TJ'""' T DAILY CAPITAL r- MHb iH - w (JIMMV ASSOCIATED PRESS DAILY, t "f - MM "ifr y i, fe. p JULJKJNAJ ''Tf"1' I IK ac VOL. 8. IT IE W YORK HAS Sells Only the 5 Shoes made by the Brown Shoe Co., of St. Louis, Mo. Wo have found them reliable In every particular. For lit and wear they can't bo beat. We sell them at a very close profit, which, with the satisfaction they give, acounts for our very largo shoo trade. Wc carry only reliable goods In all other lines as well as shoes. Clothing, underwear, hosier', hats, shirts and notions In great variety. Our motto is reliable goods, lowest prices. E.T.BARNES. GRAY BROS., HUDVARl WiGOSS AND CAtt Road Machinery and Ag cultural Implements, Latest Improved Good and Lowest Prices. Nff Corner State and Liberty streets, : : i s SALEM, OK NO Holiday Goods to sell at cost, all sold out, while In shows that the prices are just right for the times. Now -we have evry thing else to sell at the same LOW PRICKS. The Fair 274 Commercial St. COLLEGE OF MOSIC of the Willamette University. -iUNDER NEW MANAGEMENT- Modern methods. Up to date. Same as in the eastern and European Conservatories None but the best is good enough for beginners an well as for mare advanced pupils. ' W.C. HAWLEV President R.A HtRlTAGE Vocal Director EMILL. WINKLER, Instrumental Director. Wal(b This Space FOR BARGAINS r t . Real Sacrifice of a urn f iim mi I CLOTHING ! first-class .stock, SALEM, OBEGON",THimSDAX, JAISTUABY 8, 1896, BRITISH ARE REPUTED INVADERS IN SOUTH AFRICA SUS TAIN a Defeat. BY THE BOERS OF TRANSNAAL The Spanish Forces Are Worsted Over in Cuha. Havana Jan. 2. An engagement between Spanish troops and Insur gents has taken place at El Estantc, of Alfonzo XII, not far from the frontier of the province of Hnvann. Tho general supposition Is that tho Spaniards were worsted. dritisii invaders whipped. London, Jan. 2. A dispatch to tho Exchange Telegraph Company this evening, says Dr. Jamison has been severely defeated by the Uocrs before Johannesburg. Tho same agency adds that tho news is continued, and tho Secretary of State for tho Colonies, Chamberlain, lias been summoned to the colonial otlicc, where a conference will bo held tonight. It Is added that tho defeat of Jamison Is such as to compel hlni to retreat across the frontier. THE AFRICAN INVASION. Tun Hague, Jan. 2. Tho minister of tho Transvaal republic left hero for Bcrljn in order, it Is believed, to make strong representations to tho German government on tho subject of the invasion or tho Transvaal republic by tho forces of the British South Africa company. Tho Globe says: A. rumor has reached London that Dr. Jamicson hasarrlved at Johannes burg and a cablo dispatch has reached here from Pretoria which saysa rising lias occurred at Johannesburg. It Is added that 1100 more armed men be longing to tho British chartered corn pays, crossed tho frontier yesterday and that President Kruger is determ ined to defeat the Invaders hx force of arms. A conflict between tho Boers and the EngllsJ is expected tomorrow. It Is stated that President Kruger has telegraphed to Colonel Secretary Chamberlain pledging his government that the Boers shall temporarily adopt a passive attitude toward Dr. Jamicson's force, on its arrival out sldo of Johannesburg. Tho Important feature of this arrangement between Mr. Chamberlain and President Kruger Is, that all responsibility for tho hostility will rest with tho Chartered South African Co. Berlin. Tho Vosslsho Zcitung says: The action of Dr. Jamicson can not bo tolerated. It Is tho duty of tho German government to immedi ately take energetic Bteps to protect endangered German Interests and at the same tlmo thoso of our kinsmen, tho Boers. It is impossible to protest too stronglyagalnst tills act of vio lence on the part of the British. THE BRADLEY BOOM. Frankfort, Ky., Jan. 2. A con ference of leading Republicans was held In the ofllco of Governor Bradley, and tho "Bradley boom" for president was started. This was tho theme, and the toasts to tho governor were full of happy New Years and wishes for his political preferment In tho year 1800. Hearty congratulations and best wishes were extended to tho governor as tho Republican candidate for president of the United States by 40 prominent Republicans fromevery congressional