t r. C JOURNAL 25o. A MONTH The Auoclatsd PtcuDiHy JyituU' by trull. No rpf icnt liojfoti t tlm uid tor CHEAPEST. Salem. BESTr Oregon. PIT AT, VOL. . DAILY EDITION. SALEM, OREGON. WdNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1895. DAILY EDITION. no. tft CROPS AKD MAIMS lliiiMiallj Heavy Rains Past Week. the CIIICMiO AC LIVERPOOL PRICES era; second, due to tbeexpeusoof pick- late rains; in mauy sections the loug, Tho Local ami General Proiluco MarkolH. PoiiTl.ANi), Bopt. 18. The govern ment ropoit for WeHtorn Oregon for the past week Is na follews: Woather Rain has fullen almost overy day during tho past week, being heaviest in Douglas, Josephine, Coos and Curry counties, where It has amounted to over two Inches; In other counties from 1 to 1 iuchea have fal len. The rnlnfull for tin? month to date exceeds the average amount for the month, Aud In places Is tho heaviest on record, excepting September, 1893. There ban been no wind accompanying t to rain. Tho temperature during the d y hourH has been lower than during tho preoeoding week by from 0 to 12 degrees, It ranging from 64 to CO de gree; tho nlghi temporuturo ranged1 f otu 42 to 64 degrees, which was ul ui-jst Identical of the week preceding Tho heaviest rainfall occurred on Wed nesday, tho 11th, Inst, on which day no BUiifthluo was recorded. On tin othor days of the week tlu-ro was n greater or less amount of sunshine, though Idrliclent in amount. Tho at mospliero Is now entirely cleared of smoke. Crops Tho grain crop Is entirely out of the reach of damage from the rain, but damage has resulted to tho hops, Undor tho most favorablo climat'c clrcumituncea some bop yards would noHinve-lflKstrplcfced, duo tug and low price ot hops; third, tho presence of lice In the yards and conse quent poor quality of the hops. These drawbadks, in a limited degree, where the ontire hop area Is considered, have been materially Increased by the un favorable weather conditions; hence the cause of the expeslou, damage has been done by tho rains. The dumage Is not so much in tho direct as in the indirect wav. The rains bavn delayed. I m - - j discouraged and prevented tho pickers from working. The direct damage to tho hops must yet be done. If tho woather should become mora favorable which appears to bo probable, from tho mlddlo of tho preseut week, aud if with the more favorable weather there should be a cool, dry wlud, there will be little direct damage to the hops, for they will then dry out before tho mould can materially aflect them, Borne mould Is uow, prevent on the bonsfbut It no nuro Bhould occur, the direct damage will be very small Indeed. Of course In those yurds already nllected by mould Ihere Is danger of Its being Increased very rapidly. So, also, those with lice In them; warm, rainy weather Is favorable to tho development of tho lice, and those yards already lousy will most likely have a material Increase in the number or lice. In the cleuu healthy hops there will bo found little. If any, damage done. In many seo tlouB picking was commenced before the hops were thoroughly ripe, hence tho fact of the rain delaying the pick lug will most likely result lu benefits. Tho rains have lojurod tho prune crop to a slight extent by causing the prunes to break open. This dumago Is not of material extent, but that some loss will bo caused thereby Is nit quest ioned. Tho shipment of peaches, ap ples, pears aud prunes by tho 'car and train load contluues. Tho season has been very favorablo to fruit lu general, aud as a result much activity now pre vails In shipping and In drying, Tho rain has been of benefit to late norn and to lato vegetables. Tho early dry eenBou proved 'o be Injurious to the potato crop. The rains have beeu beneficial to grain and to the ranges and has put the