Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, September 16, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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XtitUmJMrnm , JiftWi thWn w'tQiiMJJun;
25c A- MONTH
Brings jod the Daily Jqurnsl to? the seaside at
mountains. Ucitct thin a leitn fiotn h0m,
VOL. 8.
UTttittMHI II WbhSii
"Did God Send Lico io Di-strov
llio Hops?"
Piikos fho Negative Sitlo of tho
Rev. W. E. Copeland, pastor of the
Fultarlan church la thjs city, last
zoning delivered a lecturo on tho sub.
bet: "Did God Send Lico Into (bo
hyallup Vulloy to Destroy the Hops?"
Aa a scripture lesson tho speaker
bad that part or the 8th ohupter of
Cxodus rotating tho sending of tho
Hague of frogs, lice nnd flies upon tho
!gyptlans as .a, punishment for their
Isobedlenco to. Ood. At tlio com
encemont of his lecture Rev. Cope-
11 d spoko of the action of tho Met ho
st clergymen at Puyullup conference
M In Washington recently, when a
'port concerning the failure of the
jpcrop throughout Washington, was
wlvod wlih Ameus.eto, Tho Metho
at brethren had tho support of tho
Iblo for their belief that tho lice was
mt as a puulnlitneiit upon the Wash
jtou hop growers. It was simply a
irbarla conception. Corn and rye is
Used in abuudancoatid converted Into
link more dangerous than beer. Men
fould depend on their own exertions
tho downthrowal cf Int-rnporanco.
thy should the Ljrd give the hop
awers In New York aud England,
id weather while tho hop growers in
tllfitrula and Oregon are enjoying the
Bt of weather, -Why should the hop
jp be destroyed when corn la mfde.
io a moro nangercuiilwr6
sing of oplnlonllrt4ir'hl
. . '.ju':r '. . . t
at, seems me .uoru woMfnave
spied UJierlneaus .atbte dlqwssili U-5
ine ucsiruction or oeer malting,
aer than sending Hue Into n few hop
rds In the state Washington. Rev.
ielnnd spoko of a grower near Puy
ip who succeeded In raising a largo
lp without any lice. Continuing tlio
j speaker said there was a largo amount
ui ueer maao without any hops what
ever thus should the hop crop be en
tirely destroyed, beer making would
continue and wo would havea poorer
produotthen that at present. To put
an end to the making of all intoxicants
H would be nos8ary to do awav with
all of the vcgotablo hlncrdnm mnit hi.
done away with and famine ensue.
The action of tho Methodist conference
not only shows tho need of education
but that the spirit of persecution has
not been done away with. Wo must
bo on our guard as rellnlous lllmrtv u
threatened uud wo may Boon bo in
chains again. A Seven Day Adven
tlst is now serving tlmo in a Chicauo
Jail alongside with thloves, and other
orlmlualsjust because ho worked on
Sunday. None of tho Christian neonle
or that great elty interposed in his be
half. What Is supposed to havo taken
pluce In Washington would not Inter.
fere with nature. Wo believe God had
nothing to do with tbo sending of lico
Into Washington hop yards. With a
little due precaution and tho use of
chemical preparations, lieu oau be
killed without tho Intervertlouof God.
Wo need a new God one to whom we
can pray In wisdom; also need a new
form of prayer. It would be well for
Christian people to use the simple
prayer given them by God. If God
hates tho beer crop so much why do
not his devotees burn up the hot?
houses and breweries and destroy tho
crop itself. Thero would bo no punish
mout meted out to them. Religious
liberality has made but ;llttlo progress.
