1 1 I ttemr - - -"" i kmmm m aMwNiiiw SI t I II II SALiiM m received from (lie Novate French Cheese Factory of California (lie following brands of French Cheese NcufchatcL Dc Brie and Comcmbcrt, Thcgc are the latest cream cheese made, and will be rcy ccived fresh every ten days Also cream, brick and swiss J.G.WRIGHT, THE PIONB13R GROCER. PUR80NALU. im, Meeker returned today from Aurora, Prof, 7, M. 1'rtrvln cnuiodown from Albany this morning. Dt, J. A. Jttoliiudson arid A. W, Gleny worn at tho reform school today. John iluulios, tho grocer, mndou luilnc(ia visit nt Chmnnwn thin mnrn luif, Mchwj. llnkestruw, Nnrdoti and Hunter, of Chomawn, wero In the city today. O. P. Torrotl.of Mohumn, wan a Port land pagAonger on tho balem local this morning. Bupenntondont A. N. Ollbort, of 1 lie stitto penitentiary, wan a Portland visi tor today. Judgo Burnett returned from Al bany today. Judgo It. B. Bean camo down from Eugene today. E. C. Klrkpatrlok, ofDo'llas, wont to Woodburn today. Bupt. F. It. Anson, of tho Salem Consolidated Street Railway company, In visiting frlondu In Portland. Thoa. Dolan, of Multnomah couuty, a patient at tho asylum tho past year, was yesterday discharged aa curod. It, B. Cannon, who has boon at Ban Antonio, Texas, tho past year, arrived la tho city Friday to romatn for a time. E. B. Colbath returned yesterday from Philomath, where he has been awlstlng P. J. Klcpplu In repairing his (louring mill, which la ono of tho best in that ceotlon. Ralph E. Moody returned to Tort land this mornlug ufter a short visit ut tho homo of his parents In this city. Mrs. Moody and child will remain In Salem for a short visit. THE OITY PRIMARIES. No Excitement and tho City Election Monday Will bo tho Sumo. Tho Republican primaries today uro tamo allalrs. Tho olllce of alderman from each wardli not Bought ufter, and thoro Is no strlfo to speak of for tho nomination. In tho lirst ward Harness Manufac turer Ed 8, Lamport seems to havo a walkover, In tho sesoud ward Thou. Holmon and Ebor Laforo aro being voted for by their frlonds. In tho third ward Ira Erb and Chas. Simp son aro up. lu tho fourth ward Fred Lege Is running ulone, Wantkd. To exohaugo or sell, three or four acres opposite boIiooI lioubo. Will tako small payment, aud remainder In work. Inquire of J. U. MoFarlaud nt Clear Luke, six mllca north of city, or addressiBaleii), 11-Om mllca of railroad lu rails used to Thore aro 177765 tho Unltod Stated. Thoro aro 60,835,880 cover imaurouuu. Thoro aro 633,1205.000 tlea used to bind those rulla together, but uo such amount, howover, is required to bind tho hearts of tho traveling publlo to the fact that tho Wisconsin Contra! lines furnish superior faollltiee on all their trains between 8t. Paul and Chicago which form oloso connection with all linen to tho cost and Bouth. Make n nolo of It. RIVEIt NEWfl Blcnmor E'lnoro will bo up from Portland HiIh evening and will prob ably go mi tin tho river to CorvalllA. Hlcamcr Eugene will arrive up from tho mutropoliK Sunday evening and on tho return trip will leave Batcm at 0 o'clock Monday morning. The Oregon City Transportation company' popular pnrsunger boat, Altoua, will reach balem this evening. After dlocharglng Salem freight, she will proccod up tho river to