JOURN f Pp . . I A HI. J. t Anoclated !! Dally JpuM,l lJl Wo paner sen! Wnt,4 n.- u . . 1 CHEAPEST. Salem. - . -J...UUIU. piqjsi, BEST, Oregon.. -,'",, i ," "' '" ""'"HI IIWWWWWWWM) II gap 25o A MON M VOIi. 8. DAILY EDITION. SALEM. OHKOTUlfiSUAY, SKrrEMBTSK 17, I6OT. 1 DAILY JDD1TION. M. TBK-N. Y. RKPOBUGANSL ThomuS 0. lMalt ltm'ives Ovation. an LONDON TIMES ON PRESIDENTS. tlio "ninst prominent republican pos- m Blblllty," the Times says: "Ilia acta and speeches are those uf an bonest and earnest Btatesmau." Other Important. Political Notts oi' Jhnl):iy. Baiiatoqa, Sept. 17. Cliauncey M. Ddpow and Thomas 0. Piatt are both conspicuous In tho Republlcau tte oouvoutlon, which was called to ordei at 12:30 today by Charles W. Hacketl, of tho state committee. When Platl entered tho hall there was a tremeud ous uproar. Mon were standing on tho seats and cheetlng vociferously, while the baud played "Hull to tbi Chief." A resolution was adopted endorsing the nomination of Governor M irton and expressing tho hope tha bin niuui' in-iy be presented t the National He ptthllcun oonveullon for llrnt place on tho pretlde ntlal ticket. Presidential Fossibllitlos. London, Sept. 17. Tho Times In the course of uti editorial, says, speak sng of presidential pessibilities: "After the Wilson turlll bi'.l com. promise, Mr. Cleveland was the mosl discredited man in Atuerlcau public life, and tho sweeping republlcau vic tory In November appeared to shut his gate as a democratic lender. Curiously enough, the teoond dlfl-'rence In his paity saved his repuiatlou. He has been sound on tho silver question all tho Ume,andtbe -result'ofthe-oourage and tenacity he has displayed is to Improve the prosppciH of his party In the coming campaign." Harrison, town red, as it were. Ah regards ex. President 7L - m m . -i A Pension Question. Washington, Sept. 17. A member of tho National Council of Adminis tration of the G. A. K. boo been called to discuss the question whether a pension granted to a dlsabltd Boldler becomes a vested right, or Is It subject to rovlsiou or cancellation at tho option ofsomo oftbo officers of the govern ment. Political Gossip. Washington, Bept. 17. Benalor Vest Is said to have left tho ranks of the advocates of free coluagu of silver at 10 to 1. It Is almost assured that iho president will appoint Hornblower supremo judge in Jacksou's place. Hill will no lunger oppose IiIb continuation. Who Thoy Are. Under the head "Who They Are" tho Albany Herald prints the follow ing this morning concerning two prominent young men of Salem: Latu last oveulug two apparently geuulnu cowboys rode Into tho city, haying came from Junction since 6 in tho morning of that day. They sported tho genuine costume la Its full pharaphor nalla, Including genuine gauutlot buck- skin gloves with all tho oruamenta tions known to the best Indian urt. Inquiry developed tho fact that they were B. G. II I recti and H. D. Pattou, two of Salem's brightest young men, who had been on a horseback excur slou taking in the promldent points cast of the mountains, Including the Indian camps and returning by the McKenzle route. Thoy had brought in a band of horses with them, for what purpose it was to decide, possibly they Intend to start a horstllt-sh cauulng establishment ac Salt-ui. All tho same they seemed to have scooped whole gobs of fun on their trip aud were the porsonlllcatlou ri.olMi Inllllltv nnil linntut In hnvn bushels or-fun. TtflSy pwaeu through three feet of snow in tho vicinity of tho Threo Sisters. It was their Inten tion to ride into Salem about Wednes day noon, and they will probably ere ato an uproarous sensation, paint the THE DORRAIJT TRIAL Prosecution Tracing the Move ments of Prisoner. DETAILS OF MONDAY AFTERNOON. Froccnliugs of tho Today? Trlnl Jlntl THE PLACE TO GO TO lor i bees U where you ct tbe best U lit, tyle and quality. Clothing that doan't nt la un sightly, but ahoea that don't fit are both un subtly and ralnlnl. Avoid unalghtllnesa and .Uljooinfortby setting shoes that look well snd eel comfortable becauaethey flt perfectly and will wear well became iuperlor In quality. Ourladle' ahoea preat tlie acwe of dwlr ability in every poiUcular.wllhpiiceamore attractive and rallies sweater than ever. We have a very extonilve line ot low