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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1895)
mmMummmmmmmimmmmmmmm 'i S M i t '4 1 Ml rut 1 I I i ..airr .i,i,.-i.'i "r-i Nou) for R?ddcfioDS. Look over tills list for cut pricesvWatch tliis space for a week or two, F. S. DEARBORN BOOKSELLER. DolU Large stock, all reduced in price. Fine celluloid framei, 25c. Celluloid In large sheets for fancy work. Fine Metal Frames Only 25c each. Leather Purses, Card cases; reduced. Crepe Tissue 25c roll, all shades. Dissected Map of United States loc. Oregon Xmas Cardstoe, 15c and 2c. PRECIOUS POINTS. Wo have tho largest and finest stock of Watches, Dia monds, Jewolry, Solid and Plated Silverware in the city Wo also have a fine lino ol imported Out Glass of the highest grade. Silver novel ties of all k nds at prices that defy competition for firdt c'ass goods. All goods guaranteed us represented. Give us a call and bo convinced. Just for a Flyer. Wo will sell Gonuino Im ported Pearl Opera Glasses ior 4. Pine lino of Ladies' Purses, X in Gonuino JRat'lesnako, Sonl and Alligator Skins. Special dnvos on ladies' solid gold watches. S,W, Thompson Co. PERSONALS. 0. MuraU was ft Tumor visitor today. Wm.Glarko, oraervabj.ts la tho olty Hal. D. Patton wan lu Portland Bun day. II. P. Mlnto want to Hlllaboro to day. 0. T. Molutlro went to Albany thla morulug. Architect W. D. l'ugh la lmo from Waterloo. 0. Von Patton returned to Ohomawa this morning. J. W. Vogol, tho ocoullHt, loft for Mawhfleld today. Beth It. Hammer transited buslneen In Portland today. BecrotarpofBtnto IClucald returned from Eugouo today. Governor Wiu, P. Lord camo'up from Portland today. Werner Broymun wbb In the metrop olis today on business. Wobstor Holmes and brother Frank went to Portluud yeatorday. W, U. Lawlor of tho Quartzvlllo mines, went to Portland thlsniornlng. E.E.-McKliiuoy Iiob returned from Corvallla, Albany nnd other points south. Gordon E, Illayes, couuty Judgo of ClookamnH county, was In tho olty today. Frank 1. MoDovltt of tho Post, Is alolt at his homo In Dopot addition with malarial fuvor. Attorney Geo. G. Bingham, Shorifl John Kulght aud Justice Chaa. E Wolvorton wero In Portland Buuday. W. F. Dugan left Saturday for Ban Francisco aud Loa Augoloa, oxpeotlug to return about the last of thla mouth. J. W. Iuglo and Win. F. Uuun.of Philomath, uro In tho olty ub w Itneasea before circuit court In tho ICIepnln CUbO. II. 12. Hayes, lata graud master of Go with the crowd The many pleased buyers give dkplay wo mako thla year. We lead All Balem In handkerchiefs. wnu Gentlemen's neckwear s J J Whlto shirts, collars and cuds. What's the matter i i J i With a line pair of shoes for a Christmas gift? Oura aro all right. The $50 silk dreaa will be glveu away: December 24. Buy your dress from us Wo havo all the latest novelties. W1XLIS BROS. t&, CO., 0 onit nnd Ubeny. vThe Cash Dry Goods, qiothlng and Shoe Home iTiir im iiuinrriinl'''-' f''Y?t'ir37ltfmMmmmmfi Vfcy Chatterbox. 1895, ("x- Red Line Poets, reduced from $1 to 75c. New Silk Round Poets, .reduced from $1 50 to 90c. Embossed Covers, Poets, reduced from $1.50 to 90c Full Silk Hound Poets, reduced from $1.25 to 8. Padded Leather Poets, reduced from $1.50 to $1.15. ,v,vv,v263 Commercial st tlio Stute Grange, has been III at his oome, uottti-eaet corner 3ih and Marlon streets. A Forest Groyo paper saye: Mr. los. Nibler and wife, of Gervals.vlelted heir friends and relatives hero ItiMt week. This was Mr. Nlbler'a ilrst visit to Washington county, and he remarked thut tho farmers of this place appeared to ho In far better cir cumstances thun in any other portion of the Willamette valley. He suyB the (top growers of Frouoh prulrlo aro dls jouruged and many have commenced plowing up their yards. Killed nv A Tiiain. One of the Hue currluuo horses belonging 10 Major George WllllumB was run over bj Sunday morning's overland train and killed. It was reported that two horses wero killed, but Itwas