fimnriii i ii ii ii in mi i pp riSSSSP THE BEST 'PIPE " 'TOBACCO, . VAX, MM . rTK (.' i;c"v 6f P 7 tas Lit BtfC lwvrsp. -vr r-rs3 fc,wV fli's exi'.v ortUii ' r p wean tr IK J o I.lOfl t ttondorful 1 try t K . It n x t'l c ' t iy iiio f".l it h)tl- (i o ti, n of Kuropo and Am ri n. Iludyan Is fiyrp y ypir-1 Ho. lludpn Btrpj Pfemalureno's of tho did' rliargo In SO oiyB. i 'ir i LOST MANHOOD mm WWW T?f. a.m r A ifj - " "5SS85i9wjHSSJSfl 'fl.-d JM Jr"rtiKZ H TC M tf ssMHiaGsa zwmr-$xiti?vrc?imMi HitrXVm?vmHAial'Nt.r1 tnnwtu m&k - , TZTVf.f HrT-ir5rvFjTrvj.'k-j Si' wilt BBBBk mmm Constipation, I)IZZInCF8, FalUng Ben eation,Ncrv oustwltcblni of the cyci end othoi ratts. Strengthens Invigorate and tone) th cnllroaystcra Hudrnn cure Debility Nervounncsii KmHslom rind develop) nnd rcEtorc weak organi .''n In Hi bwk, low bv.dnv o Hlt,htitoppc B quickly. Over 2.000 prlvats endorsement. I'remnturcnc8 mentis iranotency .n llio first Stftso. It 1 a ymptom of seminal wenkness find bsrrcnn si. It can bo slopped In SO days bythoiuooriliidyan. Tho row discovery ww tnnao by tho Special ists oHIio old fatuous Hudson Medical Institute. It Is llio stronpest vliallzor luado. It is very powerful, but haimlcwi. Bold for 81 00 a pack Biro or 0 paokagrs for J5.00(rlalnsoalcd boxes). wr Ifvoubuv six boxes and aro not cntlifly curcd,sfx moro Vrlttcn rrimranlco given .or a curo. will hnuint f a vnn fr nnf nil nhAnrpa. fiend for clrculcrsund tcttlmonlala. Address HUDSON MKDIOAL. IN8T1TUT13, Jatictloil Stockton, Market &1U1U St. Suit 1'ruucUco. Cnl. BJooct Builder Nerve A oniL. erAriw.rjW) -Mm Jrw "SDr rfOc. TerboXt i Cai- t'iJtn fend rot tiencrlutlvt pazupbltt . WILLIAMS' MEDICINB CO., Schenectady, If.Y .. rtrnrbvllle. nat lint la a non Dolionou rtnimly for (iouorrliaa, CUIHIh'IH Olctit, Hporinalorrhoia, In 1 lotiilr. vl "I'll", uunaiurai ui Omr.niMj cliargc. or anr iBUarnma ioi u uruiitt. lion. Irritation ur ulcora- Irr.T.Dii .ooui lea. tjon uf nine una nicra THEvN8CHtlClRo. uranea Non-astringent. iCINCIlilHTI.O.iBH ao" "' '"" a ' "":. ur rui 111 I'inill niniyi, fi.o), ur a Utiii.K. .'.;j. ' rwiupi. P THE iQUEEsM 9F FASHIONS A THE FASHION PAPtn OF THE DAY. Buperb, fitrlotly "CpTo-IJato" Deslgni f a illustrations Rnd l'ashlon Notes. f Kollalile, llrlgUt nnd Clcau. J J A. year's subscription i S Only GO Conts. S MARION COUNTY COURT. Proceedings of tho Last Term of tho Oommtsslonors Court. ROAD AND BRIDOB ACCOUNT. Nnmc. Arct. olid N. Wade, lumber, $13 23 eld $11 57 tV. Wade, do tit 37 eld 995 Cap Lumbering Co, lumber 240 J. C. Goodale, lumber.,... 565 bliafcrA Gehrman, lumber 472 Matrls & Amoncl, lumber.. 9 69 H. D I'ayne, lumber 6 50 Geo. II, Nichols, lumber, $9 eld 7 50 Watson & Arnold, lumber 658 Cap, Lumbering Co , lumber 4 20 Brown & Smith, lumber 2 30 K, I.. Swar.'s, lumber 3024 STATIONKRV ACCOUNT. Wm. J. Clarke, lir dockets $1650 Statesman Pub, Co,, publishing county court proceedings , . 