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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1895)
.i4&Kl' 4mw "miWiumwm& , 1 I t r 4 1 I : f fn&!Z DAILY AMU WKKKIiYJ farr ftmiauii-ll-" ia ' isn't SWSSW IlV ItUfKN HNOTMKMB. fjini1 I" m iimr riiiiimii'iia TUESDAY. NOV. 1. HM. IT NJJVBIt RA1N8, BTO." Th "Hire time and out" the ory la well Illustrated In balem' recent otalfoplt. Klnt went Ilia WII-, llama and Knglatid bank. Then the Jimurauce company. Now come, the Woolen mill lire. The loMea by tho tocR holderi In lliene three Inatltullof linpowlsii by several hundred thou sand dollar Salem't moM enterprising huslneM won. Uy fur the wavcrcat blow our city his received In many years have fallen Id a few dayi. Our city and It enter prise have nobly weathered tbo hurt seas depression and tbo destruction ol Values that have been going on for aeveral years. Now come three crash a If from a clear shy. It Is always the unexpected that happens to try the out of an Individual or the life of community. Tho worst has come to our city thai could befall It lu a liuslneni way. Hui Balem and the men at the head of these felled and burned enterprises are still full of abundant resources'. Thee blows fall at a time when our city b gan to feet the tint Impulse of a for ward movrment toward reneweo prosperity. But the men of Salem will not despair. They are men of energy, experience and sterling character. They have business reputations that are worth a great deal ttnd that will nt permit them to flinch or falter. We predict that tbeee men will gather themselves together and from the rulue will build better aud greater enterprise than ever before. Balem Is bouud to go ahead. Catarrh in the Head Is duo to impure blood aud cannot be cured with local applications. UoodV Harsaparllla has cured hundreds ot cues of catarrh because It purities tbe blood and. In this way removes Un ci use of the disease. It also builds U the system and prevents attacks u( lihcumoula, ulpUtberla and typhoid fever. Houd'e Pills become the favorite ca thartlc with every one who tries them. 3Tc When Baby was skk, wo gave her Catforta. When she was a Child, she cried f or CastorU. VThcn tbo becAmo Mlai, A4 chwff to OMtoria. Tbaa tbo fcvl Children, l.e care them Castoria, Invisible cork sole shoe?, with late Blvlft too, nt Krauaae- Reoa. IS 2l $100 Keuanl $too Tlie reader of this paper will be pleated learn that there Is ot least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and (hat is Catajih, 1 tail's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical frarernity. Catarrh beiug a constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the disease, and giving the patient strength by buildinc UP the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that thev offer One Hundred Dollars lor any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F, J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Or. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Wanted. To exohaugo or sell, three or four acres opposite school hou&e. Will take small payment, and remainder lu work. Inquire of J. O. McFarlaud at Clear Lake, six miles north of city, or address Balini. 