Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 14, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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    W Pyw ' tptwVH?
'ffrw jfi
.a.i n.f wii
U nirmrf.1 miwrinirf rnrf 1 T ...-.,...
Wo Inivo tlio finosi lino of bluo Tnblowiiru, wirnilnr to tho
styles of n hundred yonra njr,o, but much improved In ritylonnd
fitiiHli. Mammoth btock uf imitation cut tfiuaa nnd other am
VRro, direct from tho factory. AIbo a full hno of docorutcd
china and novo! ties in tlio crockery Jitio for tho holidays.
Prices novtr known ho low, s
Quo. Elcy, of Poitlnud, la tu tlio city.
Cliaa. Pooll returned todny to Wood
burn. A. C'oiiillt returned today frotu
Geo. T. Klluo ruturneil to Woodburn
J I. Pohlo returned yesterday from
T. Holycraon roturucd from Portland
lust ulgbt.
F. V. Druhe came up from Portland
lt night.
Mr. Eugene WIIIU went to Wo
burn today.
Dr. D, F. Bradubaw went to Marlon
tbla morning.
Rev. Jioweruox returned from Canby
tbla morning.
Oboa. Llvoaly a bop buyer, wont to
Portland today.
Supervisor Rakeetraw came up from
Chemawa tins morning.
Ex- Governor Z. F. Moody returned
from Portland last ulgbt.
Hop Buyer iVm. Brown transacted
business at Gervals today.
N. J. Judab, tbo lusuranco agent,
had buaness In Portland today.
Dr, W.B.Mott mado allying business
trip to Cbemtuva tbla morning.
President Lee, of tbo Albany college,
Vent to Portland tbls morning.
J. W. Watt and son Elbert were
paeaongcro to Portland this morning,
Mrs. L. IT. Addlton passed through
balem today on bor way to Woodburn.
Father J. S. White waa tbo truest of
friends lu Gervula today nnd will re
turn tbls ovenlng.
Hon. F. 0. Baker, ex-state printer,
returned to Portland on tho Balem
local this morning.
A. O, Woodcock, refereo of the Ore
gon PaoUlo company, came down
from Kugeno today.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Lco1b wont to
Portluud yesterday afternoon, whore
they will visit for a fow days.
Mrs. W. M. Toner, who has been
visiting Mrs. Glmble on East Btato
Htreet returned to her homo at Ynqulna
Malrnlo Mohan returned to bor homo
in Astoria yesterday after a year speu
In Balem with her slator, Mrs. W. F.
Mr. and Mrs. Werner Broy man wont
to Portland yesterday to visit their
daughter, Mrs. R.F. Prall, and frlonds
In that city.
Mrs. F. B. Bonthwlok and Mrs. E.
Ii. Davis wont to Woodburn today to
attend tho Woodmen entertainment at
that placo tonight.
Tomorrow ovenlng tbo young people
of the Presbyterian churoh will glyean
entertainment and social In the parlors
ofthoY.M. O.A.
E. fl. Kendall returned to Portland
this morning, having beon summoned
before tho circuit court of Marlon
county as a witness In the McMaban
ludependent Publishing company law
Justlco Clarke of Zeua, accompanied
by his comrade in arms during tho
UMBRELLAS . Eiwntyniuu..
-uojiiijuuao, 11, !,
Tlio nrt lot urarl v
Tu "Uuf k ilrnnd"
wuw. hj.v,
GOSSAMERS - Choico for 81. Ladies anU liiissos'.
Values formerly $2.50 to $8.50.
The C'sth;i)ry GoouV, Ololtihig RUd.BuoeJHotiaoCorner Courll aud Liberty
rebellion Bumucl Forukur, of Vnncnu
ver, Washington, who has boon visit
ing him. Tlio old boys wcro Inking lu
tbo town.
Wrist Dislocated.
Yosterday afternoon, about 1! o'olnok,
us r.nmbert ICoppIc, tho Jtoscdule
blaokBunth, was driving along Btata
street, his team oeojrne fright
ened and before ho could gain complete
(ioutrol of them they had started oil at
ti high rittu of speed. Iteuoblng Uburcb
street they turned north and collided
with n trre eatt cf tho Court house,
wbon Mr. Kopplo was thrown out and
his wrist dislocated. Ho went to" Dr.
