--k:i ffTJWPni U .fflUI. .... 1 c, .a! ..,.. .. 1- ..t JJilJg Yy; ,j'V r It 1 It li it flti i H SI1P OR Pitll. ' b'ur YonrB Mr. Buvglioim Jlml Suffered. P.iiiio'H Celery Compound Soon Made Him Wo!l. Publisher of Two Groat Got man Topers. Can Now Work Fourteen Houis Every Bay. Sleeps Soundly a d Peace fully Eyory Night. Bleep lc oup or the things I hot can not ha nuLcjfl from ulubt to nlirtit. TIih pii'ilalimbtit for hieeplmsiiess lc worse tlinu pain. It mentis uflliuttereil mind. rt often liappena that a f uilden stre'f or word or onxloty robs ono of the Itsht'u rest. Th ell -sots If eoou appar e it in Iho languor, liuatlaohoj ud Ha. Ieisnesa that otidtie. If rupld mid pbuuilant nioann nt employed to rcp-ilr tho exhausted part the iifrvos roinn their elasticity. Jim if an tinuulurul prlvtitlon of Hleep If carried t.;,yond tho Btretehinu: power i-i the Uralu the whole bbU:ui btconn undone, and prot-tra'lon reHul'p. ruoimandi or men atriiggMtiK unl-i Brat reapnuslbllltU-B or tedious work anxious, overwnrhpd niotbr, anl wi von, ihop Kill, wtiu r fircod ti Ktn'id on their feet all ih lonjj. Iihv mr. max minaiiKiM. Llko dlfllculty In coHvlndnj? their friends of the remarkable power of FAtno'a celery compound to rcatote their energy, rcnow thtir vigor, and inako them strong and well. Here la a letter from Mr. Max Burg helm tho well known president and manager of the Cincinnati Frele Preti company. Mr. Jlurgliolm writes: "Tho following etntetuont roay be of Interest. I have been HUllerlntr of bleepIeasuvBs, Insomnia, lor many years and although I have tried almost every thing to Ret cured, consulting the brat nbyelclauf. and oven going several tlmoa to Europe, everything was In vain. "I did uot liuvo u nlcht'a rcet for ii'raoat six years, thai Is to nay, I could uot "Icon for two bourn In mccenslon In m single night, you can easily Imaglno what tho tllect on me had been. "After spending a fortuuo In trying for relief I had given up almost all hopo, aud when I first rend about Palnu'a cnlery compound I did not luyo much faith in anything. Hut aftor having UHed bo inauy remedies ad coiiBulted so mauy phyalolana In this country aud abroad I folt llko giving the compound n trial. Tha r jault was truly woudorful. "Tho very llrat night about 0 months ago that I tried l'uluu'a celery com pound you can Imaglno my oy whon I found that I had slept six houra In ujccsalou, a thing that I had uot been blsiaod with for so many years. I con tinued the use for oyer threo mouth with tho same happy result, uud although I waa fearful leat tho malady would ooiuo bttok ou mo, I can uow say that although X have not taken the ennpouutl for months I do sleep every Bight perfectly and without Interrupt tlon. You can easily Imaglue what tula 5au for a inuu who vo,ks fourteen koura every day In the year and has Imgs of two lurg uesvapapora. I eotwWer my caso n moat remarkable na and I should bo glad If this etato aaiat should be the merus of helping osuera who have nattered like I lu tu mq untold agonies, and for the reaaou I glvo you full perml&aton to make me or thU statement In y way you ckooie." Weak and Nervous Describes the condition of thouvamli of people at this season. They have noapj-etite can. not sleep, and complsln of tlm prisrallng effect of warmer weather. This condition maybe remedied by Hood's Ssrsapatllla, which creates an appetite and tones up all the organs. It gives good health by making tne blood pure, Hood's pills art the best after-dinner pill ailt dlfceitlon, cure headache, 1 JfflL QSB&BJk - . .. .f.. THE GIPITAL MUM. (DAILY ANI WKKK1.Y.) BY HOKIIK BKOl'HBMB, RATURDAY, OPT. 6, ISflo. asm I'g.