Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, September 13, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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    ?B""P' L.iH nmyinw.f
By the lump or single piece Clothing for
Men and Boys. The greatest opportu
nity. The Lowest Prices. The best
goods ever offered.
till 1(1
Hot Cakes - 6
Mush and Mlllt 6
Ham Bondwlch . 6
Three Doughnut....-. Go
i ofa Pie 6
Pig Keel 6
Btewed Fruit . c
Buckwheat Oaken . W"
Much and Jersey (Jrcnui . . 10c
llolled Illco with cream IOc
Fried Mush '0
Bwlss Cheese Bandwlch . . 10o
American Cbecte Bnndwlrh . 10o
Kicgtt nuy stylo 10l'
1'ointo Halad . 1
Prof. Z. M. Parvln returucd from
Albuny tUU nftornooD.
Joo Altken wont to Portloni tbla nf
teruoou fur a short vlelr.
Hon. 0. 0. Klnoarsou roturuod ta
Oregon City tlis nftornoun.
Master Roy Phillips wont to Joller
sou this morulUK oa a visit to frleiulB.
Mrs. M. Hill, of San Francisco, regis
tered at tho Wlllamotte tbla moruliiK.
Secretary of Stnta Kliicntd returns to
Balem Monday. Ho did not go to
Lydoll Baker Is In tho city today,
Ho says tbo railroad commission arri
ves tomorrow.
Vol. ! JJ. ivuiiiub uu uuukuici,
Mies Portia, caiuo up from Portlaud
this morning.
Adjutant Qonoral Tttttlo, Hous. Jos.
Bluunon and O. P. Pax ton returned to
Portlaud on tho afternoon local.
Thomas Helmut) and family, J. H.
Brooks and family and Bon Brooks ro.
turned Wednesday from a ton days'
outing on Blub orcok.
N. J, Damon's two youngest chil
dren returned this afternoon from
Newport, whero they hayo been epond.
lag tbo summer.
Miss Rebecca Braokon,ofNlle8,Mloh.,
Is hero on a visit at tho homo of hor
' nopuow, Ohas. A. Park, tho rising
youug Balom attorney.
Osnor Oakes, ol Ban Joso, Rev, H.
Haglst, of Oakland, and E. F. Watsou,
Bllvor Creek Kails, wero lu tho city to
day roglsteriugattbo Cook hotol.
Mrs. R, A. Irving roturnod homo to
Balom today Prof. Fred B. Dunn
wont to Bulotu today and next Mouduy
will beglu his duties as a teacher lu the
Wlllamotto university .-Eugouo Quard,
Mrs. V. H, Rambo, who has beon
visiting friends In this olty for eevernl
weoks, returned to her homo at Mill
Clly this morning, nccompauled by
Mlsa Lulu Cofley who will Ylult at
that mouutuln olty for a short tlmo.
Hon. and Mrs. J.G.Wright returned
luitt evening from Buattle, whero Mrs.
Wright has spout several months with
her daughter, Mrs. Rosonborg, They
wero accomputued by little Misses
Llllo Motsohau aud .Itltli Qatoh, who
had been vlsltlui; rolatlves ou the
AiOTUKK Hop. Tho hop pickers lu
tho Peitjjuhu hop yurd a few mlle
south of datum, enjoyed thoiuselvea
very muoh last nlgtit Tho program
lor tho ovenlug was dauolug wntoh
was Indulged lu until a late hour, tihrl
ver'a orchestra furnished music tot
tbo occaslou,
IJWoayd-An cletuut Hue of plaids nd
IMioy Klrt, good he y kuoUs,
16o a yd juoihr imoui miiilmr goods, uuly
u lime buiwr iuliiy.
15o a yd Plain cu.ont, nmoikmu aulinieresi
UWayd Tu owl alt-wool ulcoilu iliuuiiy.
A comparison luvltvd.
J5o a y d-All wool ruuoii novelty drew uoodn.
itaudkOtue ud styiuli.
aSoayd-Ail-wool tilling, plain weuYen.
huluololorlioiuowiipirs. . ,
Cfcmo and tea our Uuim ol uuw uitws goods la
llutfuutuuie. llourutws, brbui, ttulwu
uudueie. WM lrtmmiujj. w
v elveu. flalu ud f"" t ""Wu
in ull kUttdes tuid wldilis.
