0mmi fUAM vlHB7 PIT n JI.jI!! LAtfLLEawMMBH THE BEST 1PIPE TOBACCO. and other potts. Btronet lions, InvlKoratcN nnd tone tho entlrosyttcm. Itudran curcf nihility, Nervousness, KmUslons, and developer nnd restores weak organs. Vt 'ns Jn llic t)ok. Iojsci by day 01 Hltlit6toppc kbits, Hudjan rtops ncmaiurericss of tho din charge In SO dars. Hires LOST MANHOOD tn 1 ffi uo quickly. Over 2,000 private endomemonts. JTomritureiios mram Impotcnoy .a 1I10 first ittco. It Is n ymptom of seminal wcakncM and bsrronnes-. It can bo stopped In 20 days bythousooUIudynn. Tho new discovery was mtidn try thoSncclal. (its of tho old famous Hudccn Medical Institute. It Is tho itronpcst vltallrcr tuado. It Is very powerful, but haimlcts. Fold for 81.00 a pack nsoorO pftoknjrrs for fVPQ'Hf.lneoalrrl boxes), ' 1 'mvi-i. Rcuro. IfyonUiy t u; u A A i) t vi mtl -'iy cured, nix wow UbfR'nt'o .nir oifnil(,crnpx. Jeudnr rireu runnd tollinniualn. Address HUDSON MIMICAL INKTIXUTK, t'iiirtlonStoclttoM,?lnrIcntcV:illlSu tnii J.'ranoliro. i'.t. . vwijil runi'sly f. r iji.iiurrliira v " 1 1 IM b vw, '"t, flpurmniurrliu'a r: ID 1 to ontj. v " iiim-w, uiiiiMi 11 rai ui.' (, tttnuciS R clinririi. nr mi) lullammii . ' rl- t umro. lion, li.ilan.il or ulcers- t 1 -en ouuton. tl a t f 1.1 n en 11 m rucnt- irilttvANjOHlUiCHCo. '""i"- 'on-nnlrlngnit. "ieiNniiNi1o.BR5S fwoJ'' bv Vr,,reUU -Tr.. rj h i ItKy nr "'nt "l PWln wrnrpr. t .3tJ "j2n I'T iiirf", iirfpald, for llr'nl - i"f on riueRU irvc j. r 5ooa Tonic m.Q:m Builder ;r.w ' .4 Btndfbl dtcrlutlv tlktUPlilDl Dr. WILLIAMS' MEDICINE CO., Schenectady, ti.Y ) Krw.UvlJJc Out 'O3-O''MR0 QUEEN OF FASHION THE FASHION PAPER OF THE DAY. Eaperb, Btrlotly "Up-To-Dnto" Designs Illustrations and Fulilon Notes. MOIIUMlVt .Uligllli IIHU vivm x a year 3 euuscnpiion Only CO Oonts, Ucludtns, (tee, your cholco oj any ono of the Celebrated McCall Dazar Patterns, and all patterns to subscribers (or Only 10 or 15 Cents. This boautlful paper fro- ono year to ny person paylnc: 51-50 In advance for llle Daily JouitNAn liy tnall elx montha or for a longer perloil. nOFEU IinOS., Edltore. J, H. HAAS, UTOHMAKEn AVID J11VE Bit Tim"!! a specialty oj F-n Il-pali YitU. Beth t tLU I 1113 SIX jus ex -rt- 1, jijfcrj Constipation, ordinary Ito- M S Vlzzlncea. lVSnaKr.,t ff 3b Hlng Ben- tho most SwaPlKl aationi.,Ncrv wonderful ffipMjjI oustwi clilnB cilscovcry of -.WvSl 0f tho oym mo axe. 11 f.'.LVJ1,! la been on- yl!ral?!a flowd hy tlio PivtoJtWi lrndliigrctcn- kaS'livIvl llfia moil of tt.hlJP'Mi Kuropo nud iSSiViM'Sfi Ainerlrn. RwKtftoS lludjan U JivlfWiafl l III IUKU" BfllLIILIIHa MUiLh. (JKtcH mmm mfflBMmb. rMW,MWME'a, rm&2xmmmmi7mmmm rjiiixur.'Vbiumrwtninrjvirnitiwumww.ito ' Hivrwfwwwww .C C Vi, t to. CT.'kCk uri'tHiii 42 THE 5 run JMDiiriiNDiiNT avir, Tixtlmony In tlio Oontrovoroy Oyer a Hlom Howippr. Tim lull of a, W. Dliiiiiilok, h, 11. J AJuMhIimii, M nt., vn, J. II, riotalior, Anion tJlruiiif. (loo. T. Ulllie, et l, for i iMosilon of tlio Halcin Iiulopoixloiil tiubllnliliiK oompniiy propofty vtnn tJMlit boforo JuiIko Jlowllt, Wetllio .dty nfiorno'iii, I J. NY, Jory culluilj Wn ono of tlio planum in tins cflflo, Unvo licnrd of HAloof IiulcpoiKlcnt publishing com piuiy. J)o not romombor wlioii I Ilrst livnrd of It, Think thosulo wnn mndo lu 1801. 