Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 12, 1895, Image 1

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VOL. 8.
(lint our usual very low prices apply to
as well as to all other lines. AVe have a
cash, nnd cnn
all bought lor spot cash, nnd enn givo you better
vnluo for your money than any other firm on the coast. Wo
will save you 25 to 50 rcr ctnt on albums dressing cases, dolls,
picture books, games, easels and all kinds cf fancy goods.
All goods bought lor spot cash, at a small profit. That's why
our business is constnnly increasing.
Added Sto3k
On ii Lnrgpr Srale Total
Subscribed, $25,400.
Road Machinery and Agricultural Implements,
Latest Improved Goods and Lowest Prices,
N. W. Corner State and Liberty streets, t : : i SALEM, OR.
We tell silver dollars for 99c, and everything else In proportion. 274 COMMERCIAL ST.
Did you see those wonder
ful suits we sold last week at
$10 a suiUflfe
Did you soo 'em in the win
dow? Did you see 'em in the store?
Did you see 'em on tho
street 1
Did you know ihnt they are
really our $15, 10.50,18,22.50,
and 25 suits
We givo you tho choice of
any man's euit in the house
Wo havo nothing that wo ask
more for. Don't get excited
by our clothing talcs; but just
keep pegging toward this store,
where you con getmen'soloth
in for about half what other
dealers will ask ynu.
All our $10 and $12 Mack
in'03hes during this sale, $G.50
Wednesday morning the committee
on tUc woolen mill eubeldy wont out
to got tho remainder of the $25,000
a'ook mbsldy taken, feeling anything
but hopeful. There were still a dozen
mon In to stru who hnd not subscribed
but who hod not rehufled the com.
rnltUo entirely. These were canyosscd
as tho auiruala were paid to havo cone
luto Noah's nrlt, "two by two "
Tho rebuff were more plainly
glveu, however, and ut noon there was
not n dollar In sight, except one of the
committee who had agreed to raise tho
commllUe'H subscription to $1000.
But In the afternoon thtte subscrip
tions ca e In for $70 that were not
expected. The clouds lifted. The
committee breathed easier. The (7C0
was n perfect godsend. It was made
up by $600 from Sutton and wlfo of
Liberty fruit farm region. Ho has a
hai a nice bomb oat there and has felt
friendly toward this enterprise from
tho start. Considering the condition
of farming, the fact that tho farmers
have taken nearly (2000 of this ntock Is
quite remarkable.
Then camo $150 from Mrs. Steves
proprietor of the Court street bakery, a
woman who has a hoart for tho labor
log people. Tho women wore not
specially called upou to take stook, but
tho volunteers, whoso names aro found
in tho list below deserve the commen
dation and good will of the commltteo
and of tho public
Tho other volunteers was Walter
Jonks, for $100 J. J. Murphy had
been looked upon to assist in the hour
of need and ho very gonerously sub
scribed $200. Mr. McCoruauk added
f 300 and that swelled tho total to $2o,
800. Thero should still be $700 added,
as theso subscriptions always shrink
and it Is Bald business mon subscribed
to tho gift of $20,000 six years ago who
have never paid.
Tho oonplete list of bonafldo sub
scribers comprlso 72 names and tho
list Is nn interesting one both for
names It contains as well as for the
names It does not contain. Tho sub.
scrlptlor.8 aro all voluntary. No pro s
tiro or Improper lulluenco was brought
to bear by tho committee. The stook
Is all taken as n bouulldo investment.
Tho committee had tho assistance of
a number of geutlemeu who do not
care to bo named who did as rauohlf
not more than tho committee to make
the subsidy a success. To theso g)n
tlemon and to the subscribers the com
mltteo caii do no moro at present than
to simply thank them. Tho hard
times, the temerity of capitalists, (ho
failure of so many block companies,
made the task ot ecu ring the tuking
of this nn extremely dililcult and deli
cate task, ltut the splendid record of
the Balem Woolen Mills In the past,
tho fair deallug and honorable
methods that havo charao!erizod the
nianugimeut in the past, more than
overcame all the obstacles. Those who
could not take stock spoko well of the
enterprise. Those who did tako stock
urged others to do so. Those who had
stockrgave a favorable report cf tho
way they were treated by Mr. Kay.
Thos. Kay, Br., and Thos, Kay, Jr.,
weie constant workora for the cause of
tho subsidy and most cflectlve workers.
They could look every man square in
the face aud ask his asalstance wlitiout
apology. They made it possible to
raise this subsidy and did as much as
tho committee. The Jouhnal wishes
to thank theso gentlemen for laying
aside their modesty and taking bold
as they did. Their work wasponstant
and very effective.
