Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 07, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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r "5 tflFT p JfJ WI?'""W '9' 1MI9I5"
AraAagJauJ!Jaeaiime jt amflfeaa
Wo have tho finest lino of blue Tablowaro, similar to tlio
styles of a hundred years ago, but much improved in stylo and
finish. Mammoth Btock of imitation' cut pi ass and other glass
ma direct from the factory. Also a full lino of decorated
china and novoltios in tho crockery lino for tho holidays.
Prices novtr known so low.
oi Ipftresf.
A. now lino of children's
ribbed vests and pants, fleeceo,
25c a garment. All sizes.
Our long delayed lino of
children's Union Suits now in.
Tho cotton ones aro GOc. Wool
are 75c and up. A fino gar
ment for children.
Why crochet your eyes out
making ico wool fascinators,
whon ) ou can got thorn in the
Very newest patternB from 65c
UT). Sam mip linn nn liinnlnv
inside. But!
If you'd lather make them
we have tho ico wool in oz.
balls 15c, 2 for 25c.
We can sell you a good
Gorman Knitting Yurn, three
skeins f r 50c. The best
that's made, 25c skein.
Wo have a substantial fleece
lined hose in ladits' sizes, 25o.
Wo havo boys' ribbed wool
hoso that, aro hko our cotton,
in that they're tho best that's
made for tho money, 25c.
uot-d ailtsins, 10c and up.
Skirt linings, 5z and up.
Fibre fabiics, 20o and up.
vhone 73.
ran in i 1 Ljuuimi xi -
Geo. Hroat has returned from Albany.
H. H. Howard, of Portland, Is In tho
Geo. Payno roturuod from Portland
i5b Blngleton was a Tumor visitor
Wm. JJrowu has returned from up
tho vaJloy.
Hopbuyor E. O. Herron was in Port
land tuday.
Cnpt. B. B. Ormshy, of Argentl, was
In Balem yesterday. "
Attornoy J. A. Carson returned last
night from Portland.
Bonator I. L. Patterson returned bet
night from Portland.
W. B. Jones, a Portlaud merchant,
was in Balem yestorday.
Jaa, Lewis, an asylum employe,
went to Albany yesterday.
Attoruey General Idlcman returned
to Portland this morning.
Hal Pattou has returned from a
several day's visit In Portland.
McKlnloy Mitchell, ot Goryale,
arrived in Balem this morning.
Secretary of state H. R. Klncald, was
a passenger for Portland today.
A. J, Cobs, chief of tho 11 ro depart
raeat, went to Portland yesterday.
Cal. Jouca went to Clackamas county
yesterday for a visit with his slstor.
- Capes and Jackets.
S2 SO"1.10!? c,,?tu P0 wt velvot collar,
v-'"" (load value
S3 fiO11,ao.Jtrlotudolb,9P. Upper ore
v"'"u lylUtilytrlmiuodwiiiibiaclcaerpeu.
Hue braid, Good length.
$2 50-.' 0!'' nHVy l" over Jacket,
trimmed with blark bmld aud 8
larva buitoiu. Age, 8 to 12.
?ti,uu Wool obiuchllla cloui. limblo
bioaa eutM.liUiaiKbuitouk.Utr o
aieeve-. v y ktyiuu avb, HiuIH
M w' Krejr Jckf t, raucto 01 nut) an
ool c)uuklii(f. Double bnuuted. At i
leovta, urge bullou. very neat
aud prttiy AHt, 14 to IS.
lUst coorfiL lowctt nrloea.
We are the people
A i'J) blaek fllk cms to be glvtu away Id our
The Cash ;Dry Grodf, Clollilng and BhofSHoiiBOCorner Court and Liberty
W. R. Bllyeu and J.K. Weatherford,
two Albany attorneys, were in Balem
A. J. Richardson, of Bueua Vista,
biurded the train here yesterday far
Miss. Llnme Mo Cowen, ofRickroal,
Polk county, was a passenger for Port
laud today.
Ernest Wilson, traveling salesman
for Wannamaker & Browc, loft today
for Albany and CorvalliB.
D. L. Green, a bop buyer, went to
Harrlsburg today. He finished accept
inic 1,607 bales of Polk county hups
last night.
Henry Danoy, lineman for tho tele
phone company, went to Gervala yea
terday to do somo needed repairing in
that neighborhood.
