uLlLlirU! I m Ht I 1 ivTTTVV'ilP'I I J At fll F JffBp$C,lSAnL7MwJJ I A I I dX OREOON HTATE PAIR. UlYiSION J-Ha.NM,VOHK. Second premiums: Mrs Hlewnrt, Balem, pillow abams, MfH. T. M, TllOnillSOII. Hnlvm. num.. collection of drawuwork; MIm Lille Abraiue, Balem, lufant'H dress: Mrs. (J. alter, Portland, point lace uaudker- emeij mw. f. R Grinitha, specimen urawnwnrh; Rose Both, Balem, lady's hlrt; Florence M. Wright, Balem, aiKun robe for bauv parrint,. t.- ?THEBEST PIPE TOBACCO. riiKtf'SU'AS'VSUTJ Hii'fEOTOltVf flWAw jiv;3 m 11 will &m&m& t&mmmi-m. wfflttimmawk wtWfxnmffiifflfiwi ordliinry jv0. ,'urcnaier is do Most youdorf-il Glcoovcry of tho obc. It hm wen en 1orwd iy tho lcadlngrcltn. tlilo men of Kuropo and Arnerl". Hudyan Is K'bTe'r cso Hudjran Mops Pf8raaIufn3S3 of tlio a In. charge In 2f days. CilVea r.nsT MANHOOD Constipation, Dlzzfacrs, Falling Sen-sattoni,NcrT-oys twitching of tho cyei end otnoi parts. 8trcn8thcns. Invigorate and tone thi eijtlronyitcm Kutfjan euro Deblllt 1 crjomacM, Kmltgionc ftnddnelopu and rcslnm wenk organs, 'iln in the back, lofsci by day oi niiMstoppct ttfa WB as tjuteklv. Over 2 000 prlvato endo'scrocnts. l'roinaturems lnr-fin Imnolcnry .n llio flnt stairo. It li a ymp.'ora of strnlnal weakness aDd barrcnntsi. It can bo stopped in so days by tho mo o r Ilndyan. . Thorcw dhcowy was mado by thoBncctnl tstsofthonldftmoua Hudson Medical Initltuts. It Li Iho strongest Tllallzcr cade. It Is very powerful, bnt hatmlmi. Fold for SI 00 a pack. wsaorG jwckairra for W.00(plaln waled boxes). Written ppmrnii co civoit for n euro. If yon buy six boxe an 1 nro j ot cnM tly cured, six rooro -Mlbeaenttoyonf-.oofAllcl'arKte. jSomlfH elrculurMnnd totlmonlil. Address HUDSON MKUIUAIj INSTITUTK, luiittlmlitocli.ton,?lurIictA:UUiHSU Sun I'ruiici.co. Ciil. Me XiCciil Mustang liniment for Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, i Stiff joints, ; Harness & Saddle Sores., I Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, blisters, slnsect Bites, f All Cattle Ailments, AII Horse Ailments, VU Sheep Ailments, ... Penetrates MuscU- Membrane and Tissu Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. JSlustans Liniment fettquir: Makes flan or liex,t wcl! Cloud Gatcb, cblld'd crocbet' Hood'; ... uim uernuaru, Bnlem, crocbet abawl luce crocbet. fannv tn..irin.,.. , Miss Muy Hogan, woolen sooks. Chris tum McCrow, Ciynier, fancy inltlenpj Mrs. L. Fischer, Halem, woolen ttock liiKfliMIss Mulllo Urelgblou, crochet "tjunu roue; Hertrude Brady, mould JJrocbe:; iMre. F. A. Lellh, Olymer, knit lace; Mrs. Wm. Q mrtler. Balem, ohlld'H eacque, fascinator in wool; Mrs. R.E. Wuuda, dUplay of haudlwork. UIVI8ION J-AIIT18TIG NKEDLK WOH1C. Mist promluuia-MrH. B. Casey, Ba- teitl, iHlHllIK doth HParf Ini.mtru rD. ond nlwO; Mra. Claud Gatcb, loctstool, silk scHrt tapestry; Mrs. A. Jones, dalem, embroidered porteirrts; Miss ouu Amu, oaiem, tea cloth; Auna uernnard, Balem, funcy upron; Myrtln Apoerson. MoMlnnvllle, sofa cushion, tray cloth, handkerchief case; Miss C. rnons, AlcMlnnvllle, mautlo acarf, tray cleth: Mra. B. E. Russell, Balem, bureau scarf; Mrs. Theo. Nolf, Balem, silk table cloih, Infant's blauKot; Mr?. Holeu E. Myers, collection of Uatteti berg or Houitou laces, lloulton lace toilet cushion; Mrs. C. D. Youmr. Salem, aofa cushion, chair bolster, doy- lies, aiiecimen allk embroidery, table centre; Mrs. J. F. Graham, laumlry bag; Mra I, L Patterson, Infant'a