;,j ., HMMl ?a f' '" ' THKBEST PIPE TOBACCQ A. Wt jr ... i,1iii.Li..rv'1vi ' jir.!:Mn " ' -JiJz2?wl 'fflS ry i r vft 'ft COlHjpfttloll, rmilnie Ron. tionr.,Henr OlMtTlliollIUlt of tlv, eyi i ri'l o tn 01 HtrenstLrn. InvlnoulM ami tone die it'iroryttrm union iijrci j i I it t y TTOIUi MH, 'UlLslrtis si)'llceiopi mid rmt'jn. ivi-i b i if tr '' "Jin Jn Hit tXtvl, ItUtCJ ty day ot lift out'ilr. Over 2 000 prl rnla enrto'sementi. i -nmaturen .1 imai! iint.otciii .a tliu lint ib ' It Ii a lymp'om of r nit ml veium-aa ami uiwmu i. It can bo s.oppcd In 10 days ryt .ior,iU'',Jan. 'f. ew ill ovctyvaH ramlo by thoBnrolal U'.ho. HionM fi.iiintuHiidson Msdlcal tnstltulo. Hit D.o eti'.n;ut vl'aiizer luftdo. It Is very powrif ll, lint ha nliwi. told for 81.00 a puck am r(5 ji)lHf;i'8 for S5.C0 (loin scaled loxo). Wri'Vu riuMiitro fivoii.rTRCuro. If yotibuy (xiiiv n.n J a.o i ot en 11 fly cured, bIx moio r'l i'i -tit to Timf- oofnilcl-nrpcu. 3ilfu tiri'u'CTiunil tPfctlinntilnlii. AiVircss HCOKON MKIUOAl. INBTlXUTi:, filucUouStoclUoi.,JV..rKot.!.KIII..Ht Hun lrunoUto. Cul. 3ooct Builder endfot 3tcrli.il pu) tibial Dr. WILUAHS' HEDICINE CO.. 5f Tl Sclicnectaily, Tf.Y. liif I'l 5l UnwUvllIf nut J .j.yx'tbltll ruraeily f.r (io'norrl loll. 6dj..q WMtM, uiiimtjiral uiiorrlia a 11 w ft. ill.: Ouirtnul i cimrgw, ,tir nny InUtininft I'rtntli .oalijlon. tl'.n "f murou liirin- n.i ii m .tun. uou. iiriiaii'.ii ur uicrin- irnn mm aiirincrui Ail I - y JlriluuUtls or i" i ' i i I'luln wrnjTrr, jl.ljO lir 'vtt i,- pri'pmu, lot i iiiiiim, 4 ?a. aMMIO THE QUEEN OF FASHION: no .ittf.ti pn?n re TlfC rttv Buperb, Btrlctl7 "UpTollate" Dwljus lllustrut:i:u r.-j(l Iral.Ioa olC3. EcltnMo, litlslA nvA Clcau. A ycar'a tuborl..t,.oa Only TjO Conts, Ucludtor. ta y-r tUctco of nny ono ot tlu CeleSraiiJ L'sOaU Dazar Patterns, nd all t a' t .-s.3 to Hlcrlbcr3 for Only 10 or 15 Conts. Thin beautiful paper free ono' year lo any person payinsr $1.50 In adyanco for tho Daily Jouiinai. by mall six mouths or for u longer ptilod. nOFEU IH109., Editors. B yTT. mrr&oxM, tr.PIUJ-i.fl.l.-.) wu k r iiiaaiiiii iUfBuri CHEAPEST. SALEM. i tmm't""""'""''!CJuK2LJOC3tH. f?SV-rmP 4 5j v . $t i r.m t tf.a ruHSKSaf 1 1 . .if EmatSJKI i ) j E-4RWE-B1 pmmhi i ..a 1 1 WHA JtWl r i i - i ' ' " ' 51 BMIIOOD sm'WBk immWm 'ftiaaBi 4Bmr y3&tt&iGrZl)&-3:it 3S0$SS&g . "rj'ZYto T . JK4jUI1ftVL.1.1 fvoit. '?' MV FinA'iutvMCiituiriira V5?Ac'ii5iiiiti,o EKJgJ rstt9 l""MI""""""rf "Miniiiiifiri,miiirtiiiijjiuiii H (imWAWA HUHOOfi. AildllloMAl lifffriAll0fl OondfifftlfKf 'inn tmtmum n k mm wont. ft Mnfif (ii im dfHiflMrt in Hin lit.fufM Mffrf Al IflW ffrftJfl MfrfHil ffHM l-f OllHflWl Ifl IflP IflrWntlWffly Hf (lll Nfincr, A. (I. Ilfiniff, wim m n KmiihI ffiflful nf HfTtfsrvtinf Uh if-wv lUUnlttw Hfirfilnt fitni In Hint i(wIIm! MVlfflfff I. (Ml, (dtihl; ifnf fy riKKijjn In pf f ftr cm fum'd ofii Uv U it immiBf, aihI mit a rtfllllf, J4 KWfly IlliftW ll.lt UfAl ihlMftlimll fifiiiliiKiintl inl iimny liid