Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, October 05, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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OpfDiDg I
To Begin Tuesday, Sept. 24
fl Pine Display of Eastern
Pattern flats and Bonn?fs.
All tho novelties of the season will bo continuously arriv
ing and you cannot afford to miss seeing thein. Everything
pertaining to fine and artistic millinery.
"Tb? Paris" MiIIin?ry Store
Bring your old grammars
and speliors to IT. S. Dearborn
and exchange them for the
now series. Full linos. Slates,
tablets, pencils, etc.
263 Commercial St.
Seruedfo Order,
if nt nny lime vc liaven'i in our large ttock
of Hook and Magazines the particular works
that you desire, we can get it for ypu in the
shortest time at no additional expense Our
main attention Is given to exchanging all old
school books. We have now a worth
of new school books to select from. Our
books will be sold ut wholesale prices. See
that you send your children to
Tho Stationers.
S Always FIRST S
Gail Borden :
Eagle Brand I
For J5 yurs th hiding brand. It U the
8tt nd tlu mott economical.
A. Strong wbbii southbound passen
ger on tho morning local.
Jm. Flshburn wont tn Oregon City
this afternoon on business.
Ernest Portor went to Alo today for
a two weeks' visit with friends.
Attorney Geuoral 0. M. Idlomnn re
turned to Portland this afternoon.
J. H, Campbell Jr. returned to Port
land on the Saloru local this morning.
Olarenco M. Keeue came down from
Eugene on tho early train this morn
B. h. Bradley, of Itoseburg, was In
the city today, the Wlllam
etle. Secretary or Btato H. It. Klncald
went to Portland this morning on busl
County Judge Hayes, of Claokamas
oounty, roturuod to Oregon City this
Mlsa Hope Gaua went to Alo this
On these two days we will make reduced prices on every boy'a and
child's suit In the store. Ovr prices are always low, quality oousld
orod, butou theae two days they will ba still lower, Now U the
time to tit tho boys out for sohool.
Willis Bros. & Co.
The Cash Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoe House, Corner Court and Liberty
jtik?We sold more dress goods the past week than over before. The same
with capes and jnokets. Every lady went away well pleased with her bargains,
subasli ffcj-"-- - --i
!! Hill
Opening !
morning where alio will teach school
this winter.
Watson Townscnd wont to Brooks
this morning and will teaoh school
near that town this wluter.
Harry Adams, travollng freight
agont, was a passenger to Portland on
tho Salem local this mornlug.
Sliorlfl C. F. Cathcart returned to his
home at Roeeburg this morning after
spending a few days at the fair.
Miss Haley returnod to her home at
Cottage Groye this morning after a
short vialt with frtondo In this city.
Tli oh. Kay camo down from Water
loo tbia afternoon and will visit over
Sunday with his family In this city.
Prof. E, B. McElroy, accompanied
by hla two llttlo daughters, came down
frm ISugono on tho afternoon local.
'Ell" Lee, tho well known class B
bicyclist, roturned to Portland this
afternoon, having participated In tho
state fair races.
Profs. John M. Blass. and H. T.
Fronoh, of tho Stato Agricultural col
lego nt Corvallis, registered at tho WIN
lamotto this morning.
Miss Mattlo Gontry, of Portland,
who has boon tho gueat of Mrs. F. P.
Talklurjton for sovoral days, lett for
Lebanon this morning to continue her
visit with fi lends,
Br. Parks and wife, of Ilwaco. Wash,
aro visiting in tho city and taking la
tho fulr. Tho Dr. was formerly a
S-ileuilto.luud praotlced medicine, bore
some nine years ago.
M, Stock, Misses Clara Btook and
Lillian Rosenblatt, of Portland, who
havo bcou visitors at the state fair for
seyoral days paBt, returned home on
tho Salem local this morning. Mr.
Stock la tho father of S. M. and A. II.
Stock, tho enterprising dry goods on
Stato Street.
