"' "W"rV,WTPr r JCXdMHfti TIIJS. SAMPLE OPY ?-0F VKOPLK'rf, BEFUBLtCAN PAPFR. VOh. b. N. P. Never Filed Any IteporlB (ho Conn's. Willi ARE ALL CORPORATION Uphold rutd Sauctioucd by Federal Courts. Nkw York, Oct. 4. Judgo Lacombe, of tbo United States dlBtrlct court for the southern district of New York, re. fused to confirm tbo appointment of tho new receivers for the Northern Pdolfio Railway company, or accept tho resignation of the old receivers, Oakcs, Payno and Rouse. Application lor tho removal of tho old receivers was mado by Herbert 13. Turner, represent ing tho Farmers' Loan & Trust com puny, and 0. 0. Bcaman, who appear, od for tho general reorganization com mittee. Genoral Burnett and Brlstow, and Henry Stanton, counsol for the North ern Pucldo Railway company, opposed tho application, on the ground that the om receivers liau not reported or no counted to tho court, as ordered by Judgo Jonklns to do monthly. Tho Northern Pacific nsked for the post ponement of tho caso, owing to tho ubBOUMof Brayton Ivos, president and Silas Pettltt, counsel for tho compauy. The conllrmatlon of tho appoint ment of Mr. Blgelow was also opposed, ou tho ground that ho was an Intimate friend of Mr. Payno and his bondsmen,- a statamout wlilou Mr. Turner domed. i Judgo Lacombe decided as follows; M II 1 -THE- III 01 Thoy havo a full lino of Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hosiery, Ties, Hi bbons, 'Laces, Embroid ories, Oil Clothing, Eubbor Boots and Shoes, Shirts, Overalls, Gloves, and all kinds of goods usually carried by them, and all goods at racket prices. Call and seo for yourselves. Wo will sayo you money. E.T.BARNES C. H. MERCHANT 211 Commercial St i i The Fair! 274 COMMERCIAL ST. DABNEY & WHITE. CAPITAL JOURNAL. "I hi -r?'A Hill Jl J I'' DAILY EDITION. "Tho court docs not eco Its way clear to accept the resignations of tho receiv ers upon tho papors now before tho court. Tho cobo Is too gravo to lo dis posed of hastily. The appointment of other receivers would only tend to In crease, rather than diminish, the pres ent difficulty. If thero should be an Irreconclblo divergence between the JudgeBin the west, It would not be proper for this court to act. Any action that might tend to delay the coming-together of the judicial minds of the west would bo prejudicial to the Interests ot tho compauy. I have such confidence In my brethren that I can. notbellovo thoy will continue to dis agree. I therefore postpone further hearing to the next meeting day, October 11, but In the meantime will be accessible, should exceptional clr cumslanceflTMulre earlier action." Federal Courts Confirm. Missoula, Mont., Oct. 4, Judge Knowles has confirmed the appoint ment of Andrew J. Burleigh as re ceiver of the Northern Pacific. Similar uctlpn Is promised in Idaho, and Re ceiver Burleigh will then have control from the Dakota line to the Paclllo coaBtC Tho Botten Rocolvcrs. Seattle, Oct. 4. As 0. V. Buu'n attorney for Oukea Payno and Rouse, luo deposed Northern Pacific receivers, was about to step on his train eaut- ward bound ho was confronted by a depucy United Spates marshal, who surprised him with citation, directed to ttio receivers. It cites them to appear in court hero on October 31, to show causo why they should not bo pun ished for contempt in having disobeyed an order to appear before Judgo Han. ford yesterday and glvo an acoount ol their atowardahlp. The Impression provalont is that Jen kins' receivers ibavo allowed them selves to bo placed in a serious predic ament. LANE, TAILOR, No, 1 and 2 Lamp Chimneys Only .. . nviiifl T.lneo. I EMI. &2KT' W7nw7re.Towelng, go-, JS?0 a,Ve8' TlnwaT8' INOUUUO ui i, ..., 1 nifniTT'l it ATTmrfTn Ml I A . , ' Qistkjir AH flnnalnnlinanln la LkjJiikHrviUtaMMrXd .... vuuumnuaviu g j, wrewwrrT- J!.3 . . JSBMPt 4JVIV "im2&. .mm&ia itf- w.fcwSsl 'alWfiaiAe rlMlMJIOTiTO Introduction