gr- VStty ' V V N T'VPlT -f?f r & ft I 'c m ft' v m im ! i 4 THE CAPITAL. JOURNAL. (DAUiY'AjriT'WEKLV.) - - i -y IsV'hofbr brothbrb, THURSDAY, OCT. 17, 1896. I,i Jin jl - Jl ULU J.LLIU ll'IHll1 To make Slem a good tows 'make Balein good home itiarket. October, 1695, will fatato.litatory as Wiillamfetto "uulvefatyy IHg'iW Intent minds and fctM bodi$Hjrti city hall and ahedrahnext y.j, ' J'" ' ' It looks as though Judge Burnett Intended todhcourafee wheat' siealljik' The city officials should clean up the Htrceti and allt well before the win ter rnliiH set In. The man Who can't live Well and cheaply In Oregon can't'llve well at all anywhero else. Your ison Uud'daagUter carikow be made a doctor, lawyer, or jn'nUter right at home. A 2 els. fare op the beet electric road In the state Is something evorj city cannot brag of. Wildcat banking spoils politics and real estate booming are a horrible com bination to build up a town on. t. - i Tho well conducted newspaper la not a charity enterprise but a well-supported nowspapor alwaya Indicates a llvo town. There are a few bsnka left In Ta.eqma that did not burst. They scent Jo get the most fun out of It by popping one at a llmo. i Oregon's Indian summer Is a Beaxoo ot rosea aud peaches, berriea and vegetables, game and flab, flowers asd healthy, happy people. Tb Journal will not prjnt any more articles In favor of bloomers for ladles unless written by persons who wear what thov advocate. Albany papers claim that town la the heart of the Willamette valley. The heart Is the center of life, activity and modesty. Clearly,thoee Albany "papers are off. Oregon convicts are nearly all em ployed. That la more tban'caa be Bald of persona who are not convicts who would bo glad to work; If tkey had a chance. If the Btate Bar aeeoelatloa would devise sorao plan by wbloh lawyers' could get fees frm Clients these bard times It would confer a bleeslngi.on (lie creditors of the bar. Au open river all summer without government Improvement, speak well for the Willamette as a, navigable stream. "What might It not beiwere tho river Improved. For the first time In ten years Marlon oomaty warrants are1 called in up to within a year atad Interest stopped. Tho treasurer seems to run Ills owu office, aud runs It la the lateral of the public The Young Men's Christian Aasocia. lion is au enterprise worthy of sup port lu any pity the alza of Baleu It hi a home for hundreds of young bien to spend their evening pleasantly and pretttably f they will. The state eupreaa court Is now a body of lawyers that seem to have much regard for the people, Their salaries of f3$0Q ate equal to what J5000 or $7000 would have been 10 years ago. The salaries of the attaches of the supreme court might be reduced wlth out harm. alen la su-pportlag aarewJ kinder gttfWu aehoele, but every feusslly with ehlklrea from three to twelve needs a kladeraarten as muck aa the advesta need a church, and a great dealiMOM. The klndergartea does t, $$akj ftll Ion, but It starts a child in the way it should go, so that it Btea'MtflM Jrre- ligloue as a result of education. Chlldrtn.Cryfor TIE Y. M. 0,A. OOMVBNTION. The preseace ot Uhe representative's of the Young Men's Christian Associ ation from tho Paclilo Northwest In our city calls attention to tho general merits of this organization. It In a powerful religious factor all over the United Slates, and well worthy of support and encouragement. It appeals to most persons from a prac&al standpoint only. It Is for $o4e,BMf& It alms' to supply young Smxma raaahood ftwlth something lhile,hoi, ,tior chureb, nor stato'$f