Bettor have no God than ono who
sends a pest t destroy a few. hop yards
In nuo state. Better havo no religion
m to rejoice over the falluro of a neigh
oor'd crop. Better havo no God If bis
only desire Is tho destruction of beer
making. Wo need'' such a Dlety as
Jodus portrayed to bis disciples. Cue
to worship In spirit aud iu truth. Let
us endeavor to form aueb a coucoptlon
of God that wo may bo bettor for It,
Tho solo aud chorous by Prof. Z. M.
faryln aud choir, "Oh! Blessed be the
Name of tho Lord" whlQhttwa'(t&
the maMjfmmmmKmm
NO. )!
Except Two, Who Preferred lo
Six Prisouore for IJurglnry, Lnr-
ceny nutl Assault, Escapo.
mmm. vmmi.&ri-rzi.mr3'-
i& "- - '.' ""
or. lio is bili
ous, constlapteu, lias Indigestion and
dyspopsla. if thero Is no organic
troublo a few doses of Parks' Sure Cure
will tone him up, Parks' Buro Cure
a thoouly llyerand kidney euro wo
sell on a posltlyo guarantee Price
$1.00. Bold bv Lunn A Brooks. lfM
At prices that will surpris) you.
Call aud see our now quartors.
W. I. STALEV, Principal.
lUgular session beuln M nday, September a. utuaenw reguiereu ""
wMMy those who expect to prepare for some buslneai pursuit to attend a
business X" where .al systematic course of biulnew training may be bad
and.tralned teachers lor tbla particular line ui nu iumu uvw u -
lluslneas College ofter five ceurses:
Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship and English,
This U rpoeltlvely the only-
hninM colieee In Oreeon uIne tlio lnler-rommunicatlon system oi bust
le ifroeUoe! Out-o" town students may secure board and rurnUbed room
InTrrvatoSnilly a? W weSfc WHtoor call at college office for circular,
giving ; full Ujforrnatlon retail ve to cour-ei or study, rafce of tutUon, etc. 8-3-3
r bargains in overythinpr- Shoes, Overalls, Shirts, Under-
ar, Hosiery, Window strnaes, xinwaro, wiiiww.. .,
w r:iJmi, th r.innn. Piece Goods. Boyb' Clothing,
' .. -. . i, i. ...l.;n- nnn Ttrnn nnll for
lorns, Mtcnes, ooap, m iactovotjwiiuti j" ", -
t tho Fair S.oro. For spot cash wo will save you money.
Jallbreaks from the court house have
become so common as to attract little
attention. There, have been several
moro or less successful the past few
years. But 8uuday thero wasa whole
sale delivery.
Tho Marlon county Jail was emptied
Bunday evening of all Its lumatea who
wanted to leayo. Blx of tho eight meu
conllued there escaped by sawing oil
the door Into tho womou's cell and
breaking through tho two-foot wall
below a window iu the northeast cor
ner of tho court house. The break was
noiselessly and skillfully accomplished.
It had been carefully plauued and tho
prisoners had apparently worked all
day bunday at the job.
Examination sIiowb It was a noat and
deliberate Job, helped from tho outside.
.With n very good saw the big dooi
bto tho woirien's cell was sawed olf
below the steel plate that goes across it
aud thou It was wrenched .ptl tu'ujotioV
niuge. uno noor, wuere sawed, Was
carelully soaped, all the sawdujt re
movod and concoaled, and lliou'ilAit to
again. This must have been dune
early iu the day, as several hours' work
was still between the men and liberty,
Tho tools for breaking the wall con
sisted of Iron stovo legs, a steel slcklo
guard of a harvester, an oak stlok tlino
laches tquaro aud about seven fett
long, sharppolnted pieces of oak stove
wood, a bavjtjHiBul with a blanket
about it to deadflPHte sound, aud a bed
set In front of tbo wfiolu thing, so their
work would bo bid, Tho windows were
covered with newspapers. The big oak
stlok was used as a battering ram, aud
a blanket tied over tho eud of It ren
dered it nolselots. Thus a hole about
ono foot by two was soon worked
The prisoners havo tho freedom of tho
corridors, being only looked up at
night. Their saw aud sharp tools to
cut with were undoubtedly banded In
from the outside, and were carried
away with thorn. Thoy evidently
planned to escape Just betoro nightfall,
and Just before tho deputy Jailer came
to lock them In their cells for tlio
night. Deputies Wrlghtmau and
Cooper wero in the sberifl's oulco
nearly all day, but, being iu the oppo
site corner ot the building, they beard
Willis Tuerp: Committed for bur
glary iu a dwelling J uly 10, age 24, 6 ft.
