Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, October 07, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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Mr 3
ICXtiMItfti TH7S.
.: W
the Amlaitil Ptess Daily hy iatJ
No paper Kiit 1k')0Iu1 (lute paid lui, )
t c i tti
VOL. a.
AY, OCTOBER 7 18J).".
Ml, 18
Oregon Gommandrjr Assemble in
Oar City.
Stnto Coinniiunlry of llio lialhbonc
Sisters Uiitorlnininciit.
ChaucelItrCoinmauder Gonitis of
Central Lodge, No. 18, la tlio gnnernl
bead of tlio local comtntttco uud is n
Very busy man In these days of prepa
ration for the proper handling and
entertainment, of the Grand lodge of
Oregon which assembles lu Balotn ou
Tuesday, Oct. 8, and continues the Dili,
10th, atid probably farther Into the
week. It will bo the largest state .con
vontlon of this order ever hold, there
being 250 delegates to tlio graud lodge
besides the past grand officers who art
entitle J to seats lu tho graud lodge.
Tne 1 )dgoj at Sllvertou, Aurora, Wood
burn, Independence, MuMiuuvllle,
Hubbard, Albany, Roseburg and Cor
vallio, uro expected In a body from
those towns lu uniform uud with their
own bandB, and will take part lu the
parade Wednesday at 1 o'clock. The
parado will make a splendid appeur
anco as the order Is composed mostly of
young mon oud they will wear boiuo of
tho brilliant regalia and bear boiiio of
tho beautiful banners of the ordr. The
city will bo decorated lu their honor.
A special ell'ort of all our business men
should be nuulo all along the line.
Let tho tialeni welcomo to this order
always bo a red-letter day In the mem
ory of tlio hundreds of young me
who will bo with us.
itiT4t .
f mftarafjjsAV. Hteusloir.Ioldes
IclHiH and T. T. Wright-
8. T. ill
Parade cdram'.ttee: M. Wlprut, C.
W. Kuox, E. H. Fmgg, A. E. Lluo.
Entertainment: Prof. Rasrauu, Chns.
Burggrnw . -
Receptien: G. 1). Uabrleison, A. w,
Glese, Louis Stlusou, S. T. Richardson,
Win. IUsuius, Geo. 0. Will, W. T. Mo
Oicar, J. A. Dlckoy,
General cemmittee: Dr. Contrls, A.
W. Gleso, A. MoFaddeu, F. W. Bteus.
loir, Geo. W. Hooys.
Decoratiens: Messrs Hanson, Town
send, Lehman, Joues, O'Flylng, Big
lln, Updegraft and Roberts.
The parade now outlined, subject to
changes if tho weather interferes, Is as
follews: Procession starts from Pyth
Ian hall, State Insurance block, up
up Court street to Church, over to
fltato and thon to Commercial, up Com
mercial to Trado, then counter march
to the hall.
The delegates will all be In by the
noon trains Tuesday. The grand
lodge will be called to ordor at 7 p. m.
Bharp at the ball of Central lodge, for a
abort business session. At 8 o'clock the
ball doors will be open to the public
i , 1 "
Thov have a full line oi vsiuums, ---ShoTs
Hosiery, Ties, Ribbons, Laces, Embroid
L H51 Plothintr Rubber Boots and bhoes,
Sts'oveSGandall kintls of goods
usua ly carried by them and all goods at tucket
prices. Call and see for yourselves. We mil
saye you money.
The Fair
ii fnimmciAL ST.
and an addrees of welcome will nt
delivered by Mayor Claud (Jatoh An
addrcRa of welcomo by Chancelloi
Commander Contrls, In belmUof Ceu
iral Lodge No. 18, ami response by tht
grand lodge orator, clones the program
or exercises for tho evening. Thero will
be an Informal social reunion and time
for getting acnua'uted. Tho serlout.
business of the graud lodge begins ai
Us bcssIoh Wednesday morning at H
o'clock. Wcdiiesduy night will br
devoted to entertainment of the grand
lodge, when the Pythian drama will be
rendered at Reed's opera house. The
grand lodge uud their ladies will take
seatB lu a body to hear the splendid
play cast for their benefit.
