w 1! i H I 1 M SSs! ISOFI Discusses ike Mney QnHesttoi Ably. THE CA11SS 0F FALLING PJ '" ! ' : A MiUjlerly Mdvm JVIUcli Mil lions;Sh6Hld&(h Outluuod from Saturday' Journal. Iu all biialtieso trauaactlouu between citlzans of dlfierotit countries, It is tbe weight and fineness of tho gold con tained u a coin and uot tbe u&mo.or mint value, that Is glveu It by law that determined Ita purchasing power. Oji gold eajjlo would be worth Just as much for all purposes of foreign trade, If it wus liiolted Into an Irregular com without tlio e'gii of a atarap of our mint upon II, nud It U In lt more per fect frm, ami bu Iu fat It would le worth substantially the ame at home, In ono form as the oilier, for If melted down the owner otild t ike It to the mini and have It rocolned without ex pennoto himself. KTheouty practical purpose that I fceuured by coining nold In any country Is to determine tho weight and flue nea of ueparute pieces without the necessity of welghlugaud ascertaining tuo degree of their llnenees each time they are exchanged for something else, and oven this purpoao la large trans actions Is not wholly attalncd,for those engaged In them always Insist upon weighing tho coins uued, and give and take thorn in tholr valuo in wolght instead of their face value, as represented by tho stamp of the mint at which thoy were coined. -Oold being the slnglo standard at the present time of most of the com-' merclal countries of the world, it Is evident the supply of that metal Is wholly inadequate to meet the re quirements of business for a circulating medium, and hence the necessity for what la known aa credit money, that is money that must be redeemed with gold when demanded. This you will readily understand compels the government or corporation lMuing this class of money, to make provision for Its redemption by keep ing on band a supply of gold that is deemed sulUcieut to moot their obliga tions in this respect, and in this way ft very great demand the world over Is necessarily created for thla ono metal. Iu our country, whllo we have no law upon the subject, custom has been established and adhered toby both Republican and Democratic ad ministrations to keep on deposit iu the national treasury at all times to meet the governments obligations, one of which Is the redemption of Its out standing treasury notes, at least one hundred million dollars in gold; and to seoure to all forms of currency that cir culate as money equal valuo, tho cus torn has beon extended so as to Include tho redemption of silver certificates, that upon their faco aro mado redeem able with sliver dollars. Boon after tho demonetl ration of silver by this and other countries, the two metals, gold and silver began to separate in value, and this has gradu wily Increased until now the silver bul lion in a. silver dollar is worth but little more than one-half the gold in a gold dollar. 8laco wo demonetised silver, con gress baa at times made temporary provision for Its coinage to a limited extent and under these provisions fill yer dollars have been coined, so that we now have au actual circulation, or ou deposit In tho treasury of the United Btatev, foucor five hundred millions of these dollar that circulate ho lar as they are in use at par with gold, pay just as many debts In all or dinary buslneM transactions of the uuttseajbuy Just aa muah property and answer every requirement In our dally afialra that the same number ef gold dollars would do, and these silver colas r wither by law or cuMom ftdeew- Jele Iu g-oW. Tbilr further coinage, however, has be MMtttly stopped, and there b, w jkrasl understand, no provWoa or law by which we are likely to add to prwt voluaM of coined silver dollars, or to ewr silver wrtileatea as part of Ut yV"f ewrenoy trf th ootwtry. Indeed a