LitoM0iriiiiftWiifiWll4lfttiyjhiy'ijV!j ijg lljjLuil'iB.'Jlg'5Sgj;jjqfi'M iww;'Mg''J,'l'i.'' "tf!jflfill! tS ljJTJSSSSSSiiS MWI..jipJUiii.Mll!iB''EtliiilliilWa'JHag wr.i M11" -r-- f"f' . . ... j-sjjSMmMMSLamam I iitT""" SPECIAL HOLLIDAY SALES f . lint er(!nf rnf Xm ln 0 Imtt H00M. row ill mi ninu. 1 i2 J xSm llookU. Xmi cWi 4f Rs line , of haftd Mlnieil 2" Xm lloofchll. X1 f ' ' eilfiiM'l homIH". inch I hefogMtih frme. M r lord Imi ('MA VM. Jnk Wfn :....... .,.... i,i.i. 11 iii,AiAriiitii Kiimx. iiiinniiKcrci lei U rfltiCf siennsM a .. w .. liooK f Ata 4look of e liiloi.i. iiy me make up In hMf MUrttn. All (row llooK Mfttfl M09K 01 MIIIIIOHlf f w ni i make up In fsrwy srille. All (roc1i low. F, S. DEARBORN, Tlf M HOoiHttf.littn .. tffMI mmmmmm mmmmmm m 'RECIOUS POINTS. Wo Invo tho largest and finest stock of Watches, urn monds, Jewelry, Solid and l?ktod Silverware in the city. Wo also have a lino Jmo ol importod Out Glass of the hiffhcsb emtio. Oliver novei- r.n nf nil kinds at prices mat defy competition for first class goods. All goods guaranteed s represented. Give us a call nd bo convinced. Just for a Flyer Wo will sell Genuine Im ported Pearl Opera Glasses lor $4. j.1 mo uno 01 Ladies' Purses, X in Gonuino Battlesnako, Seal and Alligator Skins. Special drives on ladies' solid gold watchos. S,W, Thompson Co, PEKSONALS. E. F. Oaburn went to Albany today E. M. Klgbtllugor was in Ghomawa today. A. Blossor, tho plurpbor, wan In Hubbard today. MoKlnloy Mltcboll roturued to ner vals this morning. E. 0. Klrkpatrlok, of Dallas, carao in from Portland this morning, W. H. Wild, the nunory man, tran sacted business at Canby this morning. Gen. W. H. Odell, of tbe state board ofschool lands, wont to Portland tbla morning. J. H. O'Nell traveling passenger agent of tho O. R. N. Co. Is at tho Willamette. Attorney General 0. M. Idleman was a Portland passenger on tbo Bnlom laoal this morning. II. H. Gilo returned on tho early train tbla morning from n business trip to Houtborn Oregon. T. W, Loo, gonoral suporlntendont of water lines wont to Portland on tbo Elmoro this morning. Dr. H. It. Holmes returned to Port land this morning after a short visit with his brother, Attornoy W. H. Holmes. Mrs. Harriet Roberta, of Browusvlllo, has been discharged from tho asylum as entirely ourod, and returned to her homo this morning. Tho Right Rev. B. "Wlstar Morris, Bishop of Oregon, will hold confirma tion eervloo on Friday ovonlug, at 7:30, In Bt. Paul's Episcopal ohuroh, assisted by tho rector of the pariah, All Invited, Tho bishop will be tho guest of Mrs. Pattou, on Court street, Friday eve ning, and leave on tiaturday morning for Roseburg. Q heat UAitaAiN. A $100 blayole, good as now. Enquire of Jos. H. Al bert. 12-2t Santa Claus' Headquarters, Wo are Bt. Nick's headquarters ChrlBtmas. For Gentlemen, Suits, Overcoats, Mackintoshes, HUirtB, jn ecu wear, collars aud Cutis, rVTAnlittn hnroo Plunr nooau Aln Neoktte boxes, Cigar cases, etc. For Ladies, X Fine Dress Goods aud Trimmings, Capes, Jackets aud Mackintoshes, 'Foster'a" Kid Gloves, "Albert" Fast Biaok Hosiery, "R, & G," Corsets, Rwlas Embrolderled and Bilk and Linen Handkerchiefs. Fascinators, Fur Boas and MuU'd, Toilet Cases, Glove aud Handkerchief Boxes, Fauoy Mir rors, etc. nOE3 AND BLIPPERS for overybody. The 50 silk dress will be given awny December 24. Buy your dross from ua We have all tbe latest novelties. WIIIIS 0irt and Ubeny. liTrmm MtUtoUOUklMMMiMW ... t t - JJ J JLIIIlllll" '" ' I HIM Hook fnfk. 4 .. j. . l-. "'?'" ""","?. ," m trt.rt m iiiiuiH'a nine- ) 'IKMKMIIKK TUB IlAZAAIl At the C hriHllan church Friday and Haturdny evenings of this week. They have the walkluK nnd talking dolls, Mother Goose, the old woman who lived in tin shoo, and innumerable attraction Cor tho entertainment of old audyoung, Froe to tho public both evenings and all Invited to attend. 