ahoea, w every Uateronbe aulted at small figure a S M 0) 0J ps at .a H cJ3 CO u a d W o a a a 3 O 0) ta O o ffl w ft H CO M o K B 2 o u 10 N .,. vTATtnMAT. nANK BUILDINO, riKO. "' . STALKY. l'RINCIPAU IM "' " , SALKM, OR. ""' ' . -. - ltr It Behl in. nUuou, i ael "ffiVoJ.Ya.SK purt' to atu mi a ssjrssrasssvsix Ban Pbancibco, Bept. 17. Tho de fense Is trying to break dowu every witness of the pn,secut(on. Aseaoh testlfleR a long and apparently purpose less examination by defense ioIIowb, the solo object being, It Bfems, to en trap the witness Into some uulmport- ant contradiction. TIiuh tar they have beeu unsuccessful. Martin Q'llulan today testified that on tho afternoon of April 3, ho Haw Durrant aud a girl in u dark woolen dress and leghorn hat. They crpsscd Hartlett und Twonty-Beconn streets, go ing toward Kmman'el church. Slowly tiiu prosecution Is taking Theodora Durrant up to thu Emanuel Baptlet church door with Illaucho La mont. Another long step was taken Monday, and the two wero traced to tho "Mlsslou" to tho comer of either Valencia and Twenty-llrst stieets, or Valencia mid Twenty-second streets, If thoy left tho car at Twenty.Btcoud street thoy were within 800 feet ol the church door. Now tho next move in the progression will undoubtedly be to bring out tho testimony of Martin Qululan, who says he saw Durrant and tho girl at Twenty-second and Bar licit streets. Then will probably como the story of Mrs. Leak, who flaw them enter tho church, and then the reluo tant tale of Organist King, to whom Dnrrant appeared flustered and heated, and said ho had been overcomo by gas. After lh!a there is Is still tbo pawn broker's story of the attempt to pawn tho dead glrl'a lings and tho other bits ofcorroboratlvoovldenoe to bolster up tho main case. And after all that is ovor tho defuneo will bcglu tho work of tearing tho whole fabrlo to pieces, reuding the chain link from link, proving inno cence In the faco of an appearanco of guilt, or of leaving tho whole caso be clouded with doubt and conjecture. Tho lawyers for tho defense, in tho faco of all that Is piled up against them, are easy and conttdont. 'We will clear him In threo min utes," is an expression Bald to have boon dropped by ono of thom. Those who are admitted to tho court room sit through the tedious hours in a reeking atmosphere and hear little or nothing. Moneaythey wero fairly well re warded. They saw ono excitable wo man, with a uerrnan accent, mepuuwu from the witness chair and pilnt out the defendant with a gesture thtt would nave done credit to the most thrilling of melodramas They also saw a feeble old woman 'brought In, lo cast her condemnation In tho prison. er's face, to tell her story from the brink of tho grave. Hut It did uot disturb the prl'ner APSTRAliIAN MtNINQ HOflROE Entosabod Miners Rowing Death Oor " 1 tain Wioto to Fnands. NkI ' Yi-RK, Bept. 17. A Hpeclal lo the I erald from Vancouver It. C, Bayii. AU1 Ices received from the Australlnn steam ;r Mlowern, says that thu bodies of the victims of the Ktdnradn mine dlsasti r have beeu recovered aller two weeksnurlal. TheWn wero wrrklng h MoAver's mine when Hie banking make to keep of! tho river gave way, tilling the outlet it tbe mine. They were ImpilH omd Jlmost within bearing of the r reecuirji. It took ixaolly 14 dujs lo reach the dying men, aud In that time all wcri beyond tbe need of assistance Evidence of tho terrible Bufferings of tbe poor fellows In their last momenta wnre most heartrending. Believing that thiw would bo eventually reached by tho would-be rescuers, but knowlr g that It would be tuo late, the men ei , .! U .M ASYLUM DEIWIIES. ON A BOUL-WINNINO TOUR. Stale Asylum Hoard tho Matter. Discusses denlly held au autc-morlein council, lor mosUof them wrote h tiers to frleuds relatives from their living grave, there and nd there wero evidences of Boleinu Intercourse, before death ended their terrible filtering. All but ono of tbe men were found In u naturally formed chaiubei, lying side by fide liulelly, as If sleeping. They wore peaceful expreeslous aud must, before tleVh, have been lulled to sleep by generated gas. By letters left they had, however, beeu In conversation to m.ihpr for 24 hours after their fearful !..... Tim fill of a victim, linnrlsouuicnt. Tho following Is ono of tho lot"torB, verbatim, written in pencil: "f am goltlug faint, no air. God pro teot mo for the sake of my poor chil dren and wife. Llzzlo, look after Hum aud bring them up good. The momy I have liiiiny box In tho bank Is to be divided among thd llttlo ones. Make the beHt of' what I have saved. God be witli them. Klsu- them lor father' sake. I forglvo my enemies. Lovo to all that aro dear lo me. Good-hye, my dearest children. 