CAPITAJL JOURNAL.. 00Hmumft mmmmnninau m fiw lMs1illWiaWw;tskjljf sac omawrnrfli i'f MONTH. -DntlU Capitol 'Tmmtit, - lim MONTH. Dtittil Otjiltfi! Journal- AHWOrtATITQ PRa HATLV .X N1M jli if M.l VOk DAILY JQDJTIO-N. HAJWf, OUKOON, W'HDSffCMDAV, NOVHMflf6lt , IHIW, iiAUiY JfiMTlOjMe jNO. jHM 1 i J HAS A IflNK rIvOTHINO FOR MEN; HOYS AND C.UM)IU8N, Wo will h,ivo you 26 por otnt on lln lino Jfosiory, umlarwunr, booh, bIhhm, nnd yd I noanoiiublo goods in Itugo qiMntitieH, Wo buy and soil for CASH ONLY, 'arid will avo you money. E.T.BARNES HE) .iid Save Money in everything: you raiit0io buy. 74, COMMERCIAL ST. ! - BIBLES - A NEW AND CMMjKTK 8T00K OK OXPOItO MW.K8 jpeclnt Teacher' Kd ; India Paper Ed.; oinnu jinnuy i.aiuoiii; vui rncset uiuivi. umuiieu , Published by tho Oxford 1) bio Co. F, S. DEARBORN, 263 COMMERCIAL ST. GRAY J ARDWARI WAGONS Road Machinery and Agricultural Implements. Latent Improved Goods, aud Lowest Prices.; ; 9N W. Cor. State and Liberty Stt. HERE IS A GOOD THING PUSH IT ALONG. ANY SUIT OR OVERCOAT X3ST OTTH. SVOX&IEZ $io.oo ANY SUITOR OVERCOAT II3SG" OTXJE& STORrE $iaoo .TtiHt'.rjilnJcot It. Just Vldnk of It. $14, $15. $10.50, $20, $22.50and $25. They all go for $10. We JiaveZno excuse for this great feast. Only we must havo thcmoneylin our fist before you talco the clothes. T We've .hist recclvey 25 Prince Albert suits. They're tnarltcd $20. They yo tlurtng th Is sale at $10. G. W.JOHNSON & SON. ) ,ij'7 f M'llilJllSllilOTJ) IINGLB SAM'S rnnKjCRKATTKIPUS UUttDKRf M ( MNK OK Don't read This HUT 00 TO ri-IB - FAIR llovlsed Illbles; 'cholnm' Kdltlonsi i: ii BROS.. SALEM OREGON). in i ii a d i v n j PAIR AND CARTS floftfd liKhtffofm on the (Iri-fll mmmmmmm m onion nans n, n. suits, Ditriicllvo Flro nnd Other oF Ilia thy, Notth Wahimnoton, Nov, iW.-Offlnlal In formation Imi beon rtcelvVd here of ibo enpturoof a illbtulerlng steamer, the Jlnraa, nnd arreU In Cuba of five of tho principal nirmlMTstif (lis expedi tion. Tho fJinn under arrest were Identified hero an vrnll known member of tho Cuban colony of Now York. A Bnow Storm. Cf.KVKf.ANt), O , Nov, HO. A ii now. fltorm accompanied by n flerco north, west gale linn provnlled on Inko Ityle, alnco midnight. Jt la believed that aorno boats wero caught out In tho ga'e. Throo Suits Beglu. Toi'KKA, Kan., Nov. 20. Foreclos ure buUb huvo been filed In the Bn'tcd States circuit court here, by 8am tiel Cnrr, against ttio central branch of the Union Pacific, Atchison, Jewell County and Western, and Atchison, Colorado nnd Fnolfto railway compan ies. Three suits uro brought by Curr, is trustee for purchasora of tho con struction bonds. Lake Storms. DETnoir, Nov. 20. Last night's storms seems to havo been most uevcro ou Lake Huron. Tbo steamer North ern Wave wont ashore trying to entor .harbor of refugo at Hand Beaoh. The crow nro on board but eafo. The steamer ICarsaugh grounded Insldo the Harbor. Tho wreok of a steamer was neon today drifltlng off point Crescent. Tho life saviuir crow from Austin has g mo to rescue, A Bad Fire EVAM3TON, Ind., Nov. 0. The bus iness portion of Madlsonvllle, Ken tuohey, burned this morning, Involv ing a loss of about $0,000. Died. BYRNE At the residence of John tittvage, opposite the state fair grounds north of tialem. at fl;30 p. m. Tuesday, Nov. 10, 1S05, Mrs. John Byrne, aged 02 veurs. Mrs. Xtyrno was ono of tbo early pioneers of Marlon county, hereolf and husband residing In Balem for many years. Everyone was acquainted with John Byrne, who ut ono time was numbered with tho business men thereabouts. He departed this life about IB years ago. A son, Prlnco Byrne, survives them. Deceived wan au Invalid for sovoral months, heratllicilon being cancer of tho Btomnoli. The funeral of Mrs. Byrne will be held at tho Presbyterian church