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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1895)
" WfW r t" f& !'l'pp'MRBW W zsrwEW ""'. i " "" " " m y nr ff Atttioolntrd ircnn thilfg Cajtlffif Journal CAPITA, -JOTTRNA f.fc...vW ).. pmipMMiiRi .jm sunm mmm IVJfDAt rtttfi twin; -.. 4 mnyiinriiniiii.itniu ton rofit m. IMIfy MIWTIO'N, HAMflM, O.MUON,.MO,.Vf)AY, .VOVIiJMHMII M, IMM, uAiuy iwi now, Kf r 1 ii it UAH A JfhNIC LINK CW QLOTHINQ K)lt MKN; HOYS AND CHIMMKtf, Wo will uyo you 25 par aunt on thi lino, " Jftniory,' iindcr.vonr, booty, bIiooh, twl ji .AH HOttootmblo goods in largo quantitioH, Wo JjuynndBollfor CASH jONLY, 'and will avo you money. E.T.BARNES H B And Save IVIoney on everything you wantflto buy. 274 COMMERCIAL ST - BIBIvES - A NKW AND OOMPtiETR STOCK OK OXFOHO HIBLK8. Jrcclul Teachers' Hd.j India I'nper Hd.j oiuuu iiunuy r.aiuen: vesi rocaev uimca. uuuuicns, l'ubllaucd by tho Oxford II, bio Co. F, S. DEARBORN, 263 commercial, ST. i GRAY I J HABDYABi WAGONS Road Machinery and Agricultural Implements. Latest Improved Goods and Lowest Prices.; " N W. Cor. State and Llhortv Sit. SALEM 'OREGON'. The Toller and the Wage-Earner arc the men who have to figure Groceries, Wood, Mont, Shoes, Clothes, etc. He wants to malic his money go as far as iwsslble, JIo wants the best to bo had, Exjtcrtcneo and the recom mendation of friends direct him to our Kstore. 'Xhe sav ings there are enough to help you out In the other neces saries, You'll come very near retaining In your hand one-third the amount you expected to sjicnd. What do we mean by the best for everybody ? ARE YOU With Small $7.50 Suit for Every Day, Are Yon u Man With Moderate Pay ? $10 Suit for Every Day. $12 for Best Day's. Are Yon a Man With Plenty of Coin ? We've Got Suits$15. 16, 18, 20, 22, and 25, Two more new lots ol Jtlioso Puccini Dressy Overcoats, entirely li lie rent ft-om those you'll And anywhere. LIkcil by everybody. Prices reasonable. G. W.JOHNSON & SON. i' DON"! READ HUT (10 TO- Thls THE - FAIR p;AIR. ltovlncd Bible; 'cholars' Editions) IT BROS., A MAN Wages? $10 for Best Day's. UK 1 cuers 1011,011(1 sura i And Djingdf Exposure in Armenia, "HELP US FOR COD'S SAKE" Tlio Most Awful Kvcnto of Mod ern Timcfl. I PALACE OFFICIALS INCITE MURDER CJtirastlims oi Northern Syria Aro Helng Massacred. London, Nov. 18. rt (a understood that thu aggonibllng of British and Forlegn Heels at Salonlca bay Is having a good eflect upon tho Turkish govern, inent and that tho sultan has Unaljy determined to mako earnest efforts to stop blood jhod In Asia Minor. Ha dlipatohed commissioners to Ailti Mluor Instructed to put in force as soon a j practicable, the roforms Instated upon by tho powers and beyond the aombllng of foreign fleets, the pow I ore will take no further stops at present. Tho following telegram1 from Con stantinople was received this morning by the AugeIo'Arinenlau association ''Armenians, nro being massacrced everywhero in Asia Minor. Over 100,000 aro dying of starvation and exposure Tho season for work of rolleMo oloicd. For God's sake, urge tho government to stop these most awful events of modern times. Tho porta Is poworloss as all tho (olographs are under tho control of the palace ofllclals, who havo incited tho massa cre throughout Anatonla." A dispatch from Home today says advices from Constantinople uu nounced that tho agitation against the Christians of northern Syria Is extend inrj and that massacrees have occurred near Aleppo. ALEXANDRKTTA MASSACKK. Constantinoflk, Nov. 18. Lato adylces received hero from Alexan- drotta, Northern Syria, oouilrm tho accounts ot a massacre of Christians in that town in tho presence of 300 Turk ish soldiers, who did not render uuy assistance to suppress tho disorders. Armenians and Mussulmans accuse each othor of burning tho villago and of outrages whloh havo occurred In Northern Syria. Reports received from numerous Armeulun villages toward tho end of Soptembor describe numorous and well organized Kurdish raids, followed by the stealing of the