CAPITALS JOURNAL. JCXAMINE TnJS. , IT IH A i SAMPLE COPY" WOV A VKOPIX'S, BfcrtJBl.CAN PAPR 25 CENTRA MONTH. The Atxcclattd Prssi U1II7 Joaisi! ty rastt. Hs pperi sent beyond lime paid Jof.J VOL. b. DAILY EDITION. SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY, OCTOBER ft, 185. DAILY .EDITION. NO. 191 A Has Her Lifo Lot Ont Murderer. by a KILLED IN HER ROOM FRIDAY NIGHT For Jealousy or llor Monoy-Cut-Tliro it Escnpos. -Tho A moat cruel nud bloodthirsty mur dor was commlttod Friday night about 8 o'clock, In otio of thollttlo Chinese tonomentB on Liberty street, between Court nud Btnto. The murdered wo man is MaggloToJo, a Japanese nged 21, who has lived In Balem far Bevcral years amoug tho Chinese, and tier Blayer Is probably a Chinaman. Whon flrst found she was lying on tho floor and weltering In a pool of blood In tho little front room behind tho store, when Chief of Police Dllley nud Patrolman Bort Savage burst Into the room. They raised her up and tried to got her to tell who her assaiiunt was, but sho was uuablo to do moru than uod her head in assent when asked If It wore a Chinaman. Bhe had wrapped a cloth around her throat and clutobed nor nook with her hands, but tho blood was spurting In alldlroctlonp. Sho had n small saolt of money clenched In one hand. Tho other was badly cut from her ellorts to giaBp the assasseiu's knife. On tho left side of her neok was a long nash from behind hor oar to tho front of her neck, aud another on tho right elilo of tho neck that cut the Juglar vein and windpipe. Death was inevitable and ensued in a very short tlmo. THE MUKDEBED WOMAN. Tho Jap woman wusqulto a charac ter in her wny. Bho was called Maggie T0J0 among her class. She has been at Balem about threo years, and has never been In the police courts as a defend ant. On Monday she was intending to movo to bolter quarters, expecting to be confined iu a month or six weeks. Bho bad ovldoutly been sitting at u table writing, whon tho assassuln camo up from behind and pulled her over back wards. Bho wroto a fair band, aud was addressing cards. As a very pretty Jjp girl she had attracted the attention of sovoral Chinamen, and probably the who has killed nor out or Jeai- her ono ousy. Thero was no evidence that person had been outraged. TUB ASSASSIN ESCAPED. A hatless Chinaman lleelug In great hasto waB eeon on tho alley on Court Btreet by Schuyler Klghtllnger, also by David Bcott, Jr., hostler In tho Basov stables, and later by two persons in North Balem. Scott attempted to ton the man but ho drew a weapon and bcott did not relish attacking an armed man In tho dark. Chief Dllley and Patrollman Imtourelto went, out In nursult and traced what thoy belloved was tho fugitive, to a house on tho Fletcher plate. When aroused a man came to the door madoabreak and dashed into tbe brush. Several shotB wore fired after him but he flew as on wings, and for the tlmo escaped our vigilant police ANOTHBU BEAttOHINQ l'AHTY, At 3:30 a. m. Policeman Latourette, Bert Bavago and Jas. Culver, went out to the Fletcher place ou the Sllverton road about five miles from Balem for the purpose of continuing tho search. They found the houso vacant where Chief of Pollco Billy flrst flushed tbe supposed murderer. In a house 60 yards west of the house flrst searched they found two Chnamen,tbeoulyCht uamen In that part of the country. They were brought In and will bo held to appear at tho prcllmlutuy-triul. Oco of tho Chinamen arrested had a ban dage over his head, but It proved to be from a cut received about a month ago. These Chinamen are not believed to bo connected with tho murder but are held as witnesses to prove the Identity of the other Chinamen on tho Fletcher pluco In tho hopo of getting an accurate description of tho man who did the killing and resisted tho police there. A DAD MISTAKE. A Jouhnal reporter who went over tho grounds today on the Fletcher place and It Becms tho pollco made a bad mis take In attempting to arrest