Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, October 12, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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'rheAMx!t4jrieMl)llyjoHiJ 1 mail.
, j WpfMjerttNgreadiiNiaU j. '
VOL. 8.
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Asuoolated Press .
Dally Capital Journal
8S o a Month
UiKcusst'S (ho Money Question
A Miwlcrly Address Whlcli
lions Should Bend.
AtthoLako District Fair at Butb.
ven, Palo Alto county, la., ex-Goy.
Botso deltyored the following addrceB:
Ladles and gentlemen:
Tbo subject of my address may seem
to many of you difficult to understand,
and consequently uninteresting.
I did not select It wllb the expecta
tion that I could amuse by lta discus
sion, but because I believe It more di
rectly concerns your personal Interests
and tbe wolfuro of our state and tbe
nation tban any otber of n public char
acter with wbloli the American people
will be called to deal 'in tbe neur
It lias been well said that tbe cur.
renoy of a country la Its llfo blood,
It necessarily follows that tocontum
lnato It Is to taint the vitals of tbo
nation through whose arteries It cir
culates, and to contract it Is in a busi
ness eenso to weaken tbe heart throbB
of tbo commonwealth from whoso
veins it Is recklessly .withhold.
No people can long bo prosperous
without currency that is sound In
quality and ample in quantity.
Monoy is purely an artificial thing, a
creature of law, and the source of all
law In this country Is the will of tbe
people expressed by the votes of their
electors at tlio polls; - j
It is plain therefore, that thoso upon
whom tbo elective francbiso is con
ferred are directly responsible for the
character of currency with which the
nation Is supplied.
How necessary then, that thoso upon
whom this grave responsibility Is lm
noted should fairly comprehend the
elementary principles upon which our
currenoy Is based, and upon which it is
to be anally and firmly established.
If in what I am going to say I can
aid you or any of you in acquiring a
better understanding of this great ques
Shall we call It a double charm?
Nothing can be more charming tban
fine footwear, because It Is a charm
felt as well as seen. As to tbli matter
we feel convinced that no stock of sum
mer shoea can be finer tban ours, and
that nothing in Balem approaches our
display in style, quality or price. Our
shoes are far too cheap to make it toler
able to wear baok-numbera or shoes
that are mostly uppers. Our high-class
footwear presents the height offashlou
una Insures cool comfort and absolute
ease for the feet, fibre are shoes for
all occasions and occupations, in and
out of town, pleasure or bUBlnees, work
or outing; and they are besides a revel
ation of Tow prices,
a" -sfr . 3 . CO .,
Dabney & White, Props.
Glassware, Underwear, Table Linen, Overalls,
Hosiery, Woodeuware,Towellng, PnWi
Shirts, Umbrellas, Gloves, oa
NTnllnnii nf all tflndi. Tinware,
tlon, so that in the discharge of your
duties as American citizens, you will
bo ablo to exercise the Influence you
possess lu a way to promote the wel-
laro oi mo masses of our people, and
thereby lusuro the permanenoy and
add to the glory or our Institutions, my
reward will bo complete.
Lot us begin this discussion then,
with the Inquiry,
What Is money?
If I Bhould hold up before you a na
tional bank note, thellko of which you
constantly handle in tho transaction of
your business, and ask if it is money,
many oi you wouiu probably answer
In the affirmative.
If you should tako it, however, and
carefully read what it says, you would
aoe I bat Instead of being monoy it is a
mere promise of tbe bank issuing it to
pay monoy.
In a legal sense It dooi not differ es
sentially 'from a promissory note mado
by an individual.
It circulates as monoy because under
our currenoy system, tbe bank Issuing
It is required to keep on deposit with
the secretary of tho treasury United
Btates bonds to secure tho payment
of all notes which it is permitted to
Issue, and In caie of a failure of the
bank, tbo general government redeems
these notes, and thereby to the oxtont
ueceseary, cancels tbo bonds deposited
as security for their payment.
Tbo objection mainly vjuyrd against
tins form of currency Ujim'the bonds
which tho bank la requtrul to deposit
draw Interest and this tbo bank col
lects ns it falls due, and also Issues Its
ollls or notes such as I liavo described
up to ab ut tbo faco value of tbe bonds
deposited, and these bills It furnishes
to its oustomers on interest bearing
Ttio result is that tho people pay
these bunks interest op (heir capital
Invested In their business, aad tbey
collect from their customers interest on
tho bills or notes they are allowed to
Issue on the strength of the capital
It la however, true that they furnlMi
a circulating medium that is entirely
safe and sound, and If there Is no
cheaper way of obtaining suoh a cur.
renoy, the people of this nation could
notaflordto give it. up, notwithstand
ing the fact that under our laws not
meut of any debt, and no mnu can
bo compelled to accept it unless he
chooses to do so.
