1' ill I'll :'f 1 fl B Tl sgdteNgds4Mstf34!! HE CAPITAL JODNUL (1MU.Y AMU WJCttKbY.) MY frtoPJSK snoTMieka, THURSDAY, NOV. 7( 1896. eamsmauii s ii j!n"'iiMHMwisB!'.ii-iauj iJ JCKMTUOKr FOOL SJBMOUXAT0. Cleveland Is a ret fnnn. First ha nod hi mad Carllk, who was a free silver senator, told the Kentucky Dmnoornta Ibat they should Hot adopt a Mlyer platform, even after nearly all theoouuty conventions had declared for It. And they yielded. Tlion Cleveland told thorn that If they put up Pat Martin for governor ho would beat him. And ho haa dorjo It. The poor fool Democrats knew and felt that the rank and fllo fools wanted Martin and to they put him up for governor and he rnado u fool canvass according to hla fool convictions as a silver man and tbo ofllceholdora and Deniocratlo bankers and capitalists who worship Glovelaud went to work to elect the Republican candidate and succeeded. Poor Kentucky foci Democrats! They will know better next time than to cross the superior wUdom of a man o' destiny. What business have the poor fool Democrats of Kentucky advocai. lng silver or anything else that the people want, when Cleveland and Great Britain have provided a good enough flnanolal system for them? They have been taught a good leseon and will next year no doubt obediently fall In lino and cast their voUs for the great mogul of British goldbugism for ft third term. Fat Martin and General Blackburn had bettor get rid of their 10 to 1 folly and get Into line with DEMOCRACY. "QOD BE MERCIFUL." That was tho hymn so very appro priately sung at the oouuluslon of the Vaudoibllt-Marlboro ugh wedding. The choir should have added, "to me, a sinner." It will take an Infinite amount of moro to forgive the folly of the Vutidorhllts In wasting tholr mil lions on such a son-in-law. God wub merciful enough to the Duke to allow him to get his wedding pres ents lauded In Now York without paying duty. The Duke Is a fair sample of a great many of tho bwoII crowd, both In this country nud in Europe, for smallnesu and meanness. He rovcaled enough of hl.i truo nature to make all sensible people think that Miss Toa-Mllllou Consuelo will come trapsing haok homo with her wings badly scorched from a brief flutter about tho caudles of royalty. NO BRITISH SYSTEM. Tho eleotlons Tuesday are not a vic tory for tho slnglo gold standard. The fooling; that wo do not want a British monetary ays torn is stronger than ever lu tho hoarta of tho people Tho Clovelaud administration throw Its lulluence ngaluet Marti J and Black burn, tbo silver leadors In Kontuoky, showing that Democraoy Is no longer a matter ofprlnolplo with thorn. It has glyon nway to plutocracy, pure and simple. Tho American people must stund up for an American flnauclal system, re gardless of the wishes and dictations of John Bull. The contraction of' our ourronoy upon a gold basis, and that basis at the meroy of foreign creditors, Is repugnant to our Ideas of a people's government. A subscriber says wo should py some more attention te the Pendleton Tribune editor. He la too small. His name does not appear on the paper ho edits. He, llko the paper be edits, is owaed by someone else. There It too vauoh of suoh irresponsible editorial work. The Journal Saturday will con- tain a largo supplement of the soolai news and tho woman uewa of the city written up In an attractive man ner. Don't be Foolish and ttVt torn othtr brand of condciuttl milk, thinking It U "Juit rood" U th SAttMRDEN EAGLE BRAND It His No Bquml rpMTIOAI, KANKINO. The arrest of George Bogfft, tha former City Treasurer of Taooinn, U not likely to glye the city and part of the $212,000 whose lews It has been caused to mourn through his agency, hut It may discourage other officials from following In bis footsteps. Mr. Boggs managed tho municipal politics ofTacomaon the dangerous principle of going Into political partnership with banks. He doposlted lmraonse atn oil u is of city mouey in various favored bitnks, with the apparent understand ing that it should not be drawn out. In