district In Kentucky, who called, by agreement, on that official last night. It can be stated with accuracy that before tho .New Year was an hour old every person present at the meeting had pledged himself to do all he could to elect a Bradley delegate from Kentucky to a national convention at St Louis, and to work In every way possible to secure his nomination. RESERVES CALLED OUT. New Yonir, Jan. 2. A dispatch to tho Journal from Constantinople says: Tho army reserves at Moosh, Sat- dls, Aleshgerd and Bltlls have been called out. The Armenian bishop at Erzeroum was arrested Monday and sent to Constantinople, no is accused of taking a leading part In the agitation- against tho government. His arrest has much excitement In Erzer oum, and the otllcials there have taken measures to prevent dlsonto Fink Weatiieh. Tlin Xnw Yonr jhas been ushered In with beautiful Weather. The U. S. Gov't Reports Khnw tfnvat Flntslrirr OntuiiAf ite. iwpffar to " otters. ,.v. MRS. DAVIDSON'S PAST. SOMETHING OF THE WOMAN'S CAREER WHILE IN 110STON. Boston, Jan. 2. Further Investiga tion Into tho case of Mrs. Davidson, of San Francisco, charged with wrong doing by tho Rev. Charles 0. Brown, of that city, brings to light the fact that Mrs. Davidson did onco llvo In Boston, nnd that she had an Interest ing career, In which sho managed to get considerable money from one per son beforo sho loft tho city. In 1800 and 1801, Mrs. Davidson was a mem ber of Nchcrulah Boynton's Congrega tion, at the Union church, and later became a prominent member of the Tremont Temple congregation. At the tlmo she was peddling starch, and by hcrcloqucnco alio sold a large stock, with good profits. Many friends, among whom was Mrs. Sarah J. Stevens, an old lady about 80 years of age, became deeply Interested In Mrs. Davidson and her alleged religious work. Mrs. Stevens had considerable money Invested in bonds, and when these were called In and paid Mrs. Davidson learned of the amount of ready cash held by "her friend, and per suaded Mrs. Stevens to loan her $2800, on a note at 4 iter cent, to enable Mrs. Davidson to start In the dressmaking business. The note was payablo In 10 years. Soon afterward, wanting more money, sho persuaded Mrs. Stevens to loan her $2000 more, also on n 10-year note, but this tlmo at .1 per cent. Mrs. Davidson wcjitto Chicago In 1893, and from thcrejto San Francisco. Uor payments ot the Interest ontho notes, It is sald.-haVe been few and far botween. In connection wjlh dealings with Mrs. Stevens and Appeals for remit tances, she has written very ilowcry letters. Tho following Is an extract from ono of tlicm: "Of course 1 cannot bo unmindful of my obligation to dear Mrs. Stevens. How I would like to come in tills afternoon and bring some ripe straw berries, so plentiful In tho markets hero now, and now oranges and fresh llowers. The weather Is cooler toduy than usual, but like many of our June days back East. .Still I like the cost best, will? Its sunw ond cold winters, becauso I love thepcoplo best there, There Is so much evil hero, and excitement to dis tract tho mind. I will inclose $50, and to make tilings as I onco spoke of doing, I will send you moro next month, and, with God's help, may I prove my gratitude to flio dear loving friend, as jvell as to our Heavenly Father, who helped mo in my hour of need. "My love, God knows is In my heart for you, and begs to express itself according to tho means of his grace, who will bless you for your kindness to me." THE CHINESE GO. Tacoma, "Wn., Jan. 2. Tho Chinese have again been driven out of Tacoma. This morning tho two Chinese em ployed by Thomas Rlggs were put on a train and sent to Olympla, Riggs Is tired of tho agitation and sur rendered uncondltionrlly, Auscondinq Waiter. On Tuesday last O. J. Roberts was given a position as waiter by Jack Hlllsbury, pro prietor of tho State strcot ten-cent lunch counter. He was paid for ills days work, and told to bo on tlmo tho next morning foranothcr. According to his usual custom tho proprietor tho next morning placed a small sum of money In the till to uso as "change" during the day. Roberts worked until nearly noon, when ho took ad vantage of his employer's absence and disappeared, and examination dis closed the fact that his "change" and morning's receipts