CAPITA T TOT PR NAT rT?".'HHr't'."iTffrff mlliirHraiWSMiiiiW am ojaww flatly CtiylM Jmrmt I'JiU MONTH. I hi II II ftfjffhil ifuiii'Hul AwaocrATftn rwrwiw rA,r,v,- MMWMMM nHMR V; Mi 1 m YORK j HAS A KJNIC (tLOTHINQ jrOJl MJSNj JJOYS AND CMLDIUUN. Wo will Payo yon '25 pur dfliit on this lino. Jfosiory, imdonvoar, hootn, shoos, and hall HOftHonnblo goods in lago qimutlticH AVo Imyand sell for OASK (ONLY, &d will Bavo you monoy, E.T.BARNES THE And Save Money on evervtliincryou B nirnllMm 1-11"ir. VV C IX lV -J ' 274 COMMERCIAL ST BIBLES A NEW AND criMIL.ETK 4iuclnl Tenehen' Kd.! India Tuner Kd.: DIIllUI 11UIIUY JjUIIIUU; IWHWltlii"!"' u,.v..w. .., rubllHtied by tho Oxford IS ble Co. F, S. DEARBORN, 263 COlyHvHSROIAl ST. . n '.. tji.t.'. i!A.t'linnbAi liii.lnM illillriintV GRAY 5 HUM VIGORS Road Machinery and Agricultural Implements. Latest Improved Gooda and Lowest Prices.; ; W. Cor. Stafo and Llhsrtv Stt. SALEM 'OREGON.' HERE IS A GOOD THING PUSH IT ALONG. ANY SUIT OR OVERCOAT I3XT OXTJEfc STORE sio.oo?- ANY SUIT OR OVERCOAT SlOOO-t- v Just 'Jhlnli of It. Just Think of It. $11, $18. $10.30, $20, $22. 80 and $28. They all (jo for $10. We have no excuse for this great feast. Only we must haw the money In our fist before you take the clothes. We've justrccelvey 25 JPrlnco Albert suits, marital $20. They go during this sale at $Z0. G. W.JOHNSON & SON. muy mwnoti, ffi fifNK UK DON'T READ HUT (10 TO- This THE - FAIR I F3AIR. HTPOK OF OXFORD MULES. llevlned Illblcn: .vcnolars' Editions! !! II BROS, S They're 1 GUTS MAMUMiOIHMION.WMfl'.IJAV, 7 ' TII8 DAY'S KATAUTOfit Ufa J'nolory llnrnn of Mfo Willi m TRAIM WRECKED BY BAD BOYS, Conductor on n Jlroofclyii Jlrlitgo Train Vntally Injured. A Factory Burned. Nkw York, Nov, 10. A flro In n six story fnctory hullrilnjr Hi OS Nlntoii Mlreet today caused a piinlc anionic (wo hundred iionplo working (hero. Ono lit known to linvo porlalicd nnd others may meet n similar Me. The Imminent In which tlio Are started was occupied oh a candle factory and the tallow catud the fire to spread rap Idly cutting oil all cures by tuoBtalrH. Beveral uuon Jumpod from the roof and from wlndowe to the topi of adjoining buildings. After the building had been jutled the llrcmoti bogan Boarchlng for bodies nnd one was fonnd. Fatal Wrock. tiYKACUBE, N. Y., Nov. 10. A delib erate attorn pt was made a few miles west of Home this morning to wreck train No. 0, on the New York Central railroad. The engine and all the cars wero ditched. Engineer Nnto llagor and two tramps were killed. Fireman OuriB Wagner nnd Mall Clerks 8. Porter aud M.J. McCarthy were in jured. TIIK l'KlU'KTRATOIW. Albany, N. Y., Nov. 10. John Hlldrelh and Frederick Bristol, boys, havo been urrestcd by the Central Hudson detectives at Home, charged with wrecking train No. 0 this morn lug. Blldreth broko down, and con fessed that ho and IlrUtjI, In company with two other boys, Herbert Plato aud Thco, Hlbbard, broko open the tool house and that with the tools thus secured thoy removed the fish plates from the rails. No cause Is given. A Brldgo Collision. Nr.w York, Nov. 10. During a dense fog which hung over the river early today, a Brooklyn brldgo train ran into ono ahead of it. Thos. Cooper, conductor lost both feet and may die from the shock. Geoege Grnnnoit, u (student, was so badly Injured that he died a fow hours later. Murderors Hung. Banta Fb, N. M., Nov. 10, Jesus Vlalpandco and Fellclano Chavez, convicted of murdering Tho, Martinez, a ranchman, wero executed hero this mornlug In the presence of $1,000 people. Swiss Minister. Washington, Nov. 10,-The presl. dent has appointed Johu L. Peak, of Kansas City, Mo., United Btatea Min ister to Switzerland to succeed Minister Broadhead, raslgned. $ioo Reward $ioo The readers of this paper will be pleated learn that there U ot least one dreaded dlseaso that science has been able to cure In all Its stages, and thauis Catajrh, Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive euro known to the medical frarernlty. Catarrh being a constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature Tn doing Its work, The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they oiler One Hundred Dollars lor any case that it fails to cure. .Send for list of testimonials. Address, V. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Or. Sold by Druggists, 75c. xtheumatUm Is a pymptom of disease of the uid npys. It will certainly bo relieved by Parks Sure Cure. That headache, backache and tired feeling come from the same cause. Ask for Parks' Sure Curo for the liver and kldnoyB price 1-00, sold bv Lunn & Brooks. 11) 4w ChlrdronCrvfor Pltohtr'n Cattorla. KOVMMHMH lf, Jfffl.1, onnciowfl jiimt oitit. Tliry Afft ftrVfll flMltolflMUHitMfl- MiitionlMM fir imHiiii, m in hiiIm, vtw nffk li fihl Hi9tii4lw ln(tt prOMliHill6 li frlftMfigfml thai mMf lHirtliip(l(illi(?(lflK( Hint flVflfjIoilyiA K'lllU liilo trirTrrt! hnnlHtlfilny, nnd IhiUllid woiifil'Oo AMlfalor nlmio oau M0 (linn, Thai wm Irlfd a yenf flRO t A limM tiitillfi( III tlifl i(el opefA Ihhmp, but W1 tilieoked by II10 mituid MiiaoofA few bllsliiean mod who wcf ooilfrtgooiia no(lh to refuae to (IfrtW up rtsolllllonii giving the (own a blnok tye, Tlio Attempt wm then mndo to My ( Hie world (hat Waletii, tlio cnpl. tal of the slaUJ, wan "reeking In lrilftilly" Atul that nothing but a inorAl wayo would aayn It, After proRChltig U second sermon on n subject en(lrly tuisulled to the oondlllom of tlh ooinmiiolty a Batem minister lAat rmuuay men capped ine ollmax by reullng his own personal experiences Aitd taking up n collootlon to send a fallea woman to the refuge home. The okl motto to not let ono uxnd know when the other does a deed of charltyjtwems to bo forgotten. But what we object In this wholo program Is the sonsatlonal cflort to make Baleni out as a vlolotis, depraved, Immoral towa,4hon quite tlio con trary Is true. Balem Is not "seething In corruption" as theso sensationalists would havo us believe. Wo are aware that it Is qui to a rollglous fad for a class of reformers from large cities to go about the country retailing what thoy know about vice. Unless It Is dono in the name of true sclenoa It la roprohon slble and does more hnrm than good. These so-oalled moral wavers do not nil agro) In their theology and soripturo For instance Dr. Uraunls taught that it was a mortal slu to have an impuro IhouKht. Dr. Dorman taught that unless the thought was followed up by adealgu and an aot, it was not a mortal sin. These two opposing thoorios as to a plain teaching of Christ were promulgated boforo nudloncoa ot young men within two months at Salem. What bIiiiII young men believe? To roturn to what wo started out to say, and we say it in all kindness to Itav. Grannls: Silem Is not as bad a town ob you seom to think. Not one out of ton young men are victims of the vices you talked about. Therohas not been a ecandal or a crlmo against mora'liy, oommltted by a young man in Balem for many years. Tho only scandals Salem has had hayo come from an older clans of sinners who ought to know better. Salem has less drunkenness, gambling, vice, prostitu tion, crime and immorality than any town of Its ulze on the PacIIIo coast aud slmplo scanning of tho newspapers or examination of tho records of the courts will prove It. Salem Is not a paradlso, but Salem In tho best town of Its size in this respect in the United States that we know of, nnd If anyone can toll us of a better we'd thank them to do so. Balem Is a olty of churches and schools aud colleges aud it Is high time the "moral wavers" quit trying to give It a reputation It Is uot entitled to. Wo can show them little country places that havo more of vlco nnd Im morality than Salem, Salem Is a happy medium between villago and city. It Is largely composod of what might bo tornued the better middle olusa of urban population. It Is not a vicious population. It is the best populatlou