Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, September 14, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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Hflngj ywt ib IMtfy Jetirwl lo ilir fitwfftr
movtiUini. Iwiter iCiMfi fetfer row w
"I'wwm -,.-
VJ)L. b.
IIDAY, Htil'TlSMniSlt 1-1, 18r.,
M t
II ila-tY iSSsV rMSATUj J
St svbwr viikiwnia
Ho t lit'os Between America and Spain Arc Believed to Bo
Possible In the Near Future,
'Prediction Mttdu Tim1 Within
Take a Hand in
ClUCAOO, Sept, 14. A spechl from
i Wellington nay:
'Information hh to the recent work
Hn till) navy tiepurimeiii. uas irancu
lout, and tborosulthi sufficient to Justify
jthe belief that President Clevelaud fc
(meditating seriously the posslbllty of
MiOBtllltltB between Spain and the
United States In the near future.
'Whother tho dispatch la due to a
desire to recognize the Cubans as belli,
gereuls or an Intention to bo In a
position to enforce the Mora chilm is
Fuucerlain, but It cannot be denied that
tlie state and navy depaitmentH have
been unusally active In tho lafit few
wvukR. Certain bnnclieB of wo navy
idepai Uncut ate now devoting their at-
Mention to the Cuban matter almost ex
' Acting tin. or recent orders from
Hecretiry Hub t acme of the olllcere
have br'eu working t-xtru lime teeming
'tUta, the character of whlcti is such a
(to Indicate that tho I rmldent and Bo
fcretary Oioey see tbo necessity of pre
jpartlou for active Intervention In the
ulla'rfl of Cuba.
"Exhaustive reports havo been pre-
fpnted for Secretary Herbert, and the
president on tho condition of tho navy
for a descent on Cuba. The question
fof transports and t&Vfacllltles for laud
ing troopH on taeiiajand uaa keen
looked Into thoruHyi.aud the results
led with tho eocrerywijieMvyj,
A Washington special to the Tri-
Fbuuo eays In referenco 10 t-uuau
: for i bees Is whera you get tbe best la fl:, stylo
; and quality. Clothing that doesn't fit Is un
sightly, but shoes that don't fit are both un-
; subtly and palnlnl. Avoid unslghtliness and
discomfort by getting shoes tbat look well and
eel comfortable because they fit perfectly and
will wear well because superior In quality.
Cur ladles' shoes (resent tbe acme of deslr
ability In every partlcuuv,wlth pi Ices mors
attractive) and valuea greater than ever. We
have a very extensive lino of low shoes, 10
every tastelcan'be suited at small Ago res.
For hargains in everything. Shoes, OveraU. Shirts, Under-
tvoax ffiry. Window Shades, Tinware, Gramteware, Slates,
Tablets Oilcloth, Table Linen, Piece Goods, Boys' Clothinjs,
Brooms Mtches Soao, in foot everything you want, call for
BS F,r S ore For n ot cash we will save you money.
capital mm
FIKbl aiiuY STALEV Princu-AU
Uu?nsnc5llS; oflers nva course-
Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship and English,
''pl u jnjo.
noreaonush the Inommnnlcatlon sysv-m oj
a Month the President Will
the Cuban Question.
"Cooflilentlal Information received by
the Tribune Hhowa that the president's
platiB are uioro far-reaching than was
generally anticipated. Iu the llrst
place It was learned that Spain had at
I aft been frightened Into artlon and
the Mora claim will be paid by ex
cbango on London within a day or
ft Wo, ull tne arrangements to the fleet
having been at last completed by the
Spanish ministers.
"This Information comes from a
source beyond question, and from the
haute was obtained tho prediction that
tbln a month President Clevelaud
would take an active hand In the Cuba
question. It Is said that a powerful
syndicate has been formed In this
country which will be prepercd to
guarantee tho Cuban bonds pre
paratory- to Its acquisition ny me
United States."
" Disagreement With Spain.
Ciiicaqo, Sept. 14. A special to the
Dally Ntws from Washington says:
Mlulstcr Taylor has been Instructed to
demand from Spain protection for
American missionaries on, tho CanftlnTtjj
Islands. This question several years
old, commencing when our mission
aries wero persecuted and driven out of
the Caroline islands bytho natives.