(Oontluucd oa locond paeo-)
Electics. There will be a call
ed meeting of the state Eolcctlo Medic
al association held at tbe office of Dr.
W. B. Mott, this city, Monday after
noon, October I4tb, for tbe purpose of
arranging for tbe meeting of the na.
tlonal association which is to bo held
lu Portland next summer.
Ministers' Meet-inci. Tbo minis
tsnal meeting of this city will be held
next Monday at 10!30 at the Y. M. C.
A. rooms.
Window Bhades, Bpap,
Oranlteware, "r;
Boys' Clothing, Matches
a-Prloe our Goods
3 rt
Si P
t J q U
' ' SI'S 0
mg O
If) 'M 8
- And for Tablets and Slates Never so Cheap
Arkansas' Executive in a
Governor Clurko Feebly Supports
Judgo Dufllo.
Little Rook, Ark., Oat, 12,-Gov-ernor
Clarke has been examining the
law to prevont prizefighting. Tho gov
ernor's pronuuciamento, which is in
favor of preventive measures, is re
garded as final. The governor will
hold himself ready to co-operate with
Judgo Duffle, of the Hot Bprlngs dis
trict, should It appear that the local
authorities fall to impress upon the
lighters and their baokers with sufflo
lont force the propriety of deolaring
the fight oil.
In addition to notifying President
Btuart, of tbe Florida Athletic Club,
by mall, of his determination, Gover
nor Clark today telegraphed Corbett
and Fltailmmona as follews:
"I am advised by the press dis
patches that it la your purpose at an
oarly date to engage in a prizefight
in this etate. The purpose of this Ib
to inform you that such an act Is In
violation of our laws and in aflront to
tbe sentiment of a state's pride ontor
talned by our our people. It will tboro
foro not be possible for you to accom
plish any suoh purpose, and any at
tempt on your part to do so will subject
you to penalties and to troatmont that
I am aura will bo highly dlstastoful to
you. I do not at this tluio know in
detail all tho complications In which
you may lie Involved in any such at
tempt, but I am well enough advised of
tbe nature and extent of tbe power and
authority with which you find your
self confronted to say that it wilt prove
sufficient to defer yqu from engaging lu
a prizefight in Arkansas. This Is
enough for you to know. Thoqucstlon
so fur as it relates to you docs not now
call for a citation of tbo construction of
statutes or other rules of law. In the
prtsent state of publlq opinion, prize
fighters bayo no rights which those in
authority are bound to respect."
Little Rock, Oot. 12. Governor
Clarke's letters to Judge Duller, Sheriff
Houpt and Dan Btuart, together with
telegrams to Jim Corbett and Bob
Fitzslmmons was given to the public
last night. Tbo subject is getting much
discussion here today. Bcntlment here
at Hot Bprlngs Is overwhelmingly In
favor of tbe contest. It is well known
here that personaly Governor Clarke la
not violently opposed to the proposed
contest. He is quoted as having said
recently that seven-tenths ot the people
of Arkansas wanted tbe fight, and twe
tenths are Indifferent, and all the
clamor against It came from tbe other
tenth. When Judge Duffer brought
the matter to the governor's attention
officially, however, he was obliged to
Austin, Tex., Oct. 12. A well
kuown spoiling man of this city saya
there is but one place on the American
continent where the Corbett and Fitz
slmmons flKht can be pulled off and
that Is New Laredo, Mexico. He adds
that some throe weeks ago tho Florida
Athletic club signed papers to baye the
light in the bull ring al New Laredo,
and up to this hour tiavd not asked
for a release from the contract.
New Oara Ordered.
Chicago, Oot. 12. Fifteen thousand
new cars ordered for Chicago railroads
or their branch connections this year
Is an Indication of tbe strong tide in
business. With tbo orders there have
been others for ISO locomotives. These
orders for cars aud locomotives are tbe
greatest placed by the combined Chi
cago roads since two years preceding
tbe panio of 1893.
Stole Haifa Million.
