'V1 i k i ij u ! r ;fc , i I iH it. THE CAWML JOlMsL. (DAII.Y AlUWKKKIiT.) MY HOKBR BROTHERS, id WEDE3DAY, OCT. 23, 1693. eemiammmsBS OOKTALLIS IiAWiiErtKI. Oorvallls ofllclato kre Kk'in( k noi effort tb enforce tfw-Hfrtrtfy' feuMlfe down on fcasiblirig of aUklcda. 'Tbr edortsat Sunday closlDg'-KaVi beVil successful, and tbey 'propoito bav n'l lawriurifurced 6r know-ttbewresfo1r'lt.-: . Their tflorls are aneered at as l'Beln- o.ro. JJul tbo fad tbattbey are now In tbo attitude tbey And tbebseWea In, of enforcing Sunday laws evan against new&tands.Bbows that although perhaps Insincere aud disponed to'febake tbo laws obnoxious by iietag itfeni to opprens legitimate and neeetsary"biial nes, they are at IphbI compelled out of deference to public Bentlment to Jtkke a .position. For 'lUblloiifflclals to take a position nguliist gjitibltag'rind vlco pi any kind, even though It be a'slmm, la a step of progress, aa It will (make pub lie sentiment either nalnst the corrupt tfllclnlsor against vluioua classes. OtrvallU baa long borne an unenv' ablo reputation In cortnln respects. Aa aollcge towu of tbo state, the belttr class of people have felt humiliated at exhibitions of open gambling, Babbath desecration, obscenity and Immorality. Thoy havo BO.uu.bt to check thtnga'and have partially lucceded, and deaerve the encouragement of the moral people of the entire state In their effort. Cor villlfl should be, and (we bollove la dofttlncd soon to to oi.e of tbo IntelllgtBt anil ninrally progressive (owns of Ore goii. It has a splendid populaddd'of young pooplo and some of the 'beat blood of the pioneers among Its dlder population. It has also nomo good newer people from other states. With. Its schools, colleges and churches there Is no reason why tbo town should knuckle down to the Immoral element. POLITICAL SILVER T78AQE. During September of tbo year 1805 tharo wero shipped Mexican dollars to O.iIub, la tho sum or $2,023,014. Silver wd i also sent In bars to tho sum of $803,860, or a total of three and one liaf million dollars of Mexican silver sent turough the United States via our port for use In Ohlua. Japan Ismaklug similar demands for silver and It ltr all supplied by other countries, while our ojuntry Is tho great silver producing couotry of tho world. But wb aro not only ujtug silver ns a government as other governments' aro doing, 'but W are not ovou using hor(T6nHo to sell our great product to tbo countries that dousoit. England and all the great p iwer8, to say nothing of nearly a thousand million people of Asia who know no other money thau silver, 'pay out millions of silver monthly to the g tvernment employes. Our govern ment does not do that. England paja all government employes under a certain sum on the pay rolls every week la silver crowns and half-crowns, and of a lighter mlntago than oura lCf to 1. When Oblna wants to make a loan of $200,000,000 to pay her War djbtahe lias it procured for her either, by Russian or French government banks, liut our country is wiser. Its el ver mines are capable of producing three-fourths of the allvar of tbo world, but it must bow to tho superior wisdom of ItB national bankers and goldbugs of Wall street. It must keep a half mill, ion miners In the iuter.mountaln region on starvation terms, for fear of over-production of sliver. It muti get onto tho gold basis bo m to show how great aud prosperous we may be in defiance of oommou eenho, so that pur great journalists and public men may talk about "sound money1' when nioet of tbo fellows who do the talking are coupon clippers, note shavers aud per sona who never earned their living in any of the occupations that requlro a woolen shirt or tbo