Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 01, 1896, Image 5

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Prize Hood's
arMrarJUa moro than any remody I have
icT x navo "over been robugt and
i sjCjoct to Bovcro headaches, and bad
!oni,petlto. Blncotoklnir
3 frtsl o..
v wut is nzji-iri-iMni-irBiim
d Hood's Pills I am a well woman,
no ft Kood nppotlto and slcen well.
I Jtelly recommend Hood's Sar-
I. - ea'lllm ;.n, n',lM,imu,ocu
, , V...V.UM
' PJIIc euro alt llrsr Ills, MUous.
Vs no.hltche. SJc
Wlinllstho outlook for 1800? In
talem wo have sonic hopes of new
lllUlUfnctlircq. Tim wnnlnii.tnllla will
m rebuilt on a larger scale. At least
Mno other matnifacturltiK concern will
jge started with private capital. There
will be considerable In the way of
bubllc Improvements by the county,
tiy anu state.
f,The county should not further iien-
Vtr.f. tiaimitt- lirMiui nwinAi.)it mi.-
fJBWcnt need of a new jail. The old
UHil Is unlit for occupancy from a
gaiiUniy standpoint. It Is not sewered
roventllated or lighted asa Jail should
Do Ina Christum communltv. It Is
fiUthy and hardly lit to put an animal
M over night, to sav nothlncr of holder
. -. . .
isecure. it would not bo safe to nut
Tprlsoncr in whose life depended on
His getting out. A common pick purse
in urcaic out In two hours. A mob
could break in and take any man's
jIUc. It Is not creditable to the second
junty In the state.
jTho court house Itbclf Is In need ol
lint and repairs throughout. The
prfaclng of the walls is falling off.
lie wooden goddess Is a travesty on
2hltccturo and should be taken
iwn. TIio court house square Is an
mlicalthy depression In tho center ol
ie city, and should bo illled up. The
Wowalks around tho court house be-
ig to Jaytown, not to tho capital city
Oregon. It is a wlso economy to
o good care of public property. It
ids n stability nnd dignity to gov-
hiincnb that pcnurlousncss can never
ipplant In tho admiration, esteem
d respect of tho people. Tho llrst
unty Improvement should bo the
ling up of tho court house grounds
atl proper care of that property.
F'lMift ctnfn dlinnlil ntnA .n1n ln44nH
g-Liiu ounu aitutuw IIJOU ItltVU UULLU1
kro of Its property, and the streets
ihlch It uses to reach tho public in-
tltutlons. These streets now resom
lo cow lanes. They should bo turn-
iked and drained, trees set out on
ich sido with a vlow to beauty In tho
luture. Besides ordering convicts to
nako a million brick, not a stop has
sen taken toward building n sewer
adequate to carry off tho drainage
from two great Institutions. Some
of tho finest residences In tho city are
inow Hooded with -water from the
Btato sower un to tho Hrst floors.
ramllles have had to vacate and loft
tho city. But the sewer has not even
pcen surveyed. It seems nothing can
bo done for tho city in this respect be-
lauso the tax must yet bo lovled. But
fclio survoy could at least bo made, and
Iho work platted, so that tho cltv
light know whoro It would be located.
The outlook for tho city from the
tandpolnt of tho city Itself, is not
infavorable. Tho city government
now within Its means, except that
city hall is built but not paid for.
Che city should at onco prqvido means
pay for it. A sinking fund of
fcwo mills of tho ten mills of tho city
ax levy should bo set asldo
to nav for it. Tho cltv hall
lebt should not bo made larger
unless means are provided to pay tho
lebt. Tho city docs not need within
HO.OOO of Its income for 1893. By
floser economy Mayor Gatch thinks
that surplus can bo increased. It Is
robablo that by further economy a
Rplendld sinking fund could bo created
lor tho city hall.
The Journal believes in taking a
Iheerful view of things. Wo havo
entered upon a presldental election
(rear, usually a hard year to do busl-
less. But wo believe It will be a
attcr year than 1895. It cannot bo .
vorso. The Journal belloves In'
protecting Salem business Interests.
jit belioves In business men standing
by each other and extending a help-
ling hand to each other. It believes
in uie DUSincss men or hniem giving
oil flin ncclctnnpA In tlmli- nnll'nii r
fall the assistance In tliclr power to
legitimate Industries and enterprises
that are practical and that can Ikj
niado to appear practicable froni a
'.business standpoint. It was really
not hard to get $25,000 stock taken In
; the new woolen mills when It could
be shown that It was practicable and
would pay as an investment.