1 This Bijabon deems to baye been very unusuolonoaruong tho factories, patterns aud prices nro very favorable to buycrp. We have laid In on Ira uenso slock of holiday goods at such ow HtturtB that wo aro confident of whig able to meet any Hgures that may be offered on furniture. Huron & Hamilton. 11 2l lw To Oim Costomckb. Wo think It proper to advise you that wo have laid In a largo stock of holllday goods, and that tbo prices on everything In our toro will be reduced to a figure eulllcl cnt to meet any competition which may seem to bo ollerlng goods at a bargain. Burkn & Hamilton. Il-d2:wl Gospel meetings every night this weok at tho W. 0. T. U. ball on Court street. These meetings are un accUrlun, and all liberal minded min isters are Invited to help. Elder Matthews will preach tonight. Sub ject, "Unbelief and Explanation of tbe Bin in tho Garden." Every one In- vltol. Don't Fail To go to the Now York Racket and see their stock of holiday goods, consisting of stamped Hnona, silk and oambrlo handkorohlefs, dolla, ploture books, work boxes, and dressing cases, and an Immenaiirnblo Hat of novelties, All aro marked at raoket prices. Call early nnd get your holiday goods. lU2t Pkoiiate. On petition of D. A. Palno, superintendent of the Insane asylum, E. P. McCornack was ap pointed guardian of Evan Reee, an Insane person who has property of tbe valuo of 135; also by samo to have samo person appointed for Lai Lung, Insane, property 1200. Both granted. m Funeral Today. The funeral of Mrs. Hattlo D. Fronoh was held at 2:30 o'clock today at the First M.E.ohuroh, Interment In Leo Mlstlon 'cemetery, Rov. G. W. Grannla conducting tho services. a Holiday Pointers. While wo aro prepared to supply you every thiug In tho holiday lino at way-down prices, remember that wo still sell shoes, fur nishing goods and fanoy goods at tho lowest raoket prices. Osborn's Raoket Store. 11 2d lw Boat Movements. Tho Elmoro left for Portland this morning. Tho Eu gene, which should have arrived here last night failed to do so. Tho river still stands at 0.2. A Fine Btooic Of tho celebrated "Star C Star" boots and shoes,;for men, women aud children, at tbo New York Raoket, at our unusually low prices. 12 2t Board of Charities. The Balem city board of oharltles will meet next Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock at tbo ofllce of Recorder Edes. Wool Mackintoshes At reduced prices, to closo out at tho New York Racket. 12 2t for all things useful an ornamental for XXX Hats, Caps, Gloves, Umbrollas, White Handkerchiefs, Collar and Cult boxes, ssy BROS. & CO., The Cash Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoe Home Wrr-", AfofHfn? hU)ftm M. ft. Mflfilrl tf Alt llfi eMnylti cfjRpelGrf "tiM Wy 10 , Af, Ui Mutt, tidoft tteitiHU Aiid Mtt. i, Hi Hliiifp Weft 6II4M vhl lord Mini' (My fiofiiltitf. (MM Molflu feltifnetf UimUmA &Ioic drty iMtnUm nflef tin Abjefico ot (hfeo weekrt m a Cesiilt tit bfokoh colfaf botiP, wliloli fraolue lioguatftlned a Cow day More Tlnuikn;IVlng', lie still carries' Ills Arm In ndlitf, liowevef. hUnn Ulorrt Pooler fcatifiied liof ctudlcs Monday mof nln after a week's aIisc nco owing (0 Aiokjies. Misses AlbettaOtrytiiioand Marga ret Parkhtirsl and m number ot others vreto obnpel Visitors Tuesday morning. W. Pi Mallhows recited n selection from Robert Hums lu cbapol Tuesday morning. At the meeting of the fttuulty tbU week It was decided that tbo Christ mas Uotldnys would be of twolvo days (I u rat Ion. Bohool will bo dlsinlssod frlday December 20th and will re com menco Thursday morning Janu ary '2. Misses Adda Irwin Luola Cochran aud others vIMtc-d chapel Wednesday morning. Wm. Ogle read an essay on"The Npuroes"ln ohanel Wednesday morn ing. Ho advanced Bevoral tboorlea aH to what disposition should bo made of this raco that is Increasing In numbeis 10 rapidly. Pof. Mary Reynold?, was Indisposed Wednesday mornlug but resumed work In her classes In tho afternoon. Beautiful Apples. H. 8. Glle, of tbo Oregon Fruit and Produce