Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, September 19, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    y vf"fqj? -ricvrmBmii
25c A MON
The Awoclntfd frcsn Pally Journal by m
Ku papers sent beyond tunc pulrf (or.
OL. a.
NO, 3
vywS7'TT,TT"yTmy' ijwijmumMwiwwii i temr""
jxJr IXAJ j if
i j
Is Converted Inlo a Plearsure
Tears Owr tho IMooilj
Clinsin of Wnr.
Chattanooga, Tenu , Sept. 19.
One of the bloodiest butlleflelds the
world ever saw was formally dedicated
here today as a pleusure park. It was
tho battlefield of Chlckutnauga, whose
ravines uud mountain sides were
Btrown with nearly 30,000 dead and
wounded men thirty-two jears ago.
Tno dedication was conducted by the
m u who fought on both sides In that
awful strife. Two geuerals, with silver
grey bulr, who beaded tboueands of
men lu the ullruy, on opposite tide,
mtide tho principal speeches. They
were Generals Jobn M. Puluxer and
J.'bn B. Gordon. The exercises were
witnessed by uo less than CO 000 people
of tho north mid south and at least
half of them look part hi that bloody
civil war. Vice President Stevenson
presided over the dedicatory service.
By wuy of beginning there wub a
uutlonul Baluteof for t -four guus by
the artillery, followed by tho "Star
Bpuugled Buuuer," played by ouo of
the United States Infantry bauds. It
was cheered to the echo by tho votur
aus of the bluo and of tbn gray uud
many grlzz'cd voteruns shed tears of
joy. When the applause ceased Vice
President Bteveuson made a brief nil
dress appropriate to the occasion. A
prayer was then oflored 'by tho Bight
Rev. Bishop Gaylor, of Tennessee.
"America" was then eung by tho audi
tJ.$0 t)
Uh bHDIKS n5
should be all right afoot as in other
ways. With them good shoes ore
everything. Everything good lu foot
wear for boys Is shown In our great
stock shoes for school, for work, for
play, shoes for all occasions and kinds
of wear except short wear. All our
hoes are long wear, and long wear
hoes are Invariably the cheapest. Boys
are apt to be hard on shoes and accord
ingly tneirsnoes must do auapieu iu
rough usage. There's eoonomy in
wearing shoes with plenty of wear In
them. Get your boys' shoes of us and
ave money.
W. I. STALEY, Principal.
Hnhnnl lu continuous seulau btudents may enter at any time. It
will Mvlhow ho expect U prepare for some bustnes pursuit to atUmd , a
?n.irSne where a ay stemoilc course of business training may ba had
SSdtra7dUachwV?ort!u work Instruct. The Capital
Business College oOers Ave courses;
Business, Shorthand, Typew 'ting, Penmanship and English,
This is rpos.ilvely the only
Inprveflly.aWawelL. Writ or ell at college offlc. foi -dreatara
Sr v.ngralllliforinailonrelallvetocoar esof study, rafai of tuition. etc S Om
For bargains in overythinpr. Shoes, Overall, ' Shirts, Undor-
. vear, tionory, Window Shades, Tinware, Granitoware, Slates
Tablets, Oil Cloth, Table Linen, Piece Goods, Boya' Clothing,
Bsm8, Matches, Soap, in fact
&Vm. the b air a. ore. a or spot
nee accompanied by the band. The
volutnoof sound rolltd up us a great
tldul wayo of peaco aud long bofbro tho
song was ended tears were coursing
down the cheeks of thousands of old
veterans. General John M. Palmer,
the venerable senator from Illinois
made the (list dedicatory address.
Tbeu I bo battle-scared veterati of the
Confederacy, whom Lee called bis
right arm," John B. Gordon, of
Georgia, was Introduced.
Salem and Eastern Quotations Cor
rected Daily.
OIUCAOO, Kept. 19. Whoat, cull 68.
Nkw YoliK.lwpU 19,-811ver, (c;leod.t330
Ban Kn ah cis co, Kept 19. Wheat, tlWc.
Wwol-Oregou, cboioe,8$10c: lu (trior, tka7oi
valley, llo
Hop Quolnbloat 46o.
I'ouitoea Karly Hoc.,6O30Cc:.Biii bank 75c,
Oa s Milling-, falM. '
I'onTLAwn, Mept. i9. Wheal, valley, 47c;
Walla Wulla. 410.
