mr m rwnrlKI m ps..g. hfaatiiBii,iiin ( ' i if-it ORTLAND'S 1)1 llistory from tho Records of tlio Organization and Opera tions of the Trinidud Paving ,Bing and the Connec - tion of the Publishers of the Orogonian Therewith. -sto ;k" was plagbd where They Have Already Involved the City to tho Tune of S 10,000 on Their First Contract, of Which the Oregoniar. Says Nothing. Special Correspondence.) Portland, Sept. 21. In your issuo of dept. 10 you publlahpd tho following letter from me, Iwlilch I ask to have republished, as the connecting link in a further exposure In tbo operations of tbe Oregoulau and tun Intimate rela tions ot tho publishers of that paper with the worst gang of plunderers that has ever lecn organized on the Pacific oast. Following the taollen of tho "pick pocket," they cry "Htop thief I" to di vert attention while they have their bauds In tho public "crib" up to the elbows, and are trying to get their feet In, also. . TIIK LETTER. Portland, Sept. 0, 1605. KniTim Jeurnal: Tho solicitude of the editor and publishers of tho Ore goulau for tho "dear people" In tbo matter of tho paving of our city streets, Is very ".touching," as ovlnced by tLo following editorial squib backing up some more lengthy diatribes In the news celumns: "Tho common council has passed an ordtuauco for "Improvement" of Hum side street with asphalt, but caro bus been taken not to specify tbe kind; so tbe street Is opou to a Job or auy rotten asphalt that "promoters" may have to offer. But tbo city ennnot expct to be rid or these rotten Jobs till It get a sound common council. Hut when It is known that tho editor of tho Oregonlan aud his partuera, tho Messrs. Uorbett, Failing and PlUock, are the principal stockholders in tbe Trinidad" Asphalt Co. their BollcltuUo cau bo better understocd, aud their anger at the common council appre ciated. For It was through tho ellorts of tho Oregonlan and Its allies, that Vitrified brlok paying was defeated, and now to have a mulish, stubborn council leave tbo letting or tho contract open In such u way that they will have to "competo" In order to get the work la truly exasperating, and the council will be mado to sutler, as they should, ror daring to opposo or throw any obstacles In tbe way of tho "Great I am" or any of his allies. Tho "Trinidad" Asphalt aud Paving Co. was orgaulzed iu 1602. Early In that year n prospectus was issued by tho "proinotors" or tho Bchemo, which was mailed to many of tho prominent business men of Portland, but especially to attorneys and dealers In real estato for reasons that will bo exnlalued later. At tho head of the proposed company, as organizers, ap peared tho name of W. B. Ladd (now deceased), H. W, Corbett, Henry Fall ing, II. W. Bcott, H. L. Plttock and several other well known financiers Tho prospsctus went on to explain the sunerloiltv or "Trlntdad" over other asphalts, aud then explained tho advantages to accruo to the stock holders by having the stock held by a large uumber or stockholders In differ eut parts or tho city. Bo that wheu a Job or paving was to be let, thtlr would be a large number or people who would be Interested in having "Trlmdad" asphalt specified as the klud of asbphalt that must bo UBed. Judging from tho umouut or space that the Oregonlan has used to boom tho Interest or the "Trinidad Asphalt Co.und to denounce all others, they tmuit have quite a large "block" the stock. Immediately after the Trinidad Co. was orgaulzed, au agita tion was begun through the columns or tho Oregonlan and otherwise to have oue or the principal streets payed with Trinidad ashphalt aud Blxlh street was selected as tho street to bo so im proved. About April 1, 1803, tho Tiinldad Asphalt Co. and tbo Portland Gail Borden Eagle BRAND Condensed Milk HAS WO EQOAt ijppp"4S5i bJsjsJEL .