n white man, whoso house thoy had mistaken for a cblua shack, and who in turn mistook them for burglars. Tho pollco camo to tho Fletcher place betweon eloyen and twelve o'clock and got ono J. A, Herndou, a renter on tbe Fletcher place, out of bed. lie camo to tho dour, and seelug three men two of them armed, ho started back, thinking them burglars. As ho wont tooloso tho door one of tho police stepped up and ho pushed him back when the otner policeman hit him on tho head with a revolver, cutting a gash over his skull, leaving It open about an inch, which bled profusely. At this Herndou took fright and run out tho back way, hiding in the brush, and dually esoapiug to Curtrlght'a house near by, where he was cleaned up and remained over night. He had only ,hla pants and hat on, uud the pollco evidently mistook him for a Chluaman and had a Hlrugglo with him, and flrod three shots at him. Jack Horndon has lived thero slnco March, has a wife and 'two children, who are away on a visit, The China shack tho pollco woro looking for is betweon Curtrlslit's and Herndou's, and threo Chinamen live there, Hong, Bam aud Jo. Hong Is the man who was cut In a iliut thereabout a month ago by another Cblnaman. Hong aud Sam are tho men now under arrest. Bam aud Hong aro partners In Fletcher'a hop yards MOHE EVIDENCE. Frauk Moorcs, ono of Balem 'a wheel uion.wlillo on hie way homo last night, found the scabbard to be a elx-looh dirk, the discovery of which will lend valuablo assUtauce to the pollco offlcers Iu ferreting out tho guilty party of last ulgbt'a dastardly work. Whllowulk Inc along tho south side of Court street hn noticed something lying on the crossing of the alley betweon Liberty aud High Btreet. Wishing to know what It was ho picked It up and took It homo with him. This morning, when he heard of last nlght'a murder Moores at once came down town and Continued on fourth pje BAY STATE REPUBLICAN Convention Declaro for Geld aid Silver. BY INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENT. Whole Town Turns Out to Wd coino Old Liberty. THE N. P . r)b 0EIVER3HIPS. Thero are Indications of a crlsls.ln tbe Northern raoltlc receivership aflalrs. Tho Jurisdiction of Judgo Jenkins of the Mllwaukoo federal court successfully assailed, and English CollcKoAthlotcs TakoOno Second Plnco. xHlso 1 r I mpii" J fcfCM e. Jrtrr fjmitEU- .--. OURIBOYSI should be all right afoot ran in lother ways. With tbem good shoes ore everything. Everything good In ft rt wearforboyBia Bbown In our RM-t elock-Bhoea for Bchool, for work, for play. Bhoea for all occasions and kinds of wear except short wear. All our .,.. r lnnc wear, and long wear Bhoea aro invariably the cheapest. ,MW re ant to be hard on Bhoefl.and accoru Inclv their Bhoea must be aaapieu iu rough usage. There's economy u raring shoes with plea ly of wr In tbem. Get your boys'.Bhces of us ana e&Ve money. Hit d d 2 LXJ - C w - fe L CO S fi d 3 :. bs c u j- sV llli r tf 2 . 2 S (f) S o S3 ' S 8 1 i r rJ J J, ; m R w Boston, Oct. 5. Tho Massachusetts stato Itepubllcan convention uaot to day, 939 delegates being present. Tbe platform adopted declares for protec tion of nil Industrie, nays government should not permit freo coinage silver at any ratio not established by internal national agreement, advocates legisla tion to protect tho metalllo money ro servo from concerted attacks of specu lators and demands matntainanoe of the Monroe doctrine. Governor Green nolge was unanimously nominated for governor. Hon. Roger Woloott was nominated for lieutenant governor. William L. Ohn, secretary of state, Edward B. Shaw, treasurer, and Re ceiver General John M. Kimball, audi tor, Hosea M. Koowltom, attorney general. Old Liberty. PETEnsnrjHO.Vtt., Oct. 6. The trolu bearing tho liberty bell arrived hero today and was met by a vast crowd which continued to Increase nntll tho entire town appeared to havo turned out to do homago to this national bis. torical relic. .it- 1 - - - Vtabort, sharp