- ' l ? IHE LKBBON OP fUU PiilR. The normal m..tj lulilaovor. T.ir are a'm district und county fulw i.I then thtre la Iho Portland exposition What lesaou ia to be learned of rill tbl. ? All BtaloH ntnl counties have fairs and exhibitions. In the west they tut mainly expotllbna f sporta1 and amusrMtiit. fu the older roiifiTnuit tlta of the p,nt thero la aliari (Minim tltiou lu all onuses of prodiiuU a:.d t'tt preojIuiiH ivwarded a'' eajf,crl o '"- Uiicd foi. Tho fair in-y be tulil In be sam 'thing more than a lilpp-xlrnuit and luouey-uiasliiir fimnprm. VViiut Ix ibb les-;i uf ilio ftir? i'uit tho public likes amutdu.eut and iuotie miklu.? I Hut ui'.V At -it paoplo like to meet on puhl.o ooca- oh 1'iiuC u great civilUIn Inll leute, t-vea to aa aemble lu largo uuiube' :( u lu.rtu' race, a oyolo racp or u bud race. A bull can light, lie can't rnee. I In cruel to race a largo fat bull. Rut eou that crude and cruel (-port tho nuiiii tudea went wild over. The cud r, thaxinoio ridiculous, the greater aeeun d the onjoyiiiiiut of even civilized v sons. They eeem to cnjsy tlietusu'.vc iutluitoly mure ttiau tho ludiuua. Iau't our capacity to enjoy, to l amused, to forget telf and HelllahiX'bi', the meHii:e of clvlHzJtluu ? 'i.tii. why should not n auto lair l,' hippodrome, a continual progra)) I' raoinf liurdllug, Wild West sIioai-, itiUHtuma, roj e-ualkltiK, balloon iitcen alons? JS'o one goca to a atale full t windy agrlcuhureor hear HrnTobcp. It u the poorest platt In tLe woihl i-. deliver mid restea I'lmt nnglit uit utii be abaiidoiid. '1 he 'M) llryau ci, Ihu $100 Rev. 0 ivm cns, might na wtl! have been put into anoller horae nicu, fur all tho miiltuudu c.ir0l. A fchitt fair Ift not imienable to purely in rul oi itlilcul coiialdeiniloDB. Ja a i-Ute fair worth what I o 'fct- V Yea, ten tlmeaovir. Iliawoiiti it uh n public educator, u public elvilizjr, u social equalizer. It may not bo what yjii'd mako it or what we'd make It. People prefer to go to be atuuaed, to bri entertained, to visit, to watch a rare, to buy pools, to vlait tho shows, to tak ing premium. If that Is their wiah, why deny It? Are wo to deny tho pu'illo all recreation? Is everything to be put ou a basin or education and moral Instruction, are there to bo no more e.ike aud ale In this imrd-work-Iiir world? Wo could lind a groAt deal or fault with tho universe, but why do It? Tiik JouitNAii Is In no mood to bo serious or crittclee the frtnto fair. Thla year Tin: Jouhnal goodnnturcdly let the fair go an It pleuao, aud the. result la nearly aa good. Tho world neema willing to run aftjr the olowu, tho sport and the gambler, whon It Is In Its holi day mood, and haa llttlo patience with tho mun who makes lino moral dis tinctions. Wo would have beeu glad to eco better blooded stock und Icaa ballooHlug. But the ballonlat muat live. While thouaands of farmers aro iutereated in heller blooded stook, opo ballooulal serves tho wholo PacUIo coast. Wo