not ascer mined to whom the Bccond belonged The horses wero In a pasturo south ol town. Sale at Ale. Doputy Bbeiin Coopor wont to Ale today to conduoi tho sale of personal oropcrty at tha station. A band of 100 sheep and about 800 buuholsof wheat and oats wero Bold under an attachment levied on ault of B. P. Taylor vb. tL. B. Hun man on a Judgment scoured In the Octobor torm of court. Keep your eyes on Bonncmanu'a window. Ho Is headquarteas foi hotllday grocorlos and crokery. Every lady in town should koep posted on hla stook. You will never regret It. If you don't know him or his Bloro, catch on at onco. tf DANanrts, Danqrub? Our Natlona Perils, you will be greatly Interested Instructed and amused to hear Itoliwm D. Grant at tho Now Baptist church tomorrow night, his lutcst and best lecture, admission 26 cents all (or tin benelit of tho now ohuroh. A Civil Action. C. P. Bishop ha Instituted a suit against Wm. Adolph In Justlco H. H. Johnson's court to re covor22. duo on n promissory note executed on August 15th. Tho case will bo hoard Thursday Docombor 10th, The Nation's Pkrils What are thoy? aud many other iutorestlng things that porhaps you havo not thought of, hoar Dr Graul on the sub ject tomorrow night, at tho Baptist Church. Roland D. GrANT.D D, Will de liver his latest and beat leoturo for the Youug Peoplo or tho Baptist Church tomorrow evening, Bubject Tho Na tion's Perils. Como early to get n good seat. Removal. E. n. Flagg is moving his printing offlco from tho Btato In Burauce building to tho upper Btory of tho old Dearborn harness shop. Tiih Poi'ULAK Bi'OT. Tho Ken worthy & George luuoh counter and rostauraut marks ono ol tho most pop ular spots on Commercial street. 1 1 m 1 Tho Btoatuor Ramonu will 001110 up from Portland thli ovonlng, begluulug tho dally service. Tho Bpa la well prepared with fancy candy boxes for Christmas presents thla year. l-3t Tho largo liuo of Christmas tree ornameuts at the Bpa aro on Bale now. Como nnd eeo them, 10. 8t t willing testimony to the ologauco of tho Variety without end. Tho Bamo way . ffl TTOi.T irnr'iiffifiii,'",i' iig --Sr.girrrVrTfflii. SOCIAL Atfrt6tJlTOMENT8. Mrs. D. L. Fleeter Is recovering from her recent Illness. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hamilton went to Portland today, Miss Alma McMasters la 111 at her home on Marlon street. Mr. and Mre. G. W. Hubbard have returned from a short visit in Eugene. Mrs. Charles Montague, of Portland, la In the city, tho guest of her cousins, tho MUnos McNary. Mrs. John G. West and daughter, Regina, aro homo from a visit at Port Towueend, Wash. Mrs, Ralph Moody, returned homo today after a visit of several weeks with Mr. and Mru. Z. F. Moody. Mrs. F. A. Gilbert of Portland, ar rived In Balpm today aud will bo the guests of friends aud relatives. The Old Folks whist club will meet tonight at the home ol Judge and Mrs. C. E, Wolyprton, on Chemoketa street. Mrs, Wm. Rice, of Highland, is seriously HI at her homo. Her husband started for the east lust Monday, but baH been telegraphed lor and will prob ably rench here Boon, CENTRAL CIIAI'KL FAIK. Tuesday, December 17, will bo held the fair at Central Chapel, East Btato and Eighteenth streets. "Buy, who'll buy ?" Articles usefuland ornamental on sale the onlirn day. Supper from 6 'o 0 p. m., 25o; childrou, 15o. TUB MUM BOCIAIi. Too "mum" Roclal at the home of Mr. ajid Mu. F. E. Hodgklus, on Court street, Friday night, was a most enjoyable alTalr. Desplto tbo Inclement weather, about 70 guests Were present to on Joy tho festivities, which were concluded by the asrying of adelluloua luuoh. RNTEHTAINKD. Frlduy night at tho homo of James Irving, on Twenty-fifth fitreot, in Capital Park addition, twenty morry couples wero pleasantly entertained Dancing was Indulged in, games payed, aud vocal and and Instru mental music rendered. To complete the enjoyment dainty refreshments were eorved, WOODMRN RNTKKTAINMBNT. Last Frlduy eveuiug, Balem Camp No. 118 Wood m