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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1895)
rr? -w" y a wftwfrY'' n I mmm js.-ummml m fiirrai. Mam Mf AW1 WMKKMM H iiiWjaiIWjm'"l. IHMjiWWiWNWW gwaegasrfsfggflai MACJABIWUr? MJ HOOK, A imAnilcorroot'it tlllton fjfMiii WJ-Wltf JMMAYi JMOV. 20, JM. A 00 IMVlJflTMKWf, 'fir7otMWAf,rtfiil(U wnnfi ty (mil J Pfifiofifflftl'W fiitdliill'it4 Mini ((trwifimriU, Ii fim bIwhk r. ValnM, wlieti Mfcftl for atlvfri, iifjtlrif rnn to fitif (lielr ntnny Mia toti'M nf fififurriM'M') that went titiit ( In ituine beonil Individual corilfol, JliilltMtiriiiiitmllf1p(l opinion that tlio rifipnrfiiDliy In In reel W.(W In Ilia Halem vnolti iiillto l one of the bo I iifer fiflrffud to onplUI At Hwlorn, 'fli til III Iixwm Imlil !) illlMala 'f liey luvo pnlil b-elt In fltf year over iiilintf tlio nrfjtlnal Inveatmeitt In duill ()lvl(lnlft. Tlio Kaya, hot It fattier find son, word rained hi tlio woolen mill biielne from childhood. Tbey nto practical, cotiftervallro men. They nro not men Riven (0 ftharp pmotlces. They tnko mlVMiitnuo of no man. Tliey will do only what In fnlr. Tlio muii or womnti who take etook In mi enterprleo with them In an aura of return m any Investment can ho In the hand, of human bnltiKi. Tint way rent oatalo le now, tlio way bankliiK and bualueaeci' nro now situa ted, $100 or $1000 utook In the Hnlem woolen mills In tho best. Investment we know of, With low prices of wool and n tarliron woolen koocIh tlicro In no lino of mnnufnctiirlng Iniolnun at) bo mado to pny us iniioh as n woll managed woolen mill. It cannot do otherwlto than mako monoy. The $25,000 additional ittook that tho Huleru woolon mills company naked to havo taken by cltEdua of Oregon euro to provo a gilt-edged security. Jut j-pwsBjsssw---1 r mm am nonooh, SWw Vim JoilHHAt, hue ni a itulr no lwfnlfftoth f'hfffww irrtirtft lf thfflapmnt frt Ifm Uhlld nnd tli IiniI, And fi j.tiMMixl all that tM, by llit,f, J, Atari fSaMirfft of l riiMy Utltntmi ttom Ifi m I'flrtwtmi, will ! .nMIhl M nnni by ; Imih h- h tht Mim i'yM and Bftlfifak AIIJiifUfotiM In AMfimlilnri A (Jo, ptimftf.1 wit f Mf. Hkrtw, favofa I'ofiaio hth' U. jtllMelf of Ilia lif In liM Rfif nf tlif mat. wMt fit(fltif( tfnlfefolty ofMfhlart, Iim fofanll and h wa jjlftw rfry cliric In inthMtn tiunutU Mtwti tUw A Wi,i ifctrVrifl lilfiiaidf. w work tfiMIH "tHm tit Moflli 'I II f-J Jol'ttfMf. IfUlrtnr III fKfMfMffltl Ufa Kfcrtf 1m mnfc liifofmallon ulitit liU msnaiieriisfii. or filrnf!f(ffief)l, AniefhW A nolaMttaddlllon Um leri mid in (JlflM A CoV'Hiflea -f 0(H Aulhors" of Ilia ftihool, and propos to iirlitt l(f in n edition of tlmHOrnllonof flV i.i. ..I.... ... i ... t rniiru u 1 riirrf'ir ii 11. iicirgiiii or Is 00LLE02 FOOTBALL. It Is suggested tbat It lo Improper for a collcgo or uulvorstty to maintain a football team, or to encourage athletics and outdoor sports from , timo "immemorial" as tho cant phrase bns it. Thoro waa not a collego In tho United titatos that did not keep up a baseball olub. Thoro Is not ono now tbat has any lifo that docs not keop up ft football loam. It is said that somo of tho young men bet monoy on tho game laet Bat unlay and that somo of thooo who wero down from Corvallls spont a groat deal of monoy and "saw the town Saturday night." It Is qulto possible Many of tho students at Cor valha aro possessed of moans and spend