cannot And fault because thoro was uot a better horse show because the horse uhb seen its beat day. If It wero uot for the gumhllng attachments there would bo little lnter eat lu homo racing. But thouaands of people hre gamblers In a small way. Tho sheep, swine aud poultry depart ments wero nil tliort of common. But the bualneaa depression restlug on agriculture, restvd ou tho fair aud made it wouderful that there wero uny exhibits at all. Where tho people got tho money from to buy tickets at the galea or but ou horse races was a mys tery. It wan nearly all silver, but there was a great deal or It. The hop yards must have contributed a great deal of It. But the major part or tho people felt too poor to go tj tho fair. The platform of tho Nebraaka Bo publlcaua has tho right ring to It ou lluance. It says; "Favoring tho ueo of both gold nud silver aa stiudard money, wo oppose all monetary legis lation that would rektilt In either gold or silver monometallam," Will Har vey Boott aubsorlbo to that? Tho Astoria News thluka Judge Feo'a resignation aa circuit Judge lu Eastern Oregon means another candidate for United Btatea senator. The Ddiuocratlo newspapers lu the atato that cast slurs at Senator Mitch ell do uot know the feellugs of tho pec plo towatd him. It Is time the brutalities aud barbarl tlea of Turkey aud Bpalu ceased. Thore la clvllltatlou enough lu the world to protect the Armeulaua aud Cubana. Brown and Bailey have enlarged the ludepeudoueo Uuterprlae aud It la uow the model weekly paper of the yalley. Children Cry fat Pitohtr't CUfWrll. - 21 . ImIMmMu aoorr ON THE IJ0R8E. AlibXbhauge'says: IT Klchn'rd tlm Third of England hnd lived In t'.une latter daya ho probably would havo hetllated to oflrtr Ida kingdom for ll rmN.'. li'ittc The poor dumb lirnt-j la to IihuUm. pitied llitae times if liotao cauoe'rle, nl electricity, of m -rm and of the lwo wheeled su-.ds yl klenl sUtl. The Onwiiilan till uiil n liter might have nrlfleu "Heiitile-cat Iti pace" or given the iMiornulmul :ti other Lrito but decent arblluury, Instead of thla: "Out-, sldHoflilB tiMlI'Vi tbfl hnrso lathe moat iVern.Ud tlilr g in vivii.vitlou. Wlivn bin utility ha been taken away by in vention, we shall tic how falsely hn hus lieen regal di-d. M With all his un-clt-anne??, avpgenR and stupidity, he la noiblii but n dirty, vlcloiio btast, fit for wild i)icn, but not for the abode of humanity and cleanlitusa. With lu ilulto toll, pains aud trouble, man has taken him liotu tho desert aud forest and tiartlally tamed him. But ho Is a rolio r barbtrlam. l'ho clylllzatiou of tho future will have uo place for liltu." The Eugllali single gold money sya lem suits the KugUah IioUho or Jirds but It lia.i crtMhed J'VikIIi agriculture au i labor out or reoogultlori. J. B. Montgomery, of Portland, lias ' a letter from Balfour, at the head of tin; tieauo of Emlaml, and be la still (or tiiuieiullsm. . There will bo uo more prlt ) iiuhtttig lu Texaa. Aa that etate ia next to liadiH, there ahould bo no more thla aide of there. Piof. .Jury, of Willamette rjulveraity, la tbe author or on able treatise, 'I What ' la Populism?" We wish the professor all success aa an author. ! The atato preaa la unanimously ap plauding the appointment of dtephen A. Lowell, of Pendleton, as judge, ! Tne