- Agiwmni. nIWtev J MimtffUt m j jwff wy UA.1 1 1 AJU J U U IvlN AJU A6nnc.iA"nxv fm&aw rAir.v.--- iicmiinnvn i rl "' " i t ii'iHnmilUilili)lliWI mmi VHU MONTH, Ihillif fniillnl tlonpHfit Dntti$ CtyttHl fTtHiWHlt JM ..inwiiinini'i innflnnnnnrnnnrr itt 'i niMmnmnimmmimim it ntAkfA . owr V0fi IMfbYifllJITlON, HAljMtOnKGON'i'mrHHl)AY, NOVI&'MHKJt f, Hf,1, ItAlhY Kill HON i'rf 3SHS r n 1 i is li OF- (l -FOR- SPOT iuivo miulo tho old regular crodit firmi a back minibor In tho Ijutfinosn world. Jhtying nnd Hell ing for cash 1ms mado i II M RACK iw a docidod success. Our customers appreciate our plan of business, because wo avo thorn money. Wo aro just receiving a very largo lino of now good in all department, and aro prepared to suit all tasks. T.BARNES IS - GRAY 5 MM WAGONS Road Machinery and Agricultural Implements, Latest Improved Goodn and Lowoet Pricee. W. Cor. Stats and LIbertv St SALFM OREGON IHLlEv .nd SaVe Money n everyth.ing.you rant .o buy. 274 COMMERCIAL ST. HERE IS A GOOD THING PUSH IT jffik ANY SUIT" OR 'OVERCOAT XDLXT OITH. &10.00 ANY SUIT OR OVERCOAT $1000 Just ' hinli of It. Just 77ilnlc of It. $14, $15. $10.5O, $20, $22.50 and $25. They all yo for $10. We have no excuse for this yrcatfcast. Only we must have tho money in our flat before youmJtuJo the clothes. We've just receivey 25 Prince Albert suits. They're murlced $20. They yo durlny this saltmmat $10. G. W.JOHNSON &. SON. r ) nil ill IDIffii 1U CASH iyn i BROS,, DON'T READ DUT QO TO- This THE - FAIR ALONG. S'XfOJE&DB I CARTS li" ( jl. JL XX- 34. I1M mm jn I'll i Tlio Hnlhn to fllrivlrig fa lie flloro Order, THE CRSIS TIIOUOHT TO BB I'ASSrS Tliorn Will lln No Armed Intel rofilfoti JJj tlio rotycrfl. CONBTANTINOP.B, Nov, 21. A lH tlmated Intlietodlnpatohos the Attitude of tho porta or of (ho sultan has under. Keno a decided ohatifco "Inco tho other fleets bojtari tooln tbo llrittnli (loot In a naval domonitrntion In Balonlc Hay. Thero la no doubt tho pressure brought to bear upon tho sultan baa boen rtrong onnugh to make him take pergonal olinrgo of tho work of reform In Armenia, and It la hoped there will bo no further bloodshed except In put. ting down tho insurrections which have broken out against the Turkish rulo tn dlflereut parts of Asia Minor. It Id hoped tho American clergy will bo ablo to itiduco their coreligionists to lay down thoir arms, especially as the sentiment of tho wholo of Europe la now In favor of tho sultan, whose evi dent dcslro to meet tho views of the powers la thoroughly appreciated, sod' who has uudoubtpdly tided over tho moat dinicult crista In tho Eiat, There li no longer talk of nrmed Interven tion of tho powora In the Turkish em pire, and if any diupUy of forco Is nocossary upon the port of Europe, it might bo In tho direction of supporting tho authority of tho sultan, aa Great Britain, Russia and France are ex tremoly desirous that order shall promptly bo rciitorud throughout Asia Minor. JBkulin, Nov. 21. Notulpgjf'irtber. baa been received from Bofla, Bulgaria, In any way tending to confirm tho dispatch from that olty yesterday which announced that a report had been received from Constantinople that the sultan of Turkey had been pol tionud. It Is believed there Is no foundation for the report. London, Nov. 21. A Standard die patoti from Constantinople eaya tho looses to tho American missions at KUorput will reach flO.OOO. Tho Per aim Kurds, according to another dis patch to the Standard, are In open re volt against tho municipal government of tho town of Aimton, n Aslatlo Tur key. BlmKer news has been received from tho tribes east of Damascus. It Is evident that tho excited Kurds and en tiro lower classes of Moslems In tho province of Anatolia aro qulto boyond tho control of tho contrat authorities. The most Btringent orders havo been Issued to tho different vails, coupled with appeals asking them to stwo tho honor ofeultau and perservo tho Is lamic faith by an obedlenco of instruct ions but all of these eilorts have prov ed futile. Tho Constantinople