their money freoly. But wo hoard of nothing Improper. Youth will have Its fling and thero is no suDprosstug all the life and vitality In young mon, A race of young men In whom all traces of hilarity could bo suppressed would not amount to anything and would uot be worth educating. There aro excewes and abuses con nected with all sport. Gambling Is not tho obeot of araatsur sport. Its organization Is to rigidly guard against tho development of the gambling pro pensity. Amateur sport has dono more to wipe out gambling In conneotlon with sport thau any other Influence. Webellove thero Is great virtue in college athletics, and. we bolioveen- thusiabm for honest outdoor sports is produotlve of more good than bad re eultf, There are those who would suppress all manifestations of a sporting nature. They do not uuder stand human nature nor a rational organization of society, which are both best served aud their true Interests pro. uoted by the largest possible free activity of tho individual. Why the taste for football aud tbor athletic sports should be suppressed in the collego studont any moro thau in other young men, wo cannot see. Tho sedentary pursuit of a college career demands tho stimulus and ozoltemeut ot outdoor sport more than almost any other occupation. W deem it n duly lilhflriefaiiolM ami liflplcM Jmlfrtii nhlldren of lli whole fMiiifitry that hi onfrer an upif vlJor of inluii nhlldfeti he laid Imro, arid preveiitrd In the fniiir, Mr, itnkrniraw In now rellnvrd by Tlion.W. l'otlef'n arrival and being put In ohnrg of the school. Hut Mr. JUKc straw linn rutabllnhed a character at Olieinawa which unlit him for tfio fndlan ftrvlce. He hnn shown that he in too arbitrary and unfeeling to be In ulmrge of Indian children, If hl not positively cruel, ho Is domineering unlit lo bo at tho head of an educu lloual Institution which was created to protldo for an unfortunato cities of boys and girls, who nro uot to blame for being wards of tho government. Wo do not wish to bo harsh with Mr. lUkontraw, but wo rrjolco, ns will tho children at (Jbrrnawa, that ho In nuper soiled by Mr. Potter. Mr. Itakentrnw seems to bo ono of thoeo harsh, tyrannical, despotic In dividuals, who Imperiously demand that evorybody stand In fear of thorn, who rule by force, nud whoso vlll naturally inclines them to crush every thing and .everybody that comes in tfiolr way. This may not bo tbo fault of Mr. lUkcstraw, but It disqualifies him us an educator. VALUE OF ENTHUSIASM. Salem peoploBhouId seo tbat nothing pays better as a business investment than a llttlo genulno enthusiasm. Tho success of friends of football In working up a llvo interest in tbat gamo in a few short weeks, so that a thou sand peoplo attended tho third match gamo of tho season. Tho trains coming Into Salem wcro nil crowded with people, and thero woro delegations from nil the neighbor Ing towns as far as pcople'oould drlye. It was a chilly, foggy, dlsagreoable day, but pooplo turned out to eee tbo gamo, yolled themselves hoarno, and enjoyed their hoarsness afterward. The point wo wo wish to emphasize Is tho value of genuine enthusiasm for whatovor 1b logltmute aud lawlul and of common public Interest. Wbetbor It bo a now medical collego, a hospital or a gamo of football, it Is patriotic It Is American, Jora man or woman I to get out of his shell and shout a llttlo, or evon to howl and