Klonr Portland. K.85i Benton county. MJtS:
i Knibaui. 1265; superfine. j;,v6 per Obi,
urns wuiio, ZK4JDC; niiiuue, s8uc; grey,
22311c; roiled, In bags. $; barrels, tj.Uj
3,3; canes, tt.75.
Potatoes Nw Orcon,a'351o bu.
nay -unou, jrav.wj pur
Wool Valley, UMIjc.
Ull!tun Uran.SlOJtfi short. 112.60: ohon
leea, 112 15 per ton; chicken wneui, KOcUper o.
Hides gnen, salted, (U lbs 8K underdo lb.
70100. sheep polta, 107 c
Uop .Nominal at 4c
Uulter Urctcun fancy creamery, 103l7o;
wuoy umry, hioiijc, utir vu.kuuu, iveiiHc:
common, lyia
OUeeo-OreEon full cream. 10311
Kim-Oreeou. lCXrtllo t,r dm.
Poultry Chloaeu. f l.6oi 'iJ
Jl 103W gso, H.OftSO 00, tut
r don; ducki
i)i, dressel,
ou i xupairer, igi.wper id; lair io gooa
leers,2(a2 3&c; oow,22c; dressed beer,
foultm Host beet, 1 1.752.00; choice ewe,
il.7Su2.00: dressed. 4a.
Hogs-lbolco, heavy. HMm,75;,llcht and
leaders, IJ.SO: dreasod, tt.
Veal dmall. choice, &ui o. Urge, 8n4o V "
Whcat-3flXe V bu.
Oata-10aX2Xc; new 18o.
lUy llaled. cheat, tdOnO.OO; tlmoth
b lour. In whoieaaie lou. riM; retail, (2.H0;
brau, bulk K.UO: tacked. I12.UO; BhorW, lU:00a
liOO; cnopfeed.tlX00nl3.U0,
Hog UrtMcd, 40,
Live Cattle l'is.
bheep Uve, 11.60.
Wool Ileal, l'Ko.
HopH-llent, Ouio.
KEKa-Oaata, loo.
lluticr Uestdalrr, i2Jilll fancy creamery
Oaet'ie 1012)o.
Kurm Bmoked Meat llacon.(lc; haiii 11 ;c,
V olaloea New, 30o V bu.
Poultry Brollera;7c; hena, So; dupUOuTc. w
k urKevH uaac
Ilartletl tieara 25a bu.
Apples ItnilQi on,
1'ojicbej tl.25 bu.
Plums 2fc bu.
o cd
. u M
ffl S.S
& 3 S
everything you want, can ior
caa we will save you moneyt
Issues a Strong Edict (o San
Framiscc Chinese.
Wiini'so Exhorted Not to Listen
to Scurrilous Talk.
Han Francisco, Hcpt. 10. The atti
tude of the emperor of China in re
lation to tho recent outbreahB against
missionaries Is shown In au edict
recently Issued, by the emperor, which
Is published in a local paper. Tho
emperor says:
"Sluco the opening of international
omnmerce with western cotinlrirs,
foreigners have always resided lu the
inland dUtrlots at peace and harmony
with ttulr uatlvo neighbors, and we,
In our impartial love for both native
and forolguer alike, have time aud
again commanded our high provincial
authorities to pay extra heed constantly
to protect the latter from barm. Judge
of our extreme indignation, then, upon
hearing recently of -the riots lu the
capital of Br.o Chuec whero chapels
have been destroyed and burned down
by tho rioters, tberoby fuuulng the
ikmcs of destruction far and wide,
Insouiuoh that a number of subprefeo
tures and districts BlmulUncously fol
lowed in the footsteps of Cheng Tu,
and nor wo receive news from Fuklen
reporting that evil characters havo
murdered and wounded a very large
number of foreigners at Kutleb, going
so far In their ruthless ferocity as to
murder even women and Infanta,
. Jii.ViUij...roferenoe to. the 8ze Chuen
rlota a number of tho rioters havo
already beeu arrested and will undergo
trial, but tho chiefs and headnofthu
Kutlen murders are still at large, and
we command Pleu Pao Cbuau and
Clung Yu, (Tartar general of Foo
Chow), to set to work without delay
at the head of military and district
oMlcIals and speedily arrest tbeso wick
ed characters, nor shall any bo allowed
to escape the meshea of tho law. In
deed, it is tho manifest duty of tho
local maudarlns throughout the em
pire to bo always on the alert and pre
vent euoh worthless characters from
manufacturing scurrilous tales and ex
citing the populaoe; they should crush
all incipient risings at tho slightest
sign. What sort of frivolity and In
difference to duty in this, then, has
brought about all these recent serious
"We would also, therefore, commaud
tho various Tartar generals, ylcoroys
and governors of the empire to Impress
upon all their subordinates the neces