Juatfee. v Chattanooga,-Teuu., Oct, 6. Neal Smith, a negro who committed rapo and probably murder upon tho person of Magglo Henderson, at Cole City, was takcu from jail last night by about ISO men, and riddled with bullets. HOIiniHLE mtUTAUTIES. Smith confessed ana was mutilated In a fearful mnnuer by tho girl's father, Wrcoam Henderson, who subsequently cut on" tho ncgro'a ears. He waa solzeu and held wbtlo one of the crowd pounded his Angers oft Joint, by joint, quo Uogor at a time, until his hand waa a ehapoless mass of bloody Jelly. This was dono because ho In tho otrug glo to BUbduo Miss Honderson ho had bitten oil ono ot ono of ber Angers. Each man their took a turn at shoot ing at him until whon hn died he must have had four or five pounds of lead In him. Ho was literally shot to plocea uud tbe bloody pulp, which ouly an hour beloro bad been smith, wan put Into a hastily prepared pi 10 of brush wood and buruod until not a scran of bono romalned. Missionaries Bafo. Washington, Oct. 6. United States Minister Ternll has oablod Sec retary of tho Navy Herbert ns follews: "Thero has been tranquility at least forty-elgbt hours. Klamle Pasha was appointed grand vizier. Dreading tho InAueuce in distant province? of recent event', I have renewed my demand for efleotlve protection of missionaries. A Bad Tire. Foiit Collins, Col., Oct. 6. The Colorado Milling & Elevator Com pany's Aour mills aud elevator burned early today. The loss Is estimated at 12S,000, partly Insured. The Are la a heavy blow to one of the town'a leading interests. A Noted Virginian. Wabainqton, Oot. 6,-General Ma hn. I Htuadllv crowInK weaker and unable to take nourishment. It la feared he will not live through tbe night. m Cuban Cyclone. Havana, Oct. 6.-Uurlng a recent cyclone In the province Plnar Del Bio, 10 persons were drowned, eight miss- inu. Meals ouly 26 conU and tbe very best at Strong's Save money by buying your aboea at the Palace. Make Balem a better home market Porcelain Baths 209 Com'l btrewt. Or. Price's Crea Baking Powder WtA'm PIr Hlbbrt.ft- Mf"-"- ' A bavlncc been bis recclvera, Oakes, Payne and Rouse having beeu called to rendor an ao count of their trauBaotlona. Judgo Hanford of Seattle, surprised the wbolo fraternity of corporation looters by refusing to recelvo their realisations and summarily removed them from offlce. Judgo Hanford had ordered them to mako theft flnal report to him October 2. Aa they had never complied oven with tho formality of making monthly reports to Joukln's court, thoy supposed that Judgo Hanford'B order was a mere formality and paid no attention to his order to appear aud Hie their accounts. He has removed them and summoned them on a chnrgo of contempt. Their attornoy, ono O. W. Bunn, camo across thocoutluont In a special train to appear and tender their resignations of tho great trust they have betrayod in tho most Insolent manner since nearly two years ago, and ho bad the temerity to appear be fore Jndgo Hanford aud say that It was not tho lntentloq or tho old recelveVs to Alo a roport ou (.uj day Bet. The ques tion Is, are our federal courts mere dummies for corporation swindlers ta optrate behind? j It la a faot worth no lng that nearly all tho Uulteit .States senators from Washington, Moqtaua, aa woll aa ex ponatora and congressmen wore present lis counsel for tha. rotton receivers or th"e Iwaltrupt corporation, and the judgOBern8to bojthe only man who represouiou iuo psypiu. i""ju " to eay to ono nf them: "1 will direct the clerk myself in tho prepar ation of that ordor!j Tho lawyers and stockholdora whfuiavo been at work for a long tlmo "to bring tho rovton rocelverBhlps of tho Oakes, Payuo, Rou outfit to Justice aro delighted over tbe manly stand of Judge Hanford. At last they havo found a federal Judgo who will not bo bulldozed. Payuo was nothing but a tool of Vlllard. He was a Milwaukco ward politician; then postmttstor.theu In coutrol of tho Great Northern PaciAo railroad