Urovor Cleveiaud mouometillam don't suit Democruta very well, and Republicans uot at all. A P. A. organlzvra are Eastern Oregou, at work in The Portland day. exposition opens to- j TllK Bi.UK Rihhon Ha? beon dia trlbuted among tbu various displays at tho state fair ground but tho thousands of Btraugere who took their muila with us during the stuto fair have awarded us tho first premium fur servlug tb ' best 16 cent meal to bo found in tho state. Ken worthy A Harnett. Tho Buluni local left dalem thirty five minutes late this morning, but with Bat Casey at tho throttle considerable of the lost time will bo made up before reaching Portland. i Bow's Thlsl Wc offer One Hundred Dollars Repaid for any case of Catarrh thit cannot be cured by Rail's Catarrh Cure. F.J.CIlEfJEY & CO. Props., Toledo, O. We the undeislgned, have known P. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business trans, notions And financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Tojodo, 0 Walding, Kinmn & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of die system. Price. 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists, Testimonials free. There aro 177765 mllea of railroad in tho United States. Thero aro 60,835,880 rails used to cover thisurouuu. Thoro ore 633,205,000 tlcs.used to blud these rails together, but no such amount, however, ia required to blud tho hearts of tho traveling public to the fact that the Wisconsin Ceutial Hues furnish superior facilities ou all tbelr traliiB betweeu Bt. Paul and Chicago which form close, connections with all Hues to tho east and south. Make a note of It, Xheuuiatism Is a eymptom uf dlaeaae of the Kid nrys. It will certainly bo relieved by Parka Suie Cure. That lieaducbo, backache aud tired feeling cQmu from the same cause. Ask for Parka1 Sure Cure for the llyer and kidneys price Ukl, add by Luna & Brooke HMw im Lastly, Quickly, Pcrmanottly RMtre4. IVenkucosi NrvBaM, Bbllttr. and all tits train rrom early error or later -excesses, 1 tne results or ovenreric, sickuois. worry, etc. tullstrenctli, doTel- opmeut and tone given to lovery organ and portion oftliobody. Htinple.nat- i,rl tnAttnv1. Immivil M'lll ute linnroToment seta. Failure Impossible. S.000 referenceo. Hook, xpunaUou and uroof s insilsd (sealsd) tr. ERIE MEDIOAL 00.. luffU. H.Y. i .Nerve Tonic Builder NfiflM VsCrl4U tvuupbUl .Sftv V i'i. n im w tl"r rrrn mnici MLDICI.NE CO. '5clieucladT, W.V nl.KkTtW, nil of mn j i' )j ' cSttm uj-5nv- lYHMtWrtirtl i I nr I s7l&9v -Wi'.WrA, k7tUrfvuMM , SSEW Mil. 21., .3ki3 lrtx. Cj?' - tt- rf rr THE "GONQREO ATI0NALI8TB. FoVty-Beventh Annual Section Htld at Qrcgon Olty Last Week. Thirty-tight churchta wero rt'pre enird by !!U mlnlator.-t and 101 dete- Ortli.'eifl werri elected aa iolles: U?v. W. .'. fcintner, 1). D. of Halem, tnoiJeraini; tho Itv. A. It Olds, W-s-tou, clerfc j tho Itev. J. M. Barber, Wll sOiivlllb, UHtlfltutu olerk. Rev. David Wuver, register, gave tho uariuiiu of thochuicuttf. Thla lu dlcated that there wero 63 uhurcuoa lu tho attte, two wire orgiulz.