return tho Dunks went actively Into politics, put up heavy contributions to campaign funis, and acted generally as the financial backers of tho Treasurer and his frlonds. Tho result of this policy appears not to be entirely satis factory to anybody. Tho banks have tallod, the city is noxt door to bank, ruptcy, and Boggs is in Jail. On tho whole wo know of no business In which tbo maxim that honesty In tbo best polloy Is more useful than in btuklDL. A bank 'a credit Is us delic ate as a woman's reputation, and when a banker begins to Indulge in shady sohemes the end of his rope Is not far ofl. Perhaps Insolvency is not the worst he has to fear, as the local young Napoleon bf 11 uanso, "Dick" McDon ald, has found out. It Is especially bad polloy for a bank to go Into politics. If public deposits are accepted with tbo Idea of keeping tbem Indefinitely through political favoritism, and loans are made on that basis, the bank is at tho meroy of any political enemy whom tho chances of war may bring into ofllce. It is need less to dwell upon tho disadvantages of the political banking system for the taxpayers. Tacoma has burned her fingers so badly that when sho gots them out of flour and cotton she may bo expected to keep thorn away from the fire. 8. F. Examiner. THE CONVERSATION BORE. Wo all kuow him. Ho Is the man In whose conversation the personal pro noun "I" predominates. He huB lived for, ages, and still we Und htm In every group that Rutnors for social converse. No matter what subject Is brotabed, it Is not long until ho has u monopoly of it. Lot some ono lift It out of a per sonal groove, and essay to discuss general topics, and tho rosult is repeti tion of tho sumo perlormauco on tho part of tho bore. Does ho suppoAO that ho or his busi ness Is ot ull-absorblng Interest ? What u pity thoro Is not boiuo wuy to get rid of him. But he Is yet In his youth. He will live ns long ns lime lasts. It Is usoless to try to oducato him to bo somothlug dlilereut. The only thing to do Is to avoid hi in us much us pos sible, nud whon it becomes uecessary to remain lu hla society, do tho best you can at foiling hi? nttompU at self discussion. ThoReglstor thinks Senator Alloy has bitter feelings ngulnut Eugene, Tho Register does not know Col. Alloy, He Is not a man who harbors bitter feollugs. Ho Is a bard fighter for whut he believes la right, but ho Is opon und abovo board, too gone rous to an onemy for his own good, As far us being guilty of the vice tho Register spoaks of, ho is inuocout as a child. Ana the people of Eugene know that, Mr. Register, better thuu you soem to. Polk A Co. will get up another Sa lem directory. It is somo time since this Portland firm has hied this city. Tho last directory they got out took a a thousand dollars out of the city for advertising lu Its pagoa and covers. They will now ask every Salem bush uess man to give them an ad. Butter spend your money in .the columus of Salem newspapers. I-1 . , TTt The accounts of the conversion ot the daughter of an American plutocrat Into an English duchess are euough to disgust auy intelligent man with American title worship and suob- ocraoy In general. Football is overcoming all prejudice and Is attracting more utteutlon thuu baseball ever did. If tho fialom team will keep cool heads und tackle lower they cuu beat any college team lu Oregon, Children Cry fo PltoiWft CHstorm. SCS95S9 OXE OUKT DAILY MATU1H A large, comp'ete telegraphic report. A largo and complete foreign news department. i Detailed and accurate reports ot social, local and personal news. Society events and woman newa written up by Salem's only woman newspaper reporter. A dally Boclal newB department. It Is getting to bo understood by many that Thb Journal is on tho lueldo for Associated Press nows. A special edition Baturday with two pages of social review of tho week. A Saturday pago of literary news and criticisms of new bookB, and sym posium by best writers. And Piatt has control of the election machinery In New York for 1890. What's