Jesaup's olllco, where his Injuries were
atlonded to, aftoi wbloh he went to hie
houi e.
The team detached tbemsolves froir
the wairou when it struck tbo tree, and
ran as far as Center street, whore the y
were caught. They wore taken to the
feed stuble near tho WHIamotto bridge,
and wero taken homo later.
At Home If you would enjoy solid
comfort when you sit dowu for an
evening's smoko, you should bnvo a
cigar that will make you feel Just right.
Huckensteln's La Corona has the
propor Havor and quality, and besides
It la made by Balem mechanics who
spend their evenings in our midst.
Cuanob of Beason. This 18 the
ttmo of year when your Block should
bo well fed, when it Is undergoing
changes of wcathor. Brewster &
White, tbo Court street feed men, are
soiling an Kinds or feed so low that you
cannot n fiord to let votir animals
Keep Dhv. The New York Racket
has a full liuo of macintoshes, rubber
coats and oil coalB, rubber boots and
shoes of all kinds and gossamers for
ohildron. Call and see them. All
sold at close prices. I4."t
i mm
M-4.nHiA.aH Licknbe. A marriage
llconso was Issued Wednesday by tho
county clerk to Geo. Lynea and Busan
Reovos, of J eflersota precinct. W. B.
Russell was tbo witness.
A Clean Animal. The Salem hog
la a clean animal. Ho has overy op
portunity to be, as ho can get tho best
soap lu the world made right at his
door. Balem Soap & Chemical Co.
tub "BTAi, 5 Btau" Lines of
boots nnd shoes nt tho New York
Racket, are just tbo thing for cold, wot
weather and they are sold oheap. Call
and see. n.2t
i. i
German LessoN6. Dr. Bchroeder
will glvo lessons In the Germau lau
guago. For particulars call at Medical
collego. IMl-tf
Taken to Dallas. Tho Jordan
boys, who were arrested hero Tuesduy
evening by Policeman Coes, weto
taken to Dallas yesterday by Bherlfi
Plummcr, of Polk county.
Oregon Land Co., to J. T. Osbern:
laud in Highland ad to Balora, $240.
O. A. Reynolds to A.H. Leouard; lot
37, Bunuysldo fruit farm, $450.
C. nud C.Zimmerman to F.B. White:
lot 3, blk 4, Hubbard, $50.
Hring on colds and sickness, l'ut on a 'pair or our Worm
Itubber nud you will ih nil right, Itereurofull line or nib.
bers and rubber boom for mon, women nud chlldien at bed
rook prices, .
the very best b ba tor tholmoney,
), Come In under one and keep dry
nil told,
will slu4
A new lot Just arrived la Umn.
Iinri wnfiv 'I'liA Aat tiiuifn. IV,, i. ,!,.
IVJ'Met-Udie'mo.rJ.IO.IIU. Men's f 4 und W to. Hoys' O 60.
tho test good money cau bity,-
mm ukvoijj
iV Hitglaml lliinliliiK
Dooth (Jloiwl find u Notice (o tlio
Creditor IhsikmI.
For two weeks it lias bcon Known
that tho Williams A England Bank
ing Co. Was being crowded by credit
Last night n consultation was held
by tho dlroototit, but no action was
taken as only threo wero present. Hut
they did not decide to close tbo bank.
This forenoon, however, It was decided
to i.ot opou tlio bank and following
notice was put on the door. -tiik
hank exosno.
"Having reusoii to expect unusual
demands from depositors und In older
to treat all creditors fairly und equit
ably this bank Is closed for tho ptesent.
"It Is my opinion that all depositors
will bo paid in full."
H. P. McNAitV.
Tbero wiia soon gathered a crowd of
citizens and some depositors who had
only yesterday put money In the bank.
Tbo comment was utiythlng but
Tho Williams & England banking
Co. has been organized about Ave yeurs
and ban always beon a city depository,
and has hud county, school and state
funds as well.
As near us could bo learned tbls
morning City Treasurer bwaflurd Iihh
about $4,100 on deposit of city money.
