Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 26, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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    vfrv'r"tr ywRp7
By the lumo or single piece Clothinfor
Men and Boys, The greatest opportu
nity. The Lowest Prices. The best
goods ever offered,
Henry Long wont to Turner toduy.
Mrs. 0. Parker, of Tiuuor, Ih iu tbo
II n H. Orrnn wont to Woodbtirn
Koln Nels wont to Albany this
F. K. Churchill, of Bllverton, is In
the olty.
O. D. Applegate, of Klamath FuIIk,
Is In Balem.
Geo. K. Clino cauio up from Wood
burn today.
F. It. Anson roturned last night
from Portland.
Ed T. Judd, of Anuisyillo, was In
Balom yestorday.
W. A. Whllo of Whltnaker, Is a
Salem visitor today.
Attornoy Geo. G. Bingham returned
from Albany today.
Gua Fluyard was n passenger for Ban
Francisco Sunday evening.
Dr. Mott rrturued from a professional
visit to Glioma wn this forenoon.
Mrs. E. J. Boyd, of Dallas, waa a
passenger to Halsey this morning.
Mn. Monroe Cavanagu wont to
Portland today and will return tomor
row. Dr. J. A. Richardson made a pro
fesslonal vhlt to tho Reform school to
Wni. Brown returned last night
from a bopbuylug lu the north end of
tuo county.
Mrs. B, B. Oronk went to Portland
today for n visit with her daughter,
Mrs. Archlo Buchtol.
Professor Dunn, ot Wlllamotto unl
verslty, went to Portland today to
romaln until after Thanksgiving.
Mrs. J. O. Cay wood, mother of Cul
Morgan, of this city, who is 88 years of
age, wont to Turner tula morning,
If whoro alio will reside. Bbe has beon
living with lior son, In Balom, for some
time past.
In NEEd. Au aged couplo named
Burton camo to Balom fromSPecdleton
this fall relying upon assurances that
work could bo obtained hero readily,
hut so fur he has been unnblo to And
anythlug to do. They are living In a
small house noar tho brlok-yard south
of tho Poultentlary, and aro in dire
need of assistance, as they aro almost
wholly without food and clothing.
Tho Cathollo Lad lea' Aid society has
reuderod them temporary relief, hut
their needs aro greater than can be
aupplled by ono society, honco it Is in
cumbent upon tho general public to
loud assistance.
English plum pudding, New
England raluco meat, new crop nuts,
and all other thanksgiving delicacies at
J. A. Van Eaton's grocery store.
BtionTS. There are dlllrent kinds of
shorts hut if you want absolutely tho
best iu the world for feed, go to
nrowstor & White, 01 Court street.
A largo roomy barn
at Journal ofllco.
for rent, enquire
"Brick" Morse Writes a RiDging Re
ply to Eugene Charges.
As the championship game between
Eugene and Willamette approaches,
speculation as to the result Is rife.
Bulem peple know nothing but "win,"
and don't consider tho possibility of
once being beaten. This waBjust what
was the matter with CoiVallls. They
were so confident and so sure they
would win, thai when they fouud the
guuio going against them they lost all
heart and know not what to do.
After our splendid showing made
agaluat Eugene on Nov. 2, 1 thought
that when wo met again wo would
surely revorso tho score; but since Eu
gene's gomo with Portland, and clnco
our team has repeatedly shown its
weakness lu dofonslvo play I canuot
holp but think that Eugene has now
tho best of tho struggle. However, If
our boys can hold their lino and "brace
up" on the defensive it Is not impossi
ble for them to win.
Even If they loan Balom cannot feol
otherwise than proud ot her boys.
Thoy will havo obtained second place
In the leaguo, an excellent showing for
a toam of but six week's experience.
Eugeue people show very poor Judg
ment and less sense by their constant
kloklug against Willamette's men. In
order to have plonty of excuses In caso
of defeat, thoy havo begun to make
them already fa babyish procedure, to
say the least. They chargo Willa
mette's full-back, Paige, of boing a pro
fessional, and of outerlug collego In
order to play football. Wero these
charges true? It Is a well known fuct
that Paige Is too honeruble and too
conscientious n rnau to violate tho
rules by playing with a league teum.