biblical Incident of perspiration. There are 177766 th United Btatea. Klleaof railroad In Tfaero aro 08,835,880 ralw mm to cover tins grouau. There are 533,265,000 ties used to bind thew rails together, but no such amount, however, la required to bind tue hearts of the traveling nubllo to the fact that the VIeon&la Central Has furuktb superior facilities on all tkelr trains between St. Paul and Chicago which form close connections with all lines to the eat and south. Make a note of It. Children Cry for Pitchtr Cayterls HKIAWKUAL vft.TXMlXV. Ooaaty Oftesra Xwrts of Bbs taws a4 PJbjmmm - 8HERIFF'STATMBTT. Of the amount of money and war. iinta reeetrW tbi taxes and mosey paid urttta eottntyirMMref by ttte shertfl enkMieV 'vomCft 'Owga, for six Months ending on the 00th day of 'Sep tomberflBW. ,mi8fait glT'lB ma and CNVWMjpVMtlevl. iv Jtlll...-iJL&i&a iwwXW33,W3 01 'mt.yu.u a-s-its-wssr .' 05,t 85 ne ' - ,.f..r,,f..HTrf iilJei 47 WBlyirj. a..Oi:. iflZ 6lS 77 .sU- -xiii,03e sa 36,428 IS f SepSeMfceTJl. 7?5tal ....: Ll7l,l69 09 DELINQUENT TAX '1803: duly u t-4-..- . i-i-w-i 4 Ira 5W Total. 193 S8 BY AMOUNTS PAID TO COUNTY TBBAS- UER 3 AX 1804: April 83,033 01 Muy...tiiwi.--.w- 81.105 8S June M.891 47 Juiy ..: :..-. -I 1819 7 AtlrMt 11.030 36 iepUrnbtr ..... ... Ufitt 13 DELINQUENT TAX, 1893: July . ... f 193 fTOTAtlrtBl'EIVKD: i-.?;..::;: : .'.'.f A&3 01 'aWII-- May June July August. S&l&tq 61,80147 1S.7H 05 , 11.080 3U Sptember.... 3S,0 13 Total i-'-i.'.-.: $17141 87 TOTAL PAID TO TREASURER: April z; 33.9M 01 May 85.10J 8b June 51,881.47 July : - 13 712 08 Augmt u,ato'fo Beptember. .. 25,629 13 Hirfie of Oregon, County of Marlon I, John Knight, sheriff of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing fcUtement is correct and true Witness my bind this1 Gtbr-day of October, A. D. 1805. John Knight. Bherlft Marion county. ' TREASURERS' STATEMENT Of the county treaturer of Marion ootinty Oregon, for tEe sijc months ending on tbe!30th day of September, A.-D.,-'i89S, of rrfoney received and paid out, from whom -received and from nlist sourcej and on what account paid out. Amonntrf Received Oct. I, to aMount on hand from lajtreportf school fund ,.,..$ 32163 52 Oct. 1, to.amts. received from John ICnlghtrtaxes for" '94, 'general fund 122,29232 School fund '49.484 00 Oct. I, John Knight; poll tax '94, Central fund , 1,905-00 July 33, John Knight, delinquent Ux. '93 July 13, L. V. Ehlen, delinquent tax, '92 127 92 4 73 78 20 130 00 100 00 20 00 June 5, 1.. V. Ehlenj' delinquent ArJrll if, City of 'V6odburn, road grades", 'general fund II. J. Dellarts, liquor license, general fund Ivan Lawten, $o and Jno. Green 1 JtoTpeddler'ritcfcncc, general fund L. VEhleri; fee's, $1214.80 F.W. Waters fees, $65 i.aS for April, May, June, general fund 1,865 00 Leonard Smith on acc't of Rlghy, land general fund E.'Ecker1tn$loo, and J.J.Ryan J'ioojltlfquor'llcenseLgeneral fund ....,...,. L.V. Ehlen, peddler's license, -'gcnerilfund, Insurance Co rebates, general fund , BeaudryJ liquor license, general 75 00 200 00 3 00 73 34 fl.ml G. 0. 8Vsml!VeUdeV& Marion Coxweral 'iani. so 000 153 80 L. V. Ehlen fees $985,90 F. W. ' "Waters $564 36, July, "August dnd Sepr.rgeteral"fund "1,549 00 Total .".I38;37 S3 Total (school fund) $51,64X00 Amounts Paid Out By amount paid out on county warrants; 'general fund .,,'..' 44,756 35 By amount paid out on school su perintendents' warrants, school fund , 42,42865 By balance generaWund 6n band, -' general fund .