His bondsmen ure Geo. Williams und
Jos. A. Baker, sureties to the amount
of $8,000, upproved by Mayor Gatch
February 10, 1804. The money was
being held to pay lutercst coupons
now duo. Mayor Gatch nnd Recorder
Edes thluk the city Is amply protected,
but that it will be fully protected us
Mr. Bwaflbrd's bondsmen are re
spouslDlo not tlio bank. Tbo bank
was also cashier and held tbo funds of
the Btato Insurance Co., and its olllcers
wero also olllcers of that Institution.
Up to noon it could not bo learned
that there wore other publlo funds In
tbo bank. Couuty Treasurer Mlnto
found $8.35 ot county mouoy there
when he took the office but withdrew
It and has had none there since
County Clerk Eblon .had divorce fees
and fundslhero until two weeks ago
when ho withdrew them. Bheriit
Kulght is at Portland, .but ills deputies
say none of tbo funds of that ofllce
are there.
At noon today Attorney Blater of the
State Insurance company appeared be
fore Judge Hewitt of tbo circuit court
lu session and presented a petition ask
ing that tho oaablor of tho bauk, Hugh
P. MoNary, bo appointed receiver to
take charge of theoflairs of tbo bank
and wind tbem up.
Tho complaint potltlon in tho case Is
entitled J, A. Baker vs. Williams aud
England Banking company, a corpor
ation, and asks uppolutmeut of u re
celver reciting the following facta:
1st. That the capital block of the
concern Is $200,000, of which there Is
takon and paid $100,000; that Plaintiff
Baker owns 20 shares of the pur value
of $2,000.
2d. That the deposlU agggregute
$120,000 and nlurgo part are on opeu
account aud certificates of deposit.
Sd. 'I hat tho corporation han In
vested n largo sum, consisting of it
capital stock nnd u per cuutuge of its
deposits In securities, bills receivable,
discounts, real estuto, buildings and
furniture, aggregating $275,000.
6th. That the strlngeuoy of the
money market and yurlous rumors
affecting the credit of the bauk havo
caused unusual aud heavy demands
to bo made by the depositors, etc.; aud
the plaintiff asks the appointment of a
disinterested person ns receiver.
Messrs. Emmett aud Richard Wil
liams, Judge Thuyer and Frauk C.
Baker, or Portland; Geo. Williams,
Hugh MoNary, Jos. A. Baker, Flnley
Perrlno aud Dr. Rlchardsou, of Balem,
are some ot the principal stockholders.
has caused considerable surprleo nnd
discussion pro and con, but uo panicky
feeling whatever. The failed bank
Just received from tho JTasfc.
A protty hno of artistic tnbleo.
Call onu seo them.
120 State street.
jiinw Hit fiMir Mum of lint 1'Py
iitililritf, Mid Iim hid (ml fur mmH
jnlnl ilrpneM far mm lUnr, H( Una
iil lifMflly llilnyiinr by ndVAiHH mi
i Ikm. flie fallnm (till nut ollrut niiy
filli'ir IfiMlfiilliui, niilrM II It Mi Hind
Jiixiirnniff ftir-itiftfijr.
Mfrti Wllllntii rrrrtilly gavn llm
Imiik n iriM drnl nf M-i finfiilminn rcl
deuce on Cturl Mrret fr U0.WM Ui
prtrlliilly st'oiitr) Hit bank for iiioiilrn ho
linil lM)ffitvf(l of llm Imtik. lbsltlrs liM
Indi btfdiKin in tin. l-ftnU Mr. Wllllitirm
owch $IA.(M,0 o pMvale pftflUc, mid IiIm
brnt frli'iiilr) Hy the brrnlt will FiinVft
him wtifsti lliuii rminllrM, If Monti
from (he Iihu'k Imvn twin largely for
InvrHliueiit In llm Hlatu iusiirance
fonijmny nnd strol ntilnmd .stock. He
lisd nil llicdine f $lfll ikjiikIoii pur
month from (lie governmonl, which
will nlwnys provldo fat bin family.