Theslaternof t'le order, the Ladies'
Auxiliary, kuown as tho llutbbont
sisters, ulso holds its graud ludge In
Popular hall, c ruer Furry and Com
mercial streets. They assemble Wed
nesday morulug aud have nls; the
equally Important bushier of their
state commaudry to dispatuh.
The programs lu detail are us follews:
OCTOHfc.Il 8.
4:00 p. m. Meeting of tne olll cere of
Uuttorm Rank.
7 0Jp. m. Organisation of Graud
Address of welcome ou bclrnf of the
city, Hou. Claud Gulch, mayor.
Address of welcome ou behalf of Cen
tral Lodge, Dr. W. W. Contrls, 0. 0.
Response, on behalf of Grand L-idge,
Dr. J. L. Hill, Grand Chancellor.
Graud Lidge oration. R;v. D. V.
Poling, graud orator.
Address of welcome on behalf of ('en
tralla Temple, Mrs. Susie Paruieiiter,
M. E. C.
Response, ou behalf of Grand Tern,
pie, Mrs. Maggie J. Hewitt, Grand
0:00 a. m. Meeting of Grand Lodge,
1:00 p. m. Grand parade the Grauo
Lodge, Subordinate Lodges and Rath
bone Sisters.
JjS.-QO p. m.Mllng of two Grand
2:3i) p. m. Visiting ntato lustltutlous
In churgo of reception commltteo.
8:00 p. m, Historical drama, "Da
mon aud Pythias," ot the opera bouse.
0:00 a. m. Meeting ol the Grand
Lodgo, .
Secretary of State Klucald has re
turuod from Portland.
The state printer has begun work on
printing tho house Journals of the Inst
Rafiol Citron of Portland aud Jume
Queeuer of LyonB have beeu appoluted
State Soldiers' Home Trustees Rob
ertBon and Ormeby audited tho bills oi
tho Institution for September, In ul.
$1,045.75. "
The state railroad commission are
In the city on their usual monthly
meeting held lu Salem.
0A113 AND Exi'ftjas Waoons.
Wby will you waste your time In look
ing for one when you can get them at
once, free, by ringing up tho "Blue
Boxes" of the Lockwood Meeseuger
e -1lil.:., "Rnnta flTlfl
and 2 Lamp Chimneys Only
No, 1
Glassware, Underwear, ie wuc...
Hdrv WoodenwareTowellug,
Bhlrts," t UmbrelM. ".
-...i.. f oil Kinds.
iOllUUO u m.. - 1
No Furl her Traces of tlio Bloou
Cnt Throat
Full Proceedings oi tlio Coroner's
Ii. quest.
The Heel uk Chinaman who llel the
o ty Friday night was recognised ou
the railroad truck Saturday morning,
but not apprehended. He Is no doubt
lu Portland by this time and will bo an
bard to Uud as a ueedle lu a haystack.
The Salem polico has not given up the
search aud have several clues to estab
lish bis Identity.
Tncse two renters on tho Fletcher
phco were discharged by Judge Edes
Without further cost to tho state, if
t lelr testimony Is needed to establish
tho Identity of the rulsslng mongolian
mjrdorer they will cheerfully give It,
a i they uro rellablo men.
Shortly after 10 o'clock this morn.lug
the coroner's Inquest commenced over
ttio remains of Mayo Tojoys, tho un
fortunate Jupaneso woman who was
brutally murdered In her rooms on
Liberty street Friday evening. Corouor
Clough summoned tho following' Jury
to uscertaln the causo of tho wouinu's
deatb: James BatchoIor,M E yoodell,
C. A. Gray, G. G. Gns, F. F. Post,
and Wm. Bargeaut. Acting Prosecut
ing Attorney D. 0. Sherman conducted
theluquest. W. J. Culver, city on
glueer, was the first witness called uud
lutronuced a map of the woman's
apartment ami surroundings which be
oxnlaiued to the Jury. All wltuessou
except tho oue on the stand wero ex
cluded from the room. Mr. Culver
sild: "The drawing was mado Satur
diy. Was not lu building on evening
of murder. Did not know in which
ro"oTn tho murder was commltteuT
Dr. D. F. Lane was next called:
"Sewed up two wounds on the face."
Tne doctor theu explained to tho Jury
the wounds ou the face. "Tho wounds
on tho left side were abuut o iuohoc
loop and tho gash ou tho right side
wuh 2 Ihohes In leiiRth. neither of
which would have proven fatal," Jury
theu examined the corpso for the pur
pisoof seeng tho wounds ou the face.
