? . CAPITA! . iiH 4i ASSOCIATES F&&SS DALtVY. n '.' i hi J VOL. v:. SALEM, OKEGOX, MONDAY. DECEMBER 28, 181)5. NO. tw y E d I y oo CO es GO. & i & oo m GRAY U Road Machinery and Latest Improved N. W Comer State and Liberty streets, HOLIDAY The r- i ; i HARDWAR IIS 60- -8 H 4 . u- o i 0 e a) -M D cd c . 09 0) u Qh Pi 0 u cd u d) 0 P 0 to G A f- o f i O 69 0 0 GO -P G cd o CO 3 BROS., B Agricultural Implements, Goods and Lowest Trices. t SALEM, OR. GOOD S Pair AMD ARTS m im Ul, J J Have Formed a Gold Bend Combine, iTninrwTnn nniuri IV U I IILTIVI 'II lllll'l' 1 li i', ni'.iint my Cleveland and Mr. Reed Have Decided TO REPLENISH THE GOLD RESEBVE No Mnro IIoiuls Will lie Soltl Tlian Necessary. New 1'ork, Dee. 23. Tho stock market this ruorulng opouod lu good toue, with apooulutlnn very bru-k. Tlieio was good buying, In which foreign houses were prominent. Nearly all active lists iada rapid advance. Home reullzlui talis caused u rotro grado movement and declines wire recorded from J to 2 pec cent. The uiurkut however, wua fulrly steady, uud tlioro wcro no ludlcuttous of n panicky condition. WORBT 13 OVEU. Boston, Dee. 23. There was ft tint nblo reuctlou from tho puulcky condi tion of lust week's murkul ut tho open ing this morning. It lu believed thut tho worst is over. ANOTHER UOND ISSUK. New York, Dec, 23. A special to the Hern Id from Washington sayt: At a coufcreuco of tho cabinet oMccrs with President Cleveland It whs de elded to issuo bondB ut ouco to repleti lab tho gold rotervo. Membeis of the cabinet who are iu tho city were sum moucd to tho whito house, and the prcsldont wont over the Bttuutlou with them. It was decided thut Secretary Curlisle should a ouco prepare for auothcr bond issue. Tho udmlnlstra tloa was lu consultation with somn of the members of the lute Belmont Morgan syndicate, but it could not be learned lust night whether the new bondB aro to be taken by the syndicate or whether tho proposals tuo to be usked for by tho secretary of the treas ury. The amount of the Issuo It Is said, will bo enough to rulao tho gold reBerve above $100,000,000, although It Is not Intended to sell uny wore bonds than seems absolutely necessary, be causo it is believed the present Hurry will soon paaa over in view of the be lief in tho peaceful settlement of the Venezula question. WHAT WILL C0NORE88 DO? Wasuiooton, Dec. 2.1 This prom ises to be an uneventful week in the house. Before adjournment is reached next Baturday, the Republican leaders Intend tbat n bill shall havo have been sent to the senate, In reapouso to the demand of tho president's message of Friday, for some means f relieving tho treasury situation and protecting the gold reserve. The Republicans determined to act promptly as soon as tbo message was sent in, and all idea of taking a recess for the holldu)s was abandoned In the face of the rituutlou presented. The general outline of a measure was practically agreed upon, but the details havo not been completed. Tho aentl. ment was unanimous that no gold bonds should be authorized, but that a bill on the lines of Reed's amendment oflaatyear should be drawn up, and with tbat should be completed some tarlfl changes for the purpose of raking additional revenue. Tne Republicans took the stand that tin menace of the gold reserve was caise I, primarily, by the lark of revenue to meet the ex penses of the government, aud that is still their proposition. The details of the tarlfl changes will furnlth tbo most difficult task In fram ing the bill. There Is practical unan imity of sentiment, eo far as osn be learned, among the Republican mem bers of the committee, for a duty on wool and compensating duties on woolens. The Western members want the duty on wool to Le at 8 cents per pound. A TARIFF AND IJOND HILL Washington, Dec . The ways mm i RBD and means commlttro of t ho house met today to Uko formal eteps to ward preparation of n revenue bill. Thirteen member were ures.out. 1 1 was the cense of tho committee tbat It was expedient for tho two (iouth tn adjourn for a holiday rcccs If. la understood to be tho pwuramnio of tho leaner to present, u oiii i me, mil committee the day after tMirlt-ttum and peruaps brum it tiernre llu linine the sauio day. For this purpose the Re publicans committee will co luto con ference atoupf. Tho hill will en mimic a tarlfl' advance for reveuudund a bond bill along the Much of the on? Intro duced by Rnecl lu the Ittt