Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 30, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 5

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if ip n1 jfi am , nrrfi fr 1 1 ii I i mm I II
S(JJt". Ttrhemrtin L"jri '
rin i k- livnaa r
) V'
lludrsn curn
... . vn I till n,
ond develop t
n'iu restore
wenk organs.
''ns In the
bnk. Jomci
by day oi
qu'McIr. Over 2,000 private endorsement.
I'roinaturcn'v menus lmnotoney ,n llio first
tiitteo. It I a yinptom ofnInrii wcakncfS
and bnrrcnnrai. it can bo stopped In 0 ilaya
ly inu' tuur uuuyiui.
Tlioi ur discovery wni rnsdi by thoSncelnl
iMofthuoM fumtiim Hudson Medical Institute.
Jt Is liio (troiiROdt Tltallror lufldo. It Is very
powerful, but Jminili m. Fold for 81.00 a psck
nconrO packngrs for S3.C0(plalnBOlcd boxes),
Written Rtiaruntco Rive.i.nTftCuro. Ifyoubuy
clx boxes ari'l nro rut cntlrly cured, six ffloto
r HI bu f it to yrni f-. o of nil charge.
3onIfir e,lraj'r.runrt tettlmnnlnla. A (VI ret
function Stoelcion, Itrurkot A: KllUStt
Sun 1'ruuclnco. Citl.
Schenectady, :.Y,
i ror ri.n
rtrwV wllle. flnt
llllt H ia U UUII IHjIfOllOU
romejy fur Uonorrhcca,
(limit. Snnrmfi torrtirua.
Wlilti'fl. iirin&tiirftl illi-
cliargin, or nnr InlUmnifi
i ion, irriiaiiuii ur uicera
tlon uf in u en til nirin
iTHtEvNSCHtMlBlCo. tratif.. Kon-ii.trlngeut.
or ,nt in (iiuiii wrnpjyr.
nr .ir n, rrfpuiu, tur
,00, ur 3 bottlrrf. J.75.
mi miural
V A ftECBfllM
tur BnomiBun
Buperb, Strictly "Tp Tomato" Designs
IUiutratlous mid roJlilon Notes.
Kcllablo, Bright nntl Cleau.
A year's euI3ci lotion
Only 50 Conts,
Including, free, your cliolco of any ono
ot tbo
Cele'uralcJ HcGall Gazar Patterns,
nd all patterns to lutscrlUcrs for
Only 10 or IS Cents.
This beautiful paper free ono year to
any person paying $1.60 In advance for
toe Daily Jouknai. ty mall bIx
months or for a longer period,
nOFER BROS., Editors.
t Cf
r ' t i BffiB'Hif Conitlrotlmi,
o i. At aiW Falling Hen-
I KR'J&lk .Strengthens,
'" i i "f firafTSH?- liiylROrntos
) i!o and PiWjWRfil and tones tho
it r. ii. B4KuUKrJ.H ftitlrniivitnii.
Huif.n U wSftlfliJEfCfl
r.i y ver-n ftsi fjpRil
w (i, BliKiuHOi orro
ProiMiiirr'is iMWm&n
or mo din' Jiffjlfliii.
diargoJnai bWlt, $Oa
days, fur 3 firutllH.jUn S
kww not w niKiun.
lVPritbli canltEloa.
Hrcikv vf . ires' S
wra )Rg R'MAniflini a
best, m Oregon..
'""' f MunnniiWMinit
1 7
ftwmr (ftmh iimmrj 3f (lid
tib jtiw win tiu iignr.
'ITin tV.ifffi,8fler SlniiM flfltfl
ttimgftl rmilw tfrtpifir.',
Itumo Umni, , flDi flm two
it(fw Until nji for ififl Hrtinn with )
I'nffMl, (if I'ujtlnful, An UuUc, Toffell
of lint fnU ha tehtfotm H. MflAIIIrt'
I rv f lhlHllyn(t liiiMiiinii, Tlio (T,
of 0.pflllfMl (lid Mflkrfrrtinl hciiI Ilia
plltln flying dovfi Intvnnl VVIIIni
olto'n tfonl, 'i'lio fluhl waa IIipii oil In
feat rnrnrol, and every Inoli of tlio
Kfolind wan ftliiliboriily conlmteit. Tlio
two cloyoim atifACtl tmoU nml forth
aoroM tlio flold) but tlin Imllwnnon
Wlllarnetlo'R Rfdiuid mont of tlio tlnw,
rtnd (he U. of 0, Mif)wIr" ttopt up a
nontltitinl uproar im liy ono Miccmftil
play aflor another, tlio homo tuim
forced tho plk'n throUKh Wlllnm
otto's lino and on toward tlio goal,
Tho rcauli of tho fiame wnn derided In
tho iiiIihIh of tho RpotrtorH, noon after
tho heKlnnliiK of tlio first half. Tho U.