iieeii tunuwore not iruu it would notbe in e"xl8tcnco, it Is an fl?gHlzton that is standing in tho breach' as It were the walls of society. Through this brcaob in. tho walls of locletylyoung men are going to ruin, Who Is to blame for this break in the walls of our social zlon, ogalatt which tho Y. M. C. A. Peeks to protect the rising generations? The fact that there la ho state bj stem of religion, that the religious or spiritual element In our youth is left untrained, undeveloped, uneducated and uncultivated, is the underlying1 oauao for the existence of of the Y. M. C. A. There Jo but very little religion taught lu the homes as auju; In the schools none. But It must nit be assumed that morality, the Virtues, klndncss,lndustry and ccouoo toil habits, are not Inculcated In tho homes and in tho school. Tho absence of church and state, the absenco of religious Instruction in the eohuols, the neglect of family worship in the homes, nro coocopnultauts of a free goyornrnont and a hetorogoueous population. Tho Y. M. 0. A, comes to supply what, iu tho very naturo of our peculiar 'national organization, tho state, the school, the home, nor the church can supply. And It is doing Its work well. It is broadening and mak ing its work practical and useful. It is minimizing theory and religious con. troyeniy and magnifying works. It Is saying aa one said of old, when he enjoined his deeciples to follow him, "for the very work's sake." It can not supply all the defects of our de feotlvo modern society. There are criticisms to be made of its methods. But, in all, they aro tho best wo havo and they are highly commendablo They at least provent the breaoli grow ing wider, by calling attention to it. They cheok the tide that Is going down to destruction. Tho Youug Mou'a Christian Associations aro defending tho breech most nobly. FORMATIVE LITERATURE. We are all familiar with tho purpose novel. It 1b a moat yaluablo example of reformatory Literature. But It docs not reach a class capable of very much reformation. Truly Formative Litera ture must reaoh the Impressionable, plastto minds of boya aud girls yet In tbelr young teens. If It can be done without preaching, bo rauob the better. We always talk too much to ourjyountc people about their immorality and vices wfthputshowibg them bow to employ) tuelrvirtues.' It is like lectur ing to them about the uso of certain tools without showing thorn bow to uso them. But there la coming up a now class of books for youth Formative Literature, so to be called, It intereata tbelr men tality, arouses tho imagination, and teaebea a valuable object leeam of doing. We called attention to such a book some months sinoe-'Tau-Filo Jlai," the story of a yankee waif la New Foundland. It la a bright, bene ficial, helpful book, that should be in every Bunday school library, Just the where it will least be found. Yet is aot the work of the Bunday schools make enduring .men and womon firm Christian character? Or la Jt convert some one to some 'ism 'ology? "The Heart or a Boy" by the same Publishers, (Laird & Lee, Chicago,) Is a book of the noblest tvpe. Tiie father r mother wbo w)ll read that book to tbelr children la the home circle will confer a favor on society. It Is from the Italian of dmondo ue Amaoia, a writer for youth of remarkable clear ness, purity and sweetness. To the Italian race this book bas paeeed through 100 edltioa in that country, Salem is going for the football pent naut of Oregon. ff, ",..