10; slender, dark moustaohe. Well
known crook at Portland; has Just
served a term in Pen of ono year.
0. II. Merdeaux: Committed for
larceny in Nathmau A Mangold's
store, Gervnls, August 2, age 23, 6 ft 6,
smooth face,fctoopiug shoulders, slouoh
Ing walk, red face, genus hobo. Father
an old settlor.
Geo. Jacksen: Full fledged tramp.
Larceny of sweater at Mr. Casey's
bouse near Woodburn, aio SO, dark,
ragged, small moustache.
Jehn Hunter: Serving 30 days for
assaulting officer, time out September
2, medium size, reddish-brown beard,
age 20, dark hair.
G. A. Jauien: Laroeuy Carey Mar
tin's bicycle, age 23, black hair aud
moustache, slim built, heavy eyebrows,
peculiar drop to eye, light suit, grey
Ed, Tburman, Aug. 10, committed
for larceny, supposed to have been in
Gervals robbery, beard, two weeks'
growth, ragged hobo appearance, age
Jim Yates, a plain drunk, and John
J. Walters of Woodburn, would not
leave Jail. Yates knew of the prepara
tions for the Jail-break all day but two
men were placed to watch him so that
be could not glvo alarm. Walters
says be knew nothing of It until tbey
left. After tbey were gone Yates sent
a note to tho officers I o charge of the
sherlll's oillce upstairs telling the dep
uties he bad some news for them- Tbey
went down and Yates cava the alarm,
but it was already growing dark and
most of the leg-ballUts were probably
beyond the town limits. The two men
who stayed were put In their cells and
uord'wasseut to tiheriil Kulgbt at
Portlaud. The Bah m police were uotl
tied, but notnlug was eu of the meu.
To Confor About River Impro'mc'ntB
and Hoot tho People.
Uultcd States Honntors Mitchell1 and
McDrldo will nrrivo In Halem. next
Tuesday evening and remain lii the
city all day Wednesday. Benatoi M!t
choll will tako the ovrrlaud trat i on
the evening of the 18 h for Ah and.
Tho Seuutora come to Balem In resouao
to a request of Mayor Gteb of KUem,
and Hon. S. D. Gibson aud other) citi
zens of Wtfct Balem to confer relative
If tho
to tho protection of the banks
river opposite this city. A bar la1
ing, from tho point where the
turns nort'a utmost to tho hlg
When that bar gets big enough tho
river will cut through. 1
Tlio proper commlltleH will be ap
pointed to Confer with tho Senators.
Thk Journal would cspeclully ri'tiueat
all ItB readerB to como iu Wednesday
oleut, and tho
illlbouoxt re-elected, and
talk with them, get acquainted with
thorn, tell them what luey want and
learn to knowitnb meu who tdpreseut
them In tho national senate. JLelua
Witness Tells of His Wnlkirig
to tho Church.
Balem and Eastern Quotations Cor
rected Daily.
OlttOAoo, Hept. 10. Wheat, cash 66ft,
Nxyr York, uept. 10.-811 ver, fflJic; lcad.ta W
HAl FiukciscO, Kept. lB-Wheat, 68Jfo.