mako a fool of hlmsolf, so long as ho helps set others in motion and makes things move. Let us have moro wholesome enthus iasm 1 At a low cstlmato tho football game brought n thousand dollars into tho city. Flyo hundred peoplo were hero who would otherwise not havo been here. They spont at a low estimate $3 aploce. Tbo Interest In the gamo gavo the whole community au Impulse for wholesome sport and made all that much bettor and honester men and women. What Is wanted Is moro onthuslasm auu less kloking,sulvolllng and fuulttlndlng. Harvard unlwnlly. "Jlnpslvit leading" In lie lltln of a hontill'ul book published by 01 on A Jo, and prepared by tho Jly, I)t, Van Dyke, ofNW York City. Ono Ihotin- Land capita, worn ordered by tho Nnw Old rtoiilh ohiiroli In llimtou before tho book wan published, Outing for November proven that for In no In emlllng upon the world's mngnxlneof n;ortnrnl recreation. All uutiMial number of flno Illustrations and many readablo sketches make tho current Iwiue moat Interesting. Kvcry clean, wliolerotne sport received nt (eiitlon, whllo some excellent fiction given the needful varloty to suit varied tusleo. Tho editorial and record de partments are most valuablo accessories. Edmund Uiirko'M "Inflections on tho French Itovolutlou" la tho latest uumborof Mnyuard, Merrill & Co. 'a English clnnulo scries. It contains tho usuul criticisms of eminent authors, notes nod Introduction, Now York. Price by mall 24 cents. Tho authors of tho "History of Our Country" nre three wollknown south ern teuohorB and educators. Tho book Is a graphic story of our oountry's life, growth, and progress. The authors havo succeeded In making a toxt-book wbloh is absolutely fair and Just to all sections of the country. Mr. George Balntobury, formorly of Merton collego, Oxford, who has just been nominated by tho Crown to tbo chair of rhetoric and English literature In the Uulvorstty of Edinburgh, made vacant by tho resignation of Prof. David Massou, has completed his volume on nineteenth century litera ture, which contalus some of bin most brilliant work. Maomlllau Company. There aro pooms, editorials, reviews, and tho usual dopartmouts. making up a varied and strong number. Oregon people in choosing their periodical lUtH for tho coming year cannot lu roamm neglect tbo Overland, and tnultltiulta of Eastern peoplo will want this utile exponout oi tho wide, froo, aud Interest lug llfo of the furthorest West. Tbo well-known authorities on ath letics aud football, Win. I). CihiIh and Walter Camp, are prunl neut contributors to Outing for November. Mr. Curtis handles "The International Alhletlo Match" with tho pon of an expert, while Mr. (-amp- writes of the possibilities nt tho coming football battles as only Mr. Camp can. Many flno illustrations and bteezy sketches of sport, travel and adventure, complete a valuable number, Tho Overland Monthly for November opens with a bright talk by tho editor. "In the Sanctum," on the circus nud tho memories it brings. Tho Overland' readers havo learned to look for theso confidential chats, uud havo formed each in bla own mind a picture of the parson, tho contributor, the reader uud the ofllce boy, with whom tho editor holds frank convene. The uew volumes In the edition of tho novels of Ivan Turgoucv, translated by Constanco Garuett, ami published NW Vfifff M r,i Mmill VijtW ttoirtlUUmt ifrtjrtfllf, bniMfia' lli