of O.'a soon proved themselves to bo
tho superior team. WHIamotlo waa
wnak In I ho con tor nud tho U. of O.'a
would continually smash throuxh at
that point. Hovornl llinos they had
tho ball well down toward Willam
ette's goal when tho latter would
obtain It and by a successful punt Bend
It back Into tho flold. Tho U. of O.'a
would thon by n series of center nud
end plays, work It back toward WII
lamotto's goal. About tbo mlddlo of
tho first half P. Templeton, U. of O.'a
right half, secured tho bnll and scored
a touchdown. H. Templeton, full
buck, kicked a goul, scoring six points
for tho homo team. On the second
klckofl tho team? ultoruatcd back and
forth across the Held, nolthor team
being able to ialu much aud when
tlaio was called tho ball wub n short
distance down In tho U. of O.'s field.
In tho beginning of tho second half
the U. of O.'s forced tho ball well
down Into Wlllamettes Hold and kept
It thoro most ot tho time Tho latter
bravely contested ovory luoh of tho
ground and would occasionally gain
buck sonio of the ground they hud lost
by asuccestful punt. Savage, Will
amette'fl left half, made somo good
runs and saved tlio team from a worso
defeat, But Bhattuck, tho big loft
guard, Coleman, Edmunson and
Templeton wero too much for tho
visitors and thoy hud to succumb to
defeat. Toward tho latter part of tho
last half tho U. of O's. had tho ball
witlilu two yards of Willamette's goal
lino, when they lost it on a down. A
technicality nroeo and tho decision
was given iu favor of Willamette, thus
causing tho home team to loso a touch
down which they had fairly won. The
Wlllamettes wero uow becoming des
perate, and tho U of O's wero consider
ubly disgusted with tho decision which
lost to them a touchdown and contin
ued tho gamo with less spirit. Will
ametto strained every nerve and grud
ually forced the ball back by a Bonos of
excellent plays to the center of tho
Held,. but could not score, and wheu
tho tlmo was called tbo final score
stood 0 to 0 iu favor of tho homo team.
Tho two"teaniB lined up as follews:
t at mnrai
V. OV O. J'OSISION. w. u.
Colemnn 1. o. dinger
Praether 1. t. B Bavago
Bhattuck 1. g. Truett
Gslleland o. Webb
Edmundson r. g. Williams
Bonuey r. t. Maoy
Travis r. e. Gulaa
- -
C.V "Jt".." .? .,'.:. JTi .Vnnl.l Bend at
Ylun oi !-" ......- --,-, x lioolt
full manly yleor
la easily, quick y
and permanently
restored. No man
weikne5$ can af.
ford to Ignore tuli
tlmoly advloe.
Boot tolls, now
ifull BtreDKtb, do-
velopment and tonoaro imparted loe.r.
TfmpfofrTfl f
I. (i
t, rr,
t i,
'ftr HflNfffrllr (nt ffjri WifWiilK?
m Jt ma, W ftfnfhr.W, flul.
flMlT r M0llTf8 Nfltl J, BliffMi
Thftfl. if ffrafia dun WMHUts.
fkarn, mmmn, mm, mmuV.(JM firw Wlofno ftif f ml
Tfrn flTrm Imft Any lhf wefifd
ftrtff v?oif ff lfi flaftf liid l(nn dr7.
ne? (mat urn r nt wimt did ifif-
tti7f Iwyn vnfiftd,
Mifk gnftgp, of (li WIIUifiMlM U k
tf fflnl fflflfMf plnynf, if WM6hN(f
mny Hhip hy Ilia WiRarifl oplo hf
In funny t)eUii ilnyM. And we
Hllgllt tttMtk flhl hsfo that tin U not
liMcd Willi a fiinM of half thai In ux
po-d (o lio lieCCMary ofA (Ifnt-QlAM
plnynf, f n fool Ills glnMjr hrml WAd
litkon tiintiy IIiiim for ilia trfflAklii,
A MVMI.Y dKl.flMIIA'i'lON,
About 1 o'olook In tlio ftVoiilii Wil
lamette street preiioiited a llvlyar
pen ran ce, Iniiidrpdn of Udles and gn
tlemoii and ohlldroii marching through
tlio name. A drum corps was formed
and n large number of others foil In
line wllh bll", horim and everything
that would tend to ninko h riolso. Tho
din was terrible.