on of tho World held an open meeting to which alt ellgiblo to mumbershlp wero luvlted to attend. The nd dress of tho oveuiug was de livered by Major F. E. Hodgkln, at the closo of whloh a short recess was had and 10 applications for member ship wore received. A musical and lliorary program was presented, con s'stlugof a recitation by Mra. C. D. Minto, a Bolo by Rev. D. ijippert, of Indiana, whose accompaniment wus played by Mrs. Llppert. Buy. Llppert was twlco encored to whloh ho re sponded. Mrs. H. B. Holland aud Mlsa Bouthwlck also reudored vocal B0I03. After tho conclusion of tho ex orcises tho guests withdrew, aud the camp was called to order, when somo routlno buslnea was transacted. lU'ISCOI'AL NOTES. On Friday at 2:30 tho woman's aux iliary of St. Paul'a met at tho rostdonco of Mrs. W.T. Gray. Thore wasgood at tendance, considering the wet weather. 1'ho meotlng was opened with the Apostles creed, followed with prayer by tbo reotor, after two versos being euug of tho hvmn "From Greoulaud'a Icy Mountains." Tho president, Mrs. Lthblo A. Patton, had arralgued somo suitable texts concerning tho second advent of Christ whloh wero read by Miss Tilson. Mlsa Kluzle read a paper on domestic and mlsulouary bhtiops, among whom she gave apeolul promln euco to tho newly consecrated bishop of Alaska. Mlsa Klnsey had drawn a map of tho Uultod States on which alio placed u portrait of eeycral bishops In tho places representing their diocese, The Rev. Lawrence Sinclair enU that his friend, Miss Kinrle.had truly shown her talont aud ability In her excellent paper and map. Mrs. Patton read nu Interesting acoount of Mrs. Belle Bell wood's visit to tho church mission's houso In Now York where she saw au urtlclo intulu of Oregon wood and by Oregon workmanship, aud she was Kurprlscd at having to go so far as New York to see what beautiful wood and workmanship could bo produced In Oregon Tho bishop of Oregon con tinued Mlsa Nellie Marguerite Criohton In 8t. Paul's on Friday evenlug, as sisted by the Rev. Lawrence Blnolair. Hho bishop's tsxts wa "Study to bo J quiet", from which ho taught Bomoj beautiful lessoua, Wtea Hatjr wm sIcV, vro gavo her Caktorla. When tha was a CliUJ, tho crtcU for CastorU, Who he became SIlsi, bo rlunjj to Catorf. WUa h hvl CblMrNi, hu tro them Cutorta. Tho trilby aud loklo shoes at Krausso Bros, are beauties call and eeo them. 14 3t ROYAL Bilking t : Highest of alt ia ic; .a Strentfih.V. S. Qo cruaint U.port WDMWOOLKN Olearing Away for Hie Nftv Htrhclure. IT IS TO JE THREE STORIES HIGH, Tho Walls Will Bo 60x152 nntl Will 1)0 of Brick. Thla morning men began the work of clearing away tho debris off the old Balem woolen mill alto and preparing for tbo new structure that is to go up. Buch material ns la upeful in the way of casting, shafting, etc. will bo eaved. Other metal will go to the )unk man. THE NEW BTItUCTUHE that is now propo'ed ia to be of brick, two Btory nnd a basement, the attio to be used for a drvlng room, the building on the ground G0xl62 feet. Tbo decis ion to build a brlok is not final, but It Is more than likely that will bo the material used. Insurance will bo less, the building will bo sollder, and dan ger from lire far lesa. It will be tho ilneat mill in tho valley and will bo larne enough for worsted and mohair works. Mr. Pugh, tho architect, says brick is preferable, and It will take 320,000 to put up tho main walls. It will bean Imposing structure aud will moan per monont employment to a great many people. The mill, whon fully equipped, at Mr. JCay now has planned, will moan bread and butter for nearly a thousand people Burely thoro la great cause for rejoiolng for this com munity. We have received a supply of "Need ham's" hams, bacon and shoulders, cured in the old fashioned way, and not merely dipped, but smoked to just the right point, Remember that we sell lard cheaper than any one in town, P, O, Grocery, HARRITT LAWRENCE OLD OREGON PAOIFIO TAXES For 1894 Aro to Bo Oollectod