'Ulf AUI.K8 MAWKIN8 " The messages wero written In tho dark, and It took six hours to decipher tham. BAIANCrS REPORTED INCORRECT. Dr. Bowlnnd Claims It Was Un Fotmer llcgimi'. Tne ilate lusiue ay'.um board hoa been In tes-slun today nearly threo hours trying to straighten out n dllll culty lu striking batuuets in the book keeping In the stale lusauo asylum ao pnnnln. flunorlntendout Vaup If re ported to havedlscovereil dlecrepancles ofsoveral thousand dollars aud asks that thoy bo straightened out befure he nwimoi r sponlblllty for the cash ao counts. Dr. Kiwland is reported to tako the position that tne dlsorepinoles belong in forninr naiinuemeut and did not oceur under hit regime The bookjfepor under his admlulH ration Mr, Jay 0. dmUU t at Prlaoo. The .board has had a long and earnest consultation but no faots wore glvcu to the press up to 3 o'clock. N' reporters wero admitted to the sessions of the board and nothing could bo learned up to that hour from any of tho parties dlrcot. Tho couferouco of tho board with Bunt. Palnu and ex-Bunt. Rowland lasted from 11:30 a. m. to 3 p. m., when iho board held a brief prlvato confer ence, but neither Gov. Lord, Treasurer MeUchan nor Secretary Klucald would say anything. Dr. Rowland returnod to hlsfarm at Noblo this evening. A BANKER vn CAPTURED Evangelist Yattuan to Speak fiero Before He Rounds the Globe. Iho Rev. Yalmati, of Now York, who captured hundreds of' Balemltes last spring by his mngnetlo personality and forceful, pungent presentation of religious boilers, arrived from Seattle last night. Mr. YatniaD can spend but the ono day in Salem as ho is on the way lo San Fruuclsoo, wheuoo he sails for Honolulu, to begin hla around-tbe-world mlselonary-evaugollstlo tour, embracing Hawaii, Australia, South ern Africa aud other countries. Ho preached at tho First M. E church today at 3 o'clock. In tho evening at the First Prcsby. torlan church ho will deliver hla stirring nddress. Tho mon whom he thrilled and Inspired at Balem Inst March in his addresa, "Bowing Wild Oats," will uot fall to hear liliii. The oveulug service will be a farewell ,er vlco to Mr. Yatman. Tno eminent divine's vUit hero Is for tho sole purpose of holding a graud reunion with tbe maoy converts aud other vtaunch friends whom he gained du'lug hla former stay of two weeks. Ono week ago he delivered his farewell address at Oceau Grove betore au audl euce of 6,000 people. During the course of his remarks ho wbb Interrupted by tho presentation or an elegant sllU Hag by tho Rov. Dr. 1. II. 8lokea,to carry with him on his prenant world illusion ary tour. This emblem of esteem Mr. Yatman prizes as tho ninst sacred of his treanurcs. "Itwasglyou tome," said tho doctor today "that my loyalty to It might provo my loyalty to Christ Tho only reply I could glvo was 4I would die for tins Hag, and how much more for tho banuor of tho cros?' " On the white margin of the bountiful flag is Inscribed tho tixt which will be made tho clarion note of all his presort ing. It Is taken from Detit. xxxl;8, aud reads as follews: Tho Lord, Ho It Is that doth go before thee, Ho will. be with thee, He will not fall thee nor forsake thje." Also u complete history of tho trip will bo written upou Iti foldB, Tho greatest part of Mr. Yotiuan'a work will bo done in Capo Colony, Southern Africa. The reflex notion of tho. young English MdAinerleanB theroTinotTTTirna'tlvettTls very great, aud tho Held adopted by him will bo BANKER Sfl W. T. Peel, at Cervallfy Aconite lj Mtefcfa. OLD OMAHA POLICE MUSI A. Crank Attacks tho Officials Deal With Grime. The Ddalter of Tncoma's Hank Arrosti'.d in Clielmlis. BOODLE IN ILLINOIS LEGISLATURE. AiIIiliiYltH Filed by rromlnoiit Jluslnes.s Mon. ill pay lh.e "n?.wrjmVuflMurieof butlneu twining roay u . ,. 5SS?nfflc5 K lITif tlU.r llae oi Duaineia College oflera nve ouurB.