Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 24, 1895, Image 1

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assooiatb press rAJCi7y
II II 1 . .
NO. 11
'-1 4l " ST4, L l-l "jT " - l- 1 '
We th.e largest and newest
e ock of Kurniture in Salem. Prices
a a' low as the lowest.
Bxjren & Hamilton.
2QS, 300 and 302 Commercial Street
Road Machinery and Agricultural Implements,
Latest Improved Goods and Lowest Prices.
N. W Corner State and Liberty streets, i J : SALEM, OR.
The FAra
of the Willamette University.
jt Mortem method. Up to data. Same as in the ratcrn and1 Kuropean Toassrvatorles
None bat the best u good enough for beginners as well as I r moro adva ced pupils.
W. 0. IIAWLKY, President,
K. A. UKKITAUK, Viwn Director.
, 7.ii,, KM1L.U WINK LEU. Instrumental Director.
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
Will Be
It must go, and if the price has anything
to do with it, the sale will not last long,
Their loss is your gain,
Remember, any suit or overcoat in the
store goes for $10, Mackintoshes, $6,50,
A masnve lino of gents' neckwear, underclothing, collars,
cuffs, hats, handkerchiefs, etc., suitable for sensible holiday
presents, are all marked down to cost. Corae early, before tho
assortment is broken.
261 Commercial at.
Agent of Mortgagees.
in Old
Bit; Christinas Shipment of
' Philadelphia, Dec. 24. William
G. Hnppor & Co., bankers nnd brokers,
failed today. The llrm declines to give
any statemont, but liabilities probably
will bo heavy ns thoy did a big busi
London, Dko. 21. The afternoon
newspapers today continue tbelr com
ments npon the Venezuelan q.icstlou
and hopes are expressed that tbo holi
days will continue to brlug about n
calmer mood on both sides of the
Ailuntlc. The possibility of war bo
tween Great Britain and tho United
States la regarded ns past and the
the affair la now viewed chlelly from
tbo ttanapolnt of American politics
and It bearlug upon tho financial situ
London, Dee. 24. The stook or
ulnuge opened steady nnd continued
quiet Consols advanced J to J over
.erterdny 'a prices. Uulou Pacific aud
American railways I to J nil around,
but there was little buslnlss done.
Nkw York, Dee. 24 The market
opened strong aud higher ou moder- to
d allug. Loudon cables reported specu
lation there Irregular. Local trading
at 10:16 was of u bouyant character and
heavy purchases lu leading sharefl were
being mado.
Washington, Dec. 21 Three or
four ot the olllcers of tho cabinet were
engaged In conferences at Interval
throughout tho day yesterday. Iu the
morning (Secretaries CarlUlo, Lumont
aud Herbert passed somo tluio-nttho-i
Whlto Houso, und durlug tho visit
views wero exchanged betweou them
The Impression Is thai, lu addition to
ttl&lng over the financial conditions,
tbey are interested in the personal of
tho Venezuela commission. It Is be
lleved that the president is already In
communication with somoof the por
tons whom ho would bo pleased to
havn undertake tho work, but, In ad
vanco of their ncceptauo of member--hip,
tbelr names will not be made
publlo, ucl consequently the com
position or tho commission Is purely
speculative at this tlmo.
Washington, Die. 24. Today's
statement or tho coudltlon of tho trois
ury shows tbo follewing:
Available cash balauco $176 420 41)0
Gold reserve 00 008,04(1
Telegrams from tbo sub treasury at
New York received by tho eecrotary of
the treasury, aniiouooj the $160 000 In
gold Mouday was withdrawn by the
national baubs, aud $7000 was paid nut
over the counter In exchange for legal
tenders, making tho total withdrawals
for tbo day $043 000, which leaves the
true amount of the gold resorye $07,
670 010. No gold was withdrawn for
New York, Dec. 24 The with
drawals rf gold for shipment Wednes
day were:
Von II irlmsn A Co. JUWEP,
llntlth- inerlosn Morf kbh Co..... 3 uJ
H ltiullncof N rtu Ainerior-... ipitoi
Meicbaii'Uukor uma.. -. l?w
Mueller, McUall tt Co 3W.U 0
New YoiiK, Dee. 24 The Phoenix
National bank deposited $100,000 In
gold with tboBUbtreasury In exohauge
for currenoy, and $60,000 In gold was
deposi.ed by the Buk of North Amer
Wabiiinoton, Dec. 24 Much pres-
sure has been brought to bear upon
Cnalrman.Dlngley of tho ways and
means committee today by members
of the bouse and business men, to per
suade tbem to broaden the scopo of tbo
trlfl udvaoce In the proposed revenue
hill, and to Include the other article!
before considered.