62 1 Patton llros. stationery 05 do do ,..,...., 1490 do do 25 do do I 25 do do 9 85 do do 2 25 I". W. Waters, do I 50 E. M. Walte Prt. Co., blanks 890 do do do 10 50 Cap. Journal Prt. Co., publishing county court proceedings 800 Cop. City Bindery.books, $74 42 eld. . 65 00 E. M. Waitc Prt. Co., blanks 360 do do do , 10 50 Statesman Pub. Co., publishing semi annual account 54 60 Ross U Moorcs & Co., blanks........ 21 15 L. V. Klilcn, stamps 500 rAUI'ER ACCOUNT. V. W. Stephens, poor farm, $142 30 R. M. Wade & Co.. supplies for poor farm t 20 R. M. Wade & Co., supplies for poor farm 6 70 W A Fash, coffin for Geo Rogers, deceased, $12 50 eld 10 00 McAtec & Smith, provisions 205 S R Jessup, M D, professional services Mrs Ilarlin, $20 eld 10 00 R Basey 2 50 John Hughes, supplies for poor farm "Clymaxand My Pride" 20 75 B 11 Bradshaw, professional services, 7 50 Fred A Legg, medicine 17 85 COURT HOUSE AND JAIL ACCOUNT. Salem Water Co, water for court house t 13 00 ConStUy Co, electric lights 50 00 O B Hubbard, cartage 50 Or Tel & Tel Co, Tel and Tel ser. vices 10 3 J W Watt, street sprinkling 5 86 E E Kichcls, repnir 1 00 IraEtb, do II 00 Churchill & Burroughs, repair 1 00 JHHass, do 5 Parker & Ferrell, do 2925 WS Kline, suppli 1 25 John Hughes, do 4 5 SALARIES. F W "Waters, recorder $165 00 John Knight, sheriff 558 33 D D Coffey, assessor 472 5 LVEhlen, clerk .. 35 33 INSANE ACCOUNT. AOCondit, dep dist atty $5 00 STOCK INSl'ECTOR. W L Slmeral $24 CRIMINAL ACCOUNT. Evening Tost, notice of reward for ap- prehenson I2 3 State of Oregon vs V A Rummeli HA Johnson jr ....57 75 ATWaln 95 State of Oregon vs John Dosseli Adolph Pleifei 54 20 John A Picard 3 Co State o( Oregon vs Otto Neali A O Condlt $2 50 A C Dilley O J Moys 1 Bula Toots Willard Johnson. Ed N Edes A E Davis John Yates Stella Richardson . Lena Rick 1 7 State of Oregon vs Wm Smith: Ed N Edes l 7 ACDilley 2 3 State of Oregon vs Fred Rossj A O Condlt 5 A C Dilley 8 IM N Edes 0 20 8tate of Oregon vs Roy Plasteri A O Condlt 5 00 1 00 Co Co Co Co Co 9 Co 14 80 14 80 12 40 11 40 11 40 0 GO C 70 1 70 1 70 1 70 8 C5 1 70 1 70 1 70 2 30 6 70 tieludlnff, fico, your tholco ot nny ono ot tho Colefcratcd McCa.1 Bazar Patterns, and nil patterns to subscribers for Only 10 or 15 Conts. This beautiful pRperj:fre ono"year to any perunn paylncr tl.60 In advance for the Daiia JouiiNAii by mall six months or for a longer period, JUOFERIBROS., Editors, CHEAPEST. Salem. A C Dilley Ed N Ede State of Oregon vs Thos Cur tint Ed N Edes A C Dilley 3 A O Condlt 5 State of Oregon vs J W Andersen: A O Condlt S A C Dilley 2 Ed N Edes 6 State of Oregon vs R Amesi AOCondit 5 A C Dilley Ed N Edes , State of Oregon vs Fred Thompson! A O Condlt 5 A.CDilley 2 3 Ed N Edes 6 1 State of Oregon vs Dr E G Brewn: AOCondit 5 A T Wain 3 85 Laura Sherwood.,.. a 5 ? (to Frod Hurst Slate of Oregon vs Wm Dunn. AO Condlt $2 50 AC Dilley 2 30 Ed N Edes G 70 State of Oregon vs Doc Scribtier: D C Sherman $5 00 A C Dilley 3 70 Mary Burns j 70 Ed N Edes 945 Ellas Downs 1 79 State of Oregon vs II Brown, paid In full by fine Imposed, State of Oregon vs John R Steckman: W L Lyons $ 9 FN Wood 11 John Isom sr 11 John Isomjr it Geo Young 12 Fred Grimmer , Frank Johnson rioott Ward 8 M Hettlo BonJ N Hardman John JR Baltimore J V Cuslok Melvlu B Reeves 0 00 Phil Goodwin 1) 60 John BethUDTB 12 00 B V Wooton 10 40 VL Vauce 11 (10 ED Barrett 11 00 John " 11 00 Jatnea McCain 16 00 Trial fee Marlon county.. 