of tho best class of people In America and that Is saying, the best in tho world. Who represents otherwise misrepresents or Is ignorant of the true facts. As a moral town we will place Salem against tho world. Thero are 177765 ml lea of railroad In tho Uuited Btatea. There aro 00,835,880 rails used to cover this ground. Thero are 633,205.000 tlea used to bind these rails together, but uo euch amount, bowover, is required to bind the hearts of the traveling public to the fact that the Wisconsin Central lines furnish superior facilities on all their trains between St. Paul and Chicago which form close connections with' all lines to the east and south. Make a note of it. CHUdren Cry fo Pltchr' Cswtorin. :ffllw.ilfl nB''"''iftagaatMB3BB8ggg' fC1fAf 1 f tllf Ifllf M(1 M I U I Tim Vm Kltf Hmwlatm In (ft VnrllittMfi AN 0KUII01IA TOWN IS MMfl Tlio llnrrost (Jiicciij of Tort hud, Hunk This Morning, ColiOMHUfl, 0., Nov. 10,-Tlie slate ment that J. H. Ularhxon had written to a friend In Pittsburg tolling him to rent rooms tli" National Ilepubll can convention tins not been confirmed and now come a story that during tho receut meitlng Imra at whtoh were present a number of politicians friendly toUoveruor MoKlutey, It was given out confidentially that 21 members of tho national committee had pledged themselves to Ban Francisco and rail roads agreod to miko $21 a round trip rato. If this bo true San Francisco has only live more membora to got to eeonre the convention, Big Snowstorm. ' Chicago, Nov. 10. Snow fell heav ily In the far Northwest yesterday, aud, chased along by a cold wave and high wind, came to this section In a hurry. About 3 o'clock this morning snow and sleet began coming down hero. The streets aro coverod with ovor threo iucbes of mixed mud and snow. Tolegraphlo communication with the Northwest and many points west Is scrlouBly interrupted. Trains uro delayed on several rail roads west and north. From the Manitoba line ero woathor 1b reported rapidly moving south and east.. 0. It. & N. Boat Paak. Portland, Nov. 10. The 0. It. A N. company's boat, . Harvest .Queen, was beached nt Oak Point this morn ing, to save her from sinking to the bottom of the river. Tho boat ran against a pile, kuocklng a largo holo In her stern. A Town Burned. Pkiihy, Oklahoma, Nov, 10. Three fourths uf the town of J'urcoll, Indian territory, Is In ashes, and If tho wind continues to btow from tho north very little of the town can bo saved. It is reported chat soveral persons have porlshed. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Salem and Eastern Quotations Cor rected Dally. OniCAOO Nov. IV. Wheat, cash COe. J l)co 675n'xw Yonic, Nov.lO.-Bllyer, etftf c; lead, S3,). BAN FUAN01BCO MA11KKT. HAN Fiiancisco, Nov lt. Vfhtnl,VQi . Wtfot Oregon, ouolco, 7($10o; Inferior, 037o-, volley,llo. IIop Quotable at 4303. . l'otatoii-35 to 400 per tacu iiuruanns www nr Bunk. Oa a-MllllllB, '.IVa6 l'OUTLAND MARKET. 1'orti.anI). Nov 10. Wheal valley W)( aM; Walla vRUa.ffX', 1'lour I'ortiuna, i.7ii llenton county, JJ.70 gratiam JJ-SS; superflne, 8i,S per bbl, .. . . OaU-Wlilto. 'UcA'iloi ijrey, llJ'JO; rolled, In laeu.tVXW.W biirreUlfli0i37.U); caieR.tJ.75. l7outot NrtW Oregon, Ul9o per sack. lUy-Oood, Si3U W nor ton. Wool-Valley. loaifo UIKRtunx-llmn.llOOi inorta, 1112.50; chop Ieed.1215pertoni ryeBOa nero. ... llldos-gr on, salted, u) lbs Wo; nndorlOO lbs WXo sheep pelW, 1007 XJ, I lops N ovf Ureuon.laoc; Hultor Orexon fatifly creamery, IVXVn fuuoy dairy, IS!? fair to good, 13160 common, l(5o . OtioekO Urcgoo full cream, 89v KgK Orezoii, Vt pr doz. l'ouliry Cbloaon. 