Mr. England hits bcon In poor health
for sovrral jwtrs, and tumble to actively
look nfter biiMrieim, which fuct alone
has bcon n severe hardship on the
bank. Mr. Engliind'a conservative
methodfl and good business Judgment
gavo the bank iniiuh strength. Ho has
for tbo past year strenuously opposed
nil loans nnd iiiorntlons that were not
of tbo Lest character. Ho has ustd
very llttlo of tho banks funds, nnd
will l)j a henvy lonr, as he has been
gradualy drawn lu sluco tho crash of
Btato Treasurer Metschan has hsd
an open account with tho bank, but
could not statu uHt how much was rn
depoMI. He says It is not much aud
will I'o mado good by blmeelf what
evr it Is. He thinks tho bauk will
pay tip its depositors In full.
This, with Cashier MoNary's state
ment, will be very assuring to thote
Interested. Mr. MoNary refused to
receive any more deposlU In the pres
ent coudltlon of tbo bauk, and Is a
careful, conscientious officer, nnd well
qualified to act as receiver, vVhon tbe
matter came up this afternoon U. B.
Senator McBrlde appeared as assoclato
counxel in tbe case.
It Is understood that Maj r Wll
iutns owes tbo hank n large amount
but bus Rtcurad tbo bank for ths full
nmount. Tho lnrue depositors are all
pretty confident that tbe bank will pay
It is reported this ovenlng on tho
streots that the Btato Insurance Co. of
2v Ounces of Soap for 5c,
Best Table Srup, 50c gal.
Tea at 15, 25 and 30c lb.
Inc'ine Your Ear our way for we want to
tell You we sell 21 cans of Oysters for $1.
Corn Cake Tobacco, 1 lb- packages, 20c,
We are still selling TODDY.
Salem, will also go Into tbo hands of a
Tbe compauy lias been doing it good
business, and but for tbo failure ot tho
bank would have como out nil right.
It Is known that Secretary Glltner has
beon nt San Frauclsco lately to havo
tno risks of tho Btato ro Insured but
could not como to terms. The com
panies there oskod more than it was
worth to rclnsuro the safe olssuof
bunlneM carried by tho State or Salem.
If a receiver Is naked for It will be Mr.
Quarterly Examinations.
At ono of tho rooms In tho basement
of the canltol.eounty Sohool Bilperln
tendcntJ. 8. Graham began the last
quarterly examination for this year of
applicants for teachers' certificates.
Wheu ho called for those present to
register with him tho following went
forward aud signified their Intention
ot becoming members of tbe clues:
Mrs. Ellzi Ahlhausor, Turner.
Miss Maud Hargrove, Rickrenll.
MUs Eflle Judson, Balem.
Mlsa Grace Wllllns, Turner.
Miss Minnie M. Tesker, Jefferson.
Miss Llllle Minim, Liberty.
Mlsa Hertle Grlbble, Aurora.
Miss V. Pearl Bhuofc, Monitor.
Miss Edith Bursell, Bllverlon.
Mlsa Mollle Toggle, Bllverton.
Miss Myrtle Bull, Sllvorton,
Miss M, Jouos, Uuenn Vista.
Mis 13, Grace Hargrove, Monmouth.
Ralph P. Juies, Scotts Mills.
Charles L. Drown, Newberg.
J. D. Jtlobaid, Btaytou.
H. W. Mulkey, 8afem.
R. 1). Cushutt, Btaytou.
E. IJ. Millard, Balem J
Jno. A. Goode, Chemawa.
It. II. Aucbard, Fair Urottnds,
ROYAL Baking Powder.
Highest ot all in leavening
Strength. V. S. aovrnmnt Report.
m mi i I
of Tlmnksjlrliiir l)y.
I'iHii.ANii, Nov. H,-AHilil!ii
(itt Iim hMiiot ill followliiK "DIcIaI
call forllifl (ilHinrvniii'tt of 'rimnllvliiu
day. wliluli rrtllsnl(fn In ilia fJntliollt'
Henlliifl, out this aflorKioiil
JllxeolluiKiy, tho ircllnt of Himo
Uiillnl Mate, lint reitletlsd tlio petn
pto Ut iMHinblo In tbutr oliufolift on
Thurtdiiy, Nny.lia, aiiiI thsrn render
llintil'sloOiKl for tho tunny hlftmliift
wblcli lilt liiltiilloerMMlnntM tins show
crnd during tho pnul your on our niunli
favored iinllnn.