0 BJ.UC UiiViu w be gtvn away lu our
rtr goods Uepartiueuw Hay your dri
jroLauost-TlWlfWlhM'towsMiu tat
Tho Pjrtland Oicgoulun says Call
fo-ula asphalt Is worthless In spite of
tho fact thut tho principal cities of Cal
ifornia are paved with It. Portland
inuat have Trinidad pavement.
That paper 8a a vitrified brlok pave
in nl Is worthless, In spite of the fact
that many cities In tho eust are mlng
tulles und tulles ot brick paving. But
Portland must Import Trinidad asphalt
pavement. The Ortgoulau Is as unsel
fish as usual lu this.
Tho main reason why tho new Port
land charter bill wa defeated was bo-
ouubo it made tbo same men who are
In control of tho waterworks, the city
hall, tho Trinidad Paving Co., practi
cally dictators oyer tho people of Port
land fur years to como.
A special edition of The Journal of
today goes to tho best Republicans of
Tho now deal, clean deal, nntl-ma-
ohlno Republicans of tho capital olty
send greetings to the clean deal, new
'deal, anti-ring Republicans of the
metropolis, and bid thorn God speed in
tho light for bettor goyornmont.
Tiik Jouhnal Is $8 a year by mall,
and fights on tho side of tho right and
truo Republicanism for tho people
i m
A Lively Run: Speotatora on
Comuierlcal street woro highly amused
yesterday lu witnessing an Impromtu
race between two of our prominent
cltlzenB. Tho finish tapo was stroohed
across tho doorway at 288 Commercial
Street. Upon Injulry It woo ascertain
ed that thoy each carried a broken um
brella aud they wero taking them to
tho "Umbrella Hospital" to have
"Mitchell the Repair Man" makothem
us good as now.
Hops. Aro not related lu anyway to
wool but wo wish the hop-pickers to
understand that we have tho lineal
lino of all wool clothing to bo fouud In
tho city and wo uro selling the some at
very low prices. Call and examluo our
lino of ttoods beforo making your pur
chases. G. W. Johnson & Bou.
Each Dislikes tub Otiieu. Not
like lovora-our soap dislikes dirt and
can knock It out with but ouo appli
cation. Use only homo made products
and never cot left. Balem Boaps &
Chemical Works.
Gkain vok Fkibco. Brewster &
White, tbo Salem feed mon, aro shipp
ing oata from Maoloay to Sau Francis
co this fall,
Warm blankets uud hot comforts,
aro goods of whloh we aro making a
specialty. Bureu & Hamilton.
Did You Ever Think
'1 hat you cannot be well unlet! you have
pure, rich blood? If you are weak, tired,
languid and all run down, it it because your
blood is Impoverished and lacks vitality
These troubles may be overcome by flood's
San.apardla because Hood's Sarsnpatilla
makes pure, rich blood. It Is, in truth the
great blood purifier,
Hood's Pills cure liver ills, constapation,
billousnos, Jaundice, sickheadache, indiges
tion, TWO llUNDllKUntwsulufortuea and cull,
drua Just oened. We ciu suit you lu
auullty, stylu aud prloo.
l.AUJi:V3SUuu.ilBasallthe Udls
Clolb or kid top. Warrow, square or
ixilutud loes. lllglluBor all kind of shoo
kud rubbers.
UMUIttiiiUAb. Aalmudsoma und complete
lino or styllsb, durable goods ns ever
were shuwu lu uitioui. Values from Too uu
e'AI'Ki AMU JAUKKltj. Select your winter
wrap Koia our elegaut nasoriiuent. For
beauty, style uud moderave prloca, they
oauuoi be urised.
HATd AMU UAl'd au elegant line of new
goods Just opened. Hals lor every body.
Latct mylos.
HKMKMUBu we clialleoge a eoniparUoa ol
our pricvs with tuixo ut auy bouse ou any
Hue or good we carry.
pvrtw Court w LllwHf
Taking a Hand for and Against Hon
fttor McGinn for Judge.