tnflf f.pflMifi 'nl IN!, anil In if.fl nttiMf aw Hri rti(r nn fiM-", lilHn, JKfifp?ti ami nfHrtUn ffn, I'Mtt, flirt "friny lnna," fprM fffirfrnf nf Hm ffKMIrtfnfii nmUf tkn flew afijmf llomtinnt and fWlKMl mf I fie pnfty tun ofilhary (at IrWrt, In Mew Vfiffc mtyrtlid nonnty Tain- litany rbttw IlSffi(lf llnlirt fry utmiit $1,000 h Ornker ttnttM irvery thing by an ovefwlielfiiliirf ! eeepl a fw in toihf rn of the nimbly. l(foroi wan iifldfldlifedl unnrirlcnl thai (ha iiiaeh'lno tnfglit win. If In led. the first time Plait and Tnuiiumy haye ntrnnk bun tin acra-Ht dm gravrtnf reforut. And then tho reform fiKVcmoiit had be ooino n heavy with fellnlotti lustien. (he nnlein that olmel thn beer entoou of thn Inbornr hut left open tho ultib room and hotel ham of the millionaire, wan a hppoorltlonl fraud. Wnrnor Wilier, who made the great flht In thestnto convention for recog nltlon of the moral olomentn within the parly came out ahead. Tho princi ple of obodlonco to law and tho orderly observance of tbo American Hnbbath, whenever stripped of Ilypocrlcy and Insincerity, will bo sustained by tho American peoplo. ills prluclplo, when stripped of all encumbrances, wll carry In New York city, iiut It will not be lu n year boforo n presidential election, when tho whole struggle In to got con trol of tho machinery to handlo tho primaries nud patrouagonesultlngfrom electing a party president. New York bosses havo nlways slaughtered tho causo of good government In tho city to net control of tho party organization, which Is moro Important to them than Ih'j welfare of the peoplo. Until tbo American people t-aleguurd the nomi nating primaries and conventions us carefully as they do tho bollut box, their elections will only he a ratifica tion of hoastsm and its aud its attend ant corruption. mw mumnm Qrta( Qm n fUrm ej'iHwtnaj lint Affflf fn'HW r"v'" ",f, MMllh flMffil Hoods Sarsaparllla riiffilMf nertmin IIIomi Mfff flirt pliylenliyteffifaoflfiirHMtdlMilroiin, Tlt (Umi ItmnmUf lrrtH IfilfWlM garntn In ilw fifftfttl wkbili rlarafnp, nMt or to, Ih nrnoa ilWfWlfiif fww. Th inia way liivfl litem fMMiNHi M l t iMllh binHM in mndf , t trh nml frnt inttn ilfftentM uf, wlwi I be ftnltflll M feflfa,. hr nMetar HhwI's HnfM-fllln. "Ill ljMmbr' law, f wnn -lWifti dawn wllb lyprwld imtwiiM My fa;? 'v.r: ,, lULLnhn or mosic of the Wiliamelle Diversify, -IINDWK NICW MANAOlCMl'N'i. Jllr1WllW . , ASI t MM A 1A1 1 aftas r t1!' i 1941m umifm wMtrtilyarwy fHlfal jne. Iniheil.p (tfiiyn rinpW, wlMit It Milil lu my rtih rvr Dfofiirielj. TfirtHirfli Ihiib nnffrf hirf I iwnme -wf mwi. tp sltltf nod ehnrireil iliitw! Irt fldi, while my iMtHMnnd llHihn wers wry miifli hwbIImi. Il wnn n hunt 8truglo for Llfo, ami nflpr imln under lln enf of lrtj different ileetnrn I ntneltiilHl llMl I iwtlil not et wall, hut iltHilml lo Inhe sttnie thliii tontlmiilnln inr n)nltin. I newml IiiHly gotalKilltn of Mmid'n Mn HI In nndoonimt-neoil tnM omptrltfif from II. 