Independence, whoro alio will will remain ovor Hundity. lleturulmr totialom Monday morning sho will leavo for Portland at 7: IS o'clock. No perceptible raise In the Wlllum etto irlvor han taken placu sluco tail ovonlng, although it Is thought the gaugo will Indicate a raise of several inches before Monday. It Is hoped tho river will attain a sutllclont stage to permit of navigation on the upper river by tho various boats. Tho snagboat Corvallls, which has been lying at tho boneyard in Port land since tho removal of tho rocky point near tho mouth of the Clacka mas, Is now ordored to tho upper Wil lamette Capt.Hatch will proceed to improvo tho channel by removing ail snags Insight, and will go on up the river as rapidly as the Increaso lu the depth of tho water will allow, uud muko a clenr channel as fur up as Eu gone, to that there may bo no hin drance to navigation after the water reaches a boating stage. AT THE COURT HOUSE. Tho Day'ii Proceedings in tho De partments. County Clerk Ehlen loaned bounty wurrunts today aa follews: Justin Coburn, $1.05; Henry Miller, 113c. A marriage llconeo was? Issued toduy from tho couuty clerks olllco to L. (,'. Iloclccttmul Lena Michaellr. W. F. Dugan was beforo Judgo Hub bard as administrator of tho eslalo of Wm. D. Dugan, his father, and was discharged and his bondsmeu released. L. B. Huydeu, attorney, today tiled his dual report I u tho Lavina Patty estate and there being no objections It was accepted. Dmi'i'iNa BWI5CTNE8S. Just receiv ed a Btook of uliolco sorghrum molasses lu bulk, New Orleans molasses lu bulk, lino grade of maplo syrup In bulk, also Honoy Drips. Try somo of theso when wanting molasses or ayrup, and be convinced that wo always glvo tho best quality. J. A. VanEiton. Lost. A cream colored cashmere baby's cloak, ou State street or south Commercial Htreef, Finder will greatly oblige owner by louring nt Jouunai, ollltv. 11302t Two 'liiAMiu Two of their apeolfs, rather the worst of I ho class, wero biought beforo recorder Edea this mornlug aud gave tlvo days each. Btkamkk ArvroNA Thla favorite boat has resumed her tegular trlps,loav In Salem, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7:45 a, m., for Portland uud way points. 30-St -BARGAINS- Social RoiIqu;, (tmiimri urn mWrtMti Minn wniftr, fJuruMrni wltlf M within! Mr umi iiHffltitJ rtffil iMWMnt imttUufiM mm mm in Hhmh, mui Hw tflifiilld fin( h"ii(i(Hrtli liit mltl IfcM, Tltfl ftfiwHf I nt fiffflly rilslilflfM (f Ipjilfljf rthfiiit I ft 1 1 Hi" li iiKI'lf, ilfwof (I in wiliifffliiotitf, My iUmi Ami eli'i'l IfMlnlniy Allium? U 1ww plwliitf, bill wlmti lllblt IMiifl4 IrthO HIHlll frtfilMMdflotifAoo In tlnyin livlfitf WIllKl.Mirt ttimH I ufrtiiil Tllrf ilPM (it lli MflM fldifeil In lliff licmily of im Mi,nn liicy Hti vpfy ir(iliy mail?, illMiMyliiK I'liHiip nMtiA Kul ihrfmlK, arid Hie sltlfln oftnii fliptdfmi llku wlfigi n tlid woafeM graApetl (ho fnliN Willi tlioir flflKertf nfitl Illillffcd nbotll, lititteMly llho. Many of Haiu' liniitlnoinptl glflfl nriil wotitofi look part In (ho perfor mance, nml nil Witfo noticeably good ilitricur. The gnrillotiiun iiIao prmoiilod flno npprarniico, and ilniiwd well, Tho (Uualiig of MIm HmIuii Copelaiid whs exceedingly graceful, and alio re ceived apiilauie In tho mldAt of