PiTTSKUIto, Oct' 12. Bensatloual de
velopements contluue as a result of tbe
Investigation of tbeanalraof tbe city
attorney by tbs sub-committee of tbe
city council. Attorneys have already
fliured the shortage at 1100,000. and
said city looses at leost 1500000. The
Investigating committee revuwttd tbe
council to Institute criminal proceed
ings against the city attorney and bis
auUtant and at Monday' meetang tbe
office will probably be declared vacant.
Proceedings of tho, Sosslon Now
HokLiag atJalom
Rev. W. B. Ho't, of Portland was el
ected Mr. Mllllgan'BBUcccttior.
Revs. F. G. Btrange of Ashland, and
E. J, Thompson of Corvallls, and Elder
C. 0. Strong of Portland were appointed
a commute nf visitation 1 1 Albany col.
lego for 1805-00. f
Rev. W. H. Lautoa of Bau AdbIcuio
Seminary, sent a cpmmuulcatlon of
interest concerning the prosperity of
the seminary.
Dr. A. J. Drown of New York (tout his
resignation upon the board of directors
of tho theological eemluary of Cali
fornia; also his resignation upon church
history commltto of Oregon; these were
Rev. Dr. Kantncr, of the Congrega
tional church, was made a correspond
ence member of tho synod.
Rev. P. O. Hetzlor, of the American
Bible society, addressed the synod and
was well received.
Rev. Edmunds preeouted his report
on "Aid for Colleges." Peudlug the
adoption of this report much Interest
was elicited In eefereuco to Albany col
lege. The president oft the collego pre
sented a strong paper,' showing tho ub
soluto necessity of the synod taking,
aotlve and iratnedltae measures to In
sure tho pormauent success of the .col
lege' President W.VH. Lee spoke In
reference to Albany and tho cauno of
education which Itho 1'resbytcrlun
church Is fostering, t
The uarative of the! work in Southern
Oregon was road at the eyeulng session
and It was of muoh Interest,
The Presbytory of the Willamette
presented tho questidn to the syned:
"la an luaotlve elder! ollglblo to n no.
sltton on permanent) committee?" Re
ferred, j
Dr. F. H. Gwynoe, snodlcul mis
sionary, made his Report, and stated
that there had been 015 additions to
tho home mission churches during tbe
yoar on professorof faith. Dr. Gwytine
was re-elected aynodjleal missionary for
tbo ensuing year, t
Revs. John Morrjson, of Pertluud:
and E. J. Thompsoyof Corvallls, aud
W. M. L&dd, ofPonladd, wero elected
trusteeraof the thcologloal seminary
of Ban Francisco for thrco years.
Rev. Robt McLoan, of Grants Pots,
addressed the largo and attontivo au
dience lu the evening on tho subject of
the necessity of ministerial education.
Dr. E. P. Hill, of First church, Port
land then followed upon tho subject
of forolgn missions Dr. Hill speaks
without notes, and is easy,' convincing
logical and pleasing.
The evening exercises tonight will be
tbe subject of home mlrslouB by a
number or speakers. Onlyafow min
utes will bo alloted to each.
Roy. W. M. RoblnBou, of tho Synod
of Iowa, who arrived with his .family
last night, appeared upon tho floor of
the By nob aud wasluvltod to alt as n
corresponding member. Tho Byod was
informed by telegram of tho death oi
Roslyn McKlnley, a sou of Rev. G. A.
MoKlnley, of Pendleton. The young
man was stricken with paralysis yes
terday and died this morning, The
Synod bowed in profound sorrow for
the affliction of their brother aud was
led in prayer by Key. Thos. Boyd, D.
D. A minute was drafted by tbe com
mittee on reselutlona concerning tho
removal of Reu. J. V. Mllllgan from
the Bynod. Resolution of hearty ap
proval of tbe Occident were adopted
and tbe Bynod pledged 1U assistance
In promoting lta circulation.
Reports from tbe various commltees
were beard on tbe work of tiie benovo
Ient boards of tbe church and adopted.
The report of the commltto on foreign
mlssldns was yery full and complete,
with m report ot tbe work of tho mis
sionary to the Chinese, Rev. Dr. Holt,
of Portland. These reporty show that
the work of tbe church haa been proBe
outed with commendable zeal and
The Sunday program consists of a
sermon by tbe moderator, Rev, W. O.
Forbes, at the Presbyterian church, the
Synodlcal commuulon serylcea at tbreo
p m. The Bynod will adjourn this
This evonlngs services will be devot
ed to home mission. There will be
short sploy speeches by tbreo or four of
the members of the Bynod. An Inter
esting and profitable service is aasured.
