'Wsn .jnilllliili; nitirilifriniiiftin 1WiimhJi NEVER SUCH THE MAILS B1UU TO THE PAINE'S OELERY COMPOUND PEOPLE. WHAT What excuse Is there- for not getting trotig? Palno'd celery compound, tlio worid'u great remedy for nervous weakness, can bo obtained at uny drmli' In uny Uy r In uny coun try towu. Ono can got a heartlor, healthier appetite, purify the blood and Increase Its power of feeding tho nervos and tlosucs by taking Pulno'fl celery compound. It Is tho groutost luvlgoralor In existence Convlnco youraelf of tho fact Try It. Testimonials for publication ato taken qulto at random by the present proprietors of this great remedy. The loiters aro novor "doctored." Titles aro nover placed before the names of untitled people. Honest hut obacuro meu aro never said to bo "honorable!." Everyday kind of men who have been mudo well by Paine's celery compound are novor paraded bo foro tho public as "Tho Great Mr. Bo and Bo," or "Tho Wonderfully Suc cessful Mr. This and-That." Cases of ordinary Blckness are novor elaborated Into hideous, Impossible diseases. When It happens that the mall brings a heartfelt letter from suoh a man as State Treasurer Colvln of New York, or Mr. Carl ImIo' private secre tary, or Edmund Russell, or Muyor McSnano of Montreal, or Rev. Mr. Ouellet, or Commodore Howell, or Mr. $100 Reward Jloo The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is ot least one dreaded diseaso that science has been able to cure in all Its stages, and that is Catairh, Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive euro known to the medical fraremity. Catarrh being a constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the disease, and giving tho patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors hae so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars lor any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Addiess, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. There aro 177755 miles of railroad In the Uulted States. There aro 00,835,880 rails used to cover mis ground. There are 633,205,000 ties used to bind theeo rails together, but no such amount, however, Is required to blud the hearts of the traveling public to tho fact that the Wisconsin Central lines furnish superior facilities on all their tralus between St. Paul and Chicago which form close connections with all lines to tho east and south. Make a note of It. Humor fields to Hood's. "The members of our family have de rived much benefit from the uso of Hood's Barsaparllla. My father was troubled with humor, but it readily yellded to Hood's Barsaparllla." Mrs. I. M. White, Balem, Ore. Hood's Pills cure ail liver Ills. The Pendleton world's fair premium hard wheat Hour at Browster & White's l-2t vifinR of Easily, Quickly, Permanently flMtared. wenkneia, NorvoHaneaa, veuiuiy, ana mi tea iraiu t At-tla fmm Ar1v errors or fainter exretsrs. the result of v overwent, etckneta, worry, N. etc. full strength, doYol l 1 opment and tone given to cUtaeveryorjran and portion J,.l 1VJ -l iwtif or the body. Simple, nat ural method, fmmedl- V II ""' I"' "I HIU lUl)IIUlCUiCU, VV l ore Impossible. 2,000 reforencca. Book, PUctloa and oroofa mollod (tealed) Itm. f y-- fe. jf fa, w!':''W " MEN TO sew TESTIMONIALS- Gillam of Judge, or Ida Lewis, cx Mlnlster to Austria John M. Franols, or any other widely known man or woman who expressly wishes others to bo benefited by hi or hor experience, tho proprietors of Palnd'a celery oom b Hin.l gladly ulyo uoh unsolicited testimonials to the public press. But ono person's health Is as valu able as another's, and In publishing the testimonials of peoplo whom this great romedy has made well and strong, no particular emphasis Is put upon fiuoh persons'olUclal standing. Tho world Is made up of what Abra ham Lincoln called "tho plum peo ple." It Is they whom Paine's celery compound has most boneflted. Hero Is a lottor (verbatim) Just re ceived from Louisa