Kvory tevr yards they would giro
their now yell:
We made six,
They madn uono.
Wo can do It again,
By gum I
Ituli I rah I rah I Oregon I
Tho Willamette's wero also out In
full force. Thoy gavo tliolr college yell
and also the follewing: "What's tho
matter with Palgt? He's all rlghtl"
'What's tho matter with ths bath?
Its all rlghtl" What's ths matter with
Eugene? She's all rlghtl"
Then they gave tho refrain to the
above yell:
They mado six,
Wo mado none.
Thoy cun't do it again,
By sum.
Rah! rah! rabl Willamette.
The Salem boys took their defeat In
an excellent mannor.
The (Salotu team Uft for home on tho
morning's local train, a largo number
ot Btudents being present to seo them
o(T. Tho U. of O. boys gavo three
cheers for tbo Wllluraettea with a will
aud tho sarno was returnod by tho vis
itors. NOTKS.
It W9s not a waiting gamo.
The mud was deep and sticky.
Vory little mouey wob wagered en
the gamo.
Judge Bean and Secretary Klucald
witnessed tho gamo and howled for tho
U. of O. boys,
Muoh credit Is due Coach Benson for
the oxcellont manner In whloh ho
trained tho U. Of O. boy.
Tho fair sex nttended tho football
gamo In goodly numbots, to oheer the
boys on to victory by their presence
aud applatuo.
Eugene Jeurnal: This was the
championship came of tho season And
Eugene may well be proud to know
that her boys nro winners of tho many
hard fought battles this season. From
tho very first our boys started tho con
testing team backwards aud In a ahoit
tlmo mado their touohdown then suc
cessfully kicked their goal, making
their 0 points on the first half. On the
second half tho Balem team put forth a
muoh better gamo und with hard play
Ing on both sides, neither sido were
able to make a score.
The gamo was a very civil ono nud
the boys deserve much credit. This
game was well managed considering
tbo rainy weather and muddy ground
and other difficulties the team under
went. Hood's is Wonderful.
No less than wonderful aro tho cures
accomplished by Hood's Barsaparlila,
even after other preparations and phy
siciauB' prescriptions havo fulled. Ths
reason, however, is simple. When tho
blood Is onrlobed aud purlfl'd disease
disappears and good health reiurne,
and Hood'H Barsaparlila Is the ono true
blood purifier.
Hood's lMlla aro prompt and efllclent
and do not jurge, ininorgriro 16o.
--i, 4 .)( tutitl
rTake No Substitute..
f Gail Borden
Eagle Brand
IrMn v "1 --- iiu-u.
I Its ilwiytitood CTRST in h J,lmi' I
tlon of th Amrkn l'opl. No othr l
L"lustMgooa. ci uuaav vvu.
H . . MIMrt -M .f -
Moat K0mfknl'6 fltrnisdy Iff
(fur Wfiflij,
Wnmrrir i,r.H,
Onrea SSflbM by i'alno'fi Cal
rj?y QDrapound.
W(int J8ateii)fi1a lledofifali Jltiw
I'rov.od by Suocobs Wlioro All
Kko I fun lulled,
Thure Ia ono truo opoolno for dla-rs
atl'liig front A deblllated nervous as
tent, and that Is tho I'alno's colsry
ooitipound so generally preorlldd by
phyftlolntis. It Is probably the most
remnrkablo remedy that the solontlllo
resoarob of thin country has produced,
Prof. Edward Ifl.
l'helpa, M. l),,hlj.
I),, of Dartmouth,
college, first pro
earlbcd what Is now
known the world
over as Palue's cel
ery compound, a
positive cur for
dyspopila, bilious
ness, llyor com.
plaint, nsuralgla,
celery compound has succeeded again
and Again where evorytblng else has
Washington correspondents havo re
cently given it a great deal of attention
sluco the most wonderful cure effected
In the caso of Commodore Howell.