-T -B-,,' I Children Cry fov r PttohW CMtMrta aaWaieaiesiei- tmmmmem TR 0TTfRfcWoUTriOOK. Soma teau who signs himself "farmer," la the Oregonlan, is at great length to prove that the opportunity for the coming generation of young people to make a living are much belter than In 1854; Why should they not be. In 1854 all American labor had to compete with slave labor. The country had no railroads and no manu facturers to speak of, uo street railways' no electricity, and thousands of other means of employing people that are now open on every hand. And with all these improved conditions at pres ent the Journal believes the young men and women have not a bright outlook for making a living unless tho general condltioua can be changed, Tho country is about settled up. There are not many more good wild lands to tako up. The railroads are built and II we would believe tho Oregonlan, there need be no more built for llfty. years, and a part of thote built had better bo torn up. Tho products of labor und the soil all bring a low price Th9 only classes that are thriving, are those who can get a salary out of the public. The cfllclal class are making as much money as eyer. Interest is as high aud tuxes are higher. A small loau on propoity will take a larger piece on execution than over before iu the history of the country. A $600 mort gage will clean up a fCOCO farm, with a con pip of years interest. The farmer was never at the ineroy of thp money owner as at present. Yet ho is told that tho outlook for his oblldren is better than ever before. Wo will bet a dollar to a doughnut that the man who signs blmpe)f "farmer" is npt a farmer, and the acoldont of his having boon born on "hardscrabble" farm In tho Ohio valley baa "long been atoned for by holding a fat offlco or getting a living In somo other way that by labor. Men have a right to make a Hying by offlco holding and loaning money, but they have no right aa a class to say to the people we are tho creators aud pre servers of your property, when aa a fact they llvo, off the people's property. They have no right to dictate a finance system that Is worse than the system la forco In 1854. If thero la a creaturo we despise, it Is tbo sidewalk farmer, and band'Wagon politician who writes articles for tho press aud signs them "farmer." They aro always a political fraud. Following Is one of tho bumnra of tho state bar associatien: "That tho Oregon Bar Association shall recommend to the profession and the state thst tho number of members of our supremo bench bo Increased to llvo; that their salaries bo rniaed to $5,000, and the torm of offlco to 10 years, and that diligent and earnest steps bo taken to adjust this mattor and bring about thu desired reformation." Attitude of the Fope on the Hatttr of Religious OoBgresses. St. PAUL, Oot. 18. Archbishop Ire land In an Interview with an Associ ated Press reporter, said: "Tho words of Pope Leo are in uo means a condemnation of parliaments of religion.. Ho merely prescribes methods or conditions by which Cath olics may tuko part iu them, He deems unadvlsablo the promiscuous assembling of Catholics with mon of all forms of religions, Buddhists and Mohammedans upon the same platform fori the discussion of religious ques tions. Tho pope's words are: "It would seem adylsablo that Catholics hold tbelr own meetlugs apart. Iu order that tbelr usefulness be not confined to Catholics, access is to be given to everybody, whether be be Catbollo or one separate from the Catbollo faith. Congresses of religions will have tbbe held and Catholics may tako part In tbcm under certalu well defined con ditions. Catholics will hold their own meetings during the eanio period of time and ou the same grouuda as the representatives of other faiths of religion, but ia behalf of their own, marking in this way their owa dee trlnal exclusiveneee and yet allowing to others the advantages of hearing their decisions. RheuaaUm j a Bynplean of disease of the kid neys; It will certaiBly-.tMrelleved by Parka riure Cure. That headache, baahaehe aad tired faselag awwe from theaataaeaaee. Ask far 'sFa k' Bure Cure for the liver and kklneys. price 1.00, sold by Lium A Brook. 