This oiulotn Is very beautiful. II It
n publlo acknowledgement of tho na
Hun's deep bulb flu tho cxlcionco of
Uod; a belief ulsa that his dlvluo pro-
vldoticu rules thlt rvorld, nud n ua
llounl profestlon that to God we owo
our worship, Our beloved country has
Indeed, Uuu favored among thu fv
orcd. Any ono who makes a thorough
study of her history will uot fall to bco
tho incjclful, beneficent guldanco of
our hoavonly father's hand In tho dl
recllou of human ovonU, that has
mado tho ropubllo the honorablo envy
of fbe world.
It would be Ingratltudo on our part
not to thank this good God nnd great
est benefactor. No fault Is sobaso as
Ingratitude, and m grateful hoart Is
pleasing to God nnd man. Ono of the
surest means to ootaln a continuance
of God's favors in tbo futuro is to show
our gratltudo for tho gifts bestowed on
us In tho past.
We most cordially, thercforo comply
with the roquoet of his excellency,
Grover Cleveland, presldont of tho
United States, and Invite all tho Cath
olics of our beloved dloceso to oolobrate
properly tho Thanksgiving day. We
hereby order that In every church of
tho archdloccso, whore It cau be doi.e
a Mlssa Cantata bo sung at n convc n-
lont hour, aud that tbero be added 'n
all tbo holy masses of tho day, the em
tio In gratlarum anttone. in tho evo-
nlug at u couveuleuf hour, let tbe
Benediction of the Blessed Baorument,
accompanied by tbe recitation of the
Rosary, be given. Lot us all pray most
devoutly to thoSucred Heart of Jems
that through tho Intercession of his
immaculate mother, God's protection
aud blessing hiay over rouiuln on bur
We order this letter to be read In all
tbe churches on the Sundav nn..ri0
Archbishop of Oregou.
Portland, November 13, 1805.
Schlatter Disappears.
Denver, Nov. 14. Frauds Schlat
ter, so-called healer and messlah, dls
appeared la,st night, aud a warrant for
his arrest has been Issued from the
United States court. He has been
summoned to appear before the United
States commissioner today as a witness
against persons arrested on chargo of
using the malls to defraud, by pretend
lug to sell handkerchleves blessed by
Schlatter. He left a nolo simply say
Ing: "My mission at Dcuvor Is ended.
Good-bye." Over 3,000 people assem.
b'.ed this morulug expecting to receive
treatment from Sohlatter.
Land Decision.
Washington, Nov, ll.-Secretary
Biullh has decided a very Important
caso today, holding that the eastern
terminus of tbo Norlhorn Pacific rail
road Is either Thompsou.Mluneaota, or
Superior Wleoousln, instead of Ash
land, Wiscousln as has always been
claimed by the company, About 8 -
000,000 acres is lost by the company.
Alii At .A ..
Wo miifltmill tlio i)filriiiflo
4l il. ... ...ill II. iiiiii.iMiH
HOII IIH'HI WO Win no niir'wuiiii. ivwim-uiinr iwn (my a
nnd alao honi' In tirltitl Unit Saturtlny ih our '
M. & K
jgrTLIOlMlQNK 112.
ItlCE. At tho homo of his father, i'
M. itlco, on Howell Pralrlo, Thurs'
day morning, Novcmbor 11, 1H0G, of
blood iiolsonlng, Frank JUce, gcd Jt(l
Deceased was nn onusiully stroint
and robust mail, and Ills death Is a sur
prise to all. About two weeks ago he
received a sovero brulso on tho loft stdo
from lifting, and ha has beon ailing
oyer since. Yesterday ho was thought
to ha Improving, nnd his death came
very suddonly this morulug. The
funeral will bo hold at tbo homo at 10
a. m. Friday, and tbo burial will tako
place at tbo Mucleay cometery.
FooTiiAi.t.. With defeat staring
thorn in tho face WHIamotto enters the
game Saturday. Mark Bavage nud
McCorninck, our regular halves and
the only ouos who have played that
position at all, ure hopelessly out of It
and Murphy, captain und quarter.ha
become no luuio thut he will hardly bo
ablo to enter tho itame, Truett, tbo
glgautlo left baud, one of the btst nion
lu the line, Is dangerously ibIcIc, whllo
Macyluud O.lcer are very lame, Hut
the boys will go in to win nevertheless
Wantkd. To exchaugo or sell,
three or four acres opposite school
house. Will tako small payment, nnd
remainder in work. Inquire of J. C.