-- PAVING EI. it would do theuqst good Bituminous Paving & Improvement Co., "allledlcorporaltonB" desiring to obtain contracts for the Improvement or said Sixth street caused to bo cir culated a petition to the common coun cil of the oltv of Portland, praying ror tho Improvement of said street by lay- lug n pavement of Trluldad Pitch Lake asphalt, "ACCORDING TO BPECI FICATIONd FUUNIdHED BY dAlD TRINIDAD ASPHALT PAV ING CO." "On the Ilrd day of May, 189.1, said petition was presented to tho comme: council of the city of Portland. The petition represented that the signers i hereon were tbe owners in fee or nitre than one-hair or the property uirccted by said improvement and abutting on said portions of said street proposed to be so Improved." On tho said 3rd day or May, 1803 Portland bad what 1b by tbo editor or llo Oregonlan a "tcund" common council. Bo tho said "sound" common counil by resolution of that date caused tho uudltor aud clerk of said city to give notice of the proposed improvement or said Bixth street from tbe north lino or Morrison street to tho south line or Hoyt street, excepting the intersec tions or Washington aud Gllsan streets, according to tho following specifica tions, "FURNIBHED BY BAID TRINIDAD ABPHALT CO." "1. Pavement of Trlndad asphalt shall havo a total thickness of 8 Inches, composed of concrete foundation 0 Inches, asphalt surface 2 inches. Ijjp All asphalt used In this pavement shall bo dug or taken directly from the "Pitch Like" OWNED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF GREAT BRIT AIN IN THE I3LAND OF TRINI DAD, and shall be thoroughly re fined and shall not bo mixed or adulterated in any manner with any asphalt from any other location, nor with any ol tho products of .coal tar, nor with any other iuferlor bituminous materials or auy klud. The contractor to whom tho work Is let will be required to furnish an offi cial certificate that the asphalt to be used Is geuulne " Trinidad" Pitch lake asphalt," etc. By having a "sound" common council thoy had mado certain that no would-bo competitor could bid on tho work with auy hope of being able to comply with the specifications. FURNISHED BY THE BAID "TRINIDAD" ABPHALT CO. As a matter of fact the petition that had been circulated by the agents of the "Trluldad" Asphalt Co. and pre sented to tho "sound" commou council waa uot a legal petition, In that it did not, "iu fuctn coutalu the names of oue-hulf of the legal owners of tbo property affected by tbe proposed im. provemeut. Aud before said contract was let to the Bald "Trinidad" Asphalt Co., and tho Portland Bituminous Paving Co., a remouBlrauce was filed by certain property owners with the said "sound" commou council protect ing against the letting of the contracts to the said companies on the ground that the price waa exorbitant with other grounds, the remonstrators alleg ing that the said Trinidad Asphalt Co. and tho Portlaud Bituminous Paving &, Improvement Co.s had,fraudulently conspired together to prevent bidding ror the eald contract aud to obtain contracts for said Improvements at a grossly excessive price, whereby It was agreed between them, that In pureu auceof their fraudulent purpose said cjutiact would be divided between them aud that each or paid companies would bid for and receive the contract for the Improvement or alternate blocks aud ptrlsufsalu streets; all if whloh was well known by the com- mltleea ealU common couucil. iTV- -; -'nrrzfxi-'xm-f&' A n .flfei -j." But In epllb of the above protol In total disregard of ibe rightB of said rruioust rotors, tub city or Portland, through its committee ot streets and nibllo property entered Into a contract, ou the 83rd day of June, 1S93, with the said Trluldad Asphalt Co. and tho Portland Bituminous Paving and Im provement Co for the Improvement or dill