-d during luu youi ; rlsrepurled au additlou of 471 new Uihiubera, uu uveruo of 2i!j uiem burs tvt each tbureb. Rev. R. A. Rowley bulimltleil hir uniiit. i lepurt. Tli.s ttiowed that 7u new hsiimlai schools Uud been organ iz U during thu year pnat, with -U 0 liew pii!iio. Thi' neasufer or tho . W H. M U. reporttd that 1301.00 hud been raised thepHtteur. By tho eioioturj'a ' p'ut u v.va ihotvu mat 111 life membeia liHd been nddul foi Iho year, making a total ofiH). Ollktn were elided lot (he t'iitii)g jeur as JMIi.wn Piefldeui, Mm, F. KgKiit, Portlaudi general vice resident, Rev. Dora B. Haiber, Unampocg; reroruMug secre tary, Mia. H. W. Young, Portland; treasurer, Mrs W. D. Palmer, Port laud; auditor, Mr. W. E. Bialuerd, Mt. Tabor; pruideut of the Willamette a4."oclatlou, Mm. I R. Cook, Portland; vice preaiduut (f tbe mid-Columbia a-auclatliiu, Mra. ti, A- Lowell, Pjuile ton; oxeeutlve ooiuiuitlee, Willamette uBoc-Mlou, Mrs. George C. Browiiell. Oregon Clti ; Mra. William M. Cuke, Pntlaud; executive committee, mld (J utimbia utsuclatlo'ti, Mra. J. N. Mc Coy, Hood RlveijMra. D. D. Clarke, Ponlaud, was elected corresponding secretary. Ttio unlou pledged itself to ml-e J6C0 for the coming year. Odlcers of thu O. II. M. ti. for the emuiiug i ear wero elected aa lollowe; president, Chits, h. Fay, of Portland; vice president, the Rev. D. B. Gray, of Portland; secretary, F. McKercher, of P01 Hand; treasurer, I. A. Macrum, of Forest drove; corresponding secre tary, tho R tv. C F. Clapp, ol Foreat 0rove;execu iu committee, Iho ltv,. A. Rigers, LKuiiel B.avei.Qeo. R Wal- lace, D.D, P. N. tikiiiner, Chas. . Uayiord, I'uouiaa .McCiuilaud, D. D. Av tbe business inoellugof the OiC gou braiicli of the woman's board uf the PaelUclboottlcera for tbo ensuing yo.ir were elected aa follews: Prebideut, Mra. Tbouiaa McClelland, Forest drove; general vice president, Mra. Daniel Slaver, Foreat Grove; vice preaideui of Willamette aasociation', Mrs. W. C. Kntuer, dalem; yic'o pVe'sl; dent of the mid.Coluuiblu usaooialiuu, Mrs. ti. A Lowell, Pendleton; homo secretary, Mra. Cephas F. Clapp, For eat Grove; recordiug secretary, Mra. J, C. Hare, Ilillaboro; treasurer, Mrs. Mrs. John A. Bell, Portland; auditor, Mra. C. h- Fay. Tho amuuut raised during the year was 1333.70. Tho claims of tho Con gregatloual Church Building Society werp presented by the Itev. H, H. WikoH', aud $134 wbb inUed tu scalat In building ohiircheaat WIUard.Matlon county and Condon, Morrow county. Thoaaaoclatloii meets next year at Hiusalo street church lit Portland. Courier. Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry for NLW ADVERTISEMENTS). urANTKD.-l'oklttouai housekeeper by ex It pentii.ceil Uermuu woman wuo aieaka ugli'll ktreot, To be lound at ltr, Jaba's, v later 1-0 fc- 1.1011 HALK.--House aud lot, IHtb una Oak, 1 prlo f&0 cunttiU). Apply on premise or uUdifiwJ.K, Vunil'rfool.j-Hieui, 1U-V-1T A tltiUnh) V AX.U t'or u small luiuily A. wbb aKoudcurden preloried. AUtUOaS U-'J7lf A.jourutti ouico. 1 a ucreaguod letultundln Holt oouniy, XOU AebrrtSka, lotrudelor land uear ba leiu. or. Addrw box ft.TliBdford. Neb. l2w Hia wiMi tAMi CO., jupuneoe bnucy Uoods, bIIk fureeiu, Ureulug Uqwna, Luluawurv, Tuu, Unlliuija, U(.ileiclotlliu Kvery ttilui; cbeap, ll'i Court at., under opera boune. Ul8-lm li HS. hliLA 11. Ai'UOWEbb, Uieueror voice ounuro, aw mgn si. uif-im WAN'IKU kxperlsuoed lrU to housework. In email luimllea. l'uy li to 13. Apply atihlsottico TTioit BAi.K,-A few flrst-elaasinllchooivs. I Alsosouit Jersey beirfew and a two-year