skirt, antln atlt.ib; Mra. Frank Hughes, napkins; MUs Mary Hogau, Salem, lamp mnt, Kensington table cover. sham tewel: Mrs II. I BoIrb lr.. Salem, toilet set; Edith Krausae.doylle, tray cloth; Dr. Annlco F. Jtflreys, pillow shams; Mrs. E. E. Waters, bed spread; Mrs. Ed. Woller, Houitou or HattonberR table center; Mra. C. Fel lows, MoMlnnvllle, sieclal display of KenahiKton allk embroidery. Second premluma Emestino Levy, Balem, embroidered mantel tcarf; Itoeo Both, Infant's blaukot;Mlsa Anna Metscbau, Balem, bedspread; Miss Julia Metschan, Salem, sofa cushion; Mra. Cloud Gatcb, satin etlch aofa cuahiou, stocking bog, Houitou lace toilet cuahiou, embroidered portlorres; airs. a. Jones, Balem, collection Bat tenburg or Houiton lace, Hoclton table center; Anna Beruhurd, Balem, fancy apron; Myrtln Apperaon, chair bolster; Mrs. C. Fellows, Keuslngstou, table cover, bureau scarf; Mlsa Moe .Carpenter, Salem, tea cloth; Miss Julia Matthews, Balem, uupklus; Mra. Theo. Nolf, Balem, toilet set, lauudry bag, footstool; Mrs. C. D. Young, Balem, handkerchief case, silk tabic cloth; Mrs. G. O. Hogon, Salem, abam towel; Mra. J. B. Dennis, Balem, mantel scarf; Mrs. Mary Hogau, Balem. doylle; Mrs. Eugene Breymon, tray cloth; Mrs. B. 1'. Boise, Jr., lamp mat; Edith Krauuee, sofa cushion, specimen silk embroidery; Gertrudo Brady, speci men applique; Mrs. G. G. Brown, set doylies; Mrs. Theo. Nolf table ceutcr Mra. M. L. Chamberlln, Kingston table cloth; Mrs. L. S. Mayer, Balem, dlspluy of Konslugton; Mrs. Cloud Gatcb, dieplay silk embroidery. KEV. EDWARD DAVI? ' "" Lectures at the Christian Church on The Science of Art." Roy. Denton Introduced Edward Davia of Oakland. California, who .fa llvercd his lecture on the above topio. Ejthotlclam was his topio, the dellul nu ueiujf mui wniou taiiKbt us to appreciate tho beautiful. Muslo could bj learned through inspiration. Tho scale could be tauaht. but not numfe. Beauty could be founl lu everything if uunue minu would percieve. The pbasea of nature did not Rroduco it so much as the conceptions of tho mind. Tho source of beauty waa found in tin Increased development of the percep tion of immateriality. Tho taoterlo mustbeseeu In the material or the aoul roraalued In the dark. We must not only bocouvertod of our Bins, but our eyo must bo taught to porclove tho beau Ilea of tho natural world. The perception of beauty develops upon the cultivation of the mind of the In dividual. It caunot be the same to nil but there can be no comparison between the enjoyments or sufferings of differ ont persons. They aro infinite in variety, Tho eternity of the mind Is thr Immortality of man. Mortality spoaks to mau by tho perception of tho minu. The perception of beauty depended upon Individual conception of man, his picturing of material things, re suited lu all the arts. THE VAUIOUS AKT8. Architecture waa the ancient art, Music, the medloval art. Painting and sculpture wero only accessories of the oldest art. Pootry Was the modern art. Idealistic and reallstlo schools were both wrong. Tho lecturer ana lyzed the vurloua arts in a skillful man nt-r. Tho speaker easily aoara Into the roalms of genulno eloquence, carry lug his uudlonce oil their foet by his mag nificent outbursts. His languago is highly poetlo and his expressions vory ornate. Every sentence Is a flower of expression. TboBllghtost opportunity auillcea as a peg to hang a whole ward robo of oratory upon. Tho speaker