11-0-u) There are 177765 tullea of railroad lu the Uulted 8tate. There are 66,835,8S0 rails used to over tots grouna. Tuere are 633,'265,000 Ilea used to bind these rails together, but no such amount, however, la required to bind the hearts of the traveling publlo to the taet that the Wisconsin Ceutral lines furnish superior facilities on all their trains between est. raui ana uuirago which form close connections with all lines to the east aud south. Make a note of It. Rheumatism Is a symptom of disease of the Kid neys. It will certainly be relieved by Parka Bute Cure. That headache, backache and tired feelinir come from tho same cause. Ask for Parks Sure Cure for the liver and kidneys price 1-Ou, soul bv Luun A ltrooks. lWn -H f Take No Substitute Gail Borden Eagle Brand .CONDENSED MILK lUi always stool TVtSX la the elma tlon t tht Amrtcaa H. v ctW U "luuatfusd." Xut laiaat Jfecd. l---i " is ii-na jstilil BJBiWWT HMr BOMB hVVAU nnrvi Uontltiiml from first e n. 1 11 i 1 in - butttieH up In thlf mcIIoii of the country. The? law suit betwuett I'fnf, Hiljfg. of (he f ityton piibllOMliool,nrnl Clarence Jllll.ono of (he pupils In the pfufewor'a room, over Ihe eliaMlseruenl ofOlar enceby J'rof. HtgK a week ago lal Krlday, wa on trial at Iho ball Balur day morning from lo o'clock until 2:80 In the afternoon, I'fof, i)rlggi at the oloeo being acutillltoViiuch to the all facllou of tbo entire community. Mr. M. W. rratt, of California, ft reformed drunkard, gambler and fighter, delivered n lecture at Ihe Christian church In this town last Wednesday night, upou the evils of "Liquor ant! Cards." He gave a clear outllno of his life from birth to old age, which was very Interesting, and at the same tlmo sad to bear bnw, through the Influence of liquor, card-, and evil antedates, a moral, well-raised young man became almost a total wreck, being checked ouly In time to iavt blm tram a drunkard's grave. I won der If wt realize that this man's life Is only a fair sample of what thousands are becoming every day under our very eyes, through the same dreadful causes. A fact tbul Is enough to make tue fathers and mothers In our land who have sous and daughters standing on tbo very threshold of manhood and tvotnaubood, tremble for tho future ol tbelr loved ones, kuowlng full well all ibr temptations that will be placed In heir path through life, In spite of a mother's aud father's watchful eye. When they see tlie school boys stunt ing their growth aud drylug up tbeir trains with smoke. When they dis cover that tbelr very cigars are soaked lo aleohol and liquors, and their boys are balled with beer, and ontlced into aloons by music, games and evil com pany; ud when they are told of tbelr legeueracy in scholarship so that the percentage ol girls who graduate and ho take honors, Is steady gaining on that of the boys, can we then wonder tDal the parents of these boys can -carcely wall until the public schools and colleges of our country see it Is their duty to focus their splendid light up-jn the problem of prevention. It Is a glorious thing t) go to the res cue of a wrecked and ruined manhood with the lifeboat of reform. J3ut do you not think it would be far Letter to oulld a light house on the sunken reef, warning the unskilled voyager of bis duuger? If a young man could seo bis ifo la perspective, If It were ouly pos slble to see the steps that men tread o the jail, the peuiteutiary, tho poor tiouse aud the hospital, It would be worth all tho ecrmons that were ever preached. But for some reoron best known to our Creator he is not al lowed to penetrate the beyond, there fore It U tbo duty of every father, mother, brother and sister to do what they can to dest.oy this terrible evil that we all know is ruining the lives of thousands of our men and women, ALBANY. Benders advertises that be will take up State Ins. Co. policies in exebauge for lukurance In any flrat-clxu com ponies he represents. Frleuds have bought a new leg tor Capt. X. I). Humphrey and will pre sent It to blm soou. Prof. Sebriog's orchestra