'flint WM a year n'lir my I run bin hrokn out. I continued In imp Mm innlleiiip, nr, and after tnklitKnli tiitila In in well and hearty. " J. O. MiiowNiNO,Ttirnrr, Ore, Hood's Sarsaparllla Is tho Only True Blood Purifier Prominently In the public-eye. fjl 0 for f 5. Hood's Pills ii lialilliul ruuill-4 I'fl-f v. Catarrh in the Head Is duo to Impure blood and cannot be cured with locul applications. Hood's Baraaparllla has cured hundreds of oases of catarrh because it purl Ilea the blood and in thin way removes the cause of tbo disenbc. It nlao builds up tho system and prevents attacks of pbcumoula, ulpluherlu and typhoid fever. Hood'p Pills become tbo favorite ca thartlo with every ono who tries them. 25u. A Fi:w Cents Only. -It costn you inn u few ceuis to cull u messougor and liuvo him deliver your packages or notes fur you. King up tho blue boxes. Whca Iteby u an fclolt , wh gao or C'.wUorl.i. When rJio was a ChU J, Uo crll tor Castorla. Vfbta slie bocanio Miss, slio rlimK to CuitorU. Wliea alio hod ChlMrea, lio cava tliom Castorta. RED FRONT LIVERY AND mOB MNR4. WV lied Front I.lverr nnd llonrdlnt HtftbTe". KirntclaM In every rMpcct. 1'rlce rennonnljle. K. II. WJtsTAtorr, pntprlator. DAILY HTAdK LINia. 1'ollowlne ilAtttit nrrlro and demrt dally. except Hundayi Hllvorton ttiKS nrnvcM nt 10 n, m., leave at l:ir,p, m. Kara 75 ooutn. Uailaa Binge, arrive at 10 a, m., leave all p.m. Indepoudonco itngo arrives at 10:.T0 a. m., leaves nt '1 r. m. 10-ld I11. CONTLUS, Parlors Over Gray Pros. 7, C. GRIFFITH, OHlce: Corner Court mnd ZCominerotal a upiUlra. All work iiuar.intotd. Vrlec low a- iuo Inwcdt. ivl-tr MONEY JO LOAN I Ou city or farm properly. T. K. FORD, Over Bush's Bank. aM4Jc ' KIKfrr NATIONAL IIANK fltIMiINO, t4AI.Wf, (.H W, I. ITIW.V. raiwetMi,. ' Iti .iilliifMin imMii, Miiitnl4 tM etjiff at nay n IjnSlrjrfj foTff r f YiUtrin f r ilornnlit- emtf n of liitiJiiM tralnl-M ma i H . flnlneM Cwllen oiler flva irpi "s'.ii Diiilnotti Shorthand. Typewriting Ponmanihlp and English. niM m i .fhl l rxMlllvelr Idn '-- jtilnfMfvlleslnOreOt ii'ittM I he jiilerommimienlltn nymimm I.., riM iirnellr. OiiI-oMowii -I it iTeiiUf ny neif e iImmi and fiifni-hej ,,! iHprlvninramllyalMaweei. Vrllnor raji at wilfrjia oirhM r!,, ",i?f udZ stvliiK Mil infitrittHilon relnllvn Ui eotir.e of Mttdy, ralen of itmiun" ! M -EXCELSIOR - STABLE. IS. C, HANSEN, MANAGUA. Only good horaos ubqiI. SatiHfnotion gunraiitouil. Sfblci back of Sljitu Iiifiiiriiico lilnulc. C. GOODAJL12, LUMBER YARD, STREET, NEAtt DEPOT All KraiUn nml (llmonelouH of )iihlliiK 1 .umber. Larceat ntock and U ',ow'' . R. HA If Kit, Malli-ST J, COBURG TWELFTH E. M. WAITE PItlNTING CO,, nun inn nnriTaim tiU UUD AND Ltiffal Blank .Publishers. JJueli New llrlclr.over thebankCom'l stroel Wantj:i). To excbotiKO or eell, three or four acres opposlto eohool hoube. Will talio amall payment, nod remainder In work. Inqulro of J. O. MoFariand nt Clear Luke, bIx milea north of city, or nddroas Sulem. . 11-0 m Invialblo uork boIo atiooe, with Into style toes, at Krausse Booe. 18 2t 0niaica ; Always FIRST . 2 l Gail Borden Eagle Brand ; ; CONDENSED HILK 2 ! -Vot ytn ,h 'H Utai- it u th Mt nd tin mott econoinktU J i ! A PERFECT FOOD FOR INPANTS S Chief Justice Beau haa been mon tloned In couneotieu with tho-republl can nomination for congress In the first by Maomlllau & Co., coutain A tipotta. district; of oureo without hla cousont. man's Sketches. Turgonev becun his Judge Bean would mako an Ideal literary career and won au enormous member of congress. He la a mau of popularity lu Iliwsla by hla Rketohes ability, uot glvou to flattery, well edit, from peasant lire. Theso volumes con. cated, alluo lawyer, young and pro-1 lain some of tho bebt of hla short greaalve, and belug a native born son atories, and gain a