1 do not reineniber tnkliiK nny itcllon for sumo tlmo nfter licitrliiK of It. I think Mint I wnn at Auinic vlllo whon meeting was held, tho mcotliitf nt whloti tlio plant was Hold to Mr. Flotohvr. Home tlmo nftor heard plant lni(. bean Bold to Mr, Flotohor. Iteoulved no dtflnlto Information In ro yards to It for Home tlmo. Last sum mor MoMuhou and I called on Mr. Ilolmua to lenru stutus or tho property. Wbh told Mr. Clluo had pnpors at Wood burn. Wont to Woodburu. Ho had tho pnpors, or qutto n numbor of them. If ho had contract ho did not show It. Mr. Cllno showed a memo randum of Rtock holders and amount of stock. Bald that was ull ho know about stock, 1 further asked If It wbh posstblo to got business In sbapo to run n Populist papor. Mr. Ullno gavo me n verbal statemont or contract. Said Mr. Fletcher did not like to Uko hold or tho matter until titroug would go lu with htm; that Strong and he wero silont partners with Flotchor. Mo Mahan asked If ho had seen pnpors; wanted to pco them. I asked Mr. Cllno U ho would object to Mr. Mo Mahan soolng papors. Bald no. Mr. MoMahan did not see them that day. Mr. Cllno said ho bad reconsidered the matter nnd thought bo would not lot him see them. Do not know valuo of plant nt time or salo. I don't recaM statements mado by directors or respon siblo aceut of tho corporation near tlmo of salo. Cross examlned: I heard of meeting nt Mr. Swank's. Am not certain I heard of It boforo that. Mr. Jory was handed paper, which ho said boro his signature or a good Imitation or It. Impression was that It was written In red Ink. Tho body Is not in my hand wrltlug. It rosemblos Mr. Swnnk'fl. I am certain body was not written by myself. Tho signature looks Like mine. Tho body looks like Mr. Swnnk's nud I should call It his. Tho date of this proxy corresponds with date or meeting. Do not know whether or not I received notlco ot mooting. The llrst time I saw tho contract was at a meeting of stock holders. 1 nuked for books and papers of tho corpora tion for Inspection. Mr. MoMahan and I went to Woodburu together. Mr. Cllno stated to mo that Mr. Strong and he wero silont partners with Mr. Fletcher. I did not understand him to cay they wero silont partuers only ao fur as to paying obligations of tho corporation. I do not recall that this papor was offered to rao if I would nsBumo liabilities. I do not romombor Mr. Fletcher's ever wanting to sell.tho plant to me. L. II. MoMahan testified: I was present at tho stockholders mooting. Was not present at the meoting held Marcn 31, 1804. I learned tho result of tho meeting during tho week fol low lug. Mr. Strong told mo the prop erty had been sold to Mr. Fletcher, Ho said half of the net profits or the management ror two years would be divided among stock holders of the cor poration. I have been trying to get an election of directors to find out what had been dono. I do not know that I Inquired of Mr. CJIne what bad been dono with tho property. Mr. Cllne said ho did not know what contract was except In a general way. I bad 40 shares of stock In tho company. The flrat step I took wbb to prevont sale or property. Mr. MoMahan was shown a papor which ho said ho had seen before. WEAK MEN CURED AS IF BY MAGIC W.TT-.. . .. ii.ni.ntii sTinnlil Rend at VKliui ui -.. ...m...- "--, --"hook ttipA fnr A tlint explains now full manly ylpor Is easily, quick y ana permanouwjr restored. No man BUfforlnBfrom weakness can af ford to ignoroiaia timely ndvlce, ltvV mils how ford to Ignore this 1LU. how fall Btrenatb. de- j2 vclooment and tone aro Imparted to every ERIEHEDI0ALC0.,iUFFALO,N.Y. JMMMk4MMitJ'lM If tnlil that li pnpof wm A d Mils ml on (llrnotorri to commence ( moiii iohsIoii of property. I mulled aoopy (oOIim, Hoott of Woodburu, V, IS, WtYfliik nt AiiiiimvIIIp, nikI crnoitlly gave ono to Mr. Ilolmei Hint Ml a ft copy at Mr. MtroiiK' liouno, I liitvs had Interview rtignrdhitf pitying oil ImlohtedncM nud turning property Imolt to (ho corporation. In July I wont to Mr. l'l'ololier and tnndelilm