Jertey bull. Apply to Uoo, K. Aileu, 6 mllea eostoftiiilem. V71m lUlUbllAH pUlilNCfi-UlWiriHU" o Vj kinds on sule and UtirUllau tJoleuoa vleos at ja Liiocrty treot. corner Olieine or sal ker eketa h 1". rittllKlX, f,owspaverAdvrUslng Ajeul, uur rautborued aseut. Tbia paper U kepi on rile In UUortlott. CiAlu-Ki' 1'At'is.W Uui-so tot of beavy urun wrapping paper lor sale cheap. Jnst tbe tiling; or puiuug under carpti UUlfelJour. iii uuipa ijAfKitia. roruano. naeramenvo, otaiuo A. -laooinai and Hon rnincUou uaoeni onu.ii at llopt'a foaiofflco block. JV1 OmKX l) MIAN. U, Marsb, 1U) om Pout limoa blocc HIT. Mk BALK UU.fclAtV.UU luug I I' lentAacraicbolco laud Fn tiood, large borne and barn; va log fruit trees, t'lenly of smi time or would West raiem. arlety ot boar- in? m smaU irult, good and j-i acrta umber. Address box its. V2MI $G00l HlItMHtllmnmtl.il KjnrAtrfft thTArt miles koutli ol tuirn. biuatl house. aud burn. Inquire or Uurggrai, t jr States nan. ' 04Vtf ' f li Have uot yet found a lariu to aull our W customs rvr bo wants, not to exceed loo avias lu a t atnollo uelghborbood and nenr m Uatbollo cburch. and tiausportatlon paillally Improved, as 150, eat b. AddreM Iuu llugerty, uw4 Utark street, 1'oriluud. lfoAw K 4Kula BUhHllAN . Typewriting aud coiumeroUl atenograpby, OBlos, room Gray block. Tha ht nr work doBt St ra tollable rates. - IV28I WAUJN v TUAi E-kor sAle or t- uade fur bay and ot. a good frm woa. Apply to U. a, 1'Hyoe,' eiAtol asylum Sir " i i r ' -..,-......i !" " JL- ' ,, " New Blood And life have been given mo by Hood Barsaparlltn, in placo ot impurities, dls nrrfnr Bomoch and catnrrh. I regard Hood's Sarsaparillajjjrjmfta .1. llnt tnnln nnd heartily COM- 7 HIUIIIVIH.U a most oxccllent tonlo and heartily com mend It to all." J. W. Johnson, City Clotk, Ottkoidale, Wasblnnton. M TJJ" DJItc easy to buy easr to take, UUUU s iiw cant In elTuct. S. JOHN HUGHES. Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils, Whitlow Glass, Varnishes and tho most complete stock oi Brushes oi ull Kinds in the State. Artists1 aintcriuls.Umo, nalr.Ccment and Shingles and finest Quality ot (HtASS StitiDK MONEY TO LOAN On frm land soourlty. Hprolal rales ou large Ukwis. t-oan eousldervd without deiiiy. . ... UAMIIroN . AlilMI. I i k liilliHiii. RESSiAKiN UiH CIiK.VKNMKK, from Porl'nnd h wop lied di'sr-imkia pn lorn In 'bit Kdrldge block, u siilrs mix: oix to Cberrlbgum'H gal ry. UUv; and ll snltHanr'rlnltr. .liln W. AsCtJsICK Piesldent. J. ,11. Ali'.llC'U Oslit' r. OK SAIvEM. 'Xransuotaa general banging buslress. E. X. WAITEPHINTING CO,, irn inn nnitT'POl tiiW UUU A 111 I I 1111 ' AND Legal Blank FubllxhcrH. tsV'n Nw Itrlet ov. r thobart Com" t GEO. FENBRICH'S MEAT MARKET. sill Commercial su ICottla bloaic.j fHuoMiaor to O. il. lioekJ: Jo.i Weal inoals In tho city. I'romputelivi-iy av inxui nrmiw RED FRONT LIVERY AND 8TAQK I,IM:i. Ited Front Livery and Hoarding BtAble, KlrMclofg luovcry rnspect. l'rlcea reusouabt, It. l. Wkstacott, proprietor. UAllA'HrAOK LINKS. Following stages arrive and depart dully, except rluiuliiyj Hllvertnn stge arrives at 10 a. m, leave at 1:1ft p m. Fare 75 rents. Dallas atg, anlvesnt 10 a. m., leaves atl n m. Independence stage arrives at JO-,30 a. ru., linivtm ui.4 p. in. llil 4 Pit. CONTMS, Parlors Over Gray Bros, WOLZ'S MARKET. t'mtb, sHited and smoked Meats and Bau snueJ S-ltelr gttrntor meals lu bixl abtpe. Kept In an Al Ut) onest, esuUrn xtyle, free delivery Uouth Uouimetelu1 itrvet. 