eRlfgIe8:lemefit ;5 i ".' i ItSABXKiy. " ET-. . Constantino:, Oct. 4.A, llilNi slight earthquake shock has been vis porlenced with flying and1' bloodshed. The luiprlonmet?of about fiOO Armen ians, tho killing the5 rwlBouera In cold blood and the presence of troops under arms at all points excites oven tho must phlegmatic Turk. The riot ing and blood-letting which began Monday, was renewed Tuesday oven lug, principally by Mohammedan the ological students, who chased and beat with bludgeons overy Armenian thoy met. Tuesday night a mob of SofUs and rurks attacked tho houso of a leading Armenian, Kasaln Pasha, killing sev eral persens: This mob also saoked a cafe' frequented by Armenians, and 20 of those unfortunate pooplo were beaten to death with bludgeons. Not a single policeman appeared, and no Attempt was made to savo the lives of the Armenians. NaturallytUp Armenians put no faith in the assurance of protec tion from further ylolenco at the hands of the Turkish mobs. Many sought a 'refugo in tho churches, where thoy were earnestly addressed by tho clergy who enjoined them to be calm and glvo the Turks no further pretexts for attacking them. Tho Armonlan churches are now watched by the police, but tho great est uneasiness provalls and most of tho other religious denominations exprens fear that the fanaticism of tho Turks may extend lu other directions, The Armenians havo tho sympathy of the foreigners here, but the fact that thoy are armed In spite of their paclllo an nouncements, Is condemned by their best friends and lends color to the statements of Turkish oOlclals, who claim that Armenian agitators organ ized a revolt agalnot tho sultan's authority, and that the attempt to present a petition to tho grand vizier Monday last, which led to the first noting and bloodshed, was a mere pre text to serve as a signal for tho Armen ian outbreak. The Associated Preen correspondent In Armenia, months ago reported that an Armenian revolutionary committee was preparing a demonstration at Con stantinople, and any number of Ar menians were willing to thus sacrifice themselves for tho ultlmato benefit of their unhappy compatriots. On the other hand, the partisans of the Armenians assert that the latter only armed themselves to defend their lives against tho Turks. The authorities havo stationed troops and police at every threatened point and It is as serted this morning that, there Is no danger of any further disturbance. This however is not generally believed. rri. intrruinr.tlnn of a religious ele. mentlnthe disturbances makes the Bltuatlon more grave than it otherwUe would be, altough the outward cause of the Armenian outbreak is said to be the long delay in negotatlons between the powers and tbo porte on the quest. Ion of reform in Armeula, which in created the despair of Armenians, Prominent Turkish offlcals, however, claim the present troubles are tho out- Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder 4c and 5ci Overalls, winuow ouui Soap, Uranltewwe, 11 rooms Boys' Clothing, Matches aPrlco our GoodB L- . -. ,-"TM.-'. And for Tablets and 5?iaies neyerw u..aH SALEM. OREGON, MlDAT, OCTOBER 4, 185. come of tho Wtatlon which prevails in Europe, cspeokuly In Englaud, In favor us, critical situation hero owera met at tho Aunt- av and tho German has been ordered to Ispoaalof the German rmenlaus wero killed on arrested Monday. great Indignation. death of tho Turkish y, wltuesseornirm mo Armenians dldlnot use their revolvers until ha had ordered the polloo to flro upon them, When Bervet Boy foil thoro was a irljtatful tumult a nil the police charged iue crowd with revol vera and sw According to the 'fceileo report 20 persons wero killed fttrd eight wou d during the rioting Noaoay, out reliable reports placo the rjumoer ed at over 100. received Irom Dema- ecus that the oh consul there had a mob, grossly In been attacked suited and. with mud. Tho irencn em complained to tho porte and d ted prompt redress. TEE MASSMES CONFIRMED. Hundreds ofionien and Chil dreR'Mftrdcrcd. CONSTA NTINOI'LE, Oct. 4. Tho American church at Constantinople, and other churches In different parts of tho Turkish capital aro Btlll crowded with refugees. Thero are nearly 600 Americans in the Patriarchal church alone. 