a proposition that I would pay nnd put up security for nil tlio money that had beon paid out, Including nil he paid out on It, nud Interest, nnd give good scour I ty If ho would turn tho proporty baok to tho corporation. Ho said ho would iiayo to see Strong and Ollno. I said, "Bupposo I boo Strong In regard to It." Ho said "all right; but I can't do anything until I talk with thorn," I saw Mr. Blrong and told him I could put up good security ror all money claimed by tho corpor ation. I said Gov, Flotchor nnd I had computed amounts duo and mado It It $4(00, and this rail thoro would be duo on subscription list about (1000. I said I would glvo soourlty, but I said I would rathor put up my proportion of my atook, whloh would have beon a llttlo over four-nlnths, and that wo would tako tho accounts, nil but about four bit? on subscription, and place them In tho hands of an attorney for collection, and uso this as collateral security, which would guarantee pay ment of monoy. Mr. Strong talked favorably but said he would have to see Mr. Fletcher. I wont to Mr. Fletoher'a ofllco after that and told him I wanted to mako another proposition, but ho said ho did not want to listen to any and ordorod me out. I believe that Is tho only proposition I over mado looking towards tho purchase of tho property. Tho press cost mo (1,005 laid down in Woodburn. I brought tho press up hero and turned It lu as part payment on my stock. I can only cstlmato worth of property. It was worth a cash value of $2,600, including back accounts and bills recelvablo. Do not know what was duo on subscription, but estimato be tween (2,500 nnd (3,000. Prcsumo It was CO cunts on the dollar. Wo had 2,050 subscribers. A mortgage west given Mr. Gulsa to secure hlra for somo monoy, Seven hundred and forty dollura of tho monoy was glvon to take up n note. Do not know what proporty was sold. Cross examined testified: I wes sec retary of tho company whon the raortsngo was lasued to Dr. Gulsa. I becamo business manager lu Decombor, 1803. I did not toll tho directors It was neceesary to ralso (1,500. I negotiated a loan of $700 of Mrs. Waller. Was business managor whon that loan was obtained. W. L. Brooks, E. H. Flagg, N. J. Judab, II. E. Cannon, T.J. Cronlse, H. B. Patton and othors wero called to givo estimate of worth of property and subscription list. The avtrugo estimate was (2,500 for the whole, nnd 50 cents on tho dollar for subscription list. It. E. Cannon and W. H. Blelmler testified that the press wau now In bad condition, being eei on a poor founda tion. Plalntlfla closed their case, nud W. H. Holmes, attorney ror tho de fondants, mado a motion for non suit, which was not sustained by tho court. The defense In present l their case practically admitted everything that was proven by tho plaintiffr, but claimed that it was done lu good fnlth and because tho company was Insolv ent. There were no closing arguments by the attorneys on eltbor sldo. Thoootirt was until 10:40 at night hoariug tho testimony and'then took tho matter under udvlt euient. Rheumatism Runs Itlot When thero Is motto acid lu the blood. Liniments and lotloiiB will be of no permauent benefit. A cure can be ac complished enly by neutralising this acid and for this purpoeo Hood's Bar saparllla la tho bent medicine because Hood's Harsxpnrllln Is tho ouly true blood purifier prominently in tho pub lic eye. Hood's Pills uct eaBlly, yet promptly aud cfll'iiiively, u the liver utid bowels- 5c. Rheumatism Is n symptom of disease of tho Kid neys. It will certainly bo relieved by Pnrka Sii'' Cure: That headacbo, backache aud tired feeling come from tho i-aine cauue. Ask for Parka' Sure (Juni for tho llyur and kidneys price l-Oo, Bold tiv Ltinn A Brooks'. 