2 00 Clerk's fees, dookctmg, Journal entries eto 2 00 Witness clalme, "October term, Circuit enurt: J O Cleland 7 00 Geo Anderson . ....... 4 20 J H Hobnrt 0 00 T A Jones 0 00 HrJRtarrett 0 00 M E Pogue 2 00 L J Adams .' 0 00 AI Coolldgo 9 00 O E Riiusbey 0 00 E8 Poller 10 20 J H Riches 0 00 OF Hicks 0 00 J C Long 8 20 Robert Russell 4 20 FC Perry 10 20 Julia Plamer 18 40 J J Becker 4 40 W 8 Kline 2 00 H A Johnson Jr 8 20 Witness claims, Ootobor term, grand Jury: FA Ford 15 40 ADHosklns 0 40 Arthur Bulpmau . 6 00 B A Nathman 4 80 J H Harren 2 40 R B Flomlng 2 20 Wolls Lattoroutto 2 20 Mlclinol Hotcan 4 40 W H Goulet 4 80 Amos Beach . . 5 40 August Abraham ....- ... 7 80 RD Allen 2 00 E Btarbuck.- 3 20 BertHavage 4 20 PBalUrtB. 6 80 MrH Knto Ballarts 6 80 Hugh Hanna 7 00 J LHanna f 00 Andrew Glggs 4 40 AlCoolldge 2 00 L J Adams 2 00 Jams Penlan , 4 40 ChasPugh 3 40 Arthur Iller 7 Co Fax Matt 480 SEGoode 220 CWGoodc 5 20 WEIIler 766 WOrton 5 20 CF Martin 3 20 A J Tupper 4 40 AHosklns 6 40 Ralph O'Dell Coo AF Mangold 5 00 A Waer 480 John Lewis , , 220 AC Dilley 2 20 WJ Culver 4 20 AC Dilley : ' 4 20 FChalifoue 5 00 Arthur Burdick 7 Co John Dossel ; 7 4 AT Wain 2 00 II A Johnson, Jr 2 20 Bert Savage 2 G Ballart 5 Victor Gambas 4 SB Irwin 7 Waller Green 1 70 Schuyler KiRhtlltjger 1 70 David Bcolt Jr 1 70 Etmer WnrrloU 1 70 Frank Moore. 1 70 Emmett Jone - - 1 70 Foon Kuui 1 70 Geo. Bun. ...... - ...... 1 70 Wllltnm titaulon 1 70 A LI Damon, expieesuge, not allowed. fjuilthjind Iiynchtguardlng propertj of Toyo Watauhc, not allowed. Iti the matter of tho claim of M E Sargent for caro and board of A Chcn owctli, a dlpplo without means: ImWI to December term, 1805. In tho matter of the petition of the citizens of Twenty-fifth street; Blmp son's addition to Balem, Or., prayilig for replacing and continuing a vide walk through said additien: Not al lowed. In the matter of tho claim of tho city of 'Jeflerson, Marion county, Oregon, claim for rebate of county road tax: Continued until December term, 1805. In the matter of tho resignation of Lotltla Evans, as distributing agent of Geo Uower, a county charge: Resig nation accopted. In the matter of tho claim of M E Pogue for (10, stenographer fees, in the case of Wlllasnotte University vs. John Knight and Marlon ceunty: Allowed. In tho matter of the allowance of Floy L Burton, a county charge: Or dered that said Floy L. Burton bo al lowed (8 per month for November and December, 1805, Jurors claims, Ootober term, 1805: J Henry Hasa 2 20 R B Flohrer 10 20 Geo Wright 2 00 A H Hunt 17 20 O A Gray M 20 O J Slmeral 15 80 Ell Vaughn 18 00 John Craig 15 80 Fred Hurst 14 40 O L Litcbflold 14 20 Johu W Ha'rrltt 14 20 ChaH Heinz 18 