'Tho sceuos In tho churches are heartrending in! tho oxtrcme. Many women and children are bowalllug tho lots of their husbkuds and fathers, Armonlans docjaro tho Turkish mob committed tho Mont terrlblo excesses during tho nlgl t of Monday when rioting at the firs 'brako out. A woman eight months eclonto was ripped open, It is cla ined, and tue child within her was e tpoaod to tho Jeering mob. It' la added- tho samo woman's daughter, only -14 years old, was ravished, C It Is Btlll Impossible to giyo tho exact numborof killed or wounded. All acfi6rulX conour "in Baying that the Turkish pollco countenanced tho ex cesses. According to tho Armenians, about 200 persons havo been killed dur ing the rioting. A deputation of forty leading Ar menians called at the British embassy today to seo tbo British embassador, Blr Phillip Currlo. They wero lu- formed that Sir Phillip was absont, but thoy said they had oomo to seo him and would wait there until ho ap peared. From Salvador. Ban Fbancibco, Oct. 4. Tho steamer Cella has arrived from Salva dorean ports. Captain Johnson reports that tho little republlo, the control of which is so ardently desired by Antonio Ezeta, la In a state of feverish unrest. Rumors have been thick at all the ports at which the Cella stopped con- cernlnr the coming of Ezeta to capture Salvador. A warm reception awaits him. "There are up In arms there," said Captain Johnson. "At Acajutla, La Liberated and La Union the beach Is full of soldlera, and at other ports thore wero guards, all waiting for Antonio Er.otn. "They told mo tho friends or Kzeta were suffering for his acts. No less than half a doxen wealth men were in the chain-gang, but what charges wero made against them I could not find out. "duitterez, the president of the re public, bad an Interview with the presidents of Honduras and Nicaragua at La Union, while I was in Salvador. Tbo president and his generals, about 25 In number, came back overland to El Trlumpho, and I carried them to La Liberated. What the conforenco was about I do not know." According to Captain Johnson, Bustamente, Ezeta's aide, was shot, and thero was no boiling oil poured on him. It is said that Ezeta haa mauy friends In Salvador, but they are afraid to open their mouths lest they be 1m. prisoned. TheBe have faith in their leader's return. They think he can get assistance from Diaz, of Mexico, and with this backing, Barrios, of Guate mala, will dare oppoeo him, so that he will be to march through Barrios' country and get Into Northern Salva dor. The Fair! . "T . . ,. lP. 9;T?0 ?"' for admittance ot the AnMs .neaeu THE DURRANT DRAG. Secretary McCoy Fined for Cr tfMiiwt Yesterday. RIGHTS OF REPORTERS RESPECTED Mlsa CunuhiRlmm 1V111 Not Bo Sent to Jail. San Fhancisco, Oct. 4. At noon, Thursday, the Jury was excused until 2 o'clock as usual,; but tho court re mained lu session lo hear tho contempt proceedings brought against Gonoral Seorotary McCoy, of tho Young Mon's Christian Association, who told Juror Trumau Inst Thursday that If ho did not hauu. Durraut people would hang Truman. McCoy was in court accom panied by Judgo Sawyer, ills attornoy. Judgo Sauderson, presiding Judgo of tho superior court, was placed on tho stand, aud testllled to tho statoniont mado by McCoy to Truman. Judgo Sanderson was In tho car when tho conversation took plaoo, and overhear ing the oflonBlve remark roportod It to Judgo Murphy, Trumau wan called aud mado a simi lar statement. Ho said McCoy's re mark was