determined eflort by many leaders In both of the great political putles Is already being made to secure tho withdrawal from circulation of both treasury notes and silver certifi cates and aubbtltuto for them some lorm of credit money, to be Issued by banking associations, tho excuso fr this being that It Is Impossible for tho government to maintain tho surplus of one hundred millions In gold In tho treasury so long as every one Id at liberty to present these notes aud cerll- catea far redemption and demand their paymeat Iu gold Much. IS being said by financiers and nnUMriann about the necessities of maintaining a sound currency of equal exchangeable value, whether pold, sil silver or paper, and to uccorapllsb this, the custom has been established, as I have beforo explained, to redeem all paper currency preaoLted ut tho treas ury with gtld, althougti stiver ctrtlll uules are by their expres terms redeem' ablu in silver coin of that metul, aud to while .1 liHDtieuB fiat while Wb have more llmu ten times ua much outsluud lug paper currency au wo have gold Iu the treasury with which to icdtem It, Is ail held up to the full value or gold fur it to any ouu In any sum in which it is presented for redimptlon. This litis led the government Into f in liartutslug business complications. To obtuln the vjold necessary to maintain IU hundred mllllouHln tho treasury, It has been repeatedly compelled to bor row gold and luuo government bonds bearing Interest, thut by and by will have to be paid In gold, and In Its last transaction of this chuructcr It Is said u syndicate of bankers, part of the members of which aro members of this country and part of England, took our bonds under soma arrangements by which our syndicate was to maintain the reserve in the treasury for a given period, and under that arrangement It has ut dlfloront times within the last few weeks been compelled to furnish tho government many millions ot gold In exchange for paper currenoy. Notwithstanding tho depreciation in tho market price of Bllvor, there has certainly beon no depreciation Iu the value of gold, for the gold dollar is Just as largo now and Just as line as it was before Bllver was demonetized, and as you have seen that all forms of paper currenoy are held up to the full value of gold by the fact that they aro ro- deemed with gold by tho government, it is apparent that there could bo no de preciation in tho valuo of money of any kind, nor in tho valuo of any obligation agatnBt a responsible party that is pay ablo in mouoy. THE 0 HEAT QUESTION. The great question of tho present hour Is whothor or not tho removal of silver from our volume of standard money bos or has not onhancett tho val ue of gold, and bonce, because all paper currency Is redeeemed In gold, the valuo of very form of that kind of cur renoy. and of all obligations payable in money, and correspondingly dimin ished tho price of every other form of property and labor, of which money Is tho sole measure of ynlue. If It Is truo that by legislation or cus torn wo have largely inoroancd the wealt'i of tho creditor class ot our property owners of other kinds corre spondingly poorer, and thereby In creased the burdoUBof all who convert other property or labor Into money to meet pecuniary obligations, it is cer tainly truo that wo have beon guilty of a very gravo wrong towards it vast ma jority of our own people. Tho faot Is Indisputable that bIucc tbe demonetization of silver, thore has been ft marked decline In tho market prlco of tho great bulk of the production of labor. Nowhere has that decliue been more keenly felt than Iu the continued de pression of tho price of farm products, It cannot be denied by anyone that tho great staples of agriculture every where, that form the bulk of all our ex ports, and malutalu