Tho medical Journals of tbo country
have given more space in the lost fow
years to tho many romarkablo cases
wbero the uso of Pal no's celery com
pound has mado people well than fo
any other ono subject.
Mrs. Alton And daughter EdnA re
turned from Portland Saturday evon
Ing. Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Hadloy und son
Strauen visited McMlnnvlllo friends
Misses Wallace and Flsunurn are
spending a few days at Dayton with
Mltsa Kate Glenn.
II. Cooper, 0. Stanley, W. G. Has
tings and A. M. Hosklns went to the
metropolis last Thursday.
Perry Bindley, ot Portland, spent
Sunday In Newberg. Wo aro looking
forward to tho tlmo whon ho will pos
sibly come up hero to stay.
Misses Ella Maoy and Bertn Kirk,
Mrs. Nelllo Jones and Mrs. L, M. Dun
can, W. J. Btuter, C. A. Butt and Bam
Cunningham wont to Portland batur
tiny. Friday's passengers for Portland
wore Mr. aud Mrs. T. B. Cummlngs
and sou Tommy, Mrs. 0. B. Frlssell,
Elmer Bowman, C. E. Bmlth, Ilenrv
Austin and Fred Miller.
Henry Blaok and family nro visiting
relatives iu Linn couuty.
The Preebyterlan ladiea havo reason
to fool proud ovor the almost ffiO they
mado at their chrysanthemum fair. It
was a success In all respects. Tho
prizes for best collections of chrysan
themums wero awarded to Mrs, D.
Cooper und Mrs. E. L. Delashmutt.
Mrs. Ora Cosper had the finest speci
men and Mrs. Pink Biggs the prettiest
design in flowers. Tho contributors of
flowers wero Mrs. Bell, Mrs Bolt, Ma
Daly, Mrs. Stiles, Mrs. Hill, Mrs.
Wells, Mrs. Wash, Mrs. Blddle, Mn.
Dunn, Mrs. Hart, Mrs. Ellis, Mrs.
Boats, Mrs. Stump, Mrs. Chapman,
Mrs. Elkins, Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Brown,
Mrs, Burns, Mrs, Magruder, Mrs. 0.
W- Bmlth, Mrs. Joues, Mrs, J. O,
Btaats, Mies Nelllo Howo, and Mlsa
Jesalo Wlsemau.
Four ohlldroii of Mrs. 11. B. Laugh
lln have been 111 of scarlet fever.
P. vV. Morgan and daughter were at
McMtnuvillo Saturday.
P. H. Meesner has had u visit from
C. W. Meesner of Southern Oregon.
John Gerald Is happy over a third
Bon, who Is vouohed for by Editor
Clark as "not a Populist."
A. D, Bunnels, Justice or the peace,
had eievon cases before him in Novem
J. A. Buohauau advertises "Insur
ance by the People and for tho People."
Road Supervisor Blackburn asks
"the geutieuiau who borrowed tho
sledge hammers to return them."
Frank Eiteigcorge has taken a posi
tion as book keeper Iu a sawmill at
Bridal Veil.
The Record conducts an able editor
ial png.',
Children Cry, for
Pltchtr' Caftorla.
jflff4 , ftumwu t( Hnmii
mmt Willi MfttfVw iWft
Mfrlllll, Wild dffd fit
riafifl! MM W
4k m (.miM fiflfi! Mini.
ThtM WM ft (IM (OK Mfyhtt At III
I'NlilrflAfl ohlifnfl TlHlfrdA At II
effT6M a, til,
'Flirt IndlH of (tiff Ma(IimH( And JIa
lUi ehllftfllM rinff dl'HIAf A( tin
MMonfti IikII,
'Mio fnifoiiK bt Hit 'I'offief cnlmol
dlAtflot hint HAtfffdAy nd by n dollf a
6(0 AffAd iu ftonliiiilrt IIia aoIiwjI Alld
Ui r(tyldo for Hie miiia of tho 4hik
by volltig a (Ait At ili fcgiilAf Hireling
In MAfolt. lly thM niNiiA (lid Aaliool
will bu ahlfl Ui run tho wholo ycf,
Tho IHflfnfy fooleiy of the Kpwoilh
fAftUo fild a tofy luierfflllilif iticol.
lug HAlufdny evening.