They are luyaribly told that tho bill
Is not Intended as a measure of tarid
revision, but that it Is an emergenoy
bill to secure tbo needed revenue nnd
there Is neither tlmo nor Inclination to
go deeply Into the tariff questlou.
There is ft strong movement, how-ev-r,
may possibly prove successful, to
Children Cry for
, Pitcher's Castorla.
The War Talk Ceases
hnvo a schedule of agricultural products
raised, from tho contemplated rato of
23 perco"t mnre thntfthe Wilson bill
rates', to 00 per cent of. MoKluley ralep,
placing tho ecbtdulofyi thosnmo basis
with wool and liimbeY.
Reparation of tho turlfl aud bond
features plan will glyq silver Kepubll
cnus nu opportunity to placo them
ecves on record by voting ttgatngt tho
bond bill, nhd this, together with the
proponed advance oft land rates on
lumber, agricultural products aud live
stock, practteally satlfcfies their desires.
A BAD Oafriai'MAB.
Thirty-Six Poor Mariners Lashed to
tho "l$t.
Dublin, Dee. 24"-&'ue British ship
Moresby, captaltrj-fl Conmber, was
stranded yesterilajvl.ll Ballancourts
light-house, near Duugarven, n mllo
and a half from anon. Tho crew of
SO men h vo becu la'stted to tbo rigging
throughout tho ulghL it Is believed
tbey will perish, TA tho sea Is too
heavy for a lire boat b live lu It nny
length or lime. &
Later. Tho Ilfe-Uat succeeded in
getting to the Moreaby aud rescued
seveiul ufhercrewi Keveutceu others
who remained lusbefl to the rigging
aro drowned. Atteritho lire-boat was
driven away from iieKthe vessel broke
tin. "J
other whkcks.
London, Dto. 24.4lleuvy gales pre
vail today over that coast of Great
Britain, aud savor! wreoks uro already
reported. A schoouw was seen run
nshoro lu Tyuc, uftr Hhlolds, whero
she became u wreck. . It is believed all
tho crew wero drowuvd.
DUHLIN, Dec. 24fc-A largo three
musted vessel hasIeen seen Hying
signals ot distress lt Klugbtowu bay.
A life bout which Vunt to her assis
tance was cuplzttl n id tho crow of 10
men were drowned;! A second boat
wliloli started for tin rescue was nleo
overturned but tho irow managed to
ullng to the boat whijh llually righted.
Too fato or tho thrjo master la not
known. 3
North UoWtfll Prairio.
Mr. nnd Mrs. V. JClarlt, or Balom,
visited frluudn at this place last Satur
day and Sunday. I
KrnnU Johusoti, x$o is woll known
here, will soon "leavo for California,
where ho will spuflho winter.
Mwa 't)fi-WIuKCT-li'8o far recov
ered from hur recent uttaclt of fovur as
to be able to bo out again.
Auua Johusou, who has beou stop
plug at Howell this tAl ntid winter,
has guue to Portland for n visit among
relative and friends.
Ilev. Royal autiouucod last Sunday
that tho regular quarterly meeting for
this district will be held at this placo
on tho 28ui und -fKli of this mouth.
Posters aro out uuuouuclug that the
McAllister mill Is'iompleiod uud ready
for custom work. Mauy of tho farmers
ofo.utral uud north Ho woll donated
wheat to uuilst lu tho expouso of
putting It up. Tho mill Is located ou
Pudding river near tho new town of
A gruugo of more than thirty mom
burs has been organized at tho North
Howell school house, uud held its first
tegular meeting oil Wednesday oven-
lug. Dee, 1 Albert Blouormo wuu
chosen for master und Ernest Wiesner
secretary. The uext meeting was sot
for January 8.
Prof, aud Mrs. F A. Meyers dismis
sed school on Friday the 2ikh. fur a
holiday vacatlou or two weeks. Thoy
uro upending a portion of the vaoitlun
visiting uinotig Mrs. Myers' relatives
In tbo Jory neighborhood.
A Bad Htorm,
Dallas, Tex. Den. 24. Lat night's
storm wus more severe on the railroads
of Texu, Arkausa uud Indian Ter
ritory than uny for jears.
Weather Fdkeoast Wednesday
fair, fuliowrd by raio, kUiionary.
The rapidly Increasing number of
uccnuuts uud the dlitloult way or keep,
log record aud coilcotiug tho same
ueoeBlttes us to admit the cash sys
tem, aud froui Jouuury 1. next, nil
plottages must, be paid for when de
livered, do fur as mny of our cus
tomers are ooucerued we regret to be
obliged to adopt, this plan, but as we
cuuuot discriminate wo trust they will
upnredtto our pcmltlou.