- "7SG9 89 By balance school fund on hand, schoolfund. ...,,,.,.,., 9,219 35 Transferred to school tund gen eral fund , 1 1,138 oS Indigent soldiers' fund' general fund 794 91 Taxes from '94 school fund jgen. cnral fund 37,361 to Stale taxes for '94 ., 37,25630 Total , $128,876 S3 Total (school fund) , $ 5,64800 Rsc'd of John Knight tax for city for'94.5 '93 .., ;,-,,$ 23,217 73 Rsc'd of Jotm Knight tax for schools '94-5 '93.. -74,808 40 Rec'dof John Knight for general fund '94... ....,.,. 123,29332 Rec'dof John Knight for poll tax 1,90500 Rec'd or John Knight poll tax for" '93 ... 1279a, ? Total f7l,35i Oct, 1, 1S65, amt of outstanding 37 r warrant $ 40,(83 4 Oct. 1, 1895, paid out to school J taxes , 24,4oS 93 ChUdrh Cryfor Pitontr'ft 0ttrt. "m ii imL'ipiii -fin ai'ji" n i nil i m iii hi Oct. I, 'lSo$tatdT"but to city txtt,t...t....li ,f 22.fi! 31 Oct. 1, 1895, estimated Interest on outstanding warrants 995 85 State of Oregon, County or Maiien: I, Jp Minto,-do 'hereby celiiy that the foregoing Is a true and correct statement of tue amounts received, paid out and remaining on hand In the cc-naty treasury of said county for the six months ending orr the 30th day of September, A. D., 1895. Witness my hand this 1st day of October, A. D., 1895 Jap MlNTO, Cbnhty' Treasurer. CLERK'S' REPORT. Of the county clerk of Marlon county, state' of Oregon, showing the amount and number of claims allowed by the county court of said coutny, for what allowed, amount of warrants drawn, and amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid, from the 1st day of April, 1895, to the 30th day of September, 1895, both Inclusive. Road'and bridge claim '154 .....$ 2,68754 Pauper, claim 146 2,37038 Criminal, claim' 788 3.475 24 Stationery, claim 90 88995 Court house and tall, claim 45.. 290 95 Water, claim 6 7S 00 Light' claim 6 30(000 Night watch, claim 6 360 oo; Clerk, claim 7 '. ...! 2,246 66 Recorder, claim 6 , ..... J,43o 00 Sheriff, claim 7 , 3,719 33 Military claim II 2,500 Bailiffs, claim 9 95 00 School Supts, claim 5 618 I J County judge, claim 6 75000 County com., claim 12 '16782 Superlor,clalml8 366 00 Insane, claim 12: 100 00 Jury, claim 66 1,0193c, Coroners, claim 58 15400' County treasurer, claim 6 600 00 Assessor, claim 6 ... 4,67050 Census, claim 5 2,21000 District attorney, claim 175 1,276 00 Bounty, claim 247 260 44 Indigent oldier, claim 54 '64445 School examiners,' claim 6. 72 00 Stock Inspectors, claim 3. Disbursements, claim 4 . . . Surveyor, Claim 1 136 S 84 AS 9 00 Total amount claims allowed and drawn, 1859 3,4o6 00 Outstanding unpaid county war rants on the 30th day of Septem ber, 1895, principal .4475C.3S Estimated Interest occurred thereon 995 85 Total amt. unpaid county war rants H4.75G 35 State of Oregon, County of Marlon. I, L. V. Ehlen, county clerk of the county of Marion, state ol Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct state ment of the number and amount of claims allowed by the county court for, the six months ending on the 30th dayof September, 1895, on what account the same were allowed and the amount of warrants drawn, and the amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid as the samo appear upon the records of my ollice and in my official custody. S Witness my hand and seal of the county court of said county this 21st day of October, A. D 1865. L, V. Eiti.EH. County Clerk. SEMI-ANNUAL SUMMARY STATEMEN T Of the financial condition of the county of Marlon, in the state of Oregon, on the 30th day of September A. D.,1895: To warrants drawn on the county treasurer, and outstanding and unpaid $44,7S35 To estimated amount of Interest accurred thereon 995 85 Resources By funds In hands of county treasurer applicable to the pay- ' meut of .county warrants $(7,569 89 The sheriff not having returned the tax rolls, It is impossible at this time to estimate the amount of unpaid current taxes applicable to the