Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, October 22, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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l)alty Capital Journal-?
23o a Month,
iWw Ql?cltt 2femj
capital! journal:.-
VOL. ft.
,- - ' " " i in- ------ -j -
u iw"-
Tmvnnl VenZllCla I8 NOW UlUCi-
ally AiisnUHfcd.
Interference by tho United States
Not Expected.
London, Oct 22. Iu view of tbo
many reports in circulation regardlug
the attitude of Great Britain toward
Venezuela, tbo following announce
ment was made Monday.
"la consequence of Venezuela not
offering au upology or reparation for
the Uruaua Inoldont, tbo marquis of
BttlUbury bas taken steps to Inform
her as to what reparation Great Britain
desires, bnt as tbe relations between
the two countries, bavo been broken oil
fur soma years, tbo communication
was not scut through a direct diplo
matic diuuuol. As tbe documont hat
not jot reached its destination it is not
considered deslrablo to give tbe details
rf Its contents, but It is couched in
forcible terms aud points out that
Great Britain will not permit Venezu
ela to overstep tho boundaries marktd
by tbe courso of tbo rivers Guiaua and
Amacura, but is willing that tbo ques
tion of tho othor disputed territory
should bo submitted to arbitration."
Tho Westminister G&zetto says:
"Great Iiritlan and tbe United States
aro not going to be set by the ears by u
pack of Venezuelans. President
Cleveland kuows wn bavo no intention
of land-grabbing in South America,
and Mcnroolam bas no better friend
than tho Old Country. In duo time
Secretary Olney will, no doubt, tell
tbe Venezuelans tbey cannot expect
tbo United Slates to cspouso tbolr
qunrrel when they deliberately pre
sume on tbolr limited resource to
attempt to bluIT a great power."
The Bt. James Gazette says: "The
very able New York Post fairly applies
tbe term 'blatbereklto'to the Trlbuno
and similar publications and politicians
whose moutblngson Venezuelan affairs
aro an example of tbelr habitual uso of
foaming talk. Tho United States gov-
Shall wo call It a double charm?
Nothing can ba moro charming than
nne footwear, because it Is a charm
felt as well as seen. An to this matter
we feel convinced that no stock of sum
mer shoos can be finer than ours, and
.iio t,notbing in Salem approaches our
display in style, quality or price. Our
eiioes are far too cheap to make it toler
aoio to wear baok-numbers or shoes
inat are mostly uppers-. Our high-class
f wear Prenta tbe height or fashion
ijno insures cool comfort and abaoluto
case for the feet. H,re are. sboea for
au occasions and occupations, in and
out or town, pleasure or buelnees, work
f .i"U W 01 tbey are besides a revel-
r ouung
atlon of!
ow price.
Glassware, Underwear, Table Linen, Overalls,
HMT.ery Woodenwaro.Towellng, Pants,
"Wrts. Umbrella, Gloves, .. Shoes,
lotions of all Kinds, - Tinware,
And for Tablets
eminent, bowover, Is no 'blatherskite,'
and dries not listen to the opIulonH of
advhnra of that o-dcr. If Vouuuela
baa that impression, alio will do well
to remember tho outcomo between Eng.
laud and Nicaragua Unless President
Cleveland Is prepared to overthrew tbe
traditions of bis foreign policy and be
gin tbo courso of courting complica
tions, wo may bo sure Venezuotla wilt
not receive moro hacking than Nlcara
gua did."
It la stated that as tbero Is no other
territory in dlsputo tbo British denial
or arbitration Is comprehensive and
oomploto. Tho lino made by tbe Ama
ouraaud Guiana rivers is partlcally
wbat is known as the Bhomburgh lino.
Included within it Is all the territory
on tho south bank and at tbo mouth of
tho Orinoco rlvor. Tbe British alrtady
occupy the north banks, so that the
official assertion of this claim to tbo
Bouth bank gives them entlro entranco
tj tbla great waterway of Bouth
Included also within tbo lino of tho
two rivers Is a largo part, probably
hulf, of tho traot recently granted by
Venezuela to a Uulted States syndicate.