Spain exercises authority 'over the
Hands, and full reparation was de
manded for the outrages. Spain re-
lil bv tho navment of $17,500
uWmTjnhid promlslnlTn'rcffectlon'lo
our mlsslonatres lu future, but by fall
ing to staud by her declaration, Spain
v.rf -
1 T
r S d O
k ? 8 ML ,:
g 55 5 1 ,
I. rt O"" Md H
- ; ' - M o
O u .
o I 5 WS
has made It lmM4hle for the mission
arlcs to safely return to the Maude.
The present demand Is that the protnlie
of proteotion be carried out In a satis
factory manner,
Thi Moray Claim.
Washington, Bept.H.-Ttae methods
for tho payment of the Mora claim
nave been definitely settled and a draft
prepared for tho transfer today. It will
call for an equivalent In English
pounds sterling of fl,409,000, made
payable to Secretary of State Olney.
The loss off 1,000 from tho amount,
$ 1,600,000 originally agreed upon Is due
to tho difference between the valun of
the Spanish peso and the American
gold dollar.
A Nowfoundlan .
St. John's, N. F. Sept. 14. Receiver-General
Scott, ou a tour of Inac
tion of tbe customs olllces throughout
the Islands, has fleeted several seizures
and piomlses to follow them up with
many others. It Is supposed that some
of the persons Involved hero have pur
chased Immunity by Informing ou the
remainder, Great excitement private
In tho city, and searches are being
mado at ihe rate of half a dozen dully,
nearly nil being successful. All those
connected ure budly Irlghtenrd.
Ciiarlottktuwn, Prince Edward's
Island, Sept. 14. Hon. Thomas Heath
Huvlland Is dead, aged 72. Deceased
was created queen's counsel iu IhGfl
and afterwards made master In chatio
ery. For 00 connective years ho;was
elected a member of tho legislature,
ndjiovprn terms held a teat In the
bluet, and has, been colonel secretary
and governor 6r.$KPrIuco Edward's
Island. ttXSk.
.... M(i
Matanab, Sept. 14 JoseGonzle,
tbe 20 year-old bob of Major Pablo Gon
zales, of tbe Mexican army, was
drowned while "tryjuir to-'.swim tho
"ATfovo War heremr a horse's baok.
ucssiHr -..-
The dam west of Matatncrus had been
broken by tho overflow on the Rio
Orundu and nearly half the ulty Is
The Congressman Will Bpoak Twice
On Coinage.
Senator Jell Myers of tho slate board
of agriculture, returned from Portland
lust ulght. Ho spont two days with
Congressman Ilryau, with whom he
was charmed. He nays Ilryau will
speak twice at the state fair on Coin
age. Bryan will not be at Portland
exposition September 27 and 28 as tho
Oregonlun announces, but will epeik
at Salem at the state fair on tboo
dates. He will speak nowhero but at
Salem In Oregon. He will not chargo
tbe people of Oregon a cent but Is
quite anxious.
Senator Mitchell will be in uaiem
the last four days of tbe fair and will
probably apoak on tho Nlaragua canal.
Some fruit Facts.
Walter Lyon writes lu a Portland
Accordlug to the estimates of G.I.
Sargent, secretary of tho board of hor
ticulture, thero are 605,000 acrca or pu
and core fruit lu the state, aud 1600
of berry variety. Of tho former esti
mate, 3o,000 acres are set to prunes,
Mr. Sargent has estimated the jleld of
nmliardu under his observation, aud
feels warranted lu making the state-
meut tbat at bedrock prices prune-,
raising Is a profitable Industry lu Ore
gon, It. F. MejerH, of Jeflereou, has 23
ooresof prnucs. Tho trees ore seven
years old; and the orchard piomlses an
average yield. Mr. Mejera estimates
tba yield at from 80.000 t 100,000
pounds dried. Tho cash price being
oHered for dried prunes Is from 4 cuols
to 6 cents. From tbe lowest estlmale,
80,000 pounJ. Bna Rt 41 cenU
nnund. the lucome from mis orciiaru
will be 13400, or a little mote tlmu tI47
ner acre, 'Hie oosi oi evaiMiiouiim
cent per pound, will be about t3r
acre. Allowing $17 for Bpraylng, cultl -
vatlug, etc, leavta a uet luoome ol lou
per acre. Bfcretary dm,ui wuwuwi
this a coniervtlve ettlmule.