special Interest from of Oregon, knows her noeds exactly, the luflueuce they had upon the aotlon I Lane county la lustly proud of him, of tbo late cr in hla moro kindly, Mri. to4 Vuucof .. nunu and her citizens, without rogard to treatmeut to tho serfa. ntoSai& AV"i Vrlle" "l " party, nro his friends, Tho ropublicau ' Messrs. Copeland uud Bay of Boston. BB(?w3kK or Fierce' i'Avor!terrr ... - ! Knptlou and 'Golden party would make no mistake In pro. announoe for publication In Nevember: 9m$xwmuk Medcai. Discovery.' i r (r rftllrl WAS under dnrtnrc' nrM motlng the geutlemau nt this time.-- "The Maglo House aud Other roeuis." flrmrav w tm ftr two year with womb Kugouo Guard. (Dem.) by Duncau Campbell Hcolt, Octavo, green cloth. J1.25 th 111 'l HUIE WING SANG CO. ..'MlflllTI'liq Japnneio Kauoy Uoud. all kind ol llk em tiroldery, nmmen'H, Ulilnaweiir, bost teas ol all Hurt .MiU'ln-iS and underwear. Kvorv. iiUiKNAllinv vorv cheap. 112 Comt atreoi, mtlein.Ur lo-awili ' WOLZ'S MARKET. FriMb. Mlteit and amoked Meat and'Bau tagtH. B-lletrlKerator meat in best hap. Kiintinan Alloecneiit, eaitern stylo. Freo delivery Houtn Commercial street- ''HAH WiiU. lrop. The WiRanffe Hotel L1CADINO HOTEL OF THE CI7 Y llwljicwl lutct-. MaiuiKoraent liberal. Klectrlo cum leuvo hotel foTtt-l lie nuildlngi and polnla of Interest. Hpeclal rates will Iks clven to miuU . A. I. WAGNER, P'ttroii-. gflEAT t-THE BUFFET CAll ItOUTE NRyThe Shortest and Quickest Li 108 -HKIWKKN- Pacific Coast Points, St. Paul and the East, CrmkeHlmtliia-:jjHotdeandtlio Jtockv MonnUln In dayllsht, allnraluir niwnnn w oj)jortunllyorvlowlngtiio Grandest Scenery in America! A lnnrt ?rlS?n,."y hm'1 i.V.,1i.nd! 1" ut ll ft '"; v!ft Hoattlu. and one at ft II p. m. vl d B. n.niiii nrioKnue. KUIIR nunurUeiiulnmniit i-m luting nmuin. .. ...... . m ..,. POLAND CHINA HOGS. iullblood 1'oland China ow. which Hri ot. lewd ror sale chep. John Marnoob. on Independence rond, near Holmes' hop yard . 10 2Mm d w MEYT010AN On rarm land security. Hpeciat rate " w,tnoru,:tedelay.B lMat "". n.h.ukb,WlaM,I'TOWMOm LEAVES ITS MARK -every one of the painful Irregularities T?..Wfea.k".e,',se; tlmt Prey UP" women. They fade the face, waste the figure, ruin tlie temper, wither you tin, make you old before your time. ' Get well: That's the way to look well. Cure the disorders aud nllmeuta that beset flon rierce'a ravorlte I'rescrip- fiilff BU,a.tM nlul Pyte all the proper functions, Improves digestion, enriches the blood, dispels aches and pains, melancholy and nervousness, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and strength. It's a Im.i ''"'. Kcnerai, as well as uterine, toulc ana nervine, Imparting vigor and strength to the entire system. 7. J. lIAftKINS, Morse, (Shoeing Shop at 100 Uhemeketa street, near Com- 'uu I'uiuioir, oonininiutf bath roon, turbor shop, eimv clmlrj otn Tim mnirninivnt '. "?bJ!"ort UwMtJ' and ;ortliland.-M rtr. iiiu'-niiiun i iiimi imirnii iii&iiiMnnrf .. in.i..i. - . '. . . W.'l, HM liril ribi SSiTiTK5:! , J' X y''tHrke, Vd via the NO r KitN htbami ilP' OO VaSV u 1 Joy a delightlul ride free from tho heat and aunt. Kor ticket" or nnen i lnr"r.ntlo.i ail w in COMMERCIAL HTItGRr. .VLKM, OR. A, II. O. DKNNMrON, O '. . 