rei t portions or Bixth street ao eonlli.g to ordinance 8327 and the spfuilioittions therein contained, BAID BPECI FICA flONB HAVING BEEN FURN IBHED BY THE BAID TRIN IDAD ASPHALT Co. Ai a result of tho action or tbe "sound" common council in letting the said contract in defiance of law, equity or common decency n BUit was .beguu by numerous proparty owners to re strain the city from collecting the as sessments levied for tho proposed improvement. Bald suit being still Iu tho ceurts: Wm. O. Atlen and und J4 or Io'r b, 0,7, Dlock 1JT nmnnnt naaPfUful M.KiS.19. Wra.O Allen I .UV and 3 und. li w75 fet nU Int 7 hln-'V 17.1. ninouul assessed iWl 31. IU II. Lewis ion 1 nud 1 block 41, amount assessed VMl 55. wnt.t lunaer ion a uiock iuuuuiniKra Uary J. Ill lut-w loU 2 and : block 40,nmount O. K Collins lot 7 block 82, amount assessed SOGtfOI. i evl Hoxter lot S block 41, amount luaesscd ,4H. Wolf and M. WolJ Jot 4 block S3 amount mussed 109181. .. .... The Cougrecatton A Itavi BUolou a eorpora t'ouvrgu leet lot 7 block (3, amount asuesied A jiuorthwlck and Wm.HImwers wVJloU A nnd 0 block Si, amounts assessed tM7.U,ana iSia.-a. 1'. A. jiaruuum ioia i,., o uuu i block ITK. f2,07U.18vs. the city ot Portland and G. H, Hunt rhlffcf police of mid cly of Portland. Total amount useweu siu .. "As n aiuse of notion, plalutlflls are informed and believe nud therefore allego that the tmfd Trluldad Asphalt Paving Co. and the said Portland Bituminous Paving aud Improvement Co. falsoly and fraudeutly cousplied with each otbtr aud certain properly owners upon said ttreet agalntt the rights of these plaintiffs, whereby In pursuance of their fraudulent scheme it was agreed between them, that In consideration that certain properly owners a!gu said petition and cause It to be circulated aud signed by others, that said companlta would ullow them a rebate on their assessmeutB to bo levied to pay for said street improve ment, amounting, in some cases, plaintiffs are informed and believe, as to the whole amount to bo assessed for the perrorming of said work," and varloas other causes are alleged too numerous aud lengthy to be all quoted here. They theu proceed to show the (to eay the least,) faulty If uot fraudu lent nature of tho petition ror said im provement to-wit:The Oregonlan Pub lishing Co. appears upon said petitlou, signed by H. L. Plttock secretary as the owner or lots Sand 4, block 177 city or Portlaud aud on tbo dato of signing said petition, said Oregonlan Publishing Co. was uot the owner of said lots or any estato therein und Bald Plttock had no authority to bo sign said petition. That L. A. Godard and Wm. Frazler signed said petition aa the owners of the cast GO feet of lota 1 and 4 of block 45 Couch's addition. That said Godard and Frazter own but au undivided 3 or said property eigued by them. That Louisa P. Vail slgued said petition as the owner or lota 6 and 0 or block 175 city or Portlaud, whllo as a matter or fact she did not own Bald property. That Loyal B. Btearns aj- rears upon eald petition aa the owner or lot 5 and the Boutu 20 feet of lot 0 in block 173 city of Portlaud. That said Loyal B. Stearns Is not tho owner of Bald amount of land and several oilier such faulty or fraudulent signatures to Bald petition appear thereon, all of which the committee of the common council were aware of. But iu spite or the protests or the plalutifts the"sound" common couucil acini lu colluson with the contractors to defraud the city and property owners and no the city will have to root the bill. In addltiou to tbe above mentioned particulars the plaintiffs Bpeolfy as further particulars, that tbe contract has not been compiled with, even after adopting the plans and specifications of the Trinidad Pavlug aud Asphalt Co. In that the foun dations are net composed ot material as called for in eald specifications, as tbe stouo was decayed aud not of the proper quality or size. That lu said foundation damaged cemeuv was used instead or Portland;cement, or equ illy good cemeut as called ror. That the curbing has crumbled aud given away In numerous places, aud la railing to pieces and vorlultea (a anyone can easily Bee by tttkiug a walk along said street) tho asphalt dressing Is uot 2) Inches thlok as required and the same J .i $ --.