cbngress. MONEY 13 Hiait. New Yohk, Dee. 23 Wall street money has ruuged betwteu Onud 25 percent on actual transactions, but one lime It was 35 per cent, with no business). Tbo rate at noon wa 20 per ctiuU At 12:50 a louu or $200,000 was 20 per cent. Loans hivo been umde on dlvlneii'l, paying stock at A cr cent. WILL ISSUR IIONDS. Washington, Dee. 23. (-It can be stated on auth rlty that the rumor that the president had decided to unuotinco another boud Issuo at ouco Is without foundation. Thero seems to be, how ever, no reasonable doubt that should heavy gold jhlpmeiiU tn rcaunied and congress rail to puss any romerilal lecls Intlon, the president would frsuo tiondt to any amount the situation might Justify. TUB NKW YORK HANKKRs ACT. Nkw York, Dee, 23. Tlfu clearlm; hoiifio committee of the New York associated bunks, met lant night and decided to recommend ttie loeuuuco of clearlm: bonce certlfluites. ALother meeting will be held today to urrunge the details. i KA1BISU IN I.ONEOM T.n-JnnM. I)in. JlAt 1 ii'illnrlt ihl nficrimon thero w!m) exotoinnnt In I thelstock exoliuUKC, but the market was unsettled, 'f " DI8TURIIINO Vuil PINASUR8. London, Dec. 23. The afternoon papers today are comiuontluir, editor ially, at length on the Vent r.iiolan matter, but their remarks nrn on the financial (rather thuu the political phase COURT HOUJiE NEWS. l'KOIIATR MATl'KHS, Frank W. Wuteri, Hdmlulstrntor of W. It. II. Waters, deceased, filed his tiuul account, showing totul receipts of (330, disbursements f 3 12.25 Tho report Is ullowod uud uauflued and ho wus discharged, S. T. Ilobnrt wus appointed Admluls tratorof the istato of Henry Otjsu, who died about October 3, 1891, leaving seven heirs. THK 1IIO COUNTY. Judgo Northup, Hherlfl' Bears aud others uppeured before the board of tquallzatlun today uud had n hearing fur Multnomah county. Tho board has not yet done uny equalising. ALL OF I'dHTLAM). Tho Ahum Smith Produci Co., the Beusou Logging uud Lumbering (Jo. uud the Demuciutlu liquor Co., filed uitlclcs of Incorporation today. In tho Circuit Court. Hearing of testimony In the Wil liams bauk failure was concluded before Judgo lieu lit Baturday night. Hie petitioners hnvo for filing their brief with tho court, (en days. Tho bo mo amount of tlmo will be extended tho receivers' counsel to mako answer aud fur a reply five days will bo ullowcd. Mary Paytou, of this city, Is otio of creditors of tho Williams & England Banking cempauy, having had (400 deposited therein at tho tlmo of the failure. In tho case of K. P. McCornack, trustee, vs. tho Bulem Consolidated Street Ruilway company, in whluh u receiver was appointed for fho corpora, tlun, Judgo Hewitt rendered a decree for want of an answer. Ills a docu ment coverlug ,, several typewritten pages, Tne caso of Scott Rozorth vs. Paul J. G, Klcpplu, relutive to tho payment of a certain promlsory note, was heard by Judge Hewitt. John Eitino Buried, Funeral services over tho remains John Kit lug, who was drowned in Booth Mill Creek were held In the Catholic church ut 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, con ducted by Rev. J. B. White. The remains were interred lu the Cuhnllo cemetery outu of the city, .i..-a i, A Faop Not Dknikd. When we say wo are feeding more people every day it Is a fact not to be disputed. Huuday was u big day with us, but Xiuos wilt bo a bigger day, Bring our family with you uud (uke Xuius dinner with us. ICenworthy & George. All Day Mekhno.- There has been an all day meeting of tbn Salem W. O. T. U. at their headquarters la uouor of Crusade day. Lunch was served at noon uud this evening the ceuuty president, Mrs, Robb, will speak on the origin of tho Crusade work. All are Invited.. Work Bkoun The Salem Woolen Mill jviriinfinv linn n nmu if irvi.filian Irs at work constructing outsldn build - Ings torn dry house, the ploker room and thodyp house. Mr. Kay evidently does not Intend to Ipso a moment of valuablo time in getting tho new mill oo running oror, PUUKB-At Do'ty's Market, TURKS R MIBMS t, ...... n , : i),UUU jJleil lMlgtlgO III Bailie at Zoiloiin. THE SPANIARDS WIN A BATTLE. MobLnw 8 Rampant in.ritlladel pltin, l'onu. Bkrlin, Dee. 23. Tho Frankfort Zeltung publishes a dispatch from Constantinople saying thut there has been tierce fighting at Z-dtcuu,letwcpn the Turkish troop who surrounded that city, aud the Insurgent Arimm. Inns, who Defended. Both sides aro said to havo