at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon, leaving tho residence of John Savage at the fair grounds at 1 o'clock. The burial will take place iu Odd Follows ceme tery, ii, fc i Card of Thanks. In behalf of the firemen, Jtho under, signed wlshos to thank Uesdamcs Cooper, Clark and Evans for preparing nud sending to tbo boya a hearty uncheon at tbo close of their work at the woolen mill fire. Also to A, J. Basey for bringing (be same to tho scene of their labor. J. A, Cobs, Chief. Railroad Notks. Tho over'and last night com priced seventeen coaobea making the longest passenger train pacing through tiuluui for nomo time. The treatlo on on 12th street, near the Southern Pacific depot, Is being 'epulred. Rheumatism Is a ay mp to in of disease of the kid-ipj-B. It will certainly bo relieved by Parka Sure Cure. That headache, mokaohe and tired feeling come from lePsMPraose. Ask for Parka' Bure Cure for tbe liver and kidneys price iHk, sold bv Lunn it Brooks. MM w ' i Wnrhft MlnAipftfh Hent in U'flSfftfii!nJiilp, GANaBXSISSIOKXUY UAIiTRHTEDf . TlietSutkH'ft i)cltlli U Not Hub ftfnnllMtcK. IxiNiMiw, Nojr. 20, A dlnpatoh from Constantluoplo to tbo Globe, Idle after, noon, confirms the. report of the III treatment to whluh tho Canadian inlMlonary, JAor. Mr, Martin, has been subjoctwl, Ity the Turks. Ho wn beaten, and ftftefwftrda Imprlsonod for sixteen bourn. TarkUk AlaMftlor Dlei. London, Nov. . Ilustem 1'aaba, the Tarklnb auibwmdor at London, died this morning. Report IMmedltod. Brrmn, Nov. ap, Nothing further has beon received frol Sofia, Bulgaria, In any way tending to confirm tho dispatch from that city yestorday, which announced that a report bad been received from Constantinople that the sultan of Turkeyjbns been poi soned. It is bollovcd there Is no foun dation for tbo roport. f Adventista' Theory. Elwood, Ind.. Nov. 20. In an Interview concerning 4 tho udventlst belief In regard to the ptesont Turkish troubles and tbelr relatrjin to prophecy, Elder W. H. Eborlo, of Frankton, ono of tbo leading oxponente of that bo lief, said: "Wo Seventh Day Advon tlats believe tho Turkish crisis foro sbadowB the ond of tbo world, destruc tion of Its kingdoms 'and tho second coming of Jesus Christ." Uncle Barn's Defencj. Washington, D. C. Nov. 20. Tho U. S. steamer Minneapolis baa boon ordered to Join tbo European fquadron immodlatoly, doubtless on account of tho Turkish situation. Jloo Reward Sioo The readers of this paper will be pleased learn that there is ot least one dreaded dUeaso that science has been able to cure In all Its stages, and that Is Catiurh, Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive euro known to the medical frarernlty. Catarrh being a constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Or. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Wantkd. To exohaugo or sell, three or four acres opposite school houso. Will take email payment, and remainder In work. Inqulro of J, O. MuFarlaud at Clear Luke, six miles north of city, or address Baltm, 11-0-m asi Catarrh In tho Head Is duo to Impure blood and cannot be cured with local applications. Hood's tiaraaparllla has curod hundreds of cases of catarrh because It purl Ilea tbe blood and In tula way removes the cause of tho dlseaue. It also builds up thesyBtem and prevents attacks of pneumonia, diphtheria and typhoid fever. Hood's Pllla become the favorite ca tburtlo with every ono who tries them. 26o. A Few Centb Only. It coals you but a few oenta to call a messenger and have him deliver your packages or notes for you Ring up tbe blue boxes. There are 177765 mllea of railroad In tbe United States. There are 06,835,880 rails used to cover this grouud. There are 633,265,000 ties used, to bind thcie rails together, but no euch amount, however, Is required to bind tho hearts of tbe traveling publlo to tbe fact that tho Wisconsin Central lines furnish euperlor facilities on all tbelr trains between Bt. Paul and Chicago which form close connections with all lines to tbe east and south. Make a nqfe of It, ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all la leuvealag I StrHftft.