sity of granting thorough protection to
all chapels, etc, In their districts
They are also to lssuo proclamations
exhorting tbe people to abstain from
listening to scurrilous talks which In
cite unfounded suspicious in tho breasts
of all. If there be any who shall dare
to raise disturbances in tbe future they
shall be at once punished with tbe
utmost severity of tho law, and as to
such of the local ofllolals as may use
subterfuge and craft to avoid their
duties, they are to be most soyerely
punished, and no leniency shall be
exercised in their cases. Let these
commands be known to all within this
Little value Is attached by foreigners
to this edict. It is now well understoed
thai the orders of the emperor of China
have virtually no force outside the
walla of Peking, Oa several previous
occasloos edlc's eveu more forcibly
worded than the nbove have emanated
from the dragon throne, but foreign
property and foreign lives runaln as In
secure as ever In tbe Interior of China,
It Is generally believed that the
action of the Brltlth government has
Or. Prfca's CrtMM Milting Pw4k
fallen far short of the requirements fof
the occasion. Instead of dispelling
a cotisul to Investigate the clrcum
stances connected with the Ku Cheng
utrouitles the task Bhould have been
iutrusted to a secretary of legation and
instead of a Chlntse escort tho com
nilosloner Bluiuld have been ticcnmputil
ed by 600 redcoats and bluejacket.
A Ohurch Lifted Bodily in tho Air
And Turned over.
Gukkn Hay, bept. 10 -News reached
horo terrlflo nvoiouo swent over Dove
County peuiusu a today demolishing
fullg thirty bul diugs. At Clabank
tho largo Shllofi Church wuh lu rated
from Its foundatl in, Ilfttd loillly Into
thealraud duuiped bottom sldu up.
For tweuty nil lea the oyclono cut a
swath through timber nud across farms
levelling overytuti'g. No una was
The Asylum Shortage
Tho Htiileeman tlttlnm to huvo ascer
tained tho naturu, of the ducrepaney
discovered at thb lnenne asylum, mid
says: While I tills n llttlu uwkward
there Is probably fin dishonesty behind
It and uo nolual lpjjs to the state funds,
It appears that Injthe Inventory thero
Is n crodlt for wood on baud of (10 OCO,
but an actual measurement of the wood
revealu only 2,000 cords, v. hlch tit (2 per
cord, the present prlco of wood,
Mtiinuutii to only $1,000, leaving au
apparont deficit of fO.000.
"This deficit huV existed and has
kept Increasing for .eeveral years, us a
result of tho system of bookkeeping
and mouthly reports prevalout ut tho
Institution. Tho aim has been for
some years to see how low tho per cap
ita expense could bo brought; each
mouth and to kef p It down every fall
In prices of commodities had to be fol
lowed. "For Instance: At tbo begluulugof
tho year 3,000 cords of wood might bo
bought ut S3 or $3,G0 per cord. In n
few months the price of wood full to $2
or ffl 00 per cord. Each mouth's re
port enumerates the, amount of each
Item of expense, aud whou 800 cords of
wood wore buriied'titay were put In at
tho prlco of wood at that time, per
haps $1 a cord less than It cost
At tho end of tbe year, tho monthly
reports showed that there had beeu
used only so muoh fuel, but the pur
ohso at tho beglnnlug was so much
mure, coucquently the dlflorence was
reported on hand. Under such a sys
tem one can readluy understand that a
discrepancy would surely accumulate,
"There may bo other Items In which
tno samo rules havo boon observed,
but the foregoing Is sufficiently illus
trative of the trouble. The last super
intendent, Dr. Rowland, found tho
incubus and let It drift along, thinking
as It had been the custom there was uo
harm In it. Dr. Pulne yery properly
would like to begin without any suoh
heavy weight to drag along and prob
ably a full Investigation will be made
and the books squared."