6-1 OHAS WOIZ, Prop, HORSESHOEING. NKL80N HUC1HE3. In connection with tbe blacksmlthlug Arm ol McCurl A King, fontbweat corner of state and Knint it . doe all klnilof horeliolnif imi ik CHEAPEST. Salem. BEST, Oregon.. Remember Cy Stewart The Cooper. He can make anything vrltb hoops on It, and make it good. New ork or repairing, fchop outh ol Mlso'e k.lll, Bouth Baltm. 9-ltt-ini flA Cklhc.i,r t.Hiua liiuwwM imaa. Pennyroyal pills ,-fTv UtlllaaaOelj i. Uo. fc JWZS . U., rutl. t. ai ,k iaX lnnUl bt (IUlir . r4S U KjsI u4 l ' ... I'M ff 4lAf m UUjf Hi. 1nJr i-.i- ' riv V 1N.KIW Uk Uu Hm.m4imUiiiMu. AiDratsu . rrmll U MMwa fer B&rtUilUr.. I t'umocIiU uA mu. At Drtsu . m nttt a fttilr.. I t'umocIiU u? like.ltrCkNataltV,Ua4l-1al!iiai lrHuw. l'SHfN, Ual M 5S Win halktulUui Miss Balloo's Sclioo .OIT.NKD IN . (UlAX iVtf'.V HALL, 'N- Will r.o tvpnlillilrcnlrom 3yeA" iMiwnrds. Motitnl tlentlon to liesliineii. A'l ileMrcrt hriim-beiMrlliBO'ilcr pi.plU U-ulil.luo.ud-I ir ilrual. . innlMliw. inislf. plain rnt m-ivinafeillf wora. Allfl.uk tloiiji n tlm IIUIlVlllllUi PIIH. Ill Wlll.-ll I'Tll eblld Is ail- u,.m.i i.fniirtim? n Ita ow 1 ripiietly. For ,.-,., o -n1 nirllnllliirH AntllV 11 M 0 ll ilnlloit Twnl'h ni'd OlirniHltytui'lH University. BAI.UI, O'lEOON. ...K.. i. .i.t.H. ... la.ivnliitf In Min Hlnll. ..it .......... -.... n...l will, .In fiilrnc. 'Itlml ontollraaut fur itMIS. JOI smdouU. . h.xMjnscs moilKrate. Now m ninnsutni. Klfty-seoond yrnr boliiiHupl. 17, UU. ror iniorinaiioii iiriiiiHiiiuimuivui W. 1). HA ALKY, A M., BtlJwnw I'rCMldaiit. If you ovo your boy glvn hitn the most ye.1 noie or aug iin,iiieimi cauwiuu i- bli Thrie is uo belter pines limn lit. Aiijrol College, MP. ANGEL. OU. Hcnool eomp'"'e in every rep"ct. f.ploudid atuil uf tmebers, oeslleut wea h, lieautlitil aud lirnltliy loe.illnii. iiinntunt (virenndMrlrl dlMinlue. uud OHla but s0n inoulli. KMliu German School, V ii ruiiii o 11-He.ii-nn bo commenced anj ui'-u'er i-pi. iC, Term, prlvalo lcssoui. 0k i ui hoi live, st Tho Uerman r-ator- it icb'n ir ; iiidrt-M will be opened al li'ttiiilm.' li il e ir-r ' heme otaiinu CottflK it p . 7. ii'iit.'Cv. pi r moiitli. I a in a i it!e ol t. "in n bold a anriiiiili tinclm'H cr irtca foin Im I'ru an t'vi ainent.m.d in tin r r ii'u tlm tu. I 1 1 1 1 h . .Mi , publtoirliooln, Nh- U.A. II ItAl'HKs. Conservatory Work. Dr. I'xrwn, (llieetnr mid teaolier ol jIih.o, Itiil'Ui fl iil Irtsc harmony aud l'i-H iii'!iinir. AiiMtiltiyMlsj Anna Kiebn, timelier of ilutni, organ, guitar, lilln ami zither, Mrn. J. It. blinrp, ein'wi-r ut iiami, oruan and Blm-iiii:. Miwlo roimiH i.t the residence of J. It. riliHMi. Hj un. l.euvo onlera at tl o Allen's or N iIIh' uitiulo store. Mrs. C. M. Ofla wilt reopen ho KINDERGART EN In Iho Cougrcgittlonul cliurcli parlor on Blpt UO t Hki m Mill i Mi! I j i DHAIN, OUKaOK. Writ for cntnloguo. UUI3 11AIIZKB, S7 2m PreildAtit WELL DRILLING Conlrno'.s wuutcd lit louoniblo pilics. Work gUHrantcxit. Itff.roao'in to experi ence uud rrnpoHitblltif'.liirrilatied, Write 1'. Li. KICIZKK. Palem. 