partial resumption of tmille. Many
men who obeyed. 4 U order to Htrlko
found their ptacoa tnken by other
A notice signed bj OenvnU ln
srer Beetom was posted nttflr dopots,
suiting that If the men do upi, return
to work by : o'clock this afternoon
they will not bo rolnstatod undor nny
circumstances. The regular employes
announced a willingness to tako out
the cai-s If they can bo guaranteed
The S. P. After It.
San Antonio, Jan, 3. Arturo
Monom, general manager of tho Mon
terey & Mexican Gulf railroad, pasted
through here Wednesday with Presi
dent C. 1 Huntington and other
olllclals of tho Southern Pacific, look
ing to tho sale or lease of the. Monte
rey & Mexican Gulf road to tho South
ern l'aclllc.
It Is well known that tho Southorn
Paclllchas been negotiating for soino
tlmo past for this road. Tho acquisi
tion of the line ami Its operation In
connection with tho Mexican Inter
national railroad, which Is owuod by
tho Southern Pacific, would glvo tho
latter corporation tho most valuable
rnllrnad system In Mexico.
Angust Trezcs, tho president of tho
Monterey & Mexican Gulf lino Is now
In Belgium, and it Is stated that he
has empowered Mr. Monopi to close
tho deal in behalf of thr Bolglum
hnml holders. A representative was
recently sent from rsow York to make
a report to Huntington and It is said
to have been highly favorable for tho
purchase of tho property.
Another British Defeat.
London, Jan.3. Tho futost story
circulated here this afternoon was
that a second body of men belonging
to the British army chartored acom-
. iianv numbering aoout iuo wiucn
i .
Again Thy Mum Walk.
The treot railway strike begun at
1:10 this (Friday) morning, the motor-
men and conductors omployed by tho
Union Traction Company decided not
logo to work whon the llrst day cars
Nau't at 4. ot clock.
Itll.rt siAtf.1nl lnnlaiuit.lilli-.U'CIU Tlllllld
at a mass mooting of tho inoiiln.il;
hor Lyceum. It eanio amid the
greatest confusion and against tho
strong protest of tliolr conscrvntho
In fact, the excitement was so In
tense thai numerous small riots be
tween tho two elements were averted
with the greatest dllllculty. Many of
the conservatives left In disgust.
An unsatisfactory conference with
Gsnoml Manager Beotom had bsen
hold earlier In tho night, and tho
trouble began when tho coinmltteo re
ported to the mass meeting. Previous
to tliolr arrival tho turbulent scenes
of thoday had Increased in Intensity.
Tho question of "strike or no strike"
was about to be put, when Mr. Grlf
Ilths. of tho Chrlstlnn Lwiguo, made- a
spwJch urging them to be patlont and
suggested further effort for pouce. lie
was grostod with Jeers, and fuel was
added to the (lamo when a man namud
Klrsohuer. of theUlgarmukors' Union,
made a llery speech urging ths men to
President Malum, who has all along
opposod a tetrike, tried U shut off
Klrsuhuor, and also Incurred personal
vloloncc from tho men who wanted to
henrKlrschuer. Thecoufuslonk-eptup
until Chairman LuU put the question
to a vote. A decldml alllrmatlou was
tho rospone. There wero many nag
atlves, however, Increasing from time
U time, but the strikers were in the
majority. The intwblug broke up In
tho greatest dlsnrder.
Mr. Heed has nroinpllshetl t! or
gnnlznllon of the house committees"
all the more quickly tweause he had a
policy to csrty out. The plan tluu
congress shall do nothing to rrotoro
silver, nnd iis little aft noTtsible fo
ninend the tariff, cvldcntl)" oxorttwd
a cntroning intiucnre in nis seicc-.
tliwis. IlUnTllmnte nnrptto In twfh
lto ridvnnre his own prospjerfs asn
Wjudtdttte for the presidency by we
curing "the support of the commercial
oenisrs. rhluh nhviiVs l:iv unon con-
grosslounl disci slotrtln rospnnslbll-
Jty lor any current deprewlun nf lrtisl-
nesv, it Is with the sime end In view
that each of the Main representa
tives, as perMHts In his haii foll'itvlng,
have been given chnlrrifinShlps of
ooinnilttees.Mr.Olnfflev rtv'elvlnsr tint
ofwaysRUd mentis, th6 most Import
ant in l jo sp.'ak r s gill, 'j'lie ivui
nilHee.4on Innklng and enrroncy and
on coinage nis" Inro tn.n orgtiuiwil
in the Interests of. th.o policy of In
ael'on. Tu2 e'liK'-iil of ths fornior
Is Mr, AVnlkor, of M muchnsotts, who.