Thomas Kay, fir., and an architect
will go at once to inspect several mills
In California that are more modern and
belter adapted for the larger works
that will now be put in here at Halem.
Work Is to begin at once clearing the
bite and preparations for a model fire
proof building are well under way.
The new stockholders will no doubt
bo fully apprised of roovomenta as they
are made. We have confidence that
In all that Is done tho utmost fairness
will prevail, " uuuu bhw ...
he laid oirlhe importance of a fire proof
building. Too muchrellanoe should not
be placed ou the means of fighting tiro
when tire proof material U as obeap m
it la nowi
J. K. Weatliertord, (Albany)... fi.000
J J. Dalrymple l.fitiu
Tuns. Johnson 1,600
J. M. Wallow 1,260
J. M. Wallace (trustee) 1,000
A. Bush 1,000
Pull Metaohau 1,000
J. M. Wulloco (trustee) 600
C, N. W. Tuthhl 600
George S. Downing 600
Bulom Iron Works. . - - 600
A. N. & O. B. Moorea 600
John Button and wife 600
Gray Bros 600
J. O. Goodale 600
Blgncd 600
T. L. Davidson 600
Kllnger & Beck- ..- 400
Waldemar Nelsou 800
Wurnui Cranston 800
12. P. McCtiruack Will
D. D. Coiley !00
W. l.Toozo, (Wnodbtirn) 20
Dugan Bros- 200
Krauze Bros .... 200
Nlok Uutta 200
W.M. Duunlwt.y 20(1
13. C. Cross
LJoi. J. Bingham. ............
Gun K'iiitelbtrg
W. O. Hubbard.
J J Murphy
Gilbert & Patterson
W. T. WllllaiUHon
Jennie A. Ilullfson .
Btcluer & Blosser
Balem Truck & Dray Co
R C. Baker.
Harr.fc Petzel
C. W. Bcrlber
Lydia 8tevea
W.T. Jenks
W. G. Westacott
J. E. Baker
Orecon Btutesmau
D.J.Cooper 100
Palton Bros 100
L. B. Winters 100
J. M. Long 100
F. Levy 100
D. W. Joseph 100
Tllmon Ford 100
Jacob Vogt 100
Hofer Bros - 100
Wro. Brown 100
D. H. Looney 100
Geo. Colllufl 100
Claud Gatch 100
W. P. Lord 100
L. F. GrilTUu 100
Jo. Hlrshberg, Independence 100
Geo. W. Handsaker 100
IraErb - -- 100
Hiram Smith 100
D. A. Paine 100
Geo, W. MoBrlde 100
W. II. Leeds 100
Dr. Byrd 100
Frank Meredith and H. Brophy 100
E U. Cross, trustee - 100
T Holversou 100
G. W. Putnam , .100
Buren & Hamilton -""
A. Klein 100
Now York Racket 100
Harrltt & Lawrence 100
Harrltt ft Lawrence, tlie postofllce
grocers, today Informed tho commltteo
that thoy would take $100 stock. They
nay it Is better to mako tho subsidy
'titlrely safe. In ibis they are right
and The Joobnal believes thero
should bo unother thousand dollars
stock taken to mako sure.
Balem, Dec. 12, 1695,
Editok Jeuknal: I heartily rejolco
with the citizens of our city ou tho
completion of the subsidy for the new
woolen mill, and foel Uko publicly
thanking tho soliciting committee for
their earnest efforts and to
congratulate thorn on tho triumphant
success of all their labors in this regard.
Years ai?o, when a subsidy of $20,000 iu
cash was asked to erect woolen mills In
this city, I was oh the soliciting com
mltteo, and not only gave a generous
subscription to further that object, but,
leaviug my business wholly for four
weeks, labored early- and late with my
associates until at last success crowned
our efforts and the Required sum was
obtained, and those Who were with mo
on that committee know what tbo
words "labored earlyt and lato" Imply.
We were mot with all kinds of taunts.
"The sherltr will oloeo tho mills In six
months." "Tho whole thing will fall,
aud wo shall have tbo elephant on our
bauds." ''It will never pay," oto., eto.