ground lu good con dition for fall plowing. The heavy rains, bo early In the bp- sou are rerv unusual, and It li reason. able to presume that a period of fair weather will prevail. Tho rains have not beeu caused by the pure winter type of storms, aud until theso types aro shown, longer periods of fair weat her will prevail, than wheu the winter type of btoriss occur. The summer typo of weather condltlous has disap peared us is shown by the southerly path of the last two areas of high pres sure which passed eastward, and this shows the disappearance of tho sum. mer-weather type. It Is more than probable that from Wednesday fair weather will prevail for Borne time. OHICAOO, Sept. 18 -Wheat, cashj 6 Nkw Yoiik. DepU 18.-Hllver, KHa lead.W au BAN KHANWOI MAHKET. Han Kuahcisco, BcpU 18. Wtfeat, 91)0 W moI 4 Irrgou, choice, && 10c; lu (trior , 7c; vallu.lWlo. Hopd-UiioUbleaHSOJ. . . l'otntocs-Korly Komi, 603 Wc: Uuibaofc7So, tu s-MlltlUg, UViJl.05 1011TL.ANU MARKET. I'onTl.A.sli, Hept. 18. Wheal, valley, 47r, Wnllu ttuha,4lc. Klour rortiutid, i.85i HenUm county, J1.H5; eraham.nbl; superfine. -7 6 par Dbl. oau-Wuiie. litftae: milling, i2Va,:Mc; hi?', 23331c; rolled. In Imk. I j.763UU); tmrrcls, I3,W 4,U,V2i; cases, 8 US. Potatoes- NrfW Oregon, 35&x bu. Hay -0od, tiiiV.lS per too. Wool-Valley. UetliM. Mli:Uins-ltrau, Il0.50i Khortfl, 112.50; chop itwii, HftallTpcr tou; cuickuu wucul, bOjiJper o. Hides Br on, salted OU lbs SXv, undcr.u) Ibi. vquiuo. kurv,f ifciui, .vaum v Hops .Nomlual at 4c, llUHer VI fancy Uatr A m m CYCLONE. A Millioii-poltkr Loss at Indian ajntlii Indiana. Dili EYGLONE StltpS OYER STATE Great DunuiKO tf LIV8 Lost. and Si'veral rr. !Vai7 ItQlbv, lair tuBOOd, 1WW, liutier Oregon laury creamer; inov unirv. common. 7o fhrcio-oiegon full crua, 10(311 . Kggs uri'KOU, 1U0IIU (lor uux. l'outtry-culcaou. l.to&fiS per de: duokn $anX-Ji.M ctxne, fJ,00(it.(W, turkoji, UresseJ, tfo'f Topsteers, 2:io per B; lair to good Btecrn,2i;aiac; cow,!i;aKoi dressed beer, 4&5VCC Mui'tnn Bost beef, tl.7SiS.00; choloa ewes, Hogs i-holco. heavy. t,60aS,74;. light and leaders, S.1JJ0: dreod, 4c V B. , . Veal amul), choice, 6u", largo, 3uo iNDIANArOLlB, Bept. 18 -Via. long distance telephone. At 0 o'clock this morning a tire broke out lu tho live story building on Washington street, between Meridian and Pennsyl vania, occupletf by RiHtmau, Bchlelghtcr Jc Leo'. It spread Immedi ately to a ttoneVutldlng ou theeuBt, occupied by tlio Iiidlaun Nutlouul bunk, theuco to th'e Uultcd Kttes and American expreBsljulldliigs. The tiro waB communicated to tho five story Western Uulon Jbulldlng, fronting south ' Merldlau etrtet. Kastman, bchlelgnter A. Le. ll,tt I iitilii Na tional banlc and Express otllceR luvc beeu entirely destroyed. I.ons Is estl muled at thl9 hour nl about n million doll tw. i Oyclono In Indiana. Dctiioit, bept. 18. A special to tho tJyenlng Nowb tels of a oyolone that spread over qulto apportion of the stato last nlRbt, Port AuBtln reports the heavleVt storm fiver known there. Damage was' dono to buildings and three lives Jt lu Iumo township. At 8aud UeHoif nearly every building was HALlill Wheat-sac v bu. JIAUKKT. finti i)n22Ur: new 18o, ... ii.Uft .Iimi UFjufinh I mninv. Klour. la wholesale lou, JifiO; retail, I2.H0: II ay- (r. InnllllllV to eecure cash for tho payment of pick- vegetublea will not be improved by tho THE II m BAHW NSELLS, 5 'k. BOOTS AND SHOES CHEAP. CLOTHING.. .. 