40 Lawranco Condlt 10 80 AbHall 18 00 James Hunt 18 00 Job Zimmerman 17 40 John Neal 16 00 D W Smith 1 00 Henry Miller - 17 40 Magnus Ek 18 40 F J Wr'ghtman 17 40 J O Johnson 2 00 Scott Bozorth 14 0 QRAND JURY. D Robblns $16 GO Eduar Hartloy 18 00 H WTlmm 13 00 J F Btelwer 17 00 J LCook 17 20 J D Blmraons 10 60 John Glrarden 13 40 Lv iiLv iLF oA ta & asttsv w! ' iLv HI iit-JBkkiiisssssLsi.iBL.B BJ aiLB T for Infants and Children. HIRTY yura' otierrattem f Caatorlft trlth tko pfttroHago of adlllosf of poraoHi, yorarit b o apeak of It without sweating. It la smqueatltmaMy tho teat rcMedy for Infanta and Chllilrcn tho woria ha tw hao-wra. It 1 hanaleaa. Chlldrom llko It. It glvea them health. It will tavo their Uvea. la it Methero lmvn ewthiHg whioh la ahtolatoly aafo ami praotioally perfect a a chllA'a Btefllobse. Caatorlit tleatraya Wamn. Caaterl allaya rgrreriahacaa. Caatorla proveivta vemlfctsg: Soar Card. Oaatorla oaroa Dlarrhosa and WlttA Oolle. Caatorla rellevca Teethlag Troahlea. Caiteria oaroa CeaaHpatloa suaA riataleaoy. Caatorla sseatrallaea tho oKaota ef carhoaie aoift gaa or polaoaaaa air, Caatorla doen aot ooatala asarphiao, oalam, or other Barootlo property. Caatorla aaafaallatoa tho food, ra)galatoa tho atomach bhJ howola, tlvlag healthy aad aataral aleep. Caatorla la pat ap la oao-afao hettloa oaly. '"" j 1.1 in i i minimi BT0t EAST .!:! -VIA THR tW "X It la not aold la halt. Poa't allow any oho to poll yoa aaythlag olao oa the plea or preatlaa that It la "jaat as stood" aad "will aaawor every parpoao." 8,o that yoa got C-Ag-TQ-R-I"A. Tho fao-ainillo algaataro of G&vtfg&eZ laoaovery wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Union Pacific System Through rullinan Palneo Hloerora. Tourlai loepera and free llecllnlng Cbalr Uara dally irom PORTLAND to CHICAGO Our trains are heated byi atram and cm lighted by l'lntach light. Tlmo to Chlawo, i dnya. Time to New York, 4)4 doya. Which la many hour quicker than all com petlto a. For ratca, tlmo tables and full Information apply vu BOISE & It. W. BAXTER, Goueral Agent. LIS Tblrd at. BARKER. Agents, Salem. Or a K. BKOWX, UUt,l'aM.AMt rnrtland. PACIFIC K.HU R U N lo-t s Pullmar, tleant Touris1 .16 7 . 2 30 1 5 00 00 30 70 00 2 30 C 70 LV Ehlen.... ,. George Collins,,. WW Johns...."... H M Branson II A Johnson jr.,. Di BE Miller Nelllt Sherwood , John Knight II A Thomas Squire Fauar 1 I 1 1 I! II 00 2 50 I 70 I CO I 00 OO 55 Children Cry for 4 2 8 5 4 $100 Reward $100 The readers of this papettwlll bcjplcased learn that there isvot least one dreaded dlseaso that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that Is Catairh, Hall's Catarrh Curo is the only positive euro known to the medical frarernity. Catarrh being constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the disease, and giving tho patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative powers that thev offer One Hundred Dollars lor any cose that it falls to curt. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Or. Sold by Druggists, 75c. iBSSSSSM Si JpsSSjBSS''SJ FIVE PRIZES! PRIZES. Sleeping Cars Dlnin? Can Sldeolnv Cvn ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS! DULUTli FA nnf. TO GRAND FORKS CROOKSTOfi WINNIPEG HELENA and BUTTE THKOUUH TICKETS TO CHICAGO washington4 philadelphia new yerk: BOSTON and all Points East end South! For Information, time earfisjaMapi), tickets call on or write, THOMAS. WATT A CO., AQENTH. 3C5 Commercial at.. ialeta, to, Or A. I) Charlton. Aaat Oun'l. Paie. Area Morrison at , corner Third, ioi tland, ur. Khenmatism Is a symptom of dlseaso of the kid neys. It will certainly bo relieved by Parka Bure Curo. That beadaobe, baokaohe and tired feeling come from the same cause. Ask for Parks' Sure Curo for the llyor and kiduoys price l-0u, sold bv Lunn A Brooks. llMw Will Not PerformMiracles But It Will Cure. Oscar Wood ES Porter.. Willio Jones Lee Davis,. SW Jones.. DSHalioway 8 C Dental 7 Jeff Matney 4 EL Ketchum 4 40 Frank Isaac 440 Fax Matt... 8 80 RPattey 4 8o Chas Lembeck 680 John Alexander 4 AB Dental 1 (x John Knight, board of prisoners.,.,..! 10 90 G Collins & Co.. 7 5 Ordered that the claim of Jas Lavique for lumber bo laid over to December term, 1895. Coroner's account in the matter of the In quest upon the body .f Toyo Watauhe, de ceased 1 A MCloueh f 68 80 James Batchelor GeoG Gan , M L Goodell . .,................ FF Post.... Wm Sargent C A Gray WJ Culver Dr D FLane., . Dr O II Robertson ----- Bert Savage. - - A O Dilley Low Sam (a Chinaman).. .,-. aaSSjBSSBJII 7 iHBaaHl taatvb. 'SBBSSx 40 J teJtL, JEM?- 80 AmmMmWUIL " yaaVSIBSfl KVJb.SsaKI 40 MffiffcM&MMIEsF vwfliMM$rf9 aimwuk; UttllltilM f THE CAPITAL .TOUB NAL does not do a lottery business to swell its circubtion; but in addition to eivinff value received, it gives its subscribers valuable premiums. Now is tho time to order your reading matter, and it will pay you to notice the following special elTers: Anyona of tho following five -neriodulals free, ono year, to any subscriber ot THE JOURNAL who pays $1.50 in advance for tho DAILY, by carrier, threo months, (50 cents a month), or by mail six months, (20o a month), or tho WEEKLY 18 months, ($1 a year). The Farm News." A practical farm papor, ed ited bya staff of experienced agricultural writes, contributed to by tho best known agricul turists of tho country. It con tains what tho turmor wants. U ID. CO. R McNKlIoU UKU1UVEK. To The Bast UIVKM TUB OUOIOK.OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROTS O" R. MHjE8' bestobativjb nkrvink euros nervous prostration. Not ml raculously. but scientifically, by first removing tho germs of disease, and then supplying healthy nerve food, Increaslnsj the appetite, helping digestion and strength ening tho entlro system. Desperate cases require prolonged treatment as shown by that ot Mrs. M. B. Hoed, of Delta, Iowa, who writes t "As tho result of a lightning stroke, the physicians said I bad a light stroko ot naralvsls. my limbs would all draw up. I wouia naro inrouuiugs In my chest that soomed