-.,"rAn,. yr yir la mixed with Inferior asphalt and many other causes of actlob are alleged. This Is the record oi tho "Tnuldad" Asphalt Paving Co., that the Oregou lau publishers aud I heir allies ate the owners of. This Is their record; a record of fraud and corruption. And ye the Oi'egoulan has tho of trontry to edltorlaly lampoon the mem bers of tbt common council, because they would uot, at the dictation of this man "cott and his gang, tho "Trlol dad" Asphalt Co. uiuku the specifica tions so that uo other paving company could stand any show in open compe tition with Ibetu. The Oregoniau aud Its allies are not satisfied with "a fair Held and uo favours". No, they want ll made bo that they cau set their own price aud force tho properly owners to pay it. This is tho same gaug that have almost bankrupted the city of Portlaud. This U the Bamo gang that liue for years had '.full control; or every public Im piovemenl that has been undertaken by the city or Portlaud. This Is the same gang that built the City hall and water works where In the two deals over a million or dollars or the people's money was squandered by corrupt practices. Tula s (he same gaug that unloaded ths Morrison street bridge on tbe city at more than three times it) value, aud at tbo same same time let tbo "City & Suburban Rail way Co." (owned by the same gane), havo a 20 year contract for crossing the brldga with its cars, at one-tenth of what P. Is worth. This is the same gang that, Iu ordor to get their own nefarious steal through tho last legis lature ror the purchaso or tbe Morrison street bridge on the terms proposed by them, tacked (as they coufessed, them selves), the purchaso of the Btark street ferry, at (40,000, (in absolutely worth less piece of property to the owners, If tho Morrison street bridge was made free) . This Is tho same gang that now, lmv lug paid out the people's money ror tbe ferry, propose (o bend It to the bono yard aud let "the people" walk, or ride on the oirs or the City & Suburban Railway. This Is the same gang that, through the columns or tbe Oregonlan, brauds every mau that attempts to thwart any or their schemes, a tiller; aud every thler that will do their dirty work, a Gentleman. God save the mark. Yi'omrn In IIiuIom. In n largo number of manufacturing concerns in Mnw.chusotts, tho affairs of which nro covered by tho latest ro port of tbo htato bin can of labor stntis tics, thoro wtro 43,80a partners orstock' holders in lbSKI against -13,735 iu 1803. Tho number of males included in tbo total for tho litr year waa greater, however, than that which was covered bv tho lnrwr fhinrcs for J 803. Thero wtro 27,:i'-'5 male partners or 6tockhold crs in 1S02 and 27,311 in 1803. Ou tho other hnud, thu number of women who had an interest iu tho manufactories dottlt with by tho report was 10,603 in JSU3 ((gainst IB, -J10 iu tho year preced ing. Tim partners or htockholders wero 03.04 per cent malts in 1803 and 27.C0 porcont females. In 1803 tho proportions wero 28.38 per cent of females nnd 03. 