Under tho foregoing circumstances the
statement of the foreign oftlco Is skid to
sweep aside all basis of a compromise
on arbitration such us the Uulted
d tat pa bas urged and to be ilnal insist
auce of British sovereignty over tbo es
sential territory at issue covering and
commanding tho south hank of tho
Orinoco. Tbe landing of tho British
marines at Corlnto is regarded as a pre
cedent of tho courso Great Brltlan may
take, and In anticipation of this pos
sibility officials are comparing tho rela
tive strength of tbo forces,whlch might
bo brou k lit together. The British have
a fleet of 10 war-hips available In the
Nortb and Bouth Atlantic. Tho Vene
zuelan seaports aro fulrly well fortified,
and fclio can put C0.000 well armed
troops in tho fluid.
A Landmark Goue.
Piiladeli'jiia, Oct, 22. Tho Sevou
dtnrs tavern In east Vincent township,
Chester county, burned last night.
The boven Stars was built long before
tho revolution and was famous as a
stopping place for travelers from Phil
adelphia to Baltimore. Washington
and his generals often stopped there.
The Exposition At Portlaud is
proving au excellent drawing card, but
not any more so than our 16 ceui
meals. Peoplo do say thoy can't be
beat. Kenworthy & Barnolt.
& White, Props.
Window 8badea, Soap,
Graulteware, Broom
Boys' Clothing, Matcby
jyPripa our Good
and Slates Never so Cheap
Yet Another Day of Testimony
Witnesses In Rebuttal Aro Being
Put Iu.
San Fiuncisco, Oct. 22, General
Dickinson thU morning announced
that be bad no further witnesses to call
In the defense of Theodore Dtirrant.
Tho calling of witnesses In the rebuttal
waj therefore began by tho prosecution.
Tho first step was to refute the state
ment of Durrant that tbe trustees of
tho church asked him to repair tbe gas
fixtures at tbe church Inst April. C.
VV. Dodge, u medical student, testified
that on the afternoon ol April 13 bo
saw Durrant at tbo ferry and that tbo
prisoner told him bo was walling for
vtbe members of the signal corps, whom
he expected from Oakland. Tho testi
mony Is Important from the fact that
Durrant said when on the stand that
ue was at tho ferry for the purpose ot
searching for Blanche Lamont.
A. A. Hobe, an old school mato of
Durrant, testified that on tho same
afternoon bo saw tho prisoner at tho
furry iu company with a young woman
who auswerod the description of Min
nie Williams, Mlnulo Williams camo
over from her homo in Alameda that
night and uoxt day her body was
fouud In Emauuol church. Tho theory
of tbo prosecution Is that instoad of
being at the ferry to follow up the
clew of Blaucho Lamont, Durrant was
tbero for tho purpose of meeting Miss
Williams and luring boron to her
death. District Attorney Bat nes said
today at noon that the testimony in
tho.robuttal would bo finished by to
morrow night. Tho argument of tho
case will therefore probably begin tho
last of tbo weflk.
A Record Breaker.
Louisville, Oct. 22. John B. John
son Monday rode a mile, Hying start,
paced, in 1:41 1-5, breaking tho world's
Johnson Beats Peto Berlo's profes
sional record of 1:10 4 5 by two and
three-fifths seconds. In tho class B
trial Otto Zleler of California, was
brought out a particular star, bo low
ering tbe paced two mile record Bland
log start record of 4:10, made hero last
year by Johnnie Johnson, to 8:51,
actually clipping off" ten seconds.
Grover the Great.
Bpartansburos, 8. 0 Oct. 22, The
Presidents train op tbo way to the
Atlanta exposition reaohed here at 11:
45 a. m., sir thousand peoplo inoludlng
students of Converse collego wero at
tbo depot. Tho president shook bands
with bundrods. The train stopped 10
minutes and tho President was con
tinually cheered.
A Busted Bank.
TACOMA.tOct, 22.-When S. R.
Balfcwell took formal possession of tbe
o'osed Germau American bank this
morning bo found $1.10 and no ac
count books whatever. The city had
ovor 58 000 on deposit, and It was tbe
demand for this money that caused tbo
bank to fall.
Mackry'fl Funeral.
PAKI8, Oct. 22. A funeral service
wittrhlgb mass was celebrated at noon
o lay at theOhurob ofSt. Ferdinand,
Djslqlnes, for the repose of tho lato
Jjhn W. Maokoy, Jr. The body will
bs taken to tbe United States next
Frances Again-.
Baltimore, Oct. 22.-Mtsa Frances
E. WMard was again elected president
of the W, O.'. U. today.
Children Cry for
Fltohf r Osteon.
Proporty pf Charitable Hociottes Not
Actually Occupied is Taxable
Tbo Pt Aland Hltiernlun Buuevoldiit
Bocltty, respondent, vs. Penumbra Hel
lay, appellant: unreal from Miilttuminli
county Judgment of the lower court
reversed old the complaint dismissed.