Co., returned from Grant Pass this morulug, whero ho bad been superintending tbo shipment of some apples. Ho brought with him a few rfainplex of tbo winter varieties now belnK shipped out of there, aud they aro a revelatlop to all who see them. The most attractive specimens wo suw wero a box of Virginia Beauty, which are of a deep red, and take a brilliant polish, making a moat strlkog display. He had tho largest Bon Davis that tbo writer has ever seen, and some good specimens of Bpltzanberg, Bbau non Pippin, Rod Cheeked Pippin, aud tho Lawver. Tbo last; namod li ouo of tho finest deop red winter apples, solid, very heavy, aud good, late keep ers. Mr. Gilo's company baa shipped aovoral carloads of these Hue apples to Texas, and mado a fair profit on samo after paying 75 and 80 cents per bushel for them whore they aro raised. This Is a fair Illustration of what can bo dono with wlutor fruit, and should eucourago tbo farmers of tho Willam ette valley to not neglect tbe npple business. They Inyo mile much nt tbo pruuo business, and are no doubt gottlug to where they lend world for superior product lu that line, but they can just ua woll rauk first lu the npplo business also. Many are enlarging tholr npplo orchards and giving tho subject of proper culturo increased attention. This will aolvo tbo wlirlo problem. Wo have the land and tbe climate, and all that I3 noeded la tho practical application of conect methods. Tho fruit brought up by Mr Glle Is all sound, which fact shows that It la possible to muke sound fruit tbe rule lustead nf the exo-ptlou. Give tbo Willamette Vidloy more win ter apple orchards says The Journal. SOCIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. Mrs. D. L. Matheuey went t Cor Vallls today In answer to a tele gram announcing that her father, G. W. Spencer, was o.t tho point of death, cuuiioir BOOrALS. Tomorrow night will be occupied with church socials aud enterialn niouts. Tbo Christian church will glvon froe entertainment and b.iziar, which promises to be au enjoyable ixflnlr, as a very Interesting program has been propared. Tbe Unity church gives n social, tho Congregational ohuroh au ontertalnmeut, nlo tbe Presbyterian church. - m Borne Holiday Fuggcstlons. Work baskets, silk handkerchiefs, albums, toy dishes, dolle, t?ol cheats, drums, toy trunks, nnd doll huguUs, etc, eto, Oaborn'd Racket Store. ll-2d lw. Keep your eyos on Bonuomann's Wludow. He U hoadq'iarteai for holllday groceries and cr.kery. Every lady lu town sb iuld keep pitted ou bis stock. You will never regret it. Ifyou don't know him or his store, oatob on at onos. tf A Little Pointer. Small sug gestions that cost notblug oftou lead to great, eavlnga. Milton Rhodes 011 Court street cau nuike a chair, couoh, or any odd shaped piece of furnlturo that will Just suit your rooms nud cost you leas than some ready-made articles. Browslsr & Whlto ara strictly In It. Iu what? Why, In tho feed business, and they everlastingly lead on tbe best articles as well as low prices. 12 2t ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all in leaven log Stdgtk,V, I, Cbytnmtrt fMpert. mamift mm. HKitA nnnnv nnmti. Tlirt tiarhinn tfooiftifrri Addftrtsdil tlio ilt:KM, ied. l&-Uoff lobol nimko III tlio morula fof two hotir ilfi I bcgnK by roirinrltliig llmt wlmtl (fio (aiiidii? ot (do uppooli from (he lliroiit vtM compared Willi I ho Nuwtft spwoh nri the Hftmii duv at llrcslnib II wAKfany trnindorsland why (Jlmnrci lor von HolietitoliG find bcoii depttll.ed i rend the tot Met by proxy, lid tc minded (ho house (lint many well, known soolnllflts, Irloludlng llerr M'iuet,lii (ho wild days nf ItU p.dltlaal youth, hnd fought and suffered for the Oiuio of Oormnri unity nt n time when IU chief opponents were ilolionzollems and PrusMnti Junkers, fjintliiulrig ho said 1 " The nltlludo of t ha roynllsls toward (hcHednti ctdt'brallona was governed by the conviction that never was n more fittal tn stake