10-4w . i. i m Children Cry for fc-i'Jliilft tin I .toiler' Castori, VHIVUMrHTlf WOTflrti Dolnoi In ttio Ublvsrilty lor tti fiftit V.k. Owing lo Hid Inrgq iiiimdor of hoy In ntlaiiflitiifie nl Hi" iinmrliy, II wn inciiry Hint llitty lt regaled in the oliniel. 'H'tf iiuiulior ol yntiug men far exceed Hie ntimhpr of young wonirii, Hnwlfirv W. O. l'alfts of llio Y, M. C. A ami Whit Jlolmtiti visited olinpl TucMlny morning. MIm Keruo Itolilto.y rend an ex(H InntOMny In ohspol Moudity inofnlng. A. F, Hllltirr tlellvcrrd n recltntlon Tuesday moriiltig In olmpol cntltlml "Tho Jjps of n fnlloual Olmrnctrr." Tho noleotlon wai well rrcllril. Miss Ethel Hutt'im, W. U. Paige and A. IS, Milliard, nil of Bnlem, liavo cute rod tho unlyorslty tho pat woek, Y, B. Dunn, professor of Latin, went to Portland Monday afternoon ro turulng Tuesday mornliig, The Phlladorluu society hold nn lu torentlng meeting In their hull lnr-t Friday nUlit. A short musical nnd literary program wns glvon concluding with n debate, the subject being "Re olvod that Inventors Have DonoMoto for tho Promotion of Civilisation Than Itoformorn," Thoso speaking on the affirmative wero Guy O. Miller, A. O Garland and Geo. Aschonbrenncr. Thoso on the negatlyo were C. J. Atwood, Hal Hlbbnrd and Carl Eh ret, After a thorough dlsousslon of the subject Indulged In by a number or others, President Hawloy redndcred o decision In favor or the afllrm attve. Tho subject for discus sion tomorrow evonlug Is: "Resolved that tho pulpit affords n greater fiold for eloquence than tho bnr." The apcakcra are: Alllrmatlve, E. E. Martin, P. L. Brown and R. L. Mat thews. Negatlvo, J. E. Sawyers, J. G. Colllson nud P. L. Motschan. Wednesday morning Miss Agnes Brown read nn able essay in chapol on "Tho Faults of Man." Ernest Wilson and Whit Holman wero visitors at the chapol Wednesday morning. The football team has beon praotlo Ing very hard tho past weok, every afternoon finding them upon the campus. Tho boys eeo the necessity of more faithful attention to business, as last Saturday's game was n very stubbornly contested one and the Willamette team will have to play Corvallls Saturday, one of the contestants In last Saturday's game, Tne boys aro very muoh interested In the game next Saturday, and are hopeful of victory. They will enter upon tho field with the intention of playing a fair and faultless game, nnd bo crowned with vlotory, Palgo will not as full back, and with tho amount of practice the team has undergone tho past few weeks, they feel ablo to "outklok" moat any team. An unusual amount of interest Is being centered nn Saturday's game, ror if Willamette Is defeated they will be out of the stato league of football teams and will be "dead," as it wore. But wo hopo such will not bo the case. Should Wll lametto oomo out victorious, sho will play on Thanksgiving day, November 28th elthor tho Portland orEugeuu team, which will bo decided lu u mutch gamo betweon thefo teams nt Portland nextSaturduy. If Willumetto should be successful in Saturday's gamo and also In tho gamo on Thauks glylng day she will prove herself to be tho champion football team of Oregon, something that Balotn may feel proud of. Tho boys havo been nt considerable expense lu arranging Saturday's game aud should bo accorded n largo audi ence. Seats will bo erected and every thing possible doue for the accommo dation of tho onlookers. Admission only 23 ceuU. Captain Murphy of tho Salem team said this merning: "Tell the people not to mind the rain but oomo out aud enjoy the game. This Is Ideal football