Is highly spoken of In connection with the play of Damou aud Pythias. Marlon Carey who lias been lulnlnj! ou the Yukon Is vlsltiug frleud lu the city. Miss Amelia Benders and Henry Klelnburg of Ellensburg, Wash., ere married at the borne of William Ben. dera Sunday evening, Itev. D. V. Poling had Bupt. Clapp of Forest drove preach tor him last Suuday. Itev. Lister of the Christian church closed bis work tiuuday aud has re. moved bis family to Independence where be was called to preach. C. 0. Purkbart and B. N. Bteele& Co. advertise money to loau on "good farm eecurlty." Ilealto Weatberford, mauager of the Junior College football team, challenges the Publlo School football team for a gauio Thanksgiving day. HUriKNK. Attorney I). F. Dorrls is at (lie Blue River Mines. Pharmacist Hayes of the Oiburn & Deland drug store has accepted a posi tion lu bis profession at Woodburu. The Evening Guard is verv enter prising lu getting late uews from the f'tolball games aud all other news of Importance lu Western Oregou. Itev. H. U. Boardman preached on Sundry evening ou the Divinity of Christ from the Itabttst Biblical ataud point. Raw 51. C. Wire is uonduellug a re vival at the Methodist Church this ueek, assisted by Itsv. I. D. Driver. D P. Burton, couuty assessor, gives notltv that the oouuty board of equal. Uitiao will meet November IS. E. R. Bklpworth is to make a talk at the Grand Army camptlre on Fri day evenlug, wbeu Commander Allen, of Portland, Is to be fitment. There Ii ft law going info effect (hat I all rordwiKxl rnuii I rrinoved mi iij,4 vt(nUllt i fllM ft ,n Kmt in atrwl mid Dfnyrnart M, H. lluddl ... , .. , . , , ri4Ci)rM shrewdly annotiiices tht lis l pfamn" L!. , portd lo remove It. I '"n'M"'el fSO.WW ikuhmIs of sjranti rJpecl1I'ollcmiinDyUwai acting W ' H'o 1'l ilfiw-n dnya' clly marlinl In the almenw of Mrlial ! run. Tlis) iiiiiiifrti)liirlu aeon lsl Day on a vlill to Portland. Leonard Brown has resnmed till po sllloii In Yerrlnglou'a drugstore; Mrs. 0. N. Illllng, of Portland, has been tbo gul of Mm, W. H. Hbarlng house. Clly Treasurer Geo. K. Craw, has called In all warrants registered prior lo .May 18, 1605. A tramp robbed (be premises of I). Link, and tbo Guard says such occur rences are frequent. Frank Anryu Is managing a sales room of musical Instruments for the Wiley B. Allen Co., of Portland. Robert Blair's barn was robbed of two sacks of oats. Justlco Wheeler has lsucd warrants for parties who have been running sawdust Into the streams of Linn couuty. The Woodmen of the World have elected the following efllccrs: Consul Commander, J. W. Kays; Advisor, W. C. Yorao; Bauker, P. E. 8nodgrasa; Ulerk, E. O. Potter; Eicort, C. F Llt tlelleld; Watchman, C. R. Doyle; Ben try, I. L. Simpson. Fred Blair killed a large Eastern Oregon .lick rabbit near town, and they are said to be growing quite plenty. JtOSKIlOKO The funeral of T. J. Kearney Jr. was ) a large one, at least 300 attending. The pall bearers were Harry Blocum, Fred Uayues, A. Moriau, E. Everton, Wm. Carrol Jr. aud Roy McClallen. Mrs. D. C. McClallen, who Is referred to as the'qieen of the culinary art," Is uow managing the hotel by that name. Dr. Strange has moved bis ofllce to the Taylor & Wlieon block. Samuel 8 meed on Saturday fell four teen feet from the second story of tbe Gadoia wagou shop. He was rescuing over tbe ibanUter to pick apples. No bones were broken but be was bruised badly and bad to be helped home. Edward, the 20-year-old son of Mr. Lee Gllvln, died on the li.h and was burled Monday. Tbe Plaludealer says tbe weather tbe past week lias been delightful, warm aud pleasant as