commuted than tho annexation nt (ho relchsland, which had mado IlUBtln tbo chief nrbllc r of the ili-stliilis of Europe. "The socIhIIsIs havo never claimed to bo angels, and they cannot be expected to forget Ihu manner In which they hud bten treated during tbo reign of the first William. Evon the conser vatives would have despised us had we surrendered tho result of being de scribed as a rabble unworthy tho namo of Germans. But?wbat has been tho rop'y to our quiet protests? Why, proHecutloiiH and imprisonments, with out end fur lese-majeste." T110 speaker then continued to de d )uno tho constant appeals to tho army against socialists as tho best en couragement to Germany's enemies abroad. He added; "When you come to spend your last man aud last penny In dofonso ol unity, you will find us standing shoulder to shoulder with you, not for love of you, but for lovo of our solver, Tbo real revolutionists are those who are always arguing tho adoption ol Money Given fluJay. At the Union Dircaln Store with every our Drolits which Is eoual to that much cash Goodvear, Woontockct and othor good brands and short leg; also ladle's and misses. All go pet prices money savers. elsewhare before you come Alwavs remember we carry a complete line the best Eastern shoe houses for cash and sell $2 for a pntr of $ I. Co shoes. We not only prices cheaper than the cheapest. Yours for trade, M. J. 142 STATE ST. violent mawuresagalnst tho socialist " Turning to Baron vou Stumrmll, Horr Rebel exclaimed: "It is such men tint banker after barricade 1 aud uot we." Finally, referring to tho taxation of working dawn, thosp.niker declared the (tnvernmsnt policy wus tho moat powerful woapou of the socialist agita tion, aud ouo which no amount of persecution would blunt. General lironaart vou Bchellendorf, the German minister ot war, who had boon listening to tbo speech with im patlonco, replied, almost ungrlly, that tbo socialists might bo euro that the array would do its duty. It had not forgotten the Insults tbey pourod on Its hoorlonud venerable leader in 1870. Should tbo police fall and the army bo required to deal with soolallsm, that would bo no child's play, A Marquis Married, Cincinnati, Do. 12. At noon, to day, at tho church of the Holy Angola, was solemnized according to tbe rites of tho Roman Cathollo church, tho marrlago of Mies Margaret Rives Nich olas, daughter of tbo I a to George Ward Nicholas, aud Louis Charles Antolne Gilbert Pierre Pinton, Marquis du Chambrun, a promluent attached of the Fronch logatlon at Washington. Judges Genflnnsd. Washington, Dee. 12. The senate In executive session today confirmed the following nominations of Judges In the Indian territery: Constantino B. Klllgore, of Texas, for southern dla trlct; Yancey Lewis, Indian territory, central district; Wm, M. Springer, of Illinois, uortbern district. Rockafsller Weeding. Tarrytown, N. Y., Dee. 12. Rock wood Hall, tbe elegant reMdenco of Mr, and Mrs, William Rookafeller, near this village, was the scene at noon today, of the wedding of Miss Emma Rookafeller, their.daugbtor, to Dr. D. Hunter MoAlpln, Jr., of New York City. Swiss President. Berne, tiwliserlaud, Dee. 12. M. Adrten Lnohenel, who was vice presl. dent for 1895, has been elected president for 1806. Ho Is radical In politics. Friday Evenino Tho ladles at Central chapel will serve oysters, coffee and cake Friday evening, from 6 to 0 o'olook p. m. All cordially luvlted, and a good time u well us, good meal will be enjoyed.. 