But The Journal believes no sup
port or encoiungernent should, be cx-i
tended to enterprises of a speculative
or questionable character. Mere
schemers who do not Intend to make
a pormancnt homo hero ohould bo
givon a cold shoulder. With these
thoughts in mind ami Willi a coidial,
cheerful, helpful, friendly disposition
lo assist ono another, thorc Is no rea
son why the people of Salem need not
look forward this year without fear
and troubling.
aovnuNou Fletcher's stirring CON
There Is to be a poultry exhibit in
Salem on the 11th day of next month.
The show will take place In tho ar
mory. An excellent program will be
prepared for entertaining those who
may wish to patronize It. This Is all
right and we hope that those who arc
now tendering the farmcis so much
good advice legardlng the hen, will be
present nnd give the people further
useful knowledge respecting that bird.
"Wo would suggest to the committee
thnt they do not lose sight of our
friend of the Statesman Mr. Irvine,
who doubtless., w 111 bo able to edify
the audience with a treatise on the
merits of the "intensified" hen, and
oats as feed for fattening hog. "When
a hen has retired from business after
a long and eventful life as an egg
manufacturer, the unfcell.ig huxter
throws her on Ihc maiket as a spring
chicken. AVe trust M r. 1 rvlnc w 111 lie
able to devise some plan by which
this business can be checked and the
"Intensified" hen bo thus permitted
to assume her rightful place in the
world of commerce. Neither should
Tub Journal olllce bo overlooked.
Colonel Hofcr has for many years de
voted his best energies to Improved
poultry breeds. In fact, poultry
raising, politics and the bicycle, have
occupied all his time and employed all
ills faculties for the past year, and
the Information he must have gained
during that period, would be Invalu
able to thoso who are Intending
to Invest In hens and ducks. By all
means assign tho Colonel a place on
the program. Give him a chance to
air himself. It Is a pity to allow so
iiiuch valuablo poultry knowledge to
oo corked up without having an op
portunity to unbottle Itself. Ills
recent Importation of n Mammoth
rooster entitles him to first con
sideration among poultry raisers.
"We think It might bo well, also, to
give Harvey Scott, of tho Orcgonlan,
an opportunity to uncork his olo
quence, for wo have noticed of late,
several articles In his paper, extolling
tho paying qualities of tho speckled
The program could not bo brought
to a close without an elaborate dlsser
tion on "feathered fowls" of all
kinds by Geo. D. Goodhue, the "full
iledged" editor of tho Salem Poul
try Journal. Indeed, a poultry
program without tho namo of Geo. D.
vioodhuo on It, would bo like tho play
of Hamlet with Hamlet left out.
ohould theso modest suggestions be
carried out, great good would result
from tho show, nnd every man who
owns a hen or Intends to own one.
tvould bo both cdllled nnd nrolltcd
thereby. It would glvo tho whole
thing such an eggstraordinary boom
that every hen will cacklo and every
rooster in tho broad land will stand
up on his hind legs nnd crow as he Is
expected to crow over tho Democratic
victory in ieuu. uauy rost.
Tho mammoth rooster above re
ferred to is a magnlllccnt bird, ono of
a breeding pen of live of Donls
thorpo's best imported and American
crossed buff cochin. Wo havo about
decided to namo him Governor
Fletcher and exhibit him at tho
Salem poultry show Jnu. 11. Editor
A Sample Package (-4 to 7 doses) el
Dr. Pierce's i
Pleasant Pellets
To any one striding name and address la
us on a postal card.
Hence, our oty'ect in sending Ihent out
broadcast -,..
They absolutely cure Sick Headache, Bil
lousness-Constinatlon. Coated Tongue, Poor
Annettte. Dv,nena and kindred derange-
1 ' ' ' ' f
ments of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels.
DonH accept some substitute said to bt
"just as good,"
The substitute costs the dealer less.
It costs )ou ABOUT the same.
HIS profit is in the "just as good."
Address for Fhkk 8AMrx.it,
World's Dispensary Medical Association,
Ao. 663 Mala St, DVFFAIO, K K
X01 '' ? jfffrr
Cnstorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
nnd Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is n. harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soething: Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee- is thirty years uso by
Millions of Mothers. Cnstorla destroys Worms and allays
fovorlshncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea nnd "Wind Colic. Castoria reliovo
teething: troubles, cures constipation nnd flatulency.
Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach
and bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep. Cas
toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend.
"Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of Its
good effect upon their children."
Dr. O. C. Osgood,
Lowell, Mass.
Castoria Is the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day Is not
far distant when mothers wilt consider the
real interest of their children, and use Castoria
Instead of the various quack nostrums w hlch
are destroying their loed ones, by forcing
opium, morphlue, soothing syrup and other
hurtful agents down their throats, thereby
sending them to premature graves."
Du. J, F. Kinciibiob,
Conway, Ark.
The Contour Company! 77
I'l'inmerciiil Sired, Corner Stale
Thi' Capital Printing Company
moved to that location. Call on us.
To Arms to Arms,
Another War,,
50,000 men women and childern wanted to
buy the stock of furniture, carpets, mailings,
etc., of J. A. Hointi for the next 60 days at
cost or less, to make room for spring goods,
I mean what I say, am also going to add a
I urge line of wall paper and moulding to my
stock. J. A. ROTAN,
Local agents in all towns and localities
ind throughout the United States and terri
tories to sell the beit washer in use consider
ing its price from $3 to $5. For particulars
J. 11. 11ROWN,
156 Stato street. Salem, Oregon.
Eastern R. R. Company
Connecting at Ynnuina Hay with the San
Francisco & Yaquln i Hay Steamship Co.
a I and first dais in every respt-ct. Sails
from Yaquina fof San FiancUco about very
8 days.
Passenger accommodations unsurpassed,
Shortest route between the Willamette valley
and California.
Fare from Albany or pnlntt west to San
Franctscoi Cabin, Si2; steerage, SS; cabin,
round trip, good Co days, SI 8.
For sailing dates apply to
H. L. WALDEN. Agent.
Albany, Or.
CIIAS. CLARK. Corvallis, Or.
EDWIN STONE. Manager, Ccrvallis, Or.
A. J. CHURCHILL, Local Agent, Salem.
-M- -V
,. Hi. ' -.c i polou'
;ZC f uw iy i UunorrucK
HfctiWl !!)"' f' 1.-n '".?." "..
tS&lr 111'
driVJ ,!" " " "
Mi .irttiur.. lion, irrliuimii ur ulcere
.. .:: flint.. i. inv uinauiLun
Prmou cujUn. Hoi ui m. o u nwro
rHtEvihsOHifieurA " -
or unit la plain w,'PrJr
$1.03, cr J bottle". 2.;s.
Circular teat on rtxjuesu
r iiuriniuni.i
Tor Information and t res Usndtwkwrl&to
MUNN a CO, Ml llaOlBWAT. NSW J .
Oldest traresa for seetirlng PfWnu in Amertca
Krery PsMnt Uken out by us U tjrouaM before
tbs putllo br notloa ften Xxes of cliargo tn U
ieutific ttwxtaw
world, bplendldlr lllu.trla.
rv.!Srri....i7r.t.ii.i K, r mfiilliir.nt
roriii. DDteiuuuu .,w.w. ' zzz. r.z
msn should U. without n. w,;iJ'i-lF?)
eari 61J0 sU inonttis. AddrM. MOK CO.,
KTuiiiiasTaai Broadway, Kew York Cltr,
AGENTS fill.
t3i oiNDKnri.o
" Castoria is so welt adapted tochtldrem that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me."
II. A. ARCnnn, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford Bt., Brooklyn, N. Y.
" Our physicians in the children's depart
ment have spoken highly of their experi
ence in their outside practice with Castoria,
and although we only have among; our
medical supplies what Is known as regular
products, yet we are free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it."
United Uospitax. and Diapbniart,
Boston, Mass.
Allen a Smith, Prtt.
Murray Street, New York City.
The board of trustees of tho Oregon
ntato lnsano rmylum ln1te sealed pro
posals for furnlshlrg at the asylum, near
Salem, Oregon, for tho six months end
lng Juno SO, ISM, iho following supplies:
1J0O ,yds. Allen prints, nsaorted pat
tcins, as per Baniplo.
S00 yds. Pequot A. sheetluir, ii in., us
bleached, ns per sample.
1000 yds. Poquot A, sheotlnjr, 36 In., u
blenchsd, ab par umpla.