Hooks of the Ar menian!. Xu some coses murdorlug of tho men and assaulting of tho women occurred. Any complaints made to the authoiltlcs wero simply Iguored. The sultan has prohibited tho entry into Turkey of all papers containing aocountB of Lord Salisbury's speech at the Lord Mayor's dinner in Loudon a week ago. I'llOTKOTION lOH AMERICANS. Grand Rapids, Mich., Nov, 18, Tho Itsv. Dan F. Bradley, of tho tfark Congregational church, spoke of tho recent burning of mission buildings at Harpool, Turkey, In his morning ter mon. At tho close of the service a committee, with ex-Repreeontatlvo Gutohcou a chairman, was appointed to suggest action to tho meeting, and the result was thu sending ot this message to Assistant Secretary of State Uhl: 'The Park Congregatloual church, In view of Its personal and financial inter ests In the mission of the American board at Harpool, Turkey, plundered mid burned by a Turkish mob, has In structed Its committee to urgoutly re quest that every possible effort be (ii uhl by Ilia Male t!fiMfiifiil In filiUlii fff.rurtilftii for III injuria done, mid WMlnlly- lii Arolirrt prnltcfldM (tit OUt iritMloltnflrM Allil llio prolyl of (ho Ainfflontt boatil." Till afternoon Ilia following foply drrwi "Our lulful iiiIvIpm rpf.fl llnr pool tiilmloiiArlcNditfe, ntnt llio Amrl ran mlnlAler In IhMIik all poMlblci pro (lAiillonn for llirlr fdty, Nolln u U Icing omlltd In llio direction of np prlntonnd oiiorgetlo action.1' Kai; Of.AlKM, Wfc, Nov. ll-Tlio following (olrgratil wan scut to Hcoro tury Gluey at Wellington tonight by M. U. CJflflln, member of congress for the sovonth Wisconiln dlitrlott "Conilltuonls of mine have relatives who are missionaries In Harpool, Tur key. In their behalf I would urge that tho utmost pomlhlo eflorts con slsaoni with tho existing dondltlons and relatione be made for tho protoo Hon of all such." The peoplo referred to are the Rov. P. Allen and family, relatives of tho president of the Commercial bank. MAUBKir.LE8, Nov. 18. The United States cruiser Ban Frauolsco sailed Saturday evening, acoordlng to agree Rient, for Turkish wators. Salem, tho city of peace and ohurohes, should hold a mass meeting and demand tho protection of our fel low ChrUtlaus In Turkey. There aro indications of weakening on tho part of England, and it is understood the prlmo minister has decided that tho effort must bo made to maintain tho Integrity of the Turkish Empire, and that thercforo, tho effort must bo dlrcoted to maintaining ordor In tho d'sturbed districts. This means that Salisbury has retreated from u polloy of aotlvlty to the traditional conserva tism of his party. It Is tlmo for all Americans to express themselves. Ed. Journal. akau3 drfkat turks. Aden, Nov. 18. Amtn of Bana, capital city Yemen, with 45,000 Arabst armed with Martlnl-IIenry rifles, has defeated tbo Turks In three fights. Tho latter aro now confined to Sana, a walled city about five miles in circum ference. Fire in 'Frisco. San Francisco, Nov. 18. A fire this morning In tho southwestern part of tho city destroyed a livery stablo belonging to J. A. Koon, a onostory kindergarten soboo, handsomo resi dences belonging to V. E. Dubois and M. Wolf, and eoven other houses. Mrp. J. S. Benedict, living next to tho stable, oudeavored to escape In her night clothes and was severely burned. Fireman Michael Sheohan was so burned and injured tha( ho cannot llye. Tho loss is estimated at $-10.00. Twonty.flvo horses wero burnod to death iu tho livery stablo. They Aro Guilty. ,V.V8HlNOTON, NOV. 18. TIlO BU- premo court today afllrmed tho decis ion of the court below in the case of tho United States against W.II. Clime, ono of the participants In the big Cali fornia branch of Debs' strike. Debs and others wore found guilty of ob structing malls. Would Retlro Greenbacks. CiiKJAao, Nov. 18. A Washington special says President Cleveland Iu his annual messago will recommend tho retirement of greenbacks. This recom mendutlou will bo the chief feature of tho messago as far as domestic u(fulrB are