Ploao of Mulatto, South Daketa: "I used Palno's celery compound first for rhoumatlsm, and found tha' It helped me very much. I have since usod It for nervousness and kidney troublo, and have received very much benefit from Its use, abd consider it one of the best of remedies. Mr, A. Cady's people use It and think they can hardly get along without It in tho house. I know of several others that have used it thut I am not acquainted with, but ono other lady, Mrs. Oudell, used It f r nervousness, and It made her well." There Is tho testimony of tbousanas. Paine's celery comqouna makes people well! MARKETS BY TELEGEAFH. Salem and Eastern Quotations Cor rected Daily. nniOAQO Oct. 31. Wheat, cash MJtf).; Oco "jsw'VonK. OeU SO -Silver, Wtfc, lead, W.30 BAN IFHANOUCO MAUKKT. 8an inuouco, Oct ;8Is-Wheat,WK. Wuol-Oregon, cliolc, 7(10e: Interior, 7c; valley, WjMo. Ilopa-Quotableal 4(503. l'otutoeS-OS to 100 per Back Burbanfea 6036C a'a-Mllllnir, 75X5. 1'OKTliANU MAIIKET. ivm-rr.AT.1). Oct 31. Wheat valley 61 WutllJ&fflfcw, Benton eonpty, 13.70 "SfflSiS WS3&H&? rolled. In baw.ll.a6at5.iB barren, l ?. cases, JI.7J. A,tioe-i..w orouou. asaioo ir WK. IUyUnoa.jaBouE rum, Mlili un-Uran,tl(W0, ahorU, 1XM; tr..l Fnllntf hulfa obop bSSStSSTiffiW W under ft lb, 77KC ebeep peiu, 107 c, lloj-Nw oregou.luoo. nutter Oregon fany croamery,i K; fancy d;i617M-r Kood - 18H 16s iSeuwgon full erean., 83. uuTWlota W per do,; duel,. taooSiAOi Bwe. fifO&lMi turkeya, live V'J&fiZS&J&nsm id nr lb; lair to BOOrt ..ILftta 3KK SfiatiSi drewed uce I Juton-Host beef, tU6a2.C0; choloo ewe, th7l5otl''uoiceeavy, WOaS.W, light and (podora. tiS& dressed, iyia ?B. , Veal-dmaH, choloe. 6at)c; large, 8ao V 6. BAfcEU MAUKKT. Wheat He n bu. market nrmer. SlV-illed, cheat. I'Sihf i.g-S?i Flour. In whoiesaie lpti.w rewu J- 1 bra? buUtlO.OOisaed.tlt.uO-.ishorU., l:(Xa UtOO; onop feed. tll.WtolXUO, eol-lfressed.o, Hogs Dressed. 1J40. Uve Cattle-IJiaSJio. Hotalooa-JiioVhu, Onions lo. lurkoVt-Bano. Anples-tiOaiOo ou. Kggs-ljo. IHms-.llc, llnon-.tOs. j&wWrSl&Tc! Ujns.flo; UurkiUTo. When Baby waa sleV, wa gava her Castorla. When alio was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When alio becamo MUa, sho flung to Costorta. When alia had Children, o ca thera Owtorla. Children Crv for I Pitcher' Cat toris AT WILLAUETTE UNIVERSITY I Personal And Social Events. largest Hattlo Jiltohfleld, Laura Kirk, Josephluo Culver, Adda Irwin and Mr, Floyd Field were chapel visitors Wednesday morning. Mir Ethel Hughes visited chapel Thursday morning. Miss Eruum Header, Pad flu coast ueorotary of the Y. W. C. A., will be In tho city on Novoinuer 23d, when aho will -visit tho college nsjoclatlon and possibly conduct a number of meetings. Tho altendnuce at the university this year is larger than It has been for soveral yoars past, there bolnE 162 pupils now enrolled, It has beon necessary for soveral of the clasccs to ouaugo recitation rooms on account of tho enlarsed condition of tho classes. F. E. Hrowu returned Wednesday from a lecture trip up the west tide. Mr. Brandenburg, who has beon absent from sohool a few weeks entered his olusses attain Thursday morning. A joint meotlng of tho literary societies was held at 8:30 o'clook Thurs day afternoon when tho following elections wore made: Athletic editor, F, E. Brown, uBsoclato athleth) editor, Miss Myrtle Marsh; pbllodirlan editor, Guy Miller. Miesea Addlo Davouport and Ethel Hughes visited tho chapel Friday mrnlug, Until nthorwlse announced tho Youn Women's and Young Men's Christian associations will meet jointly at the university at 8 o'clock overy Sunday afternoon. Tho services to morrow will be conduoted by Rev. W. C. Kantner, of tho First Congregational ohuroh. Miss Davis and Mr. Kun- dret will slm;, and the meeting prom ises to be quite Interesting. By tho appearancos about tho chapel Friday morning, It was vory ovklent that "Hallow E'eu" had been solomn Izsd at tho university