COO yds. Lonsdalo shsetlng, 33 in.,
bleached, as por sample.
1000 yds. French crash linen, bleached,
18 in., as per sample.
GOO yds, gloss crush llnon, bleached, 18
In., as per Rxmplo.
100 yds. table oil cloth, white, as per
COO yds. Amoskcac bluo denims, 0 oz.,
as per sample. T"
100 yds. Blleslo, drab as por samplo.
2 doz. corsets as per sample, olio 21
to 30.
10 doz.
75 doz.
Turkey red handkerchiefs, 24 In.
men's cotton socks as per sam-
12 doz. D. & W. Htuy blndlnir, white, as
por snmple.
Yi croat cross duplex safety pins No. 3
as per sample.
0 C. cross F. D. shirt buttons, as per
2 C. gross pant 8 buttons, as per sample.
Thread (Coats' or Clark's O. N. T.)
15 doz. No. 40 white.
5 doe. No. 60 whtte.
15 doz. No. 40 black.
C doz. No. CO black.
M prs. men's 'tatlier slippers, No. 7,
as per sampU.
CO prs. men's leather slippers, No. 8, as
per sample.
CO prs. men's leather slippers, No, t,
as per sample.
30 prs. men's leather slippers, No, 10,
as per sample, ,
20 prs. men's leather slippers, No. 11,
as per sample,
15,000 lbs. Golden C. sugar.
1,500 lbs. oat meal in barrels.
10,000 lbs. rolled oats In barrels.
3,000 lbs. cracked wheat In barrels.
2,500 lbs. corn meal In barrels.
2,000 lbs. cracked hominy, small,
2,000 lbs. cream wheat In barrels.
300 lbs. Arm & Hammer soda In 1
10,000 lbs. Liverpool salt.
COO lbs, soda crackers XXX, more or
less, delivered as required.
550 lbs. Silver Gloss atarch (Kings
ford's.) 500 lbs. cheese, Cranston's, more or
less, delivered as required.
400 lbs. cream tartar (Folder's or Shil
lings') in 25 lb. boxes.
30 doz. cove oysters (Field's 2s).
2 doz, whisk brooms.
30 doz. No. 1 best brooms.
10 gross Vulcan Safety matches,
per sample,
COO gal. syrup, as per sample.
30 doz. corn canned, Olenwood or as
COO lbs. sal soda.
300 clay pipes and stems as per sample,
40 doz. teacups W. O. ware.
10 doz. soup bowls, qts. W, O. ware.
10 doz. dinner plates, 9 In., W, Q. ware,
2 doz. pitchers, 2 qt., W. O. ware.
2 doz. pitchers, 1 qt., W, 3. ware-.
5 doz. pitchers, cream, W, O. ware.
5 doz. glass turoblers, as per samplo.
C doz. bakers, 10 In., W, O. ware.
2 doz. sugar bowls, W. O. waro, a.-, par
1 doz. wash bowls and pitchers, W. Q.
ware, as per sample.
2 dos. granite Iron soap dlsheo, as per
(.000 lba. coffee, Costa, nica, as per
I sample.
200 lbs. coffee, Java, as per sample.
1,200 lbs. Chicory, as per sample.
(Must be In bbls or boxes; not accept'
ed In sacks).
2,000 lbe. prunes Fctlto, rnacnlne-drled
Orogon ratted. ,,i
DRIED ATJ?LE3. ' 4 '
S!asi fcfi in bbtff. cr toxw; nst accspt
M ft) &cgs).
3.W0 lbs. apple1. inAcltlne-d. led, m per
(Miwl bo In barrW.1 or boxa; not ac
cepted In snekfi), '
1.C0O lbs. peacbew, machlne-drlcd, as
per sample.
2,500 lbs. Even Change, or as Raod.
400 lbs. O. K. Durham Smoking in 2 oe.
1,000 gal. puro elder vinegar, 40 gr3.
Dlddfrs to Bubmlt samples.
600 bbls. No. 1 flour, more or leaf, de
livered oa required.
25 bbls. No. 1 graham flour, more or
lea, delivered as required.
;', FIB1L
COO lba.'fbth per week, more or lesa, as
required. ,
Kinds Ah required stating price of
ach per Hi.
70 gal. turpontlne in C gal. cans.
200 gal. kerosene, mors or leas, In
tanks, delivered as required.