MoFarland ut Clear Lake, six miles
north of city, or address Balem.
Tub Rivkh. Water has rlson
nearly n foot. The stenmer Gipsy and
Eugeuo will be up thin evening.
Salem and Eattorn Quotations Cor
rected DaUy.
JjrtiucAOO ov. H. Wheat, cash 67;c. ; Dcu
'fi lev York, Nov.U.-Sllver, rutfc; lead, J.:w.
Man KnANCieco, Nor M. Wheal, vs.
rv-tiri:oi.. rliolc. 7$l0e: Iruurlor, Oa7e:
iiopn nuoi idio ni -tyuo,
1'ouitot-x J3 to 40o per tsa
ix?r aclc.
i per itark UiiihitnUb WJJOOc
uu M-illinnK. Wfr&
1'OUTLAnn. Nov vnllnv ttJ
o6I) Wallu rtutlft,47kaH
r lour I'ortiand. :.10t IlonUin nonnl v. .:n
gratmm JJ.86; niiwrnuo, ;,-,5 per bbl,
Oata-Whlio uicac; grey, iihtso-, rolled, In
baa;i.fl.'J6CttS W7.IW; oasesi. J,7o.
Poutoet Nw Or eon, 15 m pir naclt.
llajr Oood, 848 Ao per ton.
Woot- Valley, iwailo
Uirstunn-Urttu.SltlOi ihorU. HlKh
(.Ail ll)AI(n.aln!.i ..U1. ..'- '
Hides gr en, wilted OJ lbs ViCn under B0 ItH
77Ko sueep petUi, 107''c,
Hups New Orogonjdi.o J
llulter Oregon funny
creamery. Yilitama
uiuoy uuiry, au;ic;
ralrUgood, rjj9l5o
GUeokO-uregon full cream, &30
l!gus Oregon, Ja pr dor.
Pouttry-Culc.on SLfioasoo per dor, ducks
Wpaai.Wi gee. J8,W37.00; turkoyi, live
UilOo; dretsed, 133, '
.Ue '-?i0Sew.2XO35nerlbjlalr to good
steers, 2Xaa3-5c;eow..2ajfco; drtused beo
jimmii-um coci, i Viaioch eboloe
11,73; dressed, so.
Uog(-t hole, litavy, r.taa
wdern, t:ii5: drcsod, ijo Ih.
r.taaa,ft); light nud
vau-tfmnii, choice, 6itdc; lrge,Rilo"p lb.
wheot Uo v bu. market firmer.
Out ISo.
IUy-lliled, cheat. Si.B0a5.0O; timothy rf6.60.
Floor. In whoiesaie loU, IA60; retail, ilthO:
bran, buls: 1 10.00- sacked, litio; horl. sVliOOa
1X00; chop reed, U.00ulJ.U), i .
eal-l)rcsed,e, '
Hogs Dressed . itie. .
tave Cattle-la2kc.
Potatoes QOa mm
Onions lo.
Turkeys SaRc.
Appie-soatoo ou.
Peaches II 25 bu.
Poultry-Hroilow,7e; hens, 6c, duols.fcrfo.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Aledal, Midwinter Fair.
lUost Perfect Msdc.
40 Years the Standard.
ol our HinaU, nnd il pnru wfff
I I -! njn I. ii tsx.. .1 'tIJ
ithciimntlHiri itons lllot
When there Is laotloncld In tboblm.i
Iiilmt'iils nnd Intloiii will b0 0f n
permanent bonellt. A euro can l. Blt.
compllHlied enly by netitrallzlnR tu,
acid and for thin purpose JIoort nu,
sapnrllbt Ih tho best mcdfcliio btcnuiii.
Hood's Harsaporllla Is the mdy (riu,
blood purifier piomlnently in iinuii
llo eye.