correspondent of tho Standard announces that tho Aus trl m oolony thero has organized u sys tem of defense. London, Nov. 21. A dispatch to tho Times from Constantinople aunou no tho commencement of a pauia a m us the Armenian have deolared their intention of closing their shops. Thoy assert that Constantinople is now uusafo for them. , Another dispatch announce the arrival at Qmyrna of the French squadron. AGAINST THIS QOVKHNMENT. Boston, Nov. til. -A letter received here fomn relluble correspondent In Cous'. ntlnople contains tho following on he ltuatlon there: "Thr Turks are more sensible than b f re, as they now reallza that the act on of the Armenians Is not against tb ms'lyes, but against a system of government which all detest. "At tho same timo tho palace party is diligently circulating stories of Arraen- llano3trages among tho lower olawc UflMB in AffAIHS Ui kt"! tiff lli UtWu nf Mtjff AffftlMt Ihfrn. 'fh Titffc Mil fmlMIpfll npoNlf (SMH (bit tli oiiilri In lli m'jV rt ril) f Im If mi Mm ttml dfllirt Wn oMtlry iTIifl fiiliilntor nf mrlnnli il tt Ilire!uirf by M(ilrrl imlflol bowmUltt, And M fffnlly hmuUA I y fr wfa in llU fmlflCrt, f "In Hi4'fpion of Ilitglioli'Jih nJ 'lifMMf, llifTirl(( ol tli military (ximmimUt of NlcmUmla to ittlr up iu MtiliainWitdat) imputation to aota of tMcnflf K!nl lh CliflMlmi vlllR Ii prodae4l ami Urrer, "In AltitMi tho tioople Imya lcn Onuhl to (fcxperatlon by th ferocity Willi whloli the faxe aro belnrt ool ImMi Tin upvernor.jteneral of Alepjm ll R rwwal 'wbowj disregard of ths treatte M to (he rfahtfl of Amerloana led MlnUler Terrell to demand bin re moral, Metlef to the whole mats of people will come If till scoundrel can be overthrows. "illoedibed iniMt follow If tho Ar menians' are tft!be geared on Into open rebellion In that region. The Trebl tond mnwwere seems to have been eyen more terrible than was at flint reported, TlmTurklsh loen was prob ably two taw killed by Armenians dofondlng their ewn Uveo. The Ar- menlan lose tasw carried up to 20,000 In city and villages. '"I The AratBlan Matters. -opyrltUUA byAiitOflRUiJ l'rcoi, CoKSTANTXNorLE, Nov. 21 Mat ters political 'do not look as bright tuduy as yesterday, Onco more Bahrl PasbA Is the .disturbing clemout. This notorious official made blmsolf so tiousploious by cruelty to the Armen ians and by tho inal-admlnlstration of his district whn governor of Van, that the British embwidor insisted upon his removal," .Jvth was dono. Now, buwover, Babrlrasba has been ap pointed mllltaryoommauder of tho -Aleppo district. The bad impression I fat bas pr6dud can hardly be txRgsireated, for diplomats feel that it Will be almost impossible to prevent i.i ......!... I. . i.-ii . l l"... '. . " -rITTrTIl trr.ll 1. 1 A-u,..Mai..ub aw.fc.w VMW..WM m A 1V 1' ftMl f ml ln lll ol l'an WunraaAMlolliriia did at Tan. Representatives of tho powers held a meeting, discussed matters from all stand-polnta nnd Joined In a noto to the Turkish govern menteaying thoy cannot answer for tho consequences which might ensuo should the Armeulaua at Zeltoun be massBored after surrendering. Sherman Ou Carlisle. New Yoruc, Nov. 21, Senator Shor man, ppeaklng of Carlllo's speech, at tbo chamber of Commerce last night said: "Tho baelo error of tho speech was tho secretary's Idea that legal tondor oould bo done away with entirely. It uould uot be dono. The great mistake was In the way tho Demooratlo admin istration hud tampered with tbo gold reserve It should havo Issued short bonds of five years' duration which the people here would have taken up quickly at 3 per cent, and with this paid tho expoueo of the governmont, instead of trenching ou tbo gold reserve Short bonds, of course, would hayo been paid for In legal ten der. Instead of doing this, the admin istration had permitted some domestlo and foreign banks to dear $11,000,000 by selling the bonds for gold at 4 por cent. Carlisle's plau of last night Is Impracticable. 