tho evening be fore. Tho bible had been removed from the pulpit and a largo dictionary had boon supplanted In Its plaoe. Whon President Hnwloy mounted the rostrum Friday morning ho oponcd the dictionary as cool and collected as usual und repeated the First Psalm without a singlo mistake and proceeded with tho rematuder of tho exorclsos. Before tho conclusion of tho services President Hawloy spoko of the mis demeanors that had beon committed tho night before, a part of which tho destruction of somo sidewalks about tho buildingwas maliciously criminal and concluded by lomarking, "If any of tho students think I can't read a chapter of the bible from a dictionary, thoy aro badly mistaken." It has not been ascertained who was the most bad y "sold" but It Is thought tho perpetrators of tho Joke fool rather mean. A reception will bo tondered the visiting football team at tho unlvorslty this evening to wh'ch all students of the sohool are Invited. Highland Local News Edker L. Hampton and Jennlo B. Bcott were married at Highland last Saturday. They went to Newberg Sun day. A series of revival meetings began In the Friends church Sunday, and will continuo for two weeks. Itsv. Scott Is conducting theno meotlngs. Thursday aftornoon Rev. Prlco, of Newberg, visited the inetltuto and gave tho pupils an interesting talk. Ho dollvored a sermon at the oburoh in tho evening. Rev. Scott gavo the third of a series of lectures on "Church History" before sebcol Friday morning. Tho sohool was dismissed Thursday forenoon on account of tho funeral of Mr. Johnson, recently from the east. He was tho father of Mr, Johnson, Jr., of Highland, a member of the board of dlreotors of the polytechnic Institute. The meeting of the Highland literary society has been postponed ono w' ok on account of tho meetings at the churjh. Tho colloge Y. M.lO. A. hold a meet ing Friday evening and decided to tako up a course of bible study. Rev. Scott will have charge of the class and they will meet on Tuesday evenings. The Highland literary soolety's meet Ids last Friday evonlng was well at tended. There was a good literary program rendered, and thoy debated on the Bubjeot, "Resolved, That the mlucial kingdom Is more beneficial to mankind than the vegetable kingdom " The affirmative epenkeru were Messrs, W. T, Matlock, U. W. Apple and F. E. Borneman. Negative Ed. Flem ing, J. O. Mills and Chas. H. Horner. Tho negallvo side won, three votes to none. The young men of the polyteohulo are making arrangements to organize a foot bull team. The school le being rapidly filled up new students coming in each week. Neveu Wait. Branson & Co. never dIay In getting tho very best of everything In the grocery line. They always have the new things as well as the staples. Children Cry for iitohr' Cat ttrl, Nervousness 1 Cannot bapeTOtnentlyoured by the ties of opiates and sedative compounds. It Is too deeply seated. It Is caused by an Impoverished condition of tho blood, npon whloh the nerves depend for suste nance. This ia the trie and only naturat explanation for nervousness. Purify, on slob, and vitalize the blood with Hood's Sarsaparilla and nervousness wilt disappear. Hood's Barsaparllla will glvo vitality to tho blood and will send It coursing through the veins and arteries charged with tliollfo Rlvlng, strength building qualities which rnako strong nerves. It you aro nervous, try Hood's Barsaparllla and find tho samo rclfel of which hundreds of peoplo aro tel ling In their published testimonials, act Hood's onfy Hood's Because Hood's Barsaparllla Is tho only Truo Blood Purifier prominently In tho public oye today. Bold by all druggists. Mnrtrl'a PIHa enr bailtust comtir. CIRCUIT COURT Docket Before Judge Hewitt In Salem . Monday. Monday afternoon Nov. 4, Judge H. H. Howltt will convono Department No. 2 of tho Marion county circuit court In adjourned session for thp October term and the following docket awaits his