ft balance of lorelgn trade lu our favor bavo steadily de. ollned since silver was demonetized, until today mauy of them bring less than one-half the price they did In 1S73. "What has caused this ? Borne of the adherents to ft single gold standard tell us it is over produc tion. But the world consumes all that is yroduoed, aa It always has done and always will do. If we are te produce less, we can ac. ! compllsh IbJslln hut one way, the number ot farmers In the country rutist be reduced. Ifdrlvea out of this call ing by a condition if low pi Ices that makes their labor tinremunoratlve, where are they to go? Is It not true that every other In dustry Is already supplied? Is It not equally true, that tho products of labor In other branches of ludustry aro correspondingly ion? We must abandon this theory ,or it will work ua harm The etau richest hope of every govern ment Is found In a loyal love of coun try by those who till its soil. No people on earth can afford by adverse legislation to lessen their numbers. But another advocate of n single standard will tell us that the farmers are prosperous that year by year they are becoming tho wpallh pwuer of the land, arid iu u little whllo thoy will be money leuders Instead of monoy bor rowers. The men who talk and wrltoin tuts stnin Bit lu Bhady olllces o cushioned chairs, and If you look Into the palms of Jliejr hads, you will to they were never blistered by hoe or plow. 1 need not tell you. who cultivate tho soil In tlilf, tho very bent agricultural state of the union, that the prices you receive i for the products of your luUr urn not compensatory. You know, if others do uot, that when nature yields a reasonably boun tiful harvest the country over, every thing you produce immediately sinks lu market price, below tho actual CD8(, of production; that it takes a drouth or a famine, or a war In our own or some other land to bring prices up to a reason ably paying basis. I, at least, will not insult your Intel ligence by telling you (hat you can af ford to raise oats for twelvo cents a bushel, or corn for fifteen or sixteen, or wheat-for fifty, and yet in this very year following one In which vast sec tions of our country had little or noth ing to Bell, these are tbe prices you will probably receive for your crops. Is It not therefore, true that to you, who outnumber all other classec, who hold In your own hands tho means to correct any and every legislative wrong, the question comes with redoubled forco, What Is it that has caused tho present low prlcesof tho products of laboi? In answering this we can no longer follow In beaten paths of established fact.but wo must aubjeotltho problem.to tho test of fair and Impartial reasoning, and see If wo cannot reach conclusions that are at least satisfactory to our. selves. If by auy provision of law or other wise, tho maikets of the world for any ono of tho groat staples of ludustry should be contracted, wo would expect a corresponding depreciation In the price of the artlolo so affected. If two or moro products wero used In common, '.and substantial to the same extent to supply any one of the aoluul necessities of man, aud by law or other wise, ono should be withdrawn from tho markets, wo would expect tho other to lucroaso In value, for tho demaud for it would bo doubled, and If it was true that tho supply of tho remaining products was wholly Insufficient to meet the demand, we would oxpect it to continue to Increase until It readied au exorbitantly In tin tod value. I need not tell you there Is not gold enough In this world to supply tho wants of Its people for money; neither Is thero gold and sllvor combined suffic tout for that purpose. Is It uot apparent, If tho fiemblauce of JuBtlco was to bo done, and took away ono half the available moans of tho (Continued on third page. I Mrs. Stanford Wins. Ban Fiianoibco, Oct. 14. The United Btates court of appeals has decided lu favor of Mrs. (Stanford on the appeal takeu from the decision of Judge floss, sustaining the demurrer of Mrs. Stanford lu the suit brought against her to recoyer?15,337,000 alleged to be duo the goverument from the estate or Leland Stanford on aooount of the Central Pacific bouds. The government will now appeal the ease to the supremo court of the United Btates. A Wkm, Known Fact. 