2 doz. bottlea mowing machine oil,
sporm, n per sample.
-- SOAP. I
2.CO0 lbs. Net Savon, Rest Standard
soap. '
144 cakes toilet soap, ns per sample.
20 lbs,' shaving soap (J. U. William.1)
as per sample.
, , . SPICES.
200 Ibrf.' block pepper atnndnrd ground,
In 5 lb. cans.
23 lbs. cinnamon standard ground, lu
5 lb. cans.
IS lbs. nutmegs, standard whole.
10 doz. combs, dressing, as per sample.
2 doz. mop handles, as pur sample. ,
1 doz. wnnlitubs, oa per sample.
1 doz. washboards Red Cross as per
sample. j
6 doz. mucilage, Sanford's Universal. I
1 gross Pnyson's Indellblo Ink, as per
sample. I
12 quarts Stafford's or Sanford's luk,
black, In quart bottles. I
6 dozen penholders, as.4orted.
O UU.CU J, ......., .V,.., .... ., v
2 gross Falcon pons. No. D.
2 gross Beats' stub pens, No. 11.
2 gross Weat Michigan.
2 gross London Incandescent, No. 4,
M. Jacobs,
1 kilogramme Acid Acetic, 88 per cent,
1 kllogramm add boric, powdered,
2 kljogramniM acid carbolic, pure crys.
tal, Bqulbbs.
COO grammes acid tartaric, powdered,
1 kilogramme ac&olu, powdered,
1 kilogramme ammonia bromide, gran
ulated, Squlbbs.
2 kilogrammes ammonia chloride, gran
ulated, Squlbbs.
5 kilogramme bismuth sub-nltrute,
granulated, Squlbbs.
2S grammes cantharldca, powdered,
100 grammes creosote, Squlbbs.
19 kilogrammes chloral hydrate,
8 kilogrammes chloroform In COO
gramma bottles, Squlbbs.
COO grammes cubobs, powdered, Squlbbs.
0 kilogrammes other for anaesthesia,
M to be in 100 gramme cans and remain
der in 250 gramme cans, Squlbbs.
COO grammes opium, powdered.
1 kilogramme soap, powdered, (white
castlle), Squlbbs.
2 kilogrammes sodium bicarbonate,
2 kilogrammes sodium borate, pow
dered, Squlbbs.
2 kilogrammes sodium et potasw tar
trate, Squlbbs,
2 kilogrammes Iron chloride, solution,
'i kilogrammes Iron pyrophosphate,
2 kilogrammes mercurial ointment,
U kilogrammes potossa bromide,
1 kilogramme' potasea cldorate, Squlbbs.
3 kilogrammes potassa, Iodide, Squlbbs.
1 kilogramme fluid extract ergot,
COO grammes Fowler's solution, Squlbbs.
509 grammes tincture opium, deodor
ized, SqulblM.
0 Bhoetb bluo litmus paper, SqulbUs.
1 lb. acid muriatic C. P., 1. fc W.
1 lb. acid nltrlo C. P., .Squlbbs.
1 lb. add sulphuric C. P., Squlbbs.
2 oz. acid gallic, Squlbbs.
1 oz. caffeln citrate, Squlbbs.
1 oz. cocaine muriate, Squlbbs,
oz. codeine sulphate, Squlbbs.
1 oz. lunar caustic pure, Squibb.
1 oz. lunar caustlo No. 2, Squlbbs,
Vi oz. morphlue muriate, Squlbbs.'
2 oz. morphine sulphate, Squlbbs.
CO oz. quinine sulphate, In 5 oc. cans,
Yi lb. acid tannic, Squlbbs,
2 oz. zinc chloride granulated, Squlbbs.
2 lbs, oil uwcet orange, Lolin & Flnk.
lbs. oil lemon, Lohn St Fink.
llb. oil cloves, Lohn & Flnk.
m oz. europhen, Oayer.
75 oz. ffulfonal, flayer.
18 oz. phenacetlne, Bayer.
10 oz, antlkamnta.
6 oz. antlkamnta, 6 grain tablets,
4 lb, pepslne sacch (FalrchUd's),
8 oz. pepslne (Ooudalt's).
4 doz. Eff. citrate magnesia, (Bishop).
4 doz. Emulsion Cod Liver Oil, larire
4 doz. Elixir lod-Broro-Caldum Co.,
3 doz. cascara cordial, P. D, & C
; doz. Lloyd's nydrastiB.