CountyCommlsslonerWatson is to be
congratulated on feeling that swolllng
pride that mount In a man' breast
wlieu ho becomes
lather of a
Rev. J. Ballantyno, prcstdlug older,
will proaou at tho Iudepoudent Evan
g-llcal cuurch next Saturday evening
and over Huuday, it being tho tlmo for
tho quarterly meeting.
G. V. Haudsaker, steward of the In
Butio asylum at tialetu, when wrltlug to
his futlicr In Eugeuo says: "Wo killed
a beef, net welatht 1200 lbs., that will
last us about one aud a half daye.
Flvo largo hogs aro required for a
sluglo meal a good sized family, you
A Good JJusiness.Tiie Journal
Is happy to report u good showing of
business for October. Th9 stream of
quarters, half dollars and dollars In
silver coins come In dally ,and Saturdoy
night Is dUtrlbutod again to about
fifteen families and spent in the com
munity for family supplies nd to
maintain homes. All tho wages paid
out goes to support families nud
Jouknal advertUors aro genorally sure
of liberal patronage from Jouhnal
employes and their families.
Rkd Hill Cony. Undo Jimmy
Elgin, tho People's party pillar of the
Red Hills, brings ln4a samplo ot corn
good enough for any party. One var
iety of long-tooth yollow dent Is as
solid as any corn wo ovor seon In Iowa.
Auolher sample is the Indian Squaw,
or Calico corn. A cabbago head that
did not grow laBt year Blood out in tho
field aud mado a head this year. That's
Oregou for you.
grand lodgo leoturo bureau of tho I. O.
U. T. of Oregon, have, at great ex
penso, socured the tomperance looturor
Howard Carleton Tripp, of Klugsley,
Iowa, who will leoturo throughout tho
stato in behalf of tho temporaucocurBO.
Mr. Tripp cemes highly recommended
as a ilrst-class speaker. Watch for
further notlco In tho paper.
Leadkks. Brewstor & Whito tako
tho lead on the feed business. They
havo ovorythlug in their lino at whole
sale aud retail. Tho famous Eastern
Oregon hard wheat Hour is the best in
the market.
At the Uulteriuu soolety tomorrow
night thero will bo phrenological
leoturo and examination ot heads to be
followed by tho usual amusomonts,
Sfi nnllno hlaok tcaver laoket, double
vu.uw bieaated, 0 large fmltotu. Vary
Bfxd v-Inland Hoe lookltnc ooaU
CtP. nn-ulaokdouble(MPowlth wide a o m
?u.vv collar. ooilvr ana cudo liamUomely
trimmed with rouUcIii braid.
Fanteuod wlthclaip acd thico larve
b iltoua.
ftR nnr?Xy b,uo "JouWs op, trimmed
vu'uw vrllh three rowe of braid ou collar
and cijio. Heavy, wurm aa4 atyl-
AT in-,'tuA,lk,lttrap.tllInmedyllU
?l.ou coney or Augom far. A beauty.
ouiy a few It li.
ftO nn-,11'K,4Ut.88?' "! cape, profui-ly
?j,jv triuimed with fur. Very lul nwfop.
Mot many lolt.
Hold for f 10 flrt of
for capea, J ckeU aud macklntoshoi.
dreta ifooi
iai ueiiurimeui.
'. muuLieMa
Mrs, O. L. Pnrrarator relurned last
night ffuui Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. W, tl, Lawlsr came In
from Portland hat night.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Agee were pan
senders for Rosouurg today.
Miss" IjouhIo Utiolat returned last
nlKht.from a vlnlt In Portland.
Mrs, Frank Hlllos and Mrs. Mllo
Woods, of Dallas, are in tho city,
Mrs. J. D.Suthorlatid and two child
ren havo roturnod from Portland.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Dugan returned
last night from a visit to Portlaud.
Mrs. D A. Paluo has returned from
u few days visit with Eugene friends.
Mrs. T. Holverpon come homo from
Portland last night after a few day's
Hon. O. A. Behluredo nnd llttlo
daughter, Emma,returned to Rout-burg
Mr. and Mrs, W. B Lawler went to
A bauy this morning. Thoy will
return Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cass Bargeant, of
Sheridan, are in Bulem for a few dayB
visit with relatives.
Mrs. O. D. Hutton went to Albany
today for a few days' visit with Mr.
Hutton, who is at work there.
Mrs. Melissa Pointer, of Hilliboro, is
the city, tbo guest of tho families of
F. M. Towusend aud A. J. Basoy.
Mrs. L. 8, Mager, who has been vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.
Levy, returned to her homo at Seattle
this morning
Mr. D. H.Johnson, of Mehama,camo
down today and took Mrs. Johnson
home.ofter a visit with Balem friends
for a few days.