'lis a well known fact that money has wings that Is, It disappears very rapidly and It Is A very good plan to ecoaomlze. To begin wltu economize Id your cigars. Cease smoking 16 and 25 cent cigars and try the 10 cent LaCorona. It has uo equal. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castrlu In Advanced Years Hood's Saranparllla Is often of great valuo III giving tho strength so much desired. ,U, V, O, Wyraan of Saratoga, Cal had a large bunch, called a tumor, on hla rirrht breast. Ho took Hood's Barspaa rllla which gave him now life and vigor nnd tho pain and all trace ot tumor have wholly disappeared. Ho says: 'I?lvo bot tles did tho work. It la literally truo, Hood's Sarsaparilla cures. We also think Hood'a Pill the beat. llow's This! Wc offer One Hundred Dollars Rcwaiil for anv ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO. Props., Toledo, O. We die undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney (or the last $ years, and believe mm perfectly honorable in all business trans notions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm, Wmi & Truar. Wholesale Dmcclsts. Toledo, 0 Waldinc, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. .... Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, pclinc directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle, bold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Thero aro 177765 miles of railroad In tho United States. Thero aro 60,836,880 rails used to cover this ground. Thero aro 633,205. .000 ttca.used to bind those rails together, but no such amount, however, la required to bind tho hearts of tho traveling public to the tact that tho Wisconsin Central linen furnish superior facilities on all their trains botween Bt. Paul and Chicago which form close connections with all linos to the east and south. Maken notoof It. Rheumatism Is a uymptom of dUeaao of the Kid npyn. It will pertaiuly bo rolleved b Parka Huro Curo. That headache, baokaoho and tired feelliig come from the oamo canso. Ask for Purks' Sure Curo for the liver and kldnoys prlc 1.00, sold by Lunn & Brook?. 10 4w That Tired Feeling Is a cornrnon cpmplalnt and H Is a dangerous spmpton. It means thai the system is dcblll. tated because of impure blood, and in this con dition it is especially liable to attacks of dis ease. Hoods Sarsaparilla is the remedy for this condition, and also for that weakness wliilch prevails at the change of scrton, ell, mate or life. Hood's pill act easily, yet promptly and efficiently on the bowles and liver. Price 2t.c Ween Baby was sick, wo gave her Castorla. When alio was a Child, slio cried for Castorla. When she became MLss, nho clung to CaxtorU. WJea aho had Children, ilie gavo them Castorla. Call for Warrants. Notice Is hereby glvon that I have funds in hand to pay all warrants en dorsed up to Jauuury 1, 1605. Interest on sumo will stop from this date. J.VSl'EU Minto, Treasurer Marlon County, Or. ' Oct.C 1805. o 3 Removal Notice. The Salem Truck fc Dray Co. have opened a now otilco two doors west of Small's, corner Stuto nnd Commorolul streets. The comnanv bavo nut in a telephone (No 80). Orders Riven tli rough telepucne will receivo prompt attention. Air. v. T llnlinmi fnut a,I. .inni-a fiiiuininu having eoue east, Murk H, Savage wilt act in that capacity. Itlug up No, SO uyou waut any liutilluguono promtiy. 