liliilKlnlii, liui Irrtvlftff n "ffuft" with lUkewlfitw lin WAMWifp In liM hh. Hon. Hit tvtnii ma (n Km mlnni Kiifildifl nnv tiny lnil wliitflriHiil plowed tiiitll I lift wlulff itiilnim, not kliowln wlintllmy Miirn, aim! In tlio nifln wlmii the lickim anno up, m U iinltiful tiipy Hiflinl iliulr leu veil In llm unfuw of Hi( jfoiiii(l, very tniiuti In llm mir print) of Mr. 1 ftitMor wlioBiilinilllfd llm emo to Hilporvlnor lttkuslritw ' for hit ml vice, wliluli iffiiUcd In tlio ilnvlnloii (lirillho Jmllnti liiiyfl lind not plniitdd tlioin deep himikIi, nnd (lint t hoy would lio iilmittd dorpvr next time. TliU Mid ninny other nuali oa'tirreiicca nra vciiulnd fur by re)'iiilljlo nut ploycK. Tlio following Ih a copy of Mr. Habit atraw'H Icltor ot rccoiiiiiioiiditlliiii of (lilit inlnter-furiiiBr. r'AI.HM Inkian fonooi,, l I'llKMAWA, Of, NOV. 1, 18ltt Hon CdiiiiiiliHloncr ofltidlnti AOnIri", Wiuti Injjton, I). (.: Bin: I liuv'u llio honor lo unbuilt herewith a dctcrlpllvu MnU'ineiit of tlio ivtuporHry riomllintioii of Albert (J. Hunter, uh farmer fur one uioiilh or no duye, In tlio abnonoo of Iluben O. IIuhbuII, on account of olckncfis, ttubjoct to your npprovul. As tlio furm work l well In hand nt prt-cont, und ns Mr. Hunter, who hnu been Rupurlutoudlurr tlio intlnllng on tlio bulldlnuo, ugretp uIho todlrect tlio boys In their palutlui; und loolc after tlio farm, for (IiIh uhort tlmu both can bocontluucd under hit HupitrvlBlon, Very renptctfully, (SlRUCd) C'lIAHM' D. ItAICRSTHAW, dupui visor of Indian Hchoola In churgc. 'Jhu l.txt doctiuient Ih u copy u dcoiurullou of Mr. Hunter nu&id lug his ltnovvletlno of ogrlculttuo. Ho la tiuly u compttonl? pfreon lo no cutnihted to the rnUlug of crops HUlllolont to supply from 100 to 125 personB for n yer, March C, 1803. Mr, Hunter (fitrmer) anys: I bejjttu fHiniluR whon 7 yearn old, ubout,oud worked on the farm uutll I wont Into the army nt tlio ago of l yonrs. This wna in Missouri. Wo raUod corn, nunr cano and oyorythloi; oIbo raised on a rami. Question Did you do any work nflor that ? Answer-After tho war I worktd my father's furm ono ycur. Later I worked fur Mr. Oilman, of Nebraska City, a frloudon Mr. rakFstraw'n ubout u year. That was In 1600 or 1870. I also funned In Colorado and under Btuud IrrlKHtlnf. That was In 1875 or 1870. Tho next furmluK 1 did was for my brothcr-lii'lnw In Eastern Wash Inctou llva or six years ago. I wua visiting him and helped hlui tend his cropuud then run a hoader wagon. Queallon Havu you over done nuy farming west of tho Cascado moun tains ? Auswer None but what I havo done sluco couiIijk hero. (BlEiied) Aliihrt Q. Huntkh. Tho following latter Is from the superintendent In clinrgo at tho duto ou which it was written, which shows Mr. Chalcrall'H iirnrla to Dave appoint ed a sultublo person for the position, Nevertheless, Mr. Huntar remains In chart;o of (hat depaitmvnt, uud the supervisor and farmer stand bycach other. SAiiEM Indian Boiiooi., Ciiemawa, Or., Maroh 