-V. t, Oevtrwswiit Rscwrfc 'MjtiffrloM Shooting toiSlilnn Connli MA, WE SHOT IN TUB HACK. John Mo'.ilKomrry nut! H'llo nnd MfKcr" cher (ho VfelliM JlmWNhVJM.M, Ohk.1 Nov, 20, Tho hiJMery surrounding tho murder of John Montgomery, hi wlfo and I), U, McKrrdier, ypsUrriay nlternoon, on tho fatm near litre In Mill unsolved. Tim rnronor Irwin au Inquest this morning. Tho only people on tho premlaU botde tho murdered people wan tbo 10 year old xou of Montgnm ery. Ho state that he was rent to tho pasturo by his father Ut get the horse, and when ho returned bo found all threo murdered. Tho shooting was dono with Montgomery's rifle, and all threo wore shot from behind. Mont gomery was out In the yard and Mo Kerchcr aud Mrs. Montgomery were in tho house. Bkownbyillk, Or., Nov. 20. Tues day about 4 o'clock, at the 8. R. Tcmpleton farm, threo tulles east of Brownsville, John Montgomery, bla wlfo nnd D, B. McKcrobor wero found dead, having beon murdered by un known persons, Montgomery was found lying on bis back in tbo frlnt yard, near a picket fenco about 20 feot from tbo bouse, with the top of his head blown off. MoKor. ohor was found In tbo sitting-room, lying ou his faoo, with a shot In tbo left aide of bis bend, part of bla skull gono, aud with Montgomery's rifle acrosti hia legs, where It bad evidently been placed. Mrs. Montgomery waa found lu tho diuing room, laying on her face, shot In tho back. All had evidently beon killed whllo fleolng from tbo murderor or murderers. No causo for tbe deed Is known. Ex citement here la Intense. No one but tho murdorod people were known to be on tho premises at tbo Mine tbe tragedy waa committed. Tbo coroney baa been, notified, but no ovldonce has yet been taken. MARKETS BY TELE OR A PH. Salem and Eastern Quotations Cor rected Dal.y. OllIOAQO Nov. 20 WUwi, casUWy;. i Dee M$kw York. Nov.gQ.-ailver. StfJic; lead, rwo. BAN FftANOU-CO MAUKKT. Ban Kbamcisoo, Nov 10 Whet.lJ. Vxol-4lregon. oholc, 7O100; Inferior, D7o; valley Hop-QuoUbleat46o. l'otatoeJ i5 tq Mo por sack JJurbankt GOSOa per buck. Oft.s Mllllnjr, saw. VOHTLANU MAUICET.: I'ohtlanii. Nov so. Wheat valley Ki4 ofiltwalto oalla.K4a Klour I'orUmna, i.TOi Benton county, 83.70 eraliam 1285; uperflno.i, Anerbbl. , M , 0U-Whllo. 'Jlcal'la grey. 1930; rolled. In bOK.U3J,'r bit rl,WA07.CO ciisen, 11.75. I'otatoe Nw Orrgon, ZStUo per saok, IUy-Uood, lias W per ton, WiinlVallv. ilkalfn UllUtud Umn.JltWOi aborts, 111160; oUop leod. 11216 per ton; rye&Oo pero. , Hides ren, tailed GO Ibs.Bo; undorJOO lbs Hops New Oreicon.tooo.; 1) utter Oregon fancy oroaraery,' niWo funoy dairy, 18l74o; falrtoeood, 13Uo oommou, lOo Cboeve Oregon full cream, &S Et Oregon, M pr dox. l'ouliry Ohlos.en. f 1.60 1 00 per doi; ducks tSCa&i.Wi gete. K),U0(370; turkeys, live OaIOo; dre.ied. 12a. jlecf Topieeri,2K' SsS per B: lair to good ateen,2a'J8-6o; cows, 2i3oi dressed bee a5o, mui ton Best beef, $l.7S2.00; choice ewes, 81.76; dressed, to. Hogs ( holce, heavy, fSAomfiO; light and eeders, S36; dreesed, iKo v D. VcAlt-araiill, eboloa, 6ulici large, Sato V ft. BALEM MAKKKT. Wheat s2e V bo. market nrmer. Oau-lto. Hay-Haled, cheat, f IOaS.00; timothy ;w.&0. Klotir. In wboiesaie lots, fiM; reUll, .t2.N0; bran. buU Jie.00: sacked. Sll.iXh.BUorM, 811.00a 12.00; ebop feed. Ill.00il3.00, eal-llreasod.40, Hogs Drrssed, iUe. Live Cattle-ltt2Jio, fotaloes aoVbu, Onions Ic. Turkeys 0a8o. Apples litUlOa ou. Kijgs Sfio. lUius-.llo, Unoon10o. PMcbes tISSbu. foultry llrollers.'