mado In a Jocular manner, and ho gavo it no onsldoratlon, Secretary McCoy Bald he mado the statement without tnlnklug and tho moment ho said It, he roallzed what he had dono aud regroltcd his thought lessness, McCoy said ho had no feeling agalust Durrant. Judgo Murphy In reprlmludlng MoCoy dealt at length on thosorlousuoss of suoh an offense. Ho said If ho had any Idoa that McCoy Intended his romark to have any eftect on.Trumnu'u mlud ho would send him to J til for tho full term permitted by law. Tho judgo closed his romarks by finding McCoy gnllty of comtompt and sonteuolng him to pay a lino of $25 or go to Jail for flvo days. McCoy was given until Saturday to pay tho fine. FlUDAY'a I'ltOOEEDINaa. Whon tho Durraut caso was resumed this morning Judgo Murphy an nounced that he had decided not to seud Miss Cunningham, a nowspapor reportor, to prison for refusing to tell tho namo of tho poreon who told her what Mrs. Leak would testify. Mln Cunningham Btlll refuses todleoloie tho uame of hor Informant, The Judgo said he had serious doubts as to tho propriety of tho question as ho did not believe the defense had a right to go on a fishing excursion for witnesses who might or might not Impeaoh Mrs. Leak's testimony. Tho Judge also said the supremo court of California bad In a similar ciuo sustained the right of a nowspaper reporter In rofus. ing to tell wnero ho obtained certalu Information, The court then said he would make final ruling on the ques tion next Tuesday. ainsoN A WITNESS. dreat commotion was caused In the court room when General Dickinson called the name of JRev. J. Ueorge Gib son as a witness. Gibson was handed several pieces ot paper, one at a time, aud aiked to trto If the writing con tained ou each was not his own. In each case witness replied that while tho writing bore a remarkable resem- blanco to his own, he could not swear that It was actually his. Electrlo Oar Collision. Taooma, Oct. 4. A collision between two electrlo cars on the line to Puyal lap occurred this moruing In the fog. Both cars were crowded and were run ning very rapidly. A dozen people were badly Injured, and two fatally John Founder, and II. Balloy, who were riding on the platform. The acel dent Is due to carelessness 'In running too fast In the fog. Save money by buying your shoes at the Palace. Or. Price' Cream Baking; Powder wM,FWt4U4.i4Bsrs' . DAILY .EDITION. Highest of all in Lcavcnmy Powu. Royal AB&)ML!TEfi?:f' MRK OREGON STATE HDL WOODMEN OP THE WOULD. Thoy took tho fair ground by storm yesterday, aud mado It tue most enjoyable day of tho fair. They had a perfect day and Buroly thoy mado ths mostoflt. "Neighbors" from Portland, Albany, Corvallls, Monmouth, Inde pendence, Dallas, MoMlnnvlllo, Silver ton, Stayton and other points, besides Salem Camp No. 118 lined up at 11 o'olook with COO In tho ranks for tho grand parade. With Old Glory lu the lead and tho axes and other Insignia of tho order followed the column wended Its way to the grauJstand where th- speaking was to be held. The address of welcome was delivered by Frank A, Hodgkln, 8alem 218. Walter L. Tooze tho Woodbnrn magnate, made the re- opouBO in his usual happy vein, Chief Justice Bean, who was to speak, was unavoidably absent. After the speeches wore over, tho Woodmen's bloyclu races wero run, Tho results were an nounced In last night's paper A chopping "boo" was hold by those indefatigable entertainers In tho after noon between beats of tho races. This was enjoyed Immensely by tho big crowd. Ollyor Hart, of Stayton, Won tho first prize, a ?1 hat, for epued In chopping twice lu two a largo green tog. Mr, Maple took away a now axo for his skill in gottlng socond prize, JTho mulo raco took tho cake. It was tho best raolng ovont of tho yoar. Pooplo laughoduntll thnlr heads roared. Thoro wero bovoii entries. Lady Diana wou In 8:63. Tho fun of tho matter was