atteutlon. Schuyler Rue, Insolvent, J. F. T. B. Brentano, asslgneo, assignment. Thos. J. Ford, Insolvent; W. C. Daj, assignee; apslgnmonc. Dorranco Lumber Co,, Insolvent, Francis Feller, assignee; assignment. B. F. Conner, insolvent; James Card well assignee; assignment. H. S. Simon, Insolvent; S. R. Ham mer, assignee; assignment. Willie Goodwin vs, Ella Goodwin et ul; partition. Stato of Oregon vs. First National bank of Salem. AdaSklfT, lusolveutjEugeno WIUIp, assignee; assignment. Stato of Oregon vs. Ladd & Bush; escheat. Trustees of Willamette unlvorslty, vs. John Knight, sherliT of Marion county; Injunction. Jacob Bezzemor vs. Martha E. Miller; confirmation. T. L. Coleman, Insolvent; McKtnley Mltoholl, assiirnoo; assignment. H. A. Salisbury, insolvent; A. N. Bush, assignee; asalgnmonU Li. H. Mullou vs. John W. Cook tt al; equity. John Stuto vs. Daulel Harvey; suit to qulot title. G. W. Dlmmlok vs. Emma C. Storts otaljsultto forecloso meobanlcs' lion. Verrona Booth vs. Rosen Eggort et al.; foreclosure Bozorth Bros. vs. Paul Kleppln; Injunction. Paul J. G, Kleppln et al, vs. J. M. and H. F. Wallace et al; 1 qulty. Anna M. Boyes vs. W. T. Ramsden; BUlt to quiet title. Robert J. McKlllop ot al. vs. Gustavo Hlckothter; suit to set aside mortgage Jessie. A. It oh re r vs. Chas. F. and IsttCol Simon; suit In equality to set asldo fraudulent transfer of real pro perty. Geo. W. Watt vs. A. L. Grinstead; forealosure. Jacob Bezzemer vs. Andrew L. Nel son; confirmation. William MoMastera vs. Frank Diok man ot al.; confirmation. E. C. Wyatt. vs. Joseph Hall et al., forealosure. Coolldge & McClatn vs. J. S. Ccch ran et al.; receivership. Peter Zillnskl vj. Wra. V. Miles et al.; foreclosure. Henry Ollschlagor vs. Peter Fox et al,; confirmation, R. L. dabin vs. E. Nott et al,; con firmation. S. D. Ewlag vs. Julia F. Galontlno etal.; confirmation. Paclflo States Saving, Loan & Bui d lag company vs. Joseph M. Rogers et al.; confirmation. The AHUnoe Trust Co. vs. E. J. Frazer ot al.; confirmation. Geo. Bay no vs. Geo. W. 8wart; confirmation. Sarah Pendleton vs. Frank Field et al.; oinflrmatlon. Sllverton & portland Land. Loan & Investment company vs. J. E, Ham mond; equity. Mary E. Cooper vs. Alexander Cooper; dlvorco. O has. H. Dodd & Co. vs. Al Molsau etal; injunction. State of Oregon ex rel ('has. H. Dodd & Co. vs. Al. Molsan et al.; contempt of court. Scottish Investment Co. vs. Win, N. Ladue et al.; foreclosure, LonUaKampmpn vs. Wra. Kamp man; divorce. Ben Hay don vb. Geo, J, Pierce, admr., Writ of review. Minnie A. MoCauley vs. Nancy Sharp et al.; foreclosure. Emma U. Jory vs. Nathan Ward et al.; foreclosure. David W. Edgar vs. T. L. Golden; foreclosure. Zulu Z. Painter vs. J, E, McCoy et al,; foreclosure. W, O. Myers vs. Mrs. Hallle 0. WalUog foreclosure. lire, Ann Carpenter vs, C. Alderaon et nli, foreoloiuro, 0. W. Dimlck et al vs. G. II Fletcher et ill.; equity. Scott Brizordt vs. A, Schoquelleand 0. A. Pellaud; foreclosure- Cora A. Wilson vs. J. W. Wilson; divorce. Efllo J, Landers vs. Albert Lnudors; divorce. Samuel Ramp v. James Altkon; foreclosure. A. N. Moorea vs. Webster Holmes; foreclosure. D M. Dry don 5 vs. L. M. Dryden; dlvorco. Mary Brown vs. Allen Shaw et al.; foreclosure. Thomas, Watt & Co. vs. Emma I Wagnou ot al : foreclosure. A. Bush vs. BenJ, A. McCatl, tt al; lorcciosure. Original. John nookham Froro was a scholar and a man of much literary ability, bnt ono of thoso whoso work, for somo rea son, finds n vory slight hearing. But even if his literary work should boqnlto forgotten tho stories of his absenco of mind will llvo as long as incongruous error continues to nitinse, Ono day ho sat repeating eorno verses to Mr. John Murray In Mr. Murray's ofHoo and ids host becumo so interested iu tht poem that hn asked tho poet to go homo with him to dinner nnd continuo tho recitation. Mr. Froro, startled to find it bo Into, oxonsod himsolf. Ho had been married thnt