13 per coat of males. Tho chongo thus bhowu to him) taken plnco in ouo year is n curious hint of tho tendency of tho times to place more nud nioro of tho property of tho world, and especially of tho Uulted States, in tho possession of womoiu It looks as if the weaker sex, which must hold its goods and chattels in n senso by virtue of tho forbearance of tho btrouger, wero destined to become tho moneyed part of tbo human family. Cleveland Plain Dealer, Women Policemen. Considerable commont has been cre ated hero by tho action of tho school board recommending that all tho jani tors of bch xl buildings bo given polico powers. As n largo proportion of those who perform this duty aro wonion, this will bo one of tho first instances on record of women becoming policemen. It is proposed to havo them appointed by tho mayor nndur an act of assembly relatiug to special nnd private polioo meu, so as to better enable then to pre serve order aronud tho buildings and protect tbo ncliool property. Reading (Pa.) Dispatch. A traveler in India attributes his un munlty from fever aud sunstroke dur ing five years to having tbe linings of bis haU and caps made of yellow ma terial. VIGOR " MEN Easily, Quickly, PemM4ty R4rd. Weakness, NsrreHSHes, Debtlltr, and all ths train l or evils rrom txiir errors or I Later exccsMO. ins retails ot oven or t. sickneu, irarrr. etc liuu trensuj.uoTei- onment ana tone Given to lererr organ and portion of tho body. StmpKnaU url method. Inirurdt. ata lmiirortment teen. ticra tfJggS yji" I "I lH cJS nnixTcm allure tinpouihle. reiercncea. oo, xplanatlon and proof mailed (sealed) " E1I1E MEDIOAL 00., iHffaJ, N.Y. aiiii MaMlloofPiifti This fi ho Rccict of tho cure by Hood's barsuparllla. Read (his. --lamBUB"" to write that 1 aw now In jur ied health and hiiallbecfluso Hood's Barsa parllla mado my blood pure. My health brolco down with troubles peculiar to women, m y nervous sys tem wfls shat tered and I had to tako my bod. Tbo physician saia there was little hopo for rne. A neighbor told ot wonderful cures by Mood tfarsa TOrllla and I decided to try it. Vr hen I Cad taken 3 bottles, I could sit upand now I am perfectly well and strong. Hood's Sarsaparilla has done nil thU for mc' Mrs. C. F. Fadrber, La TlatU City, Colorado. j j i rJll euro habitual constliu HOOd S FlllS tlon. l'rlcosicporbux. A High Llvor Usually has a bad liver. He Is bili ous, constlapted, has Indigestion and dyspepsia, ir there Is no nrgaulo trouble a few doses of Parks' Sure Cure will tone him up. Parks Bure Cure a the only liver and kidney euro we Bell on a positive guarantee. Price ( 1.00. Bold bv Lunu A Brooks. 15M Call for Warrants, Notice Is hereby given that I have funds lu baud to pay all outstanding warrants and acciued interest up to November 1. 1691. and that luterest ou same ceases from this date. JABI'KK All NIX), Treasurer Marlon Couuty, Oregoi?. September 7 1605. City Warrants. Nntlro Is hereby clven that I have funds applicable to the payment of all warrants of the city of Bulern drawn on the "general fund," aud endorstd be fore Juno 22. 1895. Also warruntr numbered 2487, 2488, and 24S9,eudors a on tho 22d. Interest will cease on call, warrants Irom the date or this notlu E. J. Hwaffoku, City Treasurer. Salem, Sept. 7, 105. 0 7 101 Thero are177765 miles of railroad li tho Uulted States. There nro 00,835,880 rails used tr cover this ground. 'I here aro 533,25,0j0 iles.used to u these rails together, but u mi. amount, however, is required to Im tho hearts of the traveling publlo to tl lacl that the Wisconsin Central Hut furnish superior facilities on all ttie trains between Bt. Paul und Chicap which form closo connec'lous with u! lines to the east and south. .Make a note of It. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. m How's ThisI We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh tfut cannot be cured by Hall' Catarrh Cure. K.J. CHENEY & CO. Prop., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known 1. . Cheney (or the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business tram actions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm, West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O,, Waldlne, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Rhoumatlsm Is a symptom of diseaso of the Kid neys. It will certainly bo relieved by Parks Bure Cure. That headache, backaobeand tired feeling como rrom tho samo cause. Ask ror Parks' Bure Cure ror the liver and kidneya price $1.00, sold by Lunn & Brooks. 