tho mrtler with Piatt? Isn't ho a decenter boss than Crokerl If we'vo got to bo bossed let it bo done decently) Oregon Republicans can study the election returns with llttlo profit. They reveal nothing but disgust with Demo cracy on one hand and hypoorloy on the other. New York City prefers to take its bossltm and corruption straight. Boss Piatt is not in it with Boss Croker. Saturday's Journal will bo a homor more home news than oyer. To forget and forgive easily Is better tnan to carry on a feud. And Maryland broke away from boealsm! Tho Vandorbllts can't sink much lower. Enthusiasm Is needod to win at any thing. Origin. John Hookham Froro was a scholar and a man of much literary ability, bnt ono of thoso whoso work, for somo rea son, finds n very slight hoaring. Bnt oven if his literary work should bo quite forgotten tho stories of his nbseuco of mind will livo ns long as incongruous error continues to nnioso. Ono day ho sat repenting somo vorses to Mr. John Murray iu Mr. Murray's offlco, nud his host bocamo bo interested in tho poem that ho askod tho poet to go homo with him to dinner and coutinuo tho recitation. Mr. Froro, startled to flud it oo lato, oxcuBod himself. Ho had boon married that morning, he said, nud it was alroady past tho hour when ho had promised hla wifo to bo roady for tholr journey into tho country. Another such story rests on tho au thority of his wifo horsolf. Mr. Froro hod just boou introduced to her at an evening party and offorod to tako hor down stuirs to proouro somo rofrosh inout Ho bocamo so interested in their conversation, howovcr, that ho drank tho glass of nogus ho had poured for hor and was about to conduot her up stairs whon sho laughingly romonstratod with him for having forgotten her needs. "This," sho said, "convinced me that my new acquaintance was, at any rate, vory difforont from most of tho young inon around us I" Youth's Com panion. Unique Advertising-. A talo is told of Robert Bonner and of his bolief in advertising. Ono day ho engaged a wholo pngo of a newspaper nud ropeatod a two lino advertisement upon it ovor und ovor again. It must havo boon repeated 6,000 timos upon tho pngo in tho smallest type. "Why do you wasto your inonoy, Robort?" asked n friend. "I noticed that Bamo lino so often. Would not half a pago havo answered your purpose?" "Half n pago would nover havo caused you to ask tho question, "replied Mr. Bonner. "At least flvo pooplo will ask that to every lino, was the way I figured it," Now York News, A I'lnm Maiden. Mile. Joujon visited ono day a vil lngo church und begun to sing with hor usual enthusiasm. Thero wns n powerful echo in tho old church, nud each Bound thnt eho uttered was dis tinctly repeated. This did not dis turb her in tho least, for eho at onco oxclniirtod, "It U only tho good God who ia ouRVv'ovlm' ma" Pm-is Fieraro. Tho diamond ia not among the earliest gems known to mnu. It has jot boou found in tho ruins of Nine veh, In tho Etru.onii sepulchors nor ki tho tombs of tho Phoenicians. $oo Reward lloo The readers of this paper will be pleased learn that there (s ot least one dreaded dtseaso that science has been able to cure In all its stages, and that Is Catairh, Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive euro known to the medical frarernlty, Catarrh being a constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Care Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood aad raucous surface of the disease, aud giving tho patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith iu its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars far anv cae that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Addicss, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O Sold by Druggists, 75c. llKIti, FOOTFALL AT OORVAtLlB. Anxlotv Over thi Oateomo of Next Bntnrday's Game. A rh iliv apprnvib h for the Initial football gntnit the 0 A. 0. Is to play In the serlt'snf Intercollegiate game', Interest In what, tho rxwlt will be, In creases enys tho Corvnllln