through iiwiun.Tnnklns. who beam all tho car marka of being- pliable and corrupt politician In tho haudaof tho corpor ation wrookers. Brayton Ives Bhows that there was collusion from the beginning In the appointment or mo recelvera Just removed, and Judge Jenkins was probably R political creature of tho sarao powere that make a dictator out of Bucb men aa Puyno. If Judgo Hanford does bla duty he will give Payne, Route aud Oakes oach a teim in the peuitontlary for the way thov havo conducted tho receivership of this great property that the govern ment and tbe neo'plo of tho Uultod States havo auob au onormouii Interest in. Ives ahow that lost year $200,000 was paid out in attornoy feeB ulouo on tho Northoru PuclAo,and no ono knows bow many hundred thousand to tho receivers, their strikers nu corrup tlonlsta. A full showing of what la dono with tho mlllloua or uoiiurs ro. celvrd aud disbursed by such a rail road would opeu the oyea of the people to the inlciultlea practised lu tho uamo of justice in tue leuerai couria. x. would bo seen that inatead or llitlr affording protection to tho peoplo to who pay the fares and frolgbta, these courts aro largely the oreaturea of the politician lawyera who mado the Judges and who In turn aro rewarded with ouormoua fees. Iu ouo Instance where a law Arm were attorneys for threo railroads, one became congressman, Ho got anew United Status dlstrlul court created, ouo partner became udge, theotbor became clerk aud tbo congressman represented all three corporations at Washlugtou. All Orccon peoi'lo remember the rniin tirbrt a few years ago mado by Senator Dolph to buvo ula brother mdn (Bderut ludne to nuccesd ine late Judge Dottdy, although 1U0 aiau pro nosed to All that great Jurist's seat on tue bench waa auout. a miru-raie lawyer. A light was made on him by a small newspaper aud lie waa defeated. Theu tho political boi of Oregon was nronosod and a general protest went i) n from tbo people and President Harrison appointed Judgo Gtlbtrt, of Portland, 'inero Uut never beeu any direct evldeuce that Judges Oilbertor Hanford were mere dummy Judges fctuok up to deceive the pubilo uud lor corroporation whjuijo- . " "" selVM behind. If Judgo Hanlord will nr .uiel Prtyne-oial 10 muko u .i,ninff to the oublic Of tbe receipts .ml ilthoursemeuta at their bauds aa receivers, and matte Receiver Burleigh show every mouth bow uiuoti wouey la taken In and how mucu U paid out, be will render a great public service. Gets a Sentence of Fifleea Years for Wife Marder. AMERICANS AGAIN GONQUBRERS. Portland. Oct. 6. W. E. Ella worth, recently convloted of poisoning his wife, was sentoucod today to fifteen years imprisonment and to pay a Ano of one thousaud dollars. Americana Win. MAnhattanfikld, N. Y., Oot. 0. Tho athlctlo games between the Bons of Ell and Cantal, scheduled to take placo here this afternoon, promise to bo very Interesting. Tbo recent de feats which English visitors met with on land and water havo stirred up the Cambrldgo men and Captain Horan declared his men would do their best to turn tho tide of HI luck this afternoon. THE AMRUIOANS WIN. In tho 100 yard dash Richards of Yalo, Arat Burnett; of Yale, Bocond. Tlmo 10i seconds. In the 120 yards hurdlo, Cody of Yale, Arst; Pllklngton of Kings oollege, second. Time 10 wo ouds. In tho 800 yard run, Rlohards of Yalo won; Lemlroof Trinity ball, second. Time 80 2 6. In tbo hair mile run, Horan of Cam. brlugo won; Crane of Yalo second. Time, 2:02. Putting 10. pound shot Hlokorlsk, Yalo, won 42 foot 2 Inches. Highest of all in Leavening i. uwu. l'OU RoYcvl 3KS-3353 AB.