8, 1605, Hon I) M, Urowntoir, Coinmlwloner ol it- dlau Allani, wmnmgion, u. u. Bnt:-Albert Q. Hunter farmer al this school, waa nomlnuted by Buper viaur ruiteatraw. tunerlnlendent In charge, November!, 1894, as tempor ary farmer for oho month, to fill tho vacancy cuuscd by tho sickness and subsequent death of Iteubou O Russell. I ho nomination was confirmed Novem ter Hth, (Education 48070-1804 ) Mr. Hunler has served tlio purpose for which ho was appointed, In directing tliB palnllng.liiit he la net fitted for tho MANLY VIGOR rvNcn morb in,""0"r v with tho woria,20OO romploteiy cnrtsti inou BluBlnn, happyA praises for thonrcatMt.Erand- est and vaott suo weaknea and lost vigor known to mod leal Bclence. An accouutof thUtwii- ervi aucovtiy, iu cronccs und proof?, KiorniWuroi will bo sent w 1 suf- ferine non (wjalwll frte. Iull mauly vlnor VZuwtljr toret. PaUuro ImpoMlblo. iiiiiMimrtinmi,iiiwnmntiiliMiimiwiilii')i iMUMtKAMkMUk ikiiiiii hf immmf, 'tint mm w of fliw (ffUf'Adu ftiAirnfflln HttAtiHUfnt MlMif, i mi dlfNrAfll ffMtt IflMrtlll HlH I4t4(, All'f If f AhM A $PKf nt fw nt tttiMlfM-t tnt H IntliiM Wllf) M flof inllUf wild iimfii, in fawriiti pHfl MH Ahll AlltiMfril In lntutUtii, JI'AllfPf Af, ffnriiof llA fiol llAll (irfifKllimi Miff a aiiiI H lid! SttitH fiiffipfiArt AiifA dirt war, Aiid Uuiwkn umhv l$M aii, A (tfipy tif fiM m(a. ine fiflfWfiiln du A.fp)i In aMIiIIIK III IfAfAHllll Alilimlid'd. AAApMnK tyiirN ia now ftoniiiirt on I f.iid fMiirtlfnfly aK, HiaI ymiMiiil (iifrt jjohI f(fiflf, (iflflrU f iiiylm Atllll'lflttl Ut flOllilflAlO ft IIIAII Alll(Alll f.if Hi" piAfp, 1 would llhalnlirtvaA limn who (a a Kfiod niAlirtKff Afid wlm U Mil Mffrtld of mtU, Tliri fflflA tlfi'ml lOfy IMM llAtl klit Mill WlAl Of pnllll, Al.ll , four of iiih Aliopa Iiavo mil lipflii piiliilfd til till TIia Inlfflof ol tlirt tulldlnuA lifnd pNlmlfiK flinl kAlonillilii, f would llha Ut llnlAli llm oillald lliilitiK 11 ml do Aoino work on tlio In- slilo, Wo linvo (tntitiKh innlorlAl on liniid In do ootii JofAlilo kA mini fil ik , 1 have Nuhinlliril an catlmAlti for nun 1 nave mininumi Hit e tun aim for wioiikIi pitlut (olluUli llio oulAldaof tlio iiiiikiiiirh, Mr. Htliilflf Ia b good (OpiKwIti llio t'ftiilor of tho keylmnrd, Vn phlnler and httl'oiiilnof and I would aoHIca Into tho coal, nnd nowlllililn risiicol fully nak ntillioilly loomnlovilmnd Hint atrlkcn llio Iralilrj.ntid now Hie in for n period of fifty day a or lean, nt f2 Ml per d ny, lo uotillntio Ilia above work. I urn, Vory reaped fully your obedient ser vant, Edwin L.Ohai.oiiakt, rJiipuflnleiideiit. Kroui llio itppondtd statement!, It rufina Hint itnntlinr rvnaon for shortage In tint food nud clothing supply la Mr. llitiiektri.w'ii economical innungemout, by wild It ho-waa enabled to build tho now burn, f wliluli he boasted to tlio reporter on tbo occualou of tho second Visit to Cheiimwn. During tho tluio Hupervlsor Itako- struw had charge of tho Indian school at Ohemnwu, after Mr. Parker