10-8-lW. fOOO Wanted. Will glvo good bo curlty aud pay 8 per cont Interest Waut money for two years. Address A. A. A., Care Journal, Balem. 10-12 3t Pitcher's Castorla Children Cry for A Chanqe. You may wish a changoof diet and if such Is your de- slro step Into our store and witness the display of cood thlUKs to he had. You will scarcely know whloh to choose. We lead for flue quality, low priced groceries. BrauBon & Co. We Never Uraq Otherwise we would tell you how many hundred cakes ot our eoap wo sell every week but wo want you to sample it once and you will use no other brand. Salem Soap and Chemloal Works. All dry goods must bo closed out by January 1, at the Palace. VIGOR '" MEN Easily, Quickly, Permanently RwUrwI. TVealineis, NrTOHisea, uctiimy, ana au me train m evils from early errors or later ezcesMa, tha results ot overwork, Mck&eu, vrarrr. etc. 1111 sireastn, uevei- opmeut and tons given to mi ate Improvement seen. ImTwtilM yiYin roferonceo. Book. MtpUuaUou and proofs malle4 (sealed) tree. EIIENEOIOALQO.,ltffftM.Y.l mms TallnrA f 71 I UA II IM Ui JCfHN HBGHES. ' Ihialci In tiroccrletfi Paints, 1 Oils, Window Iss,Yuniislics and the most complete slock ol Brushes ol nil Kinds lu tuc State. Artists' Mntcrlnls.Limc, Halicmciit and Shingles and Hncst quiilltv oi WIUSS SKKDS NLW ADVERTISEMENT.. i nbtere'w ul by returning a niio Uilsolllno, IlKHSMAK NU And nil k.nds of plain lowing al m Kony street. 1'U cs rmran am. MHM OT1CKJ. O IturlH:llioexpresmnn,lmj ,,n.nm iMib j.tnniv fiir tuo wi'OZP. and STiIi ins h.nk runclv lor liuslness Oct: 2J... Ue- sfrvo your buslueas for Mini, UBt Wi u nil l'i AN'1'Kll.-At once, nyounff g'rl Jn ilo Unlit h use work, A jinly corner Winter 'orry HtrMt JI-lUiV Ib' you luve n Bhirt cow to triido for n gentle uo-eo.coeU fo' eutrlago or liny ollirr -nrlr. lllrircu 1 K. thlg OfflC0. Ml i r a aires gooa level mini iu nun itouij, lUU KebriikH,otnnteror land iienrsa ll ill WIHH rANU CU.. Jupitueao fr'Huay Dieting downs, JQ. OooilH, Mlc fireons, UnlURWure, Twi, Mattings. Uoder-clolluni. Kveryiniog ciiwqi. hj wiuu., """"',, vj';1" bouse. 0-18-liu -Hilt!) HULA MlJOWKLL,toiouer of voice 01 culture, aio High st V ll'illl y-.ilKiM'ii an muikwuk Llteruiure or ml I ! blnrfann .ulii f.ntl lllirlttllllll rtallltlOa sor ylnos at 8M l.lborty iitreet. ooniwr UUnui eketn f. FlHtliiill. AonspliperAdVfrtulug Agent, i. 21 Morclinuta' Kxohange, San r.uiolsco. U our nuthorlsod agent, 'ibis paper Is uepl on ninln lilmillliw. C"iAni'kl'TAt'.itLurge lot or Uiwvy brown J wranpluu paiH' Tor niilo cheap. Just lh thing for putting undBrcarptiU. Call at Jour- iiri ninco. I TnmmnniKl Hau Krancisoopiipornou aa o at liopra lomifl- i.lftrk f Ul' .1 iu nil, luiua iiir U'litllll 1V1 P.Mt omen In-lit. .1UI1 KALiK OHKAf-.Oll li)ilg till") o- .lull Knm-i i.,i- . .'m '" - mnt&aiiroanli-.l-u lund 111 W Si t-nKm Good, largo homo ami brn; vnrlciy ol b -ii Ing fruit trees. I'lotty ol urn It null, g -water and ii nures timber. Addrns box Ii-i Halom. "1 ' UUtfS nn Improve 1 6-nuru Ir ct nit 3l)UU miles kout hut ttwu tsinvi n u IIICBMIUIIIDI UWil Ollll lLqulreot i-n ga', ve and bnru n a. an. ii a . . OlliL.L,A nubUAl Vrt IIP 'H "g ' O cnintiiercl.il sliuojraphy. tlllleo, ro -II, Orny block. The oeal .-f if or uo.ibmI ii MiuabtiMloi. " nr.va JN TO lit VI i: or hi or l -in Y lor hny anil oata, n g ' I t r-n w ipiOvtoO K I'livni-. pull -il ii ''"! ' MONEY TO LOAk On farm land security. Special intra on largo loans, i-oann con-ilderod without delay. HAMILTON A Mill It. .l I .1 k l-lillOllltl DRESSMAKING SUW OLUVKNOUR, from rorl'nnd. has opened dressmHblng I Par lors In the Kidrldgo block, tiuaiulra uoxtdooi to Oherrlngton'a gallery. litater..nnd llcea-i suits a specially. Ol'Jltn' W.!A.:cosrcK 1'iesldent. J, 11, AI.HKHT. Uasbler.H Capital Natal Bank, OK SALEM. Transncls a general banking business, B. M. WAITE nilNTING CO,, mn Tfin nnixmui iiW dUD AND Legal Blank Publishers. Hash's New Krlnk.nver thetinnk.rnm'l stri GEO. FJUXDItlCJI'S MEAT MARKET. 