19-4 w V . . . i . -m m Pitcher' Qaatsirlft. ChlldranCrvfpr finit fcUMA r.i JM mM. RAILROAD MATTERS, Ives' Board of Directors Unanimously Re-Elected. New York, Oct, 18. Tho Brayton lyes board ot directors, headed by August Belmont, was unanimously re-elected. President Ives predicted a bright future for the road, and declared that the Great Northern would novor own or control it. Resolutions endors ing lyes' administration were passed. UfUON I'AOIFO. New York, Oct. 17. Chauucey M, Depew, when asked about the report that the Vanderbllts' Interests would predominate In the reorganization of tho Uuloa Pacific, and that the result would be that (the Vanderbllts would practically seouro control of tho road, aud by this would satisfy a long-cher-Ishcd wish to owu a transconlluouiul line, replied: "We s(w that story printed while in tho West, but there Is not tho slightest truth In It. The report has grown out of tho fact that Mr. Hughllt and my self were appointed members of the reorganization committee, but that la only tho framework on which to build tho story. We aro not trying to attend to any scheme of that kind." It Is said that among tho provisions of tho Union Pacific reorganisation plana aro these: Au assessment of $15 on stock, for which preferred stock may bo given. An Issue of $100,000,000 4 per cent bonds for the first and the government debt. Au Issue ol $75,000,000 preferred stock. Bondholders will get new bonds at par aud flvo shares of preferred stock for each $109 bond. The common stock will probably re main unchanged. Peoplo who are now applying for an Interest In the Union Piiclflo under-writing syndlcato nre told that.they nro too late, and that earlier applications ore getting much less than tho amount applied for. The plan will probably bo announced at onco. Bow's ThisI We offer One Hundred Dollars i Regard for any case of Catarrh tint cannot be cured by uair uuarrn ure. F. J. CHENCV & CO. Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney (or the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business trans, nations and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0 Walding, Klnnin & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price. 75c. ner bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Gamo plenty Btelner'd markot. "Tho Common People," As Abraham Lincoln called tbcm, do not care to argue about their ail ments. What they want Is a medlclue that will cure them. The simple, hon est statement, "I know that Hood's tiursapanlla cured me," la the best argument in favor of this medicine, uud this is what many thousands vol untarily say. Hood's Pills aro tho best aftor-dlnnor pills, assist digestion, euro headache. 