Tho Portlaud Lobby for aud against
Hon. Henry E. McGinn to succeed
Judge Hurly.late Jtitigo fourth district,
Portland, are lu tho olty and Governor
Lord Is being put In tho sweatbox by (
them. Hotel Wlllanulto and tho stato
houso have resounded with tho tread of
warring factious all day. Tho early
ovenlug train brought tho following
delegation to see tho governor and
present tho demand of those who wish
to see Henry E. McGinn appointed to
tho place. These were O. F. Paston,
Rallrgh Btott, Wallace MeCamant, W,
h, Bolie, H, BtanlslAWflky, Julius
Bllvewtone and F. A. E. Starr. These
were reinforced at the coming of tbo
Into train by Senator Jos. Blmon, Judgo
Thos. F. Stephens and Alfrod F.
Bears, Jr.
Others who came wero Judgo O. N.
Denny. ColOnol Frank V. Drake, and
District Attorney W. T. Humo, Attor-noy-Gonoral
Xdleman are also present,
and each Is said to be taking a hand.
Tho McGinn faction presented to
Governor Lord a petition signed by 111
Portland lawyers, Including Geo. H.
Williams, Judgo Bellinger, Judgo
Thayer, Emmet Williams, Judges
Bteurns and Stephens und llko names
of prominence, Irrespective of party
sfllmtlou. This petition Governor
Lord took under advisement.
Major Tu'ttlo desires it understood
that he is hero purely ou buolness and
has bad nothing to do with tho Judge
ship. He has takeu no sides in tbo
in ntter.
The following delegation waited ou
Governor Lord this merning:
Senator Jos. Simon, Representative
O. P. Paxtou, ox-Judgo Raleigh Btott,
F. A. E. Starr, a prominent Democrntlo
attorney; Whitney L. Boise, ex-chuir-man
of tho Republican stato central
committee; Alfred F. Sears, Jr., the
Multnomah county candldato tor at-tornoy-general;
JuIIum Bllvestone, law
partner of Untied States District At
torney D. R. Murphy; Henry Stauia
luwsky, the Russian attorney; Wallace
McCammant, vice-president for Oregon
of the American Protective Tarltl
At 0:45 tho McGinn delegation pre
sented their petition. Mr. McCammant
made tho leading fight for MoGinn,und
Is an eloquent and pleasing speaker,
who made tho hlllu of Polls county re
sound In tho campaign of 1804.
Mr. McCammant plead for tho vir
tues of Mr. McGinn. Ho spoKe from
tho standpoint of Christian statesman
ship, and his words had some weight,
us lie Is a prominent ohurohman and
carries arouud .a contribution box ou
Mr. Bears, Jr., mado a plea for Mr.
McGinn as the man who seconded the
nomination of Judgo Lord. Thoantl
McGinn mou aro vory outspoken In
opposing this appointment. They aro
not as noisy, or as formidable lu
petltlonlug. They say the petition of
the Portlaud lawyers was signed by
many who wonld prefer to see some
other man appointed. Tho petition
was signed by many who would not
refuse a request to sign out of political
policy, but who would not loud their
preeenco or their personal Inlluouco to
coerce tho governor Into making the
appolntmont. Thoy say It Is a con
fesslon of the weakness of Mr. Mc
Ginn's candidacy, that a delegation of
Portland city politicians should have
to come hero and mako a formal plea,
aud personal reminder to the governor,
l'hey say It the governor feels undtr
great political obligation to Mr. Mc
Ginn personally ho should II ml some
other way to pay him.
Governor Lord, after hearing tho Mo
Glun delegation patiently, deckled to
mako uo appointment today,
FitOM Ohooic Tlio usaeaauient roll
of Crook county la the first ouo or the
lot of 1805 to arrive at tlio eeeretury of
state's ofllce. From It the followhiK
ftietdof lutorfst are taken: Acres cul
tivated lauil, -0,4111; uoreu unluiroveil,
471,030; Kross value of all property,
$1,803,39.:; exemptions, $1-10,518.
' i s i I...
A Requisition. Bltei 111 0. F, Cath-
onrt, of Douylus county, came to the
olty yexterday to rcctiro a rdiuleltlou
ou tiie liovernor of WuHhlugt u for me
F, Bkluner, for obtalulng money under
false pretense. Gov. Lord granted the
HimitAH fok thk Dkfkndku But
at the same time Keep in in I ml your
home merchants. Thoy deserve your
patrouaeo and should have It. When
you wish ou excellent 10 cent cigar,
Ju?t call for the La Corona. The Bou
Tou Prize Bouquet, ftvo oout cigars .also
have no equal.