s w .. - . . Lj .- ..a um S . -.IjIaSAS
la a symptom ol disease of the
oevs. it wiu wsriu'y , "
d'.u Hum Uure. That headache,
'in ...,.! La .,IiuWW1 litf
y oj
backache aud tired feeliua: oome from
the same cause. Ask for Parka' Sure
Cure for the liver and kldueya price
II.Ow, old by Luun A Brooks. IB 4v
Dr, VrM Qmm WtHHf Wwh
Policy of
Wheat Drags in I'blcago ami Kniac in
NkwYouk, BJpll 14.-Uold nhlp-
tUBiits abroad will tua'ite a total for tho
week of 17,200,000," ho largeit week'd
shipment on record xcopt tho t7,700,
000 sent out lu nueSviuk last January,
when the drain ou Tflo reserve teacht d
Its highest tide. J
Kxplailatluu of ll pillion of the
bond syndicate tovard the treasury
and of the reasons Jmpelllutr Lszard
Freres to combat the'polloy of his col
leagues were madeAhi the following
Btateiuont, autborlzl by the boud
syndlotilast nlghtfN
"The ltaprejon .has been general
that meit&crB of thl bond syudkute
entered lafc nuv BKreemeut with the
United Slates treuaury lo malutuln the
tlOO.OOO.OOO reservo ftfitll Oulober 1,
prox., Blid that Upon that date said
obhgation'wlll cease. jSunh Is not tho
caTlfehbUdfByuillcato fulllllrd ull
tta obligalibnfl to thojovernuient Juno
last, and has not since been bound in
nuy way lo ttio treasury. It Is truo It
has fromllmo to ttmcA since last June,
paid over varlntin sums In gold coin to
tho treasury, which have eufll-ed to
the reserve, but It ha done
so voluntarily aud
will continue to do
so In thVsauio spirit aud for the same
"So far oa October 1 la concerned, It
bus no telutlru to tbe action of tho
wyudlcato, and it will contlnuo to de
posit until November ! and January 1,
if existing conditions' junko It feasible
to do bj. llul nelthor the bond syndi
cate nor unyouo ehe; can control tbo
elements. Hut tho Idea that IU rela
tions to the treasury H'uatinna will be
auy, different ou oraftt;Obtobor 1 than
thoy are now, U erroneous aud should
bo corrected."
Our telegraphic udvlces nro that the
large shipments of gold bus depressed
tho wheat market.
Opeued. Highest,
oj i"
u. tu tn)j
Tho eputt yesterday was caused by
the "shorts" covering.
Tho heavy gold shlpmentH today of
$5,000,000 has caused considerable
alarm In Chicago. Ovor (50,010,000
has been shipped thin year.
December curb wheat closed at
The wheat market advanced some.
Spot wheat and futures firm. Beptom
her advanced 2c, October 23, November
ljo, Decomber IJo, aud Jauuary 2o.
1'ouTLAtn. Hept. X3.-Wbeai,
valloy, 7cj
wuiu vyuua.ia (ii ,
nour iTJriiuuji, t.i ' unumiuv,
irrauain, lira supomuw, -i ".
Osls Wlille. 'Wit'tOo; mUllnif, iy0c;
!"- w."-r :....' , n -
u iior uui(
: crey.
22Saio; rolled, lu bugs u.7i.w;
burrels, f J.OO
loUtoH New Oregon, 8&a
IIy0"Hl, I5QU.W per ton.
niiUi..nJiirun iloJiOi shorts. 112.50: ebon
leed. IIJOlS per tou; culclten wneui, hOjiMier o.
lll!ni-2r.u, solid 01 lbs 8ir. under.Ji lb.i.
70100, tucep
tbeep peiu, W07 o,
Nomluai si 10.
Duller Oregon
fancy creamery.
loaiiii i
fancy dairy
slry, Hitix; wir m.goou,
common, 7jo. ,,.
wiurfigwse.ii.uMti.w. turkeys,
Cueeko-vintou iuh siw., ivtft.i
doz; ducks
ToMteeri.JXOaepArto: lair to Kood
stefr,2i3fic; cowrn, 2tf Wi dressed beer,
'lul'tnn-neit beef, 11.75100; cholos ewe,
VoSS-vy. WMMbt and
Wheat 39" V bu.