H doz. Katharmon.
1 doz. Listerln.
1 doz. Syrurt Ilypophotmhltrs Co., (Fel
lows). I
1 doz. bromo stltzer (25o size). '
4 doz. beef uloe (Wyeth's). '
8 doz. peroxide of hydron In U lb.
bottlea (Marckand's).
2 lbs. Johnson's Ethereal Antiacne
soap, P. D. & Co. I
doz, Itorsford's Acid Pbospbote
H dot. bromldla. (Battle Co.),
V, doz. paplne, (DaUls Co.).
H doz. willow charcoal, (Ellis).
dor. alkallthU. (K. & M.).
1 jfallon color! e autillod extract of
witch hazel (P. D. & Co.).
10 lbs. Phillips' Digestible Cocoa.
10 lbs. cattolla add, Mai., No. 1. gold
3 lb?, fluid tutrlbt blUidtiba IfUV't-j,
(P. D. & Co,). ,
10 lbo. fluid extract buchu (I. V. St Co.)
2 lbs. fluid extract corn rllk (P. D.
& Co.).
10 lbs. fluid oxtnvot casnrt 3mJv
(P. D. & Co.).
1 lb. fluid extract digitalis (P. D. & Co.)
2 lbs. fluid extract ginger (P. D. & Co.)
1 lb, fluid extract hyoscyamua (P. D.
& Co.).
10 lb-, fluid extract Jalap (P. D. & Co.).
5 lb fluid extract licorice (P. D. & Co.)
10 lbs. fluid extract senna (P. D. & Co.)
10 lit, fluid Sarsaparllla Oo. for syrup,
(P. D. & Co.).
1 lb. peppermint leaves (P. D. & Co.).
1 lb. granulated belladonna leaves
(Lilly & Co.).
I pound granulated cannabis Indica,
(Lilly A Co.).
1 lb. granulated aoontte root (Lilly
& Co.)
1 lb. granulated arnica flower (Lilly
& Co.).
1 lb. granulated
& Co.).
cinchona red (Lilly
2 lbs. granulated columbo (Lilly & Co.)
1 lb. granulated digitalis loaves (Lilly
& Co.).
1 lb. granulated centlan (Lilly & Co.)
3 lbs. granulated ginger (Lilly & Co.).
2 lbs. granulated hyosoynnuw (Lilly
& Co.).
3 lbs. granulated nux vomica (Lilly
Sl 0).
5 lbs. granulated quansla (Lilly & Co.)
5 lbs. granulated wild cherry bark
(Lilly & Co.).
3 lbn. magnesia carbonate (K. &
10 lbs. gum camphor.
50 lbs. flax seed meal.
100 lbs. Epsom Salts.
10 lbs. borax powdered.
10 lbs. potaoMum nitrate, powdered.
1 lb. turmeric, powdctcd.
1 lb. lycopodlum.
20 lbs. sulphur sublimed.
.13 lbs. vaseline (Chcseborough's).
G lbs. prepared chalk.
CO llxi. glycerine (Kirk's).
G gallons Baker's A. A, castor oil (In
original package).
G gallon oil mnllga.
G gallons liquid ammonia, concentra
ted, (In 5 gulton glass conlalnor, Mai.).
C lbs. muriatic acid (commercial In
glass stoppered bottles, Mai.).
2 lbn. liquid albollnc.
1,000 each of empty capsules, Nos. 1
and 2 (P. D. & Co.).
1 gross hollow cocoa suppositories,
No. 2.
1 lb. bitter almonds, shelled.
6 rolls belladonna plasters In ono yard
rolls (S. & J.).
6 rolls silk Isinglass planters In ono
yard rolls (white) (S. & J.).
3 rolls Mead's Adhealvo plasters in
5 yard rolls (width 12 In.), (S. & J.).
2 rolls oiled silk plastera In ono yard
lolls (S. & J.).
G yards oiled muslin (8. & J.)
20 lbn. absorbent cotton In one pound
pkgs. (8. & J.).
2 lbs. sterilized lambs wool In U lb.
Pkgs. (S. & J.).
400 each hypodermic tablots, Noe. CO
and 05 In cases of 10 tubes each
1,000 each hypodormla tablets, Nos. 45
and 63, In cases of 10 tubes each
3 lbs. pills Improved cathartic, No. 150.