Has uot yet been formed but should
suoli au organUitlou bo formed the
greater part of Its members would ha
fouud to use uothlng but the "Epicure"
for sale only at Gilbert & Pattersou's
A Bmai.i, Wind. Bouiotlmes does
considerable damage but the most
ylolent earthquake posalblo would uot
lu the least distribute the bargalus lu
groceries to be foui'd at Branson & Oo'a
Oft Prk'f Cream UaklnsPbwdT
Complaint Piled-Matters In Probate
A complaint Iioh been II led In de
partment No. 1 nf tho Mnrluii county
circuit court by A. MoKarlaui',whereby
ho seeks to secure Jur.gme'ut against A.
Jl. Li Croix and O. O. Cone for $200
and liilero-t from July 7, 1801, nuil at
torney's fees, amounting to $26 The
nolo was given August b, 1803
A demurrer has been filed with
County Clerk Eulen, hi tbo ca o of
Weston Normal sohool vs. f eorelsry of
Btate Klncald, and the case will not
come up fur a hearing until the next
regular term of court. Judge Hewitt
returned to Albany mat night.
Deputy Sheriffs Frank Wrlghtmnn
and A. T. Wain ure engaged In making
a list of sheriff assessments. It will
probably take' them the reiuuluder of
this week to complete tho task, when
the work of making out the delinquent
tax list will be begun.
County Judge Hubbard yesterday
appoluted Wm. Euglaud, Otto Wllsou
und Fredti. Williams appraisers of the
estate of Auntttl B. Averll, an Insane
person aged 61 years. Her property Is
valued at 1300.
Very httlo business was transacted at
tho court house today, tho rain appar
ently keoplug poople In.
Deputy Sborlil F. T. Wrlghtman
today conducted one sale on execution.
In tho case of Lamport vs. Glllogly a
si t of harness sold to the plaintiff for
Police Court.
N dhing disturbed tho usual quiet of
police court this morning, not even a
drunk appearing t secure the sentence
of "live days."
Recoider Edes busied himself a part
of the day In "touching up" his oillco
furniture with a coat of varnish, whloh
adds much to tho already tidy appear
ance. Jusr A Little. Come to think It
over, ' Just u Httlo cheaper," means con
siderable on feed and 11 )ur. Brewster
& White sell Jtiht a trllle cheaper than
anyone. jq o
IlltiuiKK Goodh L'triloj, Mlssos aud
children's rubbers, aud meus, aud boys
rubber boots, and shoes, at tbo New
York Kaoket. Cull and see them.
12 2dlw
Union B
Quick Bargain List. -
Stylish Fedora Hats ,only 50c.
Stylish Fedora Hats, only $1.15, worth 1.75.
Non-Ripping Work Pants, only 1.
Men's full size Suspendors, 10c, worth 25c.
Good lino Window Shades for 20c lo 30c.
Men's Underwear, 45c a suit and up,
Good Corsets, only 25c.
Boats Arrive In Salem -Hunters En
joy an Outing.
Tho Grey Eagle reached her dock
last ovenlng In this city with a largo
cargo of freight and UBual complement
of.passnngers. Bho roturned to Mission
Lauding at 0 a. ru. and will return to
Balem again this evening aa usual.
J. B. Perrott, P. B. Hansen and J, D.
Hart, employes of the B. P. Uo. at
Portlaud, who arrived hero a day or
two ago, left in a skill on a hunting
aud llalilng trip down the Willamette
this morning, says the Eugene Guard.
They took live dos with them aud
plenty of guns, ammunition, llshlng
taoklo, etc., aud will move liesurely
down tho river, camping at places
where hunting aud llshlng Is good.
The Gipsy arrived from Mission
Ltudlug at 11:15 o'clock this morning
heavily louded with Miscellaneous
merchandise. Her freight consisted of
a shipment of sugar, one of sheep pelte,
etc Bhu also brought up a new wagon
fur the alem Truok & Dray company.
It was sent by the Standard Oil Co.
or Portland to the B. T. & D. Co., who
are its ageuts In tbs city. Tho wagon
Is a beauty, having a capacity of 420
gallous with twin faucets, thus facili
tating the work of emptying the tank,
The wagon formerly used by this com,
pany had a capacity of 300 gallons.