12 St 11. jMimTfl'iiTMH'.flr"ffin A Great One hundred pairs your chol' olc Do Not Overlook and in addition, Friday US STATE ST. oalrol rubber boots you buy we will cive y ou .. ... . .. fund. We have a Dig iiock 01 l lie waies, of rubber boots both iu men's and Iwy's long below the regular wholesale price. to us then you will be statlsfied our prices are of shoes in the latest styles. Wo buy from it have to pay the same, consequently you do not have to pay guarantee our shoes, hut we also guarantee our MATSOXT. Many Lives Saved. New York, Dec. 12. A dfspelch to the Herald from Key West says. Particulars bavo Just beon received on shore of what nearly caused tho de struction of the United States crubor Cincinnati and the loss of 800 llveK. A galo, whhh blew all yestorday after noon, aud through tho night, Inter rupted communlcitloos with vesels In tho harbor, and delayed tho news, It was reported to tbu office rnf the deck of the Cincinnati, about 2,30 In the afternoon, thut smoke had made Us appt-iwco In the dyuamo room and all about tbo negbborbood of tho forward insgczlue. Tbo ilro bell was rung uud tbo pumps started. Tho xmoko iu the compartments adjoining and abovo tho mugazlnes whs so thick that tho first officer to arrlvo on tho sceno gave orders to flood tbo ammu nition at once. The hatches were opened and streams of water from tho deck hoeo wrro added to those from tho flooding sjfcttm. Tho circum stances wen too critical to admit of hesitation and water wan poured In until the ammunition nnd compart ments were completely filled. The smoke had by this time considerably abated, and it was evident that tbe Wktor had risen above the fire. Captain Johnson, who with tho executive officer, Lieutenant-Commander Everett, had taken personal oharge, directed nil ammunition not yet under water to bo passed on deck. This was done with almost Incredible rapidity. Tho men worked fast on a magaztno which they suspected of Deing on lire. Tho rorward five Inch magazluca were next emptied, aud It was fouud that several of the boxes Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Aledal, Alldwlntcr Pair. CREAM BANNG POWDtR IHott Perftct Made 49YMnt)&M4ftfll, ff "- "M i.niwi"iii' Not "cltist as Good" Biit Better. Ii whftt wc eUtm for our line of liolldny goN You can prove for yourself That what we My Ii correct. Our line Ii too hiRC to name over nil It ronlnlm, but Iimi for a flyer we will mention om of our lender, Ladle' and genii illk Initial handkerchief, extra valtiei, nt a$e Uille' llk and linen handkerchlefi In endle vnrlely. Udl' hand-made lasclnalori from a$ cents up, Toilet and manicure sols, work Iwxei, fancy basket, celluloid noveltlti, photo allmint, burnt leather ware, clc. Klcgant largo line of purse. See our allgalor, sterling illver-mounted purses at 85 centi, ladles' and gents' fine silk umbrella., lAtRt line of silk mittens from 50 cents up. Fine line of Rents' neckwear, Snap of men's fancy slippers, oil aires, ranging in price while they lust, Ji. call cany neiorc sues arc Our mnmmoth sacrifice sale of nil winter goods, wlilc'i continues and Saftirday Holiday Dress Every piece of cctton, wool and silk dress goods at a reduction. With every $2 purchase a ticket on those two elegunt pieces exhibition In our window. S, Mr Er Hr STOCK, REGULATORS OF LOW PRICES. - t itKi itK3E;Tiyo the- BIG FOOR INSURANCE Room 14, Bush Bank Building, Salem, donuiicrcinl Union Assurance 0. London and Lnncnshiro iLivernool nntl London and Ulobe. Unrt'ord I! rim; In your State policies and have A Kli The entire Keller Actual Consisting of all hluds of house furnishings, pictures, framed and unframrd; fine easels, fancy chairs, elegant rookers, haudsomo ennohes and loungen, din ing tablos, stand tables bod room sets, mattresses, uud many other articles tco numerous to mention. Now la tho tlmo to got-your pictures framed cheap. Remembor, tbeso goods aro to bo sold at actual cost. Every article will bo marked In plain figures. E. M. CROISAN, Agent, containing fixed ammunition were charred nearly through. A little delay In flooding tbo magazlno would have caused u catastrophe, Tbo flro was right abreast of tho aux iliary boilers, in a coal bunker par tially filled with soft coal. Tho heat from the bollera had caused tho coal to Ignite, and this in turn had charred tbo aboil boxes through tho separate bulkheads. It la thought no