OijtU filglitAf la AecrelAry of Hut
Win. Jl Alllftoti Jtepublloan club.
Work Ia rapidly progfMsltig on It.
tf.WllllnirtV new Iioiiro at Went Marsh
Married, NoVoniber 21, by Uor.
(ieorgo Ulllfspie, F. If, Lookwood to
MIm Annie ltlotter,
Married. November 13, by ltov,
EMiJorn, Victor Rtidiias to Mrs.
Bertha Nystrom,
At tho cltlr.sns' meeting tho follow
Ing woro nominated for town trustees,
at the election to bo hold noat Tues
day! A, W. Noat, John BlomUlst,
John Bnydoj, 1J. (J. Mralnard, W. B.
Curtl, Rlohard Walter, J.N. Ne!ou,
Martin Hallorad, P.S. Weaver,Thoma
Howard, P- L. Pholan. For recorder,
W. U. B. Hyde und J. It. Llgtitner.
For marshal, Chas. Bradbury and
Frank Elrod.
Mrs. Captain J. Parker Is steadily
J. H. Boguo has Bev, F. M. Bander-
lln employed transforming tho Insldo
of his houso.
Peter Logglo is makhig a myrtle
wood mantle for a flno realdenco at
C. Lowo has moved Into his new
quarters alougslJo Dyer & Bon's con
croto building. Messrs. DaulolBon and
Laugbond did n good ob on tho build
Ing, and Edward Booson has finished
oil tho Insldo with a first claw Job of
hard-finish plastering,
J, H, Hodgklu, principal; J. H.
Barklow, intermediate and Miss Eu
lalee Tyrro), primary, are the persons
comprising the Reaching fores of our
publlo schools that opened Monday
Tho Woolon Mills Co. paid out over
(1,400 to their employes as wages this
Afvln Munck ns has had Thomas
Holland and E. A. Bean at work dur
ing tho last few days putting In a foun
datlon for a new building.
The Structure Was Very Rotten and
a Tree Struck It.
Special to Tub Joohnau
Mehama, Nov. 80. A tree broke
and fell on tho bridgo at this place and
carried down the span on Linn county
aide. It Is claimed that the wind,
which was very strong, blew it down.
Tho span Is 110 feet long, combl"
natlon.of iron and wood, built In 1887.
Tho timbers nro very rotten and tho
span stauding is in bad condition.
A Bank
A general banking1 business is done by
the human system, because the blood de
posits in its vaults whatever wealth we may
iain front day to day. This wealth is laid
draw upon In the hour of ourgreatest need,
e is
danorer in trettltiorthln. because it's
a aigu of letting down in health, To gain
g down in bealtu, Togi
rlv alwavs to train in tvhc
in blood is nearly always to gain in whole.
some flesh. Tho odd are iu favor of the
germs of consumption, grip, or pneumonia,
if our liver bo iuactlve aud our blood Iru-
fiure. or It our uesii be reduced below a
eallhy stamlartt. What is required is au
ncrcase in our germ-fighting ilrtpgth. Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery enriches
the blood and makes It wholesome, stops
the waste of tissue aud at the same time
builds tin the strength. A medicine which
will rid the blood of Its nolsons. cleanse und
Invigorate the great organs of the body,
vital lie the system, thrill the wholo being
wnu new energy anu watte permanent work
of it. is surely a rcmedvof ereat value. But
when we make a positive statement that oS
ereenr. otait cases ot consumption can, if
ken in tbo early stages of the disease, be
cured wltlt tbe "Discovery," it seemsllke
a bold assertion. All Dr. Plerco asks is that
Discovery," it seemsllke
you make a thorough investigation and
satisfy yourself of the truth af his assertion.
By sending to the World's Dispensary Med-
leal Association, nuffalo, N, V,.you can get
a freo hook with the names, addresses and
uhototrranhs of a lanre number of those
cured of throat, bronchial and lung diseases,
as well as of skin aud scrofulous affections
by the "Golden Medical Discovery." They
also publish a book of 160 pages, being a
medical treatise on consumption, brouclims
asthma, catarrh, which will be mailed, on
Kceipioraaaresaamiiti- cents, ju swum,
for lhfht
tttlllld of AffirH. tiorwlt
ilid, flojfrt ,ltft otsf nfmrttJlirUJijifmU.OMUt!hM
tjUmUUh. Ji will nv tltelf M,.ItliiJgtfcMJwM
flilhV tnAMnj
atfrlA tiirors Wftfrrt
Cawtnrlft inllryevTlliftin
Oa(orlA tirevonia vomltlnrc Hotn Oitrtf '
C(otla otiri PUrf limn wttd Wlt Ootlf i
Cftttorlr. rulloves Tewtlilrirt TrmiTle
Oatorli onren OontlpaUort nmt riixtnUnoy.