Tho Mehama Brldgo. County Judgo Hubbard returned Saturday night from a two days' trip to Albany and Mehama. At Albany ho met Judge Duncan of Linn county, and Judgo Burt of Lincoln county. Judgo HufTord of Benton was not present. Tbeobjeotof tho conference of Judges waa In regard to tho assess ments of tho Oregon Central k Eastern railway. In tho sale tho court stipu lated that tho purchasers hould pay the taxes of 1804, but asked that assess ments ho reduced to a Just proportion of the $100,000 purchaso prlco, divided among tho counties according to mile ago. This arraugement waa not per. footed. Judgo Hubbard says thla would seem fair, only that countlea that have assessed tbo railroad for 1894 and paid their state tax on that assess ment would not get as muoh as thoy had paid the state. On advloo of coun sel tho Oregon Paclflo, or what ia now called the Oregon Central A Eastern, was not listed In Marion county In 1604, aud bo this county had no tax to pay on tho property. There aro about 120 miles of the read and Judges Burt and Duucan wero of tho opinion that (1000 a rallo bo the basis of valuation for 1804. But there 1b to bo auotber conference on Friday, Jauuary 3d, at Albany, when tbo representatives of the road will be heard. Whatever Is done tho Hhato that Marlon oounty gets will bo clear gain. AT MKIIAMA. Judges Hubbard and Duncan went to Mehama Baturday morning to In spect the portion of the Baatlam bridge that la being rebuilt. That la only tho approaoh that waa recently knocked down by a falling tree. They examined the whole bridge and decided that the entire structure would have to have new needle beams. Bids were received today at Salem and Albany, O. F. Royal of Balem, nd tho con tractors who live at Albany, who were ou the grounds, have submitted fig ures and the work will be done at once. At the Reform School. Leroy Laporte, of Albany, Llnu county, aged 15 years, waa today com mltted to the reform school, Superintendent R J. HendrlckB has now received 218 boys, of which 118 are lu the Institution. ProparatlouB for proper celebration of ChrUtmw are nrtdtr wy, i liTTTftT-i .-.Tvra. i 7j "-'"aal When You Come to 'Reflect 1 It's no People Do not delay, Mackintoshes, Capes We will receive nnd see them. Who will The drawing for If you have not Oh, what IIS STATE ST. k Ws KLGPPIN V3. WALLACE. A Big Lawsuit Before Judgo Hewitt Today. Tho oquit sultylln department No. 2, Paul J. G. Klopplu vs. J. M. Wallace, ot ol., for certain right of way and properly Interests Involving possession of the Ankeny mills water power and milling property, was heard today at 0 a. ra. before Judge) FI. H. Hewitt, Attorneys for plaintiff wore Bonbam & Hoi lister and V. H. Holmes, for defendant H. J. Bigger and Sherman aud Condit. Mr. Kleppin waa on tho stand ail tho forenoon. The oo-defendanta in the suit aro H. F, Wallace, H. Pohte, Hale Baokons, J. O. Bozerth, doing business as Bozorth Bros., agents, Wm. MoMaster nnd Sidney Power company, a corpora tion. The suit la a very Important ono and will bo earnestly contested. OTIIBR CASKS. Set for trial and hearing on motion are: Chas.H. Dodd & Co., vs. Al. Molsan, etal. Bozorth Bros. vs. Paul Klopplu et al. Capital Lumbering Co,, va. R. R. Ryan, et al. Many Talk About tho holiday trade this year, and the places to buy goods,, but at MoCall Bros'., on Court street, the prices as well as tho goods talk for that store all tho time, p A nice box of candy from the Bpa makes a splendid holiday present, ooya. io-8t Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Medal, Midwinter Fair. w CREAM BAKING POWIHR Moat Perftct Md. 40 Ymti tat SUsfcrd., . ml Mi l ' ''"r " wmmmm n That there are wonder nre getting nnxlous to get something nice nnd suitable in the way of gifts, But come and sco us fit once. We have what you want, and can for men women and children. A visit to our store will pay displayed a full line of holiday goods. Our mammoth sacrifice continues until Jan. i. Wc are making