damage was done, unless it bo found that tho ammunition was damaged. Allen Q. Thurman Dead. Columbus, O., Dec, 12. Allen G. Thurman died at 1:15 p. ro. today. The death of Thurraau was a painful shock to the general publlo hero. Tho latest reports from him before today wero to the effect that he was doing finely. Thurman's resldenco Is about a mile from tho couter of towu, Abso. lutely no other Information came with the announcement of his death, savo that it occurred at 1:15 p. m. Tho immedlato cause of his death was tho fall he sustained somo weeks sgo, from eflects of which he had par tlally, it was thought, at least recov ered. Ho was 82 years old tho 10th of last November, nnd had It not beeu for the nccident a month ago, ho might havo lived a number of years. Durrant Gets Grace. ban;ranoibco, iDeo. 12. Durrant will not go to Ban Queutiu Just yet. Once more tho supreme court has como t too rescue of the murderer nnd Judge Murpby has been advleed by Chief Justice Beatty not to porBevere lu blH refusal to grant a stay of execu tion. When Baby was sick, we gave her Casioria, When ahe was a CUUJ, she cried for Castorla. nlta WCWUgaTettOrto - ' r 1 ii. .i. .i Mtt M.AU i.t.H-F .JI unnj. I from $1.50 lo $2,50; gone, until January Ut, Goods Sale, of silver-ware now on GO.'S Fire Ins. Co. Fire Ins. Co. them written with litfle or no loss to you, Sons' stock at Cost ! MEW AUVERTISEMENTb. T ost. A nalr'ol cold snctaeles. between 11 Capital and Court street. Love ot tbU office. 12-0 m. T3HTKAYlID..-81nre Nov. mil, naorrelmare. JJ 1250 pounds. 0-yonre.old, white loreu'Hu. umior win be rownru rormlnjc O, tr, ueely, I'crrydale.Or, u - -- .', VJW-.c.w.U, .-.'',-"- orenrnu. Finder will be rewarded ii m- 1201W TlAIIUKuU RKNT-Un entv inrms lunulre X ouo b.ock w It 11. Cray ton. ouo b.ock Wot qt tbe North ttntlm tctiool, im-U u IluUohKOllbAii:,- House 018 iooui, hard. IX nnun, pnntry, closets, baru una kcou well water, 8760. ihtrd strert, betwten llvli Ion and BhlpplnK. Hnuulio at 461 Winter stroet, for a row days only. Mtt I bhTINU-t tOlt MUlilNUiil-And Divine llt'ulluir evrrvEundnr ufteruoon nt 115 liah street. at 2:80 o'clock. Ilia Ixird's chll- dren who arAntillrtvd nr Invited lii attend the healing gorvlces. Meetings ut lalber Oould's, North Balem, nt U SO lu the morning. ' 11.29 lm Q Me tlliloiilAo NKXt. Hemnnberlonendyour paoKBgi-slorUhrUtraasbylue wcswuuu essengcr boys. Hlug up the blue baxN. it .if" SMITtt FlibSTEIt Ttl'b WHITE it job icut In booiI condition. Ju.ttbe thing lor business homo or tutfeut learning to us the typewriter. Inqulie nt S!8S Commercial T ADlKH.non't nllow your races to be fray Unlra, when you can o lis natural color in four .Li crowned with era: Imve It restored to lioura. A M Klklm, room 11, Eidreldge umimug, w aNI'RI) A mim nr Imlv tci limuaiiO QlS- ga ait- trlbutli u aoan 'samples, spcolaltlc. op imnies, spc Bylvon Co.. oorosponaiuir, Heua byivan uo.. -m m warn, Detroit, Michigan, 10 cents lor aainplM soap eto , receive outnt oiler. ll.nn TIY) TRAUU. U7 ooros well linprovert laud J. near Bherldau, lor a snmli trajt near balem. Inquire ol J. II. Campbell. 8SI Cea. ter street. Bulom. 3t- I.OUND. A Daby's white ooHhinew cloai. ' Owner can have same by catllne at j0'' nalolUceand paying forltilaBd. . T I'. K18UKR. Newspaper AavertUlnif Asenv Jj. 21 MerohanU' Eichange, Bau t'ranouco. is onr authorized ajent. This rP' kepl on Hie tn lilsnmoa. iOMKV 'to ivUAN. O. Waran. itcoiui Vol Office blooa. 1- UUH an Improved 6-acro trrct tnrw and ban inuca kouiu 01 town. diii ""--, rn Near cood school, inquire Uurggraf, over Butesman. WM . giiiuaa, ouivHMAN Typewrmug ana I commercial stenography. Office, room , Gray block. The beat of work dono at .re aonable rates. 1J-2S ,.H'1S., VAl'Klt-l.arBe tot of heavy browa J wrapplna paper lor nale cheap, f ut ip" thing for putQnir nuder carpeU. Call at Jour- nn oltloe I firSfflaclw0. mmmmmmtimmmmmmm V' I I "t v? n rvwioB mwi