thu daiiolugof that llgiifi', Boveral of tho tricks received nti on corn, umong thum llio mio oouiponed of four little glrlft.Nettlo lleokuor, MliiiilcSticrmun, Connie Holltiud and Lena II. rich. The eleventh trick, lu which Hinll Wagner, Mra, Hugh Thomimoii and Miahua tfihnl and i'ay Thominou II it u red, Vih notlcablo for thu grace of the purltcliiantn. tn wan aid.) tint composed of Mr, Henry Myors uud Misled (Jraca DliiAiuoor, Hortense Lew and Lju Hlrsch. Tho grote'iiue make up of tho Junks and their comlo performances provoked much mirth from both spectators and porformero, aud their skirt dance at tho clone was most laughable, an they spun around top-fashion. The game was played by Mrs. Wm, England uud Messrs Ueorgu Collins, II. il. Hollaud uud A. Klelu. It was a pleasing sight to seo Mr. Holland, whose hair la suow-whlto, wend his way so light-footed ly among th6 carda as the deck was shuflled. Tho figures of tho march tho curds wero shuttled, wero most bewildering. Everyone carried out his or her part to perfection, and every detail was wull finished. SAI-EM SOCIAL OL.UU, It Is evident that Salem la going to have a social club and from tho char acter of tho mon who aro going to join or have already Joined It will be as strong an organization as any in Port land. It will not havo ub much mouoy as somo dowu there, for the simple reason that Salem has not uo many men of easy circumstances. Portlund Ins fivo such oluba, uud ono hears nothing of the pastors tuklug them up ami bundling them without gluvts If I am uot misinformed somo of the P.irtlaud mlulstttra belong to thi-m. Governor Lord of Salem Is un honor ary member of three of I hem. If tho club wero ablo It could maintain u well equipped club house, with lunch room, billiard room, whist room uud u Indlea room, whero ladles could make appointments down town to meet oue another. There Is no more convenient place In a big city for two gentlemen from dldcreut parts of tho state to make uu nppolntmeut uud have a prl vatu chat than at a well appointed club room. The club has become u feuturo of social life in all ctlluutud an ovldouco of civilization lu ull countries Tho social instinct thut drawn mon to gether, thu underlying prlnciplo of good fellowship that binds gentlemen together far stronger than any ireo masonry, Is ut tho bottom of club life. I tuko it thero Is nothing Immoral In this. lu England tho olub U not cou llued to tbo city, but oxUtd in the towne, villages uud country. It tho Salem club can bo maintained it will prove a strong factor In tho develop ment of tho common Interests of tho city uud Ita Intluenco will ba folt even In the state. The four gcutlemou most concerned lu goltlug up tho Salem social club uro Attorney General Idle mu, F. It. Anson, A. I. Wagner, und one othor wboeo medtely forbids the use of his uime. S.ilem men never did a wiser or more wholcuomo thing than to organize a social club. armtfiM flf.rwm tfnfflfi fffifi of (tmi ftmpm mi fMi flUrif bit (fM firm Mm In cfin nf Mil an m i(if noiI fttttmm hum UillnslUM mnntiu fiirwclilnnfc (rtt IMf W, fnut nlwldil fiffiflAM M ftfllrttfn far (m niffWlfuf (li ifinwUK If. II. ViMfhlffflfl, f TMlMflMP VAiuUtimi, V, T ; Mm If II Vumfnf vnfl, dAdfi4fyiWlfl Mymriri, flurtfiPinl mtHWfi