wcro also missing, Tho pollco olllcors are looking for him. Boys Captured. Two of tho re form school runaway boys, Mootiey and Bonnet, wero captured between Woodburn and Ilubbard yesterday and returned to the school. Copplo was with them, but escaped. They wero following the railroad northward. Deaf Mute Admitted. Mrs. J. L. Stalker, of Sllvcrtou, lias applied to havo her six-year-old son, Arthur Stalker, admitted to tho Oregon School for tho deaf mutes. Judgo Hubbard lias recommended his admis sion. MORTON'S CANDIDACY. New Yoric, Jun. 2. Ex-Senator Miller said tonight that governor Morton has authorized his friends to state that ho has "consented to become a candidate for president of tho United States. Children Cry for Pitcher' Castoria. LOSl' Shatpers Several Buildings and Kills Many Men. BRAVE EFFORTS OF FIREMEN Another Street Car Strike On in Philadephia. St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 2. .fust before 1 o'clock, In tho basement of a build ing, at 30!) North Second street, occu pied by tho Anchor Peanut Company, an agency of tho Excelsior Fire Works Co., exploded with tcrritio force, shat tering the building, burying sevnral persons In tho ruins. Tho building was also set on lire. Those injured as far as known, at tills writing are: Frank Hogcr, cut about head and face; Will Brondcmoidcr, cut head on face and body; Christ Kraft and 1. Dlort, cut about head and face. Three alarms were turned jn, nnd the lire men and other willing workers are now subduing the Humes and march ing In tho ruirs for t lie dead and wounded. Tho business houses of the Little & Becker Printing company, tho Stand ard Wlro company, Lovlson nnd Blytlie, stationers, wcro Involved and some employes in all these stores are supposed to Imj wounded. Among tho men In tho Little & Becker placo a to Frank Samuels, Henry Green, James nallowcll and Hugh Allpn. They were cut more or less badly obout tho head and Hying glass. At 1:30 two men wcro located in tho ruins by lire men and clfortH are now being made to get them out. It Is not known whether they nre dead or alive. ANOTHRE 1110 TIE-UP. Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 2. Tho men have been canvassing tho con ductors and motormen regarding another strlko report sentiment, nearly unanimous In favor of n strlko. It Is believed that another big tie-up will be ordered to begin tomorrow mumlng. Eugene V. DcJm has been sent for. ..i OREGON NEWS. The proprietor of tho Touchetto mill near Walker, appeared bofore Judge Wheeler, In Eugene, Monday, and pleaded guilty to dumping saw dust in tho river; $25 was tho lino. W. B. Lawlcr was In Albany from Gates, tho other day, and reported 11 feet of snow at tho summit. Ho says most of tho machinery Is at the mines but some of it Is on tho way and hard work Is being experienced handling It. Tho first time Sam G. Brown escaped from tho county jail In Roscburg, it cost Douglass county $100 to capture him. Ho had not been convicted when ho wnlkcd out of jail thon, nnd It doubtless will not bo -such un easy task to tako htm, now that ho Is un der scntenco to bo hanged. ALBANY. Hon. M. A. Miller, of Lebanon, was In tho city Tuesday. J, It. Wyatt returned Tuesday from Eugene. Chiof of Pollco Leo went to Inde pendence yesterday. Timothy Wandcl nnd wlfd, who have been vjsltlng friends In Eugene,' have return6d home. T Ilnrry Saltmarsh, of Portland, Is spending a few days at Portland. Miss Llllfd MoHarguo has returned from a visit with friends lu Salem. Mrs. J. A. McFcron and children nro visiting relatives In Brownsvlllo. Mrs. W. W. Rowcll returned Tues day from a visit to California. Sho was accompanied by her cousin, Mr. Vivian Hoxoy of San Rafael. School Superintendent A. R. Rutherford and Prof. Hiram Tyrco went to Portland Tuesday, to attend tho mooting of tho state teachers' Institute, EUGENE. Mrs. L. Bllyeu is visiting lu Albany. ArchloRIco is visiting at Cottage Grove. Mrs. J, W. Christian is Improving slowly. Hon. C. II Baker, of WnltcrviUe, was In town Tuesday. Attorney Young Is homo from n trip to Corvallls and Portland. Mrs. John O'Brien and daughter re turned to Albany yesterday. Tuesday marriage licenses wore Is sued to J. Walter Smith and Lena J. DoVauys Scott Lltidley and Lena 15. Wosby. Attorney Geo. W. -Klnsey returned