(P. D. & CO.).
1,000 quinine sulphate capsules, 2 grain,
(P. D. & Co.).
3,000 quinine sulphate capsules, 3
grain (P. D, & Co.).
1,000 quinine sulphate capsules, 6
g rain (P. D, & Co.).
1 pound Wilson's Corrosive Antiseptic
tubleta (Wyeth'a).
1,000 compressed powders of ostium, H
gruia, lead ocetato 1H grain (Wyeth's),
COO compressed powders of doverl pow.
der, G grain (Wyeth's).
1,000 compressed powders of eolol pow
der, G grain (Wyeth's).
1,000 compressed powders of migraine
powder. No, 2. (Wyeth's).
2,000 tablets triturate atoln, Dsllad et
Podoph. (Wyeth's).
1,000 tablets triturate Hyd, Chi. Mlto.
et Soda Bicarbonate Co. (Wyeth's).
1,009 tablots triturate Hyd. Chi. Mlto.
No. I (Wyeth's).
1,009 tablets triturate Hyd. Chi. Mlto.
M0 grain (Wyeth's).
COO tablets triturate Hyd. Chi. Mite, !
grain (Wyeth's).
COO tabloui triturate Hyd. Chi
1 grain (Wyeth's).
COO tablets trttirate Hyd. Chi. Mite.,
2 grain (Wyeth's).
2,000 tablots triturate ammonia
ate et Codeine Co, (Wyeth's).
COt tablets triturato nltro glycerine
1-1W grain (Wyeth'a).
COO tablots triturato tincture digitalis
t strychnia (Wyeth'a).
2,000 tableU triturate bronchitis
COO Unlets triturate neuralgic (BS)
1,000 tabloU triturate opium powdered
iu grain (Wyeth's).
COO tablets triturate podophyllln, U
grain, (Wyeth's).
5,000 tablets triturate cathartic Im
proved 1 groin (Wyeth'a),
C00 tablets triturate morphine sulphate
14 fftuln (Wyeth's),
GOO tablets triturate morphine sulphate
grain (Wyeth's).
2,000 tablets triturate cerium oxalate
I grain (Wyeth'a).
COO tablet triturate aconltla 1-200 grain
100 white filter papers, 15 In., (W. T.
& Co.).
200 white filter papers 13
In., (W. T.
ft Co.)
3 dozen medicine glasses (graduation
engraved) (W. T. & Co.)
1 glass percolating Jar, 32 oz., (W, T,
ft Co,).
1 matchless graduate, I oz., (W, T.
& Co.).
1 each Phenlx graduate One) IS oa.,
3 oz,, 4 oz., 8 oz., and 32 osl, (W, T, &
2 each Phenlx graduate (Cone) 2 oz.,
and I oz. (W. T. ft Co.).
1 dozen teat tubes, 8 in. (W, T. ft Co.).
1 gross each prescription vUla Phlladal.
phta oval, 4, 8 and I oz. (W. T. ft Co.).
3 dozen screw-top ointment pots, 4 ox,,
No. KG. (W. T. ft Co.),
1 set drachm coin weights l scruple to
2 drachm (W. T, & Co.).
1 set aluminum weight H to 5 grains.
1 6t briM imv , -A.. ..
nv.T.xrS,,fB6!dllte ww WW
tV)"- .
1 1 each chemist's wbbV, ,
tra in. (w. T. & co) 8 ",,,,
aiL"?!!" evaporal.n.
iov.hr&rcSr8train,nff "..
W degw. T.TmCoT ".
benJnv STr0" "-at hna
--.. .engThTsTnev: F'J
1 dozen loir ,lA ..T' .. C).
(W T. & CoV " 8ha" A.
2 dozen bout cia ,, . . .
T. & Co.). ""wine tubes, (y
S-12 dozen rubhor ,..... .
3 quarts. (W. t. 4 CoT. U,M' m-
T.ftCo.) mPrM SyrinBe' No
dozen vaseline atomizers, No. m.
dozen Davidson's syringes. vn
gross eaniAl......... rl :r No
- -W. Bp.rlngcr Torsion Balanco Co.
gross each ol! 4 wco u.
extra long, NosrT "
NiVuidtt PrCSCr'PtIon cork tape,,
Vi grosn each tin i,,. ..... . ... .
und 1 oz. " "" "
ji cross tin ointment boxes. 4 oz.
box,0v ea4n"JCuB!'h Ptcboard piu
boxes Nos. 2?, 30 and 3L
r.w ci wewiitz powder boxes u
and til (Piumlovi cs' isu'
1 Kros slide powder baxas No. C2 white
1M feet of 1U in. galvanized pipe.