19-4w The Payton Comedy Co. Ou Wednesday night, September 25, ad mits ladles free. Each gentlemau purchasiug one reserved seat ticket will be allowed to reserve one seat lor one lady or one reserved seat will admit two ladles. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS). w- EH) It BAi E- Cider barrel at 11.60 each. JJ Cider bottle at a bargain, 101 court street. time iw-t Wn.mfc.iJ. 10 1 em or uuy a liglit tprlne wagon. Inquire at ones, ituble Cold ANTK1) waeon Blast feather Co., 140 Court street. ao3t 1 ft ft aress;ood level Und lu Holt county, lOU Nebraska, to trane ror land near sa leiu. Or. Addres box o.Tliedfbrd, Neb. 19iw UANTKL ICOOutreuUlo cunva counties ll lor tne fountain wasner. Apply to J. U. tiro Jrown. box 30s, Baiein, Or. -18 01 HUI WING SANQ CO., I Japanese Fancy Uoods, 811k Hereon 1, Dreislnir downs, onlnaware. Tea, Mattings. Under-clothini. hverythtng cheap. Ili Court St.. under operu homo. S-lJ-lni M1W. fcLLA U M'DOWELu teioner of voice culture, 3W High st, 917-lm WANTKD Experienced lrl 10 housework In small lamllles. Vat tl to W. Apply althlsofflce WAGON TOTUVI.f-Kor lale or to trade for bay and oats, a good Itrm wagon. Apply to U K. t'uyne, east ol asylum. i,3 & east WAM'fcD-An none-t, ' lady to travel for bouse.' ttalasy 7tO, pay a active gentleman ui ..lahtl.tiu, M.ll.1.1. payable 115 weeklv nnd expenses. Hltuatlon permanent. Kelerences. tnclcwe self-addresiea stamped envelope, Tbe Uo-ulnlo.. Company, 318 Omaha building-, """" . B-z.ini BUol.Ntikl Orr.MtU-l'arty wauud"id start and run livery and reed stable in town without suoh business. Corner lot will be donated. Inquire at tbls office. 8-Mru s UIUBTIAH elKMUlv-IJterulure diul ice at IRUUbertv street, corner Chemckatu muiuiuu uu sau taruuaa Bciencs ser 1X nuitviv, Newspaper Adveruslnir Ageut. i. 21 MercnanU" Kichsnge, Sn Kranckoo, IsourauthorUed agent. This paper Is kept on fllaln bUofflee. r 8 HZlXlA oufc.kilAN Typewnttug and Gray block. The best of wnrkinn.i -. Quuiiovnu sienocraniiv. iimnA w.n onable rtes. u'23 C)At4iatil,-iJorUana, SAcrameato. oeattie 17..Taoomaand Ban Francisco papers on aa 0 al Hopr-a tAiottloB block. J" "a"0 M ONKV IV LuAN.-O. MarsnT" itootu a uur, foil QfflM blO?. ia S-fcMgft.r:L..lSr fpffSF wIkKk luK bAlJv-a lew tlrst-cltu uillchoow Also some Jersey heifem and a two-year rey bull. Apply to Ueo. K. Allen, fi iniiM nfrUlem. 971m .ii HOP STOVE THE BOSS TIIK JUMBO, and IRON KING. HOP PIPE of aU kinds, and dimensions. PRICES LOWER TFAN THE LOWEST. Steiner & Blosse'r, State Street, Suleai. 6 21 tr W.:A4Cotcit Pi evident. !.. ALnt M OK SALEIvI.J Transacts a general banning business C. H. LANE Mkkchaxt Tailor, 211 Cotnmercml St., Salem JOHS 8TANI.EV. JIM MKAU Sl.lXJ.I2V,.A"AIi:Ai), STEAM WOOD SAW Qulik work. I, v. p ico L older n K. H. VenUeott'l.ib.o. bickof I U. IS-It II J. ,. 11 A UKJiViJ, HORSE SHOEING Stinpntinu cneiiek4 street, tieai Oum merelnl. Hpoclal ullfliil'in ti lnfrfrliie in(1 inrAwUli rtiKij.t.l M WELL DRILLING CoutracU wanted nt ranoiuble prlics. Work guaranteed, lurcrcuo on to expert ejcennd responilbllltv.liirulshej. Wilto 1'. I.. Ka.'1.tslt. Palem, 1)1)0' -. Or. E. M. AYA1TE PltLNTINQ CO.," BOOK AND M PRINTERS AND Legal Blank Publishers. Hnh' Nw Hrlck nvr thnhnnk rnm'l tr.i East and South -VIA- THt oriASTA ROUTE o,tne Southern Pacific ComoanVt CAUr0P.rUA!kXFrUfci8 tuaiw HON DAILY .n TWKKN ;i'QltTlJtND AHO 8. V, Bouth. i " North. L-v. Lv. Ar. Portland Balem Ban Kran. Ar. liV. I.V. 110 p.m. 10: a.m. a, m U.