Miss Lillian Gwynno, ono of Salem
public Bohool teachers, returned Thurs
day evening from a three months visit
In the East. Miss Gwynno had the
ploasuro ofattoudlng the International
Y, P. S. 0. E, convention In Boston
last July at the conclusion of whiob she
wont to Martha's Vineyard, situated
near Boston, whero she attended a
summor school for six weeks. School
finished, Miss Gwynno wont to Wash
ington D. 0. whoro sho enjoyed tho
sight of tho nation's capital for sov
oral days. From Washington she
wont to hor old home at Wllksbarre,
Pu., whero Bho enjoyed most heartily
a visit with friends whom she has not
seeu for years,
m i
Gueat Balk. At the Ladles' Ba
zaar today. &2t.
- ..-J ... - u,t..i iA.iftw
Details of the Races -Receipts Not
Made Public.
Moro perfect weather could not havo
been asked for.
Liquor was sold openly to young
boys at the fair grounds. It was dto
grucelul to seo young men not yet out
of tbolr teens staggering around under
tho Influonce of it.
Gambling wont on openly. Wheels
of fortuno were run right in front of
the pavilion. This wheel business Is a
"auro thing" (for the dpaler.) He takes
In two dollars on every nale and pays
out a dollar to the lucky man. How
much ahead is he?
S. M. and E. H. Btook, tho
rustling dry goods firm of Stock
Bros., on Stato street, were
awarded first premium on their artistic
display of dry goods. Tho display by
this enterprising firm was certainly
very rich and tho goods displayed were
tho very best. About 0 o'clock last
evonlng the drawing for a dress pattern
took place. Tho handsomo (GO dress
pattern was captured by Miss Bona
Pike, residing at 1G5 Church street, and
it U certainly a prize to bo proud of.
Special pace, purso $100 Tho black
horse, Encounter, won tho first heat of
the paco In a 2:20 clip. The second heat
of tho special pace- was won by En
counter In 2:23. Altwood second,
Peekaboo third apdytStanwJx foutth.
Many comments ihrb, heard on tho
beauty of Altwood.tJ.VJi llttlo bay Oily
owned by President Galloway. En
countor wou the third heat and raco In
2:23. Stauwlx second, Peekaboo third
and Altwood fourth.
Five-eights of a mllo consolation
race. Purse (160. After considerable
delay at tho post, Starter Looney sent
tho horses ofl In a bunch Token taking
tho lead. Pady Byan got a bad start
but came In with tho Held. LaFranco
won. Billy Ayers second, Mowltza
third, Teresa K fourth. Best of tho
horses In the Hold. Tlmo 1:03.
"Special trot (250. The three heats of
tho speolal trot woro won by Van Do
Lnshmutt's Carl Carne In 2:22.
Threofourths of a mllo dash conso
lation race. Entries: Baby Butb,
Mowltza, Suslo D and Now Moon.
Mowltza won in 1:10. Baby Buth
second, New Moon third and Susie D
Five big races for big purses this
Saturday afternoon,
Notice. Tho announcement of
Blsnop Bowman's preaching In tho
First M. E. church Is not made by
Rev. Geo. Washington Grannls, but by
Rov. John Milton Shulse. Ever since
this paper would not support Grannls
as a city politician, he has refused to
allow any notices conncoted with his
pulpit services to appear in these col
umns. In JubMco to tho gontloman's
loving and forgiving disposition, wo
make this announcement.
Gabs Returned to Pohtiand.
Tho four large, double-motor, open
elbctriocars of Portland Consolidated
Street Railway company, that have
been used by tho Salem Consolidated
Street Railway company, to assist In
transporting the large crowds to and
from the fair grounds during fair week
woro loaded on to cars this morning
and will bo attached to tonight's north
bound freight, for Portland,
HUN in. a young follow was "run
In'' by one of tho city oOlcors last night
and was arraigned before Recordor
Edes this morning charged with bolng
"full." As ho had eaten a 15 cent sup
per at the New York Kitchen the ovo
nlng before, he had to acknowledge tho
fact and advised the recordor and
ofllolals to, take their meals thero in
tho future,
Murdered. -Yes 'tis truo. Tho
prices of groceries at our store havo
Bltaply been murdered out down to
tho vory lowest figures, Como and see
our goods and If you canuot resist
making some purchases then buy.