was re moved, nud prior t Mr. Ghalaraft bolng placed In charge, tlio eohool bnrn wad burned. Upon tho testimony of two tramps who happened to bo pass ing, ho represented to tho dopartmeut that It caught lire by a passing engine, which owing to tho distance of tho burn from tho rullroad, Is impossible Tho night It btirnod, Rakestmw sent a. nil m tier of Indian boya to Bnlem with out an etuorl, nud thuy wcro out so late that no one know whou (hoy re turned. Peoplo'most familiar with the circumstances th'nk ll Is likely that some of tliesu boys were smoking In tlio barn nud Hiuh set it on lire. Utich waa tho talk nt tho school lust winter. Iu fear of being removed, nono of tho cm ptoyes dured to ray anything whero Rakestraw would henr of It, bo that mutter was hushed up, nud thus tho testimony of Iho two tramps proved to tho satisfaction of tbo Indian ofllco that tho acting superintendent, Mr iUkcstrnw, was In no way responsible for tbo loss of tho barn. Thoro was no appropriation to rebuild It. Supervisor Rukestraw reported that enough money ciuld be ecrtucd from tho per capita allowance for HUlislt-teucH to rebuild It, und on November 0, 1804, Iudiuu ofllco authorized him tooxpond $1060.45 for material and (203.18 for labor In building u now barn, providing that amount could be saved from tho support of tho school as recommeuded by blm. Ho was unwlso to ask such authority, as It Is uot practical, as every experienced man kuows, but being asked uud granted It must be nccom pllshed to sustain his reputation with tho department, oven if tho pupils did sudor. The school was out of Rake straw's litttida from November 14, 1894, to April 1, 1805, but ho got oontrol again on tho latter dale and set about to prove his superior manngomont, which he bo often boasti d of, with the present result. Tlio above Is undoubt edly one of the reasons why tho Indian school has been brought to lis prcsont dltgraouful condition, Mr. Rakeat raw's economy sootm to bs at the expense or the cntldron'o eirnfotfHud hoalth. Ily denying and depriving them of ucccesiary urtioles, ho Is onabled la make a lino Buowiug us a superior mnnsger of suoh Inotlt'i iIohb, nud glories in bis prestige a audi, wbllo tho children suiter tlu consequence. Hocd7s 13 Yfonderful. No Km than wor derful are ihecmioa nrcompllshed by Hood's Harsaparl la even after other preparations nnd pliv alclans' prescriptions iiavo fulled Th reason, however, Is simple. When thr blood h enriched nud nurlfld dlseas' dleapreara nnd good health re.um und Hood's tiuMaarllU Is Iho ouo tru blood purifier. Hood's l'llls am prompt nud ellelout and do Dot purie, pain nr grlre 15o, Children Cry for --- - m r OHAHOIM tWmi, MV tit fmHrfAAfAi ttfnmm PNf Pmni tni0f0ftn$t " Hti'rVffnt nmMMfM Pr 4,..., (n ffftiK rtB, wrtd it 'WW h (,, "wm ii AfiAA if frtrfi tm 1 mm .. f nrSt lUWt Twcf A mn AH' ' ltfl'i A "P. Af I Hii fAf. 1 An (ffAflrr !, afitmfpimt IB ( mpm fn ife ffiwHw nlAtiriitu f f i . m ttirn m. I (rwiKf Hi thnt difXAf t wf trff Awl m tunning W Mr aW n WH) IhM I Jft'lrfrti IW f r m fif. irtkt, AfHl ft to Wfiil, I Itn. lrti Hi' Im WfttfM ffff M AtMrrft ffKt rAl, Irttl.lmf m, I lfrW, 'tUi WA r.f;i"VHfM llm j,"iiif Al flA Ihtmrin'ltif iUnhynmttl Wow lw ftml AtfWKHi fAfilr I fir ftfTm-r nf Ito rlflf , lltrt (itiii whn tvrttf frtnf Ing Ik fm Bdtritf "It tit Mtl Mm ftrftil, Hll Murlot, ftr llrf tlfn (to wli vt flhrfwiiof itotoM IVyA, nml (tono Mi ,, .,!, pf, Whf m Atlfl NiMH! AIM ny l(rHifirM, iifiw rHminfAlirilniii, nud llrii ito mmtmim, A AtomHtix, lint ii li 1 inrrrlntf nlwiitli lo (tin Hfriil. utriuilf In In irffKjl tlmirniid tittm, "Tlii-tM Wiw n lrlflf (liMfl, n Artaotii, f (wo, wlmii IkiIIi liiHii wnfit plrtyliij thu wmn J f w lmtmA f(it rt fW9. 0 ()7 'rt wl(l( tlfty mt iKlt, Mnnd i0., rt Poiid (liny 1,1, jjt nnw llm nmt player lAfrtlrly wliolo piano rmotttidA (0 Ida rpoltilo loticli. "In fftcl. tlmro noror wna it mlnntf wlieti tlio piano lind anything to ny About It. Thcro nover was a minute when tho moil wero not completely urns tors of tlio ftltuatloii. Tlioro nover rni an lualnnt front tlio Umo tlio rollef np tironclicd until lio wna firmly nottlod In Ida sent when both men wero not ton tltinouily in motion, hut llio clinngo wai inndo without a jar or n rlttr In tho mtt sio and without tho omlctrlon of a note." Now York Bun. fc.jtnn l)inVriit!t. Mr. Hltldirton int-n roly)-John, Mr Jonefl toIlH inn you llirnahttd his son shamefully tod.iy In Hint (mo? Joint No, air. Mr. SMdmoro Then wlutt did Junni mean by tolliug nm Hint? "IIo just uiiulo 11 mlntuko. I didn't thrash Jiui Jonot tdmmofully. I wal loped Idin beautifully." Harper' Ilo car. nuuirn (inn irtnii. Caponl, tho French tonor, wns tho re cipient of voluiiK.ti of lottnifl from ludy ndmlrerA both huroaud In Purls. Oa tho English Htugo. bosldes Mr. Irving, Mr. Aloxander, Mr. Uaro and Mr. Dancroft linvo bcon overwhelmed with a goodly numbor. But I nm told by ono who knows that no nctor living over received such 1. number of admiring oplstlcs f rom tho fairer sex ns tho Into Jolm Clayton. Among nc tresses Mrs. lktncroft baa perliupa been treated to tlio kindliest at tentions. Mrs. John Wood, too, on the first or last night of her play had always her dressing room converted Into a por- foct bower of flowers, and Uttlo gifts of Jewelry literally poured In upon hor. Thcro was eno banglo with tlio inscrip tion "Bless your urt." Whothor it was Mrs. Woods' hoart or nrt that was blessed remains n rlddlo to this day. Loudon Harmony nt An Ci.it. If tho convicts at Sing Slug wero pormittctl to wclcomo tho now arriv als, nnd if thoy desired to contiuuo tho harmony euggested by tho nnmo of tho fumoud iiennl institution, their words, of gi-oetlng would prob ably tnko n form Binulnr to tlicboi 'Lot us lenrn to rehjicct each other's convictions." Now York Ilernld. llaitford thinks it haa douo pretty woll for American llterntnro in having becu tho homo of Jlrs. Sigouruoy, Ilnr riot