payment of county warrtntst L-, V. Eiii.en, County CUrk. In a State of Bankruptcy is me condition or our system if the becomes inac. liver tive so that the germs and poisons can accumulate . within the body. Keep me liver ana bowels active and we're in a coudltloti of lienlthv nrna. yperlty ami have sufficiently well in vested capital to draw uuon in the hour of need. The liver filters out the poisonous genus which etiter the system. Just so surely as tho liver regulates the system, so do Dr. Flerce'a Fleasant Pellets regulate the liver. Keep this in mind,- and you solve the problem of good health and rood ltvlncr. The " Fleasant Pellet" hv a tonic, strengthening effect upon the lin ing membranes of the stomach and bowels, which effectually cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, Costlveness, or Constipation, Indigestion, Loss or Appetite; Bad" Taste in -Mouth, Sour RIsinn front Stomach. dud wilt often cure Dyspepsia. The "Pel lets" are tiny, because tue vegetable ex- nm Kasr in action, no griping- as with old-fashioned d puis, as a "uinner pill," to promote di gestion, UVo one each day after dinner. iromote u ter dlnue To relieve tue distress artsint a from ove eating, nothing equals one of these little "Pellets." Mrs. Melissa Atwatkr, of Sttubtn, Washington Co., Mr., writes : "As regards TRIM III1IM 4l.. fcW I think I could not do wfcbottt .them. 'I do not like to k"wHJtottt"t .tkws.J il tkI.J jhouse. 1 nave. ?. ve,y Riigaiy 10 '.frtesida3 and -aeighBors them, ---a 1 ind many are tak- I ing 1 them luroug-B my Aflvi.rMtlntf tkeio. .I-wlfi Mas. Atwatimu uytheyare the best pill TcaWUke. uytheyare the best pill rcaWUke. es. I ,J jmH .jdKf L) iWwiwtiirv-iiv -j- 'nif 11 iim sjhiTi fnyn Qeld in Alaska San FnANciRCO, Oct 23. Tlfe steamer fiettba which bai nmved frcm the Yukou river and other poluts of Alekf brought l H pansenge'!", who were principally made up of miners from Forty Mile river. Every miner bad a sack of gold dust or n bag of nuggets, ranging from $500 t au amount far up In tbo thousands. The miners had not abandoned the dig- ings ou tho Yukon by any means, and it is the Intention of every man who oamedowu, to r turn in tho spring. One man . named Madison, who has been in Alaska for eleven yearai came back with 112,000 in his belt. Madison Isof the opinion that Forty-Mllo river will be a profitable oitnp for years to come, but advises a man to provide himself with fibout (300 before lie starts for Alaska to'tako Giro of himself dur tho winter mobtlu. RlVfiRiNB-WS. Thfti(lrru fPWln nrrlvpil tin from Mia eionoLanciug last evening heavily loaded with miscellaneous freight ' a portion of twblch was bops. Bho re taraed to Mission jjaading this morn iBatBo'clodkiand will bo. up iBgaia this evening. The Gypsy left for fortlund at 0 o' clock this mrirnlntc having a good load of freight-Bird "passengera. Tblao boat continues to make tri-wceklytrlps be tweon Balem- And Portland and is taxed to her utmost capacity with freight on each trip either up or down the river. Whoa Baby was nick, we gare her Castor!. When aha was a Child, ho cried for Costorlo. When ib. became )llm, sho clung td OutorU. WUn sho bad Chtldmi, iio fare them Cv.tori. Make Yorraolf Strong If you would icslsc pneumonia, bronchitis, typhoid fever and persistent coughs nnd colds. These Ills attack the weak and run down system, 'frier can find no foothold where the b!o d U pure, rich and full of vitnlulity, tho np pettto good aud digestion vlgorus, with Hood's tiarsapari'.L, the one true blood purifier. ILfod'a pills cure llvor ills, constipa tion, biliousness, sundlco, sick head ache. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh th it cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO. Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known K. J. Cheuey for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business trans actions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm, West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O,, Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price. 75c. oer bottle. Sold by all Druggists, Testimonials free. Rheumatism is a symptom of disease of the kid neys. It will certainly bo relieved by Parks ISure Curo. That headache, backaohe and tired feeling come from the same causo. Ask for Parks' Sure Cure for the llyer and kidneys price l.Oo, s ild by Luna A Brooks. 19. 4w Children Cry for Pitcher' Castaria. JOHN HUGHES. Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils, Wind w Glass, VarMlakcs and tho most complete stock ol Brushes of all Kinds in the State. Artists' Materials,Linio, Hair, Cement aud Shingles aud flucst Quality of GKASS SEEDS NEW ADVERTISEMEriTb. WANTKU-Everrhodytobnow tint K K. Hall, the taper lunger, can always be luuou h, jvciier no xsi LAUiu-t. Dandrnn is re ard a by moat txoplfi u merely nn nnuojan, bat U Is lite chief cause ot bafdi ots, uud the disease sbouid b early1 eaeeked. Unveyour t.alla manicured, your scalp troMed, aud your hair dre edby Mlu M A. Mains. bOUK Oounnr. cii trcct. j.iurciugq piog , r"ou 1 1. nKMlMUTDN TYrli.wniThn KOU ltKNC iv a gooa ueminston ypwirwrror rout to re8pnnlbie purtlet. Ualioraddreoa 2SS ciora- m.niai uroei. Bale . 21 St rTIHK l-UUM AIM MAtUiKlt AMUrU' E 1'o.aM X vXMker. Tlie nndsolsntd would be uieoned to sm any and ail who are interested In washing at hlaoMce, ISSMlatastieet, -wlenu J.U Urown. lfMi JLi. 21 (sours on Sin I f. KlHUiawSewBijr AavrUliw i?Aesit, FraseJMO, r Is kept our anthorlsMl anat- ThU uisar Atcn3Xl&BU' BJ.CBABM9, BftD B T u am 111 uixnmoa. Kt I'AfJCK lJUicioio( hoavy brows j wn tQnHo wrapp BcforputUaHadrerpe4. OtOlutJoor- 11 nffloe DAPKHa-nwliaiiQ. aaerosaetiio. Mtiue ilHopm l"owumoe bine. X Taoomaaatf imb rraaiMo papers oa sa 0 ONalY tj u l&H.-O, Mitnu. IVI lVtlffl,hlrtQC Moo in inra TJOU bALK UBKAIS.UM Iobk Una or would r rent&aerMcboloa laad fn Wttt Balem. Uood, large home asd barn; variety ol bear lag fruit ireea. flscty or small truit, good water and;; acres Umber. Addreaa box lie. f'AABUva an Improved 6-acretrrct three and barn yuvu uiiios muib 01 biwa. omau nouse Inquire of liurggraf, over mate it an. nu &!AJffiiiLr.SSra! p commercial .tonography, omoe. room aa . in 11 n iiniifU'rsnrTrnrnrrr rr in 1 in i. 111 f COLLEGE Of MUSIC -rall Nervous Sleepless, no appetite and very much run down, was the condition of my husband, Blnco taking Hood's Sarsaparilla he has wonderfully improved, and be now cats and sleeps well; in fact, he is all right. Hood's Sarsaparilla westeem very highly." Mns.MAnTCon 8I0AN, 1M0 Cedar St., Puoblo, Colorado. Hood's puis r.i:?,l.x'".'w MONEY TO LOAN On farm land security. Bpeclal rates on large loans. Jxmns considered WlthouldeUiy. HAMMOJ4M011l. ttiish Uank bulldln?. W.4Cnrcic Pienldent. J.U.'ALBXRT, Canhlfr.H ioiiiil OF SA1VE1VI. TrKnsaoUHi general bansang business, RED FRONT LIVERY AND8TAUB lilNK. not Kront Livery nnd Boarding Btablr, Pr-irlam lnevcr resnect. Prices reasonable It II. Wmtaoott, proprietor. daily arAOB jlim:). Following stages arrlTO nnd depart dally, except Hundayi Htlverton itge nmvns at 10 n, m., lcao nt l.