sultrcd frightfully.' The TurltB were 10,000 strong und had 24 pieces of artillery. The Armenians numbered 15,000 but had no artillery. Spaniards Gaining. Madrid, Dee. 23. A dispatch from Colon, Province Moutaxis, Cuba, confirms the report that tho Spanish troops routed 4000 lusurgents on the Calmeru river. A hundred of the enemy waa killed. Shotm a Mob. I'lULADKU'ltlA, Dee. 23. Win. II. Matthews aud Samuel C Urosi!ey, two motormeu, who were In u mob of strlko sympathizer!, weroshot, tho lattor probably fatally, by a policeman on n car st Seventeenth aud Glrard avenue. THK l'OMCK 1'IllK. PHILADKLiMtlA, Pa., Dee, 28 tfter repented warn in go to the crowd to dls. porse, the policemen begun llrurg. Only a fuw shots were ueoesnary to soud the molt scatteriug in every direction. It Is alleged thut fully 6,000 people aro lu tho orowd, Half u dozen oars were wreaked. RIoih of a less serious nature occured lu five other places. Numerous arrests wero made. Tho oompauy aro runklug moro curs today than at any tlmu sluco tho Btriko began. Tho The strikers' committee today adopted resolutions aBklug John Wunamaker to net as arnlirutor In tho street oar trouble. Wuuumaker accepted. Supremo Court, M. E. Baiter, respondent, yh State Insurance Co,, uppelluut; ordered that uppollaut have until Jan. 10, Jbl)0, to servo and tile his brief herein, Henry Broiler, respondent vs, J. C. Bohutinnu et ul, nppullunls; motion to dismiss uppeal overruled, J. R. Smith et al. icspoudents vs. M. W. Wllklns, et ul, nppollants; motion to dismiss appeal overruled, Wm. Shulso, uppelluut, vs, O. C. Harmon motion to dismiss uppeal over ruled. C. aud E. Thayer respondents, vs. the Nehaleui Mill Cc, et al,sppelluntsj motion to dismiss appeal overruled. C, J. Bobuycr. respondents vs. Tur per Flourlug Mill Co., appellant; appeal from Marlon county-argued aud submitted. D'Aroy & Bingham, attorneys for respondent Tiltuon Ford, attornoy for appellant, F. F. Oiboru, appellant, vs Charles Bogus, el al,, apiwal from Multnomah county ; Judgmout ro versed and decree entered for appellant. Oplulou by Wolverlou, J. Mr. Justice Mooro dls seutlng. B, C. Nlckllu, respondent, vb. W. IS. Robertson, et al., appellant, appeal from Multnomah county. The decree appealed (mm reversed uud tho motion to correct tho original decree overruled. Oplolou by Moore, J, P. L. Willis, ujpellant, vs. Al. B. Holmerf aud G. A. Smith, gruishe re spondentc.apptal from Douglas county; Judgment of the court below reversed uud a new trial ordered, Opinion by Beau, C. J. W. R. Willis, uppelllaut, vs. M. B. Holmes and G, A. Suulh, garnishee respondents, uppeal from Dougras county; Judgment reversed und a new trial ordered. Opinion by Beau, C. J, W. R. Willis, administrator, appell ant, vs F. W. Holme, respondent, appeal from Djuglas county; Judgment ulllrmed, Opinion by Bean, C. J, B. F. Egau, appellant, vs. Oakland Home Iunuranue company, respondent; Judgment of the lower court ufllrmed, Oplulou by Bean, C. J. Mr. Justice Wolvcrton withholds his oplolou lu this case being psrsonally Interested iu a similar case now pending. Mittto of Oregon ex. rel, C, M, Tdle man attorney irenurul. nl&lnilfl. vu i 1 J' Iiaauoa defendant; defendant's do n ( r...HB...t ., imurrersurtulned. Oplulou percurram, GUH.SE-At Doty's Maraet. RQYAh Baiztiw. flljrfiai U u.i t.s ttiiiiii' strength--u. w jv, jninuu. sps. . Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Royal 4BS0LUTEEV enure ' T "" iWllBMll III 1 - RIVUR NEWS Tho Eugene will be dowu from Cor valils tonight and will leave for Port laud at 0 o'clock Tuesday morning. Owluir to tho rushing business on tho river, tho O. C. T. compauy'a boats art hj'pt lu operatlou every day of the Week, Sunday included. The Willamette registered 11 feet above low water mark this morning. Tho highest stago yet attained by tho river this winter was 1' J feet. The O. 11. & N. Co's. tteumor, Gypsy bus been niakum regular trips between llarrlaburg uud Corvallla tho past two weeks, but left the former city Sun day morning for K'lgene, tho head of natation on tho Willamette. BUumer Klmnor left for Pottlaud at 0 o'clock th'a morning with a good load of freight aud a very good passenger list. Among the passenger list were a number of O. A. C. students, of Cor valhs, who were bound for their homrs at lower river points. Tho Mi tie Alice A. owned and opi rated by Mr. Savage, of Indopeu ponce, makes dully trips between Salem