Miss Drain, of Drain, arrived In Ba
lem this morning tud will bo tho guest
of Miss Currlo Shoemaker, ono of
Bulom's public school toachers.
MIbs Minoio Morris was a passenger
for tbo reform school this morning.
Bho will bo tho guest of tho family of
L. M. Hurron, near that place, for a
few days.
Mrs. Boott, of San Francisco, who for
toveral weeks has been the guest of her
slBtor, Mrs, George Collins, weut to
Portlaud yesterday where alio took the
steamer for home.
Mr. aud Mrs. David McCarthy, of
Echo, Umutllla county, returned home
yesietduy ufier a vIbIi with her mother,
Mrs. Phillips, near Lincoln in Polk
Mrs H. B. Holland returned yester
day from nu extended visit at Boise,
Idaho. Bho was accompanied by Miss
Lenono Athey, of that city, who will
mako un extended visit with Mrs.
N. J. Keel and daughter, Mrs. G. L.
Smith, left yesterday for Princeton,
Illinois, tho home of tho latter. Mrs.
Smith was In California to attend tho
funeral of hor sister, Mrs. Gaylord
Cook, who died thero a short tlmo
since; slnco then she has been with her
father and friends in this city. Mr,
Keel will return to Oregon.
Tho state superintendent's oftlco yes
terday mulled i life diploma to Miss
Minnie Goodrich of Monmouth aud a
stato certificate to Julia Capwell of
Tho young pcoplo of tho Congrega
tional church will serve diunor at the
church on Thanksglvlugday betweon
tho hours of 1 and 4 p.m. Those desir
ing family tables may bo accommo
dated by applying to any of tho com
groeery. O o n n o m a u'b
TONER-WRIGHT. At the residence
of tho bride's parents, near Lincoln,
Polk county, November 0, 1805, by
Rev. W. C. Kuutner, D. D MUa
Currlo E. Toner aud Air. Pleasaut P.
A very pleasant company of ft lends
wero present to witness tho ceremony
and present congratulation.,. After an
elegunt repast tho happy couple came
to Balem aud took tho tralu for Port
WAGNER-OROSS.-At tho parlors'
ui iiiu fniiui v uiuiui'iie, ouieiu, m a
p. m., Wednesday, November 0, 1805,
Miss Anna E. Wagner to Mr. Edwin
U, Cross.
Tho ceremony was performed by
Rev. G. W. Uraunls, of tbo First M.
E. church, lu tho presence of tho im
mediate relatives of the bride and
REID-PURVINEAt Ltucolu, Polk
county, Weduesday, November 0,
1605, Miss Fnnulo Ruid to Charles
grocery. B o n n o m a n's
Gr?af Stress!
Kollor & Sous havo great
i .i . ,
success wuh their punned wool
mattresses. Made up in fanoy ,
ticking. Thoy will pleaso you.
Our prices on hair matttodsos
aro inviting. i
Event arid Fationali
by a Strident
llv. O. W. Grannli was a ohape
visitor Monday ri'iofiilriK.
Phil Melmdiaii Jr , returned to school
Monday Mnrtilnu after a week's
absence on amount of the little mishap
that befell In m tv weeks since. Phil
is a creat friend of ttiu students who
wolcoiiH'd lilui into their mldat again.
Harry Olluuer teturued to suhool
again this week having been absent for
about two weeks owing toaspralnnd
ankle. Ho Is now able to navigate
without the assistance of a cane.
C. J. Atwood favored the students
and faculty with an oration in chapel
Monday morning, entitled "Daniel
O'Conncll." Too character and life of
the great nnti-slavery orator were ably
presented to tho audiouco by WHIara
otto's successful young elocutionist.
The social and reception tendered
the Btato university football team, of
Eugene at tho soolety hall last Bitur
day ulght, was equally oujiyod by the
defeated as well as the victors. Presi
dent Hawley, In a few brief remarks,
mado the vUlllag team welcome which
was responded bv Prof. Wethcrbee
In behalf of the Eugene team. The
recitations by Miss Ethel Hughes and
Miss Mabel Carter were nicely given
as was afso the solo by Miss
Adda Davonport. Clinton R. Morse,
Willumette's most popular coaoh,
favored tbo assembly with ono of his
beautiful vocal solos, in which his rich
tenor voice was at its best About 10:30
tho Eugene boys had to proceed to the
depot lu order to tako tho 11 o'clock
south bound overland for home. The
event will bo long remembered by
those who wero present.