Opinion by Bean O. J.
Rlggen tti Holbrobke. resnondentn.
vs. Investment Co., appellant, oud on
croBS'uppeAl, P. B. Holbrook and In
vestment o , respondents, vs. fc. B.
Blggou, appellant; motions to dlmlss
appeals overruled.
Stato of bregon, respondent, vs. John
A. Carr, appellant; appeal from Mult.
nomab county; argued and submitted;
W. T. Hume, attorney for respondent;
J. JN.Uolph, Geo. H. Durham and
Richard Williams, attorneys for appel
lant, f
V. IL. jjlevington was admitted to
practice oh petition and certificate
from tbe edpreme court of Michigan.
R. R. BIShop, appellant, J. L. Bal.
sely et al. 'respondents; ordered that
the time foi filing a motion for rehear
ing of this cause be extended ten days.
titate of Oregon, respondent vs. X
N. Sleeve?, sppellant; ordered on af
fidavit and motion of district attorney
that thoclettt of the oourt below be re
quested to, certify up amendauts to tbe
bill of oxoejitlons allowed by tho court.
John Lupdlgan, respondent, vs. F.
J. Alex. Mayer, administrator, appol
laut, ordered on motion that appellant
nave until December l, 1805, to servo
and file abstracts.
J. M. Nlcklln, as receiver, appellant,
vs. UIhvb. A. Burckhart ct al., respond
cuts; ordered upon stipulation that np
pelaut have until November C, 1895, to
serve and fllo bis brief herein.
Selig Wlptorowltz aud Max Halpern,
co partners, doing busluesu under tbe
firm name of Wlctoruwliz & Co., to
spoudegts, vs. rite Farmers' and Mer
chants' insurance company, appellant;
ordered on motion that appellant have
until November 30th to serve printed
Usury Breden, appollant, vs. J. C.
Bobaonon ct al,, respondents; ordered
on motion that appellants bavo until
November flOt h to servo printed abs
tract. Bublu Trotzky, respondent, vs. Tho
Farmers' & Merchants' Iusuranco Co.,
appellant ordered on motion that ap
pellant have until November KOih to
servo printed abstract.
In the first caso tho court says: We
aro dear tbe property In question is
llablo to taxation eveu If It belongs to a
charitablo Institution, hocuuso It Is not
actually occupied for charitable pur-
Tho plain and obvious
meaning of tbo statuo 1b that only tho
real estate actually occupied aud In use
by tbese dlflereut Institutions for tbe
purposes for which thoy were organ
ized, shall be exempt from taxation.
When such a society use its property
for tho purpose of accumulating money,
it enters into competition with other
owners not similarly favored and the
stato should, and we think the statuo
does, impose upon it the eanio burden
of taxation as it Imposes upon other
proporty similarly sltuatod."
The New York Raokot bas Just re
ceived a largo lot of gents blaok worsted
suits In cutaway, frocks aud rouud aud
strait cut sacks, neat styles Just from
one of tho best Chicago houses, also
oblldreus kneo pant suits In Biuglo aud
combination sultd'also mous pants and
suits In yarious styles aud quality.
Call and save you money on purcnase.
All kinds of rubber boots and shoes
of tho WoonsocKoi mako at the New
York Racket, also a Hue line of heavy
winter boots aud eboea for men uud
boys, and light and heavy shoes for
ladles and children. Cull and save
money, 2d.lw
When PunoHA8ir.a-Eatabloa
quuntliv and quality uro ulways to be
considered by tho purchaser. Regard
logour 15 cent meals we would Bay the
quan.ity Is unusually luige while tho
quality tho cooking thereof can't he
beat New York Kltcheu.
Icb Cueam And all such delicacies
aro Blmobt done away with for tnu
season, nut there Is something that 'us
to be purchased every day In the year,
That Js-ihe uoceasarles of life and
McCall Bros, can supply better goods
for less money than any other firm.
Tbe New York Rioket bas Just re
ceived a large lot of goods direct from
New York. All kinds of notions and
useful articles, alj to be sold at racket
Fruit Palaces Are becoming
quite numerous but a vegetable palace
Is rather a curiosity. But If you wlub
to see a display of tho finest vegetables
ever raised anywhere, Just step luto
Branson Co.'s some morning,
VALLEY I.nriAT. mptou I
Stay ton
Mr. B P. Taylor loturned from Balem
Hatunlry, whero hu has been atteudlng
court tbo p-ist weeh.