N. B For the couionlenco of cus
tomers we will hav cmiimiu books In
denominations of $2, $3, $6 ami $10
which muy be had at our omce, or
from the dilver ut u discount of 6 per
cent. These can be left ut homo aud
when a bundle Is delivered tho proper
amount or coupons may be torn out.
The Bales! Steam Laundry.
12-28 Ot
Packaokb and Notes. Delivered
nr.'mntlv and cheaply by Lnckwnotl
iuesenger boys, itiug up
the blue
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorift.
Indian Recollections
the Missionaries
Thomas Joseph Luxillo, of Clicin
avra, a Centenarian.
CllEMAWA,Or., Dee. 24, 160S.
A long time ago my people did not
know about God uor about Jesus. A
long tlmo ago when nu Indian raau
aud woniftu sinned ngalnet the rules of
their people they wero hoppled and
That's tho way things were dono
amoni; the Indians when there were
plrtity of deer, plruty of fish and coal
ami forests. But by and by another
man catuu here.
It was God's goodness that made the
home of the Indian rich, rich, rich nil
Now you whlto man see mo ralso my
hand aud point it In every direction,
toward my people.
Now, when tho Italian came nnd
found this new land, this Christopher
Columbus was led by God. It whb
God that showed tbo poor white poop o
across tho ocean, this rich country if
ours. Now God has brought over to
this country of ours millions aud mill
ions of people, whlto people, to shuio
this country with tho iudlan, ft r
Indians nro God's people Just the snae
as whites.
Lang ngo thou camo Mr. Brower,
Mr. Wagaus, Mr, Walla, Mr. Hoe,
white people; Mr. Fellows, Father
Wilbur, Jatncn H. Wilbur, Dr. Whit
man, Mr. Bpauldlng. Theso men
camo as lamps to llghton tho darkness
among the Iudlans. Now ovry body
muy bo a Christian. These men came
and preached at Salem, at Orcgou City,
at The Dalles. They told us that the
white men would como here. Now all
of thiso men, these preuohurs, aro dead.
They uro gouo to heaven, too, nftvr a
life of preauhlng and teaching.
Now, everybody Is n Christian nnd
talks of tho gospel. All hnvo churches
where these things nro taught. Bouu
will come thejudgmont day.
I am now nt Chemawa whole
Christ's untrue
Is studied, wlloro his
by teachers and nil of
word Is studied
ttio children,
This Is ust the samo uow uuder tbo
Democratic administration ns undtr
tho Republican. Democrats aud It-,
publloaur are nllko, Christians. When
Mr. lUkcfltraw was noting as superin
tendent he wns tho same as a preacher,
always ready to open the Bible nud
teach Its word to tho pupils. It Is tbo
Bams with Mr. Potter. It Is Just tho
samo now as it Va under tho Repub
lican administration. I nm glad that
the authorities at Washington naked
us to glvo our children lo these sohools.
I gave tnluoand now they are all goue
to heaven. Many others ul my people
have done the samo.
iThut Is alt I cati say uow, by and by
I shall say moro,
Blx or my children hnve dlod In tho
government sohools.
This school Is an Indian sohool. I
have now been here two moults.
Evory day I seo the blblo open befme
me oud I hear tho goodness of O d
spoken of all the time. All peop e
speak about It.
When a man harnesses two hones
nno of them does uot pull we'l and Ihe
other does his part the best ho can; the
work does uot succeed well.
It Is so with Democrats nud Repub
licans Horo both horses work well
and the sohool Is m auocosa.
These children aro wavnly dressed.
They have their breakfasts, their din
nero, their suppers. There are none of
ttiom hungry, They sleep warm, All
uro happy.
For a long time Halem has D'ea the
central point for this part of Orvgou,
For many years, slice my childhood,
the canipmeetlogs, tho assemblies, the
revivals havo been held here.
I believe that God has been all along
working here to produce this result
since I was a little boy,
I passed ovor this place, all over It,
beforo you white people suoceeded me
here. I know that Lewis and Clarke
a long tlmo ago camo down tho Colum
bia rlrcr iu u canoe. The Iudlans
believe that for a long time they lived
nn the supplies furnished them by tho
Indians, The Indians always treated
them two men In u very friendly man
Highest of alt In Icavem,
ttffiBXthtU, S. Qovernratnt Report
Highest of nil in Leavening Power.
tier. They mado them wclcomo ntid
helped them to enjoy themselves while
Iboy were our guests.
Now you whlto mou, Bucooasora or
Lewis nnd Clarke, aro rloh nnd wise.