Dr.Lauothen explained tho wound
on the throat.
The wound on tho throat severed the
common carotid artery and was the
causo of death. Wound w.w about
three Inches long. Tlio windpipe was
partly severed by the same gash. Other
wouuds, except one on artery, wouiu
nit have caused tho woman's death;
w.iunds were made by sharp edged lu
srument or some description;"
Dr. C. II. Robertson was the third
wltuess called. "Was called about 7:45
o'clock Friday evening to Liberty
street to attend woman who had beeu
cut. Fouud woman silting with bauds
braced on iloor covered with blood In
back room of bulldlug. Hsveral
Dersons lu room and with thB asilst
ance of a number or bystauders carried
her Into an adjoining room aud placed
her on a mattress. Could not He down.
With asiltUuce of other physicians,
put a ligature on right Jugular vein Ai
soon us it wa tied she was uuou3lodi
and unable to speak. Was conscious
when I arrived; tried to speak but was
unable; bad lost too much blood wuen
I arrived to have recovered. There
wai a small cut lu wludplpo large
enough to place little linger therein "
The doctor theu described the wound
,..! mi ttin unfortunate woman, not
varying at all from that given by Dr.
Lane: "Wouuds had been mado by a
hftrn knife, possibly a double-edged
tmir. which I determined from wound
ou the baud. Camo to conclusion that
iMittlmr bad been done In the front
room, having found blood on the door
Jamb. Did not bear auy alarm; came
to my oflloe for me. Probably 15
mluules bad elapfced between the cut
Ing and the time I arrived at the homo
The caue of death ws severing right
luuutarveln. Nothing about wouud to
determine from
which sld,i the blows
Or. Price's Cra BaklHg Powder
UU'P.lrHlIMJt IH-JI"''"
4c and 5c.
Window Shades, Boap,
(Iranlteware, Brooms
Buys' Clotblnir. Matches
aarPrlco our Goods
, And for Tablets and b'axes never so unwp
' . n1
wurv dealt. Prolk blj on the right, m
tho ; wounds nit ( ml Hide were deeper
Hiimi llitiAii till tho efl plde " I
Tho doctor iVu exp'alned fie
wouuds oiriho'cnrjiso lu the Jury
Continuing Dr. JtuberUon said:
"Dm, Mutt, Caitwrlglit and Miller of
Portland were prJleut when I arrived.
It was Impossible for the woman to
baye Inflicted the wound herso f.
Could not Hiyf whether slm wao
drugged Ihrouglftfrtmi froul to buck
room or whother'nne walked; rxumlued
fioat room fur blotjd. A great deal of
blood ouill,nr f fmut loom; all
wouuds were: mape at the mime time.
Had tho wluilplro beoii cut lltstsbe
would have been Unable to hollow or
scream; may hav?! screamed before she
was touobed; whs; unconscious appar
ently, ouly about llve minutes belore
she died. By evfciug the Jugular vclu
tho woman wouldjbavo lived possibly
20 minutes. Wotu-iu was killed, did
not die froti. natural cauaes."
Police Offloer Bt Savugo was uexl
eiled: Was employed n u policeman
Oct. 4, 1695, bad'Vuised through the
alley between ullgh and Liberty
streets, turned rroai alley to g toward
Liberty street weu heard a tcream
which be knew wis In that block, r.ui
to Liberty street wjien I was told It was
lu Japanese quarters; I run luto bach
room of bulldlnfnjwhero I fouud the
woman standing supported by a China
man. Do not Know his name, n
familiar faoo aboubjlowu. When asked
as to who did t. by nlgm ho made,
known to too ihatflt was a Chlnatiiiin
who iTad escapctl' by the back alley;
Chief or poljou arrived soou ufter and
wont after doctor helped support her
uutll doctor arriXfd, looked premltco
over carefully to Jiud so'ne clue us to
who committed tho crime. Fouud
where struggle iiok place, having
found blood ou wall where bIio hud
placed her baudi, frout room whs
nnnaruetod." With tho assUtaur-e or
City Euglneor Cufycr's diagram of the
bulldlug and premises, Mr. Savage
thon described the uppearauco or tho
rooiu, which was dimly llghtod. Con
tinuing be said: ('A Chinaman was
tho only person In tho room with tho
womau when J. arrived, no nau
pasatd Into the room a short time
berore mo. Think, I coum Identiry mm
again. . .