23o ulna oysters Stelner's market. Call for Warrants. Notice Is hereby given thnt I have funds in baud to pay all warrants en dorsed up to January 1, 1695. Interest on same will stop from this date. Jasper Minto, Treasurer Marlon County, Or. Oct.C 1805. When Baby was Met, we gave her Castorl. When the was a Child, ehe cried for CastorU. Wfcea the became Vis, tho clung to Castorl. Wbea h tad CbUdrem, the cave them Casferi. Thero aro 177755 miles of railroad lu the United States. There are 06,836,680 rails used to cover this ground. There are 533,205.0001160 used to bind these rails together, but no such amount, however, Is required to bind the hearts of tho traveling publlo to the faot that tho Wisconsin Central lines furnish superior facilities ou all their trains between St. Paul and Chicago which form close connections with all lines to the east and south. Make a note of It. VIGOR f MEN Easily, imtakly, Pertumntly RHfored. WeakHM, Hrrae, Htumr, au u tram Kevin ifw err rrew or tut eicmii. tat ratuiu ot omwurk, alekMM, vpT, v to, JTuu atrangtb, darel- opmaat ana wue given 10 ivery organ and porUoa nf thjihoilv. Slmma.naU Brat SBethbds. Jmmodi. ata Improvement taen. Jura Impoaalble. 2,000 refarencea. Book, xplaoatloB aud nreoia I mauoa iwuwj tna imumtilH.,MM,K1. ZsatlnL tR YrP1' lmrtvWI Prize Hood's onpstiilla more than any remedy I havs -r taken. I have novcr been robust and r ..a subj-'ct to Bovcro headaches, and bad uo appetite. Since taking Hood's Sarsaparilla nd Hood's nils I om a well woman, havo a good nppotito and sleep well. I co-dlslly recommend Hood's Bar japnrilla. Mns. 8. M. GonuAM, 1'lltmoro JIvu.0, Fillmore, California. uooci's puis stiiKr'iT": JOHN HUGHES. Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Varnishes and tho most complete stock oJ Brushes of all Kinds in the State. Artists' Ma tcrIals,LImo, Halr(cmontaud Shingles and finest quality of GRASS SEEDS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. tttantkD A. reliable lady or senUoman to VY dUttlbuto t amplos and make a uouae to homo canvass 1 r our Vegetable Toilet soaps. Ill) to J73 n niiintb easily mndo. Addrosa Cro'la A lt" rl. v i'J H. Hobey st., i lilcnio. H-fl a i.l i.MI iANU CO.. JUDUU04U VHUCIV 11 Uouds, Hlla. Pirconii, Drwutntf howu, Unlnawrtro, Tea, Halting, unuer-cioiimu Kvorytlilutrctuup. llJUourtst., under opera house. (MB-lii M 11-4. Kl.l.A. II. M 'HOWELL. toacBcr of voire ruituto.uittllignai. v-wim tllltlriilAr, UlENOfc Ltumiiure oi l j Kluilnou sale anil Christina Hoi en no tor vTwuM tat I !" y mreet. nornnr t'liemnlit'in V, t'lHHKR, iHowspaper AdvuriUiug aui . 21 Mrrclmatb' hxemuwe. Francisco isouraiUiiorUod ngout. Tula paper 1m utt Oil III III III"."'!!!, "?ak7-hi Uiruo lotol HU..VJ oroi j wrapping pi. per ror vale clioup. Just tin lulng for putting under carpvtii. Cull at Join niii oinofl Mai ,4itOiv . u ii.uui nv.nt. v. w$ wv..a JL Tncomaand ban Franelico papers on m e In (, Ut.HM.uV J . . at Hopfs lNmil( oe blook. M U.iti l 1.UAN,-u. Minn. HOUU1X rom umon n ook. ntr. Ifkll UAI.l.' .I... A 1, ,11. Inni. .1 nwTv mill. ii.WI, U.U, l.A V..&& aV... IUU, .....W V. Y.UM.M ioDt6dorccLolco laud lu West hulem. ood. lurira lininu and barn: variety ot bear lnor fruit. irOKH. llentv ot small lrult. irood water and i acres timber. Address box lis, ttalom. IWMM (JjAfvUUvu an Improved 6-acrotrsct thlte uiUUU mues ouin oi lown. omnu uousa ami burn lnqulieof Uurggraf, over Utates ii.bu. 9-.t-tr LjiKiLiA oiir.nitAN Typewriting and O commercial tonoernphy. OOlce, room II, Qruy blook. The best of work done at rea soaablu rales 13-28 WAGON TO or to irude M ior liny nnu cmuh, goou nrm whkoii Aprlv to K. I'nype.exwtnl asvltim S MONEY TO LOAN On farm laud security. Bptclal rates on largo loans, txiaua considered Without deluy, IIAMII1'O.V A MOIH. linhlt ink bull Ulik DRESSMAKING UK8, CLE KNQER, from l'ort'and, has opened ilrcsimiUluz Ipar Ion In the Ktdrldgo blook, up stairs, next door to Uherrlngton's gallery, llla.erlland lleefer suits r specialty. VlUlm W.'ACUIIICK J. 11 .'ALBERT. liesldonl. Cashier ) ional OK SALEM. Transacts a general banking baaluess, R M. VAITE TRINTING CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS AND Legal Blank Publishers. Hash's New Brlok.nver the bank.Oom'l street GEO. FMNJmiGIL8 MEAT MARKET. 