It has not boen proven that Palgo Is a
professional, but on tho contrary It has
been conclusively proven that ho Is
not. As to tho other chargo, that he
entered college to play football, It can
bo shown that ho outered college
beforo ho had any thought of playing
football. Iu ordor to stand as great a
chanco as possible of maklug n chargo
that is true, Eugene mou say that
Paige is a, graduate of an eastern uni
versity, a charge equally as false as the
other two, and equully as foolish. Thoy
say that Palgo must go boforo a notary
and swear that ho is not a pro
fessional, and a lot of "poppy-cock"
like that. Palgo shall do nothing of
the kiud. A man Iu Innocent until
proven guilty, and if Eugene men
wish their protest to hold, thoy must
prove their charge, This is one illus
tration of Eugone'u ignorance of
umateur rules.
Mauy improvements have bcon
noticed in Willamette's play during
tho past week, especially lu defensive
work. Probably tho ones who have
made tho most Improvement during
tho coaBOU aro Truett nud Maoy. Blx
wcokf ago neither hod touohed a foot
ball, uow they aro about the best men
iu the line aud I feol confident that
they will provo big thorns in the sides
of Eugene's half bucks.
Williams has improved much during
tho past week. Wheu ho "got his mad
up" last Friday lie showed what was
in him. He Is followlug tho
ball well iiiiil In oonncqufltioo Is
making (soklo all oyer tho
fluid. A common fault with Willnm.
otto mail Is (hat wheu their half Imoka
attempt to ndvnnca tho bull the for
wards amble nlotig admiring tho plsy
Instead of trying to ho at the riitmern
sides nud Keep (adders oil. This fault
Is moro notlceablo on tho defense when
a man has missed n tnoklo or been
knocked down by IntorfcrotiCM, ho en
joys n nap on (ho sod for a whllo, ells
up, rubs his eyes, reels hi in fid rail ovor
to sea If ho has been hint, and then
slowly arises to his foot (o eco how far
tho opposing runnor has advanced. If
a man Is knocked down ho should get
up as soon as possible nnd go after tho
runner again, Chances are that ho
will overtake him beforo ho reaches
the goal or at any rale arrlvo lu time to
savo hla aide a few feet by a well
directed push.
Webb is a man of but two weeks foot
ball oxperlencu. Ho Is Improving
rapidly, however, and I feol sure he
will hold his own.
Bert Bavago has given placo to Jor
dan. Bert Is n hard and conscientious
player and has hold his position down
well. Ho has not, bowover, tho cor
rect build for tacklo and is far too
light. Jordan Is heavy, strong, aud
8peody,and I think will strougtheu the
position. He put en a football suit for
tun first time lust Wednesday, but be
has tho making of a flue player aud la
learning the game rapidly. Our backs
Murphy, Savage, Paige, McCorroaok
and Will Evans are the best in the
Northwest and assisted by Gulss and
Ollnger , tho speedy ends, thoy will
loayo nothing to bo desired in oUeuslvo
To the Wlllamotto team 1 ofler my
heartiest congratulations. Their im
provement and their record thus far
have been remarkable. I feel that my
work would havo been Impossible
with any other set of mon. They have
admitted their Ignorance of the game,
expressed their great willingness to
learn, and havo dono to tho best of
tbelr ability what they haye been told
to do, no matter how muoh this
opposed their own vIowb on tho sub
ject. To Captain Murphy and his
eleven mon and Mr. VauiWlnklo, tho
manager, I owe my thanks for the
manner in which I have beon treated,
and I slnceroly hope they may over be
as successful aa thoy have beon iu tho
past. Clinton R, Mouse.
rEBTOBKD To Citizenship. Gov
ernor Lord yesterday issued two par
dons to Inrcutes of the penitentiary,
they being Thad A. Dunn, sentenced
from Yamhill county to a year's Im
prisonment, and Harold Pllklngton, of
Portland. Tho tlmo of tho former
lacked only three days of expiration,
and he waa a trusty. Tho latter was
serving a year's sentence for misappro
priation of money, and was n young
attorney of good soolal and business
THANKsaiviNa DiNNEK. Beinem
bor the Thanksgiving dluuor to bo
given from 1 to 4 o'clock In thoir now
church parlors, by the Ladles Aid
society, of tho Baptist church, Mrs. S.