Chlcr or Pollao Dllley was then
called. "Was - cdmlng down etnto
street rrom court house; met Bert Sav
age at tho alloy way. When I readied
Liberty Btrcet I heurd a polico whistle,
r rH into her rooms uud found her lu
the roar room half stundlug supported
by n Chinaman. When usked who did
It, alio could not speak. Sua was asked
if It was a will tern mi ,aud she shook
ber head "no," when asked If It was a
Ohluumau she uodded ber head "yos".
He was notified throe weeks ago by u
Chinaman 'maybe bo trouble down
with Maggie pretty soon, cant steal'oiu
klll'em.' At tho saino time requesting
me to look nut for a disturbance, Ho
went out and brought lu u Chlnuniun
who I suspected or having u bund In
the matter, But wbon brought boforo
the woman, sho made known by shak
ing her boad that It was not ho who
did It. Thon we searched tho city linn
for tha murderer, but fouud nothing.
When wo returned to the the bulldlug
we found Bert Buvage. It Is thought
that the man supporting the woman
was her cook. Tho whistle was beard
about 7:30 o'clock Friday ovenlug. I
think she was cut to death. Satisfied
It was a Cliiuaman from her motions.
Think it was a Portland Chinaman,
ono or her lovers. Tlhlnk there was twp
present when the crime was committed
I found a number ol Chinamen In the
room with ber. No wbltemen presout
when I arrived. Satisfied In my own
mind that she was murdered, and that
a Chinaman committed the deed."
LoBam, cook fur the uufortuuute
ivnmui who was murdered, was next
called; "Wai not cook ror Japanese
woman, work ror Dora Uvimett, do
errands ror Japanese wouiuu. Did nut
go lu Japanese woman's house uutll
after she was dead. Did not bold ber
up after she had been out with a knlfo."
Lo Sam then described to the Jury
where be lived. "When the whistle
blew I was lu Dora Bennett's house.
Was not cooking for ber fct the time of
the murder. Did not seo any strange
Chlnamau around the place that nlgnt
Did not bear the woman scream, Did
not go in bouse until 20 minutes after
whistle blew. Sho was laying on tho
ttoor in the middle room wbeu I wont
.. ... .1.. !......,.. .......... -I . I
IU. Knew iuo w,.,u . ...
teven monms. uo uuv uu wi.eiucr
Chinaman killed ber or not. Some
Ooulloutd ou fonrtti pa.e
The Fair!
-p B.No obarcM for admittance'
KirP. B.-KO cuargwi lor norauianc
(jorhutt ami KilzsininioiiH
Tryjt On
Commissioner ot lad Inn Afluirs
Will Interfere.
Aiiumokk. I. T. Oct. 7. The Corbett
Filjulinmons light is o tilling to iho
Tndlau territory. Of this there Is not
any doubt. Dun Stuart has stated bb
much to parties hero whoaro Interested
lu the pn Ject. At what point the mill
will tiko pluco liuauot jot fully deter
mined. Tho two places most favorubly
mentioned by the mauugetucut of the
llstlo cnuttet, oro Colbert station, ou
the Missouri, Kuusas & lVxus railroad.
Jutt uorops tho Texas, and Ardmnie,
tho largest towu lu Indian territory, on
tho Atchl'ou & Topeha. It l more of
a contest between the two roads to
determine which lino bnll have the
heavy trafllo Incident to the light, than
between the tawiiH.
If the mill lakes place on Indian
Territiry soil, ns has now beeu ar
ranged, It uiuat couio uuder tho patron
age of tho Chlokasaw government.