yesterday from Junction Dr, and Mrs, D, A. Paine, accom. R ajBBMBwSiiiV!nfc pan led by their daughter, Miss Carrie, returned Tuesday to Salem. Sheriff Johnson yesterday sold to Mrs. II. E. Sladden a tract of land near this city belonging to Wnllls Brown for $13,000. iAt Home. Monday evening Mr. nnd Mrs. William K. Scarborougn gave a very pleaxant At Homenttholr resi dence In honor of Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Paine, of Salem, and those present en joyed a most delightful evening, par ticipating In that fascinating gamoof games, whist, as well as partaking of an excellent lunch. Those present were; Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Paine, Dr. and Mrs. T. W. Harris, Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Prentice, Mr. and Mrs. J. S, Lockcy, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Church, Mr. and Mrs.James Hoffman, Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Hoffman, Mr.nnd Mrs. I K. Peters, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Aadalr. corvallis. N. B. Avery returned today, from Oakland, California. Mr.nnd Mrs L. D. Burgh went to Albany Tuesday. A marriage llcenso was Issued on tho 27th nit. to .1. A. Howard and Luolla Jones. Born. December 20, to Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Warner, a son." NEWS KROM TURKEY. Constantinople, .Tan. 2 Accord ing to a dispatch f mm Orfali, Asiatic- Turkey, thoro wero fresh outbreaks there Saturday and Sunday, In reply to tho demand of. United States Mlnlstor Terrell, Uiq Turkish government ordered tho vail of Al eppo to furnish an escort to Miss Shattuck and tho tlirco natives teachers from Orfah to Alntnb. Terrell has recolvcd information which shows that all the missionaries In Anatolia nre safe. Tho Turkish government lias given an evasive reply to the offer of the representatives of tho powers tome dlato with the Zeltounlls. The am bassadors resent tho stnnd taken by the portc, and tho dragomans arc urging the Turkish otllcials to accept their offer. No definite Information Is obtainable from- Kcitouu, although It is bcllovcd tho place Is holding nut against tho Turks, nnd the latter aro sufforlng severely on account ot tho weather Backlen's Arnica Salve. The best Salve In the world for Cuts, Drulses, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fevci Sores, Tetter. Chapped hands, Chilblains, nnd all Skin Eruptions, and positively cure Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed o give perfect satisfaction or money refunded Price IS cents a box. For ualc by Fred A Legg. We would like to look into tho pleasant face of some one who has never had any derangement of the drgrstlve organs. We see the drawn and unhappy faces of dys. peptic In eveiy walk of life, It Is our national disease, and nearly all complaints spring from this source. Remove the stom. nch difficulty and the work Is done. Dyspeptics and pale thin people are lit erally starving, because they don't digest their food. Consumption never develops in people of robust and normal digestion. Correct the wastiug and loss of flesh and we cure tho dlseave. Do this villi food. The Shaker Digestive Cordial contains already digested food and is a digester of food at the same time. Its effects are felt at once. Get a pamphlet of your druggist and learn about It. uixoi is castor Oil made as sweet as honey by a new process. Children like it Marvelous Kau'm. From a letter written by Rev, J. Gumler man, of Dimondale, Mich., we are permitted to make this extracti "I have nohetliation in rccomending Dr. King's new discovery, as the results were ttlmoit marvelous in the case of my wife. While I was pasior of the Han. list Church at Rives Junction she was brought down with Pneumonia succcdlng La Grippe, Terriblo paroxysms of coughing would fast hours with little tnteruptlon imd it seemed as If she could not survive ihem. A friend reco mended Dr. King's New discovery; it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in result." Trial bottles free at Fred A Ltgg's Drug Store. Regular site C,o cents, and $ 1 ,00 Elactrlo Bitters. Electric Bitters Is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more generally needed when the liver is torpid a uil sluggish and the need of a tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted lonu and peihaps fatal billions fevers, No medicine-will act more surely in counteract ing and freeing the system from the malarial poison. Headache. Indigestion. Conttipa. lion, Dizrlness yelld to Llectilc Hitters, 50 cents and (.100 per bottle at i'led A. Legg's Drug store, Highwt of all ia Lavening Roy-! -- - v '' " ' ' "" ";'. .... NO. iiiTiil'Tn)iiintifnii-rminini mm :-;.. WASHINGTON MATTERS The Venezuelan Pkauk Commis sion or Five ABOUT EVENLY HAT.AKCJBD. Senath Has Taken No Action on the Bend Rim.. Washington, Jan. 2. The senate finance committee adjourned today nt 12:30 until tomorrow. No action was taken nnd no vote had. Tho bond bill was discussed, but the tariff bill was not taken up. Senators White and Wolcott wero not present. Silver men unanimously decided to Insist upon nn amendment m the na ture of an entire substitute providing for tho free coinage of stiver, and elimination of nil authority fnr un- nnco bonds. VENEZUELAN COMMISSION. It Is authoritatively stated In behalf of the Administration, that the Vene zuelan commission will bo tho .bso lute master of its own procedure, llxlng the time nnd placo of its meet ings, and determining for Itself whether or not It sliall visit foreign countries, what class of evidence may bo taken Into consideration, nnd how Interested governments may be repre sented beforo tho tribunal. This Independent notion Is deemed necessary to sccuro, commissions' find ing that degreo of weight and respect unong other nations that enn bo nt talned only through the knowledge that tho liody Is free from any re Uralnt or obligation to the lTnlted States government. Our government will occupy a status of exact neutral ity In the proceedings. THE MARKETS. Chicago. 'Jan. 2. Wheat, ensh 56c.; New urfc, Jtn. a. Silver, G6fc; lead. Ma 3 30 SAN FRANCISCO MARKET. San Francisco, Jan a. Wheat, 98W. . WoQL.Orfgnn, choice, 7G?Jloo; Inferior, 7 8c, Valley, 9 tic Hops Quotable at 57C Potatoes 25 to 40c iier sack. Oats Milllne. 6f,&,jiA. PORTLAND MARKET. Portland, Jan, a. Wheat valley, 535 Walla Walla, 50. " 3i Flour Portland, J2.60; llcnton county, a 60: graham, Ja.aoj superfine. $1 per bbi. Oats-White, 2224c; grey, 20Qftaijrolled, nu, H$S-3St barrefj, 54.50 7,00; cases, 3.75. Potatoes., New Oregon, 35ioc per sack. I lay . .Good, $58 50 per ton. Wool. .Valley, itc; Eastern Oregon, 79C. MliisiufU .Ilran. $11.50(313; shorts, $12 13 whop feed, ii2(ui$ per ton; rye. 75cprc. HidcH. .Rrcen, salted 60 lb 44c; under 60 lbs 36c; sheep pelts. io($7oo. Hops. .Oregon, 4 to 7c, according to qual ity. Hutler. .Oregon fancy creamery, 35('l37Vi; tnev dairy, irSaaJ; fair to Kood, 15C)I7XV common, toe. Cheese. .Oregon full cream, )Vioc, Eggs.. Oregon, l82oper doz ; Eastern, 1 8c per do. Poultry. . Chickens, $i.5ot3 00 per dot ; ducks, $4po-t 50; geese, $6.oo7,oo; tur. keys. eitc: dressed. lriac, Uef,.Topsteers. ai3-5c per lb; fair togoodMeers, 3ja 3.5c; cows, 3f3c; ilreosed beef, 45c. Mutton.. Ilest beef, H.qoQz 2y, choice ewti, 1. 50(11)2 00; dressed, 4c. Hogs., Choice, heavy, $3 ooj.4o; light and erders; fa 75; dreued, 4c per In, Veal., Small, choice, 5('oc; large, 340 per lb. SALEM MARKET. Wheat. .44c per bu., market firmer, Oats .17c. Hay .Haled, cheat, 14.50(5,00; timothy, $650. Hour .In wholeiale lots, 3.50; retail, 1 2 80; bran, bulk 9.00; aacked. "13 oo; shorts, ll,ocn)i3.oo; chop feed, 12.00 13-00. VeaL.Drcssed, 4J4. I logs.. Dressed. 3j. ' Live Cattle.. i;2,V. Sheep.. Live, 200. Wool., He t, i2lc. Hops.. ilest, 45o. KgB..Cash. 18c. Uuiter. .ilest dairy, taiac; fancy creamery, i;(?(2c Cheese.. iuiaJ4c. Farm Smoked Meals. .Ilacot, 6c; hams, II ; shoulders, 7c, l'uia(oe..25cperbu. Onions,. 3c. Apple 35,4oc. Poultry. .liens, 5c, rooters. Ji 80 per doz. and not wanted; ducks, j.5o( per doi. turkeys, live 7c; eggs S2 cents cash. Rheumatism Jtuns Xtot. When there 1. lactic acid in the blood. Liniment and lotion will be of,uo permanent benefit A cure can be accomplished only by neutralizing this acid and for this purpow Hood's Sarsanarilla is the best inedlcihe be. causc Hood.s Sartaparilla Is the only true blood purifier prominently In the public eye. Hood's Pills become the favorite cathartic with every one who tries them. 25 cents. Power, Latet U. S. Gov't Report Baking Ftowder V f Vsw gm