rimes. It 1b to bo played on 0. A. C. field next Saturday, and will Itebetweon tho O. A.C. and Puulfio University elovens. Increased Interest Is pinned to tho ro sult, bocausof tho ug ly fact that If O. A. C. should suffrr dofeut, It will shut the eleven out from further contests for tho pennuut, u luut thnt, since they haven conch engaged to train them until nfter Thanksgiving, would leave them lu nn embarrassing situation. Thnt Is to say their guns would ba loaded, cocked and prluiod, but thero would be no enemy on whtoh to draw a bead and pull their triggers. Inter est la uugmonted too, by tho fact that it is known that In tho O. A. C. team thoro la excellent material, but on ac count of the Into start made In begin ning tbo work of training which leaves the players not In first class con dition for the game, tbe elevou is hand icapped audthe prospect for thorn to come out of the game victorious, Is by no means flattering. All this con spires to awaken all classes to n realiza tion that thero is danger of defeat in tho air, and leads to a discussion of the facts and a universally expressed hope that next Saturday's game may end in victory for the homo teem. In fact Interest In football is bo aroused that juvcnllo teams with members scarcely out of swaddling clothe uro In train lng ull ovor town, und contests are al most as numerous as thero aro back yards and alley ways for thorn to hap pen in. Tho O. A. 0. eleven la hard at work, nnd Coaoh Downing is proving to be the right man In tho right placo. Four ten mlnuto lunlnga with a threo minute ro3t after each, aro played every evening, and aro followed by a run and a rub down at the dormitory. Sovernl now players uro developing strength and aptitude for the game, nnd if tho trick of Interference Is sat isfactorily Improved during tbo current weok, thero will be fair chanco of n victory, buturdny. All the merchants iu town havo agreed to close their places of business during the progress of tho game Sat urday afternoon. The Pacifies will urrlvo by the west Bide, and will be lunched at Cauthoru Hall. The "kick olf" will be made promptly ut three o'clock. A grand stuud, largo enough to accommodate 200 or 300 has been erected for tho accommodation of spec tators at the admission price of 10 cents per head. Admission to the grounds will bo at the old prlco of 25 cents. Arrangements havo been mado with the O. C. & E. pooplo to carry passen gers from Corvallls to Albany after tbe game, and n large delegation of visitors is expected from our sister city down tho river. You Can Believe The testimonials published in behulf or tioou'H ttarnapurilli. Tliey are written by honest people, who have uctuully found In their own experience that Hood's KarHapurllla purities the blood, creates au appetite, btreugtheus the systom and absolutely and per manently cures ull diseases cauae'l by Impute or deficient blood. Hnod'fl Pills for thnllvnriitMl hntvalta tot promptly, euHlly und effectively. Rheumatism Is ix symptom of dlseaso of tho Kid neys. It will certainly bo relieved by Parks Sure Cure. That hoadaohe, backaoho and tired feeling come from the samo cause. Ask for Parks' Sure Curo for tho llyer and kiduoys price POo, sold bv Lunn A Bronlw. 10-4 u Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorta, There aro 177765 inllea of railroad lu tho United Stutes There are flfl.83fi.Rfio ratln nwil n cover this ground. Tliero aro 633,205,000 tleeused to bind these rails together, but no such amount, Iinwnvnr. in rpfi ul roil lil.wl the hearts of the traveling public to tbo faotthat tho Wisconsin Central lines furnish superior facilities on all their trains between St. Paul and Chicago which form close connections with all lines to tbo east and south. Mako a note of it. Wtea Ealjj- was tick, we gave her CastorU. When ho was a, Child, she cried for Castorta. Whoa the became Mlsa, sho clung to Castorta, waon sho bad Children, alia cave them Castorta, THE DAILY JOURNAL, 25 cents 4 month; ?3 a j ear, poatuge puld. FAILING MANHOOD Gwwal ami Nervous Debility. weakness of Hody and Mind, Kirects ot Errors ur bJlweons tu um ur I Yonnr. Itobust, Noble Mnnhood fully Hectored, i How to Knlarco and Htrencrtiien Weak. lln. developed 1'ortlous of jiouy. Aosoiuioiy un fallimrnoinoTreatment. lianollta in a da v. fnnm 0 Rtatf4 anil Pnrfttcrn Cpuntrtea. 