Immediately after dlscahrglnc her
cargo the Ulpsy took ou a load of Hour
at the Balem .Flouring mills and left
for Mission Laudlug at I o'clock this
RUBKU WON. Friday m rnln, Sep
tember 13, 1803, to Mr. aud Mrs. Jack
Robertson, in tioulu Balem, a twelve
pound boy.
Bread at Bonneman's giooery.
Or. Price's Croat Bkln Powfer
! i.JIJW
Quarrel Over tlio Yacht Kao.
li'diiilmifi'frcim first ptM
The Hun, which throughout Uns
...n.iiim1 lufwi Iwutlta in Aiiinrlcn. I
says: "Tim Yankees ovldontly Intend"
to keep the cup. Possession Is nine
points or tho law in sport In Araoflca." (
Tbo Evening News snys: "The!
whole business nayors of sharp practice. I
No ono would quarrel with a decision
ordering tho raco to bo ro sailed, but we
cannot stomach tho paper victory
awarded Defender."
Valkyrie Ones Home.
Nkw Yonir, Bept. 13. On hor ar
rival at Erie basin, the Valkyrlo was
hauled Into position betweou two
steamers, Just outstdo tho dry dock,
whero sho had soveral times been dried
out forcleunlngand repairing purposes.
The crew, under command of Captains
Cranfleld and Sycamore, wero Imme
diately set to work to strip tho yacht,
and prepare her for a voyage across the
Dunravea Uphold.
Londun. Bept. 18. The conclusion of
the International yacht races for Amer
ica's cup furnished a text for articles In
all tho Loudon afternoon papers. In
general, the press uphold Lord Dun
raven In his refusal to call over tho
course yesterday without a guarantee
that it would bo kopt clear of excursion
steamers aud other conllct.
Valkyrlo's Farewell Tour.
New Yohic, Sept. 18. Dunruven's
friends Buy tho Valkyrlo will never
again raco ou this side of the Atlantic.
Will Resist Bonds
Topkka, Sept. 13. Betiator lMIer
said today that if another Itstio of
bonds bo made without authority of
congress, he will IntioJuce in the
senate, a resolution for lLelr repudi
ation. Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
argain Store
Protect Our Missionaries.
Chicago, Sept. 13. Special to tlio
Dally News front Washington say:
Minister Taylor has been Instructed lo
demaud from Bpaln protection for
American mlsalounrles on Caroline
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria
How's This!
Wc oflcr One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any cage of Catarrh tint cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. Trops., Toledo, O.
Wc the undersigned, have known F, J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business trans,
notions and financially able to carry out any
obligations made by their firm,
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,
0 Waldlng, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale
Uruggists, ioledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally.
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces ol the system. I'rice, 75c. per bottle
Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free,
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Medal, Midwinter Fair.
(Hot rwMt W4.
rj3TNow is tho timo to save money on your now fall drosses.
Capes and Jackets,
. 0-
S. M.& E.
TliolnrgrRt and moitcompletodlrplay over mrultof the resources, Industrie, ennmerr.
builneacujcriouluire, loregts, mini's, fruit, flsaorle. mnnulncturot nud trarmporlutlon Ciclll
llMortliflKrctit Tno'llo Northwest. KlnemiMlc. Hjncliit lUtrnctlona ovory day. lUiteaonnl!
triitiHpuihulon IttiuH.
dltiR'o ndmlHliu...-. ............ !tfo
Uulldren under 12 yours ............... lOo
10118011 tirkl'19 f-'I.CO
0. C. MAST EN, Sec.
Call for Warrants.
N.tlci Is hereby given that I have
fun N lu lints 1 to puv all outstanding
wnrr-intH and ticciued interest up to
vlovumtx r 1, 1804, uud that Interest on
mmo co tea Irom tliU date,
J AS I 'Kit MlNTO,
Treasurer Marlon County, Oregon.
September 7 1805
i S ii
Children Cryfoi
etcher's Castoria,
Fall is Heiu:. The New York
Rinlcet hnvo Just received their fall
itook of meiiH, and hoy heavy boots
and shoes, Call and see them. Thoy
also hayo a hue Hue of mens, hoys and
youths clothing. All (U raoket prices.
Bavo 15 to 125 per cent on all by calling.