Qattorf't HAn tr itl ( tlia tstttsni of carHiowlo wolil g or ytiitfintm iej
Oawtorlw &oa Mot oowtitln rnorpbfnwf oy iim( or ak nnronita ftfrffi
Owtorla Almllate tlm food, rgHlti tltw stowtwok im4 wU,
Klylwg lifUtl-y And natwrn.1 nlnap.
CitoHt In pat wp fw omi--) liottloa H N not utAA fat VuMt.
Pen't allow awy own to null yow attytklHa; alaw om ikm ! mr yrsmtmt
kat It 1 "Jwt an Rooil" ftwil "will rnwrw tirrtrr ynrw.
If. tkut yo p-ot O-A-I'T-O-R-I-A.
Tka ftto-iilmHo
algwatHro of
Children Cry for
of tbe Willamette University.
TpMortern methods. Op to date. Bnmn ns tn
None but the boat Is good enough for beginners
Hehool In continuous toulu. ntndcnts may enter nt any time. It
will pay thorns who oxpect to prepare for somo bunlnesi pursuit to attend a
business col If so whern a systematic oourao or builness training may be had
und trained teachers lor this particular line of work Instruct. Tho Capital
Business Collego onors five ceurses:
Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship and English.
-This Is positively tho only-
builncn college In Oregon mint: the
Hess nrncllco.
UutKif-town students
In private family nt U a woolc
giving full Information relative to
Only good horsoB used. Satisfaction guarantood.
back nt otnto
All grades and dimensions of Buldlng Lumber. Largest stock aud Lowest
prhww. J, E. RAKER. Manager.
The Willamette Hotel.
Reduced rutea, Management liberal. Eioctrlo earn leave hbtelToFall it
lio bulldlugs and points of intorest. Hpecial rates will bo given to nermact4
GBEtfnii "
NgiThe Shortest
Pacific Coast Points,
Crosses both tbsXUsutdes and the Itoekv
Grandest Scenery in America !
Two trains dally from Portland; one at 11 a. in. via Boattlo, and one at 8: '. m. via O. R
ftK.andHpokune. Kuns suiwrW equipment, con Ullnn nrdlnln O4rsbiiltot library cam,
nalaotand unhalstered tourist sleeoliiL' cars Tho btillut lltirjrv (iirunrn murvnln of ei'truHea
and comfort, oontnlnlnir butlt roonn, barber shop, easy uliulrs, eto. Tho magQlflcent twin
to iimlilps "Northwenl" nud "KortUlimd," leave liiilulli overy Monday and Friday lor tit
"Hoo," Mnokluiio lland, Uetrolt, llloveleud aud llull'alo In ooiinonllnn with tha QroAt North
ernlbillwsy Hive vnurtloktttH road via. tha N'HtrilKitN STKAJUllll' iirMtANY.nnil u.
Joy a deltghtlul ride free from tho heat und
lt.,0. BTKVBNB,0 W.l'. A.
m Vvn, st., Boattle, Vfa, It,
mul OhUdrtn,
rtf (w tenk ftf H Mt&.immt
la aw arary
4C XMi
Pitcher's Castor!.
tho rantcrn and Unropcnn (Vmnorvatorloi
as well us i ir more kdva cod pupils.
It. A. 'll EtltTAU B, Vocnl Director. '
KM1L U WINKLkn.InstnimenUltDlreetor.
t t Tf 1 Ui I .tJ V lMal.l.Ml
Intercommunication system ot bnsl-
mny seoure board and furnished room
1X , $7-.
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oour - es of study, rates of tuition, elo,
lnaurnnco hlock:.
and Quickest Line
Paul and the East:
Mountains In daylight,; aQordlng passengers ths
uust, for tickets or geueral Information call on
sw commrroial btrbbt,
A. U, C. DKNNWrON, O.P. T, A
123fMrd it., rortlaud, Vf