331 Commercial st. ICottlo blook.lj fHuosessor to O. ai. lieekft Uo.l Ujr Ilosl meals In the oily, 1'romptdelTvery at lowest nrioea RED FRONT LIVERY AND STAQB UN1M. ltcd Front Livery and Boarding Stable. Flrstclass In every reaped, l'rlces reasonable. 11 II. Wkstaoott, proprietor. UAIUYBTAC1E UNK3. Following stages arrive aud depart dally, Mllvcrton sugs nrnves at 10 n. in., leave at itu . i i'uio IU W 14 1 ft lUilaasUg, arrive nt lOn. in., leaves ntt Indepondouce stage arrlvei nt 10:30 a. m " ..,- .... iiia F. M. Steel lKCOMUKUCIAliBT. Mliiocry anil Bicycle Repair Klectrlca" jeHiaml Murtlirii n,n.. lir,,'-B.mi,i.Dyuni08antl utr built and repaired. All work done in the best manner. a ape- Nerve Blood Tonic Builder , Ba4fbi OMcrlpllv puutiUltt Dr. WILUAJIS' MELIONEC0.. (Of. yerbox. CMrri.39. otnencciaay,r(.Yi axdfirockTtUetOa WAM i:l- An At 'ft'ly rook nt,,Jll'l,S orT-Auoulm-lianolrti tKtiii.uii or ne.r .....i.:. ...,.,. h'lnilnr will tcre'vo Mill Mr trrnr,vrm mM& wSmSSkSw 1! lIlon Rn Soto 1 s '.T..NK.I IN- ClIAXXJiyG'H HAM -ON- )T 6, will rtrelve children Irom 3 years niiwards. ., ,Li..i iiantinn to bee nuers. All dos rert rM'cv'iii ,,....-..- - - -. . vnnordniOMdlnKlo Ua ow.i capacity. For nllou, Twentloili nd Clirniermla tAma nn nnriicuiiirMiiuiiij w ..in v. . Willamette University, BAhFM, 0IIK0ON. Oldest Iratltnllon of learning lu tho ytatOj Kull preparMtory nnd rollrgiulo course. Toui Snrol' mint for fail 5. -101 ""doo.penBea moderate. New gmnaslum. Klrty-sccond year beulns Hept. 17, U91. tor Informal ion or rntniojuo andress gOJtwllw I'realdent. If you love your boy give him tho moat val able of nil g lt,lfiobest education possi ble There is no belter place tlian Jir. ANQEli. OR. Bchool cotnpieie in every respect. Pptendid stnll orteacliors. excellent inca's, beaulirui nud htalthy loeatlon, constant care and strlol itisclplluo, and tosta but J20 a month. 88 1m German Lessons .I...... n I.. 1.aa n.m., II. I, A tl II rl H tT IllA riVAIUUl III viarni-a. Hi- Hi'J nii.w uw..w ,,"" lay or vfnlug tosult oonvcnloucn of pnplu. i ....u riiA iu.. i..i.n f-irtbinanflivAnrttinrfl. cilim,tivu ,'UI II rrvu, .mddvh .. . w w. --, Me per pupil. (Jerniun Balurday school for ".iiuiuii ut iIil Cliannlug hall, corner Chem- (rLimiil rulir.gHta., fromUloUa in. and mill I to I ii, in Terras, toe per nvutli. I my iiiciilloti ua 1 1 win born ana caucaveu Kl-rmnuy. mill hold n ucrman teachers' rtlltnite fioin tim I'rntsan government, uu HiHitl.or .ii'in tlniM. l-mils public school, MKH.W.A.ii.HAi'HU. 451 Marlon at. CoiMvi't'utoi'i Work. Dr. Purvlu, dl ector and teacher of niiino, Itullau Hltigliig harmouy arid iliH.i lu.ic.lil ii(. As-tinted byMls3 Anna ICrebi, tcnelicr of pluno, organ, guitnr, violin mid zither. Mm. J. il. tibarrt, lencher of piunn, nrraii nnd elmtlug. Muslo rooms ut the reuldonco of J. It. Hhurp, tiulern. Leave orders at the Allcu's or WIHb' itiuulo store. Mrs. C. JIT. Ogle will reopen ho KINDERGARI EN In His Congregational church parlor on Blpt M. o 10-i-m DRAIN, OUKdO.N. Write for catalogue. IX)U1B UAltZKE, 872m Prenldant BANJO LESSONS. Ulvon ou rcnsonabl6 terms by nn experienced teacher. W.A.UAlVtBY, 451 Marlon it, WELL DRILLING Contracts wanted nt roasouible prltea. Work guaranteed. Iteroroaoi las to experi ence ami resjionslblllty;iurnUhea, Write 1'. I.. KtriZKH. Palem. Dei or. JOHN8TANLKV. 'JJIMZMEA STANLEY A MEAD, STEAM WOOD SAW itt,&w?rk,..JjOwl;,ri00'' Leave oideraat 11.11. Weslaoott'a stable, baokor I'.O. B-H.tl MILTON RHODES, Practical Upholsterer. All kinds of work made to order. Hepalrlugn specialty. 