Is magnetic, dramatic, and wbllo not entertaining (owing to tbo obstru8e subject) he kopt his hor ors keyed up to a high tension of de light. Ho forgets at times that ho Is a lecturer, aud brings In tho "belovod" and other pulpit expiosalona. This Is luevlUblo owing to his calling, which becomes a habit with any mau. Mr. Davis la still a young man 23. It la not to bo expected that he will not olleud aoine in his eilort to bo dram, atlc. He Is nMurally dramatic and, coupled with his intensity, ho at times sweeps the platform like uoyciono, aud mingling metaphors from tho scrip. turcs, from the poets, from his own tlery imagination, ho sweeps all before him In a grand diapason of eloquence. for Infants and Children. THIRTY Tar' oTitarvntloa of CnatorU with tke gatroBas; of HBJUlnai of paraonn, permit w o peiJt of it wtUteai gaming. Xt U TtnqneetlonaMr th bolt remedy for Infante aaj CfclMrtia the worM ha ever known. It 1 liarmlei. Clilldrea Ulce It. It gives them health. It will anvo their lhre. Ib It Methere aay MiethlBg which 1 nhiolutolr afe and practloiUlr yerfeet a chlld'e gaedlolne. Cattorla Jcitroy Wormi. Cagtnrla allay. FcverlahHesi. CaetoHa preveata vomiting Sdnr Cnr3. Caitorla onro. Dlarrhma and Wind Colle. Caetorla relieve. Teething TroTihlca. -Ca.torla euro. Coa.tlpatloH nnd Flatnlcaoy. Oaitarla a.MtralUa. the cgnot. of cartonlo aold ga. ay pol.owoH. air. Oaatarla- doe. Hot ooataln Morphine, oplam, or other aarooUo property. Oaaterla aalaillate. the food, regelate, the .temaoh and hawel.. giving healthy and Hatnral Jeep. Caitorla, 1. pat np la oae-rfea hottlee only. It U not told la talk. Don't allow any one to .ell roa anything clia ca the plea or promlie that It 1. "Jgt n. good" and "will aanrar evary parpBte." ge.a that yon tret C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. The fao-almtln algnatare of WT l.ea every Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Wholesale Reduction IN PKICB OP- STREET CAR TICKETS Si CENTS BACH. Commencing October 7lh,th Palem Consolidated Blfcet Hllwy company will place on sal ticket good until used, at tho into orn0 perlW,oraXoonUoaoh, TbeaetlckeU may be mod by any one without reatrlctlon of nny hind, The company has, In reipomc to the repented rcqucaU of It patron aufljthe citizen, of Balem, decldedto try Hie experiment for a few montna, and If tho Increased patronago JuatW flea tbe unlienrd-ollow rate It will tornado permanent. Tickets on f ale at tho offlco after October 7, 1S3S. 179 Commercial Street. Porcelain Baths-200 Com'l street. y. m. fit. . nnn.naliOJlOUt firM remedy fer UenorrliiM, ccuiyr: x,1!'- ?"v,r;: r ir.: taflluafcaara-a?.?.y.-: .u.i,i.n. tiou. irrn". ."- rTv...wn. ti.au :",-: THtEuxJCaiiwtce. - , ,- ,;,. CMBfflin.0 ffifi""" ti, , r.rir LINCOLN COUNTY NEWS. Tolkdo, Oct. -1, 1885. Judge Burt Is confined to his room with u bad cold. Doputy County Clerk M. E. Pealra la very sick with la grippe. Tho hop pickers ore returning. The family of C. B. Crosno are visit, ing him at his Otis Rock mines. A writ of attachment was sworn out of tbe county court against tbe steamer Richardson for $310, attorney's fets alleged to be due from 11. A. Moss to A. L. MoFttddeu, W.J. Wade, farmer at tbe Sllelz Indian agency, has moved his family to that placo for the wiuter. Uulted States Indian Agent Beat Galther went out to hear tbe free silver champion speak upon the great lasuj now beforo the Americuu people. A uentleman