at tho opening of tho session olforcd a
bill to ret Ire t ho give nh ivkn. That of
the latter Is Mr. Htone, of our own
sUite, who slgnnllzed his seal as an
Ohemy-of silver lu the last congress,
go fan therefore ns Mr. ltoed could
effect this, ihehousc Is-ootmnftted to
the vlrtVH of'tlie. Wall stveeb mhgnates
and is pi toed Inns complete harmony
with the lews of Mr. Cleveland as It
is pi.sHlble for a. Kepubllean house to
he. It Is left for- the senate to rcprc
soil the Republican doctrine of bimet
allism, unless Indeed, tho house
tumid Allow the sneaker ttmt It Is
more In harmony with the public
opinion of the country tlmu are lid
and his supimrtcrx,
This act Ion alwi loaves no doubt as
to Mr, Heed's stand on the motioUiry
Issues. I Ic formerly showed a depo
sit Ion to hedge as regards sliver. The
ouemles of that motnl, however, must
have sat isllcd him that It would not
do for him to "faco TCifst by West"
any longer, and that tho price of their
support must be p:ild out or his use Of
his power as speaker. This leaves
tho friends of silver In all parts of the
country no choice but to. antagonize
tho spoaker's candidacy, and to seok
elsewhere a man who is loyal to tho
pledges of tho Uopubllcau party,
Philadelphia American,
A Grass Widow After the No
tonous Dr. Brown,
Paid Her Sums of Money for
; , rier Atiection.
Dr, Jamison
Is Said to
Havo Been
Has FrtAMtfRco. Jan. 3.Mr. Al
bortine Stopktonv a pretty grat?s
widow, continues to talk about Bev.
C. O. Blown, still maintaining thnt
tho uloryninn mvU violent love to
hor. Shesnld: Dr. Brown's atten
tion's to uu wore so pronounced that
I was obliged to leave his church. Dr.
Blown has stated tint I Joined the
church for purposes or blackmail.
That Is both false and absurh. Dr.
Brown owes me gratltudo that I did
ifot long ago exm: him. Ho gave mo
nftuioy several times, but he forced
Ills' money and his attentions
Tiik JjJujHkJ)rInt8'homo' dis
closure mtido bytntttnto'lii!ul ngonts
undor tho act of tho' last legislature.
The mnnuge meut of tho stato school
nnd lieu lands Is quite Intricate, and
has lieen in the past a source of con
siderable pollth al agitation.
Severe charges of fnVtid, extortion
and speculation connected therewith
hnvn been current In Oroffon for
uiimv voaSr. Thk .Ioounai. will print
all the Information It can got, of a To
llable and unprejudiced character,
ami let ths pedplo have all tho light
possible on the subject. Wo bollevo
order must 1 restored In thls-muddlo
and speculation If carried oh should
cease. ' '
ItnVkl Shooting,
Mii.Mjavii.fcH,i Ity.. Jan .'J. A boy
mimed Walter, while playlng.suourcd
a revolver and shot his cousins, two
girls, aged-1 nnd (1. The boy thon sont
.it ball through his own huid. All are
fatally Injured.
No Bend Bill Out a Tariff BUI.
Washington, Jan. 3. -Tho senate
finance committee did not conclude
consideration of the houijo bill today.
rm.la follurn V!iu (inn if. Mm f.Tct tllllt
iti.n,.iiverirmloritvof tho ronimittee ' started out to reinforce Jamison's
was iiiiauie to agree on mo icrms oi a troops, liad beonoui 10 piosos y uoera.
nlftn rumored that-thoro hfld
boon an uprising In jQhjijjnosburgaml uIm cover
,n.i..v ,wrsnns killed dtirlntf tho dls- where there
glllHtltlltO w
o agree on the terms of a troops, had 1
'ilch they nronose to re- j Jt ww also
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking PowdW
All is Harmonious.
Omaha, Jan. a. A mooting of the
Western Pnstaugor nssoeljitlon was
hold nt the Union Pacific houdqutirt
crs for the ptupoee of evening up the
differences lietwoen the linos In Mon
tana. B. D. Caldwell, chairman of
tho nssocjation, prostdod. The lines
represented wore the Hock island,
Union Pacific. Burlington, Groat
Northern, Northwestern, Santa Fo
and Northern Paclllc. The tioublo.
Iwtwoen the Montana competing lines
are of long standing, and thoro havo
been numerous ineotiugs held In an
offort Ui adjust tho same, but without
succors. At tho meeting today, there
was a happy culmination of affairs all
around for the lines to work in con
Junction with each other, as fur a
lutes throughout the slati- urn con
cerned. Till-. at Iif. u-toiy foir-hutlun.
i in- -.mi it I'n 111 i mil,
ha Ihhu .i c-aUict if tt
Important Division.