Wool-Oregon, ohoico, StflOo; -Inferior, 0tS7c:
Hop-tluotAlilaal 409,
l"otatoeii-Kr)y IKme. 6O30CC; Umbanks 75e,
Oa Milling;. UViM.Oi,
Morgan Denies
Ditinnit'H Adiniterii Woiiiiiu Who
linn (lono Daft.
aud meet tlio- Senator.
man who Will bo next
glvo them cordial rroeptlou,
Remarkablo Acquisition for "Willa-
motto Musical OollogeJ
, Professor It. A. Horitagoj today
; received a telegram from lijiill L
Winkler, a nativo born German who
graduated from tho Royal Cu'userva
rtry of muslo oi Lulpslo, lttpt April,
heceptlng tho positlou of piano dliector
Iu Willamette hitisloal collegs under
his mauagomen't. Ho won tlio gold
medal of hie class us a performer and
won tho distinction of being cuosou to
represent tud class nt tho gr iduutlon
exercinea, playing hla own com losltlou,
supported by an orchestra, u ider the
dlrictlun of Carl ItelucokoJ As a
conceit pianist and teacher, In this
country since 1H81.) ho Is
bet mutluul people ol Oregon could
desire aud an aeUisltlon that.wlll sur
prise thenrlh-i!very respect, Ho lias
papers and credentials, that mako him
almost uucther l'u krewaltl.
Dr. Price' Creata fteklaf I'owUt
Parmor at tho Pen.
John W. Lewis, who haH tilled (he
position of farmer aud teamster at the
penitentiary or some years, has re
signed aud his placo has been lilted by
tho appointment of D. J. Cooper, of
Tho Dallos, a Republlcau, He is a
brother of lliuker J. S, Cooper, of In
dependence, Col, J. C. Cooper of
McMluuvilleaud Riley Coopor of Polls
In Dki'ahtmknt No. 1. Depart
ment No. 1, Marlon county clroull
court reconvened In adjourned session
this morning with Judgo Hewitt pre
siding. The caso of Cochran vs. Baker
to recover on bond, occupied the atten
tion of tbo court today. Bingham and
Hough uro attorneys for plalntltr whllo
Sherman and Carson look after the
defendant. Tho caso of Lansing ys.
Holden and others, a suit to roooveron
bond, will be heard Tuesday. Wednes
day tho caso of Hutuboroft vs. Loyy
aud others, will have a hearing.
A Bhokkn Leo. Dr. W. II. Byrd
was yesterday called to the farm of
('has. Jory a few miles south of Balem
to attend James Raines, aged about 22
years, who had broken his left leg at a
point midway between tho ankle aud
knee. Tlio accident occurred while
breaking a spirited horse yesterday and
is tho second break, haying broken tbo
bono at thesamo placo about ono year
Fire Chief Andy Cobs returued Bun
day morning from a two weeks' outing
on his wheel. Ho visited numerous
valley towns on hla tour and went aa
far south as Empire City on the Coos
county coast. Geo. J. Thompson, one
of the flro boys who accompanied Chief
,Coss did not return but will continue
his visit ludtilultcly.
Well OrENED. Miss Ballon'a "In
dividual" school opened today lo
Channlng ball with a good attendance.
The morning was spent getting ac
quainted and all tho children were
given work such as they were able
to do.
Mlscs Delia, Lura, Bliss and Bertha
Dorby, daughters of W. H. H. Dorby,
and Mary Helllebauer, all bright
youug people from families that read
The Jouknal in the Waldo Hills,
passed through town today to attend
the State Normal school at Mou mouth.
New AitBiVAii, Immense line of
ladles', niluea' and children's shoes
Ban Fiianuisoo, Sept. 10. The
"a veot-pea girl," the mysterious young
woman who has constantly attended
the Durraut trial, aud who has attract
ed bo much attention by her devoid u
to the alleged murderer, Is not Rosa
Hud Hullaud, tho daughter of a well-to-do
OiKlaud people. Bho ts Mrs.