-liv p. m. Koro 78 oentt. Dallas stage, arrives at 10 a. in,, leaviH ntl p.m. leave at 3 p. m. luuepenuvucu huiuu urfivus ih ijou in. I'-t 1 n s -OrnNKU IN- CHANNING HALL, Will reoelverlilldrcu Irom Syoarn upwards. Hpecint ttentlon to beginners. All dcnlred brnnrbes for tho older pupils luuxhlilnclud. latr drrtvlnu, modellnir. rnuslc. plalu nun unlntlan.edleworK'. All work doao on the Individual plan. In which each child Is net vnnced according to Its own cipacity. Kor trrma "ml partlculnrs apply to MltsO.IIallou Twcnllflili and Uhrmckein (tit Willamette University. 8AI-HI. ORUaON. Oldest Imtltutlon of learning In tho itute. full preparatory nod onlleglnto oomven. Total enrollment for 1KUI 6, -101 siudents. Kxpenses inoderau-. New Rjronaslum, l-'Uly-scoond year begins Hept. 17, 18fl. hor Information or catalogue ndilress W. O. IIArtLKY. A M., s 9d swsw l'renldent. If you love your boy give him the most val- nblo of all k it, tho best education noskl- bio of all ir It, tfiol ble Tiicro u no Letter place tlian Ur.ANQEL. OR, School complete in every resp'ct. Bptcndtd start of teachors. excellent meals, beautiful and healthy location, constant caro aud strict discipline, and costs but f 20 a month. 8 3 lin German Lessons Prlvato or In classes, at any time during the day or VHnlng to suit convenience of puplu. Terms, 60a per lemon. Classes of rive or n.orc. 90a per pupil. Oermn Saturday school for children ai the Cbannlne hall, oiruer ciieru eKt and Cottag- its , from U to 13 a m , nad from I to p. m. Terms, Ms per m luth. 1 may mention bat 1 was born and educated In Germany, and hold a uerinan teacners' oertltlcotM from the Prussian uoicrnment, and another Irom the hu tauls publlo school. , ., . . MlW.W.A.li.llAKst;x. 431 Marlon at. Conservatory Work. Dr. Parvlo, director nnd teacher of piano, Italian singing liarmouy untl olasa teartbing, Assisted byMlsa Anna Krebs, teacher of piano, organ, guitar, violin and zither. Mm. J. 11. Bhurp teackerof piano, organ and aluuiug. Mualo rooms at the residence or J. it. tibarp, Balem, Leave orders at the Allen's or Wills' muslo store. BANJO LESSONS. Given on reasonable terras by an experienced teaeher. W.A.HAlKV, t Marlon st, Remember Cy Stewart The Coooer. Ha can make anything with hnopn on 'It. and make u epod. fJew work or repairing' nhou oulh ol i'a.'a mill, Bouth Balem. 8 Ma Jm POLAN0 CHINA H03S. Thennde'ikned m n n.,n-.. ..., Cblu boar. nHMMmrtJn T7" .i.,.:.?"5 FaWc?.auadc'hT"w,pa iera ftTr s" T eho.n jwhA iViS-K ol" Capital Hiss Bal MOO Ht Angel m, of the Willamette Oniuersify, -UNDER NJKrV MANAGEMENT Modrnnlelhoi.s. Op (otlatp. Botiinaa in None but t ha best ih good ououu u ouuu(U iur ui-iiiuvin 10.7-lm FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING., SALEMOK. V. I. STALKY, Principal. Kchool lln a nllr untis io-lu ntudeula may enter at any time, will pay thoie ho expect to prepare for some business pursuit to attend a buaiupss rollcvo whiTu a ystemallo pourse of btulnrss training mar be turn nnd trained trachnrs lor this particular line or work InsltucW Tbefjapiial lliulucss College odors nvo ceurses: Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship and English, .This Is positively the only business college In Oreon using the intercommunication system ot bnsl. Bess practice. Out-of-town students may secure board nnd furnished rooit lnprlvat4iramllyntliweclc. Wrltoor oali at oollega offloa for circulars giving full information relative to courses of study, rates of tuition, elo. em Steam Dyeing and Cleaning Works Have removed to the south room of the poitofJkc block, ybere tho proprietor is fitting up the establishment with tho latest appliances for STEAM CLEANING AND DYEING The plant Is the most extensive one in the state, being prepared to humlle all kinds of fine fabrics, makes a specialty of Ladles' and Genu' clothing, clcan carpets, blankets, ladle' hats, straw hsts and feathers dyed and tcnovatcd. Orders promptly attended to by