The Judical power or the United Stales
onirts lu Indian territory will bo ex
orcised lo prevent It, but lawyer cou.
cur In tbo oplulon that thero Is no law
to puulsu It. The United States court
has nil tbojurlsdlotlou which congress
has vested In any tribunal over such
matters, but It only has such Juris
diction as Is expressly conferred on It,
Tho Chlckaa&w legislature, which Is
now lu bcbMqu, will not ad hum for
about two weeks. Tho
treasury Ij empty und "Lo" Is natur
ally a lov r of sport and gaming do
vices. Klvo thousand dollars deposited
lu tho Chickasaw treasury by the
Florida Athletlo club will mako Cor
bott aud Fitzlmmou8, their seconds,
reloree and backers members of the
Chickasaw trlbo, ntul thereby out of
thejurlsdlctlou of tho Uuitcd Blatcs
court und legalize tho assembly . Tho
puglllstH will not tacrlllco any prlyllges
of United Stales oUlr.entblp by Joining
tho trlbo.
WASiiiNaTON,Oot.7. Commlssloiicr
Browning, of tho Indian office, bus
taken prompt and decisive steps to
prevent the Corbett prize light In tbo
Indian territory. He baa prspurcd a
letter of Instructions to Agent Wisdom,
at Muskogee, directing him to seo that
tho laws aro enforced, aud eject forci
bly auy Intruders who outer tho Indian
country for tbo purpose of creating a
dliturbauco or of engaging lu any
thing that may he dotrotnoutal to tho
Indians. The cnmmlsdoner says the
statutes ore ample to prevent a tight.
Tho agent will have at his back, not
only the Indian police, but all the
United States troops necestary to eject
St. Juhki'H, Mo , Oot. 7. A move
mentis ou foot among the sporting
men of this city, looking to bringing
oft the Corbett-Fltzslmuinns light at
tbls place,lu tne middle of tbo Missouri
river. Opposite the city Is an Island,
which covers three acres and which has
been formed by the river in tho paittwo
years, On this several fights have been
brought on; tho authorities of Missouri
and Kansas being unsuccessful In try
ing to prevent the meetings. An
of wealthy sports Is now
arranging an ofter to tho managers of
the ;uglllsUi to bring the tight of! ou
tbls island, aud claim there will be no
The Palace Is bound to lead on
Isu shoes.
Porcelain Baths 00 Com'l street.
Or. Prices Crtwm Baklny Pew1r
wMWlMA)IHfti0 r. n Pp-i
Balom and Eaitera Quotations Cor
rected Daily.
PH.CAuo. OoU 7-Whcat, ciuU :57c. 5 Dec.
Nkw Youk. Oct, 7. Silver, OIK st'.eid, H.10.
HAN KlUNOISOO, Oct. 7Whfl, 91K
Wnol UrvKuu,obotce,SiAiOo: lnlwrlor, tM7e;
lloim-liUOUhloal 43Jn.
routtoeM-tom llo.c, 60380c; nuibaak7;o
Oii'-lllllinir. IWt.M.
1'outlani), Oct 7. WbeM unchanged.
Wullii ulln.lo
Kiour 1'orllund, $i.&7 Benton county. f1,7fi;
srulmm, $D&; iUrUne, J.VO pr bbl,
ou Wlilto, 'Jkj; grey, 1KM1V, rolled, la bn.
IA.7.V46.HI); 0nrrcl, W,Uu( cue, i.7i.
I'oUttoeiH New OrfKon, SMt0o tm.
lUy O'voa, WfrV so per lou.
Woul Valluy. lixailo.
MII'Hiin Urn,i0.K) khorts, I13JC;
iu,jijijiio imr ien: rynauo ixiro
lllllbB KftDll, MllUm 11108,
He; undcr.00 Ibi,
74 Wo iliocp pelu, 10t7ic,
iiops c
t Nominal M ij.
llulter Orcitou luuoy
creamery , W9?iWo;
rauoy dairy, i7H9uc; falrUyjooJ
cominuu, iuwi'HO
Clioeto-oicourullcrent, 10 ll".
EtfKi-Oicicou, nx pr dot.
rouliry Oulonou. tl.60iM per dor; duckk
JUtkjfiWi Kwe, fS,(JC9UU); turkei. live
net Totxm-eni, 2X3o per lb; lair to jood
Ktoer.,2KtW3o cow, ii;j;u; drened ueel,
minion licit beat, Il.7ia2.00; tholes ewes,
l,7&uy.OJ; dieued. 40.
link- liolce, heavy, tt,taa171;,llgUt and
leortcr, HX); dreued, tyg V "
Voil oiinUl,cUolco,6wi; urft.Salo V lb.