821 Commercial st. I Oottle block. J i Huoeeasor to O. M. Ueokft tto.l Best meats In the olty. I'rompldsl Ivery at inwML nrioM, RED FRONT LIVERY AND BTAQK IJNm. Red Vront Livery and Hoarding Stable, Klrstclaas in every respeou trices rcasouable. K, II. WK3TACOTT, proprietor. DAILY BTAQE LINES. Followlug states arrive and depart dally, except Hunday: ' Hllverlon stagaarnvMat 10 a. m., leave at 1:15 p.m. Fare 75 oents. Dallas sUgt, arrives at 10 a. m leaves at 1 p.m. Independeuoo stage arrives at 10.30 a. m., leaves at a p. iu. liid F.M. Steel9 185 COMMKBCIAL BT. Millinery and Bicycle Repair KlecUrlca'elltand Medical Hatter a sne oUltjrjSHMuj i Uyuarooa and Moiom built and reralred. AU work done In the best manner; Capital f'-'-ln tLJ ) mm l -OrKNKD IN- en a jwiya ha l l, -ON- )T liWlllrecslvo children from flyear upwards. Hpectal tlentlon .to bcglobert. All desired hrauptiei ror the older pupils tiiunbt.lnclud. lug drawing, modeling, muslo. plain ona arlUtlcnoedlowork. All work dono on lu Individual p'an, In which each thlla Is ud vunced according to Its own capacity. For ir.rm rnd ivirtloulnra nnrlv to Jilts O. llallou, Twfullolh and C)irmaKtftlw , . , Willamette University. 8ALKM, ORKUUN. O'dcsl Institution of learning In the state. Kull preparatory and coilgite couwes. Total enrollment for 18UI 6, 401 students. Kxpense modemto. New gymnasium. Kirty-ieoond year begins Hopt. 17, UU V. for information or catalogue nddresi W. O. IIAWLKY, A. ., sOdlwOw rrmldent, If you love your boy glvo him the most val- auio i of all a lis. the best education possi ble There is no totter place than M Ui MT. ANQBL. OH Hchool coropiet in every renprct Fplendid stall of teachers,, excellentainta', beautiful and hmltliylocntlon, constant care and strict discipline, and costs but 120 a month. 8 8 lm German Lessons Private or In classos. at any llmo during ilia day or omlng tosiutconvouleuca of puplU. I'trina, 0a per lesMiu. Cldsses of flvo or more, Mo per pupil. German Haturday school for oblldren at tho ('tunning hall, corner Cbem AKtttiiuil CtitiageslH , iromU to 12 n in . ad from I to 1 p. m. 'fcrmi, (oo por mnuih. 1 imy nientlon that I wai born and educated n Oormany, nud hold a (ieruian teacbera' yjrtlllnito fiom thn l'ni.H'iiu L'oernnient. mrt unolhor imiu tlioHt, IiuIm publlo school. MIIB. V.A.XI.UA1'KY. Ill Marlon nl. Conservatory Work. Dr. Parvln, director And. Uaclier of piano, Hunan sluging uarmony and olaaa tcanuluir. Awlstod byIles Aiib Kreba, toucher of piano, organ, guitar, violin and zither. Airs. J. It. rjbarp, teacher of piuno. nrKun aud1 sinning. Muslo rooms nt the residence of J, it rihnrp, Baleni. Leave orders at the Alien's or Wills' muslo store. Mrs. C. M. 0(lo will reopen her KINDERGAR1 EN In tho Congregational church parlor, on 6lpt 30. 6 io-m THE STATE" NORMAL SCUOOL DIMIN, OUEQON. Wrlto for catalogue. L0UI3 IIAItZKK, 7 2m President BANJO LESSONS. Q on on rcakouublo terms by an experienced teacher. w. a. haimkv. teacher. 431 Marlon st, WELL DRILLING ContrsoU wanted nt reaionabie prices. '"" juurauwou, iveiereace pui in expert' encoand respomlbllliy:iurnUhed, Wrlto 1. L. KKTZKIt, ealem, u 1) 6t Or. JOHN BTANLEY. ujim:mea STANLEY & MEAD,! STEAM WOOD SAW Vlc.k,w?rk..f0W prices. Leave oiders at it. tt. yyestaoott's stable, baek of 1. 0 . 0-1441 MILTON RHODES, Practical Upholsterer-. All kinds or work made to order, llepalrtug n specialty. 