May. The Rroeburg academy which In cludes a kindergarten, a grammar school and a college fitting school Is upou a second year. MARSJ1KIELI). Judgo Jennings is very III and not expected to' recover. Mies Jessie Mcintosh died on Novem ber S.b. E. G. Flanagan has purchased the W. A. Luse potato crop and will store them. James Brady has moved to town to send bis children to school. Mrs. Dr. McCormack gave a farewell party In honor of H. 8. Scbwatka Mrs. 8. A. Moore aud daughters have returned from a visit to Sati Francisco. Dave Mussen and El. Noab Hill will build a new residence for Mrs. M. A. Laudrelb on her Coos river farm. Dr. Evans was called to Parkeraburg to atteud Mrs. Captslu Parker wbo was sutTeriog from a stroke of paralysis. MVRTLK POINT. Myrlle Point has tix drygoods bouses that are doing a good business, a hardware store, fu.'ulture store, three livery stables, three places where people resort to quench their thirst, a drug store, two blacksmith shops, three churches aud two hotels. In short it is a very euterprislug town. Tbe soil in its vicinity Is very productive of cereals of all kinds, and raises ttumens? potatoes, all the way from 7 to 13 inches In leogtb. Grass and tlm itby average from two to three lous per acie, aud clover does well. Cattle and sheep du well In tbe winter, being put ou tbo range. It is a good place for stockmen as there Is plenty of vacant laud to be takeu, but it is on tbo bills. There Is a good market for all kinds of produce and stock. The city is situated at tbe bead of navigation on tbo C quelle river. Farm Notes. Tbe supreme court at Wasbingtou has decided that beans are vegetables. Tbe decision ws tbat beans were re garded as vegetables by common usage, and they should be so considered by custom oftlcials. It Is gratifying to learn that the nation's chief tribunal "knows beans." Wm. Lamoreaux, the bean king, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, committed suicide. He was the largest operator In beans in America, annually baud, ling millloas of bushels. 8. 5. Howland, one of the best horse men in tba Bellwood Stud, ' Mt. Morris, N. V., baa experimented with the different types of carriage, horses ard baa arrived at the oonclu- slou that there U no breed that can I . i ii.. t. i. nt,.... excel the American trotter. saes The MiMr !'( Inriinl'y ' UtmUn thrre tnoiitlio, and Ihe Maine avtrage would glvn an output of I AW) 000 pounds Utt lheen(iii, There are no animals Hint respond more favorably and readily lu proper umllnif limn ilii tiftan. Tlmv nri ttlfir? sutcepllblo to the evils of Inbreeding (ban other domeslla animal. The enterprising town of Attmvllte Is riddling for a oreaincry, The llrst carload of dried prunes evei shipped from Coryallls wa pulled out from l be ucstslde ttttlou Tuesday morning, and its destination was Port land. Tho shipment weighed 2(000 pounds, and was mude up entirely ol petite prunes. Tbe prunes ranged In size from fllty to seventy to the pound, and the price reallz-d for them was four eeuts per pound, delivered ou hoard the car at Corvullls. Tbe pur. chaser was a Poitlaud ilrm, and among the shipper were H.M. Flnley, Herrou Brothers, Z erolf Brothers and H. M. Stone, The product was shipped lu sucks aud was lu excellent, condi tion. Tbe prlco of four cents per pound realized, is considered excellent, when the dull market of this season ia l considered. Mr. Flnley's portion of the shipment was 8.