Whet-S8o V bu.;
IIaj lUlcd. cheat. I3.40n5.00: timothy
to SO.
11 Ml!
Klour, in whoieiaio lou, UMf, retail,'
I, bulk IU.U0; Hacked, lllwr,
-, lioileod.lX(XUIJ.UO,
Miorm, lli.-aiu
irwmou, 40.
Hon DrcBiud. 4ucl
Uvn OaUle-lWjko.
hboep Live, IUW.
Hope Uett, Ua7o,
JmK UtRli, Wio,
llutior Uestdklrr, IS320 fanoy creamer
Uhoeiie lOaUSe.
f nrm Hmokea MeaU llaoon.80; hams
uuii.ucr, u.
l'olAloon-New.OJo V hu.
Unions 80,
I'ouliry llrollers, 7c, hem, Co; ducki, 0u7o.
Turkey- IU80.
llartlell ner 3So bu,
Apple u&uoa bu.
l'e4Cbe-ll 'J& bu.
I'lutni 3V3 bu.
Bavo money by buying your shots at
tho Palaco.
It's Going
To Be Cold
this winter. All the weather prophets agree
on that point & the wise woman will begin
now to look around for Cloaks and Furs and
Wraps. The right time to buy such things Is
before you need them. Tills gives plenty of
time to compare prices and qualities, and
plenty ot time to think Iho matter over and
make up the mind, Being sure before buying
is a good deal belter than buying first and
finding out afterwards.
We are proud of our Cloak Department.
Fur Capes,
We will sell any or the samples sent us ror
display during the fair at the lowest prices
ever known for such goals. Tilce range rrom
$13.5010(60 ami Include the highest degiee
of perfection.
Just Opened
another lot of Kino Capes and Jackets, In
boucle, astrakan, beaver, plush and fur, by
far the prettiest line hereabouts,
number is leader from $4.50 (0 fjo.
With litrgo hooks.
Evorv pair
We are sole agents for this brand.
llm rsBim
N, B.SM4 year raU trim let prompt ttsrt aaj atit,cw
Train Hsld Up,
Foot FMiin, Ark., OjU 7,Th
north bound Fresno papseuger train
was held up at Gaston 1. T., last nlht
by six men, They cnt th express car
loose, ran it up tbo track but failed tn
open tho through sufe, aud ouly got S3
centa from tbs local tafe. It I
ttiought to bo tho woik of the Chris
tian brothers gang.
A Priest's rrlae.
Bt. JoeRi'Jt, Mo., Oct. 7. Td gratrt
Juay today rctriimd a ludlctntcnk
against Dowmlck Wagner, a Catliollo, for rape, eeduclug a girl tu.der
eighteen years and abduction. Thu
Indlctmouti will probably be noil
pressed, the priest having marrle.l the
girl Saturday night.
JuBtlca Court.
Wm. Rigger, Bged 12 years, who wan
placed lu tbo county Jul Saturday
night for the luroeuy of a F. Btarbuck'a
tioreo, was arrulgmd bifuru Jutl
Johnson this morning. The lad waived
examination aud was bound over to the
grand Jury. In default of bonds bs
was returued to tho county basilic. Tht
olroult Judgn will pn bably pla:o this
boy lu tho reform school, win re bo de
serves tu be.
Bow's Thlsl
We ofTer One Hundred Dollars Hewaul for
any case of Catarrh llut cannot be cuird by
Hill's CnUrth Cure.
l'.J.CllUNEY &CO. rropi., Toledo, O.
We the undeulgned, have known F, J,
Cheney for the lait 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable In all business trans
action! and financially able to carry out any
obligations made by their firm,
Weil & Truax, Wholesale DnieclsW, Toledo,
0 Walding, Kinnin & Marvin, Wbotoab
Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood aed nutee
surfaces of the system, I'tlce. 75c. oerboUW,
Sold by all Druggists. Testimonial free.
Porcelain Baths 200 Cum'l street.
the leading athletic corset. Price ft $0,
Dr. Warner's
give case, comrort and grace. Four million
women are today wearing them.
Don't put It offir your are going to liuyfot
fall or wlmrii buy now and get n whole
season's wear and comfort out of yourclolhes.
JJALL WOOL SUITS Cnaranteed to wea
to your liking or money refunded.
Working Suits,
$4, 36, $8.
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