HW-jKeoVt iwt. t4.WaO.00; timothy, I7J50.
jriour. In wloiei lots, lAfiO; retail,' Itjpi
bran. buU IWJM)1!"!
UUt" vvv
liuo; cuop leoa. ,,
Hogs Ortssed.sSie,
Live CatUo-ltfaiKc.
HUeep l'tve, U-&A.
1 uutur-Bestdurr, 'il faney creamery
k-arin hiuoked ileats Bacon.So; bam 11,0,
?oun-lirol!eii,.7c; hens.o diieis,',au7o.
Jlartletl pears-tto bu.
APPle4-fittaoa on.
l'luins-2V bu.
Everybody reada Tjik Ohk Cknt
Of. Prict'iCfNtWWiHr PW'
No Appolntmont lias Bean Mada'ni
At 2 p. m. Governor Lord had mado
no appointment to auoceed Judge Hur
ley, and had gone home,
Judge II, H. Tatiuer, law parlnsrof
Senator Mitchell, Z'ta Snow, Harry
Cako aud Geo. W. Harcn came up to.
day 4rnm Portlaud lo confer with
Governor Lord about tho judgeship
vacancy. Mr. Haxen represented
J:niesFlnley Wntaon, In whoso favor
about sixty attorneys had signed a
potlt'on, asking that they no trans
ferred In Judge Chas. il. Carey, and
withdrawing his namo If It would ap
point Carey.
Between 100 and 12i telegrams from
Portland lawyora were received during
thb night in favor of Judge Carey'a
appointment. So fur as rauneilrnl
Btrnngthrf petitions Is concerned Judgo
Ctrey Is backed by the lurgtst imnibor
of The !eul fraternity lu Mnltnoniah
couuty. Tho floor of the governor's
office was strewn with paid telegram
covers, and up to n luto hour the malls
and w Ilea wero hut with petitions an'd
counter-pel IUodb on tho sublet. It
was MU mi and anti-McGinn and
red hot.
It Booms to be tho general Impression
of those who talked with tbo Governor
Unit, while ho had not made Up his
mind on tho subject, ho was undoubt
edly Inclined to appoint Bonator
MfGluu. Thnto nearest to him are
said to atroiigly urge McGluu'a ,oolU
i'an claim, nod It Is believed that will
Dually determine tho matter.
A Pretty Portland Wedding.
A vory pretty wedding took placo last
Wednesday evening In Portlaud at the
residence of Mra. A. M. Crane, The
contracting parties wero Miss Ethel L.
Crane and Mr. Percy Popo Eabuoy,
Mr. James Dabtiey, brother of tho
groom, acted as best man. Tho maid
of honor was Miss Amy Plummer, of
Corvallls. Tho bridesmaids wero Allco
Loulso Croasmau and Eula Frauces
MoCully, you q (r cousins of tho bride.
Tho brldo waa lovoly In a Mtume'illste;yMl(rj,Ilf,,i aftrSagST1 'iln r V I Wi
white French org
gaudy over whilosllk,
with long tulle veil nud bequet of
Brides rones, Tho maid of honor wore
a gown of organdy over bluo silk nud
tho bridesmaids wore dainty musllu
gowns, carrying bouquets of sweet peas.
Miss Crane was a Salem girl aud
grand daughter of Hon. A. A. McCully,
ono of tho well known pioneers of
Oregon. Mr. Oabnoy la a Virginian
by birth but has resided In Portland
for tho past flvo years. Ho Is attorney
for tho Portland Guarantee A Trust Co.
Mr. und Mrs. Dabuoy havo gone to
Victoria, B. C, to remain until Octo
bor 1.
Sevorul Salem frlouds attended the
wedding. Tho following is tho Hat of
Invited guests:
Mrs. II. K. McCuliy, Mra. Allco
Crane, Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Croasman,
Lillian CroaBinan, Mr. and Mrs. S. W.
Church, Ruth aud Genevieve Church,
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McCully, Mrs. J,
D. McCully, Governor and Mrs. Lord,
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Kearney, Mrs. E.
Y. Cooke, Mr. and Mrs, E. Cooke Pat
ton, Mr. Hal Patton, Mr. and Mrs. F.
W. Waters, Mra. 13. Y. Waters, Miss
Leila Waters, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Boss,
Mr. and Mrs, P. S. Malcolm, Mr, aud
Mrs. J. R. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Johu
Ciane, Mr. aud Mrs. C. J. Hozzird,
Mr. aud Mrs. Ralph Lee, Mr. aud Mrs.