1W Court street, Balem, Or. IIi. CONTMIS, ffTK Parlors Over Gray Bros. WOLZ'S MARKET. Fresh.'salted and smoked MeaU and' Bau. l'K''Kerotor meats in best iha?)" lieptlaanAIlooenest, eastern style. Sfei delivery. Bouih Commercial street? ' OlIAB. WULZ, lYop. Remember Cy Stewart iThe Coooer. CHEAPEST. Salem. 1EST, OREfiON., III l lri II I IN) JW . .... lM..1fSI. lnrSU mr ' mcdoling" .nu.ib."plalS ana "?.- 'cniiX worK. Uork done on ll ... r.. lint til nnp nnnin snuwisi iuiii u va- nniviiiiuii ii nil. iu imim -.. t km College, Tliroug :4? weT0v T0 T,iIi -VIA THK . Union Pacific System Tlirough.Kuliman Palace Blcooers T.m.i . Bleoperaaud KroeUlccllnlni rcualr tit. ?.'," PORTLAND to CHICAGO Our trains are heated by, steniu nn,i . lighted by I'lutsch light. Rl"1 """ Tlmo to Chlcano, HU days. rime to New York, 'm days. Which la many hours quicker than all (,, petlto s. '"" . For rales, tlmo tables and 'ull lnrormwi,m ' ; Agents, Bainn.Mf It, W. DAXTKU, (Jeuenil Agent. IKS Third st., loitlund. k Ea'st: and South via THE o'ri'A'STA ROUTE of, thi Southern Pacific Comoanv, OALirortrA!iiiruit3 thaIji hum iuii.i k twkkw yoiiTl.Ano Ami a. r, South. " i hi- tk6Ur.ni. IIAO p.m. t'ortlaud Balem Ar.i 8: Lv. ei IKIU... IiV. ukio s.m, a.rnj Ar.H Han Fran. tt)a.i e.ooi-, ,u Above trains stop at Kail Portland, Or. pgon City, Woodburn.Bsloui.Turncr.Mirlou. Jeltorsou, Albany. Altxiny Junction. IrrlDt. Cugene, Oreswcll.Uratns and all sutlouiiroui mwebura to Ashland lucluslvn "llOHBIIUllCJMAlL DAILY, "" 190 a. m. ILv. lortlnnd Ar.MWp.m 11 ut) a. m I Lv. Holeru Lv. 'xu j.. 91 p. in. ) Ar. Itoseborg l.v. i 8r w ) HOUtll SAX.KM lAHHKajCIl, :io p. m. Lv. I'oiUand. Ar. e;16 p. ni. I Ar. Baldm. Lv i.nTT lUDs-ei. Dining Cars on Ogtfou EUuto PUMANfcBUFFET SLKBPilRS ANU Second Class Slueoin Cars Attaohed to all thh)U;h trains. vYtstSide DMsiod. Between him 'id DAII.T (EXCEPT HUNnATl. 7;aU u. ru. I Lv. laiSp. m. I Ar. ToTuana Oorrallls Ar.l Lv.l tt.'AI p. Ql IM p. K At Albany ana Corvnllls oonneot wilt trains of Oregon Central & Kastern IUIlrwiL mXVUtUHTHAlti (DAILY JCXCEfTBPWPAV ZL2 rVtS p. m." 7:25 p. mi Portland MeMlnnvllle Ar. Lv. e:a.iu b-JOa.m Ar. THROVCIU TICKETS To 'all point In tbe Knttrn States, Canar and Europe can be obtained at lowest rout from W. W. UKINMKU, Aeent, tslem. K.P. I100KK3. AHUti. r. and fasi.Att K. KOKlLLKIl, Manaonr Oregon Central 'AND Eastern R. R. Co YAQUINA BAY IIOUTK.1 "Connecting at Yaqulnn. Bay with IbeBsu Franolsooaud Vftfiumallay Hteamslilp (M, BTKAUKll "KlUAbUON," , A I and first class In every respect; Balls from Yaqulna for Ban Kranclsoo about every days. Passenger accommodations unsurpatst Shortest route between the Willamette valler an California, Fare from Albany, orlpolnts west, to H Pranolsce: Cabin, tvi; steerage, ; cab I a. round trip, good txJ days, JIH. Korialllng days apply to ir.Ii.WALUKN.Agmt Albany, or, OHAJB.ODAUK.8npt., OorvallU.i EDWIN 4TONE,Mauager, Oorvaills, ( A. J. OIIUnaiIlUi.rxMAl Agent. Hsiam SALEM TILE WORKS, tAIlQE3TOOK ON nANl) Bpeelal Inducements oaered. Bhlpped to(l point on abort notice. Bend for prices. Yawta, North Halem. - . AddrW J. B, MUKPHY, Kalr Grounds, or SALEM WATER CO. OtTicei Willamette Hotel Bulldin". Kor waUr service apply at offlce. .Bills psy able monthly in advance. Wake alt coun plalnU at the oinoe. . , Irrigation months-June, July. August ana September; honrs-fl to 8 a. m., 6 to l P. Irrigation bills payable oa or before tneiii of J ulv. Street sprlnsllng positively forbldtfea j; a GJtiFjriTJi, Offlce: Corner Court and. ICommorctat U npstatrs. All work suarantotU. Prices low as the lowest. 09l't sT. JT. HARK INS, Horse shoeing BhonatiW OheaiekeU atreet, near Oonv 1 inerelal. Bpeelal attention to Interfering aua hofs4vrUh aua4rt, EAST l! '. M