Branson & Co.
Our Claim. Wo do not olalm to be
selling goods below cost for no one does
that, but we are selllug groceries at
prlocs that eyen our entorprislug com
petitors cannot touch. iRemember us
whon ordering your groceries. MoCail
Dibmiqsed. The prosecution begun
against John H. Kemp, who ran a
butoher shop in tho hopvards, south of
the city, for assault on John Huber,
was dismissed by Recorder Edes, with
coats charged to Huber,
Insane. Jennie Crowuer, aged 21
years, ot Brookway, Douglas county,
and David B. Phillips, aged 47, of
Grand Rondo reservation, Yamhill
oounty, were today received at the
insane asylum.
Horse Thiev Cauqiit. Bherltt
Knight today received word that the
man who stole E. Btarbuok'a horse last
Monday, had been arrested at Solo.
A. T. Wain left at once by team for his
ROYAL Baking Powder.
High of Mil la ltvtaln
fYWtir,-.V, 9. OevtffMK RsfWt. I
I Continued from first pags.
turned the scabbard over to A. M.
Clough who Immediately placed It in
tho bands of Policeman Gibson, who
at once started out to learn what ho
could. Entering tho gun store of
Brooks fc Salisbury adjoining Bush's
bank, Mr. Gibson Inquired of Mr.
Harritt If he bad teeu the scabbard
before. Mr. Harritt at once Identified
the artlole and said he had sold it to a
Chinaman about four days ago. When
asked as to tho Chinaman's Identity
Mr. Harritt could not remember tho
man as he paid no special attention to
him whon he bought the dirk. A per
son standing in the store at the time
tho Chinamen purchased tho dirk,
remarked: "That Chinaman has
blood in his oye." Tho speaker, no
doubt, had no idea his remark was a
correct description of tho celestial's
The two Chiuamen arrested appeared
beforo Recordor Edes. Hong and Sam
Kee were the names they gave and at
requestor P. H. D'Arcy.thelr counsel ,
their cusea went over to Monday.
There will bono inquest held on the
body of the murdered Japanese woman
until next Monday. Some of her
friends have arrived from Portland.
Police Court
Ono dcad-broko, Inebriated individ
ual, without money and without
friends, was up beforo Recorder Edes
this morning, charged with drunken-
ess. in uoiauit or tue usual line no
went to Jll.
Special Notice.
All Knights of Pythias will secure
their reserved seats for the first even
ing's performance of "Damon and
rytmas" at Wlprut's tallot snop.
Altoua and Gray Eagle for Port
land, leavo Salem dally exoept
Sundays, at 7 a. m. Qalok time, Z
Z regular service and cheap rates. "
Z Agent, M. P. Baldwin, at Halom
Z dock.
Porcolain Baths 200 Com'l street.
Call for Warrants.
Notlco Is hereby given that I have
funds in hand to pay all warrants en
dorsed up to January 1, 1605, Interest
on same will stop from this date.
Jasper Minto,
Treasurer Marlon County, Or.
Oot. 6, 1895.
Tako meals at Strong's.
Maple Syrup, Again!
We have received another barrel af genuino Maple Syrup.
Bring your can and get it filled for $1 per gallon. Cream
honey drips canuot bo beat in quality or price. A 76c syrup
for 50c. Dessicated salmon is something now. It is delicious.
It is cheap at 10c per pound. Remembor, 20 cans of oysters
for $1 is what wo aro giving our customers.
P. O.
An Attraction Second Only to the
Oregon State Fair.