5,Wa8.00; timothy, tlM. Klour. la wholesale lou, run; retail, x.w; bran. buU tU.W; sacked. I12.U); ihoru, SIlMOa Itou; cnop leoaiUiw!."", eall)reaea.o, Hogs Unsted, .tyia. , -, ,. Uvu Cattle-HJo- Hiicep i.ive, now. Wool lies t,KKc Hopa-llent, i7c. Ksub Cash, 100. liiitier-UotaAlrr, itlSl fanoy creamery ltaMo. ooeese 10al2)o. varva. Hmoked Meats Buoon.dc; hami ll;o, shoulders, 7o. l'otaioc new,oji uu. Onions 2c ...... Poultry Hrollersi7c; hens, 80; dunl,.tt7o. Torkevs-UiHo. . . llartletl Dears S5o bu. Apples WaSftj OU. l'eachei ll.Vbu. 1'lums-aVi bu. Jubtlco Court." The caso of the state of Oregon vb. Billy Tom, a Blletz Indlau, lor assault with Intent to kill, upon ono, Isaacs, n Grand Ronde Indian, was called In Justice H. A. Johnson's court at 2 o'clock this afternoon, and will prob ably not bo concluded until lftto this afternoon. Wrn. Kaiser Is consul for the defondant. while Acting Proeecut Ing attorney D. C, Bherman conducts the prosecution. A number or wit neses are being examined pro aud con. o Tho Palace shoes are good. If. At prices that will surpris ) you. Cull and see our now quarters. K.T.BARNES c' v-.TinwAi. HANK nUILDING, SALEM, OK. riii ""Wi Jf sxALEY, PRINCIPAL. School in oonUnuous seul.u Bt"d?.yui puwu?' to attend a will My tUose who expect to PW SrrSor buslneii training may be had Cinw. WllSge oner, live courses:- Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship and English. This isfr's'.Uvely the only !uPi;SmlMar, -a--- 8-M-Sm STORE Vx&sse&&&S&L LTablets, Oil u oin, xu. .-, .- . . for ra0tThe SS: Xtih A save you money. Thonaragraph In yesterday's JoUK' NAL which eald "ex-Gov. Fletchorand Frank Toevs, of the Dally Post and Independent, are Republicans and re pel tho Inference that the publish u PopulUt paper," was not strictly cor reel. What we Bhould have Bald Is that "ex-Gov. Fleloher and Frauk Toevs deny that tho Post Is a Populht paper. They nay that It is purely Independent In politics. ""iTftiT foT Warrants. N tlco Is liortby given that 1 have funds in baud to pay all outBtuudlng warrants and ucciueu miciw. i S...:.i., 1 lfiOl.und that luterest on same ceaaes Irom this date. JABrE.it uiin.o, Treasurer Marlon County, Oregon. September 7 1605. City Warrants. Notice Is hereby given that I have funds appllc&ble to tbe payment of all warranu of the city of Salem drawn on the "general fJiid." aud eudortd be fnra June 22. 1896. Also warrants numli red 2487, 2483, and;2469ltudorml n the 22d. lutbrest will cease on eald warrants from the date of Ibis notice, warrant BwAFFOllD, City Treasurer. Bttlem, B?pt. 7, 1895. 0 7 lOt i - '" . ... t tutn4 nf lha kid- neys. It will oertainlv be relieved by Parks Bute Cure. That headaobe, backache and tired fellng come from the same cause. Aak for Parks' Bure Cure for the liver and kidneys? price $1.00, sold by Lunn A Brooks. 19-4 more or Uwi damaged. Near Kludo two children of Rjlc'iurd Tott woro killed by falling timbers. Others woro Injured . -- -0tber0a8altle8-- - MlNNKAi'OLis Sept. 18. The west bound passenger train of tho Boo lino leaving bore, met with a serious acci dent near Anuandulo, Minn., about noou. By tho spreading of the rails, the two rear coaches wero ditched. Miss Kutlo Hansen, of Elbow Lake, Minn., sustained Berlous Injuries, and 13 othor passengers, Including W. D. Washburn, Jr., a son of tho ox-senator, were more or leas brulBed. Cleveland, Bept 18,-Mra. Henry Nolan tried to start a lira with kero sene today, pouring oil from the cau Into tho Btovo. A terrlflo explosion followed and almost In an Instant Bhe was enveloped lu llames. Bho suc ceeded In getting out of tho houso with oue child, Willie, who was aoverely burned. A child, Henry, was dead when found, Mrs. Nolau will die. Omaha, Bept. 18.-A Bp' clal to the Kee from Dodge, Neb., Bays: This town Is almost wiped out by 'fire. Forty business houses have burned with con tents, and as muuy residences. The damago Is over $100,000. A llorco wind was blowing at tho time. Muny accl dents occurtd du.lng tho lire. Tho property was well insured. Vancouvkii, B. 0., Bept. I8.