-QQP. m Above trains stop at Kut 1'ortland, Or egon City, Woodbum, Balem. Turner.Marioo, Jetlerson, Albany. Albany Junction, Irving, hugene, Creswell.Uralns and all stations from Itonebunt to Ashland Inclusive. KOBKMUBO MAIL DAILY, Uhm, HU0a.m V-J0 p. m. i.v. x-v. Ar. I'ortiund Balem ltoseburx At. I 4.4J p. in Lv. itaj p. m Lv. soo a. a Bouth balem PAssENOEii, North o p. m. Lv. Fortluud. Ar. I & IS n.m 8:1a p. m. Ar. Balem. Lv I S.-0U a m. Dining Cars ouOgdou Itouto PDLLMAN BDFFET SLBBFEBS AND Second Class Sleeolno- Cars Attached to all through trains. fftstSide Dmsioo. Between Porttmia ' ud 5r?allis: DAILY rKXCKPT SUNDAY). Li IS p. in. v. lAr. i)ruand Oorvallls Ar.l Lv.l d'M p. in 1:3 p. m At Albany and Oorvallls connect wlto trains otOregou Central A Kastern Jtajlroad. ttXt-KK.ViTBAINTDAtIjfltXcitl-rMnHlAV 4:44 p. no. I 75 p. m. ! Lv. Ar. Portland MoMlnnvllle Ar.l Lv.l BS6a.u T11KOUGU TICKETS To appoints In tbe Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates '""Slh itAVWE"' AsentTBUerS! Oregon Central AND Eastern R. R. Co, YAQUINA BAY ROUT11 sw.nMfcUl,J:Vu,na "T wh the Ban Frandscoaud Yaouiua lUy rlteamshlp Co. A 1 and Mrsv class In every respect. Sails from Vaqulna for Ban FrancU.-o about ivery 8 Mfassenger acoommodatlon unsuroassed aSrcSSrnllb,lWMn the Win.u?U?J JJS!" AJny. orlpolnu west, to Ban Francisce: Cabin. IU5 steeraee Vhin round trip. good ttJdiys, lisT66' 8' cab,n For sttllinx days apply to It U. WALUKN. Agent EDWIN 'JTtlNK.Uanager, CorYadU,Or :AJ, CUUllCmULocjUAgenrlaleia , .j.rirtTi i-- aft Vg wV Capital sesesiiu. - -.rr? i , i '"a ! n ff iSiiiMmi in - P-H,.'!. 1 Pnrrov T0 THK" BAST! VIA THE Union Pacific System PORTLAND to;CHICA00 Our trains nro healed by. hUhih nmi . lighted by l'lnttch lUht. Dn w' Tlmo to Chlcnvo, 3U dnys.i Tlmo to New York, 4) days. Which Is many hours quicker than sll mm petltors. mm For nitf, time tables and. full lDformttio apply to 110UE & ISAIlKKIt, Agents, ealem. Or. II..W. UAXTKH, UeiiCrul Agent '. K. UKOWN. l)lU.l'ar.AKn LIS TOIM !.. Portlaud. 'aw. Ajwt BMiSRBS PAGm S8.R B U' N 1 1 Pull mar, t'lerant JSieepino- Cars Dinino Cars Tourls blaeoln" Can ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTII FARGf. TO GRAND FORJib: CROOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA and BUTTE TTIItO I) Ull TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON'" PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and all Points East end South! For Information. timeCearas, uupt tlckols;call on or write. THOMAS. WATT d CO,, AOENT3. : CoinnierciHl st., Ule.n.dt Or A. D. Charlton. Awt. tienl. Past Agent; 255 Morrison at., corner Third, Portlunil, Oro. u u. E.I McNKliaKECElVEK. To The Bast :aiVIJ TIIK CHOICE OF TWO. TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES -VIA- GREAT! JlftW RY. - Low Bales lo Ml Eastern Cilia Ocean (steamers leave Portland every flTot; tirluli:deUlU call on or address ., W. H. HUHLBUKr. Qen.l'au.Atiat, lortln4,0r G. AT. POWEKS, Local Ticket Agent. Koottolfrrade st. SAltt'lir I'Al'tllt-iJirgeiotor heavy wow wruppinn paper for mle cbaP- ,f ?J l ng for putting under carpets. CallaWMsr- nal offlra. - Pennyroyal pills Chlrkeura .u.,.a ... ! OrlcUsI "1 lx CcsuU rc. lj. nuuM. i""'mJrr Iiaim mW4 ll Um m laosiscr. v""" ' ...11 i tMiu, tor prlluii .TIIms lil.,.lr t kcmlol t .J"f"fi,Z Sjittj m Ucl liimta. '"" A LADY'S TOILET Is not com plete without meat POMPLEXIOU U POWDEH. II I POZZONiS I m Combines every element of I beauty and purity. It is beauti fying, soothing, healing, health ful, and harmless, and when rightly used is invisible. A tdox delicate and desirablfi protection to the face in this "limate. wvwv Insist upon having the genttln. IT W Fit SAiS EYEBYWHEBE. r fc TW Sv if fk SViJ , J9 tAafcAsf.T MJ.