&00 pounds. Tbe value of the'prunes shipped was $900. Poultrymen wbo glvo the most ad vl:e as to cleanliness and neatness are correct tbeoritically, but practically sometimes do not live up to tbeir own Ideate. nard coal ashes are a very good deoderizir aud very heal uful to poul try and as an absorbent of tbe dropp ings have uo eq'inl. Tbe fluttering pou try litterally fills the air with nabes ?nd It ia next to impossible for vermin lo live where It Is u.-ed. Give your hens plenty of hot mash ol bran and potatoes If you want lots ol 2gs in pold weather. Dau't expect much from your bene if you insist on having cold draught aud hens In the same roost. The addilional egg product pays well for tbe difference betweeu ordi nary and extraordinary care. With plenty of light and warm quar ters there is no reason why a reason able amount cf eggs ciuool be had all wlut-x especially lu this warm climate. E P. Thorp, of Cottage Grove, an experienced bog raiser, baa gone Into the business of nlslug thoroughbred Poland Chinas, and promises Tiif. Jouhnai. farm department an articlt ' on the subject. He Is also a practical apple raiser, aud will give us bis views on that subject. Tliesiiinmeut orcniltim or bark Is getting to be quite an Industry. The proper time to gather the bark is when tbe sap is ruuulug. The bark is peeled from the tree by cutting around tliu truuk witn a Knlle tua.dtf especially for the business. Tbe product, when dried and baled, Is worm f55 per ton lu Portlaud. A good, active worker can earn from J3 to (5 per day, depend eut upon the quautlty of available bark be euoouuters. M The Whole World Know The Good Dr.i-liles' Heart Cure Does H EAttT DISEASE, taaa 1U Ylotlm at a disiJraataso. Always tanjht that heart UUccuo a incurable, when tba symptom become well defined, tbe patient Ixvomot alarmed and a uerrous panic takes place. But when a sure remedy la found and a euro effected, after years of suffering there is creat rejolcln; and dotlra to "let i tbo whole world know." Mrs. L.tura Wine- Jnser. of Selkirk. Kansas, writes, Ml desire to let tbo whole world know what Dr. Miles' Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Restores Health Heart Cure has done for mo. For tea years I bad pais tn tax heart, short ness of breath, palpita tion, pain la say left side. oppressed fooling in ay chest, weak and hungry polls, bad dreams, could not ilo oa either shle, was numb and suffered tcrriMy. I took Dr. Mites' Heart Cure and before I finished the second bottle I teltiueood effects. I feel aowtatlawfuiiyrecoTereJ. and that Dr. Ulle-Heart ore saved ay life. - "r "i ' Heart euro is sold oaguaraatee that first bottle beneath or money refunded. lilik Nervous M'pplm, no appetlts and ytrj much xoa down, was the condition of my husband. Silica taking Hood's 8arMparllla be has wonderfully improved, and bs now eats and sleeps well; In fact, he Is all right. Hood's Sarsaparilla we esteem very highly." Mrs. Mart Cob MOAN, 1010 Cedar BU, rneblo, Colorado. Hood's pilis r.'.r.s.v"'- RED FRONT LIVERY AND RTAOE MNE. OT lUrd Kront Llyery and Hoard I ua Btable. Kirtcla In every lespeci. Prices rensonabte. It 11. Wbstacott, proprietor. DAILY 8TAOK LINES. Kollowlnc atnges arrlTO and depart dally, except BundAy: HtUertoo atie arnvea at 10 a. m., leave at 1:15 p. m. Tare 75 cents. Vaibvi sUge, arrives at 10 a. m., leaves at 1 p. tn. Independence stage arrives at tO-,10 a. m., Icaveaatar. m. 10-td JR, C0NTRT8, Parlors Over Gray liro. 7, C. GRIFFITH, nmif fim. Piin.'L nnd -HnmTnlrflUl 1 nrxLalrm. All work inaranla.-d. Price Iom as the lowest. MONEY TO LOAN On city or farm property. T. K. FORD, Over Dusb's Bank. E. M. W.UTEPJUNTING CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS AND Legal Blank Publishers. iun' Nc BrlrJcjsver tbebankComl streat HUIZ WING SANG CO. IMPOllTCnS Japanese Fancy O xU. all kinds ol alike em oroldcry, urnnmea'a. I blnaweur, best teas ol II kind ii tt'tnt nnd undenrutr. Kvery btneselllnr verv cheap. 