Hood's Pills net easily, yet
Ivtr smt
and efleutlvely,
bowels. 25a
uu tbe I
$loo Kcwunl $ioo
The readers of this paper will be plea;
learn that there is ot least one dresdnl
dlicajo that iclcnce has been nble to cure In
all its stagei, and that it Catairh, IUIi1,
Catarrh Curo is the only poiltlvc euro known
to the medical fraternity. Catarrh btl&j
a constitutional treatment Hall's Caumh
Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surface of ih
disease, and giving tho patient sttcngtU t
building up the constitution and aHiitln
nature In doing its work. The proprietor
have so much faith in its curative powtrt
that they offer One Hundred Dollars fortnr
cose that it fails to cure. Send for Into!
Addrcn, !'. J. Cheney & Co., Toled.i, 0
Sold by Druggists, 7JC
Dealer in Groceries, Paints,
Oils, WIiulw,CInss,Vririil!siiea
and tho most complete slock ol
Itruslics of all Kinds lu tlio
State. Artists 1Iatcrlnls,L!rnc,
Hair, Cement nnd Shingles nm!
finest Quality of GRASS SHLDS
WAiTEI).-At "l'lio Cottigo' a girl lor
cone-ul houHe woi-k. Apply at dm:i
Court street. J. K. BUIger, Prop. 11 1-Sl'
WANTKD. -The best rlflo sbuts tialtinli
Tliankvgivlng turkey sbootlng ruatclnu
bo given oy a. It. Mouth wick au4 Kd l.uco
ntO. W lleotott'a pluw two mile; HiutliM
ofKnlem i'lonty of lurkeya. IllJSd
WAM'KD. Ily yonng niiinof good Ittblli
and sorr o exporleooo as rlerK, enipioj
ineut In retail bustiieiu: Httnlled wlib smiil
waoi. Adnro-BOarl.tblsottlco.
au exoellonl nronf rutloa Mini 1 unailm
Urdeni lor all kind o. Imlr goods rilled wnlim
a tovf days. Tjtnn roauoror Hilrarftuiux,
.Vaolrurme nnd'rreatlnirtlin Ha .In bv itit
month, a M U jom 11- sVdrldell il(.
LP. FlrtUKH. Newspaper Advertising Attnt
. 21 MeronanU' Kxohange, Bin KwacliW
ih our authorised agent. Thin mpit Is Kept
onflloln blsotnca.
UAPUltu.-Portlanu. suurrrtmenio, miu
17 Tacoma and Han KrancUco papers on m
alllopr Poufflo block.
MOnky i t,OAN.-0. Mro,
Poiit Ottlon tilnoc.
OnftA'UJVSanlmprovo.t n-aerolr ct Vr
cpUUu miles south ot towu HmVl bm
and burn
ii. un.
lunuiroor uurgzrai, ovit -i"
jtlll.UA em HUMAN Type am tig '"
rommerelHl ntiinjrnnliv. Oiil v h"in
Qruy block. The bailor workil nct
nonubleruUM. I'
Oil 8AI.K nilKVlWOn lonif liniir w.iuM
ronlfiacnMnlml.M Imul In W-fti MI'M-
OOd. InrcalinmH iinil turn- vji-IhIV ot I''
ln friltt irAM I'lflntv tf am ,11 lilllt. L 1t
water nud ii uorw timber. Address wx i.
Bui urn. us:
Trani'uotan general bauking buzlness.
Froan.tBalted nnd smoked Meats nn 1 ''
Mges. ir-lletrlgerator meats in best sbuf.
Kept la an A I loeobont. eastern style, rree
delivery. HoutU Commercial street.
6-21 OIIAH. WOLZ, Prop.
Theunderslsnodihaa a pedigreed IW11
China, benr, 'ivacemaher," nud ah u" '
youiur boar g and smrg from Peaoimaier,
lullblood 1'iilanil Chlnti snvri, which ore
lercd ror gala ohp. John Marnnch "
Independence road, near Holmes' bop jf
Umbrella man fnrmtrlv nt 1K7 fJomnie' ' '
fcUhas removed to 1MI Binto St., Aru .
bulldlne. whera lin will Imirlait to cm Oil
I old customers, also new ones. Uuibre.Uu iy
I paired, recovered and now on made-to fr.