Becchor Stowo, Isnbolln Beoohor Ilookor, Mnrk Twnln, Chnrles Dudley Warner, William Glllotto, tlio play wright, Noah Wobstor uud many others. Tho Jows wero oommandod to colo brnto a Jublleo fenst, or national boll day, ovory 60 yonrs. All Jows Ju bond ago to their brethren went freo on t 1 fpnsr. Will Not PerformMiracles But It Will Cure. O B. MH.E8 11E3TOBATIVB NEBVINP euros nervous prostration, Not mi raculously, but scientifically, by flr romorlng tho fjcrms ot disease, and tbea supplying healthy nerve food, Increasing tbo appotlto, holplntr digestion and strength enlng tho entire system. Desperate cases rcqulro prolonged treatment as shoirn by that ot Mrs. M. B. Reed, ot Delta, Iowa, Mho wrltcst "As tho result of a lightning stroke, tbo physicians said I had alight stroko ot paralysis, my limbs would all draw up, I Tt- lvTilPC would havo throbblngs JJ1. lUllca in my chest that soomed NervinS unondurable. Fortlircq ",w" months I could not sleep ReSIOreS and for three weeks did XJanMU not c'osa n1 "J08, HcalUl.t.... prayod for sleep, and felt that It rellof did not como I would bo dead or insane. I took Dr. Miles' Ecstora tlvo Nervine and tho second night slept two hours and from that time on my health Im proved! slowly at first, but steadily and surely. I took In all 40 bottloi, and I cannot express how grateful I am, for I am now perfectly well, and huYo taken no modlclna for over four mouths." Dr, Mllos' Nervine Is sold by drugglsu on guaranteo that first bottle benefits or money refunded. Book on heart and nerves freo. Dr. Miles Modlcal Co., Elkhart, Ind, m,jwwwMiiiwi-wi.i - ttoMmimMi..MimjJiuta.MY',it'r'ritf 'Jrtri'&ytiti(irniniuitfi'mmMtnkiMMk. IUsjiHAiiiUiMijiMjiH 7M MM. BrsBTisfTkBnss sssl jM ' Hv B mHI ! ' sfll pi 1 iV si sH &E- IssssW rPJssM B lsH IH I te B m B ft,?,i.!Sf?5.m!L.!!2lS? TtiibWLnM' hUmntfomjijpMiiitin tHti AHwjifwjd lyjjlAAAtlirtlAMf1 faJ(Alt,"t1(1 tat tftihtiU rtMlfj Jlitrt iSlLJf-'leU''plAlfjafiAriijifjiflU (Jnthrla. wtlATA ygytfj htj!t (.Atf Qtin vvnifiM ydmltlna; ItttiftufAj ilnninriii nnr a T)lftrrlifM unit Wiijl latl Al(df lis fAllOTM TfOtltlHtt Tfl)Tltl OafrrU owrrt (fwtlatlort ft-mt Tlfitnlntier, Owntorlai Mftttlratlw atkw ifri t j f nnfaonlft weld xfta orolioitona mlf . Cwitorlrt 1oas not (oMnla MoriittlMa, niliitiiinr otttot'Knronlli'yroTertr. Owstof 1 wmlwiilataa iUn too A, regKlate) iho wfomqeh. wnil lio-waja 1tIw) tanltliy nnA nfttiMrstitajp. Crtstorlw la ynt vy Ih fiit'd TtJm n1r It la not nolfl in hulk, Don't allTr My onw a anil yaw wwytltlits: olsw oh tkw y1t v yynwlst fhat It la "Jni m s;b4" n& "will unmrttv nvtiry yttryaso.". Sao iUnt, yon trii O-A-X-'T'O-R-I-A. Tk fn.fl-lfnll algwftiart. of Children Cry for 1-S-I t3TZ T j? t FIVE PRIZES! THE CAPITAL JOUR NAL does not do a lottery business to swell its circulp-tion; but in addition to giving value received, it gives its subscribers valuablo premiums. Now is tlio time to order your reading matter, and it will pay you to notice the