Grace Bro were, tho wlfo of an Imur
an co clerk, List Wednesday she left
her husband as a result of her Infatua
tion for Durraut. Mr. Bowora says ills
wlfo never knew Durraut, but tlut
from the beginning she has taken a
great Interest In the trial, and brieves
Durraut Innocent. It Is thought that
her mind has become alTeotod,aud that
she Is not responsible for her actions.
Ban Fuancisco, Sept. 10. In the
Durrant trial today May 'Lanlgag, a
school mate of Blanche L.imont, tcatl
lied that on the afternoon of April 3d
she saw Blaucho, accompanied by
Dunaut, walking toward tboohuroh
On cross examination defeuso tried
to show that tho idontllloatlon oi Cur
rant was Imporfect bcoauBO tbo witness
could not i)oo all bis face as he sat ou
tho car. Witness said sho could seo
his faco from nose down aud was posi
tive Iu her Identification. Through
long series of quettiona defense tried to
shako witness for proaicutlou. Mrs.
Mary Vngl?, next witness, was asked
by dlbtrlot attorney "whloh of tbeto
persons present Is defendant?" "That
young mau siting thore," tinlioMtut
lugly replied wltuess. Judgo Muryby
wanted moro posltlvo Identlflcatlnu:
aud Iu great excitement witness loft
stand, walked to where Durrant was
sitting and touching blm on shoulder
"Here bo Is; that's tho man."
Durrant tvas the only man In tbo
court room who showed no signs of
excitement. Throughout tbo scrutiny
of tbo witness bo sat In perfect appar
ent calmness, Although now that tbo
caso has every day a moro serloun as
pect, he holds uo moro humorous con
versations with bis parents.
Mrs. Vogel then told bow from ber
window she watched Tlieodoro Dur
runt walking up aud down Iu frout of
tho Normal school. He began bis
waiting at 7 minutes past 2, and re
mained until sobool let out at 3.
She was suspicious of his appearance
and Intentions and watched blm
through ber opora glassoa. When
school was over two girls came out.
Durrant approached them, lifting bis
bat. All three boarded a Powell street
car going toward Markot street. One
with Durraut sat ou tho dummy. She
told ber husband of tho youug man's
oouduoi. She afterwards recognized
the prisoner's picture in tbo papers,
when bo was arrested. Mrs. Voeel
was very ludlguant uudor cross-examination
considering any doubt cast up.
ou her testimony as a personal Insult,
The defense gained nothing by cross-examination.
iortiA!, Hpt. 10. Wheat,
Walla wbUh.410. '
Klour l"ortlnnd, ll.Mi UenUm county, HJB;
graham, $2 M; tupernno, 1 1; 0 per bul.
Oato-Whllo. SIMSUo; nillllnK, 28O30 grey,
3M3lo; rolleil, In butii, 5.7S($CO; bariclM&ul
dJU,v3; canes, S 1.75.
I'oUitooa-NrtW Orffon, asasjo bu.
Hay Unod, fJU.&0 por ton.
Mll!tun-Uron, (ICSOt thorU, tUfiO; chop
Iced. SU IS per ton; cblokon wnoat, S0o, per a,
lllrto-Bren, salted 00 Ibi syjc; undor.OJ lb.
7100. uep pelt, mi o,
Hop Nominal at 4c
Duller Orwu fancy creamery, 10317e:
fanny dulry, hqIScj fair to good, lo13fi 1
Ohoeso-urcgon full cream, 103 111.
KgKi-Orcgon, lullo pt do.
foultry tSblotonii, ILSOt aj per doxj duoka
WiiS'illiEot8o,i,00(i0.0U, turto, UiewoJ,
bo f Torwtfert.SKOPorftj lair to good
Hen,'lillS4ci oowh,2H.1Xq; druiod ucof,
. tjg--not Jbet, 1.75ja00; choloo ewes,
tl.7Sit3.00: drnuod, to.
Uos-Olinlco, heavy. 3.Ma,76j light
Venl iinmll, choice, 6ai 0 lergc.Snlo V&
Stirrim; Up lo tililncjo
Two Oiinlioalf.