When n boy I enw many n whlto boy
coir.o hero with his parents in their
wagons, poor, hungry nnd lgnornut.
It Is Gud's goodness that makes tbo
whlto men rich now. It is tho good
hessofGod, the fJnvlor and the Holy
Now I am Joseph parents
hnvo taught tnoMo revero tho namo Goo
and every morning my prayer Is:
"Our Father who nrt iu hntven, lint
lowed bo tbynnmej thy kingdom come
Hit vtMll hn ilnntt Vti nnrtlt & It la 1st .
ou earth
j " "w wu vm a its
heaven. Give Us this day, our daily
bread and forglvo is our trispassea as
wo forglvo those that trespass against
us. Lead us uot Into temptation but
deliver us from ovll, for Thine Is the
kingdom and the glory forever. Amen.
Thomab JosKin Luxillo.
Edward Lyons, suction foreman on
the Oregon Central & Eastern railroad,
whs killed Mouday by u mass of rock
falling on hltu whllo ho was at work
ou tho track under ablull nenr Pioneer.
Judge Btearns says that about 4000
piuuuV or His hops at Oakland wore
destroyed by tho sudden rlso of tho
Governor L rd has Issued n requlsl
Hon upon Governor Htotie, or Missouri,
for tho reudltlou of T. H. Dufluy,
otiargt'd with tho crlmo or ombtKitlo
muul lu Umatilla county.
William Vulloly, of Pandloton, aged
48, and Mury Ottoy, a housewife, aged
28, or Cluokuman county woro received
ul tho Insuno asylum Monday.
Euos Prestinll, of Powell valley and
P. II. Roork, or Halem, were today
commissioned notaries.
The approved list to November 1 or
the Il'muburg ulstrlct, or swamp and
over 11 twed muds, selooted as Inuring
to Oregon, was received by tho gover
nor from tho Interior department
A OhrlBtmas Gift'
Wabiiinoton, Dee. The senate to
day, without even dividing, passed a
bill to remove tho political disabilities
of excoufudoruto soldiers.
Christmas Gifts
Tho Chriatniaa rush is. at its
highest. Saturday was a real
Ohriatruas day. Now for
Two Busy Days
Com ) in tho furonoon il you
You will auroly find some
thing Huitablo in tho handkor
chiof dopaitmont.
Dainty pattorna in Swiss
m I t 11
or linen, jiiam anu oniur- wor
tcd, to suit tho most particular.
2c to $2 each
Foster's Gloves
What hotter present could
y u bo-tow than a pair of tboso
lat novelties with contrasting
books and s itches? .Every pai.
Purses, Chatelaine
Bags, etc,
Evory glanco at this depart
ment ih rewarded by u gift
dnrStoro open evenings until after holidays
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Have Flaaked
Spun Mi.
Prco CllUH.Ji8y 0ar Clll'lltmiM
" w
Havana, Dee. 24. Gomez and thu
luaurgout army havo turucd the flask
of the Spanish forces, commanded by
ft tin Pomuna In napinti ss f tnn tztiul
muiii wntus.M'a'i su jvitsrwBS saw vuiuu) nnrii n
nre now wen to wesiwara to tusi pise,
threatonloB; a quick movement upon
Havana. This news from the front
has created the grealost cousternatlos
Insurgents lefers Xayabr.
Havana, Dec. 24. The Insurgent
army Ib uow only about 60 miles from
Havana, and tho Spanish authorities'
seem to havo entirely lost I their beads
At this rato tho Insurgents will be
In front of Havana possibly tomorrow.
Thoy wore only a lew milts from
Matanzas when last heard from nud
moving rapidly westward.
Havana, Dec. 24, A roport has
reached bore that a battle Is bstag
fought this afternoon between Bpantsk
troops aud the insurgents not far frem
Floods in the South.
Coffeyvillb, Kus., Dec. 24 Tha
heavy snow of last Thursday has go -oir
with tho rain. It has been pourlaR
down almost lucossanty for twent-inHr
houra. This makes the eighth day
or continuous rain or snow. Stream
are out or their banks and great dam
ago Is sure to result.
CIIICKENS-At Doty's Market.
Men's Furnishings
A largo yarioty of the latest
creations in
Fancy Neckwear
Somo very rich jlesigna
Look thorn over.
A wido rango of styles and
prices. Some very lino ones,
packed in individulboxc3'
$1 per pair
Men's Gloves
in fine kid or colt skin. Also
undressed Mochas walking'
.a icks. Richly mounted with
solid ailvdr.
in endless variety of sizes and'
designs. Seo tho 32x82 in ono.
$1.50 each
Now link buttons, oravai
pins, emblem pins, studs, tte.