coucerned. There are 177766 the United States. miles of railroad In There are 60,836,880 rails used to jpover tins ground. Thero are 633,205.000 tleo used to bind these rails togotuor, but uo such amount, however, Is required to bind tho hearts of the travellug publlo to the fact that the Wisconsin Central lines furnish superior facilities on all their trains between St. Paul nud Chicago whloh form close connections with nil llnoo to the east and south. Mako a note of It. Invisible cork sole shoe j, with late style toes, at.Krausse Beoo. 18 2t Heayy sole shoes with Scotch edges, at Krauts Brot. 18-2t Children Cry for f ItCtW Catorl. I'lM-Wi'iJi m oi rut Mi,mrctf tm ii Morniimll Foil ml liulm Hincl (liu Addiffnl, DECISION Id TIIK W, D. T. CASH HorHliln Fiilu of it IIiitIhIict Fort HcoJI, im,' In More Oodles Recovered, Ci.kvml.ani), O , Nov. 18,-Thellf saving nod fire b-mls crew resumed wark early .this morning In an on dcavor to recover Hildltlonal bodies ol tho victims of Sdiimluy nlghl'd street car (ilimMer a I the diuwbrldgn of the central viaduct. 'The body of a woman was brought to tho surface and Identi fied an Martha Lutierhetmer. It Is he llo ved there are one or two mnro bodies till In tho river. Rigers, tho motor man, who u m pled from tho car and thus saved his life, wm bound over this luoru'ug fur two weeks wllh'iut b.ill. A thorough Investigation will be made. Against tho Railroad. Washinoton, Noy. 18. Tho United States supremo court, in an opinion by Justice Harldln, today hold In eflect that tbo Union PucIIIo railroad com pany had no richt to make a leaso, praolloally giving tho Western Union telegraph company excluslvo right to maintain telegraph lines along tho routo of the railway company. In tho case of tho United States against those samo two cooporattouB to recover monies puld for government messages to the Westorn Union since 1881, sent over lines along the Union PaclQo right of way, the court afllrmed tho judgment below In favor ofcorpor atlons. Ju. A Ravlahi'r'fl Fato. Fort Scott, Kus., Nov. 18. Dr. Coory, a promluont dentist, attempted to outrago his stop-daughter, Cora to dar, and In attempting to escape from the police fell from a two story window alighting on hie head. Ho was instan )y killed. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Salem and Eastern Quotations Oor rocted Dally. nmoAOO Nov. 18 WUett, cash Wlio. i Dee ikw York, Nov.13, Silver, tSiio; lead, (3.90. 8AN KUANOISCO MAitKET. HAN FlUNCIBOO, Nov 18. Wheat, V6W&07 Weol-Oreicon, ctioloe, 7010c; Inferior, U07o; illev.tKillo. TBlley.WiUo. l!op-Q,uotnblo at 40o. l'oCatooa-aS to Mo per sack Barbanka C0S004 Tier sack. Oats-illlllDg, ;&35. 1'ORTI.AND MARKET.! 1'outi.Ahi). Nov 18.-Wheat valley tAY, eSl: Walla walla. 7a- Hour I'ortlana, Ji.70 Deuton county, (2.70 crebain. t2Si; upernne. ti,v6 per bbl, oau-WMto. 'Jlotune: crey, lV'JO; rolled, in bnM.l.UG(S.29 DKrrcli,SI.60i'd7.UO: caiei,I.7, iouioe ihw urceon, xwBiua pur tnox. IUy-Unod, KQ W pe Wool-Valley. Iwailo. rlou. MllUtuni-nruu.llOJOi ihorU. IIHLKh ohon leert. liaaiSoertom ryoBOu nero. IIIde-gren, tailed, 00 lbs b, 77Ka slieep pell, 107i"c, -...-.-. ". ..- r . . .. i" . -.. e: anaor.w iw Hope Nw Orcgon.iatlc. llulter Orexon fauoy creamery,' lX2lo fa noy dairy, 16 17ic; fair tq good, 13K15o common. ICo UUeeao -Oregon full cream, B9i, KggR Orezoa, 36 per dot, l'uuttry cnioKeun, J 1. 60(31 00 per doz; duoka Hoal.00i eee. W,(XXa7S0; turkeyi, live DaIOo; dreiiwl. Vii. llovf ToptrersKl & Per 0: lair to good lecrn,2aaa-6o; cow, 2a3o; ureased bee Mutton Heat beef, il.7&&00: choice ewe, jl.75; dressed, io, IlogB-ChoIce, heavy. ftAOMfiO; tight and ccuera, i.aj: urmiw, Vo v w Veal tiraall, choloe, 6utie; Urge, Sola ft B, HALEM JIAHICKT. Wheat Uo H bu. market firmer. Oau-ijo. nay-uiea, cueat. itoas.oo; timothy HIM. flour. In whoicsuie iota, IXfiO; retail, iiiW; I, bulc $10.00: aacked.fh.uO; shorta, U:O0a :ohonfeed.ll.00ali00, r ii-i o, HogsDreeaod, V,ia, 1,1 vo Catlle-Iaikc. r"olatoen-30oVbu, Onlona lc Turkeys-OaBo. Apples bOaloa uu. Kggs