mall, express or staged Your patronage it solicited. WALDEliMAll KELSOtf, lro,p COMMERCIAL STREET. -EXCELSIOR - STABLE- E. C, HANSEN, JVIANAQER. Only tfood horses used. Satisfaction gunranteed. back of Stuto Insurmico block. iBEAT THE BUFFEL' OAR ItOUTE- izni J0gTvThe Shortest I1KTVVKKK Pacific Coast Points, St. Paul and the' East. CtouoA both tho C.iHcadcsad;th9 Uockr Mountains )rj;day;ight;a(lorqlngJpn3eDjcrs;th uyuuuui Grandest Scenery in America,! iwoirnins tiauy from i-ortiana; onent 11 1 -i.iiiiu -i-uKiiurt auuNHiiirHiiiiipmeni,coa uiing draining cars, bullet library can, )aiu3.iina hi It jlktoror tourist sleeping cam. mdi-oiiifj t containing both roo-n, burher shop,euny chairs, elo llio mnKnlRcen to iiiiiiips'-AnrtliwMi 'ami ".Vorthland." leave Uuiuth every Monday and Friday I "loo." Mn Iclrno 1-liud. Dttrilt. uloelend aud buffalo In connection with tl10Orc.1t . prn liiHwy II vey.utr tick ,ts road via tho WOlUIIKltN tjTEAM?IIIl' ooMfANY.im loyB dcllghtlul rldo free irom tho heat nud duU Forliokels or general Inforinatlou n BOZORTH BROS., It. C. KTEVUN8. O- W. IMA. 613 Front st..Hoittle. Wa h. SALEM TILE WORKS. LAUGH BTOCK ON HANP.. ipoclnl Inducements oflered. Hblpped to(al I-olnt on short notice. Bend for prices. Vaj-fis, North Kalem, Address J. K, MUUPUY, Fair Grounds. Oi SALEM WATER CO. Office: Villamelte Hotel Bulldlno-. For water;ervloe apply nt olee.-UlUs pay able monthly in advance. Plaice all com. plaints at the oilloe. Irrigation months-Juno, July, August and teptember; hount- to 8 a. in., 6 to u p. in. Irrigation bill payable on or petore the 1st ifJulv,Htreetprlnkllnc positively torblddeu j, j, jiaukin8, horse- Shoeing dbop at 100 Uhemeketa street, near Com merelul, Hpeelal atteutlonto InterfertncaaO DoruM. with dlMuud rwtt WOLZ'S MARKET. Fresh.'saited and smoked Meats and'iSau. Bage, S-Hetrlcerator meats In best shapf. KwptlaanAlloeoaeHt, eaitern style, Fne delivery. Bouth Oommerclal street. J v t)H AH Will. 7. Imn. -. '. ., . .DJi. CONTUJS, Parlors Ovov Gray Bros. r a Griffith, Ofllce: Corner Court and 'Oommnmtai .t upstairs. All work BuaTant0fdmm4ISi2l ,t as ih inweat aMi ...-.- u S.'Mf e. m. waite rnrOTKa qo BOOK AND JOB AND Zepal Blank PublisJiers. Baiih'a New Brlekjiver thebnk.twn'l itrrel GEO. FENBHICW8 MEAT MARKET. sil Co-nmercialBt.ioouin hi,w ,. jr fST-w t nwusj Xj3E3 lSG,PXS,aC, tbo fuV.orti and iKtiropoxn 'onrvaten. iib inn im 11', iiiuru suvit ceu Pitt lid --. nun W, U. 1 U. A. I It. A. ItBlttTAUK, Vooat DlrecW v. u. iiwiikyi 1-rMiu.int j-.suii u. winauii, ins'rumeutui iii... .. LiIj. WlfiKUEU. Instrumeutui - .. wr It Studies and Quickest Line w, fivniug tug a, m. vuHeUtlo.andoneats.n p. m. via O.R. .mo ounui norry cars are marvels or eitgsncs 210 ?0MMEicrAL street, A. II. O. UBNNIHrON, O. I. A T. A YU Third at.. 1'ortsnd. Or seis4iisiga3 PAGIFSe H.K.' R a N Pullmar, ) SleaplnSiCars h'leant -Dlnin" Cars Slaeoin Can Touris ST. PAUL ' , MINNEATOLIS'I DULUTH, FARRP. JO .GRAND FORKS CROOKSlOfr WINNIPEG . HELENA am ?UTTE THUOUUH TICKETS 'TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON:- lll rn ntlA NEW YORK ol. a.id all i 'olnts Eait end South' For Information, time'caras, iuaps 'Jokets call on or write, THOMAS, WATT sC CO,, AOKNTB, 2S Uoinnierouu w, .iileta, til , . Or A. D. OirAWmw, AMt.Geu).P Agent; 255 Morrlwn St., corner Third, Portlaml, Ore. kk rV .!..-. J- V..ll.l. Illnmakil llrttflX ENNYR0YAL PILLS w J .! . .--i-. uil.wi. i nitl ui i PrxUI fr CkUkuUr i.i. AJ ! Hd ud M I "' ttt. maUI ltk btoa rlbtw Tut1 Xlin Kfufii4r"' llAt mJ inlltlUMt. AlrKV, . hkMSa i iUdu !. jmiIc1w, i - "!?,iii uUU OUfcctrt'fc ul in.. Soi4, pnuuu- - -tilla-' CHCAKST. Salem. !') i -m aSH3 Vss m N i Pt wfU Oregon. MTrj CST.