R. Jessep has full charge, and families
wanting a family table will apply to
her for suoh accommodations. Mluulo
E. Furmor secrotary. eod
Reuemiibr The Piuoe. Tho price
must always bo considered when select
lug. Mitchell tho Repair man repairs
locks, guns, typowrlters aud makes
koys at prices more than reasonable.
Drop iu ut 268 Commercial Street
A TuniCKY That Is tho thanks
giving of our laud, but up In Alaska a
box of soap is prosouted to the native
for his holiday meal. The EaKlmau
likes good soap, thereforo the famous
Salem make would Burely pleaso him-
Tho best assortment of underwear
for men, women and children, will be
fouud at the New ork Racket, 'lhelr
prices uro the lowest, Now Is the
tlmo to lit yourseif out for cold
wonther. e-o-d-2t
In Ni:kd. When
'needy uelghbora to
Wo havo moved our kid glnvo stook. Ynu will now
tho right, lfero you
In the city. Foster's
I;J Z1 T , Wo have moved i
l III nillVn una u at uieiaBt counter on
A VIM vtivuUkJ tan buy tho best $1 kid kIovo
gloves. Every pair guaranteed. Fostors real kid
lacing gloves, $!,!.
NeuJ Df?ss Goods.
flats and Caps.
Oiir Shoe
Now blaok solells, plain and figured,
lust received. New plaids, serges,
ladies' cloth nud tricots. A $50 black
biik drees to bo given away lu our
dress goods department.
New Fedoras 76o to ?3 euoh. Finest valuos
In tho city, Latest block stlfi hats J2 and
12.60. Now caps for boyo aud girls.
you want your
bn sure and get
them to
for their
their money' worth,
McCall Bros', grocery
It la WoiiTHY. Tho Keuworthy
restaurant is all right, and you would
thiuk so too If you saw the orowdi get
their meals there, Try it and save
Wanted at Once.
Sixteen Hundred Dollars ((1,000) ou
good real estato security. Address J.
M,, Box 00, Tallman, Lluu county,
Oregon. 11-25 3i
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorlau
Advertises Itself. Good, honest values,
latest stylo tros at popular prices. "Wa
verlv" and "Little Giant" school shoes for
children. Special values In our H, 12.60
auu a auoea mr mutes auu gontlemon.
fSTWe aro getting ready for Xmas. Call aud see.
Court and Liberty.
BROS. & CO.,
The Csh Dry Gooji, Clothing and Shoe Home
Just recoived from the East.
A protty lino of artistic tublcn. eds
(Jail and see them.
Mn. Wrd. Mohon'a Collection of In Basket!!.
It wns tho writer' good fortune and
plrnRiirosovoral mouths ago to bo tho
guest of Mrs. Win. Molsou, whore
beautiful homo h near Dirry, In Polk
county, nud who has a collection ol
baskets of Indian nmko, which, as a
prlvalo collection, Is doubtless un
excelled. Men. MoIhoii Is a daughter of the lute
Col, J, B. Nesuilth, an old and highly
respooted plouenr and ouco (Jutted
States senator from Oregon. Her resi
dence In Oregon ntneo au early day,
and her father's extenslvo travel to
gether with tho usslstauoo of enthusi
astic frlonds, has made- It poaslblo for
her to acquire this splendid collection,
of which she Is pardonably proud.