from Marlon county on Tuesday filed a uotlce of mlulng claim on a gold bearing quartz ledge near tue Yacbata in tbe south eud of tne county. He thinks it very rloh. The M. E conference has returned the Rev.Potter to the charge at Toledo. Public school opens Monday with Prof. Bothers, Miss Madge ,Duun and Mua Alexauder as teachers. fi ivann nnd Mlim Alexander have Just llulshed wrltlug and compar-l S,uu"fr,,H.brert ..... ..... ..l.. n,a nlstlr'a I Goldrtl Ucdlcal !: offlco, where they have been working yUhj.u m for the Lincoln County Abstract coin-' dln miyjeici, particularly lu flett The harder the Ortgoulan lights an rj rj-"ttf. Uaae the stronger It becomes for tbe &$ rHiitt and file of the people wuo am ,iain could give onto Harvey Bcott. A New Bidkwalk. A forco of men, uuder Street Commissioner Culver. havo Just completed the work of laying a eight-foot sidewalk on the Bouth sldo of Mill street, between Twelfth and Fourteenth streets. Thla portion of Mill street has receutly been opened for travel, and tho sidewalk will be a great accommodation to tho peoplo of that part of tho city, especially during the wiuter, when tho ground In that vicinity la sometimes covered with water. Let tbo good work go on In other parts of tbe city. Be-Bhinolkd. Tho Red Front liv ery stable, at tho corner of Trade and Commercial streets, recently purchased by R. H.Wcstacott.fa being re-ehlnglcd preparatory for the reception of tbe winter rains. Exposition Opens October 5th. PORTLAND, OREGON. The larsmt and moit comploto display ever made ol the reiouroe. Industries, commerce, business, agriculture, loresU minus, fruit, fl.norlei, manufacture ana transportation faclll ilea or tho great l'ucltlo WortUwcst, Ktuo uiunlc. Hpoclal attractions evory day, llatesonall transportation lines. AUMlsaioN : BlDele adml.lou. ....., Uhlidren, under 12 yoir... season tickets ..... .. 2To .. I0o .. J3.00 Kor exhibit apaoe apply At the xpoaltlon building to E, C MASTER, Soc. 0. II. HUNT,Supfc GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY Many yeara ago Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalid' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., com. pounded this medicine of vegetable ingredi ents which had an especlul effect wpon tho stomach aud liver, rousing the, organs to healthful activity as well as purifying end enriching the blood. ly such means the BtomacU and the nerve are aupplled with pine blood; they wilt not do duty without it any wore than a locomotive can run with, out coal. You can not get a lasting cure of Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, by takintr arti ficially digested food or pepsin tle atom ach must do Hi own work in its owtt way, Do not put your nerves to sleep with ac called celery mixtures, It is better to go to the eatof the difficulty and feed the nerve cells on tbe food they require. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, DIHousne and Nervpu Ai. fectlons, such a leepleatiesa and weak, nervous feeling are completely cured by the " Discovery " It puts prt healthy flesh, bring refreshing sleep and invigorates the whole system. Mrs. K. IIbhkb. of Na Svi Katlh lUtUti St., Chicaro, 11! , writes icjiu -",- meui simply Children Cry for P.tchr' Castori. TusW j tvVLaasss ftlltf Now. afltr two niootbi I am tutlre- l ttfl ot OlY dUtase. My appe- MRS. Hbxkb. tite U cscclltat; (cod wtU dlgntedi bowel rtgular and sleep much Improved," The Willant?lte Hotel LEADING HOTEL OF THE CITY. TF'HE RXJBL sMk. COLD BLAST FEATHER CO. Aro tho only renovators that dry the feathers with a Must of cold air, which leaves tho feathers tough, clean and sweet. 