Allyu, Mr. aud Mrs. B. Hughes, Mr.
and Mrs. Rountreo, Mr. aud Mra,
Pope, Mrs. Moses, Mrs. Kuhn, Mrs.
Adams, Mrs. Shelby, Dr. Welty, Mrs.
Paytou, Misses Caples, Pope, Winifred
Watson, Calllu, Chopin, Btaokpole,
Stroug, Tuthlll, Shelly, Parker, Noyea,
Klla Jordan, Falling, Charlotte Whal
ley, Bogart, Akin, Maude Akin, Messrs.
Chester Murphy, Clareuoo Crane, Will
Crane, Russell MoCully, Seth Catlln,
Riuntree, Harrison, Williams, Martin,
Applegreu, Watt, Roberts, Howard,
Stolle, Moore, Abbot, Allen, Croas
man, Jr,
m i
Foil From a Bridge.
Rev. Mark Noble, a Baptist mluhter
of Newberg, while on lilts way t Cor
vallls, mot with a serious accident last
night. Accompanied by Mrs. Noble,
thoy started for the Southern Pud flu
passenger depot, about 10:30 p. m., aud
when they reached Twelfth street,
started to cross the brldgo opposite the
Keeley Institute. Mr. Noble made a
misstep and foil a distance of 12 feet,
strlkiuK on Ida back on a boulder. He
vyas at once removed to tho residence
of Rev. John Parsons, near by, and
medical aid summoned. His Injurlea
are not thought to beof a Krlomna-
Arrangements Said to Bo. Completed for $50,000,000
More Gold Bonds.
Ono Hundred nid Twenty Millidnn of Gold Hs Left the
Country This Week,
ClilOAuo, Sept. 14. Charles Hutch
iDBon, president of tho Corn Exohango
Bank of this city, In an Interview to
day, says that arrangements for a new
hsuo of bonds aro about completed.
"I have It on the best of authority,"
ho said, "that tho Morgan-Belmont
syndicate Is negotiating with President
Cleveland for a uew Issue 'of gold
bonds. Tho ouly point not agreed
upon Is the amount, tho president de
siring to make It only (20,000,0001)11
tho ayudlcato wants at least $60,000,
000. My Information Is from Now
A prominent Salem banker says tho
president will Issue bonds every week,
II necessary, to prevent gold going to n
premium. Kuitoh Jouhnau
WABUINC1TON, Sept. 14 Tho con
census ol opinion hero Is that an Issue
of bonds, before concresa has had op
portunity to not lu tho matter, la ex
tremcly Improbable. It la argued (lint
tho Bhrlukago In tho shipments of cot
ton Is vory unusual, nud grain ship
ments must soon begin nud Improved
btiMlncsa will stlflou up money rater.
Tho fact that tho United Slates has
Blnco January 1, 1604, exported more
than f 120,009,000 In gold In excess tf
her imports, It Is olalmed is a strong
argument In favor of ft speedy return
to normal conditions.
WHAT WILL CONOlir.88 1)0?
What aotlon congress will take Is
..,... t. 'ZSZi&ffZiftSy!
probable tho administration 'will pro
aeut some plan for rotlromont of the
United Slates notes uqw outstanding,
Tho amount of greenbacks Is oyer
247,600,000, and their forced presence
In curronoy Is regardod ns a cousUnt
menace to financial stability. It lu
thought that Carllslo Is now working
out a schema by which this volume of
currency can bo retired without any
serious flnanclal'dlsturbauco.
Waller's Case Hopeless.
Pakib, Sept. 14. Tho Sleclo says the
United Btales has received a complete
explanation from the French authori
ties lu tho case of ex-Consul Waller,
whole Imprisoned under sentence of
tweuly years for having been, as al
leged, in correspondence with enemies
of Franco In Madagascar, and that his
cause la Irretrlsvably lost.
Funeral Day.
Calumet, MIoh., Sept. 14. This 1b
funeral day at Calumet. Every hearse
In tho county has been pressed luto
service nud tho mines aro Idle. The
miuers aro being bnsy going from one
fuueral lo atiolhvr. In addition to tho
thirty killed Ih the Osceola a week ago,
four miners have been killed here by
Searl Breaks the Record.