12 2d-lw
Wood Union Mectinci. A meeting
of tho wood dealers union will bo held
ut the oillco on Saturday, October 12,
at 1 o'clock for the purpoeo of making
such chauges lu tho constitution and
by laws as may nenm best for tho good
of the union; aud such other business
as may como before Hie meeting. A
full atteudauce of all members Is de
sired, and all wood dealers not mem
bers also. By order of the board of
directors and manager. 0-12 dlt-w4t
Ms tea
One week, commencing Monday, Kept. 18,
Bacon's Stock Company
Presenting six of the moot successful dramas
i-rlce: U jnauy. tieju. 1(J KlUN A t'l'l
'?c5dl'J',H?,,.b ". "An Kit DAHK
Thurn.. Sept. 19 TIIK I'l.UMUKIt
Krld.,8ept rO-Al'UIdONKUorWAK.
eut.,bept. 'ii llUlUt OAKi
... Prires fur tms engiwineut
will only be 15c. 25o. iBo nd 6Q.i
Ration's Book Store
October 5th,
hor exhibit spuco apply at tho cxposltlo
building to
C. II. HUNT.Supt
There aro 177765 miles of railroad In
the United States.
There nro 00,835,880 rails used to
cover this ground.
There aro 538,205.000 ties used to bind
these rails together, but uo xuch
amount, however, is required to bind
the hearts of tlio traveling public to the
(act that tho Wisconsin Central lines
furnish stiporlor facilities on all their
trulus between St. Paul and Chicago
which form closo connections witli all
lines to tho east and south.
Mako a note of It.
A High Liver
Usually lias a bad liver. He Is bill
on b, constlaptcd, has Indigestion and
dyspepsia. If thoro Is no orgaulo
trouble n fow doses of Parks' Sure Cure
will tone him up. Parks' Sure Cure
b the only llytr aud kidney cure we
sell on a positive guarantee. Price
$1.00. BoldbvLunn & Brooks. 19-4
Olty Warrants.
Notice is hereby glvon that I have
Tunds applicable to tho payment of all
warrauts of tho olty of Balem drawn on
thogeueral fund,'' aud endorsed be
fore Juno 22, 1805. Also warrants
uumbered 2487, 2488, and 2490,ondorsed
ou tho 22d. Interest will cease on said
warrants from the date of this notice,
E. J. Bwakkoiid,
City Treasurer.
Balem, Sept. 7, 1895. 0 7 lot
When JVrtiy was nick, we gave licr Gvtorta.
When nlio was a Child, alio crlwl for Castoria.
When alio Locarno Miss, sho clung to Castoria,
When ahehadChlldreu.ihegavethera Castor!.
Dealer lu Urocerics, Paints,
Oils, Window Glass, Varnislica
and the most complete stock of
Krushes of all Kinds in tlio
State. Artists' Materials, Lime,
Ilair.Ccmcut and Shingles nud
Hnest quality of GKASS SHEDS
JjUJK BALK,-A few rtrst-clius uillclioons.
? AUoBomt jersey litir.TH und a twn-ynsf
Jersey bull Apply to (Joo. K, Allen, e wilt
ojsuifHHlem. 016.' ,
VJA.STu.u-An hooest, uc'tlve ueutleman or
lady to travel fir established, icIlflW?
expensea. Hltuitilou permanent, llei rrncn.
hnclose self-addiefcsed stumptd envelope, Tns
noj.luloa toupuuy, sis umulu building,
Chicago. '
UolMCa-i url!,M.U I'arty wuulnd W
town Without BUCb ImalnpHH. (;nruerlot W II
be donated. Innulre at tills ofllce. 8-iMa
(UitloiiAiN oUltiuis-Uteraiure ol 4
J Jclndaon sale and L'hrlailun Science ser
vioeg utsai liberty ytreet. corner Cheitmneta
Q7 K fl to S150W a month paid w f
OiU.Uvone to roprflMtnt ns. VVJff
uluiooi, Msy euouuh for u chltd to do. iit.U
onewtoK. 'jlary Ilu.h, lyon, Colo , elear' J
Aberdeen.U DalcmadelUUl .heflrst (UT
capluior experience neoewiury Uermssaa
pumphleta ft ee. Addres at ouoo, hepp 4 O
lir4) Cbestnut at . i'hlUdelphln. fa
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