That Bioyolk Oiioinanck. While
comfortably seated In his olllce this
morning, Itecordor ISdes noticed bicy
clist come spinning down Btato street
ou tho sidewalk contrary to tho bicycle
ordinance. Hastening down stairs the
accommodating olllclul proposed to In
form the strungor that ho was out of
place while riding upon the sidewalk,
but beforo ho reached tbo foot of tho
stairs the wheelman parsed tho door at
a lively gait too swift for the recorder.
Reaching Commercial street tho bloy
llst turned to tits left, keeping on the
sidewalk, aud was soon lofct to sight
over the Murphy Hill. Judging from
tho man's appearance, ho was a
strangertand had. undoubtedly failed to
read tho b'cycle ordinance.
Folico Court.
Chief of Police Dilley returned from
Roseburg on the 2:20 local this after
noon with James Parker, whom he
went after last night. Parker was
arraigned before Recorder Edes at 2:30
o'olock this afternoon, charged with
assault and battery on tbe person of
Jobn Ferguson last Saturday night,
Parker plead uullty and was fined 25,
There areI7775o
tbe United Htutes.
miles of railroad in
There are 60,836,880
rails used to
cover this ground.
There are 633,205.000 ties, used io bind
there rails together, but uo such
amount, however, Is required to bind
the heart of the traveling public to the
fact that tho Viaooni!u Central Hues
furnish superior facilities ou all their
trains between St. Paul and Chicago
which form close connections with all
Hoes to tbe east aud south.
Make a note of it.
The Palace shoes are good.
Or Prk Crass Bakhnc 1'9w4h i
WArtt's ! MfeJwtf Awar ,
Mrs. Langlry Loses All of
StW'rnl Falnl.ColHsIons or Vessela
at Son.
Losdon, 8Mit. 10 During thoab-
aouce of Mis. Luiiutrj ou tho conti
nent u forged order wua presented ut
h;r bunk on tier jewel box, which con
tains 1200,000 worth ofjjwels. The
box was delivered to bearer's order.
U j to tho prtsent no trace has boen
found of the mlsslug Jewels. Tho
order upon which it was dollvorul wib
wrltloii n paper marked with Mrs.
Langtr's tour adil'csa.
Havana, Sept. 10, Cruiser Dareas
tegul was wrecked at midnight by n
collision with a mwrchaut steamer, tho
Mortem, In the canal et the entrance
of Port Iljreaategul. Marino GoLeral
Delegado Porejo. three other officers
aud 30 of tho crew lira drowned. Tho
cruUer 1ms beeu employed on govern
ment business betweuu tho different
portiof Cub i.
Oolllsslon at Soa.
Pi.ymouni, Eng., tiop. 10. At 1
oolock this morning tho stoumslilp
Edam collided with tho Turkistau, CO
miles southeast of Btart Dint. The
colllslou occurred in a dense fug. The
Edam foundered and the Turkestan
was lost to view In tbe fog. Captain,
crew and paewougors who took to the
boats Immediately after the collision,
were picked up by a trawler. Tho
TurkeBtan la not seriously Injured.
From Our Toledo Correspondent
Reclaiming Tlda Lands Incorpor
ation Soma Political Fropheolos.
A largo force of moo are now eiu
ployed by tho O. O. & E. It. R. Co. in
tho machlno shops at Yaqulna and also
a construction train has boen placed on
tho road and the btldga forces all
doubled, In fact the now owners of tho
road are doing ull that money, energy
and labor can do in putting tho road In
flrstclass condition,
The county board of equalization Is
In sosslon, but bo far havo made but
few changes.
T. E. Parker filed his official bond
and took tho oath of office as county
assessor on Wednesday.
Our hlndorgartan school uuder the
efficient management of Miss Ida
Booth is growing In popular favor
every day,
Couuty Judge Hurt la muoh Improv
ed In health.
A forco of men with mining outfit
left today for the Crosuo it Jones Black
Baud mines at Otter Hook on th
Blletz reserve
Bteuy Wells, J. 8. Qalther and Hon.
O. B. Crosno killed four deer this week
almost mslde the corporation limits of
The Royal Chinook has mado Its ap
pearance on the upper bay and our
sportsmon are enjoying themselves to
the full en tout of the law,
Toledo lodge I. O. O. F. Initiated
three new members Saturday evening.