that the mules wouldn't budge n step until they were started the wrong way around tho traok when at a full gate all tho way around, Marshal Slmeral set paoe for thorn. In the ovonlng the Woodmen and Southern Oregon divided honors. President Hawley apoke for Woodcraft nr.,1 Unn TTnrrv IV Mlllnr fnr Knnth. era Ocgou. Both npoko well and both ' It's Going To Be Cold this winter. All the weather prophet agree on that point. So the who woman will begin now to look around for Cloaki and Fur and Wraps. The light time to buy such things is before you need them. This gives plenty ol lime to compare prices and qualities, and plenty of time to think the matter over and make up the mind, Being sure before buying Isagood deal better than buying first and finding out afterwards, We are proud of our Cloak Department. Fur Capes. We wilt sell any of the samples sent us for display during tho fair at the lowest prices ever known for such goods. Trice range from $13.50 to fob and Include the highest degree of perfection. Just Opened another lot of Fine Capes and Jackets, In boucle, astrakan, beaver, plush and fur, by far the prettiest line hereabouts. Every number Is a leader from ff.50 to $20. Foster's Kid Gloves. With forgo hooks. Every pair WARRANTED. We are sole agents for this brand, VWutsf vfwf m J. J- DALRYMPLE & CO. -, , H. D. Scad us your mall orders for prompt attfatloo tad kt ct , 25 CENTS A MOKTE Tht Associated Fwm Dally JmmmI y Sio pie stnt beyond time paid far. NO. 14 i-u. sbiQU Ht Powder wero applauded. Thus closed the most perfect and enjoyable day of the state fair of 1805. Tho management o the fair and tho Salem pcop! ow HalomcampNo. 118 a largo debt of thanksfor making It such a bucom. Bull races today al -1 o'clock p m the last one of tho season, "Old Bill" Anderson says this will be a "dandy." THOBSDAY WITH TUB ItORBSS. The postponed Oregon Derby (JJ miles) was run off first yesterday. Lei and Henrietta, Irom O. J. Matlock's stables, and Token and Genesee, of N. E. Smith's. No pools to amount to anything were Bold, as It was a cer tainty that Matlock would win tbo race. Dave Looney eet tnem offal the first score, getting them orl well. Henrietta, (who only entered to set paoe for Lela), etruok out ahe4,Tokti' second, Lela third. As they mum 'round at tho mile anc!-a-qurtr, Hen rietta was "pulled" and Leta mh down tbo stretch a winner in 2:44. Freofor-all paco. Entries: 8ophl It., Rosemon, Davis Boy, Carrie 8., Ulondlo and Don Shaver, Don Shaver was so soro from some of his races of preceding days, that his owner did JMt care to have him driven hard, bods was who "pulled" and distanced, Blondfo, was tho boat pacor In Orecort three years ago, broko very badly and was distanced also. Ho was Injured In a railroad wreck not long ago, and is unfit for work at present. Two years ago' ho pacod a mllo hero In 2:15. The race thou lay between tho three-year old colt, Sophia It., ' aud Davis Boy. Twlco Sophia It., with her "clockwork" movement, wou first, with Davie sec ond. In the third heat Bright was Ukon down from behind Boeemon, and Sawyer put up. He succeeded in put tin ir Boeemon to second place, ftopbla R. Wou the heat and race, She la a comparatively young horse, but Is do ing extremely well. Summary: Bophia n, bi i.tuiui uu Hoy ii .) , It v". ." 1"J"- dki- TUuaJbUitt ifcaou. '183, Continued oafburta pa. tho leading athletic corset. Price $1.50, Dr, Warner's Coraline Corsets give case, comrort and grace, Four million women are today wearing them. Cloth ingl Don't put Itofflf your are going to buyfet fall or winters buy now and get a whol season's wear and comfort out of your clothe a . ALL WOOL SUITSGuaranteed to wea to your liking or money refunded, Working Suits, $4, JJ6, $81 HATS-Fedoras lines complete. 50 cents sad ap, A FURNISHINGS. new, -FrerytUsg fceali a 1 m-' ratiasfi-jj.- ;j w'tnimto jj mitmmummm