Mr. Dorbjshlro and wife, of Bllver
tou, are vhltcra In town this week.
Mrji II.O. Howard, of Honelon, Or.,
Is the guest at her father's home, Mr.
B P.Taylor.
Mr. Hobsou went to Salem Monday
Mr. Carter Is still very 111 at htr
homo near town.
Miss OIllo Robertson returned Sat
urday from a short visit In Iudepend
anco with friends.
Mr. Apple bus moved his family Into
tbo houso lately vacated by Mr. Dorcas.
Tho new Bawmlll Is progressing very
rapidly and In a very short time thero
will be llttlo traces lift to retnlna ouo of
dlsaaterlous firo of u lew months ano,
Publlo school oreiiH Mondav with
Mr. Briegs, of Sllvertnn, In charge as
Grandpa Crabtno is still very III,
conflued to his bed at the Farmer's
Mr. York Richardson of Salem, was
down on a short visit 8uuday.
Miss Pearl Hnhsou left for Bodavllle
last week where Bhe will havo chargo
of the abort hand department In tbe
sodavlllo collego. Miss Hobson is a
graduate of the Salem bualnesa collego.
Lot Llvermnro, of Pendleton, Is ap
pointed notary,
Davenport and Hepburn,of the state
land department will not go land
hunting nt present.
Johu R. Adams, serving a three
years' term at tho stato prison, was
pardoned today. Ho had served ton
mouths for peijary.
Agnes Gtatil Ddnman, ago 25, who
wanders at night, was committed to
tho asylum from Beutou county.
Burt White, of Jacksou county, aged
40, a rolatlvo of Geo. M. Whlto of
Marlou county, was todap sont to tho
Ciioual Union. Thursday eve
ning a mentlug will be held at univer
sity chapel nt 8 o'clock p. m. for tbo
oruanlzation of the Salem Choral
Unlnn. Many of tho best singers of
the city aro u I ready Identified with
this mnvemont, and all interested In
tbo advancement of tho choral art are
cotdlally Invited to bo present.
ToNiaitT. Aamold,vlolln; Heritage
basso; Miss Beamer, soprano; and
other talents, at tho Presbyterian
church tonight.
Buou Another Concert program
as will bo heard at tbo First Presbyter
Ian church tonight, has not been heard
In Salem before.
Umbrellas al the New York Raokot.
Call and got ouo and keep dry.
Hoary Fire.
Alta, la., Oot. 22. Fourteen busi
ness blocks wero burned hero today.
Loss 170,000.
Salem and ''Eastern Quotations Cor
rected Daily.
nmoAao,Oct.2o.-WUeat,ciuU 60o.( Dee.
NKW Yoiik, Oot. M.-8Uver, Wcj lead, WJ0.
BAH Fbaxcmco, Oct a-Vbeat. IWi
Wol-Orgou, ouoice, waive;
Inferior, ttitfc;
roUUoeJ-Krly Ko.W8to; Borbanks 76o
roBTMNii, Oct JX-WUeat valley W
WKlouflrortwn(l.$.7Ji BsnUm county, 1.J5
urabaia WJiS: iupfnue.Si,.6MrDtl,
go"u-wuiie axuc: grey, .419; rolled. In
bOT.Iia6!S. wnrfi,l47.U5 uee,J.7S.
I'oUtoe- Aw OrKon, 4U0l4o.DU.
Hay-Un-Ml, 5Q W per ton.
ffiKfeniiS shorts, W. op
70100 leprelu.l07ie.
"lops-New uregoo. HfrMp. ,.wnn
Uulter-OreKon tancy creamery, HiQi
fMncy dalriEbt7Xc;. WrUlgood, l3)J0l6o;
common, lw.
Cbeene-oregon mil ctMna, mgvj.
pSuiiry-CWcVew. II M W rr dox; ducks
...j flA0itn Vl rwr (IflL
t300l.Ui gee, WfWOlW, lriiji, hu
irt'p.Men.JJJ Pt Mr to good
tw,3iiiW: wwi,aXKci drewed lett,
JuVn-Best bee, l.75i00; choice ewee,
tffigSffii&tmTT, tWMMKmi and
Jeelere,t3J5:dned14kolb- ...
VealMmaU. choice, but, Urge, 3alo B.