Miss Edna Knight was a chapel
visitor Tuesday morning.
Tuesday morning Miss Pearl Applo
gato read an essay in chapel entitled
'The Face " It was an able produc
tion and was ably delivered.
Pupils entering tbe university since
Nnvembor 1st, are: Aithur J. Wilson,
Mable Crelghton, Adda L. Davenport,
Don W. Trultt, Ed. R. Carter, R. W.
Holman, Luko L. Lynn and Ethel
Frlzzell. There are at present over
GOO pupils registered In all tho different
departments of tho Wlltumetto uni
versity which Is the largest number of
pupils enrolled at one tlmo in tbo hln
tory of the school. Vhore are over 400
pupils alone registered in tho musical
department uuder tho efficient man
agement of Profs. Heritage nnd Wink
ler. Tho literary department of "Old
Willamette" has an enrollment of 1CL'.
The boys play football on tho cam
put every afternoon, oommencing at
4:15 o'clock, to whloh tho public is cor
dlully invited. These praottce games
aro quite interesting nnd teud to
strengthen Willamette football team
In every respect.
Miss. Josle Balsley recited n beaut
iful selection In cbapol Wednesday
Floyd Field aud sister MIbs Hal tie
loft Tuecday morning for Hrulntree,
Mass to attend school.
Rev. Juo. Pa.sons, llnunclal agent
of the Uulverslty, aud Mini Ethel
Hughes wero chapel visitors Wednes
day morning
Small Justice.
The smaller justice mills have a little
bUBluess. In Judgo Johuson'a court a
man Is suing for 40 cents aud the
pleadings wilt be complete tomorrow
bo as to brlug the cum to trial.
In tho city recorder's court Albert
Leo aud Ed. Weaver, partners in tho
Loulslaua lottery ticket business were
arraigned at 2 o'olock.
Both men wero examined and bound
over to the graud Jury.
Newspaper Lawsuit.
Buforo Judge Howilt this forenoon
came un tho suit ot MuMaban vs. the
Independent Pub. Co., on motion of
defendant's counsol to strlko out parts
of petition. The judge struck out the
parauraph claiming $2,100, aud also
tho 12th paragraphs reciting that tbe
parties in coutroi had refused to hold
the annual meotlug of stock. holders.
Attoruey J. H. Bigger for plaintiff
asked leave to filo a second amended
Circuit Court.
Bcott Broorth vs. A. Choquette Ss
Co., foreclosure; motion to strike
granted on first ground.
Chas. H. Dodd & Co. vs Al. Molsan
etal., Injunction; supplemental com
plaint overruled,
John Paltersou vs. Clel Hayden,
leave granted to issue execution.
Steamer Gray Eaglo will leave !!
Z Portland for Balem Tuesdays,
; Thursdays aud Baturdaya at fl a. ;
; 2 ' nud leave Balem fur Portland Z
2 Mondays Wednesdays and Frl- Z
Z days, at 6 a. ru. Quick tlme.lregu- ;
jrr Bpe"!L'f,8U1dol!e"p1ra Ag0Dt
Z M. P. llaldwlu at Ba em dock. 5
... , , "
sauerkraut Bonne m a n's
kuyal Baking rowaer.
Hlshcst of Mil 1m ItMVemlaff
sircnjttn.-v, g, ooVorwrt . i u"
The Day' Proceeding Jn tlio De
partments. In the Marlon probato court Judge
Hubbnrd approved tho bond of B. D
GIlMoti, administrator of tho estato of
G. Glbion, deceased. Tho amount Is
$17,000, with W, II. Holmes, JameH
Watt, K. Looso aud G. V. Johuon
The abstract of the warrants Issued
bytbH county olerlt during October
allows the following totals!
Acoounto Amount
Road and brldgo $21B 'M
Pauper 803 1"
Criminal - 015 35
Btatlonory - 81 H4
Court Iioubo and Jail 233 17
Clerk M8 3
Recordor 105 H
Shorlfl G708
Ballli 80 '
Bchool Bupt. (two montnv) ISO 711
County udge U 00
CommlBsloners ..- 1.1 -"
Insano ?6 "0
Jury -2o 00
Coroner 73 40
Treasurer - 100 00
Fuel 101 60
Assessor 432 00
District attornoy 403 70
Bounty 87 69
Tax retuto 71 00
Indlgeut soldiers 10 00
Ellsworth Llbby nnd wife to Abigail
Curl, 25 acres town 0 s. 3 w, $1,100.