24 each of it: il , ... K.K
t.w. '" " ' nna a mh i-
IS socket couplings, a; j,,.
12 each of iii m.u ,,.., ... . .. .
Ings. men uush-
3 caoli of 1 nnd lit i. ...... . .
traps full a " '"v" "uoo,s ,caa
10 feet of 1W inch lead pipe E.
12 yards brass safety chain No. 1.
12 COvCh ITUnirn nln.. . ..
Inch - " vuiicrs , anil "i
C pounds asbestos ball wicklng.
12 each of li. a: t.: ... . ".
Plugs. "' ' lnc"
6 comnrnjutnn ni.i. ... ...
lshedS.0 T. 0'' ""
1 bundle (3 lbs. ot No. 7 bright wire.
b! SSlTrtSt "."-
G sheets of No. 11 mi.i.i ...... .
M -u.,pwi
' !?,e!t". ct No-2i Bhet ii e.
50 bushcU charcoal.
1 pair 5 lb. noldsr coppers.
CO feet each of KK Vlxl Inch Nor
way iron
25 feet each of H ad 1neh oquoro
Norway Iron.
10 fcot each of u nn.i ; i.k .
steel. "' wla,fo,,
W feot of H Inch round tool steel.
10 feot of H Inch harrow tooth stoel.
M feet each of Kxi, NxH ana ,nch
toe calk steel.
2 Heller Bros, norso rasps, 10 inch.
0 flat mUl flies 14 inch.
3 flat bastard files, 10 Inch.
3 half round bastard flloj, 13 Inch.
3 half round mill flies, 12 Inoh.
2 round bastard flies 8 I a eh.
3 each flat mill flics 4 and 8 Inch.
300 feet of munllU rope, inch in dUun.
5 pounds each f Putnam horaeshoe
nails, No 5, 0, 7 and 8.
3,500 pounds blacksmiths' coal.
CO pounds each of Phoenix steel horse
shoos, Nos. 2, 3 and 4 front.
CO pounds each of Phoenix steel herse
shoes, No. 2, 3 and 4 hind.
100 each round head stove bolts 8-iexU.
S-Mztf. VixJL Kxl nch
CO each machine bolts ClSxlH. G-l6x2Ji,
x5 and xt Inch.
CO each carriage bolto x2, yix2& 5-18x2,
G-10X2H. 5-18x3, 6-16x4, H3Jfc, x3, xi
and xS In,
10 pounds each V, and Inch washers.
60 each hi and i Inch blank nuts.
1 gallon brilliant shine metal polish.
1 round belt punch 3-18 Inch.
1 Button's combined plycrs, Inch. ,
1 Coe's wrench, 6 Inch.
10 pounds Albany compourd, No. 3.
Samples may be seen at the commls.
sary of tho asylum, doods must be In
accordance with samples, and be In orig
inal packages when possible. The right
to reject any and all bids Is reserved.
Delivery of supplies will be required
within fifteen (15) days' notice of accept
ance of bid, Each bid must Include all
the Items and totals In full, with the ex
ceptions of flour, flsh and vinegar. Pay
ment will bo refused until tho bidder has
completed his contract. A copy of the
sdvertlsement must accompany each bid,
and the n-n of class of supplies must
be Inscribed on the envelope. Auditing
officers are prohibited from conllnntng
accounts of purchases when the adver
tisement dutb mt contain a full descrip
tion of the articles to bo purchased.
Each bidder will be required to furnish
with Iuj bid 4 certlfttal check in an
amount equal to ten per cent of the bid
(save that for flour the check U to be for
IJ00, for flsh 173, for vinegar $10), payable
to thu t,rder et? tho board to be returned
In case his Ml U rejected or his proposal
complied with. Bids will b opened In
the governor's office at a o'clock p. w.,
Monday, January 6. 18W,
Salem, Oregon, December 3, ItteV
H. It XINCAno,
Board ot Trute O, 8. I. A
W, 8. DUNITVAY, aerie ot Nii.
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ih. umi ttNu. . m-SAmevs, &V m.'i