following special oflbrb. Auyona of tho following fivo periodicals free, ono yenr, to any subscriber ol THE JOUBNAL who pays 1,50 in advanco for tho DAILY, by carriei, thieo montliB, (50 cent a month), or by mail fix months, (25c a month), or. the WEEKLY 18 months, ($1 u year). "Queen of Fashions." Tl o heft 1G- ago illustrated fashion uiugiizino f New York . r Mil Iroc vv ono year, llio aOuve pilot's aro net each, and the olua cot c imlination ovor of fori d. Tho "Que n" is a high class, piactical, homo magazine. "The- Child- Garden Tho delightful Chicago ehil droit's maga'.ii'o. Jnt the thing to read to tin 1 t'lo one ofthi homociro'e It hings tl u kin dergart'ii 'iiloilif home, on ain"-n t nt y Dt an r fully illn-tiaUd $' i inr Vw lihh t! Lit r Kin!erLiir(ei in iv Cm 2L0i " laaMovry 4M ffr.tyr.Tr Pitcher's Castorla. H' Lssiass CD .cv'jeasM. 'The Farm News." A practical farm paper, ed ited byfa stalT of experienced agricultural writo s, contributed to by tho best known agricul turists of tho country. "It con tains what tho lurmer wants.J Womankind. Ahandeomo, atti activo.homp papor,-to whiuh ovory woman will givo a hearty welcome. The Toledo Blade. That uroat national news paper, which ia known to every body. SAMPLE COPIES of any of those Publication dan ho had by oiling at Till' JOURNAL ofllco r dropping, ns a postal o'ird Any two of tho above peri odicals cau bo Eccured by piy ing$3 ai d taUingTIIlClOUn NAL twice as long ns r quirrd tojrcuro ono. When tho oxtromolv )"W l-rioeof THE JODI.NA.I ie cons tlorirt, this will bo louul the most liberal oflor mado by any prjur on the coast. f FFB BROS." Fdltrrs, vuipp, (m S flr ' f -VM tun-- Union Pm flc Sytlmrf ggjj&SlM VOlWLAJm to OMCAGO altnni Artd M 4 Tliita in New HmU riaya, , Wlilrth t tnnri hn(irjr,iiHtia n. " - nutltn m. ' " m, .,. rorrnlfa.tlinslablMAnd full Iim- M arriy to ItIK A KiRKKIt, Agent, mmh, o It. W. IIAXTKIt, Ucneral A;nl. InATMnliii , O. K MK)WKr .. l)lt. '. Atm. iitriMnn, THfeKIN " H K u N s f'ullnuii SlDOpfno- Cars Dliiln? Cari Slieoln' Cari' h'toant Tou:K' ST. PAUL MIHHEArOLIS DULUTH FAHI.r. TO GKAKD F0RI13 GKOOKSTON WINNIPEG IIELINA ana BUTTE TTXUCHiUJI TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK! 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Iiui inj-r k' Tt.nrcr Hf lOiiiOdAtlium urn' i)Uiinl 5UUHIM M'H-,' i'tiriru lu ,l,a,M I III 'DlllVVfl an ;,iiiin. y Kaiti Iphii Alllt i i joins v. to Wan franulp; CuM". iv H-e'.f.i, v, th'H KorK u i j.. i i i i In 11 !.vAU'fN.,tl.M- -.kgh Allwuy,jir,1i8v lt ..('! Al'K M'Pt. ti,.t)iW. ur, n.v sttn mi i er. riv. In Or -, . I, '1IM'IUI I t .wM. I .t H,j 'Nr K J , 1 T. ' I fb W v (.i4iWll. itfi" .. , Im M- IV.W4-- .. JJrrt i . ,. .v - 'tl- N t ' t . r t M.-U -MM.M4 wllt ""V'n'tia: PEfiffV i"vrTjkflf titum w vjm ir Jm " -$ 1 f, 4 It Ml f 4I Mi " v & w i tiafvaL 55ill BEST, OKE60N.. EBIEMEDI0ftLU0.,BUffHLU,.i t; 'ih wx & ttim-Vv nt iJt$:iL - -- i"W.i(w.. ,. Jl UtiXk.kk!i,.-zLiti&- -"WMftA.m . Iw wsmzwr,.$ ii