140 COURT STREET. BIG PROFITS ON SMALL INVESTMENTS. K.lurn,ng:r JfSin F0R ,EA011 BULLAE INVESTED can be made by our Systematic plan of Speculation. lem. it la a Well known fact i who, tiy systematic ttadln thounnaSV ffiXaTnSB-rV.8. ftSR)JAr,'l?!.V " i" S! Known. fact that ihs. n throtuth oat. outta 10 osro broker., made largo amount, over? ??, mugmFtrbm a' rew tbound"5, man who ttuwta a hnndred or two hundred dolla" tfp to fj ora to inxjoouor in Who Invent n row t lounand. It la ul.n a rurt t..t .iTlL -i.V.i .li"'w.or.'n f SiilVUT,?1?: t!""!1 luve-nm-ntaon thla pUmanpeTasuwA lira wrar from ShMaiokM Invest through broken who thoronghly understand avatcmallo tredlna-. iuiooaa Writ, for ivinTlnnltiir nronffl. Blkj.f,.. ..M..Hi ..-..- "i..4w",l,. .. ir..1lfJ(S,rJ!0Sv.I.n'ilnI)roo,,',lJ?0"ur.ninu' wanTl spw tfl'atlon and oerDatUr Market ltiport, full of money-making polutera, Al.lj khkk. onrmmnJi u.,i.inJ ,Z.Sr trading infer. laheat referonets in regard M onr sundh ud ua!?.111 ',xPa,n, '"w' furiurinerinrorinauon address " talkington; jsoxxgjbr 108 CO OUT BT., BALK eft CO. Salem Steam Dyeing and Cleaning Ms Have removed to the south room o! the postoff.ee block, where tho proprietor is fitting up the establishment with the latest appliances for STEAM CLEANING AND DYEING. The plant is the most extensive one in the state, belne prepared to handle all kinds or fine fabrics, makes a upcclalty of Ladies' and Genta' clothlnc. cleans carpels, blankets, ladles' hats, straw hats and feathers dyed and renovated. liCr,dPr0m aUcndctl ,0 by "" express or itago. Your patronage is WALDEltMAR NELSON", Prop., COMMERCIAL STREET. -EXCELSIOR - STABLE E. C, Hansen, Manager. Only good horses used. Satisfaction guaranteed, back of Stato Insurance block. Stable 0 mm of urn, - Reduced rates. Management liberal. Electric cars leave liotol for all pub- lie buildings and polnta.of Interest. pitrons. Hprclal rates will bo given to perruauent A. I. WAGNER, Till) UniVerallT Or UreffOn. KUff.nn.Orron.ntTan Irna tnttlnn .-.!! atn4.nl. Vn... "RAh a.,n Doal;d. luoglng, Heal and Ugbttu tho dormitory lo W0pr week. Hooiaor iun u.. .mw.. unu ..uuu. lUUI'K nuum -. (miTIUIHI WUU WISrH ID priVHlO KmillO. at SSI week Yuuug women UMlrlun boara should addrew iTof.Jobn Httaub, hune.OrHi. or opreiary leuna: women-, unnatian Awooiauon. Kutone. 'Iho University offer tai ba. cAlaurmtedFtreM, llaohelorol Alts. Harbelor of Hofenoo and Uach.li r nf Letters wlm eor. responding; o.unie. of atusyt The following .hnrter course, aro also oe.red: An Uoaiutt onuraa. leading lu two years to a Dusiness diploma an tin tUreM.r to tbo UU graduaUm uu.i.u. .tu .u,.ul'vu mm,, nir HLUiiHiHui BurillHl ROUOUl loiiuiay lO mi UttrM MUMU or iiod.cegy: SDH IUO a course oi two years mr leaoner. or puyaicai r aucatlqu loading to a diploma uuoaireoiorpnyaiau cauoauon. The univeraitychargtia an looldanui fe of 110 I riKVable luadvanOA bV ail .LudnntM. HtllHnilla linlillnir rilnlntnu htu .i ...Ml.. whloh I acnpois ana tuoao navtna teachers' oertlaoatea are admitted to tho preparatory dtrtnat without examination. lhosqdo.lrlug, ti formation regarding tbe preparatory deeartSMat should addrcao Iho Doan. N.L. Murrtgan, Kugone. Km cataloeuoaand Infjrmatiou adtrM iton.Moretary, KUgrue.urecon. 