-J0I111 Molded, an employe In the Hastings mill was struck in tho groin. by a splin ter thrown from a saw. He was fear fully Injured and died a few hours later In the hospital. PRESERVED IN MONUMENTS. Memories of Obicamauga'a Bloody Field. Chattanooqa, Tetin., Bept. 18 Not since tho bloody battle that occurred here 33 years ago, have there been bo many people In this region. EftlmalPH as to the size nf the multi tude vary from CO.OOO to 100,000. At daylight people began to move towards Chlcamaugs, and from that lime on until tho afternoon trains and electric cars reminded ono of those leading to tho World's fair at Chicago. The orowds were well handlea. The first evout today whs thudcdlca Hon of tho Michigan Blalo monument ou Bnodgrass hill, tho point at whloh Governor Rich delivered bis address. In the northeast corner of Kelly's Held the mouuments of Wisconsin wore turned ;over to the government at 11 o'clock. Tho veteran corps took possession of Bnodgrass hill as soon as thorn) from Michigan had llulshed. Geuerttl Aqutlla Miller roadea.Bhort mid ro.HH formally turuliiK the monu- mints over to Governor MoKluloy, who lu turn received them and trans ferred tlioni to the national govern meut. Tito Illinois mouuments were dedicated on the slto where Widow Glenn's houso stood during the battle. It Is a few hundred yards southeast of the famous "Bloody Pond.' It was 80 named becauso Its waters were red with human blood after tho buttlo and people living In tho vicinity Bay sluco that terrible day animals huvo refused to drink tho water. Govornor Altgtld made an address, turning the monu ments over to tho government. Exercises nttcudaut upon the trans. for of the Indiana mouumeuts to the government took placo at.Llttle Hill. Hon. D. R. McConnell made an ad dons, turning the mouuments over to Governor Claudo Mallnws, who re sponded. The army of tho Cumber laud hold Its tlrst business session this morning. Tonight there will be a Umoctlng at a big tont where General 0. F. Manderson, of Nebraska, will deliver tho annual address. B1ETAL1STS ORGANIZE Various Silver Societies Consolidated. nri' WITH HEADQUARTERS AT CHICAGO Now York Republican lctotnnd rinllorm. Chicago, Bept. 18. Leaders of the various free-silver movements were In session at the Auditorium, endeavor toagrco upon some plau ofuvlty of purposo and action. They represented a dozen different organizations of bime tallic forces, aud throo of national nhnrater tho Rlmotnllto League, the nimtnllin Union and the national silver organization originating with the Memphis convention. Judgo Mil ler, president of tho last named organi zation, presided. General A, J. Wur ner reprrseuted tho Bimetallic League, aud Colonel Merrill, of Montana, the f Bimetallic Union. W. 11. Harvey advocated the consolidation. Judge Miller was tbo principal advocate of separate organizations. Union of Forces. Tho freo silver forces of the Uultcd Btates will be consolidated and head quarters established at Chicago. Gen eral A. J. Warner will bo presldeut ol tho consolidated body aud Edward B. Light secretary. Thlsmuoh was agreed upon at the conclusion of tho confer eucoof tho silver leadors at the Audi torium hotel last night. Othor details of the consolidated organization will bo worked out at tho session this afternoon. VALLEY LOCAL NEWS. Mat Ion. Hop picking Is tho order of the day notwithstanding the rain tho worrem and children stick to the hop fields like soldiers. A few dujamore will finish tho picking here. Itev. r It. Bcoll and faiullj ,of HeUla MIIIh, were gucslM of W. J Hadliy tho llrst of tho wtek. Rov. B. F. Hluslmw and family, of Sherwood, Washington county, bavu been visiting relatives aud friends here for tho last week. Grandna Farhhara who has beoa suffering for sometime with dropsy, Is Improving so far tuat no is on tue streets again. W. 3. Hadley has the frame of his new residence up. The Babbatb school convention held at the Friends church on the 12th aud 10th Init. was a success. Although soveral from other points failed to at tend ou account of rain, whose names wero on the program, was quite a dis appointment tnd lu tbolr failure to at tend were tbo loosers thereby. Rov. and Mrs. Hawarth went to Independence last Buturday. Rev. Hawarth still carries hU arm lu a sling Cotton Exposition. Atuanta, Bept. 18.