8nd for Dccrlptlvo Book, ex. juauuuuu ami proois, maucu iscaiou; tree. ERIE MED10AL 00.. Iiiffalo. N. Y. ' " ; C(vV jP)tk. ff7FT'Ul!l Men tmtlfv i ijL i.ii.iri.rt-'-rTri I' "" S Prize Hood's Sarsnpnrlllft more than any remedy I hays ...tr taken. I have never been robust ana v. a subject to severo keadaohes, and had no appetite. Since taking food's Sarsaparilla and Hood's Pills I am a well woman, havo a good appetite and sleep well. I cordially recommend Hood's Bar parllla. Mns. S. M. GoyilAM, l'lllmoro Ioue,FIllmoro, California. I-T,l,. n:tl- cure all llTr 1111, in. tlOOa S KlllS ll,u.liMUch. o. care U lUer Ilia, Mllout. JOHN HUGHES. Dealer in tiroccrlcs, Paints, Oils, Window GlassVarnlslics nnd tbo most complete stock ol Brushes of all Kinds in the State. Artists' MnterIals,Llme, Hair, (Jcmcnt ami Shingles und Hncst quality of GRASS StitiDS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. filOUND A allvcrlno watch, Amorlcnn Wnl- X! tnaui woriu. uuu at mm unite, 0-0 1 f ADina Aik for La France Tooth roato, nn . , a.u .. m .ill blnil.ii. I. till aniul. HIIaH UMI lllll UIUCIB IU1 nil Jk.uuM v. .....a bww ..vi . u lew dnys. Turin inuuo lur HalrUrw.sl.iK, Manicuring- nnd Treating tho Kcip uy it,, month, A. II. Kiklun, Iluuiu 11 KiUnilKO U1U. LP. KlBiiUll, Newspaper AdvortUlnic Aircn . 'il Merohanta' Kicuougo. San Kranolioo u our authorized agent, 'J.UW .upor in u nieln niaoaloa. PAi'fcllS. Portland, Sacramento, norm). Tutxmaand dun Krancltico papers on tutu i iloprv POtfUHlloe uiock. AT Ilcon nn Pom uniuu dIock. gnnrkUUVSnu In proved &-acro,trcct three OUUU inllrshoutiiot town, ttmall home uua uurn. Inquire u! uuraml, over HUU04 uiun. w-r-tr C2.TEL.IjA BHKIIM AN Typewriting and Q commercial stouotfmphy. UlQee, room U.Urt.y block. Tho Dent of work done at roa uouuuitt ruH 11-j, nOK BALK (3iIKl'-.On lone time or would V lootiaoreu onoloo land iu W ut Salem uood, Ihto homo uud baru; v irlcty ot b -ar lng fruit trous. 1'iei.ty ot urn ill Irult, good wutor and ii acres timber. Addrcsa box 143, Kntom. 0-ZJ-tl PROPOSALS WANTED FOB AN.OPERA HOUSE SITE. Heuled propoHiila will ho received hy tho underHigned for 11 tract of Kround lint lfRH lllllll RftxVM. Hrtlll olln In hi. miulh of Center uud west of High. For iiiioriuiuion luquirnoi 1023-tf CHA8. BURGGRAF. WOLZ'S MARKET. uuiM, A9-ltelrlgerutor meats In beat ahnpe. Kept in an Al lceoucsl, eastern atyle. free delivery tiontn Uommerclnl atreet, 6- UHAH WulJZ. Prnn. GEO. JPENDItlCM'S MEAT MARKET. ll Commercial at. lOottle block. fauoesaortoO. M.Ueok&Oo.rv ileflt moalg tu th olty. Promplili.llv-.rv At lnwt nrm MONEY TO LOAN Ou farm land security. Bprclat rales on lawn loans, uoans considered without deluy. im.hiiaK.n. "AMILTON & MOIlt. iiush Hank bnlldlmi, i'KNKD IN- CHANNINQ HALL, I I Will rMMlVAAilUrlrAlt Imiu QAA .. ' L- hpecinl ttentlon to beslone'rT All'de-lred iranonesror the orter pupils tauKbi, luo ud-ing- drawii.g, modillne, muslo. plain ana nriuto needle wore. All work doue Ton he yanced acojrdina to lu own cpaoity. For terms tnd particulars apply to Hm O. llaltoii Twentieth and ChemeKeta u lw"0" Conservatory Work. Dr. ParvlD, director and teacher of piano, Italian singing harmony and alasai toaolilusr. Ablated byMIss Anna Krobt, teacher of piano, orsran. Kultar violin and zither Mrs'. 3? ft K iwtoLer of piano, organ and slnuiuE nlnsln rnntna at tla .,l.i ! Bhurp, Halem. Leavo orders t the micu-Bur wins-niuaio store. German Lessons (Jlven by a quallfhd tMchr. nalv III nsrnnni ni... .:.'',. . """O H tmdiFnt ChannTni Htii. larcn n BANJO LESSONS. 