The public la cordially Invited to at
tend, m i
RiaiiT Face. W. H. Oiborn, the
opera house grocer, haa made a "right
face" movement and now occupies tho
main front room of that building on
tbe ground floor.
m nn? irnrnn
rt "-
South Dakota's Treasurer Is
Democratic Mormons Aro to JUo
Pikrkk, 8. D , Oot.12 Tho supreme
oou rt today bunded down a decision In
thocneootW.' R.Taylor, tho default,
lug stiito treasurer; Tho sonteuco is
out down to two years, and is to begin
August II.
Affairs in Ooroa.
Wasiunqton, Oct. 12. Admiral
Carpenter, lu command of tho Asiatic
Bquadroou, called the navy doportuicnt
today that tho ailnlrs lu Seoul aro in a
very disturbed titnto, nnd that the
olHcorB of what Ib known as tho "Klugs
Party" havu taken refuge In the United
Stales legation buildlug.
It is reported that Admiral Carpen
ter sayri, "(ho queen of Core.t h"B been
uBsasltmted at tho urgent demand of
tho United Slat" ctmrgo d'ttlklrvs at
Admiral Carpoutor says, tho marine
guard of tho orulscr YorKtowu, In the
harbor of Chemulpo, was sent to Seoul
or tbo protection of tho legation and
American luturcslH generally. Ab to
further protection ho has ordorcd the
gun boat Petrel to prscocd from Chce
Foo to Chemulpo without delay.
Utah Politics.
Salt Laicb, Oct. 12. A serious
complication Is likely to como up in
tho political nditlrs of Utah. It Is
rumored that two promluent caudl.
(lutes ou tho Democratic tlckot have
bcondUulpllucd by tho priesthood for
participating lu politics. A meotiug ol
tho Democrat lo territorial committee
has been called for Monday next, and
another Dumoeratlo convention tuny bo
In a Recent Riot Eotweon Turks
and Armsnlan'fl.
Constantinople, Oot. 12. Advices
from Troblzaud says 2oo persons woro
killed or wounded during tho rioting
between tho Turks aud Armenian's.
Atiikns, Oot. 12. Tho Greek consul
al Trublzouo, Armenia, bus sent n re
port to ids government that 400 per
sons woro killed or wounded during
tho recent conflicts thuro between tho
Turks and Armeuluu's.
A Floneor Htrlcken.
Undo Guy Gibson, an old settler
living botweeu here and Aumsvllle,
wassttloken with paralysis Thursday
morning aud at last account, was uu.
able to moyo or speak. Ho had a
Blight stroke sumo weeks ago but it bad
almost disappeared until this morning.
Ho has been very feeble, Tho Btroko
was not asurprlso to thoso famllllar
with his condition. Guy Gibson la the
father of Policeman Dee. Gibson, of
Acquitted. Yesterday A. Kloln,
of tbla city, was arrested on charge of
treapawdng upon tho premises of Mr.
Urunk, of Polk county, by limiting
upon his grounds, and was taken to
Independence for trial. P, H. D'Aroy
and Mr. O'Donald aoted as bin attor
neys, and this morning wiien tho trial
came oil Mr. Klein was discharged.
W. F. Wado manager of tho Western
Union Tolegruplt company,wos sum
moned as a witness, and the boys
all returned this afternoon rather
elated over their success, though tho
cabo was somewhat of uu annoyance.
Oard or Thanks.
Mr. aud Mrs, F. W. Iluottner wish
to thank their friends for tho very
kindly Interest and helping hands
made manifest on the occasion of the
burial of their dear child, The many
flowtra were especially appreciated.
Lkq Bbokk. Word has been re
ceived by A. E Parker, of Euglowood,
that his oldert son had tho misfortune
last evening to breuk his leg. He was
closing a heavy barn door, wbon it full
from its fastenings with the above ro
Bult. Mr. Parker has gouo over, and
will probably take his son to the farm,
near Mcmlnnvllle.
Children Cry for
Pitohr' Caittrl,
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
Installations Conducted am AU
Night Sections.
Farmers about Aurora are complain
ing that Philip aud Kola Nies aie
cancollug hop contracts made this year.
Thoy contracted hops early at 7j to 12
cents, from one to five year contractu,
for purposes of speculation. Now that
hops aro away below the figures they
engaged hops at they are throwing up
tho bargains. In some cases they are
uot only refusing to take the hops but
aro demanding a return of tbe picking
money. Other companies and buyers
seem to bo keeping their agreement.