weather." Z Steamer Gray Eaglo will leave Z Z Portland for Salem Tuesdays, ; Z Thursdays nud Saturdays at da., Z va. nnd leaves Balem for Porttaud Z 2 Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl- Z Z duye, at 0 a. in. Quick tlrao,.regu- Z Z lar service aud cheap rates, Agent 2 Z M. P. Baldwin at Balem dock. " There are 177755 miles of railroad In tho Uuited States. There are 60,835,880 rails used to cover tills grouna. Ttiero aro 033,00.000 ties useu to uiuu these rails together, but no such amount, howover, la required to bind tho hearts of the traveling public to the fnot that tho Wisconsin Central lines furnish superior facilities on all their trains between St. Paul und Chicago which form close connections with all lines to the east and south. Make a nolo of It. QAIL BORDEN IEAGLE Brand ..CONDENSED MUX. Has No Equal SOLD GVERYWHERB it&l.t1lMt:i,ri,,,i,vf,llM4l What it nri en 1! Fi Oitntorln In Dr, tfnmuol lMtolior'rt prescription for Infants inul Children It coiiiAliia neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nnrcotlo subntAnco It In n lntrmlcBS fltilislUiito for Paregoric, Drops, BooUilns; OyrttnN, mid CrtHtor OIK Xt In Plcamint. Its gitArnnteo Is thirty yenrn' uso by Mllllotifl of Mothora, Cnatorla leslroy "Worms nnd nllnys fovorlfllmcsH. Onstorla proven (H vomiting1 Sour Curd, enrcfl Dlarrliooa rind "Wind Colic. Castorla relieves toothing troubles, euros constipation nnd flatulency. Onstorla nBslmllntes tho food, regulates tho ntonmeh and bowels, giving healthy nnd natural Hlcon. Cas torla Is tho Children's Pauacca the Mother's Frlond. Oastoria. "Castorla taan excelltnt medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of Its good eflfctt upon their children.' Da. O. C Osgood, IVmell, Mass. M Castorla Is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day Is not far distant when mothers will consider the teal Interest of their chlMrtn, nnd use Castorla Instead of the various quack nostrums which are destreying: their loved ones, by fordne opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby ending them to premature graves." On. J. 1', K1NC1IELOB, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, 77 FOUR PRIZES! THE CAPITAL JOUR NAL does not do a lottery business to rvoll its circulotion; but in addition to cjiving. yaluo receiyed, it gives its subscribers valuablo premiums. JNow is tho timo to order your reading matter, and it will pay you xo notico iuo luuuwiug special eflbrs: Anyone of tho follotving four periodicals free, ono year, to any subscriber ot THli JOURNAL who pays $1.50 in advance for the DAILY, by carrier, threo months, (50 cent a month), or by mail six months, (25o a month), or tho WEEKLY 18 months, ($1 a year). "Queen of Fashions." Tho best lG-pago illustrated fashion magazine of Now York free for ono year. Tho above pnetis aro not cash, and tho ohea C3t combination over of fored. Tho "Queen" is a high- class, practical, homo magazine. "The Child Garden Tho delightful Chicago chil dren's magazine. Just tho thing to read to tlio littlo ones of tho homocircle It brings tlio kin dergarten into tho home. Song, nines and story . Bt dutifully illustrated, $1 a vear. Pub lished by tho Kindergarten Literature Co, BK fjS Tr avS' - rif.tu M I mmummnum I M JggSJjg"' - -. " iVfMw,r, afcfat.k. OaBtoria, " Castorla la so well adapted to children that X recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. ARCnaa, M. D., Ill 8a Oxlord St., Brooklyn, N.Y, " Our physicians In the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence In their outside practice with Castorla, and although we only have among; our medical supplies what Is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits- of Castorla has won us to look with favor upon It." UNITED yOflrtTAX. AMD DlRnWtARY, Boston, Masa Allcm C Suns, Prtt. Murray Street, New York City. 