1 here aro 8,000 national banks, and It would not do In order to havo currenoy to take the gold of tho treasury and scatter it around In these banks to redeem money that bad been Issued by these-banks." He said be did not know whether tbo Republicans would be able to or ganize the senate. Wbon It oamo to the issue In regard to money bethought the cast would be against tho went. As long as Cleveland was presidentf be said thero would be no sliver legisla tion because be favored sound monoy. Passed in Ills Papers. Washington, Nov, 21. Senor Agusto de Segulro Thedl, (Portuguese minister to tbo United States Is dead. A Few Cents Only. It costs you but few oeuis to call a messenger and have blm deliver your packages or notes for you Ring up the buo boxes. wwywi Mil KDHCR HIS HG9TKBSS OkflK, Moc Hdn Anftiii Anilrf' tn in n (Iih ht, IMD IIONTIM)MBRY IS IN JAIL Coronet' .ItirjrOlinrgtvi lllm With M ii frier Irift Hh l'ttrcnlrt, Cimoaoo, Nov, 21, Oliarltd Moe Is ilnclor afiwteiinigol with rnurdetlrig his mltrtM, Annie Anderson, last nljjlit. It appears that whllo tho nromnn alnpl, be tied n ropn around hor neok, paMit'd It over a gas Jet, drew her body up nnd nut cattily by wlilld ebe strangled to death. Then ho lay down until morning, when ho left the bouw, announcing to the proprlotreea that his mlstroes hod died during the night and that ho wan ku'K to notify the police. Tho Brownsvlllo Harder. Bhownsvillk, Nov. 1. Lloyd Montgomery, the 18-ycar old son of Johu Montnoiniry. who wai murdered Tuesday last, today, through bis attor ney, B. S. Martin, watved a nrellml nary examination and was taken to Albany by Deputy BhcrllT Wlllaon this morning, Attorney Martin state that tho grand jury will conveno next Monday to luveetlgate tho chnrgo ol murder agatntt Montgomery. The coroners' jury last night found a vor diet virtually charging tho young man with tho murder of turco people. Knights of Labor. Washinqton, Nov. 21. Knights ol Labor general aesembly today gave formal recognition of financial indebt edness of tho order to IbeCouerde A 1.1 a alBa.t .Bllnl favn.l A . ilJ , I Mrt K I.Aieou luiui'in linn iuiiu, nt iuo iiiuc A- in the mlucs, therellel I w wk.v fund which was contributed, it Is said, was used for meeting tbo expenses of the older, liiBtead of going to. Idaho assembly No. 13. The decision, ad mitting tho Justice of tho claim closes a long controversy and the monoy will now bo paid tbo local assembly as fast as circumstances will permit. The assembly has elcoted J. T. Wright, of Philadelphia, past genoral master workman. This oftlco would have been held by Mr. Powderly bad be not been uuder suspension. Insurance Notice. At a meeting of tbo Salem Board of Fire Underwriters held this afternoon tbo following notice was ordered pub lished: To correct a statement appearing In our papers to tho effect that tho Fire mensFuud Insurance Company can make better terms than other com panies, the Salem Board of Fire Under writers hereby Intorms the polioy holdersoftho State Insurance Company That tho Firemen's Fund and Its agents are members of our board and all our companies are on an equal foot ing with tho Firemen's Fund bo far as taking up and rewriting Btato poliolcs Is concerned, J. O. Bozobth, Secretary, MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Salem and Eastera Quotations Cor rected Dally. Chicago Nov. 21. Wheat,: iU ?o. Dee mk isw Youk, Nov.21.-BUver, eirtfc; lend, t3.uu. BAN IFUAN01BOO MAHKKT. Bah Phancisco. Nov 21. Wheat, V Wol-OrKon, choloo, 7010c; Inferior, tk37c; yalley.txailo Hop Quotable at 4383. .. rotaloeti-23 to 40o per lack Burbanks &O00o tier lack. Oiu-MUlmg, ;65. I'OUTIjANU MARICtST; 1'orti.AMI). Nov 21, Wheat volley X aSl: WiUla WKllu.47KaS' Via te f ortiuaa. .70i Benton county, 13.70 grabain, ti Si; iiipertine, li.