MauSSfld, cheat. tlfoS oo; "?! Jg:
Klour. In wholesale loti. f iXO; null, "ijgj
bran. lmUllU.00: sacied. lll.Ui;,i,horUi, IHWa
Live OaUlo-io.
Wool-Utl. Ilw.,
Hheep Live. BUST.
Iloi-Heit, 0u7c
fiultor-uesiattlrr, W93U fancy creamer
&SrT.!rmMeaiet-Ucoa.Sci bams U:o,
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U S. GoVt JfcporT
a rwm
Corbet and Fitzgimmons' Rattle
Not Off.
FlgUthiR Is About at An Kad In
Hot Spbinqs, Ark., Oct. 22. Cor-
bett and FUcstmmons may yet meet.
Buart and Nondlng now state that la
view of Fltzslmmons' arbltlary Hied
tbo Contract between the Club and the
Fighters, so far as It relates to Fltz
slmmons Is abrogated. The Club stand
ready to offer a now Contract, which
comprebents a morlflcatlon of tbe
purse offorcd to 125,000 at Mast, and
fixing tbe date of tho battles two or
possibly three weeks later than tho
original date.
Martin Julian today said If tho
Florida Athletlo club was unwilling or
unable to carry out its contract, Fltz
slmmons will on October 81 take Cor
belt to any part of the globe and tight
him to a finish for a $10,000 stake, each
man to select six men and these only
to bo present at the fight.
Littlk Rook, Oot. 22. It Is certain
that in case tho supremo court deo'dea
Black Chovoit; 0 largo but
ins: full bIoovcs, mado gN Jt
to Bollnt5. Ourprico N
Prices auotetl last wook will
bo continued ono moro wook.
Dress Goods.
1X(w bnuolcfl. now plaids,
now serges; now black novel
ties. Our 45 inch heavy sorge, in
black, myrtle, cardinal, brown
and navy colors. PcrRf
yard... mrtr
See our all wool J1 O
sergos. Per yard. . ,WW
Waterproof cloak.fi5R.
iug, 5G in. Per yd. . . .K
Rmr 'lia"s M' w '
TViltameiU TMey,
NO. 14
in favor of tho fighting Got
Clarke will call an special m
tho legislature regardless of hi pi
ous assertions.
Oasa rightist-.
London, Oot. 22.-A dlepatek to I
Globe from Madrid says: "jRsty
chief lieutenant of Macw, Mm h
leader, baa told a- ootfereM
friends to point out thataay fa
resistance to the Bpaatofe forest
hopeless, aad to study soase Means
end the war. The remit of tbe
ference was not knows when tbe
patch was seat.
Los Angeles, Oe t. 91. A
likely to be spruBg bom Ib
brought agalast "Laeky" BaWwta fey
Mlee Lillian Ashley, of Paint.'
The young woman mm for tlsiwsm
for Baldwin's failure to provMe far her1
child, which she oklms Is a dMtffttav
of the noted oapltaM. Tbe
wilt, aeeordIf to Miss Ashley, be tbe
charge that Dr. J. W. Truewortky trf
this cty, who attended the yowa
woman ai ine niriu or tne chlra, weel
influenced to leave the olty by BaMwitfJ
or bis ropreeantatlve. Miss Ashley
called upon tho health officers Iu the
oily today for tbe birth certificate. It
bore tbe following Interesting d4:
"Born at 129 Sooth Ollye ettvet, Lee
Anfrsles, Deestaber 7, 1863, a aMt
mother Lillian Ashley; fotlter H, J, .
Baldwin. DrJ. W. Treewecihr
pkyelclan." Mies Ashley wasted the
urtn eertlrleate to use at her trial la
Ban Fraaekeo.
lay tt Mas Dead.
kT . tat . . .
I im'i'KAHTON, MOM. OM, He J
(Ex-GoverBor Ataoadi-ed ttite tMmlAt
Men's Clothing !
Happy Home Clothing.
Guaranteed all wool. If din-
satisfied afcor a month's wear,
monoy rofundod. Try ono of
tlieso. $10, $12,$14.
Clothoa that fit: BusinM
suits, $4,$0, $ to $10.
Try ono of our "FumowT '
coats. $12.
i n
. . Shirts,
Gold and Silver brands. You
cannot afford to paw our $1
unlaundnod white shim a b0
- Stuttgirt
Night uhlrte; fiwwt qwht?
wado. $5m.
'o. 1 and 2 Lmw Chimes Only 4c and 5c
l. . 'j