Tlio Interior of Mrs. Molson's rcsl
donco Is striking lu Its Individuality,
and withal most pleasing. Tho library
In particular, Is au idoal ono, as aside
from being exceptionally well filled,
it oontalus so many curious, beautiful
and raro bric-a-brac,
Kllequls Is tho Indiau word for
baskets, and thoy were everywhere
The roomy reception hall contained
a large cabinet, revettllng through its
((lass doprs several rows of them, and
they wore hung upon tho walls nnd
placed upou the fljor, aud tho mantel
over the grate beta several small ones;
while from unexpected corners peeped
divers Indiau curios and relied. In
one corner stood a ftto simile, in ail
but size, of a tepee, or wigwam, from
Dakota, representing tho homo of a
Plains Indian, nnd by a window was
a dlvau covered with a Navajo
blanket, From au Immouso pair ol
Mountain eheep horns depended an
Indian coat, made of Caribou skin,
which was sowed together with a
ulcoty of Btitch nnd finish that would
put to sbumo many a dainty flngured
"pale face" maiden. Tho coat camo
from tho Hudson Bay country, nnd
boro a painted border, applied with an
Instrument similar to a comb, and set
In some mannor unknown to my entertainer.
alio In an euergoilo HUle woman,
with tho prettiest black, wavy hair you
oversaw, aud when talking about her
curlouB collection lu her vivacious
manuer, hor expreaulve brown oyes
grew brighter Btlll, so that there was
a charm aside from the Interest tho
baskets uwukencd.
"How many havo yon?" I asked.
''Well, big and little, old aud young,
I havo 116. TheoldeBt is 60 jeara old,
and wus woven by a Kllokltut Indian
on tho Yuklma reservation. It is made
of codar roots and is ornamented
wlth"squaw grass;"lt holds ten gallons
and Is water tight. Tho women carry
such as this on their backs, held by a
baud passing ucroes their foreheads.
These baskets make a great denl of
work for tho "cloochmau," for it takes
a woman all day to weavo threo rounds
of a basket less thai) a foot ucros , aud
this basket, lull of berries, weighs about
80 pounde, so It Is a heavy load."
Among tho baskets is a Halduh hat,
from Alaska, which, being made iu the
same mauuer as the baskets, may
thereforo bo properly termed a basket.
Ono sldo was painted in a grotesque
semblauce of a human face, aud
another In imitation of u beaver's tall,
whlohlsa fuvorlto dealgn In Indian
Tho Shasta caps woro tho most doll-
cato In coloring, Intricate lu design aud
finished in workmanship of ttuy of the
baskets, with tho possible exception of
the Neah Bay baskets, which, while
faultless In weavo,aro not so pleasing in
coloring because of tho nualluo dye?
To prove tho truth of my state
mont that nn Iudiau hat and
basket aro well-nigh one aud tho same
I will again quote my hostess,whosald:
"They use tlieso for hats, aud also to
nick berries In. I presume thoy do not
hesitate to use them alteruutoly, for
they aro not at all particular."
Tho foundation of these caps is
spruce roots, shredded finely, nud they
are ornamented with a flue grass that
grows near the snow line, and Is ob
tainable only at certain seasons of the
year: also, with tho stems of maiden
hair fern, which makes a gllsteulng
blaok decoration,
Bomo of the baskets showed scorched
spots Inside, Buoh had been used for
conking purposes by placing the food
within and putting In heated stones.
Ouo basket wus made by "LJbby,"
the lustchleftess of tho Coos Buy tribe,
who died a few years since at tho age
of 106 years,
There wero bags for carrying meal,
or grain, made by the Cayuse Iudlaus,
and, whllo the design was neatly
carried out, thero was an indefinable
something about them, other than the
name, that reminded ouo of the cayuse
poult. Tbeas hues wero so strongly
made as to bo practically Indestructible
with ordinary use.
From Arizona thero wes a Moqul
placque, of highly colored design, for
use in some religious ceremony. Also
two beautifully formed nud woven
baskets for gathering mitt", graluand
Highest Honor WorM'i Pair,
Medal, Midwinter Pair.
(Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
From New Moxlco wore two olios,
(pronounced oi-yas) or water-Jar, of
that graceful and convenient shape
that cannot tip of them being
from tbo Mescaloro reservation, and
the other from Maricopa Wells.