MIm I1 VauFmi, Itm iifcfjMlM VmM Minni, rilifillii J. If. Ililtniiriry, mrtfulnti; MM MnmlA Vmi Wfl, (fllflfill I'hll I'liniliiM, M i W. it, I'dilf, V, 0, T, 'I'UMd will lid IfHtfllletl iiMt i'flifay rilKht hy Ihd Imlgd ddptily, V, J, Jityniiii, Hdlmri tirtinp No, fin, Woodmen r7 f lid Wofld, flfeoUil ofllM IhaI nvefilf for (ho aiiAiilriff lefm of rl. tumtlht e (dpi Wlidfd r)(li0rwNdA(ft(dil, M follow) i I'. Toevd, coiiAtiliA. li.Vm.t,tu' vlidri A. il (Irtrdiipf, bnnhor, oiioycnfi Hcolt Jlnoflli, ttlcrk, oiidydnfi Jolm W. WpaI, fooofliF, .1. Many, wMoli man W lf, Cold, nonlryi J. M. Law folico, tiinnngflr fllglitcdil montliM, DoolofA I), if, iiitna and U, II, itoborl son Wolo recominetidcd nn phyalolatis for tho atiAUlng year. Mr. JI.orlh Iiha boon oleotod to tlm olllco of olofk since IBM, Tlf ANKflOIVINO AT AhtlANY. Prof, 7, M.Prtrvlu, formerly of Wll lametto conservatory of musio, but now musical dlreotor of tho A Ibauy college, had ohargo of tho musical program ou Thanksgiving day. Friday's Horuld contains tho following regarding ont of Balem'fl finest singers: '-Tho choir rondered two of tho most bouuilful selections rendered in Albau.i tot a long time. "Fathor Oh Hear Us,'' with solos finely sung by Miss Ellle, Mr. Luudoll, Miss Maudo Hulbertund Mrs. Wundell. The second nuthvm wan a Thanksgiving anthem, ''I'rulee to God Immortal," wrltton by Mh Alderson, now of this olty, and sung for the first time on such an accaalou. As In the first anthem the solos were sung In an attractive mauner by Mr. Dickson, Miss Alderson uud Mr. Akers." Mlas Alderson la a graduate from Wlllamottooonsjrvatory of tnu bIo under Prof, Parvlu. THANKSGIVING AT ST. l'AU.'S CIIUKGII Thankwglvlng services were conducted ut St. Paul's Episcopal chuich, Rev. Laurence Bluclulr delivering au appro prluto discourse. An offering fur tho benefit of tho Salem hospital fund war received. Besides it gonerons donation ot money, n great many Jam of fruit and a largo quantity of vegetables, as well as bed uud other linen was pledged for tho room in the hospital which the ladles of thu church Intend to endow. ANOTIIKIt 1MMJNION. At tho Moody leildeuco Thanksgiv ing day all but one son and his family assembled to apcud tho day, there bolug present Malcolm A., and Wil liam aud family, of Tho Dalles, Ralph E aud family, of Portland, und Miss Edna. Zinas A. Moody, tho ubseut son, resides in Southern Oregou, and could nut bo present. As Is usual on such occaslouo, all were happy at being together. BUltl'ItlBi: 1'AllTY. At tho homo of Mr. E.U. lrvin, Mies Iva Irvlu was delightfully surprised by a party of about thirty of hor young friends, who camo well provided with a luncheon as well as with light hearts. Tho evening was spout In merry Jest, with tho vurlutlon of recitations, muslo aud games, and everyone, surprised uud surprlsers, enjoyed themselves until n lato hour. lUm Ita' WfllltW Mti Wit, MMtfcf Mf' jtfrflt CRBAM 0AHINCi nmm iMrrtt Perfect Miu" 4u VeAM Ihd SUodtnl, Mm, J. MoTloflioy, wlio lind beef veiling her slNler, Mrit, ltnftor, of flotilli Salem, rflurneil to lief iiouin In VVnililnnlnu yrsterdnv. ftho wan no compnlned as far as Portland by her tulcs, Miss Kntlo Rafter, MIaa Ifolon crawford, of Albany, arrived In Hnleui (adny, and will remain during tho winter, taking an olocullnnary course under tho Instruc tlou of Atlas Jlrown, of Wlllnmollo tinlvorslly, Tho union mpotlug of tho Y. P. B. C. E., which was to havo boon held Bun day ovonlng Decombor l,ut tho Pres byterian oh u roll has boon postponed for one weok. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Martzall, of Colfax, Washington, paroufs of Miss Cook Martzall, aro In tho city and will ro. main indefinitely. Tho ladles of West Balom will glvo n baskot fcoclul at tho publlo hall noxt Tuesday evening. Everybody cor dially luylted. Mrs. M. J. Crelghton and daughtcis havo removed from -110 High street In tho residence of David MeCully 66" Front street. " Mrs. K. Albright returned to Ini home In Portland today, after a vUlt with her aunt, Mrs. E. C. Bmtll. MrH. Rlchurd Cartwrlght gave a pleasant theatre party ou tho first uvunlngoP'LlvIng Whist." Rev. und Mrs. Kelluwuy w-nt to Turner this mornlug. M all J ilmm Wntofr f irfs piwa MtmW ? tmnwflmt Rnnoiinooi STOOf J9m JLMm ItiCrnESBNTINU TI1& GO.) BIG FOUR INSURANCE Room 14, Bush Bank Building, Salem. Commercial Union AH.siirnnco o. liOiitlon nnd liitticuHlilrc Flro Ins, (v Liverpool Hiul Lontlon and Globe. ilarlord Firoliu, Drlnq In yout State pollclei anil have them written with litfle or no lou to yon, SPECIAL HOLLIDAY SALES have just opened my Incs. Xnui llookle Xmai lines of Fancy Uook. Poeti in all bind- eti. Amos Larui. lirge lines ol liand paintea celluloid novelties, such as rnotogrnpn i-rames. iiimnukerchler and Clove lloxts. Card Cases, Ink Standi. Hook marks, etc. Fancy Calendars for i8o6. Children's Color Itooki, Lnrge stock of celluloid, by the sheet, to make up in fancy articles. All goods low. F, S. DEARBORN, -TIIK HOOKHKIil.Hl lOn PATH 7fipalraci)lldren'iilliuvaii. 1UU i.m mure una Hoeco llnod gloves bee barguln a uuter, l?n PaTI? W palrHlaitlea'fashmeroJfr. 4uu xvixx aeynnil lalltoia gloe, tco burgulu couuter JO X AIlDjaooljouttnitKInuolH .)0 X A1D nood OluuhawJChecHs, 5o YARD oooafcUoM.tta.kM mm 5o YARD K!?aV.rfi!h,bloaol,'4,nDa e-25 PAIR JfJS w w Si EAfJH '!e."vy 1,l" PmuocI Over- 50o EACH 25c EACH 25o PAIR Men'ulioayy Biilttnir llan ucl nuil jtrxey overibuis, Kluwt line or neckwear and KUHpeuiteni In the city. Mn' lioavy wool mittens. Taeje nre(a fww of Ihb burgului vie otrer every day la the year, TheVO black sllkdreaa will bo given avny Dee, it. lluy your dress from uu. Wo have nUtbolalCttt uoveltiM. INUEl'KNDKNCK 1'AUIY ATTKMH. Afimll party from Iudeendenco, composed of Mr. uud Mrt. Thomas Fonnoll, Mrs William Patterson, Mrs. J. A. Vuu Ntaa, AIis. T. J. Leo ana Mr, and Mrs. dure Irvlue, droye over yeitoidny ovoulug, and alteudcd "Lly lug Wliiat." Tliey returned tbls mornlug. NEW LINE ADDED, WILLIS Conrt nnd Liberty. BROS. &fCO., Tlie Cash Dry Coodi, Clollilnr ami SJjcms Hoiisel Keller Sons have put in a new line of floor mattings and are ready to show attract tive patterns, All new, 120 State street. NOTKB. Tbo Mllford, Delownre, "Nowb uud Advertiser" lit published by u brotber ludaw of tbo governor of Oregon, U. L. Ilynaon. Tbo issuo of November 20, 1605, copies from tbo Mllford "Index" this Item about Governor Lord'a par outut "Mr. aud Mrs. Edward Loftl, of Cnmdeu, enjoyed tbelr Olat weddlug anniversary on Friday. They