The hop market is demoralized. Only
3 cents Is offered on consignment.
Thos. Pomeroy of Mebania refused to
soil on thoso tormsy He haa a fine crop
or tlila year hops, and a still fiber one
of last year, but will hold them. The
business is badly demoralized but must
surely tuko a turn for the better.
Mrs. Marlon B. Baxter,
Tho above-named lady Is one of the
foremont speakers in the ranks of the
National W. O. T. U., and leader of the
noon-day meetings in the Woman's
Templo, Chicago. She is making a
short trip to tho coast, and our people
have urged her to return for she will
speak noxt Sabbath at tho Friends'
ohurob, at Highland, In tho morning
tt 10:80 aud at tho Methodist church
In tho evening. Evening topic, "Bool
ety As It Is."
Every man and woman is Invited to
biar hor,und It Is hoped that tbe Meth
odist church will bo packed to over,
There will be a collection taken up at
tho oloso of the addrew, and this col
lection will go for the work in Oregon.
She will also leoture Monday evening,
tbo place and time to be announced
Mrs. Baxter will also speak at the
U. B. ohuroh in Yew Park Monday
eveulng. Her subject U not yet an
(ouncut'. Persons wishing to meet
Mrs. Baxtor can find her at 182 Btate
To Fit
Dr. Wnrnor's Coralino Cor
sets rtro mado to fit, to
fit ovory variety of figuro
tall, short, Blonder, stout, oxtra
long, long, medium and short
waiBtcd. Call ut storo und got
a book or chart which tells just
what corot ib mado especia ly
for you. See models in our
corner window.
Union Suits
Seamless, glovo-fitting. Ask
for thorn.
GOLD . .
. . SEAL
mackintoshes. Guaranteed ab
solutely froo from shoddy.
Mado of tho host Old Para
Rubber. Dont pass tho
$3 ones,
S'l onos,
5 ones,
N, B. Scad oi yoar null order for prcfrf' tem,
-LateU U. S. Gov't JUpott
We print the speeoh of Ex Gov.
Horace JBoiea or Iowa oa the money
question. Mr. Bolee Is a wealthy at
torney of Waterloo, Iowa, but also a
farmer on a large sca'.e. He wae attor
ney for the llllnola Ceatral railroad for
many years, and govoraor ot Iowa for
roar years. He wae twtoe elected m a
Democrat over able mee, and acaiaet
the machinations of the small politi
cians of all parties. He le a Baalofln.
teUlgeBce aad pooscaaoo the courage of
hie convictions.
The vital point of hie argument I.
that the national congress had u
power to demonetise silver, because lit
eonetltutloa specifically takes Uie right
to coin gold and silver away frew ttte
states and reserves It to congress.
Read Boles' address and aek your
neighbors to read It.
As there Is no Democrats paper pub
lished In Marion county, Tub Jour
nal prints the speech of a great, able
and leading Democrat with Its compli
ments. Broke Through tbe Jtecf.
Whllo B. L. Jones and family were
breakfasting Thursday morning at their
homo on High Btreet, just one door
south of tbe city hall, they were some
what stat tied by hearing considerable
aolse aa if the roof was falling in. Ar
riving ob the outside ot the building it
was discovered that an 0 inch board,
about 16 feet lu length, had fallen from
the roof of the city hall and bad passed
entirely through the roof of tbe dwel
ling bouse. Had the board been
heavier it would undoubtedly bay
ploughed its way through the attlo floor
and landed la the eester nf the table, m
the beard skuek at a point en tbe roof
immediately over tbe table.
"Blame Not Fate
For sorrow's which thyself
Did'at first create."
Dont complain if you fail to
you buy another Mialto of
ciotnos man tho
Three Big Brands
wo carry. Its your own fault.
Thoso goods are Tight at your
door. They are the best and
sell as low as othor kinds.
Happy Home
soils on its merits. You run
no risk. If not satisfactory,
monoy iofundod. Soo the
onos at
$X0, $12, $IB.
We show a fino line:
Fedoras. . , 50o and up
Crush , 75o and up
Stiff $1 00 and up
"We show somo good values
at $1.50 a suit.
Buy tho "PoerlosaV btnd
chashmoro hoso. 25o and 50c
per pair.
New lino just in. St otnr
25c and 50c inw,
TELEPHON ,....76
No, 1 and 2 Lamp Chimneys Only 4c and 5c.i
r - i-Ty-;'
M4-- ,-r.