-!UUVF.pT.V Baiting Powder JCMUItiS I LJUL-jn Damon and Pythias. This great historical drama to be given under the ausploea of Central Lodge No. 18 Knights of Pythias and directorship of Prof. Win. Rasmus In honor of tbe grand lodge meeting to be held In this city on the evening of tbe Oth and 10th lnut'Is the II nest of his torical dramas. Tho Spokane Chrontole speaking of Prof. Rasmus dollneation of tho character of Damon 1m com parison with Ward, James, O'Nell and other adorn of national reputation says: "Ills conception of tho part la of tho very boat, his acting In tbo senate scene of tbo second aot being especially line: Not eudulgluglu the slightest degree or ranting but perfectly natural yet extremely dramatic. Tbe Calanthe of Mrs. Win, Rasmus la ono that can not but win the heartiest words of praise. Tho balanco of tho oast la made un of the very best local talent, and tho Kuluhts of Pj'thlfts assure tho pubilo a raro dramatic treat." 1 m MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Halom and Eastern Quotations Cor rected Dally. OiucAoo,OcU6.-WUeat,eiuU MJicj Dee. NKW Yobk, Oct. 5,-BUver, Mcj lead, WJ0. BAN KKANOlfcSOO MAHKKT. BAW KuAMOlsoo, Wheat,, 91X1 Wol-UrtKou,cbolce,D0l)o; lniorlor, tKgrto; vliey,lllo. Iloiw-Uuotiibleat46o. , . ., l'ouuxM-J&.riy iUo..U)QWa; IlutbanlM75o u -MIUinK. VV4I.0J l'OKTUANU MAHICBT. 1'outlank, Oct 6. Wtieul uncbanged. WulUi nulla, 4lc .... ..... Flour foruund, J.47 UeaUin oouaty, 13.75; Bwiui,Jjia;uprHu,J.6prtui, , , 0i-wnil. , rey, MitU, roUod, In bags, S.7xAW, tNirici, ww0j omen, 11.79. 1'uwuM-Niiv Orguo, (WfliWo tu. lUy OooU, iiV Upvt voa. wool Vmiy.lu4lfa. ...... . MIUlun-Uruu, iilWCi ihorU, 112.50; chop lii .lJifilA imp uiu! rvH HOa nera. niuo.-tff.ou. Muled, oj id biOx uuder.W lbi, 7yijo .U.p puiu, nv7iO, Jluix ounmi unu. . iiuiKr oickju luuoy crcimery, MAZiUr, Cuujy d4ir,i7Kftoo; Iklruiuod, lttlV, (jUeoo-creou mil ere.'", lOSllo. fc;-JiOJl J74 1. ,do. fuulury wuioeu.. H.UatA pr doi; duoki tiMUvtUli gouM, f3,uwd.U, turksyn, llv o.tVoputii,2y4iaptrti loir to good ur,aHjai ww,i-Xo; dnt4 ixxf, u.lun-Uit bed, JUJaXOO; cbotos ewea, 1 TMiUE flrtMitd. 44). iil U'ulu. neary. H6oa!l,7S; light and uet,U.,dreiea, $. ,. . VtMi ouiuii, cnolce, tut,, titrge, Sato t . HALUli MAHKJST. WhukU-WHiVoa. MB Uuti-lw. lUi-l)iei. cheat. 13,405.00; tlrnotliy HO. loar.iuwUoiw. lou. SiM-, reutl, txspj bran. buU ViJ, imckad, HIMr, horla, ,flW UCW, cuop loua. lli.WuU.W, tAl-lreMod,4a, A OHUROH DEDICATION. -'Sunday Balom Baptists dodlcata a new and enlargod houso of worship. Thero Is hardly a throe-month passes by that this city of ohurchos does not opon a new or Improved houeo of roll glous worship. This speaks woll for our city, aud is a just causo of prldo to any community. Thr Journal be lieves In churches and schools. This Is a trlto saying, but in tbo case ofa mows paper It Is almost a matter of business to say so, and lo baok up tho saying with a contribution. Bo not a church goes up that Tub Jouhnal as an intel ligent newspaper does not cheerfully gl7o to tho extent It (la ablo. From to 16.00 to (26.00 baa gono into overy new ohuroh erected In tho county and we believe It to bo a good business Invest ment. Churches moan homea and families, lhe church Is supported by tbem. It may get support from popu lation othor than households, nut we may say cburchca aro composed of families, and families aro tho baokbone, tho Bubetanco or tbo community. Families read newspapers and Christ- Ian families aro tho bone and new of society and tbe state. An established church with an estab Ushed'pantor, Is entitled to tho support of all Intelligent busluess and profes sional mou, aa a matter of conservative busluess Judgment. Tbe paBlor should be a resident, a citizen, whoso llfo and incomings and outgoings are part of tho life of tho community. Ho should be a man of somo means and abovo small impcounioslticB, ablo to put his services and bis oplulous abovo tbe reaoh of of pecuulary bias, ovou of bis supporters. Ho should bo an Indepen dent man aud a business man. We do not mean that he should put his torvlces on a business footing or that ho should put business before prlucl pics of rollglou ho should not, but be should pay bis bills, avoid jewing or doadbnatlug because ho la a minister. Suoh a man. peiformlng all hla duties sa a citizen, preaching