112 Court street, italem.Or 10-SS-loi PROPOSALS WANTED FOR AN OPERA HOUSE SITE. ass Sealed proposals will be received by tho undersigned for a tract of cround not leaa than G0xl20. Bald site to be south of Center aud west of High. For iniormatiou inquire oi 10 23-jf CHA8. BURGGRAF. MONEYTOLOAN On farm land security. Bpeelal rates on large loans. Loans considered Without delay. HAMILTON' A MOIK U h lUnkbailtln;. J. J. IIAliKiyS, Horse, Shoeing ouopaiiuu uuoniBiei nr;i, near uom mereUU. Hpeeial attention to Interterlng; and .(p.M uunwCTi imw SALEM WATER CO. "I Ornce: Willamette Hotel Build!n.l X i water service apply at office. BUlapay, auleruonthly In advance. Make) all com. pinlnta at the office. Open spickrt to prevent freexlnr, postUvely pronlblted Care sbonld be takn if In danger of freexlbg to have stop nd waste gale clotd. Pee arctlnn a rule and reuuUt'on, No deduc tion in bills will be allowed tur atxence or for uny cants wnaiever unless water la cut off irora premuea. GEO. FENDRICIl'S MEAT MARKET. SZl Commercial at. (Cottle block.) rtiueeeaaor liecki Co.) Best meau in tbecity. Pmmpidellvery at lowftit pnc. WOLZ'S MARKET. Freah.isalted and smoked Meats and'Bau. aagee. 49-Ketrlgerator mwU in best shape. . mi a i, turn, cuicru Biyio. rree delivery South Commercial atreeu Ml C11AS. WULZ, Prop. POLAND CHINA HOGS. Tbe undertlsned 'has a pedigreed Poland Oelu boar, l'eaoiuaker,M nd about S1 jouou boars and aowa from 1'eaatniaker. and tuUblood ltland China sows, whtcb are ol lerea for sale cbetp. John Marnoch, on Independence rvad, neur Holme hop yrd 1021-lm dw Remember Cy Stewart The Cooner, lltean make anv thlnr with hoomnn it ., makeilcood. New oork or repairing. hop oath ol H iV mill, Houlb tuiem. 9-l&mr COLLEGE OP MUSIC of Ihe Willamette Oniversity, -UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. mu,jft iiifihodi. Op lo date. (Minaaslii Ilia eastern and hirop"n ''" rtui- ,,, Wmwm, BoAvemwiii for """JV'T'JiJjS " v """ it. 'A. iirMir'Mtk. V trixi llTrsHor l0.7)( HMIIJ wlNKI.KIt tns'finrmim MfixHr -m ' Ulisr .NATIONAL HANK llUII.DlNi;. SAI.BM, Oft. W. I. STALKY. Trincipau Hehool In e.ntlonons eslMi. otiidenla may enter at any tlmo. it "lllfJay tliwe alio expect hi prepare for some ijualnfKKpuniull U, attend bnalnesf eoll'tie wliereasyslemallocwnraeof btulnr trolnlnc maybeli,i and trained tn.rhera lor Ifils particular lino or work Instruct. TUeCap.iM UutloeM College oners nve onurci Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship and English, This Is positively the only- buslneaacolleielnOrwenusIni: the Intercommunication aystimol liui ness pn45tif e. Unt-oMown ilndenla may secure board and rurnlslied roo n lnrrlvat-fjmllylSwek. Wrlteor call at college ofnosfircl culiim glvlnit full Inrorinatlon or study, Mies of . j , -EXCELSIOR - STABLE- B. C. HANSEN, MANAGER Only good horses used. Satisfaction guarautecd. Stabfw back of Skito Insuranoo block. I. COBURG TWELFTH All grades and dimensions of Buldlug Lumber. Largest slock and I.owcnt prices, J. E. IIAICER. Mutineer. The WiHanfttfe Hotel, LEADING HOTEL OK THE CITY. JReduceU rates. Management liberal. Electric earn leave hotel for an il lie buildings and points of Interest. Hpeeial rates will be given to peraiMi jt patrons. A. I. WAGNER, roEAT THE BUFFET CAB BOUTE AAiThe Shortest and Quickest Line B E HV B EN Pacific Coast Points, St. Paul and the East. Crowes bott ths.3aiu.tdes and the llockv MiunUlns In daylight, aflordlnir