This popular order Is growing stronger
every month iu Toledo,
Tbe citizens of Toledo are a unit on
Incorporation and aro tearing djwu the
hills and grading tho streets all over
A half dozen (earns aud as many
men are making (ha dirt fly Just in
(rout of town and soon another fifty
acres of land w'll bo reclaimed from
tbe salty tide, making 600 acres in
sight of tbe city that has been re
claimed. Thero are within three miles
of Toledo 4,000 acres of tldeland that
must be rec'almed In tbe near future.
It It tht richest land Io AprtQft and
readly produces 70 tons of sugar beets
to tho acre.
Much iutervst Is helm; taken in the
high school proposition and tbo
chanocs an very favorable for an
academy being opened In Toledo this
Crosno & Pen I rs have Just competed
a mil and con eel abstract or Lincoln
Two more German families from
Chicago settled on homesteads near
Toledo this wek. They do not hesi
tate to take tbe rough mountain land
and say that they cau soon make gntd
Considerable farm real estate Is
changing hands these days.
Aud has It come to pass t!mt a cold i
storage, gold syndicate must be hired
by our government lu order to keep
the gold reserve In tbo Uulted States
treasury? What maunor of mauey, or
wo would say, what combination of
olrcumstancos Is It that has
placed the great credit of the United
Btatej lu tho bauds of u gold syndicate?
Ye (Jodsl Let us but stop and reason
one with another. Must 03,000,000
pooplo bond tho kneo to the will of a
fjw money lord? Must America
humbly bow to n foreign powet? Shall
England always dictate to the Uulted
Stuttfs her financial policy? Shall thu
lustre of our own statesmanship be
plastered over by HWectsmolllug balttiB
from the British Isles? Wo thluk not.
American brulus will work out tbo
llnauclal proposition for Amerloa with
out the aid of our English cousins or
any other foreign government.
Tho oonter of populatlou Is fust
weudlng its way towards tho goldou
west. Already Chicago, tho queou city
of tho west, has bcou passed.
Tho cow boys hayo Bourrled away
from tbo broad plalus bofore tho Ad
vancing Army of nomeseokers. The
Nottbwest & Paclfio Slopes aro gather
ing largo populations and thero ia room
for many thousands more to sottlo and
make homes within her sheltered
valleys and rolling hllls.Eduoatlou will
control nnd clvlllza tho earth.
Tho growing Northwest has tukon Is.
suo with our Eastern uolghbcra aud lu
all probabilities, tho next Presldeut
will hall from the Woat.
Tho Bunny Bouth Is drawing North
ern Blood and Capital. Party lines are
being broken. Soou thero will bo uo
party, or raonoy power strong enough
to dictate to the powers that bo "the
The pooplo will In tlmo work out the
monoy proposition. Bubsldzed pa
pors controlled by corporations, cannot
always mould or shape publlooplulon.
Tho thousands of Publlo Schools all
over our Country are beginning to bear
fruit. Tho masses of our pooplo are
educated and thero Is no danger of
millions of odunated pooplo ovor tnak
Inga mistake that tbuy aro notable aud
willing to correct. Tho Impulses of the
peoplo aro always right. Calamity
Howlers may howl themselves
hoarso and eveu talk Civil War, but
so long as our school houses aro kept
open and tho II jg floats oyer them wo
need not fear.
But there Is an Army of Foreign
paupers that is invading our fair laud
and we must close our doors against
such classes of immigration, Our own
bone are sinew cau take cure of tbe
work In America without the aid of
this class, or tho long tilled Mongol
Han. Approprhtlous for our Rivers and
Harbors and Wagon Roads is but
money loaned tu tbo Peoplo and will
always return with a high rate of In
terest. A state board of mineralogy would
beof more value to the people of Ore
Sou thHii some other coiutulssloiio,
ne of Oregon's chief resources Is her
minerals, and If thoy were fully sur
veyed and prospected It would belpud
Vtrtlsu Oregon,
Highest of all in LjMvcn.n4i.uww.
An Explanation of the Asylum Dis
crepancy. Hun. Ira B. Smith and wife of Mob
mouth, wercs'ato bouse callers jester-'
Senators Mitchell and McBrlde Weil'
stoto hniiHi) callers while tu tho city.
Oio. W. P. Joeph, of Portland, was
commifsloned a notary public
Slate Treasurer Metschan laatCor
vallls with his tno huh, Otto and
Anton, who will become students.