-H per bbl, 0U-Whllo. Slatflo. Kroy. 1W20; rolled. In bae.Uy63yJ "' rt'l.IJWa7.W; oaten, 13.75. l'oUUe-Nw OrRon, SSoJIOo por inck, lUy -Oood, tSQ 60 per ton. Wool-ValleyVlwailo. Ull.'itun-lirn, $10.60) iborU, 1)12.60; chop leert. HAS 15 per ton; ryo BOo per 0. lii'itM Kr ou, Bmieu, uu nmjtvr, uuuur.w iu 7ffll7Uo Hope New at eep peiu, W$l-v, urcion.iuoa flutter Oregon fuuoy croamery.l nWTio funoy dairy, 10 l7oj ralrUKOoa,UH' J'rfliO OUU1U1UU, 1W Olieao -Oregon full cream, 839 tt-' vriifiiu, i per uoi. Children Cry for Pttchirr Castniu lilght of nil Irt (tYAftlHK AWsfV RoYal 4ItfeNteMI AmtMTVU WUBE M Wants 110,000,000 Worth at lort TAOOMAi Mov. fll-Henatof Wateon (I. Hrjtilro addrrmed A itieellnK of tm- ni men till mornltiKBl thfl chamber ofoontmeroo, Mttoakliigoii rlvof and harbor liiprofomfltiU, lis aI(Ii "Oonrewnicn represflnlliiir: the Kvergreeri utalo will nil work walotisly for Iter share of lbs appropriation. 1 want to Ihi known m tho ftonntor of the state f Waililnaloii. Oregon lias always bad more than her share of tho appropriations, one-half of which are obargoablo to Washington along the Columbia rlvor. Oregon cities and people only hrwe been aided by tboeo appropriations. "Thin etnte rocelvea no benefit what ever from the traffic down tho Colum bia ilvor. and It will work to donve ft fair amount of favors to the harbors on the coast and sound." Senator Bqulre Is chairman of the senate oommltte on tho coast defences. In reference to Gontral BJhofleld's recommendations soon to bo made to thesecietary of war, ho said: "It la almost assured the general will recom mend fortifications on Pugot Bound to coet at least 10,000,000. New Work Wants It. NkwYobk, Nov. 21. A campaign for securing for this city tho national political and otlur conventions next year and for ensuing years, was In augerated today, when tho convention commlttoo of the board of trade met. Uuder a temporary administration, tbo convention committee appointed a committee to wait upon the members of the Republican national committee now in this city and urirn upon them the advantages i or wew xorK a a con- . i unntlnn flltv. Brooklyn is co oporatinic with Now York In the matter. tho Rreat virtue of genuine "Fibre - Chamois." Thoy would insist, like Lil lian Russell, in havintr it in thoir now dresses. Wo have it in natural, drab, brown, black, also tho Orienta . . . Tho cheaper quality, 25 cents per yard. Jackets Some of duplicated. tho best ' numbers $4.00 to $20.00. Fur - Trimming A full assortment. 25c per yd. and up. J. J- DALRYMPLE Mm V,ti,(in jHJMtt Baking ML IkwfflilWP $, -- --tt Tii Hftiiiook fm. liHHVMti Nov. II. -A nfxelal In trrtf TlmMfrofriOliflVnnd yi!i "Je5gaJ ((liter, In llin ftdoral dnurt today t$t Ittml Uics Ifofif,llioIlannookl'H'll Arre led for vtofrtlln Id Wyowfng gam laws, upon n writ of hadei w piiK, TbaourtdeldM that SmUum havon rl,ht to bunt In Wyoming under their treaty, .i "" Crimo Wlililn Orlma. I3 AN0KJ.BS, Nov, 21 Altoraey 3. L. Murpby, of this olty, and Mrs. Bblpton of Han Dee, were arretted this morning charged with ftuhoftMa tlon of perjury In the May He criminal assault ca. State 0ell UMd. ObYMFiAt Nov. 21. State AW Itor L. It. Orlnaos died thle mef nlug i hU home In Eliensburg. He wa bet In Ohio CO years ago and was a master mason. Ho wai elected state auditor on tho Republican ticket thw yoars aro. The Queen's Purer. Cowes, Tslo of Wright, Nov. 21. Sir Henry Ponsonby, formorly prl'8 secretary to Queen Viotoria, and keeper of tho private purso, died this morn ing. No Longer Leader. London, Nov. 21. John Dillon, the Irish loader, was married this mernlna: to Miss Matthow, daughter of Justice Matthow. Robbed a Grocer. Ban Francisco, Nov. 21. The grocery s:ore of L. P. Ward, at Free- , , wa ho,d foMWtttby; J, two ra&sked.tobbera last night. w ft TICK T1T Whon you buy a Happy Home suit, it is with a guarantee from tho factory that it will give satisfaction. "Wo stick to that guarantee Try &1( one of thoso suits at . . . . P I U Overcoats . , A lot of cur "Famous" came tho other day. Nearly $12 uU gone Underwear . Showing a fino, heavy ribbed and lloocod inside, Pr. .i Ey suit $1.0U Hosiery Best values in Fino Cash- raero. 25c, !i5c, dOc, 50c, 7Sv. 1- Furnishing - Goods New lino today, New Cn Do Joinviljes, ..,...,, UfG & CO, vm w HaL-syeji M 1 I a vT f fmt-cL-tt