pjuuenrcrs the opportunity or vlewlngtbe Grandest Scenery in America ! . Tro tralnadally from Portland; one at II a. in via Beattlo. and one at &tf p. m. via O. It. &.andMpokane. Kuns superb equipment, con tstlne or dining cant, bullet library can, piacandnphoUterea tourist alwptns cam TUe burfet library cow are marrel of ef gtnee and ennuott, containing; bath vo-n, barber shop, easy chairs, etc. The rnopulllcenl twin te uuti p 'NortiwMi" and ".Northland." leave Ouluth every Monday and Krlday lor tbe "t Mai'klnao I land, Detroit, (ilevclend and Hutrjlo In counertltn with the Ore u orttt fi2 lt5".,vly.. "jvayonr tickets read via the N'lriTllEKN HTEAMIIIII COMAX,and en joys deligbtiul ride rreerrom the beat and dust. For tickets or general Infjrmatlou call oo BOZORTH BROS., K.IC. 8TEVE.N8. O W. P. A. 1I Kront au Seattle. Wash. Miss lialloii's School -Ol'KNEU iIN- CHAWING HCALL, I tWUI receive children irorn 3 years upwards. Special attention to beginners. All de-lred ranebea tor the o'der puplla UUKbt.lnclud. lng drawlnr, modeling, music, plain and artist eaeedle work. All work done on he Individual p'an. In which each child Is ad' vanced according to lu owa capacity. Kor terms and particulars apply to Mlm O. Uallou, Twentieth and Cbemeketa ta Conservatory Work. Dr. Parvin, director and teacbeTof piano, Italian singing harmony and class teanUlng. Assisted byMiss Anna Krebs, teacher of piano, organ, guitar, violin and lther. Mrs. J. R. bbarp teacher of piano, organ and ulnelng. Muaio rooms at the residence nf j. n Bbarp, Balem. Leave orders at the Alleu'aor Wills' muslo store. German Lessons aivn by a qualified teacher, - native or Germany, eiassea ror chlda on 8 turdaya at Channlng HU. lly Mrs. lupsev. -151 Marlon 8t, BANJO LESSONS. PeaVnae?.n Mn&b, Xemxj SSI Marlon st. How T0E tinow for every 110 InveMed can be made by our new systematic Plan or Speculation. 110.00 and wore made dniiirvn .n..n , chi?ipFIDn,'p'nwnwh0UV',way ftom All we aak a to Investigate our new and or. Ittnalraelhoda. Pt wirnlna or pliS aSd hlcheal refercniva rurni.h.T ..-. r.u.r. !nben.? th wronK tde "'ot tbe market "..".. ' " "nei and llrokert urltoardKCmealloriU, Fortune C. GOODALE, LUMBER YARD, STREET, NEAR DEPOT 210 COMMERCIAL BTREEr, BALEM. OR. A, B. O. DENNIHTOX, C H.a : Ar 122 Tulrd iL. PorUand, OJ East and South -VIA- THE orlASTA ROUTE - o tee Southern Pacific Comoanv. oauropjOAiKzeussss tkai5 nn.v daily a Twarjr portion d andb. r. Mouth. l ortb. Uy. Lv. Ar. Portland Balem Ran f ran. Ar. L.V. 110 p.m. 10:15 a.m. 6 09s Lv.l .00aj? Above trains stop at East Portland Or egon Clly, vvoodburn.Bslero.Turner.MarlOD, Jeflerson. Albany Albany Junction, Irvisi, Eugene, Creawell.Uralna and all iWtlonsfrom Kooeburv to Asbmnd lnclunlve 'fcM a.m. ' 11.00 a. in i c2J p. m. uoaxuoaaMAli. daily, Lv. Portlaud Ar. 4l Lv. Balem Lv. i2ip. Ar. Hoscbonc Lv ' fc-QJa-a Bouth a&Ltisc PAaK."uiUi. orth .-U)p,m.l.v. Portland. Ar,lft.B ft!5p. m. at. Balem. Lv MO jS-m. DInliiK Cars ou Ogden Koiil PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPffiS AND Second Class Sieeoin0 Cars- Attached to all lhron;b trains. est Side DiMsioa, Hmi Pcrtlufl ind Cenallis: DAIX.T fKXCKPT 8UNDAYI. 7dU O.IU.IW, Ltl5 p. in. 1 Ar. Porojinct Oorvallls AT. I Lv.l I ip.u At Albany and OorvallU connwt w? i rains or UKtron Central Eastern lttiiro aXHKKaMVKAIN lUACLV ExcaPTacnAY iAb n. m. I I.t. Hnrlland Ar.l - wSs.m 7SSD.rn.Ar: McMtnnvUle Lv, i or TUKftTTftM TIOMETS To allpolnuln the Ksst.rn StaJ'Si?? aad Europe can be obtained at towfv 'iaT trom W. W. 8KCNNKB. Agent , a J&P.KOOBUS. Asat. U. r, ano f ---K. KOUtUOa, Msssssji