130 Court street, Balem, Or, JDR. CONTRTS, Parlors Over Gray Bros, WOLZ'S MARKET. rresn.isaneaana smoked Meats and' Ban. Kf-i1Ae,IVBera,or ta In best ShalS Q I1IIAH WIII7 l- ,. ,,,,U4, Remember Cy Stewart he Coooer. SSmiHSE?S H2iUUJS SLT.T.I UTIITTraJ Cheah-st. 1 salem. ntr J OftEftAii -"", iri T ScU MISS I , Angel i ege. - fc WV wm O t. '!&&&' n TUK tr tvr? vu ins. Union Pacific System - TnrouhVullmanr.i?i:oB Hleecers t MPn and Frco Kcollnlng Ohairtiri ! da'jj PORTLAND to CHICAGO Our truta aro heated byi steam nini .,,.. Ilzhted by Vlntsch light. '" WH .Time to Ohlcaa-o, 8U dayit.1 Time to New York, 4U days. poUto' " mttny ,10n',,ulo,t',' thn hii ,w. Kor rates, time tabloa ami 'uil lnririi,Mi,.B ""BOISE ifcUAKKEir, geats,Haleia.Ot It. W. IIAXTKll, W. IIAXTKll, (1. k. BltoWR General Agent. Dist. l'aoii aVi!i 1H5 Third st.. Portland. Atei"' .. I'ortluud. Oast knd South VIA IHErferlaSfA "ROUTE , -o! tbo Southern " Pacific Comoahv. OAur.orvrA(xxrjiv)s train- rdn aii.v h a jcrwaitTf roKTMiti) Anna. r. HontU. J8.60 p. m. ll.-ou p. m. 10: e.m. Xvl ForUandT Lt. Balem Ar. i Ban Fran. l ti inn. Ar. I euin Lv4l HMs.m L.Vi UU0p,u Above trains stop nl Kast 1'urtUml On egon City, Woodburii.Halpni.Turucr.MarlOD. Jvileraou, Albany.Albany Junction. Irvmr Kugeno, Creswcll, Drains and all stations fmj. jtowebure to Ashland Inoluslvo Hoaxuuna uXTr, uauy, 8:80 a. m. I Lv. 1'ortlnnd Ar. I H3 p. m ll.()0 a. m Lv. Ualara Lv. f a iu n, lap p. m. Ar. Hoseburg Lv. I h-Hls. m HOUth- SAI.EU V ANHBMUKK. ortil -tOp.m.Ly. fortland, Ar. 110 4am 6:15p.m. I Ar Balem. " , Lv 8IUam. fining Cars Aon Ocn Kouto PDLLMAN'BDFFBT SLBBPERS -AND Secopd Class Slucoin Cars Attached to all through trains. v?cst Side Mmh Belweca Mh ' t&d Sr?illis: PAtLT (KXCX1T BPHPAT). 7:Warn. Lv. lltl8D.rn.lAr. irtland Dorvallls Ar. Lv. U'.tip,ru laip.a. At Albany ana UorvallU connect wlta trains of Oregon Central A Eastern Hall road. KXPwaaaTHAiw tnaiuv kiukithuua i:V p. uu Lv7 Portland Ar. S.-a,m 1 ' IHKOUttH PICKETS jzmp.m AK MoMlnnvtlle Lv. ous.u To all points In the K tsUrn Btates, Canada and Knrope can be obtalnod at lowest rstu from W. W. HKWNKlt, Agent, balem, K.P. IlOQEtUS. AsaU O. K. and l'Wui. Agt IU KOKlILKlt. Manaoer Oregofi'Central AIJD Eastern R, R. Co YACIUINA BAY KOUTRJ Connecting at:Yaquna Bay with the Baa irranplaco And Yanutna HayHteamshlp Go, HTKAUUU "KIKALLON," A 1 and first class In avery respect. Balls from Yaqulna for tktat. Franclsoo about every 1 days. raisenger accommodations unsarpasiet Shortest route between tbo Willamette valler an Calliornlo. Kara from Albany, or points west, to But Francisce: cabin. tU; steerage, 53; cabin, round trip, good QU days, lis. Kor tailing daya apply to t ' j5V U WAtUEN, Agent Albany, or, QUA8. OLAR1C, Sapt., OorvalllJ, (K, feDWIN HTOMK,MAnager, porvatlU, Qf . A.JX. OltOHOHlLUSUMal Agent, rUlem SALEM TILE WORKS. LARQElSTOOK ON HAND BpeoUl lnduoemnU'oerod. Shipped 'tfll' point on short notice. Bend for prlco. YorrU.wtk Hales.. . Addrea J. K, MUBPJi i , Jb"lr Grounds, Or SALEM WATER CO, Officei WihWtte Hotel Bulldlrf', For watartervUe apply at po.B 1PT; obtoaonthfy In advanoe. Make all comi plalnu at the ooe. , . IrrtMon months-June, July. August ana IrrieattonbUlspAyable oa or befera of July. Htreet wrtBkllBa; posttlvelv torblddfj jr. a GRIJFFITI1, ! " Officat Corner CoHrt nnel :commereiai npaUirs. All work guaranteed. Wtgw,1.? aa the lowest. " jr. J". HARKIN8, Horse. Shoeing hopatl80 Ofiamekats street, near pom? mereua, Hfetol attaaUoa to Interfering tt V lioswHh dlaswiea Mt. I' Through L Tickets BiABT