J. C. Crawford, unmarried, of Hub
bard to B. H. WcsllniC, lot off Chas,
Hubbaid claim, $001.
H. M. Van Avery, administrator
John Crimmeeno to Mary D. Btlnson,
two acres David Leslie claim, $025.
M. C. Billings and wlfo to John E.
Zleglln, lot 5, blook 11, Gervals, $300.
R.B. Blew and wlfo to Wm. Jellfson,
10 acres town 10 s, 3 w., $700.
John Knight, sherlil $110 00
D. A. McKee, bounty 2(1
Thomas Palmer, bounty 4 G5
Parker & Ferrell, court house
and Jail 20 25
D. D. Cod'ey, assessor. 472 60
E. E. Bonham, pauper 8 00
Heury Butsoh and Roa Klr-ch, E.
W. Copps, wltneds. Orrle Scrlber aud
Rosa Husk, W. E. Anderson, witness.
For Bale. A fine elde-saddlo,
bridle, whip, riding dress cheap. Also
nice pleco of rag carpet. 453 Liberty
Our prices on tea aro vory Jlow. Note the following :
Standard Japan Tea, 15c; Uncolored Tea, good cup quility,
15c; "Best .Drum" Tea, as good ut 50c teas, 110c; Young H) -son,
SYRUP Our lino is complete Our table syrup is put
up in lull gallon can and is
Wo also havo this in bulk. Maple Syrup, delicious,
per gallon; fiesh, not old. In keg synp wo lead. (.
from 1.10 to 1.50.
P. O.
A Meeting. The Oregon Breeders
and Speed Abo elation of the city is
called to meet at 7:30 p. m. on Thurs
day, the 14th, in tho oftco of P. N.
Derby, for tho purpose of electing
officers and any other business that
mayoomo beforo the meotlug. Geo.
Collins, president.
8mall Runaway. About 8:30 this
morning a horse hitched to a curt ran
up Commercial street past tho post'
ofHco and seemed southward bound,
but on reaching Trade street be spied a
carload of hay staudlnon the track,
and immediately switohod off his own
traok,comlng to a stop In oloio proxim
ity to the fodder.
Willis MoElroy aud Carl Deatcn
will have charge of tho music at the
Unitarian soclotv tomorrow night.
Rapid Demvehy of notes, pack
ages etc., by tbe Lookwood messengers
on bloycles. Ring up the blue boxes.
Remember the boye' youths' aud
little gents' shoes now ou exhibition
In tbe show wludow at tho.Palace.
m i
BAUERKRAUr-Bou n o m a n ' s
9 i
First Snows.
faT. Paul, Minn., Nov. 7,-BpecJals
from South Dakota, Northern Iowa,
Southern Minnesota and Western
Wisconsin report tho first snow of tho
season In some places ovor u foot.
Forest fires aro quenched.
Umbrella mn for oerly at 187 Commercial
sUhiu leuiovcd to l-fl Blue it.. Armon
bulldlQir. wbore be will baU,i m .J n v...
d cuttouier. also naw ouea. Umbrella re-
. " -. .MW -. UI.
What is Finer
Than nice litionB, and should nob all huva llicin whun
cnn Iniy tliom ho vory low.
Special Tomorrow.
Tublo Lition, Napkins, Towels and Urnshos, all at r.vl.,, i
prices SA.TDBDA. wduod
Blankets and
from the finest to the lowest. If yod aro in tucJ of f
whito blanket, do not miss this sa!o. ne
Watch Our Windows for Bargains
Proceedings of. the October Terra
Claims Allowed.