were married at Philadelphia by u Presuy teriau minister, November 10, 1834, and with tho excoptlon ot n few years at Dover, they have resided here the en tire period. For her years Mrs. Lord Is a remarkably active, br llnnt nnil healthy woman. Mr. Lord la lees fortunute,aud at times suffers severely. Both nro mombera of (he M. E.churon, with membership dating back to 1830. Mrs, Lord is yot an active member and worker ln tho Mlto society aud other kludred labors of her church, nnd is loved by all who huow her." Goyer u r Lord la uot a churchman and never asks a mail what his religious belief is. His mother was rulsed a Quakeress, Mr. and Mrs. V. JI. Moody and o'jlldreu loft this mornlug for their hime at The Dalles, having spent Thanksgiving at the parental homo of Ex-Governor and Mrs, Z. F. Moody. Mrs. Geo. JSaubort and Miss Edith Piamonden;. of Spibauo, arrived In Salem last evening, aud will bo the guests tor somo weeks of Mrs. M. A. Plamondon nud Mrs. G. 11. Irvine. Mrs, B, J, dhurpo will give a musical recital by her her olasaes ou next Wed nosday evening nt her home on Twenty-first street, between Ferry and Trade. MoDey Giueo flWay. At the Union llarcain Store with every pair of rubber loots you buy we will give you our profits which is equal to that much cash found. We have n big nock of the Wales, uoodyear, Woontockct and other good brands or rubber boots botn lu mens ana my s ioiiq and short leu; aUo ladle's and misses, All co l clow the regular wholesale price. Get prices elsewharc before you come' to us then you will be statlsfied our prices are money savers. AUvavs remember we carrv a comnlete line of shoes In ihe latest styles. Wo buy from the host Lastern shoe houses for cash and sell the same, consequently you do not have to pay $2 for a pulr of $1.50 shoes. Wc not only guarantee our shoes, but we oho guarantee our prices cheaper than the cheapest. M. J. MATSOXT. Yours for trade, 142 STAT E ST. OHUROH SERVICES TOMORROW ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all In leavening Strength. V, S. Oovtmment Report. Y. M. 0. A.-Riv. P. H Kuljjbt will address the mail's meeting at 4 p. m. A ladles trio will sing. Special orches tral music. All men nro invltod to at tend this meetlug. Ckntkai. Giiaiai,. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Prenchlug service ul 11 a, m. At 0:30 p. m. third lecture iu the courso ou "Sermons of tho Acts." Jtad Acts, 4 1-M. INUKPENOKNT EVANaKMOAL,--Oo Cottage St., near (.'enter, J. Bowersox pastor. Preaching at 10:30 and 7:30 toraTrow. Sunday School ut 12, and Christian Endeavor nt 0:30. UUMIlKHLANn PHESBVTEllIAN. Ou High street. Itev. K. J. Brannin of Portlaud, will preach at 10:30 a. m, aud 7:30 p. m. Every body Invited to como und hear a good 0. P. sermon. It will do you good. Unity. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday ocbool at 11:15. Bbv. W E. Copeland pastor. Subject ot morning sermen: "Give Us thla Day Our Dally Bread." Bublect of evening leoturo; "Who Wrote the Bible aud When Was It Written." Ciiouoit of Ojikist. On Court itreet In W. O. T. U. room. Preaching by Elder W. Kellaway, 10:30 and 7 o'clock. Morning subject, "Ye Ought to ho Teaohers." Evening subject, "Christ the Door." Bunday school Immediately ufter morning service. All Invited. Chuistian. Morning sermon at 10:30. Sunday sohool at 12 m. Junior Endeavor at 3 p. m. Y. P. B. O. E, at 0:80. Business of importance sufficient to demand the attendance of every member at the morning service will come before tho church. Evening ser mon at 7:30. Subject: "The Man of Sin-Who Is Ht?" FlRUT CoNanEQATIONAI. Rev. W. U. Kuutner, D. D., pastor. Preaching hi. iu:w n. ra. ouujeet: "A Father's Love" a sermon for fathers and sons aud duughtors. Sunday Bchool at 12 m. J. B. Tuthlll, superintendent Junior Lndeavor at 3 n. m. Y P n O. E. at 0:30 p. m. Eveulug sermon at70p:m, Subject: "No IWgbtlS Heaven." JwiiHT BaI-tim1 CiiiMicu Morning rvlfes nt 10:80. Kulject, "Curlst's Revolatlon of Ills Dlvlno Nut uro on Mount of Trausllguratlon," being the fourth of u series ou Mountain Vlolorlep. Sunday School nt 12 o'clock. Y. P. S. O. E. at 0:30. Eveulng pervlces at 7:30. Tepic: "The Young Man Leaving Home," being tho first of u series to young men. The evening offertory will bean 'In'ermujso" from "Cuval- larla Rustlciiua" "Muecogrel," by Mr. Carl Denton, All aro cordiully Invited to these serviced. JOHN HUGHES. Dealer lu Groceries, Paints,! Oils, WimlowJGIii8s,VarnMitt! aud tho most complete stock id ISruslies of all Klmls In tbi State. Artists' Materlnls.Lliw, Hair, Cement and SliinglcsB Ilncst qiiiilltv of tilMSSSKEH Married. JONE8-BArtENDBEGT. At the residence of tho bride's parenlH In Portland, Thanksgiving day, Miss ivy J. Hareudregtto Mr. Bruce A. Jones. Bev. J. Boworsox, olUelatlug. The bride is ;a daughter of Henry Bareudregt, well known In Salem whero he lived, several years (Barn drluk.) Tho groom Is h resident of Brooks, Died. COLBATH. Iu Los Angeles, Call fornla, Nov. 20, 1805, H. M. Colbath, brother of E. 8. Colbath, of this city of heart disease. RECEIVERS NOTICE. Notice to Policy Hold ers of State Insur ance Company, Favorable arrangements have beon mado with tho Firoraea'i Fund Insurance Curapany (ot tho substitution of policies of tho State Insuranco Compioy without loss to tho assured Beforo cancelling your policies call on agonts of tlio Fir men's Fund Insurance Co. EDMOND 0. GTLTNEB, RECEIVE!!. Police Court. Recorder Edes today sentenced two hobos to the city Jail for uve dais mm. These are the first men of that occupa- " wiui wuom llecordor Edes has bad to deal with for a month. A good recora. When Baby was sjclc, we gavo her Castorla. . When she was a Child, sho cried for Castorla. When she became Miss, she rlung to CastorU, Wfcea the hJ ChtWrca, he eve them OwtorK STATE INSURANCE CO. J For cancellation oi policies of State Insur ance Co,f and substi', tution of Firemen's Fund oolicies call oa JOHN WRIGHT, or office of State Insuf', ance Co Nebraska Sorgham. 100 Court street. UVER1NE For Indigestion, liver aud Lunn A Brooke drug store kidneys, tf J, H, HAAS, WATOIlUAUEn AND JDVEIEB. SI Ikes a ipcolalty ol F.n IHpalf V 'Jl 1 iiomoft cluckn, etc, ai8 wrannre - Fflft SAI F A twelve acre pruno orchard, w"''.'.! Incs and lniprovemnls. o ko' "Aii un mile iroin rnllrona iiaiion. u'vtij Uertha llebe. Blem. Oresoa. "2L mAKKV UP- A ?ed and whlt J'If!j I b.ilar.nt llnrnlnralllA. Owner COO I " l "WAWPIWP'W' -. nr.n.ntU. isvoi a i '- .VH.V.-4 smjn4timtoiT')-!J' 'fc- tjS -fcL -. '.