unendurablo. For three months I could not sleep and for three weeks did not close my eyes. I prayed for sleep, and felt that If relief did not como I would be dead or insane. I took Dr. Miles' Bestora tlvo Norvlne and tho second night slept two hours and from that time on my health Im proved! slowly at first, but steadily aad surely. I took In all 40 bottles, aad I cannot express bow grateful I am, for I am now perfectly well, and have taken no medicine for over four months." Dr. Miles' Nervine la sold by druggists on guarantee that first bottle benefits or money refunded. k on heart and nerves free. Dr. HUM Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores Health Ned?ca?C I neryei t.lnd. "Queen of Fashions." Tho best IG-pago illustrated fashion magazine of Now York froe for ono year. Tho above piTctis aro net cash, and tho ''heacest combination over of fered. Tho "Queen" is a high class, practical, homo magazine Womankind. A handsomo, attractivo,horao papor,.to which every woman will give a hearty wolcomo. the Toledo Blade. That great national news papor, which is known to everybody. VIA- GREAT NORTHERN RY. 'ONION PACIFIC RY SAMPLE COPIES Low Hates to 'all Eastern Gitks. Ocean ateamers'leavel Portland everylve d for I nil aeUtlls callton oraddreaai HOIHtC A lUHKKR, W. II. ilUICLUUKr, Uen. I'ou. Agent, IMrtlaud, Or G. AT. POWEKS, ' Local Tiokot Agent Ko'tjnn Trade at. Oregon Central -AND "The Child Garden The delightful Chicago chil dren's magazine. Just tho thing lo read to the little ones of the homocirele It brings the kin dergarten into tho home. Song, ames and story . Beautifully illustrated, Si a year. Pub lished by tho Kindergarten Literature Co of any of theso Publication can bo had by calling at THE JOURNAL office or dropping us a postal card. Any two of tho above peri odicals can bo secured by pay ing $3 andtakingTHE JOUR NAL twice as long as required tolsocuro. ono. When tho oxtromely low. price of THE JOU UNAL is constdored, this will bo found tho most liberal offer mado by any papor on tho coast. Eastern R. R. Co KAQUINA BAV ROOTK. Ooutie-ctlDir at'Ynqulna Bav with thstah) Fraccuo" Lid Ynnuiua Bay MtcamaUlu Ua, IMll-AJlcn, TlUALlWJtV BallafrMis every a H0FER BROS Editors, Salem, Or. A 1 and Aral cLuut lu every reunect. Yruiulna for Han Knmclsco About aayH. rmuenrer aeoommodatlona unanr Shortest route between the WUlamstta an (.uiiiurnio. Farolroin Albany, ortpolnts wet. to rrwucmiu; utuin, six; aieepHtv, i. ruuuu irii, ku,v i1 uujr, ..a. . Foriul. i iujnpiuy to U, Ii. WAiaiKM. AMI OiIA&ntAHK.Hupt., cwaluf'uR KDW1N l,ONK,Manaer1 OsnUs. far V . J, OtJtmClUUi. Ixical Aimt, NtW EKIiVitbVAL S?IU JTV UrlgUul oia ly i Ufc M alwav UriKiUi to VAUkitrt l- mmu1 Rtm Jl&KrdUi' ;?juu. '1J lik tiq. ' li.aljnJlciUlllIt) 4 In .taut Ua IMrlkUlftt. Tr.:-;r'- .. . MfllPM. 1 tit Twl.M.liU . til tMU lTi,.M v -richirhvMMVItatitici I f, !. HWi - aaiBi oaMa WW .19 X X J! IV i i (S ' M h BEST, Oregon.. 1 Pltohsr's Castorla poj leal Oo.i tixaarii -s;i "X" ilTJ!W''rrrTyyrT:rv?