morning, ho said, and It was already past tho honr whon ho had promised his wifo to bo roady for thoir jounioy into tho. country. Another such story rests on tho au thority of his wifo hersolf. Mr. Froro had Just beon introduced to her at an ovening party and offered to tako hor down Btairs to proouro somo refresh ment Ho became so interested in their conversation, however, that ho drank tho glass of negus ho had poured for her and wns about to conduct hor np stairs whon sho laughingly remonstrated with him for having forgotten hor needs. "This," sho said, "convinced mo that my now acqunlutnnco was, at any rato, vory different from most of tho young men around uh!" Youth's Com panion. Unique Advertising;. A talo is told of Robert Bonner and of his boliof in advertising. Ono day ho engaged a wholo pago of a nowspapor and ropcatod a two lino ndvortisoniont upon it ovor and ovor again. It must lmvo been ropoatod 6,000 tlmos upon tho pago in tho smallest typo. "Why do you wasto your monoy, Robert?" asked n frlond. "I noticed that Bruno lino bo often. Would not half a pago lmvo answered your purposo?" "Ilnlf n pago wonld nover havo caused you to ask tho question, " replied Mr. Bonner. "At least llvo peoplo will ask that to every lino, was the way I figured it "Now Xork News. i omen nil a Actorf. Caponl, tho French tenor, was the re cipient of volumes of letters from lady admirers both hero and in Paris. On tht English stitgo, besides Mr. Irving, Mr. Aloxuudor, Mr. Haro and Mr. Bancroft havo beon overwhelmed with a goodly number. But I am told by ono who knows that no actor living ovor recolvod such n number of admiring opistles from tho fairer box as tho lato John Clayton. Among actresses Mrs. Bancroft has porlmps been treated to tho kindliest at tentions. Mrs. John Wood, too, on tho first or last night of hor piny had always her dressing room convortod into a per fect bower of fiowors, and littlo gifts of jowolry literally poured In upon hor. Thoro was eno bauglo with tho inscrip tion "BIcbs your art," Whothor it was Mrs. Woods' heart or art that was blessed roinalus a riddlo to this day. London Tho pastor of a church in tho utate of Washington whon ft boy stole a rido on tho cowcatcher of a locomo tive on an eastern railroad. ITJa con science recently pricked him, and he Bont tho company $3.45, the Amount of tho passago, with interest SHALLER THAN USUAL lllUputlan.lnfact, are Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellet. Dr. R. V. PItrce, Chief Consulting Physician to the In valids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y was the first to In troduce a Little Pill to the American people. Por all laxative and ca thartic purposes these suorar-coated "Pellets" are superior iu a great many ways to all mineral waters, sedlitz powders, salts, castor oil, fruit syrups, laxative teas, and other purgative compounds. Made or concentrated vegetable ingredients, they act in a mild, natural way. Their second ary effect la to keep the liver active and the bowels regular, not to further constipate, as is the case with other pills. They don't interfere iu the least with the diet, habits or occupation, and produce no pain, grip ing or shock to the system. Dr. Plerce'a Pleasant Pellets cure bil iousness, sick and bilious headache, dlt ziness, costiveness, or constipation, sour stomach, loss of appetite, coated tongue, Indigestion, or dyspepsia, windy belch ings, "heart-bum," pain and distress after eating, and kindred derangementa of the liver, stomach and bowels. These "Pel lets" are easily dissolved in the stomach and absorbed into the blood, stimulating a flow of bile from the liver, and arousing to activity all the glandular secretions. Thus they act iu nature's own way. In proof of their superior excellence, It can be truth fully said, that they are always adopted as a household remedy after the first trial. Put up in glass vials, therefore always fresh