During the past ten days thousands
of Oregon people have come to Salem
to see what has been probably the great
est Btato fair over held in the common
wealth, and tho vast crowd has been
well pleased. Mauy came as much to
see old frleuds and renew acquaintances
as to seo the fair, and hundreds came
for a purpose nearer to their hearts than
all theao. They came to Salem to gel
tho winter's supply of clothing, under
wear, shoes, and other substantial for
the family, and moat of all many came
to town to see what in many elties is
called a department store. Since mov
ing Into their handsome and spacious
new room, the New York Raoket has a
veritable department store, and Tho
Journal ventures the assertion that
no bouse in Oregon has overdone more
business in a like establishment than
this popular people's store during the
past few weeks. During the ten days
of the great fair enough goods have
ken sold to stock up an average gen.
eral store,the crowds of buyers keeping
the.dozen sales people everlastingbusy;
buyers surging in and out from early
morning until closing hour. The
people have In the past few years
gained confidence in this house, and as
a result they come in and trade freely,
without "haggling" which fact alone
facilitates trading, and makes it poa
Bible for twelve clerks to sell as many
goods as twenty would under ordinary
circumstances. Verllv. Balem and tbe
surrounding country are to be oongrat
uiaieu upon Having tbe riw York
Racket store In its mldat. It not oalv
draws much trade to Salem, but con
stantly makes ft lends for the Capita)
Dr. Price's Cfia laklag Powis
WfrM'i ftir MtfcMt AwW.
Program of the Services at J. .
Farmer's New Ohurch Sunday.
Afirfi inner summor of hard work
t, nntlHtn will dedicate a now and
modern stvlo church house Sunday, ,
October 0. The morulug set vice win
begin promptly at 10:30 with the fol
lowing pregram:
Voluntary ...--Mozart
Doxology (uongregauon xwbo;
Responsive iteauiug i'aim --- .
. Led by Bey. Oilman Purkor
Anthem "Hear us, O Father"
Prayer. ,- ,
Dedicatory hymn, used by permission
Dedicatory sermon --
i.u nan. Tin! find D Grant D. D
. . ..AITS. V. U. uuuwuiiu
Dedicatory Bervlco
nnutnrnntl nlliHonCU Standing
Dedicatory Prayer Roy. J. P. Farmer
Our ottering.
Result of tho appeal.
Organ voluntary.
Hymn 010.
Tho church will bo arragued to seat
from 1,200 to 1,500 people. Its beautiful
Interior will bo a surprise to all and the
service will bo the roost Interesting
ovor held In this city. The Journal
will ltsuo a souvenir edltiton contain
ing a largo engraving of tho now
church, with a sketch of the society's
work at Sulom. It will al-o contain a
full report -of the dedicatory service.
This will appear Monday if tho illus
trations are ready.
The afternoon sorvlco will bo hold at
250 o'cleck:
Solo, "Tho Holy City," Mrs. W. F.
Responsive reading.
Anthem, "Jerusalem," by tho choir.
Greeting from tho city pastors and
Benediction and vnlodlctory.
Tho oycnlng service will bo as follews:
Responsive reading.
Quartet, "Alma Redomtoris."
bcrlpturo Iobsou.
Anthom, "Hark, Hark, My Soul."
Sermon, Rev, Roluud D. Graut, D.D.
Solo, Prof. R. A. Heritage.
Preaching ovory evening next wetk
except Saturday.
When Baby was sick, we gavo hor Castorla.
Whon slio was a Child, sho cried for Castorfa.
Whon alio bocamo Miss, alio clung to Castorla,
When she hod Children, ho cavo them Castoria.
The Palaco Is bound to load on styl
ish shoes.
An answer has beon filed with the
county clerk by Attorney Robllh In the
action brought by Efllo Landers
against Albert Landors for divorce.
County Clerk L. V. Ehlen today Is
sued one bounty warrant tbe face value
of which was (2;lo In favor of F. B
Counly Judge W. C. Hubbard today
named F. A. Ford, John Egan and M.