1 lia Third t., I'ortuoiliO BOZORTH BROS,, a- II.IO. HTEVENH. G W. I'. A. JU Front st..Heattlo, Walt. Miss Balk's School East and South OPENED IN CHAINING HALL, branches ror tho o'der pupils tousht, ino ud. irf..nlln.,F' no'e"ng, 'mu.lo, plain ana fnrtiMJfalew,.)r,c.wo,k l'o on he 'Piiflmul'. Itu Wll. Rev. Orauul. ebould Imvo given tbe .,. llutler YalM Innin ,,, Oregon lefilHiature credit for tbe law M Rol( mB The yellqw hook, Vo. pawed at tbo last aeBsion raising tbo VII, larfie, t4uaro octuyo, f 1.60. ouio ago ofconaeut to 10 for both eexe8. .. ,,,. ooulrILlI,nrB nrfl Ir But for bouio reason or otber tbo cen-'TT .,.,-, . J W ww tleniandIdotllketbatIegUlaturo. .ara, lt,a,ui.d .tt.nd.ifa "tTij '. Wariot.AVieon'auu.iUflurtl LbQalll- A book of 16S pages on "Woman and Tier CHI'drOn CrVfor m.e, Volume I, II.III.IV.V.VI, Eisfas?,".,nai,ed "&. onSlp?of?o rlA..t. . . j. j inn hum un ii-ii ni uu liunileutu uriCO. V.V " l" lor posiaee. Address Pitcher's Castprla ud combiu, jhu. SSS'S-I KSAUV m' a$2k& T Tl0N' wj Main Street, Buffalo, tf, V. rUiflMI 1 ? ry JTOjvOTMltf diieaie, and gradually jjatt ng lu strength aft the titue. I was so weak that I could kit nn in iu.,i only a few moments, for two years. I commenced taking Dr. Pierce' K. y?rUe Prescription and bis 'Golden Medical pi. covery,' and by the time I had taken one-half dot. en bottles I wai nn a...i ------ kuiiik wiicrevcr i pieaseit, and hive had good health SALEM WATER CO. "I Office Willamette Hotel Building tt water service apply at offloe, rtni. Dav. plafnWlo'mor0- " " SK or frceslbg to have stop and waste irate closed ?. fctlnn a rules and resiulat'ou. Nodcdno.' rremFre7nise: """ wuver "cutoS auuth. .J p. m. II:U)p,in. ll):5 a.m. TWWCN fORTl.ANI) ANDH, T. I .Nena I I1.V. I Ar. I'ortland Hal era Hau Kran. &Conscrvatorif Wovlt. ni,?n Vu?un' d,fect,or "ti U'aoileTf Piano, Italian Blng ng harmony nud olan taaohlQg. Aailafid byMto Anna Kraiw, teaober or pano, organ, suiiar violin and zlihfir.' MrJ ib ' S.-Vr"' toao ber or piano orirM nt,,ui, Pl W.a Clty Woodburn. BaK MllRln rnnm .f .1 'I') nD( BlnK'UB. U.eUer80lUAlbanyiAl0any 111810 rooms at tbo ree donee of J. R. Kugeue, Oreswell.brotiu u aii ; """ Jjeavo niiL'ii'8 or -VIA THE oHASTA ROUff oj thc- Southftrn Pacific Cofnoani, oM.irofjiiAlKxer.Knn TAiK-nuxi.ii. AM "" bv. I eip-i nrrinru di i.n Wills' muslo storo. AbnvA frntna dhm ..( l.'dt I'ltrtbind. Qt' egon City, Woodburn.Baloui.'i'uruer,Mrlo. undallstallooitiliw iwntiiim to Ashland Inclusive - GEO. FENBRICH'S MEAT MARKET. 321 OommorolalsUICottle block. I ..M. lSuoforoU.W.HeckAeo.l Remember Cy Stewart The Coooer. outl. ol & w. ,,, Bouth BaUn?, . rVuBSj German Lessons Uy Mrs. Rapsev. 451 Marlon Bt. BANJO LESSONS. S;,r 5 1 Marlon at, KOdKJIUItU MAIL IMlbk', , 8:81 n. m. I hv. I'ortlttnd r. g 11 00 a. m U Halern l-v. SSit. 3) P. in. I Ar. Ilmebn-K l.v !! 8.-O0SJ5; BoutTr :W) p. in. I (1:16 p. in. SALKlt rAbMtUIUhll. Uv. 1'ortland. Ar. Ar. tulin. 1.V How toice Fortune Uinliig Ciirs on Ogiicn Ko"lo TOLLMAN BOFFET SLBBPERS AND Socond Class Sloooin" Cars' Attached to all ihrouch triiln. iVestSido Division, Brtwn M &di Ccrvallis; dailt iitxciKpr rfUNOAr it. 7:A) a. ra. I tiv." lifclA p. m. 1 Ar. i'orimuU (;orvallU (.U AT. I . SVn I.v.l rJ'P-V- At Albunv trains of Oroifim nnd (rvallls .connect "J1 in A Eatero Kallre0- ' i 1 - " Ht I.v.l fc2 M5 p. in. aa p. m l.v. Ar. Portland McMlnuviUe Tea ratm Jiri'l UETS To ail noluts In the Btitivu BUte. W'ffJj and liurone con bo obUlnwl ut lo' '. rt irom w. v. wixi.vNKlt. B5D.!'1Mrti3 It. KOSIXiaCK, MauAr