SSo. lUiua-.llo. Iincon..l0e. reaches 11,25 bu. i'oultrv-nrollera.'jojheua, Ocj ducka,(i47c. Catarrh in the Read U due to Impuro blood and cannot be cured with local applications. Hood's Saraaparilla has cured hundreds of cases of catarrh becauso it purifies tho blood and; in this way removes the ciuse of the disease. It also builds up the system and prevents attuobs of nhcunioula, dlphtherh and typhoid fever. Hood's Pills beoome tho favorite ca tburtlo with uvery one who tries them. 2to. i ii nun mil ivn.iv.v UHMJIill II MIIIIM,, i iiii.wnMw-wwMwwwiMwwulwwrta..a. ii. i torn HiMImKMiilto&r& . , . -- . .. , jiiguosi Of all in iiMMnaVowtrmi.AiMi u.b.OovY Kmmwi 1 EVjtj&t I Baking 1 XV S2S Powder AMriBWIYKV PUWIWL Tia Jfolnias Oaoo. I'lllf.AflKM'HM, Nov. 18. -The Moliiiscrtie looK Atiallir "oimatlonnl turn toils, nun lor cotiniel for tlio do foiisc, Wm, A, Hhouinaker, being ehnrged hi n-en coiut irllli inarm alluring evldonco In behalf of (he allegod murderer, by bribing n woman who knows nothing of tho cane (o swear hi his favor. Two Offlccrn Killed. Mautimivim.k, .Vo., Nov. 18,-Con. stablo l.emastcrs wan sent ycslerday to IMoanatit Ridge to recapture James While, an esrapid prlxouT. The rim stable deputlz-d Iturruil and HllttLs, fiirmorA, to n-M him. White shot fematprs dt?ad arid wnuudbd both deputies, Hlbbs fatally. White aaped. es- A New Road. Chicago, Nov. 18. The Evening I'ost asverta that Chicago Is to havo a now Hue of railroad counoollng It with tho Pacific coabt. It naji tho Canadian Pacffto Co., s building a lino Into this city from the uorthwast to connect with tho Soo lino at Lake Superior, and by that lino with Its main lino system. A Borioua Engagement. Havana, Nov. 18. A dispatch re ceived today from Santa Clara says that serious engagements havo been fought at Taguaaco, near Santa Esplrl tus, Santa Clara, botweon four columns of Spanish troops und a strong forco of lnsurgonts commanded by Maximo Gomez. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of alt In leavening StrenjCttuXJ. S. Government Report. tho great virtue of genuine "Fibre - Chamois." Tliey would insist, like Lil lian Russell, in havinc: it in thoir now drosses. Wo havo it in natural, drab, brown, black, a'so tuo Orienta . . . Tho-chcapor quality, 25 cents per yard. Jackets Somo ot duplicated. tho boat numbers $4.00 to $20.00. Fur - Trimming A full assortment. 25c per yd. and up. J J. J. DALRYMPLE & (SO. iimwuummijuummmmtMmme - mmitnnu iriiiniWiiWKMi I " '" " " - ' a ni i i limn Ki jT .. c THIRTY - SJX TO m Salem Una n WttlkiWAf WJ CotvhHIh. NOT ALL Um CMifirci Formeil by (ha flfi ' Itoporlorj Old Willamette's third foetlxtll was a dcolslvo victory ovec what been ono of tho best clubs In tWe Thoy beat tho Stalo Agricultural C-' legooiubby SO toO, and In doing m vanquished not only a heavv team. lint n Innm llml I. no .,. . ... . ,1.-1 7) - - . ..M. MMW UMO DVVU Kill), ULHI Bl playing that Is most of them. Thjr had Bldwcll, Monmouth's best mn, two coaches and half a dczsu rlngM j and coppers nud camo down to Ha!Ht to win. Thoy were a very nice lot of men all In all, but It was not their day to win. Thk Journal devoted areat tk4 of space tho past week to working up Interest in tho game and feels proud mt the result. With such good work con tinued tho Salem team will carry oft the pennant of Oregon colleges. W congratulate Captain Murphy, Mr. Morse, tlio coaoh, and the horn tem as a whole. THE COACH'S REPORT. As I expcctcd,Willamette obtftlaed (Continued on third page.) iTICk TpIT When you buy a Happy Home uit, it is with a guarantee from tho factory that it will give satisfaction. "Vo stick to that guarantee Try d1A ono of thoso suits nt....lU Overcoats . . A lot of cur 'Famous" cam tho other day. Nearly $12 uu gone Underwear . Showing a fine, heavy ribbed -and fleeced inside. 3?r. r cr suit $MiOU Hosiery Cost values in Fino 'CrsIi- mero. Site, iiSo, dOc, SOc, 7Xo. Furnishing - Goods New Hno today. Now CA Do Joinvilles OvC .cyiMLj .Jiab A frT, xK5 u J. 4. u. Mrtn.wMwiiiii wiimit. mmmmmmmmm -liJmA Jht