Young appraisers of tbe estate of
Edward G. Stonebrlnk, deceased, The
eatate Is valued at (1260.
x: u. uneomit toaay received a
bounty warrant from the county clerk
Henry Clinton Daws, aged 13 years,
of Sllverton, was today examined
before Judge Hubbard as to his insan
ity. The caeo of hla unfortunate con
dition Is epilepsy which has troubled
him since he wad four years old. The
examination was conducted by Dr. B.
H. Bradabaw and deputy District At.
torney D. O. Sherman, as a result tbe
boy was committed to the insane
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
So will postpono same
Capes - and - Jackets
S. M.& E.
Christian Science. Services in
State Insurance hall, at 10:30 a. m. All
Invited. tf.
Central Chapel. All sorvices will
bo rcsumod tomorrow, Sunday school
at 10 a. in. followed by a short seruionr
Preaching sorvlco at 7:30 p. m.
German Evangelical. At tho
corner of Center and Liberty streets.
P. Blttnor, pastor. Sunday school at
10. Preaching at 11 a. m.und 7:30 p.
Independent Evangelical. On
Cottage street near Center, J. Bower
box, pa9lor. Preaching at 10:30 and
7:3 ) tomorrow. Sunday school at 12.
Utirlst-mn Endeavor Society 0:30.
Evanoklioal. Chemokota and
4evontteuth slreetp. Bervlco t 11 a.
u. mid 7:80 p. m.. Sunday school at
10 a, m. Y. P. A. meeting at 0:30 p
u. I. B. Fisher, pastor.
Unity Church. Services at 10:30
i. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school at
12. R v. W. E. Copeland, pastor.
Subject of buuday morning sermon,
'Broad from Heaven." Subject of
evening lecture, "Several Conoluslvo
Reasons for Joining a Unitarian
Christian Church. Morning ser
mon at 10:30. Subject, "How to Havo
a Prosperous Church." Sunday school
at 12 m. Junior Endeavor at 4 p. m,
Y. P. S. C. E. at 0:30 p m. Evening
sermon at 7:30 p. m. Subject, "Tho
Way of Salvation." P.-ecludo to even
ing sermon, "Tho Management of tho
Stato Fair."
Leslie M. E. (Bouth Balom). At
Is an Important Factor
This is a bit of philosophy that time and the oxperionce
of men havo proved to be founded on fact. That being the
case all who buy clothing should seek a storo whore the best
clothing is sold at prices which suit all classes. Such a etore
is conducted by
We have clothing that fits not only tho body, but tho
purse. ; Clothing elegant in texture and finish. Clothing that
pleases tho eyo and keeps tho body warm.
If you want anything
: First-Class Clothing. House J
it will pay you to see us. We can show goods that will make
your mouth water,
until next Saturday.
10:30 a. m. wo will worship at FlrU
church, Bishop Bowman preaching for
us (no morning service at our rhnri
At 7 p. m. the Leaguo will mctt for
song Bervlco. At 7:30 meeting BUhon
Bowman, Dr. Patsona and Prof Her.
tage will bo with us. Tho Prof. i
sing for us. Evorybody Invited. J,
Shulse, pastor.
First CoNORKaATioNAU Rev. W.
U. Kantner, D. D., pastor. At 1030 l
m. communion torvlce with publlo re
ception of members, preceded by i
short sermon on "Tho meaning of
GotliBomano'" At 12 m. Sunday Bchool,
J. B. T. Tuthlll, Buporlntondent. Jun
ior Endeavor at 8 p. ra. Y. P. B. 0. E.
at 0:30 p. m. Preaching at 7:30 p. ra.
Subject "Underglrdlng tho Good Ship
Character." Special music
Special Sale
10 Per Cent Off.
The Ladies' Bazaar
Will havo a special salo
on to4ry, both wool and cotton, when
will Rlvo 10 per cent discount on all licwe soil
wo havo a special alo on toilet articles,!! iTt'i
German Cologne 25o for 2ic, A fine butter
milk toilet soap 6a per cako for 4o,
D.W. Phaser & Co.
in the fAchievement of
usually foundiu' a