.'c; hens, Co; duris,Qu7o, Fresh lobsters at Doty'B market, 04 Court street. Heavy solo shoes with Scotch atKrauss9 Bros. edges, 18-2t Children Cry for Highest of lt In iMvnlrtK VowesV-Mttrt u 8. Ow't Xfroft RoYal smmrnM AmtovorrjLX shjwje OUAilO 1)7 fiantiATTBR. Reported Urn of fie Dermr MmIa1i IIomom, Nov. I0.-A f eolal to the HUndant from Wfstrle'd, Ma Hit?! "Yen, air, lama well man today. A month ago I wae dying from Con sumption, but, tliAnhs to tbo msata lianil of Francis Mohlnllor, I am well again " The Interesting annoticomont was tnado by Edward O. Lynch who hae Just returned from Denver, whither ho went for tbe purpono of aklng relief "at Hie hands" of tho now "MrMlah," Lynch has been suffering forsovernl j ears from n deop-aeatetf pulmonary trouble, and announced bla Intention of Ipu ing town. Ho waa no weak that bU folks at first were disinclined to allow him to make tbe trip, Ho says bin cough baa gone and bo feels m strong aa Ajnx, Dallas Wants It. " DAI.LAB, Or., Nov. 20. Tbe owners of tbo Dallas woolen mills bavo tolo graphed to the Thomas Kay Woolen Mill company, of Balem, offering them tho free u?e of their now mill until Balem rebuilds. Tho Dallas mill Is in first-class condition. Haywood Will Hang, Minneapolis, Nov. 20. Tho bu , promo court hao sustained tbe decision of tbo lower court In tbe Harry Hay wood caso. Tbo dato ot oxocution will bo fixed by tbe governor. Gold. Going. New York, Nov. 20 W. H. Cross, man & Bro. will export $1 ,000,00 of gold tomorrow. tho great vlrtuo of genuine "Fibre - Chamois." Thoy would insist;, like Lil lian Itusso1!, in havinir it in thoir now drossos. Wo havo it, in natural, drab, brown, black, also tho Orienta . . , T o cheaper quality, 25 cents per yard. Jackets Sorao ot duplicated. tho host numbers $4.00 to $20.00. Fur - Trimming A full assortment. 25c per yd. and up. J. J. DALftYMPLE & . - . tftimrftf Bakins Powder flft aft Bartow lKMif, tit., Nov. SM.Tfif lowrt ut lUrlow utMaltieil tlid In of a thffvlfi Imltntry In M11 burning of 0. W. Ojiinl'n wfiftelwrltfht ami bhubimltii shop. Tli fife wat discover'! timf thn toTR, alKitit li!1 In th morning, by J, Mollett, who gavo lb alaftr to tb townspeople, and aooti a great crowd bad gathered, Flndlog there wm no chanco of saving tlia building, tli efTordi of tbo bucket brlgado wero dlrrctetl to a dwelling owned by Wm. Alton, M or 40 feot distant, and Im concquenco that building wa imvcil and tho fire eonflnod to tbo ono build Ing. Tho low Is 1000, with $500 Inttir unco In the Oerman.AoiorlcaH IHHr anco company, of New York, The origin of tho flro Is unknown, but th theory Is that It anight Ifom tbe fofga underneath by heating IdoWn throtigk tbo planking, an tbo day preceding a hot flro had been kept up In the forge. Fancy Lamps. Lamps, did yo nay? Well, If that Is tho coee, we can fit you out. But romomber we have no fanoy prices at all. Bonnemaa, Btato street. Just Rroeivkd A carload of the finest quality of aborts. Highest quality and lowest price. Brewster & Wblto, 01 Court street. aw Buy your underwear at tho New York Itaokot and save monoy. Thoy do a strictly cash business and caa atlord to Bell closer than other stores. c-o-d-St Moub Coin. 8bcrin Knight today turned over to Treasurer Mluto (1203.87, being tho 25th payment of taxes. Cash and lowest prices have made tho New York Racket a success. e-o-d.2. IBi Tick To IT Whon you buy a Happy Home" uit, it is with a guarantee 'rom tho factory that it will give satisfaction. "Wo stick to that guarantee Try Hfl ono of those suits t....p'v Overcoats . . A lot of cur "Famous" camo tho other day. Nearly .$12 all gono Underwear . Showing a fino, heavy ribbed and fleeced inside. Pr. (fICA suit 5l.oU' Hosiery Best values in Fine Cash mere. 25c, 35c, dOc, 50c, 15c. Furnishing - Goods New line today. Now Do Joinviiles 50c CO. vm w uLNfcl!J stir Ml I 9 1 . v