Wheat 3i bu.
()al-20i5'Jkc: new ISo.
llay-Ualcd. chrol, HAOaO.OO; tlmolhy 17.80.
. Klour. In whoieiaie Ion, flOf, retail,' 2.m0:
bran. buU tO.UOj Mcked. fliwj horl, Jll.Wa
lloirn Urt od, ilto.
Llvo Cattle-lfn!lko.
Hlioep Uve.lUJ.
Ilopa-llnit, Un7o.
h-ggi-Uaili, 10o.
llututr-betliUUT, iSXUI fancy creamory
Ouec'ie lOaiao.
Karm Hniokea MoaU-llftoon.Ccj hani ll;o,
ihimlden,7a. '
I'otaloea-New, 80O bu.
Onions Io.
f oultry llmllen. 7e: hum , rlnv. f.
Turkev-8aa. ' ' '
llnrtletl puars JSo bu.
Apples Vmr.Oo bu,
I'ojcho- ll.aa bu,
l'lllini-2V) bu.
Bow's TJiial
Wc offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F.J.CHENEY ft CO. Trops., Toledo, O.
Wc tho umlciilencd, have known V, J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable In all business trans,
notions and financially able to carry out any
obligations made by their firm,
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,
O,, Waldlng, Kinnsn & Marvin, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, O,
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system, l'rlce, 75c. per bottle,
Sold by all Druggists, Testimonials free.
Nkw Yonic, Sept. It). Assistant
Treasurer Conrad N. Jordan says, in
relation to tho printed story, about a
probablo Issue of government bende:
"I havo been party to no dlscursiou
ou tho subject with Mr. Curtis, or any
ono else, except iu an luformal gossipy
way, and have not attended a format
conference. A great many of our lead
ing financiers, including J. Plcrpout
Morgan, do not consider a government
loan advisable at this tlmo."
Big Coke Strlko.
ScoTTsnALK, Pa., Bept. !?. At a
convention ofooko miners hero today It
was decided to order n strlko at once at
nil works until tbo demands for an
advance are granted by operators. If
tho demand la obeyed It will tllect
about 20,000 mou nnd closo down all
works In the ConuclUvilta region.
Stirring Thorn Up.
Foo Chow, Sept, 10. It having been
reported that Chlueso olllclala at Ku
Chong havo not pursued tho Inquiry
luto tho maBsaci'eo of missionaries 011
August 1 with tho zoul the occasion
dtmands, two forelgh euuboata have
been dispatched up tbo river to stir tbo
ofllcluls to grealor activity.
miles of railroad In
rails uaod to
Thero aro 177755
tlio Unite I States.
There aro 00,835,880
cover iiiisgtouuti.
Thore aro 633,200.000 tics used to blud
these rails together, hut uo such
amount, howovor, Is required to bind
tho hearts of tho truvollug public to tho
faot that the Wlsconilu Central lines
furnish superior facilities on all their
trains between St. Paul and Chicago
whloh form closo connections with all
linen to tbo cast and south.
Mako a noto of IU
Now Hats at Dalrympio's.
TVlif a Baby u sick, no faro her Contorta,
When he ras a Child, aha cried for CostorU.
When aha tttcamrfMlas she clung to Ciutorls,
Wbeo the hvj Children, hs gMo them Castork.
A Delinquent Travoler.
The Portland pollco received word
from Chicago that Frank A. Hanscom,
a commercial traveler, wanted hero for
forgery, had been arrested Iu Chicago,
uud will bo held by the authorities
thero until an olilcor with pqulation
papers arrives aud takes blm Iu custo
dy. The ueccesary requisition papers
from tho governor wero Issued today.