g'eat reductions in wool and Jackets, Fall Dress Goods, The Last Lot, on Wednesday morning our last shipment They are beauties. get them ? those two elegant pieces of silverware will got a ticket do not all to get one, One with a snap ! Your choice of seventy-five pairs of men's fancy slippers for $2.30. They nre going fast. & M, E H, STOCK, REGULATORS OF LOW PRICES.1 llKrUKflKflTINO Till BIG FOUR INSURANCE GO.'S Room 14, Bush Bank Building! Salem. Commercial Union Assurance Co. London and Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. Liverpool and London and Ulobc. Hart'ord Fire Ins. I'o. Brine; in your State policies and have them written with Utile or no lois to you, SALE OF CHRISTMAS GOODS The entire Keller Sons' stock at Actual Cost ! Consisting of all kinds of house furniBhlugs, pictures, framed aud un framed; flue easels, fancy chalra, tlegaut rocker, haudsomo conohca and lounges, din ing tables, stand tables bed room neta, mattresses, and rnauy other articles too numerous to mention, .Now Is tho tlmo to get your pictures framed cheap. Remember, theso goods aro to be Bold at actual cost. Every article will ba marked lu plain figures. E. ivt. CROISAN, Agent, Died. SAVAGE At the family homo, four miles north of Balem, Sunday morn ing, December 15th, 1805. Sarah, wlfo of Geo. O. Savuge, aged 80 years, typhoid fever. Deceased was a daughter of E. P. Walker, and leaves a husband and threo children, John W., Emma Fay and Stella, to mourn her death. The funeral will occur at the home at 11 o'olook a. m. Tuesday, December 17th, Rev. P. B. Kulght olllciatlng. 8PENCER.-Athlshome in Corvallls, December 12, 1895. G. L. Spencer, aged 80 years and 8 months. Deceased waa the step.futher of Mra David L. Matheny, of Salem. He waa a native of Vermont. BARNHART.-In Balem, Baturday, D cember 14, 1805. Ephraim Barn hart, aged about 45 years. RICE-At the family borne. Highland addition to Balem, Rose, wiro or W. A. Rice, age about SO, after an Illness of Btx days. Deceased has lived In Balem about a year and leaves two little sona aged 7 and 0 years, and ono Bister, Mra. A. T. Smith. 8he was a member of tho Frieuda church and was a highly es teemed Chrlatlan lady. Mr. Rice started east a week ago but waa telegraphed at St. Paul and la expected to return on tho night train. Born. BURGQRAF.-At tho family homo ou luirieeniu street, Haturday, De cember 14, 1895, to Mr. and Mre Chas. H, Burgcraf, a daughter. VETERINARY Condition nowder llnimmt. l,..i ing lotions and ointments, blistering oint- ...v..t. i'M,b-n.v fin nu.uiu; IMCUIGWCS ai- CONSULTATION FREE. . ,JV- C- MITCHELL. Graduate of Ont. Vet. Colin. I'nm.o Canada. ' Office and DesDensarv nt RmI Vmni T I .,..-.. Stable, Salem, Oregon. r but a few dnystoXma',1 suit you In presents you, as we have there sale of winter goods underwear and hose. of plush capes. ComeJ lake place Xmas day. every (2 purchase. $i; worth from $1.50 to ? , Farms to Arms Another War 10,000 men, women and chlldern wanted to buy the stock of furniture "carpets, maitini, etc, of J. A. Rotan for the next 60 days t cost or less, to make room for spring goodJ. I mean what I say, am also going to add large line of wall paper and moulding to ray stock. J. A. ROTAN, Reed's Opera House, Monday. Dec. 16, Weber's Dramatic Company of 1 8 performers, with fine band and orchestra, will present their cele brated new play of Tom Roark's Vision. Seats on sale at ration's. TopuUf prices, 15c, 25c and 50c. LP. F1HUEH. Newapaper AdvertUlnj AgJ, . 31 MeronanU' Exchange, Ban JJ'jSt la our authorised agent, Xhia pat u vs on flloln htantUna. TuoS M DISK IM L.OAN, U. Marn. 1'CMt UfflOS blocc. liu. C ft Afl HO an iu.prood J ''I.ihSuM .9MU. mlle.MinU.ot town. uud barn Me-r good school. altf Murggruf, over Sluteaman. O commardal aUnography. pmee, Q ruy block.. The beat of work dC-M a bl rate a. WANTED-arty to take charge "T Houne. UooaUoma light " 7l, " or eldurljr laly preferred- i-nqulre o Petby Btt.eraJJo.erCo. J-"lwu Vx