UAH Vnwoiwx), Jan. 3-Judgo
Mnrmw dtulded tills meniliii: In the
United iUtes district court that
every CIiIiiumj Ijorn In the United
Status Is aclt lxon thereof, folleotor
wlll appiMil to the uiipreiue court.
Whfii a pN)n in ItMtng 0h ami waitini;
nHydire U fiw Uim. Nothing
worries .liylciii. Cotiunipilv would
nver die if they couil tcgaln thtlr uual
wlglit. In fast ilwr wwilil lit m ooiuump.
tUtit if ttir -Mvrst no wasting -uf the s)lui
'11m cauW u( of ili lawofflMli Ha failure
to profwrly dlgwt llio fowl oaten. Nine,
tdiulwofall uurilunaM date hack lowine
demngnit nt of the itomaeli. d
Tlw SjhaVar l)liilvo Cordial will top
lhl waning of die body, It act ty enuring
the food w cat to be digMtoU so n to do
good, (or ttnilitcd fixl diK more haiin
llrn gol. The OiirtlUl contain food al
ready jilmm autUL mms i .WJ n
Kverv mollicr Jiateiito rhikolhrt,chlldrJ3
tuke OttiiPiif sJ-mo Imi
Orphan's Home Fire.
Cor.t'iMiiUB, Jan. a-Tho main part
of tjio Franklin county children's
homo, was damaged by flrpAbls morn
ing to the amount of$W,000. Ono
liutidivd and thirty children were
safely marched -nut mid will soon bo
pitivldcd for In the wings. The tiro
originated near the top of tho build
ing from a cause not known.
"- Return to China.
- TAC'OMA. .Hill. .1. Tllft If. C'litnocn
br6i1glit back to liort'on the disabled
'stcliiner.StrathncvIs leaves tonlghton
the Vlethola for China.
African Invader Shot.
London" .Inn.:). tivening Htnndnrd
suys its rumored that. Dr. Jamison
was shot today aftor a drum head
court martial.
,. JT,hc St. Louis Victims.
r5Tki8,.,fjin. :i. Tho remains of
fourr 1V1911,, victims of yestorday's ox-
plosion, have Just been taken from
the, -ruins. Tho bodies aro terribly
mutilated, and havo not been recog-lilX'd.
A New Manager.
Kt. Paul, Minn., Jan. :i. F. K.
McCulgliam, of that city, who re
Hjgiiedthe position of division super
intendent of the Wabash road, will
on Kehruiiry 1st, tako charge of the
Great Northern, with headquarters at
tit. Paul, as general manager of the
cut Ire system. He has been employed
by President Hill at a princely salary
for a term of years.
Crcston Burning.
CnesToN, In.. Jan. .'). The most
destructive conflagration that ever
visited this cltv is threntcninir the
outlip4 huslnass portion of tho city.
Tho Summit hotel block and several
other htilldiugb have Iwen destroyed.
Tho loss has already reached WOO.OOOJ
irircdopnitments from Ited Oak, VII
llsea and Corning nre enroute here.
lor more than a hundred year the Shakers
Iiavc ixcti studying (lie remwlinl properllei of
punts. I liny li.iw made many illtcuvcilo.
It .t tlwlf flreateti achievemem wan n.ade lat
yur. It it a cordial that contain already ill
gwfd ft-oil and t n itlgottcr ol focxl. It la
lifuMtlvj in remnvin dutrei after eating,
and ereato an appetite for more fnml to that
ealing liecome4 a pleattue. I'ale, Ihin people
bee me plump and healihy under its me. It
arictU the nailing of contiimption.
There nijvcr ha been such n step forward
in die cuie of indlgeiiivn at ildt Shaker Cor
dial. Vour tlrugijiU will be glad to give you
n little Ixfek d tciiplive of the product.
Glc ihe babies Uxol. which Is Castor O.I
made as palatable at Honey. "1 j.
"Vou Can- Believe.
Tlio tMtimonlalt publislud In bj!nll ol
Hood's .Saraparilla They are written by
honett people, who have actually found hi
their own experience that Hood's Sanapat
lllapunlici the blood, create an oppeute,
i...i,i,lirn ili tvc.ien and nholu(elv and lel
J mancntly curr all dlteaiei caured by Impure
or uvnciciu uiuuu.
Hood's mil Tim the
CaitbBbils' promptly, eatlly and effectively.
" T .
liver and Iwwelf, act
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Agent of Mortgagee.
awf? f' bff
1 like nature
61 Commercial st,
wn&tt&m .