9 fl. Or. J. J. HAltKINS, Morse, Shoeing Shop at 100 Uuemeketu streot, near Com inercUl, Hpoclnl attention tu Iniurnrlui: and liorxo with dlHirt rt. JUHN 8TANLISY. ; Jill MBA STANLEY & 31EA1), STEAM WOOD SAW Quirk work. Low prloei. Litve Older at It. II. Wemamtt'ii Mabin. baok or l. O ft-IMl JiULTON RHODE3, Practical Upholsterer. All kinds of work made to order. Itcpalrlugasreclalty. IS' J Court street, balem, Or, U II. CO. K, MoNKlLUritBUKlVKK To The East QIVK1 TUB OUOICB OS" TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES -VIA- CHEAT HON NORTIMN RY. PACIFIC RY - Ik Rite lo ill BislttD Cities. Ocwn f earners isave Portland every nv day r'or lull details call on hr addria' BOISM 4 KAIUCBtt. W. It. HUltLHUHT Gen. !. vt: t'onland, Oi G. Al. POWEKS. Local Ticket Agent ro.i(iQ Trade t, Ti i'i ""',l pStov' n' "" BAST! -VIA TUB Union. Pacific System Thiinh I'ulinttn I'alar '.(., .,, . - Hli -i Hinl 1'ieT Keelin' K t b .1" . " " limn POKTLAND to CHICAGO Tjiino to nuwir.Ti) iyi 'rime io New S ork, IX a y ..toCJ' U mM'y "0Ur" ''" axn ih aU w- Kormte, time btblra anl full nft iiiitiA. apply to "' UOJsK tV IliltKGit, A cnj.ealfm, Or It. W. 11AXTKII, Ooi.oral A tent. ', '. .!'K WR. 1)1 r.ui.Ate 1 1 Ttnril t.. IV rt'ni d. "nAreii ffa flAT H.nm!MMUWMl4M UJMIWWl . 'T. ", TT.. . J K Ei 5?TJ K-I t . T ' ZXi . . K HftJ.yre!' LCT 1 wiM wwn iilvibm mi M l. WVmM R U N 3 Pullmaii Sideoln'M. hlcp-ant Din.-if Cau ft ' - A. Touiis1 Q.flir Wfl .,sl l!' Nt LIS PI.. U ll IrArtul. TO iGRA. io, i, CHOI) 'uN i V'lNN- 1 KEt i i.;i ara i Bin rt Triitotiun TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and all Points East end South Kor Information, tim ouras, uupi tlckui -Jill o.i or wrlti THOMAS. WATT tC CO,, AUBNl idi Coinmsroiiil si , ,. .1 Of A. i). Ujiakipon. Ai, u Pass ARent; SJV) Morrlnuu nl., corner Third, Porllivml, Oro. East and South; VIA THE orlASTA ROUTE Southern Pacific Como -v. oAMrortAicxfjimn tb.'v 1 o .1 8 tO p. 111. I 1,V. l'O IH nil is r0) a C si 11.111 p. Tl. I LiT. to;.! .a.iti Aft .) n -i Abovo tmlnn atop at K- tlrlfnd,0 egon City, Woodburn.bnlcm. lu...i.,UrWD, Jellerson, Alba'y.Aloany Ji notion IrviBl. Kugeue, 0ieaAll,l)ruuis anau.jsis- 1 1 ''Oiu Koebure toAshlauu .noliihive CoSBl.VKO.MAlr. DA MT, irstri a. m. I tiv, 1) CO a. m I L,v. :"M p. 111. j Ar. I'orl'aua I" ' ' P Halem IjV "-in IjV I. It.nfl'iurit H Ul HOllth' BALKU I'AkBiCNOKIt. 4.10 p. in. I LiV. I'oi tiuud. Ar. 6:15 p. 111. j Ar. Halem. l.v onn 0 ia.a t:00sm. Dining Cars ou Oaaen lloule TOLLMAN BDFFET SLEEFEHS AND Second Class Sleeoin Cars Attached to all 'lirouU I ti'ii. rYwlSiile Mm. Betweuii PutUiei PA-1V IBTQUFT iHf-il . 7:.ki 'u'. 10. ocuariT .1 u !. ' 11, in. A .r.a, - 1 yiLH At A'hany 'ovvallis eon aro '$ 'alns m Hi ago itmlr.lA tjastern wi 'T cfsurs hi TSTf frvTTv , ia 1 ji lA. q . Ar, TMStOuj3 TICKK1S To all point in tbe Makt,in states 1 and '' n jj uaa ot obta- :) a' ' si stjs ". ' ')j '. . - Oregon Central ANr Eastern R. R. Co, YAQUINA HAY rOUTK. OonneollOK af.Yaquloa llav ", ".'? riHiiti.lLnnuHfl Vanninn llftV HtCA USllll. I BTKAMKll K1HALU1N." TA1 and flBteass in vry reject 'Vr f 1 Vnmiini, frtr lan Hmnnta O III OH ' dys. ,,,.j ratMSePser bcj mmodatlons u s aU' ( u.'io.nin . , mn rtarJiti Alwwy.ipo'r-t ", lZ roiiodtrlp otJ)diy l CHAAOtiAHK npt. '"U',' ' EDWlIS,1TONJfl,Manasir, OorvaiUs. Or A.;j, CHWtKjtm.ltcal Ait, 8WMl "H