Years havo come and kouo,but slneo the
spindles first showed life aud motion
to tho hour whon tho flames destroyed
tho enterprise and fanlory, "Buocess"
has been written on every inovo tho
dlrcotors of thotinlll uayo made;
and through tho last threo years of
general buslucss depression there haa
been no curtailment of tho pay roll, no
cessation of labor, but early and late,
night and day, for sx days In every
week, tho machinery has run, aud
when tho mill was destroyed, orders
for mauy mouttiB ahoad of tho capacity
of the mill were on file In tho business
office. Over half a million dollars has
been distributed in our city, the credit
of the mill ranking No. 1 to tho last
hour. Ou tho broad foundation ot lion
est, prudont and successful manage
mont of this mill by Thos. Kay and
his associates, the new and larger mills
will bo erected, and I,predlot greater
success thau evor fur this enterprise.
Then, tho mills had u reputation to
gain; this haa been secured, and tbo
experience gained In this management
will still further Insure irlumpbnut
Whilo I Iivo I shall Jive in Balem,
nnd I rejoice to know that tbo good
name: our fair city baa enjoyed for
euttrprlso and thrift, In still untar
nished, and that wo have already
regained one of the greatest losses of
the last forty days.
E. M. Wait.:.
Over 100.000 of Their lVonle
Tnko ReluBO In tho Momitalns
nml Arc Starving.
London, Dee. 12. A dU-palch ad
dressed to tho Afsoclated Pieasand
signed by Armenians ofConstantlnople,
haa been received hero. It sayB:
"Armenia is at her last gasp. Tho
numper of pooplo massacred readies
100,000, aud half a million survivors
havo'takuu rofogeoln the forests and
mountains, wboro they are feeding on
herbs aud roots. linger aud cold havo
begun to make great ravages among
them. In tho name of humanity and
Christianity save us."
A Panic In Turkey.
Home, Dee, 12. A dlspatoh received
today from Constantinople says the
Biltlsh gun-boat Lryad and the Ital
ian auu-boat Archlmeades passed tbo
straltB of tho Ditrdauelloa today, owing
to a brawl at Rtambuul, A panlo it
said to prevail at Galata and Pera
ToUl T-t.00
Further Outrages Reported.
London, Dee. 12. A dispatch to tbo
Times from Urumlah, Persia, says:
"It is now certain that tbo Hamldehl
cavalry have destroyod 200 villages In
the province of Van. Fifty thousand
homeless peoplo aro Hooking lato the
olty of Van, aud the government Is
doing notblug to prevent further out
A Vienna dlspatoh to the Times
"News was received from Treblzoud
today of fresh atrocities. Tbo bishop
aud live ecclesiastics were burnod allvo
wrTlle seeking refuge In a building.
Fresh outrages havo occurred In other
parts of Asia Minor."
The BUndord'tf Constantinople cor-re-tpondeiit
' The porte is absolutely deserted by
hla ministers, who hide day nnd
night at tho palace, where confusion
reigns supreme."
A dispatch to tho Dally News from
Constantinople reports tbo arrett by
palaco officials and the subsequent
llccratlon of the chief messenger of tbo
British postoillce,who Is an Armenian,
Tho Chronicle's dlsputuh from Con
"It is reported that tho sultan sworo
ou tbo Koran tp respect Bald Purha'a
life and glvo him n large sum of money
down aud a pension of 80-5 per mouth.
"The sultan seems to bavo bad a fit
of generosity toward tboso he sus
pected, and has presented to Kiamll
Pasha a rosary worth 1000 and has
Increased bis salary to 0000 yenily. It
is tho general opinion that Said Pasna,
has aoted foollbbly, while others con
sider that bo Is playlnfl a deep game."
Mission Work Suspcndod.
New Ymiic, Dee 12. A cublcgnm
received by the Christian Herald says;
"News received from Van states that
fully 60,000 refugeu are orowdlug tho
city from 200 villages which havo been
destroyed In the province of Van. The
Turks aro greatly hampering tho rellof
work conducted by Dr. Grace Kimball
and her missionary associates. Mission
work Is neccisarlly suspended for the
present. Tho schools are closed,
"Information comes from Bltllas
that the missionaries' lives are In dan
gor and that they aro taking auy
ohanoe to escape to places of safety."
The Christian Herald telegraphed to
Clara Barton, presldonl of the Bed
Cross association at Washington, oiler.
Ing to contribute $26,000 for relief it
tbo Red Cross assumed the responsibil
ity of tho work Iu that oountry,
facile R. it. BUI.
Wasuikoton, Dee. 12. Senator
Thurston of Nebraska, today Intro
ducfld a bill for the settlement of the
Paclflo railroad debts. It provides for
tbo Bale of the government Interest In
both the Union and Central railroads
July 1 1800, to tbo highest bidder, but
there shall be no sale unlaw the bid be
at least 60 per cent of the goyerament
Interest. Tho bill is vory long and
dovoted mainly to the details of trans
fer aud tbo manner of sale. Its main
features bavo already been published.