31.60(3100 per doi; duoks Hoo:.lui uwso. to.U037.Oo-, turkey, live Uiioc, atemea, ixj. llo I Topmtem.VKOl 8 oS per lb: ialr to eood teen, !2il 84c; oavt,'iyi3, no. Jrcused WutWJt Muitnn-Itest beet, 11.751240; choice ewes, $1,75; dressed, 4o, Ho- holce, heavy, ti.iOaiSfiO; light and cedent, 'I.M; drossod, ifio ft. Veal dniiill, choloo, 6uc; large, SalCfl lb. HAL1CU MAHKKT. Wheat lie V bu. market llrraer. Oau-lio. JUy-H-iled. cheat. ll.tOaS.00; timothy ;iO.U), Klour. In vrhnieiuiie lots, tUty, retail. .ia.M0; brnn.buU 110,00; nucied.gIl.iX); shorta, 111.00a U.O0; cuon food. Ill.OUul'UW, bul-llrejuiod.40. Hogs Urrasod, iio, Llvo Cuttle-Iic. 1'otatoett Kj V bu . Onions lo. Turkey- OaBo. A p plea aCtUOj bu. Eggs 2Ao. lUms-.Uc, 11dcou10o. Fejicbes I125bu. i'oullrr Urollers,7cj hens, 6c; duck,(U7o, Children Cry for Pitohjr' Oat ttr!. 1A DAILY JAMTONt iligtidss of Alt Irt iMnnUfoyitfUitH Xj7&(fc'Uityrti Pflr !J." jMAOWtKKK warn. TH1J HtLTAfl fOlSOIED. About 1,000 Killed In thi Klmrput MAMAOfO Unnt.tH, Nov 10. A clepAtoll te colvwl hero from Sofia, BulgarlA, saysi "TlioBiiltail of Turkey, Abudel Itamkl, lion been poisoned, No dethnB nro received," ONM TIIOOSAKf) MAfiflACHKI), COMATANTIMOI'LK, NoV. 10. CoO- seryaMvo estimates ay that from 800 (o 1000 poraons wero killed In the recent massacre at Kharput. Minister Terril will likely demand that the Americana be compensated for all loss of property. It Is understood that Tsrrlll has al ready been nrmircd that tho Turkish governmement la prepared (o do what Is right when blumn has been placed where It belong, TUB MISSION LOSSES. Boston, Nov. 10. A telegram re ceived by tho American board this afternoon, by way of Phlllopolls, states that tho mission loss nt Kharput la (100,000. Tho ratdera wero protected by tho soldiers, who ilred on tbo mis sion houses aud Joined in tho plundor. Special malice was shown tbo mission aries. A shell bu rated In Bamum'n house. Tbo missionaries aro now pro tected. Troubles aro reported as begin ning In Marsovan, Van and Alntab. The Brady Jury. Marysville, Cal., Nov. 10. -The jury In the case of Brady tho highway robber are still deliberating. Tbey have been out olghteon hours. It is stated tho Jury stands eloven for con viotion, and one for acquittal. Heavy sole shoes with Scotch at Krausa? Bros. edges, 18-2t tho groat Ylrtue of genuine "Fibre - Chamois." Thoy would inaiflk, like Lil lian Ilusso1!. in having it in thoir now drosses. Wo havo it in natural, drab, brown, black, tso tho Orienta . . , Tho cheaper quality, 25 cents per yard. Jackets Sorao ot tho best numbers duplicated. $4.00 to $20.00. Fur - Trimming A full assortment. 25c per yd. and up. WfM Til Wfe cMP-' GEZ5 v 'Amp r L4lift J. J. DALRYMPLE & CO. H(h M 1 iisfMsWT)lfcrrasHrtlMM Baking Powder .mnUiiiiwiiiriar j, rnn h una From I ho Towms of Oregon. Weafcri LINE AUD DOUGLAS COBHTY.- Marlon Items ami i'reiH'Awny.; Over in Cooa. BTA.'toON. Dr. Kltchons has been quite 111 for the pant week, but Is able to be aroaad again. Prof. H. T. Grlfflth gave a series ot his Interesting leoiiircs upon the sub ject of "Phrenology" during the part weok. Miss Oble Staytou has returned from Balem aftor a prolouged stay In the oapltal city. Wo aro all pleased to have her among us ouco more, Tho new furnaco in tbo Methodist church will soon bo ready for uso, then tbey will hold their regular meeting as usual. Thoro will n dnnco nt tho Daisy hull Wednesday oveniug, Npvember 27th under tho management ofL. Wlmer. Prof. Richardson, of Sublimits', w a visitor In town Saturday attending tbo trial and receiving congratulation over that big boy which has lately arrived at his home. Weseloy Gardner was down from F.ix Valloy Friday on business. Deputy .Sheriff Cooper, of Bale, was through 3tayton Thumday bavlAf Continued on aocondpace. iTICR TO IT Whon you buy a Happy Home .uit, it is with a guarantee rom tho factory that it will giva satisfaction. "Wo stick to that guarantee Try tfl A ono of those suits at..,.plU Overcoats A lot of cur "Famous" canio tho other day. Nearly all gono I VS. Underwear . Showing a fine, heavy ribbed and fleeced inside. Pr. $1 C A suit qMsUU Hosiery Best values in Fino Cash mere. )ffe, 08c, 40c, 80c, We. Furnishing - Goods .Now lino today. Do .Toinviiles..., Now RAr SOME NEE UW1L 0 ml :,fi WiWUMIHMtai "THB -. -,... 1.