John M. Gearln, Dsslsstiint United
S'atos district uttomey, Is In the city
on legal business. Hu took a mafu
baud lu convicting tho opium and
Chinese cases.
Walter Lyon wtlten In a Pot and
paper: Governor Lord mado an Insprc-t;
tlou of the penetentlary uud mute
sobool. Tho management of the tveno-
teutlary ho found flrat-clas. The
prisoners aro now all employed. The
fouudry works 125; 00 are employed b
tho mulo and reform schools, aud the
others aro used as domestics or work lu
tho gardens or ou the farm. The gov
ernor reported unfavorably ou the
building for deaf mutes. Ho said: It
should not have beeu received; it Is au
outrago that tho legislature passed a re
lief bill of $1300 for that building."
Tho repairs uecefsary to fit It for occu
panoy will cost fully 52000; all of the
floors had to be put lu anew, tho last
ouo being now put down. Tho school
will open October 1,
An InUrrstliig Imnrnnco Unimtlan.
William Bailor, who bad boon baying
horses mid shipping tlium south, nnd
who aooidontally shot hiniBolf through
tho right foot two weeks ago, has died
of his Injuries. Balloy enmo horo from
Fort Scott Shortly nftor tho first of
tho your ho took ont two Occident in
surnnoo policies, ouo in thoFIdollty nud
Casualty company for $0,000 nnd tbo
other In tho Standard company for a like
amount. Tho latter company claims ex
emption uuder a olanso which reloasei
It If tho Insured Is injured while in tbe
aot of violating n state law. Local rep
resentatives of tho company claim that
as nalloy was shot by tho accidental dis
charge of a rovolvor in bis pocket ha
was carrying n oonooalod weapon, and
thereby violating tho stato law. Atch
lsou (Kuii.) Dlspatclu
A brood male that Is a fast walkw Vt u
troasuro on n farm. Not only will aha '"
transmit her quality to her colt 8, but aha
will train them by bor example
Few of tho new accessions to the trot
ting ranks tako tho precaution to leant
ovon tho surface boforo beginning to boy.
Thoy buy first uud lourn afterward.
It Is tho breeder who was unfortunate
enough not to havo any wlnnora in bU
itablo this year who thinks tho bnalnes
has gone to tho demnltiou, bowwows.
It costs money to dovclop speed, and a
man without money may own a colt
which has inherent qualities to make a
trottor, but in his hands tho colt is de
tlnod to a life of obscurity. Turf, Field
tnd Farm.
IIU OiH)iiriii.ij.
Teacher In what statu is Chicago?
Pupil Now Jersoy.
"Wrong. Where la the Hudson riveri"
"Rices iu the Rocky mountains nud
(lows to the gulf of Mexico. "
"My goodness, child, you must have
been reading t Lurdon newspaper."
Good News.
A High Liver
Usiiully has a bad liver. He Is bill
ouo, coustlapted. has ludlgeetlon and
dyspepsia. If thero la uo nrganlo
trntiblo a few doses of Parks' Sure Cure
will tono him up. Parke' Sure Cure
s the only llyer uud kidney euro we
sell ou a positive guarantee Price
$1.00. Sold by Lunu A Brooks. IIM
Is a symptom of disease of the kid
neys. It will certainly bo relieved by
Parka Sure Curo. That headache,
baokaoho and tired feeling come from
the same cause. Ask for Parks' Suro
Cure for the liver and kidneys price
$1.0o, sold by Limn & Brooke, 10-4 w
Call tor Warrants.
N(,tlco Is hereby given tuut I havo
funds lu ti to pay all ouUtuudlng
wurruuls uud ucoiued Interest up to
November 1, 1804, and (hat Interest on
same ceases from this date.
jABI'Jvll Minto,
Treasurer Marlon County, Oregon.
September 7 1605.
City Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that I havo
funds uppllcable to the payment of all
wurruuls of tho city of Salem druwnou
the "general fand,7' aud endorsed bo.
furu Juiio 22. 1805. Also warrants
uumbered LMN7, 2lb, aud 2 lS0,uwlorK!
on tnu 22.1, Interval will cease ou sld
wurruuls from tbe date of this notice.
i-i j. HWAVFOHD,
", City Treasurer.
Salem, 8pt. 7, 1603. 0 7 10
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