-Cotlon States and International Exposition was form ally opened today. President Cleve land set machinery in motion by press ing the electric outtoii uv uuu" Bay. Fur cainm aud callars at Dalrymples. noun iNUUBTitna. Deserve your entire patronage and are entitled to It. When In need of soap call for ours and I accept none otnerz-Salem Boap & Chemical Workes New Luce Curtains at Dalrymples. ir Mtaa Gertrude Kefgger. of Oregon City, was lo the city today, a guest at the Willamette iu-. Prtef'a Citza Baklsi VavAt j VwM'f IUr HlftltMt AwkA HE IS SHIELDING DUARANT. A Close Friend of JJurrant Changed HU Testimony. Ban Fhanoisco, Bept. 18. In tho Durraut trial today tho chief witness was Geo. U. King, organist, and asso ciate of Durraut about Emanuol ohurch, On tho afternoon of April 8 King went into tho church to practice a uow piece. After ho bad beon there a few minutes Durraut walked lu. Durrani's hair was disheveled; ho was palo and agitated und looked III. Ho had his coat aud hat ofl aud ex plained his appearance by saying that had beon repairing a leak In tho gas pipes and that he had beon overcome by gas. He gavo wltnesH CO cents and asked him to go and get him somo bromo-seltzer. Witness wont to a neighboring drug store and made tho purchaso as requested. Everything that could be constructed as injuring Durrani's oaso could only bo extracted from King with tho greatest difficulty. King, under skillful questioning of tbo district attorney, finally admitted that 11 had been suggested to him that ho change IiIh testimony. The sugges tion had beeu made In tho county Jail by defendant, In 0 111 cos Duarant's at torneys by Attorneys Deuprey aud Dickinson. This answer created a tre mendous sensation. Deuprey excitedly lumped to his fett and shouted the wholo story of his endeavoring to change testimony of witness was a myth In the bralu of witness. But as If to disprove Deuprey's remark, Dis trict Attorney Barnes lod witness to say that he (King) was a close friend of Uurrant and anxious to see him ac quitted. The Big Prlzo Fight. Austin, Texas, Sopt. 18. Goyernor Culberson, who was seen today In reference to Judge Heart- opinion favorable to prlzo fighters refused to xpreas bis oplnlon,but from bis action it Is evident that be will use force to stop the fight of Corbcttand Fllzilm mons notwithftiudlng tho'lecllon, New York Republicans. SAHATOfJA, Bept. 18. Tno stato re publicans convention closed Us session nftur following closely tho work map pod out by Its leaders. It named this tfoket for presentation to tho pooplo of this stato lu November next: For secretary of state, John Palmer, of Albany: controller, James E. Ro berts, of Erie; stato Treasurer, A- U. Colvlu, of Warren; state engineer, G. W. Adums, of Ouoldu; attornoy-gen-oral, F. E. Hancock, of Oneida; Judge of tho court of appeals, Colonel Ora E. Martin, of Broomo. The platform demands enforcement of tho Sunday liquor law, and tho ''pre servation of the Babbath." It scores tho democratlo administration for full lug to defend tho rights of American citizens resident or traveling in foreign oouutrles, and for permitting foreign countries to encroach ou the Western hemisphere. Tho tariff ana tho hand ing of tho deflclouy question by tho lost democratlo oongrets reculyo con demnation. A souud and stable cur rency, giving