tho gospel, fulflllinac hla mission aa a man ordained for a dlvlat calling, he is entitled to respect, e couragement nnd support. Woconfee to baying llttlo use for a transient clww called ministers, a majority of whom leavo tho community nono the bettor and tho causo or religion mucbdamg4l for a year or two spent In Its servlot. A minister who can live In a town threo, Ave or ten years, and wear well as a man, a neighbor, and a fellow christ ian, Is entitled to bo considered almost a holy man. It la n trying profession. It is peculiarly trying In a con try where there la scperatlon of chureit and slate, and whoro respect finally attMbea. only by reason of conduct aa a umii, where tho cloth is no protection. But in our country people learn all tu moro to reBpcct a mauly man In the pulpit, a man who docs not rely upon tho sanctity of his calling to corapal a ruspoct to which ho Is not otherwise emitted. So wo welcome the dedica tion or a now nud enlarged church and the permanent Installation or a pastor at Salem. May bis work prosper and bis congregation flourish, Is the earnest wish or all right thinking citizens. Although we may not agreo on minor details or bollef, all Americana can unlto in tho spirit of liberality, tolera tion and enoouragement that christian meu and women nro over ready to ex teud tooaoh other. STATE HOUSE NEW8. Tho wcathor forecast for Suuday is rain. Articles of incorporation wero filed with the secretary of stato today aa follews: Secret Society Hall Aasoeta lion of Pendleton. CaplUl stock $3600. Lot Llvermore, John Wattou and James A.Howard,aro tbe Incorporators. Also the Esst Side Water Supply com pany, of Hood River. Capital took 200. W.F.JaQksou,IieviMiM.ralaB4 Virgil Wluchol are tbe lu corporators. ' w " ' Porcelalu Baths 200 Com'l street. It's Going To Be Cold this winter. All the weather propheU sgree on that point. So the whe woman will begin now to look around for Cloaks and Furs and Wrim. Tha rlpht lime 10 buy IDCll thine Is before you need them. This gives plenty of time to compare prices and qualities, and olenty ot time to think the matter over and mike up the mind, llelng suro before buyln Is a good deal better than buying first an finding out afterwards. We are proud of our Cloak Department. Fur Capes, We will sell any of the samples sent us for display during lhe fair at the lowest prices ever known for such goods. Pilce range from $13.50 to $60 aud Include the highest degreo of perfection. the leading athletic conet. Price J 1.50. Just Opened another lot of Fine Capes and Jackets boude, aitrakan, beaver, pluth ana far the prettiest line hereabouts, number Is a leader from $4.50 to a Dr. Warner's Coral ine Corsets give case, comrort and grace. Four mlllloa women are today wearing tbem. Clothing! fur, Every Don't put It off If your are going to buy lot in fall or winter; buy now and g a waoi by season's wear and comfort out of your cloths. The Fair! 274 OMWRCIAL ST. DABNEY & WHITE. and 2 Lamp Chimneys Only 4c and TTnderwear. Tauie i-iHBu, No. 1 87v"e' VvenwTowellng, a.rru.7,M u'ovc" PiOtlOns u - i ,. rti . And for Tablets ana awes never aw u"sy Overalls, Pants, Shoes, Tinware, Window Sbadea, Boap, Oranlteware. BrooooB BoyB Clnihlng, Matches tSrPrlce our Goods The Fair! gjpp, B, ?o charge for admittance Bbeep Uv,H40. liopa await uwo, JOtt-OMMtXo. Uutwr-ltoit dairy, 15039 fancy creamer c'becM 1011)0. ' , yrm Sooua MeaU-Haooa.80; bama ll;o, sbuldn,7i. rouloets-Nsw, 30 V bo . Dolon . Foster's Kid Gloves. With largo hooks. Evory pair WARRANTED. We are sole agents for this brand. ALL "WOOL SUITS-Goaranteed to wea to your liking or money refunded. Working Suits, $4, 46, $8. H.VrS-reJorai Una complete. FUUNISHWC.S.-rvverrtg new. " sWtK a Dr. Price's Cream Baking PowdW J. J. DALRYMPLEU&r' N. B, Sead ns your mall orders for prompt' aSatloa and ht ew, CO, jo cenW J "- I M----M-a irrfnW'mm -i.) " ti"Witi " "ytfw i'i!W""M .! 1 I '. aJ t wamfvmptvmimmiifmmmi mmmmmmmmummmm 1?