'The Farm News." A practical farm paper, ed ited byja staff of experienced agricultural writers, contributed to by tho best known agricul turists of tho couutry. It con tains what tho (armor wants. Womankind. Ahandsomo, attractivo,home papor,to which ovoiy 'woman. will givo a hearty welcome SAMPLE COPIES of afcy of these Publication can bo had by calling at THE JOURNAL ofiico or dropping us a postal card. Any two of tho abovo peri odicals can bo secured by pay ing$3 and taking THE JOUR NAL twice as long as required to socuro ono. When tho extremely low price of THE JOUHNAL is considered, this will bo tbend the most liberal ofTor mado by any paper on tho const. H0FER BROS.p Editors, Salem, Or. T t - - - - Trad mm iilPSM rl1 I. 11 ill! 1 ivaw a 'tZTT'.VZZM' TUiVrMW EAST! i VIA TUB- Union Pac'fic System YhtotiRlirnllmanrnlAee Blwpers. Tonrlf Weepers and Pnt Ilrjclinlng Chair Cars dally iroin PORTLAND to CHICAGO ,i!,J,il!4,l,.1.r8 leld4 by steam nnd ers llglitod ly I'lntsolt ltatit. Time U) Clilonoo, ; ilnys.l Tims to Nw Yorh, 4X days. winch is many hours quioxor tlmn all oo poll to a. For rote, tlmo tables nndi full InformatlON apply to KOISR A ItARKIK, Agent, BelsM, Or It.;W. HAXTKIt, O. R. MHOWX, Oeuoral Agent. i)u l'tw. Atwt Va TlilM at.. Portland. N ORTHERN PACIFIC R.FL R D N S Pullmari tleo-ant Sleopin- Cars llininn Oaee TrtMtsIe willllir. uiiu ,j 1 vui 1 A SleeoInCrj -j liSr. PAUL'' MINNEAfOLS'l IFARfiP. TO GRAND FORKS CROOKSTOh fti WINNIPEG HELENA ana BUTTE VHUOUtfH TICKETS VT0 CHICAGO UACIIIMRTnU'" i. . . . . ,JL jr. 'v PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK. BOSTON and all Points East end Southl 31 For Information, time carasjji.iapaO tickets call on or wrlto, s ; THOMAS, WATT A CO., AGENTS, """ 3(13 Uoinniorclttl it., Allow, til, Or A. D Charlton, Asat Gen'l.Tau. Asen Uorrlton st., corner Third, 1'oitlnnd, Or. U & N. CO. K.I MCNEILL, UEUEIVEIt. To The EDaqtp QIVEMITUK 0U0I0E:0K TWO TRAUSC0NTLN1TAL ROOTES -VIA- GREAT MTBERN RY. UNION PACIFIC Rf - Low Rates lo all Eastern Cities. Ocean Btcainem'lctwelPorUand evei7flve day Korinll details cnll'on oraddreasi UOIHM A rjAnKRR. W. U. ilUIlLUUKT. Uen. Itaa. Agent,; .rortuud, Or G. AT. POWERS, Local Ticket Agent. Koitjno'Trftde ft. Oregon Central and Eastern R. R. Co ItAQUtNA WAY UOUTK.1 Oonnootlns nt Yuqulna Hay with the Bat, Kranolscound Yanuiua lluyHUMtmsiiln (W, IHTIAMISH 'KIUAJiLON," A 1 and first om& lu every respect. Bulla front Yaqulnn for elan Francisco about every U days. t'uaterJEcr nccoinmodatlons unsurpassed Shortest routo between tho WlllB'uutto vatlov uu California. Kurulrpin Albany, or polnU west, to H Kranclace: cabin, fVJ; steerage, IS;; cabin round trip, eood 60 dayd, SIS, For sallint; duys appiy to If. JU WALUEN, Agent Albany, or, (JU AH. OI.AlUC.Bupt,. CorvaJIU, or, EUWIN n-ONK,Manoeer, Oorvailta. Of p AU. OIIUIlOUlLli.TLocal Asent, 81m Vl rh'-hr.lrr'. 1 "r'1- llnmm! itrsn. rENMYROVAL SSLLS llafolsiul mail Iktkltr Us itlilniv Arc, auto rfii&LW. tot4 us . liruuisaj wr vKrer .- w-m kle. aa-eJ-ki Vlltk tllU IlMp' Tult.0 m,t Had 1 in If Ml HD.I .t.l,t tUMalllOX 'ni. hlkM. HfumJltalk. M&lllJlM 4fts lu alamo tat narttaultia. i liatvWUU 4 UrlUr far Fj JUsv ( Ittttr, tt iwtUarM XUIL 111.000 TfrtlMMUll, rWiMMfV i..(rCIemlcalV,WaClwiiaji jaw sV-A ieyaMPCi ?n -.iiJ M frcvtld L & L' Jt 11 J It U t- lri4tu t.'klMiilrl' l-tlUPWHI ' I M '4 H .4 j ..' ."! iJ ;-()., "t Ylli m it' E ( i )"X V --. -ik-i . w