6 a 3m 0. II. Onaumuu. Jl'resldent or J f Walton. Horeury,Kugrue.Oreon FIRST NATIONAL BANK I1UILDINO, SALEM, OR. W, I. STALEV, Principal. Hchool lln continuous aeialau, ntudenla may enter at any time. It will my thcao who expect to prepare ror some bnslne4 pursuit to attend a uu.iuch cuiicko wu.rv a .Tiiemnuo ouurao oi ousinoaa training may oa nan and.traintd teacher lor this particular line of work Instruct, The Capital Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship and English. -Thla Is positively tho only- busluesa rollego In Oregon tialog tho intercommunication system or litul- i iiruotico. uut-or town siuuenu mar aeourouoaru and rurnlabod room rivato family at H a week. Write or oall at college offlo. for clroulara giving full Information relative to cour.es of study, rale of tuition, eto. 830-3IH -THE BUFFET OAK BOUTE- BARR &. PETZEL, HEATING and COOK STOVES WOOD AND IRON PUMPS. Plumbing and Tinning. Seo us beforo ordering, 214 (Commercial Streot. I, C. GOODALE, COBURG LUMBER YARD, TWELFTH STREET, NEAR DEPOT All grades and dimensions of Buldlng Lumber Larireat stock and Lowest prloes, J- IS. JJAKEH, Manager, r ... . ' GRAY BROS,. HAM mwi TONS 11 ARTS ) Road Machinery and AgriculturaElmploments. LaUat.ImproveJ Goods nnd Lowest rriecs. W. Cor. Stato ind Llbortv SU. SALEM OREGON. GflnU " Nfi;The Shortest and Quickest Line 1JETWKEN Pacific Coast Points, St. Paul and the East. Crowci both tUoCawdc4 aud tho Ilooky liouDtaln In (!ftyHht,anordlDg;p4wcngers tho Ul'l'UIIUIIIUUl TIVniUK IliB Grandest Scenery in America ! l-mA iMtn, ..nil., Mn. Dnrilnnili s.rnn. tl n ... l . Q..illa a.... nn&A.O !. A N.and Hpoknua. Huns luperbcQUlpment, con latins; or dining oar., butlat library liMim upiunmrca tourui sleeping onr. tut) uunoniorjry card are marveia or fir via, U.K. cur., gance aij-i comfort. containing batli roo'ii, barber ahop.eusr chain, etc. 'Iho m.RUlflceut twin m a -nsu.ra''nori"wet"anu"rQruiana. leave uuititu every atonuay ana Jrriaayiurtlio H iiu," Maoklnaa Island, Detroit, ()le tlend and Kullklo In ootinectlnn with the Qreut North ern ltullvrsy il.vey'urtlnllsreod vlatlioNOHIIIEUN HTKAMillU' UOMfANY.and ea Joy a delightful ride free from the beat and uubt, Korlickets or general Information call ou 210 COMMRIMJIAL STREET, rJALKM. Oil. a. n. o. ui-NNiHroN, a v. t, a, 121 Third St., forUaud, Or. BOZORTH BROS., It. O. BTKVKNH. O- W. 1'. A. 6U Front st., besttle, Waih. J. C. GlilFFITJT, Offloei Corner nourt and tCnmmercial st, upstair. All work guaranlotd. t'rloe. low a the lowest. V-?l-lf F. M. Stsolo 1M COMUKHOIALHV. Slpcliioci'y and Bicycle Repair Stop, Kleclrlca'alJi and medical Ha tier aspe. clalty, Smaii Dynamo and Motor, built and repaired. All work done in tbe beatmaauer. SALEM TILE WORKS. liAltUElOTOCK ON HAND fffiraifHB Hpeclal Inducement ottered. Hblpped to 1 point on abort notice. Bnd for price. YaiMii, Htnili Halam. m ., Addre J. K.MDKPHY, flrUrouiiU.;Of SALEM WATER. CO. Office. Willamette Hefel I For waUrervlee apply at oaHca. jMUe rr able monthly In advance. Make alt eoaa platnUatthaoMoe ... . ,M irrtKatlonroonth-lun,July. Awnt aud HuptfiinDer; nourn oiuo s.h,ih. r. Irrigation lIU payable on or lxr IWJ or ju.y, wree. sinns.ii.f pvu.Yr i m r3 A w 1 1 ! I ! 1 11.00. or S UHk. JJ"; M Krcular Knt en rU, W i wwj&'miytmwt -mmmmv ',) imp ;''' mmNmw$mmmmum9iiMWf sIWPw(vtI 1HtftttH0tS6!9Mff ' i inf1iil)i-f mmis mfftfimnt0i$n afcJx,jZk.iaj!;1