uud Independence. Although still a very small craft, the Allco A. Is some largor thuu sho was lust season, having been entirely overhauled and enlarged. Tho Allona went to Portland Buu duy morning aud will return this evening, leaving for tho metropolis at 7:15 u, in. Tuosduy morulnt, Heavll loaded with freight uud numerous passengers, the lUmuna lauded at hoi dock lu Balem lust uveulug. She re turned from Independence this morn ing uud left for the metropolis at 7:45 n. m. with an unusual large pastougei list. Steamer Hoag Is Bomowhere on the Upper Willamette, but It expected to reach Salem thlaeveulog or tomorrow morning on hor way to Portland, Until tho Beutley lias been repaired, tbo O. C, & E. company will not adopt a nolHtiloof any kind but will oporuto the Hoag to tho best of udvaut aue, ut preaeut they land at tho O. C. T. company's douli. Wliun tho Beut ley la placed upon tho river In con junction with the Hoag, tho merchants of Salem may bo aiiured of au oxcel-li-nt freight service botweou Salem aud Portland aud upper river points, A, J. Churchill conduct, this company's buslne89 lu Bnlem. Christmas Gifts The Cluistiufu rush is ut its lushest. "Saturday waa a real Christmas day. Now for Two Busy Days Coino in tho forenoon if you can. Yon will surely find sorao- thing'suitablo in tho handker- chief department. D.tinty patterns in. Swiss or linen, plain and ombn idor iedf to suit tho most particular. 2c to $2 each Foster's Gloves What hotter present could you botow than a pair of thoso Into novelties with contrasting hooka and s itches? Every put. warranted. $1,50 Pursesi Chatelaine Bags, etc Every glauco at this depart ment is reworded by u gift suggestion. J. J. DALRYIYIPLE & CO. aarStoro open evenings until oft.r ho'.Uayp, Baking Powder Con Kelllher Arrested. Some months ego a larceny by bailee was committed in Balem by Cob ivolllher, a notorious crook who umi Just becu secured at Portland hv Chlel of Police Dllley. The lust of the Kelfi hor's, James, the younger bou of an entirely disreputable family, was locked up In the central pollco station ut Port- laud Suntlay charged with larceny, some months ago. Two wcokii ago, tho Kelllher family, ' excepting James, who waa In Ban Francisco, and his brother John, who Is doing tlmo at Salem, wero arrested for burglary and recelvlugslo!eu goods. Con Kelllher is now under iudlctiuebt here, awaiting trial on three charges of' burglary. Aunte Chase, his sV.er, to under arrest, but confined ul the hospi tal, where she is slowly dying with consumption, and the elder Kelllher, his wife and a younger daughter, art) in Jill at Vancouver, charged as ae complices lu the burglary of a Btnre la that town. James Kelllher, hearing of the bad llurs lu which his family had fallou, came to Portluud on Saturday from San Francisco. Ho must have forgottou tbat he was also wanted; but, Whother liedld or not, his Intcrestlu fumlly aOalrs was sutllclent to bring nlm bore, aud the moment he lauded lu Portlaud, he was under thu survcll luuce of the deotlvcs. Yesterday morn lug he visited bl.felck sister at Good dumarltan hospital, uud from thero ho weutover to Vancouver to visit his parents In Jail. Every movement on uls part was closely watched, uud.long before ho reached Vancouver, Shunt! Miller was apptUed of his coming, and promptly soul word bauk when young Kelllher started on his return to Port laud. On the arrival of the car from Vaucouver Detectives Dj.y and GrlrrU were on hand to receive him, aud, when taken to the central station, Kelllher waB not a little surprised at the turn allalrs hud taken, lie hi wonted for robbery at Salem, and a warrant has been out for his appre heuslon for some time. Ho was turned oyer to Chief of Pollco Dilley aud brought to Salem txluy wher'u he will answer to several charges of robbery. Holldav slimier uud shoes sensible 'Lt presents at Kruuse Bros. Men's Furnisliings A largo yaribty of tli9 latest 3 creations in Fancy Neckwear Some vory rich designs Look thorn over. Suspenders -A wido rango of stylos and piicoa. Some vory Jfino 01103, packed in individtnl boxes $1 per pair .4 Men's Gloves in fino kid or colt skin. Also undressed Mocha9 walking s icks. Richly mounted with solid silver. Mufflers in endless variety of sizes and designs. Soo tho 82x32 in ono3. $1,50 each New link buttons, cravat "T jiins, emblem pics, studs, etc. $p i i 'W , i33 ?V .t TIMMVWMiMMaMAWaMNn 7i iy,'!. iia