An oblong, splint affair waa a pillow,
trom the Sandwich Islands. It was
mado of splints, was very soft and
pliable, and had a soft fllllng,os pillows
should, but as tho closest scrutiny failed
to discover the beginning or end of
any splint or means of Ingress or egress
for the "feathers," It was Impose! bio to
determluo of what material they were.
These pillows aro placed undor tho
back of the native's neck.
A long basket from tho Wsrm
Springs reservation in Eai torn Orogon,
was mado of ono pieco of cedar bark,
sowed together with tho toughest of
fibre aud interlined with thinner bark.
The bottom ol this basket wqb concave,
and even with our tools It would bo
yory difficult to reproduce It.
The smallest basket in tho collcctirn
was mado near Montreal Can., nnd Is
littlo larger than a thimble.
Then thoro wjro oil bowls, of goats
horn, from Queen Cbarlotto Islands,
carved very similarly to to the totem
poles of Alaska. With them waa a
horn spoon which my hostess said was
uot tho "great horn ppoon" so often
sworn by.
Au odd little afla'r was a buckskin
covered board, ornamented with brad
Wednesday - Special Sale
Underwear, Ondijruteap I
If you have not yet bought your winter
underwear do not miss this sale,
Ladies' Union Suits, , qyQ
Ladies' Vests, , 21c'
Ladies' Scarlet Wool Vests and Pants, 72c!
A Special DrivevLadies' heavy, grey'
ribbed vest, worth 60c, sale price, 36c; ask
to see it Lot F, V. A
S. Mn eft E, H. STOCK
jjgrTELEl'IIONE 112.
O- 33. CBI-k.nBnRXXIXaOBr
Room 14, Bush Bank Building, Salem.
Commercial Union Assurance Co.
London and litmcasltire Tire in.s, f0
Liverpool and London and tiloue. Ilartonl Tiro Ins. (io
Brine; In your State nolle le onil hae them written with litflc or no loss to you.
I have Just opened my Xmas Unci of Fancy Hooks.
ingM. Anus uookieu. Amaj Cards, Large Unci
celluloid novelties, such as Photograph Frames.
Poets in all bind.
ol linnri palnteJ
and Clove ISoxei. Card Cases. Ink Stands. Hook marks.
ttc. Fancy Calendars for 1896. Children's Color
Hooks, I.a re stock of celluloid, by the sheet, to
make up in fancy artioles. All goods low.
Golden Gate Baking Powder, Pounds, 40c
Golden Gate Baking Powder, 2 12 lbs, 80c
Golden Gate Baking Powder, 5 lbs,, $150
Lard, in 5pound pails, pure, 45c
Lard, in KVpound pails, pure, 85c
Bacon, choice narrow strips, per lb, 10c
Onions, per bushel, 45c
We are always glad to quote prices
12U State street.
ROYAL Baking Powder.
work, to which was bound a mliilaturo
"pappooac," clad iu buckaklu.
All of tbo baskets, hats, caps nud
bags, evinced a remarkable adaptablU
Ity to their intended use. Tho water
aud berry bankots were mado water
tight, whllo thoso for rougher use,
garnering omnia, lor lUbtauco. wero
loosely woveu, allowing the water to
escape. The drinking cupa contraot
toward tbo top n very littlo and moat
of tho hats aro smoothly finished
inside, for an Indian la as susceptible
to small worries aa his white brother,
however stoically he may endure
greater tortures than having his balr
pulled. And think of the hours and
hours or patient toll attendant upon
gathering and preparing the material
for use, apart from weaving it.
I have mentioned only representa
tive types ot baskets, and there remain
many more, yet unspoken of. In fact,
this collodion Is so extensive and com.
prises so many rare and curious spe
cimens that tho Bmithsonlan Institu
tion has requested its owner to have
somo of them photographed for repro
duction in their reports. This collec
tion or a portion of It, will bo exhibited
at the Y. M. O. A. Wednesday nleht.
auu is wen worth altentlou,
Born. ;.1
GOODE At their homo in North 8a
lam, Monday, November 25, 1805, lo
Mr. nud Mrs. James V. Qoode, u
DEVERON-1'UGH-At tho M. E.