New Yokic, Sep). 14 R. Searl, the
bloyollst who left Chicago at 4 o'olouk
Sunday morning, arrived In New York
at HitfO a. m. touay, a Hours ami u
a. m.
minutes ahead of tho best previous
record betweeu tho two cities.
A Hlh Liver
Usuully has a bad liver. Ho Is bill
ous, coubtlanted. haa Indigestion aud
dyspepsia. If there la no organic
trouble a few dose of Parks' Sure Cure
will tone him up, Parks' Sure Cure
s the only liver aud kidney euro we
sell on a positive guarantee. Prloo
1.00. Sold by Luun Brooks. JIM
Highest of all in Leavening Power
ls mr 509 ?&?;&
ASMWtmw win
Mr. McGinn Is uol wanted for udge.
His appointment Is not objected to oa
any personal, rtllglcus, or political
grounds. Ho la simply not a fit man
for udgo, whatever elfo his friends)
may claim for him. He Is Hot cf a
Judicial temperament. He Is Impul
sive, lutempcrute, passionate, abusive,
nu extreme partisan. The little world
ho Uvea lu rings with his likes and
dlslllteB. Ho might disappoint the
wholo world and make a good judge.
But tho bench Is a poor place to put a
man lo reform him. Tluro aro plcuty
of men In Portland bur who are Reed
enough already lo bo Judges without
tho restraining Intluonco of judicial
dignity to tlrst make them observe tho
common decencies of publlo life. If
Mr. McGinn hna tho Intelligence to
observe tliofo ilccedcleH ho haa i ot
not always madu the best uso of It In
the world. Atleattthe people wou'd
never pick him out for u judgo on his
From O. Beer's Hop 'Sard.
Editor Jeurnal: We thought a
few Items from hero would h accept
able to tho few people left In Suleta.
There aro ubout 100 cumps, and several
boarding houses here. The main attest
Is Trilby avenue, which Is elaborately
decorated with uutuui leaves and hops,
l'ho weather Is all that cau bo expected
und uo more. Social dan can aud boa
tires aro tho tavorlle pastimes after th
usual day's aport In the field. Sundays
QKLsfssHBBisM -tMAaaaMsMSMiM.w inJ
"6oliriiWihavaiajai,lful JkC
aud In tho ovoulug arountl'Vlfo' bonflrwi
pleasant programs nro rendered, mutIo
nud recitations bolug the principal fea
tures of the eveulug. Wo aro well sup
plied with grocerymeu, with plenty of
groceries aud meat wagons by llw
wholesale, nnd at prices lean than
wholesale, for good fresh meat waa Mid
at tho rate of 10 pounds for 15 cents.
This was caused by rival butchers.
Picking will last a couple of weeks
yet, ami wo have come to tho conclu
sion wo can not do without Thh ONH
Cknt Capital Journal tho rest of
tho season. '
Onb op tjik PIOKKR'J.
Great Northern Wins.
St Paul Sept. M. The groat north
ern Railway Co. and J. J. HII', lt,
President havo wou tho llrst prelimin
ary battlo lu tbo contctt precipitated,
by Thomas W. Peanull, iu his appli
cation for n preliminary Injunction
ngalufct tho proposed consolidation of
the Northern Puclllo and the Great
Northern railroads
Does Not Want Third Term.
RnouKSTKK, Sept, 14 Mrs. Luclnu
T. YoumatiB, slater of President Clove
land, said emphatically today that tra
presldeut told her personally ho wou A
not bo a candidate for third term, and
did not believe In It.
A Ltftnp From tipain.
Washington, Sept. 14. Senor D
Rome, Spanish Minister at noon today
delivered to Mr. Adie, acting secretary
of the state n draft for the cqulvataut
of (1,440,000 drawn on the Spanish
financial agent In London In sett le
nient of the Mora claim.
RtiuiiBR Goons Ltdle, Misses and
children's rubberu, aud meus, and hoyn
rubber boots, aud shots, at the New
York Racket. Cull aud see thtw.
- I 4 v-t v
v - t Report
sMtpractiM. ,H4WKJ
MWW HHflwl- ' I '
frMliii-)ijasa)s)ifrSji -
vt&tmtz4 4.iu,m , ,,..
1 - f isyinfiitiswsrfTwistis