Tho crlmo for which Huusuom is
wanted Is tho forgery of a draft for
$1.60 purporting to bo drawn by n drtig
flrm In Santa Barbara. He Indorsed It
over to Woodard, Clarke & Co., on Au
gust 20, and they, knowing blm to be
u commercial traveler, thought It was
all right, until tho draft came back,
mtioh to their surprlso, protested.
They immediately placed tho matter in
the bands of tho police, who bad
dinioulty in locating Hanscom.
Flno Furs: At Dalrympio's.
Misses Lizzie Holverson aud Lucy
Williams left this afternoon for Ober
lein, O., whore they will attend school.
Mrs. T. Holverson accompanied them
to Portland,
Mrs. Wm. P. Lord aud children
accompanied by Miss Eva Lee returned
this afternoon from Heal Bock whore
tbey bavn spent the summer. Miss
Lee brings a beautiful fawn homo with
ber for a pet.
Did. You Ever Tkiak
That you cannot be well unlets you have
pure, rich blood? If you are weak, tired,
languid and all run down, It Is because your
blood is impoverished and lacks vitality.
These trouble may be overcome by Hood's
just arrived at The Palace Dry Goods
acd shoe Co. 10-2t
Or. Price's Cream" liaklnff Powder
Sarsaparilla because Hood's Sannparllla
makes pure, rich blood. It is. in truth tbo
great blood purifier.
Hood's Pills cure liver ills, constipation,
Flu Furs;-At Dalryraple'.
Borlln is to huvonu olovatod railroad
like Now York, witli tho diiroronoo flint
electricity is to bo umxI ns tho motive
Tho Lake Shoro Eloctrio Rullway
company has boon Incorporated, with a
capital of $10,000,000. Tho now lino
will ron from Chicago to Milwaukoo.
Tho Mout or oy uud Moxicau Gulf Rail
road company has arranged with tho
Mexican government to oxtund tho rond
from Trevluo to Olorra Mojadn, and
thenoo to Mazutlan, on tho Pacific coast.
All tho employees of tho Lehigh
Traction company atllazletou, Pu., aro
lusurod by tho company. This is dono
In ordor to protect tlio mou lu case of
any injury, or perhaps death, that thoy
might sustain iu an accident
Cuuldu't l'onl Iter,
"Bessie, how many sisters haa your
now playmate)"
"Ho lius ono, mnuiina. Uo tried to
tool mo by saying thut ho had two half
slstors, but I rueas ho didn't know that
I studied fruitious." New York 81m.
Au Erdn IljJ and a famy K.'iHi
dresslug cases make the moat uulque
bedroom suit ever known to the furni
ture trade, Wo havo a cnmpleto stock
of tbeso goods.
Buron & Hamilton.
Is a symptom of disease of tho kid
upys. It will certainly bo relieved by
I'nrlia Htuo Cure. Thut headache,
baokuoho and tired feeling como from
the same cause. Ask for Parks' Sure
Cure for tho liver and kiduuvs nrlcu
tl.Ou, sold by Lunn & Brook. HMw
City Warrants.
Notlco Is hereby given that I have
funds applicable to the paymuut of all
warrant of thuolty of Salem drawn on
tbe"geuorul fund," aud endorsed be
fore June 22, 1805. Also warrants
uumbered 2187, 2488, and 243l),ondorse4
on tho 22J. luitruat will ceaso ou Bald
warrants from the date of this notlco.
IS. J. Hwaffoiu),
City Treasurer.
Halem, Bept. 7, ISM. 0 7 lOt
Call for Warrants.
Notice Is hereby given that X havo
funds in hand to puy all outstanding
warrants aud ucciued iuterett un 111
November 1, 1801, uud that Interest ou
same ceases from this date. Minto,
Treasurer Marlon County, Oregon.
September 7 1895.
Highest of all in Leavening Ivwcr.- ..a . V. ... oov't Report
. .
AwwM O9U MdJ KMwfatrf Flr, Baa ITfllsf
ftl r&StVOVWVItk&-
kft' " mr iaWr w-rl