Claim Allowed
J03. Lavlgeno $45 60 Idover
N. Wttdo 13 23 $11 67
N. Wado 11 07 0 05
Cap. Lum. Co 2 40 2 40
J. O. Goodale 5 05 5 05
8hafer & Uelirmuu 4 72 4 72
Morris it Amend 0 00 0 00
B. D. Payno 0 60 0 60
Geo. H. Nichols W 00 7 60
Watson & Arnold 0 68 0 68
Wm. J. Clark $10 60 $10 60
Btutesman 0 21
Pattou Bros 05 05
Pattou Bros 14 00 14 00
Pat ton Bros 25 25
Pltrn Bros 1 25 1 25
Patiou BroH 9 85 0 86
Piltnii Broe 2 25 2 25
F. W. W aters 1 60 1 50
Wdte Printing Co 18 00 18 00
Watto Pruning Co 10 60 10 60
C flint City Bindery. 74 42
W ito Pilntlng Co 3 GO 3 00
Wihe Printing Co 10 50 10 60
excel lent. Uur price, 50c a
only 1
ur pace
Moores.-: 2t 16 21 16
W. W. BtephonB
R, M. Wade & Co
R. M. Wade & Co
W. A. Fash
$142 30
1 20
0 70
. 10 00
MoAtee & Smith 2 d5
B R. Jessup 10 00
R- Basey o 60
aaiem wter C' 13 00
Balem Con. Bt. Ry. Co 60 00
O. B. Hubburd 50
Or. Tel. & Tel. Co 10 so
J. W. Watt 6 88
E. E. Nicholas 1 no
Ira Erb u qq
Otiurobl I & Burrouuhs l 00
J. H, Httss .......... 50
JMin Knight i08 C6
Parker & Ferrel 20 26
Fashion aiubles 7 50
Post, advg...... . .....$ 2 20
The cost hills In tho cases oHho
state vs. W. A. Rummel, John Dorsel,
Wm. 8mlth, Otto Neal and Fred Rosa
were allowed.
F W wffow f472 60
johnKni1;ht.:::::::::::::;:-j: Jg g
, 1'paTi.AKii, Nov M. Wheat vhIIav ki
Walla Walla. 4SaV' " "ueal auey 61.
Klour I'orti.uiri i
70i Benton county, Jl.70
ffiVJfl5 S?JX'?.w. prr om.
04UTWbllo aicaaie: grey, lUw- rolled In
H.)lat064- ii-w Oregon. a&atk. n;,. ,,7i'
A'aresi?518 perssss:
WOO Val BV. Ilkl in
IIupn Now UrOioa,abc.
nmt6j-Oreron fan-y creamery 1 iwaw.
l0.lWm,dtrSrVe. W5ft cUotot ewes,
'ttfi?",MtWHj;; tHfim
Chicago Pollco Havo Pound Another
OaiOAao, Nov. 7 -A speclnl frmu 1.
ford, III., says: The pot.0 be:ie
they havo unearthod aimt'ier H0ttei
In John O. Bonnet, who was fMlt ,0
Jollet from hero for Mealing n watchat
tho Huflmnn lioimfl. Itiniiet pleaded
gulliy and threw hltiiRclrun tliotnrrey
of the court. Ho Is 00 yenrs old m
apparontly In tlio lust hIurhs of con
sumption, Biuco ho was eseoi tfd lo Juliet a (tv
dayB ago, his wlfo, Mrs. B.J. Snyder,
of Boyd, III., has boon heard from. In
u letter to tho chief ofpollci here the
soys Bonnit when a young man mur
dered his wife in England umlescawd
to this country. Ho went to thecop.
por mines of Michlgau and from Ihm
toGulena, II.., where he was mar
ried tou woman who was pouefttdof
omo properly. B 0 wuh uliol at
through the windows of her home, and
several accused Beunel of trying to
kill her. Ho is alleged -to have cauwd
tho death of his own two babies, and
tho wife, who dared not tell bli In
famy for fear of being killed, obtained
a divorce nud went to Helena. Mont..
wboro she died n few moutha ago.
Rennet then married Mrs. Emma
Btevesou, of Galena. He had been
married to her four months wbtn be
mado an attompt on tho life of hlswlb..
dhe csctped from a wludow oae night
and caused his arrest and cjavlctloa
for burglary, tho stolen giolj hlnjr
found In tho cellar. He was sent la
J diet for three yearn ou this charge.
Ou his release he went lo Luckpnrr,
1 1., where ho married Mis. Faraa
Price, a womau of considerable meant.
Shortly after tho wedding the ton of
his brldo escorted Bennett cutoftbi
city with a shotgun, aud ho wan not
board from until Identified with a
gang of Chicago HjmMugjors. Re
wasHUspeotod of being Implicated la
the death of Miss Amelia OUeii, fast
ened upon bin.
He next went to Rock jeland, III,,
wbero ho served n long sentence la
1888. Ou bli release he weut ncnwi
to Davenport, la., where he was
cuughtlnlhe act of highway roblery
and sont to tlio Auamosa penitentiary
for six mouths.
In Uulnn county, IllluoW, ufter hit
release.he married another rich wUjwt,
now known as Mrs. Snyder. The
latter says Benuett talked In his sleep
aud dlsolosod a plan for murdering her
and that upon being aware that bit
secret was fonnd out he attempted to
kill her. Ho was sont to Chester for
term of seven years, nud had been re
leased but a few months when cap
tured In Rwkford,
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