tho people a dollar's worth for a dollar, Is indorsed, The return of prosperity Is hulled as resulting (rem the election of a republi can congress, iu giving confidence to the people by ussurauco that further tarlfl tinkering will be Impossible, The ignorance aud the uuwlso policy of passing an unconstitutional income tax Is referred to, us well as tho favor able record of tho republicans In con gress In their opposition to that law, Brooks. Hop picking Is progrcbblug nicely with but little slgus of tbo louse or mold. CljdeLafollett, of Mission Bottom, has been furnishing wutermellous for this locality lately. Clyde has an oyu to business. Miss Ida Harris bus returned to Salem to take up her studies at tho Wlllumetto university. .Success to you Miss Iila, P.P. Gouluttls hauling hli prunes of which bo bus a fine vrop to tho dryer near Balcm. Mr. James Prunes la polo puller iu tho Nowaomu hop yard. Mr. James Freuchy finished his bop harvest tho 17th. M. L. Jones ami family attended the funeral of Mrn. Jones' nnclo at Wood burn today. Flue weather for oho stato fair. Lean to tho oars aud show our Eastern, friends that tboy are not lu it. We know whorefrotu wo speak. We will put out blaoksailth .agalasi any man lu America for oloao attention to business. Ho is a hoover. At times tho whlto toots nnke ua think of days gono by whou tho boys wore dressed lu blue. They are filled with hop pickers uow though. Latu potatoes are proving to bo Has. Fall pasture will soon bd splendid. At Iho Stato Fair. Robert Scott of Mllwaukle writes: "Hearing nothing about the barbecue at Salem and tho fixing of the day on which to huvo It as Pioneer day, I thnuurht I would Jour tho memory of our Btato Agricultural Society regard ing the mattr. For my part ou tuat day I would rather listen to short talks by our old pioneers than to all the dis cussions In the world between politi cians. We farmers go to tho stato fair to have a good social tlmo, and to learn, Irom each other, and as fur us we can, leave our politics at home, Bhould our ritato Agricultural Society see lit, tet them have some practical dairying done ou the grounds, or somo leotures ou tho best mode of dairying and farm ing (for I do uot think there la a dairy. ........ m r.nnii. Ilul.tf fill, wtln ..mi loam 11UUU "I IHimgi .,. wmi. ,...w ww - Borne more; ami I kuow that souioof our horticulturists do not know It all yet). As tho fair Is going to last tit) days, let us have a stock parade overy day, aud at a time wheu most nf the people cau seo It. Aud last or all, let tho fair mauuk!ers oloso all entries ot stock for premiums ut least tun days before the opeulug or tho luir, so tuac thev can net a catalogue printed giving number of eutry, and names of all ani mals una n.d, as well as breed aud age. By dolug this, tho society will maka money aud lbs dead sure men will gt left, or ut&o bilug their tt ok to the fair lu a thrifty condition. Vest Still for Silver. Nkw Youic, Sept. 18. in an Inter view today Bouator Vest denies he left the ranks of the freo coinage advocates. Jus, R Davis returned this afternoon from Shedds. Architect P. II. Burggraf returwd today from a busluess trip to Eugene Rev. AV, C. Kantner left for Tlw Dalles this afternoon where ho will lecture before the Wasco county Y. P. Mrs. II. A. Thomas and children . ! .! tit lii ofrr ainvnit frtittt Vaus rft IlkUIMWI IlilO HIVBIMWM aUU VV''Vtlr V f w .- - - - - whore they have beon throughout the 8. C, E. couventiou tomorrow even summer. 1 lug. 1 1 i-i, jjwnsiii iiiuijiauu i' i1 '' jwa-ygw Highest of all in Lcivcninar .r:. "v. ; I' 1 o't Report iS P !, ;i& US Powder, AKMOOTSC? JWC j Mi i re1' ;t f Or. Prk' CrtMBST Powder WorU'sPsI' "IjrHf M-4? ' V "tor ooajwcajwcasiitojt- v-i,r"r- &??- ' xr iff 4V.-.iirir wiw Vf?" 'H ,f n t