- uuaineia twin" .. , Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship and English, Thla Ja'r-lvely the only. m......-."..'..-.......-. -a THE FAIR STORE Tor bargains fl voar. Hoiieiy. Window Shades, 1". Eovfl. CothinK, Tablets, C )U 0 loth, U nme ,ul , x j.. - , for Sra FaiSr z s j much. He frequently smiled at ins mother ddrlng tho day, as If amused at the broken English ot Mrs. Voxel, or pleased with the efforts of h's cross examlnera The mother Binlled In return but It Is evideotjtbat the show log of the prosecution Is worrying her. She looks woru. The few white hairs an her head seem to bIiow more. She Is thinner thnn she was. It it her Bollcltudo Is moat shown In the In creas of her attention to her n. When the testimony seems most damaging eue can hardly keep her hands off him, One hand will con. stantly steal up along his back, a cares sing, Billcltous hand, as If ehe yearned to take him to her heart and balm hla woes as she used to when be was bay. ! or. Prk' Cr Uv wkr TAC0M4, Bept. 17.-W. . Allen, tho mlHsIng president of thu defunct bank of Tacoma, was arrested in Che. halls this morning. He will bo brought to Tacoma this afternoou Ho Is charged with the wrecking tho bank, In which this city had over a quarter of a million dollars deposited. Illinois Legislature. BiMtiNaflBLU, Ills., Bept. 17, Editor Kohceaat and a reporter, Tom Cannon, of tho Chicago Tlmea-Herald, appeared before tho Sangamon county grand jury today aud related what thev knew about boodllng lu tho legis lature. The evidence was all In the shape of aflldnvlU of prominent Chicago business men who Bworo that money was paid for the passage of several bills. Tho Gold Resorvo. Wasiiinotok, Sept. 17. The truo amount of tho gold reserve at the oloso of buslucs Monday was $05,318,012 Hluco tho recent heavy shipments or gold set In, tho government bus re ceived a number of oilers of gold in tx chatigo for uiites. Those como partlou larly from banks In tho Northwest, where email notes are lu actlvo demand In moving tho grain crops. Other banks, apparently disinterested, have ollered gold in exchange lor silver cr lllicates. Several of tho batiks ollend gold suspected of being a llttlo under weight, as it was stipulated that It would bo rccoived at Its face value. Some other conditions imposod by Western bankn could not bo accepted, but In all cases whore the government can consistently do bo, tho oflera havo been accepted. Monday's statement of the condition of the treasury shews: Avallablo cash balance 182,722,311 Gold reserve 00,348,012 lluciinsTKK, N. Y., Bept. 17. Tbe associated banks of Rochester shipped to the aealutunt treasurer at New oris 1260,000 In gold, aud will accept In re turu legal tenders. This action on the part of the banks was taken lu the hope that banka lu other parts of the country may do IlkowUo, and from their stock of idle gold turn over to the national treasury an amount that will ol!set the present shipments abroad. among tho whlto population. To glvo an Idea of tho Importauco of his out lined work-, It Is only ueoessnry to clto tho Instauoool Johauutsburg to show the rapid Increase In population lu that country, whlle tho monger missionary faolllttos havoVemalned tho same. Five yoars ago Johnntilsburg contained only 6,000 penplo, while now It supports a population of oyer 05,000 houIh. It ib the center of the gold mining district, and Mr. Yatman Is authority fur the statement that It was bore King faolonion got his gold of Ophlr. A choir has been eolectod aud Is un der tho direction of Prof. Heritage, of the university, and good niuslo Is assured, Mr. Yatman will doubtless bo at hla best and a great treat will be enjoyed by all. Como early. Staiimrd Anothkh Inman. Sun day evening "Hilly Tom" ono of the Slletz Indians employed lu picking hops oppoalto Independence became Involved lo a dispute with ono of his own tribe. At this point a Uraude Rondo Iudlau stepped up to make peace when he was Blabbed With a packet knlfa lu tho hands of "Hilly Tom" tht. blade entering in tho left breast on tho right Bide of tho neck nearly reaching the heart and Jugular veins respect ively. The wounded Indian was removed to Independence and Ib lu a precarious condition. The city mar anal of Independence at once arrested "Hilly Tom" and notified Shunt! Knight thereof who last evening sent Constable Wala acoompanled by Dep uty Prosecuting Attorney A.O. Condlt to get the man. "Hilly Tom" will bo given a preliminary examination be fore Justice H. A. Johuson at 2 p. in. Wednesday. COKVAL.MS, Or., Sept. 17. Wl Peet. caahlpr of tho First Wall bauk, while suffering with dveti entered a drug store this morning took a doeo of aconite. He died hours later. Ha thought he was tall blackberry brandy. Old Omaha Police do. Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 17. Tbej premo court this mornlnx filed a d ton lu tho Omaha lire and polios mission oaso. Tho decision In substl declares the net constitutional no which tho new board was appoints! A Sensational Protestor. -Dknvkii, Colo., BepU 17. A Hallon was created lu the prison gress by a pape7on"polltlcHanderl' written by Amos Q. Warner, prot of economics and social science- al ' laud Stanford university: "If tbifc! itself Is undor tho Itllaence ofci' nals." Bald thu doctor, "how c hopo to reforo criminals? Setting thief lo catch the thief was the tlmo doctrine Hut tho plau ol ael tbo thief to reform a thief had yet been dofendod. Tho represenU of tho state, with which criminal most frequently brought Into Lare.poHeemeiirpolui Justices, ! Bherills dtipullra aud Jail keepers, a shade, If at all, bettor than the nals themselves. Tho hope of o criminals larcoly lies lu the on treatment In tho early Btages," Lonion, Sept, 17. The Standard's financial artlclo aays: "President Cleveland Is not likely to let gold go to a premium in New York during his administration, If a further sale of government bonds can prevent It. So, when tbo bond syndicate is loaded up it will have another bc-bhuu of ItMBOothlnx mixture." Nkw yoiik. Hem. 17. urossman a Good Batino, The Jouiinal has been complimented with some oholce Denny pheasants by Messrs. Chas. Gabrlelsou, Itev, A. L. Hutchi son and H. L. Hlack. Tho assurance followa that they were not "caught" on Sunday, hence they tasted very good. Thanks, gentlemen. "Kidnapped." This American comedy.dramai presented ut Itod's last night Inriro and appreciative audi Frank W. l)con as Rhlnegoldjj huppy German dude, to Jennie mnn's nrotty blonde Irish girl. comedy Is refreshing as can u pure as a mountain stream. It i tho least bit oyerdone and very I t,ir a wnatnrn stock OOmDMUV. Q I Haybrook, Ann Hlake and MaggM I Mooney aro oloverly Imperaonaw tho other ladles of the company tnvim T.nzutte bv Mr. Scott, la vl Ai.niurii for almost anyone, anc much for most people. Will Burress, aa Mlohael MoMc tho Irish policeman, diaplaya erreat ability, but ueeds more tlous flnlsh. aa he Up." fro hrntrtio verv easily. His makeui hla nantomlnn are excellent. G. P. Webster's heavy part l In a manner very pleasing to tbe ence. Houclcault'a "After Dark" rnr this uvonlnir by the taut iniiv. We must commend the eUi nany for their careful and com (Inns nresontatlun. The oroheatr takes of the same general excel! Frank Bacon, who U playlnc ' at Iteed'a Is one of the rielng Mm iheatrtcal profession. He U iHg for Rip Van Winkle aud baej comnllmeuted with a peraonalj niflndatlun by Joseph JeSerson. uudeitsklng. It Is gratifying to , .nf tiia niuuu und exoelleni w his evenly balanced company ie dated at Salem. Harried. WEIDER-ALLRKD. Attul res donee uear nywiiwi Welder to Mr. B. L. Allred, D. Holmau uftlclailng. Seattle Fire. H ', eogHl0(, In gold ut 8katti.k, Sept. 17. A lire broke out ttie sub treaury for transportation last ulght In the dry Uilu of Yesier mill at Yeeler, on lake Washington, and faned by fresh wind, destroyed the whole mill, uearly 1,000,000 feet of lumber, wharf, dry kiln, two box cars loaded with lumber, one loaded log trunk and live emitv log trucks. LoesM about $76,000, insurance 116,000 Df . PrkV Ci-Mga Baking Pewtftr WcM'i Mr Wajhtit Awr today. WHEAT DEOPPINO SLOWLY. Chicago Board of Trade Prices for tbe Day. Ciiioaoo, Sept. 17. Prices declined during the whole of August, falling from 78 to 01 a decline of 10J oonU. Opeoid. HIiibMt. Flueatookof kludergorten ohalr at Everybody reads TilR OK Uuren & Hamilton'- furniture chair. 1 Daily. neatubr'. (? 'M Sy t. H Clo1n. Wi Highest of all in I.wvcmng Tow. RoyaS -. 1 J ."- uov't Report fl m$ n Powde &Y PWPW !?xri -k-