8&?',TOwteffKijsr. wnnon St, Hiss Ballou's School iSffSSSSSF9 COLLEGE OF MUSIC of tbe Willamette Oniversify, SUNDER NBW MANAGEMENT,. W. O. HAW1,K.Y, ITMldent. P ' H. A. HKIUTAUIC, Vocal lJlVotor iM.lm Kmu wlNKLtai. Insmin,?Ki i. FIRST NATIONAL nANK nUILDING, SALEM, OR. W. I. STALEY, Principal. HcUool In ninth uniiH toait-u ftudMiH uny outer rnt nny time, n will ray mono who expect to prcpnro for Home buiilnpti4 pumua to ationd il builneMcolleiro wlim n w tnmiitlo oouw of bmlnm trnlnlng may biiM and trained ifachera torthla particular lino of work inglruct. TheCapjui UiwlnMB Oollejo oflors nvo ouraea:- ' ,KI Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, IPonmanship and English, This 1 Ipoidtlvoly the only bitilneHHi)llegelnOrettOiiiliiK tlio inter-ommunlratlon aynUitnoi liunl .,,.. nn.nti.-n. unUiMown KtiHlniilH may Recuro board and rumlnlimi tL In private fiimlly ulM n woeh. Wr'toor oill at ooIIcko oruo for circulars ulvlu? Mil informaUnn relitlvft 5 lis. eing Satan Steam Dy Have removed tothe loutli room ol the postofllcc block, wlicrc tho proprietor It fitting up the establishment with the latcit nppllances for STEAMiCLEANINGAND DYEIMq The plant h the most extensive one In the Hate, helng prepared to hnndte all kinds of fine fabrics, makes a Bpeclnlty or Ladles' nnd Cents' clothing, cleans carpets, blankets, ladles' hats, straw hats and feathers dyed and icnovated. Orders promptly attended to hy mall, express or stngc. Your patronagoi. solicited. COMMERCIAL STREET. -EXCELSIOR - STABLE- B. C, HANSEN, MANAGED, Only good horsoB used. Satisfaction guarauteod. Stoblei hack of Stato Inaurani'o block. J, C. GOODALE, COBURG LUMBER YARD, TWELFTH STREET, NEAR DEPOT All grades mid rilmrnplomi or Buhllng Lumhor.I Lnrpcct stock nnd IioWttl prliiws. J. K. HAKKR. Mimacor The WiIIaER?Ite Hole LEADING HOTEL OK THE CITY. 0 Reduced rales, MnniiKomont llhbrnl. Eloctrlo cars loavo hotel for all pub lic bulldlngfl and points of intcrcbt. Hpeclul rntca will- ho glvcu to permtuuit pntrona. A. I. WAGNER, GBEAT -THE BQFFET OAR ROUTE "gSSThe Shortest -obtwi:bn- Pacific Coast Points, St. Paul and the East, Crosses both the Oascidofand;tlie:ilock Mountains tnJ(layllKht'aflofalng:passenjeri !' iw, opiortunlty or viewing tbo gfj Grandest Scenery inl America! ?Z?n! daUy frora ''ortlnnd; one at 11 em ltallW-IV ll.VAV lll1((tVltlamnri.tla 111. Joy a dehuhttul rldo free frora the heat and BOZORTH BROS., R.JO. BTEVEN8. a- w. P,A. 61 Itont su. Bealtle, Wash. SALEM WATER CO. Office: Willamette Hotel Bulldln'.l anlii?mnM.ri,Se?v,colipP,y ftt-0ce.CBHU pay. pKfn,sf,&ia5o,aoefTO,M UAkoai1 m- uf.riKailoaJnontnH"HOIleiIulyj August and r?mbei?1h.oun,-to8 .w.,6 to Up. IB. orjnlv HlTwit.nrlnMIng Pfwltlvelvlnrhldden J". r. HARKIN8, Horse ShobinoI' Remember Cy Stewart The Coooer. SflTrgW,taIw'ir i. vt," . ". "uuuier equipment, con istine or dining cars, uimet nurar. v--j F2Blitl upu '8lerea tourist RKwpUic oars Tlie biilibt libr- ry cars ant marvel of t KJ and coinfoit.eoiitainiuir bath mon, imrber shop, easy chairs, elo. Tho luBgnineentwjs J, '?5'r,',orthwesi."and"N..rthiund." leave iJuiuib every Monday nnd Friday MJ A ty I . , "-kWRECON . "", 1 1 111 -!..' 1 iin in inn inn. in and Cleaning Works WALDERiVA B 2TELS0X, Prop., and Quickest Line n. m. via Seattle, nnd one nt 8:1 p. m. VUJ0.B- UmilllLlikl ..iTOU. .. .11 ri. .bit! JA VV.MIld tfr dust. For tickets or general informfttlou evil a 210 COMMERCIAL BTREKr, 8ALEM. OR. . . A. 11. 0. Ul-NNIKION, p MJ ta Third st., 1'ortUndiW 2It. CONTUIS, Parlors Ovor Gray Bm T C. GIUFUITH, OfUce: Corner Court andTPinmertuI upiuirs. All work guarontetd. fl,..i fin ilia lAUAut V ' MONEYJO LOANI On city or farm property. ojm Over Rush's Bank. CAllfKr PAI'KH-lrVuToTjoT hwv;J wrappliiff paper for ale cheap. .f'W thing for putting under oarpeu. CalU"0" iini iimeo. E. M. WAITE PKINTING CO.. BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS AND Lcaal Blank J?ubli'ihM Hnh'New rtrlok.nver the bank rvm,,r' HUIEWING SANG, CO. IM1N1RTEHH-- ,,k , Japnnee Fancy Oood. all it nils "M1,, U brulrterv, wrnamen's, C'hinare. nM &eTf alt ilud Mat'iDKS nna unnrv-" j-,,. btng HOlUnir very ohrap. 1W O00'1 tmlein.Or UjaJ a uHltkSiUu.