Monday, November 25,
to ClinrliH
Boy, Q. V. Grannie afllolnt-
Wantkd. To excuaugo or sell,
threo or four acres opposite school
houbo. Will take email payment, and
remainder In work. Inquire of J. 0.
MoFarland at Clear Lake, six miles
uumi ui cuy, or auureBajaaitm,
11-0 m
1895, Miss Delia Devernn
HOUKETT-EBERT-At tho residence
of tho brldo's parents, Mr and Mrs.
J. L. Hookett. ooruor Thirteenth and
Waller streets. Balom, dunday, No.
veuiber 24, 1805. Miss Lora Hockett
to Ernest V. Ebert, B.v.W. Rey
nolds, of the United Brethren church,
RIRDSELL-At his homo In Frauk.
fort, Kans., recently, Dr. J. 0. Bird
sell, aged 70 years.
Deceased was the father of Mrs. Lou
Bmlth, of tills city, who was called to
his bedside, but arrived threo bourn
after bis death.
cO At tbo Klamath Indiau agency,
Monday, November 25, 1805, Daley
a., wire or Dr.
Dealer lu CJroceiies, INtiutx,
Oils, WiiiilowGliiss,VarnlsIic
and tho most complete stock ol!
Brashes of all Kinds iu tli
State. Artists' IHaterIula,LliHe,
Iluir, foment and Sliiuglcuarit
finest iimlitv of iill 4SS SHEDS
Notice to Policy Hold
ers of State Insur
ance Company,
Favorable nmingenie nts havo
been mado with the. Firotnen's
Fund Insurance Company for
tho substitution of policies of
tho State Insurance Company
without loss to the assured
Brtforo oancolling your policies
call on agents of the Fire
men's Fund Insuranco Co.
For Indigestion, liver and
Lunn & Brooks drug store.
AnmvED in Halkm, Those cele
brated new "Trilby" and"Toklo" shoes
for ladles havo arrived at Krausse Bros,
popular shoe store.
Steamer Gray Eagle will leave "
2 Portland for 8alem Tuesdays, J
5 Thuredaya and Saturdays at 8 a. J
3 ta. and loaves Balem for Portland ;
S Mondays, Wednesdays nud Fri- "
days, at C a. m. Qulok time, recu-
Horace Cox, agency
The maiden namo of tha deceased
was Daisy A. Bnyder, being tbo seoond
daughter of Mrs. 0. D. Bnyder, of
oaiem. -ihe greater portion of her girl,
hood days were spent in Balem, where
wa a general favonto. duo was mar
ried to Dr. Cox, Jauuary 8, 1885, aud
10 mem rour chlldron have beon born.
The remains will, bo brought to
Balem, arriving hero Thursday morn
lug, and interment will be inlturul
Bwwa! aitd Nervous Debility,
Weakness of Body anrt
Mind, Effects oTErrors
Ypunir. Uobust, Noble
lovelopod Portions ot
For cancellation of
policies of State Insure
ance CoM and substi'
tution of Firemen's
Fund policies call on
office of State Insuiv
ance Co
Highest of all in leavening 2 lar service and cheap rates. Agent 5 ISltJSi Plod'. ,
Jin Absolutely nn.
Jien testify from CO ikt i5?0wUB.''
Countries. Bind fop!! r,S1
punauoa and ISSI&Sii
M ikes a speolnlty of Finn mpalr Wo k. K"
TUomas clock, eto BI6 Onnnerolnl HtrctU
I have a very timple home treatment which-
will readily cure nil female disorder, pi"
nerlods. lenrnrrlinrn. ilUntlrrnlpntS. OT
-""T' .":: . t.
Irregnlarltle, amr will gladly end it free t
woman. Aatlrew wr. J. ""!
IraanUnnCo., Ore, ii-aoim