Children Cry for
PIfoir' Custftriits
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Royal. !S?
A Revolt Reported Brewing in
Porto Rice.
Dei titration of Initopeniioncu Pre
p:trod By tho Loaders.
New Yonic. 1) o 12. A local paper
In hor struggle for Independence,
Cuba has found a powerful ally In tbo
Islaud i.f Porto lllro. According to the
latest IntellUenoo, Bpaln has now two
tusurrpcllonn on her bands, or will
havo Ifthe plana mtlurlng aro carried
out. Porto Klco has gone so far, It in
said, as to Issue a declaration of Inde
pendence, and will soou Join her sister
land In the active Btrugglo for llbeity
Ati army la being formed by tho separ
atist party of Porto Rice, aud ni soon
as tho leaders aro chosen the now cam
paign will op'iu. As In tho Venezuela
affair, tho revolutionist aro Cuban
compatriots, residing Iu this city, and
tbo adnio secrecy attended their uiovo
uiontB. At n tiiootlnjj held at tbo home
of Dr, J. Julio Hanua, business that
waa calculated to further haraw tho
Bpaulsh government was transacted.
It was thero that tho Initial steps woro
takou In this country toward a revolu
tion in Porto Kloo. If thoso plans, and
and those formed by tho lenders on tho
Island, are carried out, tho first blow
against Bp'iln wilt bo stniik In a very
short time,
It may bo but a few days before tho
peoplo of Porto Itloo, tho only Bpanlah
provlnue In tho West Indies which Is
not rnvoltlng against the mother
country will bo In arun against Spain.
Tho leaders hero claim that a vigor
ous declaration of Independence baa
neon prepared by tho leader of tto
Porto Rloan separatist party, aud that
It Is their Intention to Issue this as soon
a they fee' su that they can defan I
themselves against any action Spat l
may take.
A Porto Klcan In New York declared
thlsnuybjln oh than a week. Th
declaration of Independence was tn
pared on the Island aud at least one
copy was sent to this city for tlve
leaders to paej up an. They have given
It their approval and have bo Informed
the separatist party m Porto Itlco.
In (darting this revolution in Porto
Rice, tbo Isadora are fully cirrylojc
out the original plana of General
Joso ', Marti, tho late leader of tin
Cuban revolution, which was to flrii
get the Cuban lusurreotlou well undor
way, and thon to encourage, or rnilier
create a similar uprising In Porto It.j .
There wero to bo two Beparato revo
lutlons, the army of each of the two
provinces acting Independently n far
an possible, but necessarily In oonjano
Mou wheu a c.-hh vvai reionud, ik
enohntrlvlug f.irthe mm olJot lm
defoit of tipalu. If a victory should ho
won, It was arrangod that the sister
tslauda should form entirely soparuto
governments, the republic of Cuba nnd
tbo republto of Porto Klco.
la formulating this plan, Oeneiul
Marti consulted prominent Porto
Rlcans, who are now In tbo city, one of
whom corroborated tho abovo s'ate
ment last night. These men urn
among those who are arranging the
present proposed coup, and CutiVs
cause and Porto ltlco's cause, they say,
are ludentical.
ONCn MORB In Wmofly
v with tho world, 2000
coninlctclr cured mou aro
slugioK happy praise for
mo greatest, grand
est ana mont sue
ccraful enro for sex
ual weakness and
loitfc vigor tcnowu to
medical science. Au
account or tuisteon
tltrul dltcovtry, la
book form, with ref
erences and proofs,
will liAHAnf. in atff.
forltiff won (soalo.1) free. uU mnnly vliror
permanently restored, ifalluro Impossible.
11111)111 'W v'i7vW
Handkerchiefs I Canes
A choice selection lor the
holiday trade. Pure linen ones,
10c up. Fine lino of pearl and
lace odtfed handkerchiefs, and
ones with laco insertion.
10c to $2
Real Kid Gloves
make a satisfactory gift. Tho
now novelties ara horo. War
ranted. $L50 per pair
New Neckwear
Iu holiday fancies.
Real Congo Wood; natural
crooks, with solid silver tips.
A very acceptable gift.
$1, l,50f 2, 2,50
Silk Mufflers
Very heavy silk, 8232.
Doop hemstitched,
$1,50 each
Ellmborately embroidoned,
fino quality, Onefpair in box