nnd reliable. One little "Pellet" Is a laxative, two ore mildly cathartic. As a "dinner pill," to promote digestion, take one each day after dinner. To relieve distress from over eating, they are unequaled. They are tlriy, sugar-coated granules; any child will readily take them. Once used, always in favor. Accept no substitute that may be recom mended to be "just as good." It may be belter or the dealer, because of paying him a better profit, but he is not t&e oftQ who tiffds help, gvAM t4AlMl ktm H ,.j - PJHXIRTT Ttari' terraAi mt Q mllUw f yrxMM, yenalt It la naajM ilawWhly Of tnwt ylvtia thin haaltlt. It will wto tMJr Hv . I It Mttwi Ww wtklac whlek U aVli.ly hm yriU3r y M ltUA'a MUHUefaK. Cmterl tlfjara WnM. Oaetarlfc allay EVrarUliMon. Caaterla yravwta retWag gwr Oar J, Caateria owreo IMarrfcaa aaA Wtofl CeHm. Caaterla rclfeve T thing Caaterla cstm Oaswttyatl aa4 TMmitmmy. Oaterla smmtralU the effceta ef earlieaata aaM gait fUimna ttkh Caaterla tleea Met eamtafaa aaaryafaw, rl , m thw areette y sray Caaterta awballatea the feed, retralat the atewaeh a4 Iwwilaj glvlag healthy taiA atgral leep Oaiterta la pnt wy 1m eae-rfae aettlee ealy. It i aet teM fat ewMj.' Pea't alleir aay oae te M yen aaythtHg ele e the ylea ar that It la " jat a good" aad, See that yea ret C - A'g - T - The fao-rimlle JgHfttera ef Children Cry for The Willamette Hetel: LEADING HOTEL OK THE CITY. Reduced rates. Management liberal. Electrlo cars leave hotel for all pub lic buildings nnd polntft.of Interest. Hpeclal rates will be given to pernriu-ent patrons. COLLEGE. OF M0S1C 0! the WiKanjette University. -JUNDER NEW MANAGEMENT.- Modern methods. Up to dale. Samoa m Ihelenitorn audlKuropenu;douervatrla tfoao but tho beat la good enough for beglnnera as well u lor tuoro adva cod pupils. W. 0. HA,wmcy. Prwldont. It. A. HKltlTAGK, Vocal Ulreotor. 10-7-lm KMILiIj. WINlCl,EH.Inlnitnoatl drsoter. - FIRST NATIONAL BANK DUILD1NG, SALEM, OR. V. I. STALEY, Principal. Hohoolllu contlnuoui teulau. Htudentsmay enter at any time. It will pay those whn expect to prepare for somo builnes pursuit to atteait a tiuHlneu colleco whom a systemallo course of builneu training way be haa and trained teaohera lor tula particular Una or worlc Instruct, TbeCap-ltal tluilneaa College oners nve oouraea; Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, "Penmanship and English. This la Ipoaltlvoly tho only buitnesa college In Oregou using the Intercommunication system ot boal ncB praotlce. out-of-town stuaenu may secure board and furnUhod room In private family Jtt 13 a week. Write or cU at college office for clreulara giving full Information relatlvatoooureaor study, rates or tuition. eta. Salem Steam Dyeing and Gleaning Worts Have removed to the south room ol the postoffico block, where tho proprietor is fitting up the establishment with the latest appliances for STEAM CLEANING AND DYEING The plant ts the most extensive one in the state, being prepared to handle all kinds of fine fabrics, makes a specialty of Ladies' and Gents' clothing, cleans carpets, blankets, ladles' hats, straw hats and feathers dyed and renovated. Orders promptly attended to by mall, express or stage, Your patroaago Is solicited. WAJjDBHUAR NBLSONT, Pvop., COMMERCIAL STREET. -EXCELSIOR - STABLE- B. C, HANSEN, MANAGER. Only good horses usod, Patisfnction guaranteed, Stable haolc of SUtH Tnsurnnco block. J, C. GOODALE, , COBURG LUMBER YARD, TWEI FTH STREET, NEAR DEPOT All grades nud dimensions of BuldlngJLumbcr.J JLarKeat slock ntl Law or'a- J. R. RAKKR. Mnnwr. GRAY URDfiaL WAGONS Road Machinery and AgricuIturafflmpJaments LateatImproved Goods and LowestlPtfecf, W, C9f. StatMad lHJertY SJ, T SALEM MMC :frdr CmIww4. whffc 4sW w ayesJc f It wJrttix ratw 4y fee ImtmiA mA.' Tretrtfl ' l (dty "will aaiwer every paryeee, ,r O - R - I - A. 'Hi "" ieeTjrr e PitchrTs Csttorla, A. I WAGNER, H.ll BROS,. 1 CARTS 4i "si IE HEDIOAL 00:, luffilft, LY- .i -M'rH